Showing Posts For Banzie.5248:

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248



Edit: SF Quarantine is still in effect.

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I’ll admit, I’m impressed. No more nonsense claims other than double teams. Which I can assure there is none of, SF got as much love as GoM tonight.

GG’s ladies, gents and .gif farmers. Had a blast tonight.

GoM getting even moee loving right now mayne.

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


SF im so sorry about your eb corner.. You were getting to close in points for comfort

~~Apologies, IoJ

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


aaaaaaannnnnnndddddddd… IoJ is doing well both in WvW and forums.

…….. going back to my farming session.

Just holler IoJ if you need help, TRBO will come.

Tribo bro, you should flip a BL with your guild one of these nights just so they dont completely forget about you guys. I mean.. Since you all have 100 legendaries each you never WvW right? ;P

I can’t promise, these new farming loopholes are just hard to ignore. This kind of contents ruins our WvW presence. Com’on ANET give us WvW players something of equal with PvE gold earners.

And BTW, I only got 99 legendaries.

Tell them they gotta grind for the new TREB MASTERY!! kitten YEAH GUYS TREB MASTERY, kittenS GONNA BE AMAZNIG

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


GoM gets +10 for gifs.

+5 more for that one

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


aaaaaaannnnnnndddddddd… IoJ is doing well both in WvW and forums.

…….. going back to my farming session.

Just holler IoJ if you need help, TRBO will come.

Tribo bro, you should flip a BL with your guild one of these nights just so they dont completely forget about you guys. I mean.. Since you all have 100 legendaries each you never WvW right? ;P

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


GoM gets +10 for gifs.

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


soooo? which server is winning?

In-game, or on the forums?

Forums obviously, Who cares about in game

Keeping track of how many infractions each server has in a thread is a pretty fun game in its own right. It’s GW2: Office Edition.

Edit: I think we’re winning!

Nice vids btw man ;o

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


soooo? which server is winning?

In-game, or on the forums?

Forums obviously, Who cares about in game

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Tuesday is the best day of the week

For some reason when I see you saying that the word Golems comes to mind ._.

Isle Of Janthir

ANET Fix Your Towers

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Let me help you here, hope these screenshots aren’t “too vague”, since my reports got ignored I guess.

This situation with thieves can sadly easily be recreated in bay all the way to inner.. SO a party of 5 thieves could flip bay ;c Seen it abused in the lower tiers a few times.

Isle Of Janthir

Supply Mastery Questions

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hey all,

Haven’t been able to find much detail on this outside of what is on the wiki (, nor in game. The skill descriptions, while generally not super specific, seem to be a little more lacking than usual. Can people that have put points into this line comment on the following. I have few points as is and don’t want to ‘waste’ them …

- Pick up supply faster
I assume this becomes instant now or still 1/4 second, or what?

- Gain swiftness after spending all your supply
I assume this is normal swiftness? How much swiftness?
If you have buff to 15 supply and you can only put an even amount (ie 14), do you still get swiftness?

- Gain improved swiftness when picking up supply
I assume this is 50% from other dev post, but would like confirmation
How long does this last?

- Have a chance to recover spent supply when spending supply
Do you have to fully spend all supply like for swiftness above, or does this also suffer from the off-by-one issue?
Any anecdotal evidence on how often this happens and how much supply you get back? Example 20% of the time you get 2 back and 1% of the time you get a full 10 back, etc etc?

-Deployed siege sites are invulnerable for a short duration
How long is this? For some reason I remember seeing 3 seconds somewhere, but now I’m not sure.


Hey there, to clear up one or two questions. I believe the 50% increase is for about 5 seconds. The pick up is instant, and I believe the supply you get back is an RNG (Typical ANet strategy there, I tend to get anywhere between 1-4 supply back per 15 supply all completely random and I do have supply/repair mastery) Cant really answer anything else without hopping in game and checking and its super late x_x Apologies, Im sure someone else will answer what I havent though.

