Showing Posts For Banzie.5248:

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Apologies for stepping on any toes and that you all immediately jump to the conclusion I am trying to “COME AT YOU BRO” with insults, Ill save those for in game if we win a skirmish.

You don’t feign intent very well, especially given the history between our two guilds.

My thoughts are my own and not of my guilds.

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


[Mend] Had fun tonight, Nice fights from [TG] and [ING] from DB. [Pink} from BP omg, you guys are massive, Half of you didnt even load on my screen most of the time. [SIC] could improve a bit from what we’ve seen tonight.

Goodfights to you too, and to the rest of IOJ that we fought tonight. Was fun to fight [Mend] at Ogres.

And to BP, your EBG zerg was massive at the start of our [ING] raid. lol

It’s been a very fun matchup, thanks to all for the fights throughout the week. Unfortunately our rest day is Thursdays until reset but you’ll still see our members around.

Have fun all.

Ahh yes the Ogres :P We thought we had you there, but turns out most of you regrouped behind and it was just pugs we killed xD

Nice job being smarter then the rest of DB and jumping behind us in your Keep as well. Sadly many people dont try to jump, they try to attack from there, but rarely jump xD

Isle Of Janthir

The NA Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Update for those of you wondering.

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


What the………….

Seems like a lot has changed in such a short amount of time

We lost SE and CORE, they bailed from the server.


SE→ EU Server for easy night caps.
CORE→ FA to try and upset SBI winning I assume
PPK→ FC to boost their wvw numbers to try and win Bronze I assume

Remaining Large Strictly WvW Guilds: Mend and PwN

HARD is still here as well. (Didnt list above cause PvX sorry :P)
RUN still here.
BUNs still here.

Anyone looking to get into WvW or is looking for a guild after many of those left Look into Mend or HARD.

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


ya you are right. 40 of you wiped to 10 of us. Next time we can try doing it with out pants. Thank you for the suggestion.

Where you got 40 is interesting. As Mend was running without a tag we had 14 people online at that time, and a few pugs. Sorry I must have misunderstood somewhere that SIC takes on groups far larger then that. Not to mention the siege you tried to build. Was Simply offering constructive feedback from what I saw tonight. The amount of new people you guys got could use some more group cohesion. Apologies for stepping on any toes and that you all immediately jump to the conclusion I am trying to “COME AT YOU BRO” with insults, Ill save those for in game if we win a skirmish.

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


[Mend] Had fun tonight, Nice fights from [TG] and [ING] from DB. [Pink} from BP omg, you guys are massive, Half of you didnt even load on my screen most of the time. [SIC] could improve a bit from what we’ve seen tonight.

Isle Of Janthir

The NA Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


None of you guys have seen BP after their amount of xfers, They can compete with FA now

Isle Of Janthir

The NA Silver League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Count IoJ out basically. CORE, SE, PPK all left(or in process of leaving).

[Mend] Is still here and looking forward to the coming fights!

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Yeah, it was really fun last night. BP also has soo many people scouting. I can never find towers I could ninja. There were people sitting in most of the towers.

Idk how people find scouting fun like that. When I go camp flipping I’ll complete my round and the same guy will be there.

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Db is a bad, Bp is the worst of them all. Start wearing gear bp, 80k crits on you baddies. L2p not Zerg.

That broad enough?

Isle Of Janthir

Northern Shiverpeaks Recruitment Thread

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Fyi your biggest challenge will be SBI or Maguuma. Good luck

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248



[SIC] just killed your group 10v15

Apologies our driver isn’t on and many of us just not feeling it tonight not to mention some getting in characteristic lag. Look forward to see you the rest of the week however.

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248



Isle Of Janthir

WvW Meta Achievements

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Anet, you know I need the achievement – but please don’t make me play wvwvw for it!