Isle Of Janthir

Kid Inkk's Guild Recuitment ! [SW] SFR!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Same to what nat said, Would if i could ;c

Isle Of Janthir

Looking for a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Isle of Janthir is a great server with medium zergs, Almost no skill lag (Minus 3 way SM battles, But that cant really be prevented eh?) We have lots of small roaming groups as well

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Good fights to SF and GoM today, Im the commander for IoJ thats been on all morning up until now. Must say SF I apologize for flipping stuff over and over, but its just to hard to resist the paperness of it all :P Finally got GoM QL though after a long time, Duria nd QL super sieged up it sucks x_x Anyways I had fun, hope you guys did ;o Gettin you all the wxp for recapping that stuff ;3 <3

Isle Of Janthir

New to engi ;o

in Engineer

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So i’ve got about 4 other level 80s, Thief, Guardian, Ranger and Warrior. Guardian being my most player, geared, and favorite so far. But I gave engi a swing a while back and found it really fun, but switch back over to guardian cause I believed their survivability and usefulness was a lot better in WvW.

However I want to start up an engi again, I run with a Razer Naga Gaming mouse so I have all my Side skills set up on that. And the standard 1-5 on the weapon skills. Just wondering what some of your guys advice for a newer engi player would be once I hit 80. A good general build and set up for weapons, armor and skills

Thanks in advance!

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


GoM Needed to not only zerg us with 15+ people, But they needed to portal bomb us at their north camp in their BL. 15v3 come on GoM. Wheres your ub3r l33t sk1ll5 we all hear about? ITs only 3 of us in an upgraded camps with 2 ballistas, You didnt need nearly that many people or the portal bomb to take it lmao.

Anywho, Seems the 3 R guilds or w/e failed to take a keep today, We’ll be sure to keep watching every NA morning for you guys and flip keep before you can in your bl

The footage we gained from that portal bomb was well worth it! <3

that’s more like when you’re the orb carrier in old WvW o_o

Reminds me, Who’s ready for the “Revised” Orb buff to come back to WvW?


ARM gonna be 1v50ing us all now? :c

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


GoM Needed to not only zerg us with 15+ people, But they needed to portal bomb us at their north camp in their BL. 15v3 come on GoM. Wheres your ub3r l33t sk1ll5 we all hear about? ITs only 3 of us in an upgraded camps with 2 ballistas, You didnt need nearly that many people or the portal bomb to take it lmao.

Anywho, Seems the 3 R guilds or w/e failed to take a keep today, We’ll be sure to keep watching every NA morning for you guys and flip keep before you can in your bl

The footage we gained from that portal bomb was well worth it! <3

that’s more like when you’re the orb carrier in old WvW o_o

Reminds me, Who’s ready for the “Revised” Orb buff to come back to WvW?

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


GoM Needed to not only zerg us with 15+ people, But they needed to portal bomb us at their north camp in their BL. 15v3 come on GoM. Wheres your ub3r l33t sk1ll5 we all hear about? ITs only 3 of us in an upgraded camps with 2 ballistas, You didnt need nearly that many people or the portal bomb to take it lmao.

Anywho, Seems the 3 R guilds or w/e failed to take a keep today, We’ll be sure to keep watching every NA morning for you guys and flip keep before you can in your bl

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Yesss, Let the hate flow through you GoM and SF, Now release that hate on each other

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Weak. Our last commander zerg had atleast 30 tags up on the map, we can do better. XD

Just ninja’d SM fromt he north, Zerg was south catapulting, Nonom took 5 omegas, 1 alpha north and ninja’d while they were all defending south gate, right under their nose

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


GoM, SF, You mad you cant zerg on IoJs level?


Isle Of Janthir

Anet doesn't care about WvW edit pg3 INFO

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Pfft, Quaggans, You guys should all be questioning k*tten this “New” Siege is that they promised us in the official announcement of them improving wvw. Also.. WHERES MY TREB AND GOLEM MASTERY THAT WILL BE AMAZINGLY OP THAT WE CAN ALL GET REFUNDS AGAIN >:(

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Had the most fun tonight holding Bay in IOJ BL!
Thanks to both servers for the fun evening

Looking forward to another fantastic week with you guys!

I was so close to having inner down too with the 3 catapults. Props to [RISE], [RATS] and [RUN] for the challenge in our BL you presented, Had some fun fights.

lol i was on that treb. I almost felt mean, that wall was at 0% xD

Ikr, I knew you were building a treb, didnt think you’d have enough supply for it then that fast wall repair after >.< I also was like.. Just aim for the build site first.. Give our cata 2 more shots, AIM FOR THE kitten BUILDSITE xD

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Had the most fun tonight holding Bay in IOJ BL!
Thanks to both servers for the fun evening

Looking forward to another fantastic week with you guys!

I was the first [AR] Commander on the map, I dont know if Nat tagged down or not by the time it was recapped, but I switched over and stopped you guys at garri to start with, then figured it would have sent you guys off the map and went o bay directly after, boy ever was I wrong :c I was so close to having inner down too with the 3 catapults. Props to [RISE], [RATS] and [RUN] for the challenge in our BL you presented, Had some fun fights. It was just annoying how everyone wanted to stay on eb rather then come zerg down the capped bay in under 5 minutes, so they gave it up for a very long time and a lot of free 25 points for GoM. :P Oh well, Again good job you guys, Was a challenge to retake im sure, it was exhausting me when I was tagged up. P.s. Your commander likes me I think, Without fail he/she would always be on me, the opposing commander in fights, At least for the duration of when I was tagged up :P ;c

Edit: Apologies to any guilds I left out that capped and held our bay, I mainly Saw RISE, RUN and RATS.

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248



i got chased by an IoJ zerg and then killed by the SF zerg all within a 2 minute time period!

They all seem to gravitate to you Honeybuns <3

Day 2: they still haven’t noticed im not actually a table.

This is why I love GoM. You guys always make the match up thread fun rofl :P

Yaks Bend and Kaineng spent the majority of the thread complaining about the gifs.

How rude of them, Obviously Low tiers get +25 to awesomeness for gifs, Its why no one likes the upper tiers.

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I love it I missed you both so much <3

Isle Of Janthir

8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Twas a good, fun and surprisingly tame match up DR/DH. Ill see you in the future weeks to come (Possibly even this next week if we get another ANet troll like with DH/NSP two weeks in a row). Good luck in your next matches, and may the badges ever flow in your favor ;P

Isle Of Janthir

8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


And to the IOJ inside their bay. That was one hell of a fight for bay!
portal bomb for the win tho

Not sure if you’re talking about the one from yesterday. Even though things didn’t turn out in our favour there, have to say they were fun fights. Good co-ordination between you guys and DDLG.


Yes sir! and thank you very much cheers! this matchup was pretty good. Them clashes between IOJ’S {HARD} {CORE} {TEST} in the ruins were awesome too!

And fighting DH abys is fun but they run too much -_-

good luck on your next mathup! good vibes.

I dont know if it was you guys or not, but we fought a thief that was commanding with a few other DR and some other BÆST members with him in DH BL about an hour or two ago. Really good fights with you guys, I was the [AR] Guardian that held out while my ranger pal got back to help and we wiped you the first time, I think you guys wiped us at Briar and one other time. Great fighting against you if it was you that we encountered, Hope to see you and your guild in future match ups:D

Isle Of Janthir

I Deposit some Watchwork Sprockets

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Banzie.5248


They can be found at the bottom right of “Fine Crafting Materials” In your collectables bank for crafting.

Isle Of Janthir

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


God kitten , GoM. So many golems.

Judging by your mini-map, that’s quite a good amount of trebs you’ve got there as well. Muni, are you guesting on DR this week? :P

Nope, i was under the impression zombieland didnt like golems anyways, presumably….
They must have ditched them after they took hills.

just having fun in EB, well bombing zergs

Im pretty sure we’ve hardly wiped in EB tonight, Maybe 2-3 times. You guys on the other hand.

Isle Of Janthir

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I’m pretty sure a lot of us have agreed to let GoM take the cake and just have fun smashing IoJ all week.

Good luck everyone.

Ouch DR, slow down >.>

Borderland different color? Lets keep everyone on EB and lose massive ppt. GoM Logic is impeccable.