Anet you know I want the achievements but don’t make me play PvE for it. Works both ways sadly :/

Isle Of Janthir

Queue Number?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


yeah it is definitely not line with a given number of players ahead of you for sure. Think we’ve had that figured out for quite awhile so prolly best to quit asking and try to find a place to play without regular queues. Tier 1 is going back into queue nightmare just in time for season 1 to start. ><

Rarely get a queue on blackgate and when it is its not long :p

They’re both on JQ. And JQ did huge recruitment drives for the season :P

Isle Of Janthir

Queue Number?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Queue placement is random.

Isle Of Janthir

New to WvW... question

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I believe all classes have builds and set ups that can be used to great effect in WvW Roaming. The weakest I would say is guard still though if I had to name one.

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I’m very impressed with BPs EU/Early NA force, you guys are great, good fights all around! CORE from IoJ, all I gotta say to you guys is that your hammer train hurts. Keep up the fun matchup everyone, looking forward to the rest of the week!

Agreed, Whichever commander on BP rallies that zerg every NA morning (EU Prime), mad props to you. Great fights

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


No hills for you BP, Sorry

Isle Of Janthir

Uncharacteristic Green borderlands lag

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Earlier today had horrible lag, dc’d twice then it randomly stopped. HOWEVER, I had absolutely NO lag during NA prime time…..

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


[Mend] Had fun tonight in IoJ BL and BP BL Best part of the night wiping 45+ bp with 15 of us in briar. Ofc it was sieged to hell

If it was a couple hours ago, that fight was so stupid, half of our zerg didn’t listen to the commander and charged in and got wiped which screwed our whole push lol.. I didn’t die in that fight, I was there until the very end killing you guys off in the end. I ended up having to ditch the tower because a 30 man zerg charged in after we dropped the champion lol..

Yeah we didnt realize so many of you managed to get revived behind us when we were closing gate :P Oh well we got what we wanted out of it, basically wiping a far, far larger force.

Anyways, better get dem pugs off karma train mode We all had fun, hope you guys did

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


[Mend] Had fun tonight in IoJ BL and BP BL Best part of the night wiping 45+ bp with 15 of us in briar. Ofc it was sieged to hell

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Crazyyyyy lag issues on BP bl. We were all d/c’ing and getting 10 seconds of skill lag. Kind of an unfair advantage :P.

Same thing happening to us since reset yesterday.

I say we all blame the T1 servers. Yes they are the cause of everything

Isle Of Janthir

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hallo again BP friends!!! And welcome to the cozy corner DB

Isle Of Janthir

Incorrect Thinking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So, WvW people, do you see this guy, this one i quoted right there <points down> …
Don’t be like him. Do not assume people use the same build at PvE and WvW, don’t be like this guy.

Please keep zerker the norm for the duration of WvW leagues ANet, I will enjoy /laughing at all the PvE scrubs that think it make them /win all aspects of the game and then continue to party invite me and tell me my build is bad and I need to L2p gw2 even though they just died!

<3 you pve people, cant wait to see you in WvW for the season, make at least 15g off you a day im sure <3

I never said I assumed such things, he told me straight up he was using zerker gear when I asked. I genuinely do hope people gear correctly for WvW seasons, However that is not the reality. PvE players want to keep as much gold as they can, so they will enter with what they use— zerker in most cases.

I was simply making a point as how the OP said zerker players acted a lot of the time— and when this happened I thought of this thread.

Not to mention how much kitten the WvW tends to get from PvE players, not only INSIDE WvW, but on the forums and LA as well. Bite me for biting back a little

Isle Of Janthir

Incorrect Thinking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Please keep zerker the norm for the duration of WvW leagues ANet, I will enjoy /laughing at all the PvE scrubs that think it make them /win all aspects of the game and then continue to party invite me and tell me my build is bad and I need to L2p gw2 even though they just died!

<3 you pve people, cant wait to see you in WvW for the season, make at least 15g off you a day im sure <3

Isle Of Janthir

How can their be such huge mobility gaps?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Everyone should just reroll a warrior and call it a day.