Could say the same for DR… You guys are giving us a win. Rather have 1 moment over a whole week -.-
but seriously…. if you guys fight for PPT like Ioj does this might have been a more of an interesting match up.

Just putting this out there, but Banzie is IoJ.

Herpakitten … I’m tired it’s 2pm and I did another all nighter

This match up is already getting more interesting. NA prime time ending in ~1-2 hours, Then IoJ Oceanic prime starting right after. Wonder what’ll happen if this keeps up all week. :o Simply speculating

Isle Of Janthir

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Ouch DR, slow down >.>

Borderland different color? Lets keep everyone on EB and lose massive ppt. GoM Logic is impeccable.

Isle Of Janthir

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Aww. No one ever says ‘hi’ to me in these forums! Perhaps I should post more. I am the big norn guard commander with the candy cane hammer!!! This is my first time posting in any of these WvW forums but I just want to say: Keep up the good work everyone! It has been a lot of fun so far… I love fighting you guys… I learn a lot from the zerg v zerg fights (I was just leading one about 30 minutes ago hunting IoJ sorry :P) This week’s ‘winning server’ title is still up for grabs! Go get ur loot and badges!

Oh, on a side note, those videos you guys posted (the MW kid freaking out and the trololol video were HILARIOUS) but my favorite of all was that Commander KidInkk from SR. I could not stop laughing!

Look forward to seeing you guys again soon!
As always, see you on the battlefield!

LOL! Commander KidInkk!!!


Other Guy: Maybe He didnt hear you

Not word for word, But thats only the start of the video for those of you that havent watched it I highly encourage you to

Every server needs a commander like KidInkk (I do not condone the use of illicit drugs)

Trying to get someone on our server to do it for the Lols, But no one will :c Guess ill go buy a new mic and hop on TS one of these days and do it xD

Isle Of Janthir

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Aww. No one ever says ‘hi’ to me in these forums! Perhaps I should post more. I am the big norn guard commander with the candy cane hammer!!! This is my first time posting in any of these WvW forums but I just want to say: Keep up the good work everyone! It has been a lot of fun so far… I love fighting you guys… I learn a lot from the zerg v zerg fights (I was just leading one about 30 minutes ago hunting IoJ sorry :P) This week’s ‘winning server’ title is still up for grabs! Go get ur loot and badges!

Oh, on a side note, those videos you guys posted (the MW kid freaking out and the trololol video were HILARIOUS) but my favorite of all was that Commander KidInkk from SR. I could not stop laughing!

Look forward to seeing you guys again soon!
As always, see you on the battlefield!

LOL! Commander KidInkk!!!


Other Guy: Maybe He didnt hear you

Not word for word, But thats only the start of the video for those of you that havent watched it I highly encourage you to

Isle Of Janthir

ET/AR/SF 7/19

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


SF, Get out of T8, Come show IoJ some loving. Promise not to break you guys again with the other server ;P

Isle Of Janthir

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I feel that this is how DR runs theirs zergs a lot of the time

Isle Of Janthir

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


And [AR] KARN, [AR]! Lol or is it just me and you that roam? :c

Only you me and brit :c Everyone else loves teh PvE T_T

Isle Of Janthir

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


What map are your good roamers hanging out on, Banzie? I spent some time on IoJ borderlands last night chasing around a group of cast/FAIL/HARD players, but they all seemed more interested in running into their towers or jumping on a ballista than actually engaging a solo player directly.

Any guild tags I should be looking for in particular? This is our first time fighting IoJ, so I’d like to see what kind of fights and tactics you have to offer.

Many of our Roamers are on GoM BL due to AR BL and IoJ BL always being so hot. I’d look for [Prot], [HARD], [POW] and [FT]. They all have good roamers within them.

Isle Of Janthir

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I don’t think I’ve left IoJ’s BL once so far this matchup


I’m sure there are some where this is the case, but the giant GoM zergball rolls through our 3rd of EB like clockwork, and once we manage to get it back, here they come again…..chugga chugga chugga. We can stop 10-20 if we have the people, but the 40-60 just steamroll everything. They are also very well timed, because I often see them show up before we can complete upgrades. Just lucky timing??? I think not.

And yes, these steamrollings are a BIG reason why I see people leave. They get rolled, and rolled, and rolled again, say “kitten it, I’ve had enough of this kitten!” in chat, and they’re done.

If we could push a magic button and move to T8 (or start a new T9!!!!), we’d do it. AR hasn’t been in a match since…..hell, I can’t remember when, maybe Jan/Feb, where we haven’t had the Outnumbered buff most of the match. We went 3 months against Ebay…..a full 13 weeks….with this type of uneven pairing. The new rating system is supposed to “fix” it so that doesn’t happen on a regular basis, but here we are what….4 weeks, 5 weeks…..I can’t remember…..into it and thanks to the fair weathers finally having enough and bolting, here we sit with yet another giant zergball server who, not satisfied with just taking all of our EB, camps our spawn!!!! Sorry, that’s not a server that want’s “fair/even” fights (though I do realize there are members of GoM that truly DO want even fights, the server as a whole……well, actions speak for themselves).

What I find ironic in this is Anet. They claim they want to even up matches so the existing player base doesn’t leave (leave the server, leave WvW, or leave GW2 entirely), and attract new players to WvW, yet they won’t even honor a petition to drop us to T8 to prevent the very population loss that they profess to want to prevent. Sigh……

Your rating has dropped enough to be paired with ET/FC on a regular basis now. Since tiers technically do not exist ill tell you this. Most of the lower “tiers” have very strong resets. If you’re building up the server again, focus on defense purely out of the gate until you can get people in. That what we on IoJ had to do for the longest time. If you can hold past reset, fairweathers will start to come in. Many lower servers populations drop as the week goes on as well. So it makes for a more even match up. What boned you guys so hard this week is the fact that GoM has suppressed you continually all week, Much like we did to DR when we wanted out revenge against them :l

Isle Of Janthir

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Personally, I’d be willing to get stomped in order to get that fight.

GoM wants fair fights is what you should really say…back when it was GoM/NSP/HoD where every week could be a new winner.

Last week, GoM taught FC how to use Arrowcarts, this week: can we teach GoM not to stand in them?

Yes, for the love of things and stuff… STOP STANDING IN RED CIRCLES GOM.

Killing me….I can only heal so much.


Two comments:

First, re. the “we want tough/fair fights” comments. Interesting. We’ve heard that many times in the past from the “big” server in the match, but it always turns out the same: our third of EB and our borderlands are filled with players from the largest server. If you really want “fair/tough” fights (vs. PPT), why not attack the more capable opponent (in this match that would be IoJ)? I see a lot of comments in our chat about this as we all notice that IoJ’s third and their BL go relatively unscathed, while ours constantly turns the color of GoM. Same story last week. Hmmmmm.

Second….no, please stay INSIDE the red circles. They are your friend! Embrace them! :-D I managed to get my daily kills done in one tower defense (Veloka tower….I was the Norn Warrior on the cliffside raining death down on you last night), so please please PLEASE <3 the red circles. It was the only fun I had last night…… :-/

I dont think GoM pushes us much because they lose too many golems in the process :c

Isle Of Janthir

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


GoM. Mad props this morning in SM. We had 1 tick left to cap SM. You should knight the guy, buy him full exotic armor and a commander tag that dived in literally last possible second to contest it and giving his life in the process. That 5 seconds he contested it i think you got about 3 more ACs up and wiped half our people in SM. Again mad props to that defense and last second save. Tell that guy or few people that stopped it last second they are amazing xD

Isle Of Janthir

7/12 ET/FC/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Loving this match up. Can’t wait till next week either, I want to see what IoJ and AR are made of.