Just ‘cause they have the highest hit points, highest damage, highest mobility, highest armour, and best resistances to CC doesn’t mean their support is very good. We’ll fix their support in the next patch.

This is post is just for jokes.. but might have an inkling of truth to it.

Well seeing as they are making some shouts better for the warrior you might now be far from it =)

Yes, that is what I alluded to =)

Next up, deleting all other classes.

Edit: In all seriousness though, I hope the 15th balance patch really does bring all the other classes up to par, or at least nerfs warrior slightly while bringing other classes up.

Isle Of Janthir

MMORPG Live Forum Q&A With Devon (WvW Only!)

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


well i cruised around the subforum for the Q&A post..
and all i found was this banner.. :S

Doesn’t start til 5edt

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ/BP/CD 10/04/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


huge shout out to the [BB] guys, much thanks for popping PPK’s GvG cherry! glad you were our first

Good fights PPK!

We may have gotten stomped hard but we loved every second and shall learn

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ/BP/CD 10/04/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


We took your advice BP, flame rams!

<3 You’re learning! I’m glad it wasn’t a BP tower.

I hate flame rams. They had to build them without my supply.


but one flame ram on the gate could make you get in through the gate a whole lot faster with that 8% debuff

Isle Of Janthir

THIS is how a wvw matchup should be.

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I’ve been living this every night…. and I did a double take right now as it’s showing CD ahead…. that can’t possibly be right

BP and CD did a smart thing this weekend, instead of focusing each other and writing off IoJ they focused us a lot but as the week goes on we’ll see who has superior coverage lol

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ/BP/CD 10/04/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So CD I keep seeing people on your server saying your SEA time slot is weak. I think I believe them now.

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ/BP/CD 10/04/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Best match up I have ever had after months of play. Lots of great mostly balanced zerg on zerg, fantastic skirmish and great roaming. It has been back and forth all weekend. If every tier had fights like this every week WvW would be a monster success.

Best fight we have ever had in all of our WvW experience was with PPK at the Astral this weekend. The fight was a small skirmish between 5 of us and a small group of them. It raged a solid 10 minutes and they finally downed one of us (me). I decided to run back across the entire map and THE FIGHT WAS STILL GOING! We finally got the upper hand but it really could have gone either way multiple times. I did manage to chase two of them back across the map and that ended in an honorable duel. Absolutely fantastic and huge props to a very skilled group of players in PPK.

Yep that was us. I am not quite sure what Guardian you guys were using, but we simply could not kill him. That fight had to go at least 10 minutes.

If I was there grab would have told Me im squishy and bad the whole fight

Isle Of Janthir

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


so if the warrior is the best option what weapons r the best choice?

Zerg wise? Hammer and Sword/Warhorn. You can trait for warhorn to remove conditions and hammer has crazy initializing CC.

I cant speak roaming, Most roaming warriors I see run a Mace/Shield and Great sword and run the Healing/Stun warrior build :P

Isle Of Janthir

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I have to agree with the above, If you’re about the front line damage over support go with warrior, However in wvw i strong advise against GS on warrior, Most of the skills are a kitten and a half to land time to time, and your main damage skill almost NEVER get the full damage out (HB)

Isle Of Janthir

Do I HAVE TO Pve to get a decent backpack ?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


don’t respond to the instigators, they are part of why we dislike pve so much – don’t let them ruin the thread. It’s a valid point.

Let’s not forget the good ole times when there would be 50 posts a week on why wvw is map completion, or why do they have to grind for BoH. Anet fixed those quite fast in comparison to the broken things in wvw and they still come on wvw forums and basically say their game mode is superior it’s not the fact we have to grind or save/spend money. It’s the fact that we have to grind the part of the game we dislike, just like many pve players hate wvw. We don’t care if you do and you shouldn’t care that we have pve, but stop thinking that everything must be done in pve when there’s no reason for it to be. I would much rather grind 500 hours of wvw where I’m having fun and enjoying my time, then spend 10 hours hating my time on the game for doing contnt I dislike. Much like you guys with map completion and BoH for you before.