IoJ here, AR has lost about 80% of their WvW Population. They are mere scraps to chew on after lunch. GoM is zerging the kitten outta stuff though this weekend. IoJ faring well, but GoM really LOVES golems. Hope to see SF again soon in the match up system. Always a worthy and respectable opponent

Isle Of Janthir

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


GoM, I hope you meet Ebay soon. AR why don’t you tell em a thing or two about Ebay

Isle Of Janthir

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


sad you missed it

<3 u ioj

Oh thank god, Enough golem rushes from NSP for us the last 2 match ups with you guys. <3 you Bird, Happy B-Day, Give your match up hell this week, I feel sorry for whichever Borderland that is

Isle Of Janthir

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


But so far what i’ve seen is AR not fielding nearly as many as they have in the past

Glad to be paired w/ IoJ again. You guys were a good group last time we (AR) met, and always kept it classy on the field and on the forum. A rare treat!

Re. AR, we’re not even close to the same server you faced last time. We’ve lost well over 50% of our WvW population due to one large guild leaving followed by numerous smaller guilds. Don’t expect to see us field very many, but continue to expect the same tenacity that we always bring. Ain’t no quit in the AR Regulars. ;-)

I can say we on IoJ are trying to get GoM to focus else where (AT least me and a few other commanders are, I cant speak for all of them) But to focus else where so you can retake EB, Have a foothold and push GoM, Cause right now they are nomming both our faces so easily it seems Lets hope we can knock them down a notch in the coming days. Though idk, DH has high regards for GoMs zergyness it seems. Anyways not trying to trash talk or anything here, Sorry if I offended any GoM with the above comments. GL this week guys.

Oh and GoM can you tell me how you had 5+ ACs up on your garri WG, Most of them superior it would seem by how fast our golems dropped, To stop our golem rush. I dont think anyone saw us heading there. I could be wrong, but I would like to know if you guys did spot us, where it was :P

Isle Of Janthir

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I havent been able to play the match up a ton yet, Thats what today is for But so far what i’ve seen is AR not fielding nearly as many as they have in the past as well as GoM surprising us all with how many they field, Mainly in EB O.O its like wtf, I never expected you guys to have those sort of numbers xD Oh well been fun the times i’ve been able to play, Look forward to taking all the things in EB soon this week ;D

Edit: If not in EB then watch your BL carefully my new frienemies.

Isle Of Janthir

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hmm, I was the one flipping your EB corner today for IoJ. If you can tell me which guild was hacking please let me know, Ill have a talk with them. The reason we took your corner was because you had no presence not hacking, And us and NSP were just playing the little WXP flip and retake while they came back for EB stuff in your corner and then back to your BL to continually roll you guys. Again if you know of anyone hacking on IoJ and their Guild Name let someone know. We dont tolerate it, Dont point blank fingers if you cant prove it.
Anyways I will say this, Theres a good 7 hours at LEAST to catch up in points.
We’ve closed 10-15k gaps in that amount of time, I dont think catching you will be a problem if things stay the way they are.

As for the kitten throwing around about IoJ needing to be on an EU server, Even there time zones would be skewed, because we have OCEANIC COVERAGE. Not EU, Please learn that. I am an NA prime, We still field ~30-40 in EB and our BL if need be. If you actually played with us when we were in first, EB is almsot always queue’d with 50+. IoJ NA is Largely PvE, But if we are winning you see our numbers double in no time. Anyways i’m done replying to forum warriors and trolls.

Dont think ill be getting on the forums again before Reset so good match up HoD and NSP. The whole BL disconnect thing Friday-Tuesday before they update really screwed us up, but eh kitten happens. Look forward to seeing you guys again sometime. Respect to Smitry and Bird for being great commanders to go against and Awesome Guys. Cant say the same about HoD sadly as I havent seen any of their commanders do anything but trash talk on the forums o/ Until i can nom on your BL/EB Corner again guys, Goodbye and Goodluck next match up to both servers!! Flys away

Not today, yesterday afternoon.

Our Bay flipped with less than 45 seconds of notice. Period. We had swords for around 15 seconds, because as I said, I waypointed into bay, ran out the back gate and through the wurm gate toward the NW camp around the same time you would have been working on the doors, and there was NOTHING going on in there.


We had people INSIDE the outer gates and no outer gates had been breached when it flipped and all the sudden they were attacked by NPCs.

I am not saying you are hacking, nor most of IoJ, at all. I AM saying that this was suspicious, and we were ACTIVELY patrolling all of our towers and keeps with sentries near each gate (yes, even water gate at Bay).

If you ninja’d it, fine. Fair is fair. But I have been at this for over 6 months, and I have NEVER seen anything like that. No siege at the doors (I checked them all, and was the reason it had swords right after you took it), any of them, no golems on the inside (as I said, we had people in there).


And even 3 omegas, with time warp, would have taken 1:30 seconds to breech outer and inner and kill the champ on a fully upgraded T3 keep. I have the math already done, because with the new glut of cheap siege, it will be a tactic we will ALL be facing now.

I am just getting tired of all the questionable tactics that go on, especially since people on HoD go our of our way to police each other for it.

In T8, it wasn’t a big deal, we fought with ET and FC, and won mostly, but we would never think of cheating, and both ET and FC never showed signs of that either.

Before when it was GoM, NSP, and HoD, there was VERY little cheating, and it was addressed by the commanders and called out on the forums.

But with Zoomhaven™ last week, and then all these questionable caps, it is intensely frustrating to be playing to the best of your ability without hacking and have your opponents pull shenanigans because for them, winning is more important than playing fair.

It is FAR more discouraging than being ganked repeatedly by NSP’s Hot Join Heroes™ that would rather stomp people running between towers and camps than actually contribute in a larger way to their servers benefit. Heck, I don’t mind that at all by comparison, it think it’s funny.

As we have continually told servers who accused us of cheating, Provide a guild tag and we will have words. Our commanders do not condone it, We use to take pride in holding our own against DH while constantly outmanned anywhere we went, We have no reason to cheat in my opinion. Please if you can prove a Guild Tag of any members of our server you see hacking, exploiting or cheating. Until you have that or proof please keep it off the forums, Notify a commander on our server through in game until then at least so we know to look for suspicious signs of behavior with players.

Isle Of Janthir

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hmm, I was the one flipping your EB corner today for IoJ. If you can tell me which guild was hacking please let me know, Ill have a talk with them. The reason we took your corner was because you had no presence not hacking, And us and NSP were just playing the little WXP flip and retake while they came back for EB stuff in your corner and then back to your BL to continually roll you guys. Again if you know of anyone hacking on IoJ and their Guild Name let someone know. We dont tolerate it, Dont point blank fingers if you cant prove it.
Anyways I will say this, Theres a good 7 hours at LEAST to catch up in points.
We’ve closed 10-15k gaps in that amount of time, I dont think catching you will be a problem if things stay the way they are.

As for the kitten throwing around about IoJ needing to be on an EU server, Even there time zones would be skewed, because we have OCEANIC COVERAGE. Not EU, Please learn that. I am an NA prime, We still field ~30-40 in EB and our BL if need be. If you actually played with us when we were in first, EB is almsot always queue’d with 50+. IoJ NA is Largely PvE, But if we are winning you see our numbers double in no time. Anyways i’m done replying to forum warriors and trolls.

Dont think ill be getting on the forums again before Reset so good match up HoD and NSP. The whole BL disconnect thing Friday-Tuesday before they update really screwed us up, but eh kitten happens. Look forward to seeing you guys again sometime. Respect to Smitry and Bird for being great commanders to go against and Awesome Guys. Cant say the same about HoD sadly as I havent seen any of their commanders do anything but trash talk on the forums o/ Until i can nom on your BL/EB Corner again guys, Goodbye and Goodluck next match up to both servers!! Flys away

Isle Of Janthir

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Thank you NSP for the great battles in your BL. [TRBO] enjoyed it so much. Too bad we can only hold your hills for 6 hours.

What time was this? kitten Anet and there entertaining PVE events!!!!!!

You guys retook it not that long ago, So it was most of NA night time and early morning (It was retaken Approximately @ 9:20 Server Time (PDT), 11:20 (CDT), and 12:20 EDT) I’ve no idea when they capped it though so xD Ill leave that up to Tuk to answer if he wants.

Isle Of Janthir