Isle Of Janthir

WvW rank?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


As if now it caps at rank 10,000 I believe.

Isle Of Janthir

SEA guild looking for a Silver league server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


hey guys thank you all for your time, but the guild eventually decided on which server we will transfer.

Deep Penetrations [DPS] will go back to IoJ, and we will spend our 1 year anniversary there

thanks again

Welcome back to IoJ Glad you chose us! Looking forward to working with you all in the coming months!

Isle Of Janthir

SEA guild looking for a Silver league server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Maybe you may be interested in Crystal Desert. Great community, and a lot of passionate WvW’rs. CD’s NA is ok’ish but if more NA guilds could join us to fill in some extra slots would be amazing. What we really lack on is SEA/Oceanic, we are highly looking for people that can come and join us in battle during that time zone. CD also has practice/training sessions for new and experienced comers in WvW. One of our main priorities is organizing few zerg busting guilds, before the league starts.

People that you can contact:
Tyrlis[SoH] (Tyrlis.8072)
Grieve Logdan[SoH] (Grieve.1432)
Daeronz[TDS] (Necro.6432)
Amber Vine[CLAV] (hmsgoddess.3869)
there are more names but I can’t think of them from the top of my head.

lol you’re funny, CD has one of the larger SEA populations down here, TOFU, Kome, TIME.

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ/BP/CD 10/04/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Cd, Did you really need this much for our 5 man group? :c
Its okay though, I forgive you guys, We farmed you all for a good 5 minutes, 15ish kills if not more
Note: That camp isnt ours either, So guards+all of you on us.

camp under attack, a group gets sent to defend it, i don’t see what the issue is here. “oh hey guys there is only five in there lets back off and only send five in”

Was more a post to say how long it took you guys to kill us and how sad that was, We were melting groups our own size in less the 3 seconds, in pvt gear. pls l2gear your players. No reason a full pvt/support group should be able to do what we did lol

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ/BP/CD 10/04/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Cd, Did you really need this much for our 5 man group? :c
Its okay though, I forgive you guys, We farmed you all for a good 5 minutes, 15ish kills if not more
Note: That camp isnt ours either, So guards+all of you on us.


Isle Of Janthir

10/4/13 Mag/FA/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Mag PVF already rustling feathers of sol I see, they didn’t even have to try! Next gen trolling there mag, next gen.

Isle Of Janthir

10/4/13 Mag/FA/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


On a side note, I can’t wait to see if mag or sbi trolls are better.

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ/BP/CD 10/04/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I can’t even be mad anymore. At this point I’m just sad. pveeeeeee time.

Be mad pls, 500x funner match up.

Isle Of Janthir

10/4/13 Mag/FA/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Ohh a challenge for sbi! Will be watching the match all weekend ;3

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ/BP/CD 10/04/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Lol so called this in last match up thread.. Well sup guys. Long time!

Isle Of Janthir

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Everyone should try this week so all us lower tiers know who the real top dawg is.

Isle Of Janthir

9/27 IoJ/BP/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Agreed. Our most even matchup in weeks, I wish they were this close all the time. I’m sad INC left through the week because I wanted a few more shots at them on the open field. Great fights from BP and CD. Hope you guys have a great reset… unless you’re matched up against us again T_T.


That DH/SF roll a few months ago, two weeks in a row lolol.

Isle Of Janthir

Devs should play on r5-6 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Devons on NSP, Pretty much the winner of bronze league lol. He really doesnt want to be losing now does he. Too bad he announced this after 2 leagues was done away with, I really wanted to stomp his kitten. :c

Isle Of Janthir

9/27 IoJ/BP/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Great fights this morning with CD in EB, Musta made about 10g

Isle Of Janthir