because we have 2-3 bars all full with 12 different things on them to click…
i agree dead pet no dps so swap it earlier istead to wait for it to be killed and then wait for auto swap to do the job…
i dont see any point of this except that it will save players one click every 60 seconds
the attack rate is fine but projectile speed is a bit slow
there are enough waypoints which makes runing from point A to B very easy so we don’t rly need mounts pls stop with the attemts to make the game wow like
no thanks if i want to play wow ill play wow
i still play my ranger
i use the spear rarely only because i like the skin
Too bad that gandara is not active at the morning
and where from FR get all these numbers at that time of the day
since when fixing bugs is massive nerf
good fights so far
proud to be Gandarian
I’m full zerk with some valkyre on jewes for vitality LB/GS
i survive bursts by using stone signet traited so it works for me also
then i just knockback and quckening+rapid fire they go down fast since most don’t have much hp/armor
yes pets are pretty much usless in dungeons and pvp
i run with GS/LB so i swap when needed usualy i don’t have problems in dungeons
was suggested back in the beta hope they do it it will be great
both are untrue
with my build i beat thieves often
but i also lose usual when they start to abuse stealth/teleports
or if i don’t react on time and get bursted down
most if not all pets should have such ability
should be active because they will cry like babies
or to add it as pet ability with 40~60 sec CD that is used auto by the pet
or to replace the useless F2 abilities that takes 1 hour for activation only to miss at the end
i get it only when i’m not using Eagle Eye trait for the additonal range
because your ele is not mesmer
it cost like 3-4s to go from one to the oposite side of the map so i don’t see what so expensive about WPs when for just one event you get 1s+
blue items sell for 40~99 copper, green 1s+
Good idea mate
if there are GMs they can respond much faster and bust the bots on place instead to waste much more time investigating logs etc.
will be good if we can play with our friends that are on upper level and i like the idea of increasing your level by doing so but i disagree on the part with the awards
players should be awarded based on their personal level
(edited by Batlav.6318)
krojack you are right but believe me i know when i get healed and when not
it works most of the time but it is still a broken skill
thats a good idea will be nice if the dead player know that help is coming and to wait instead to use WP waste money and then run back to where he is going
I don’t like SB so LB is all i use combined with GS as melee weapon
might not be the best but its far from bad weapon and i do just fine with it
30/30/10/0/0 btw
few days ago i 3 shoted low lvl/geared player guess why
because leveling is so hard in this game… sight
anyway if u are WvW player then go to WvW and level there
why they should change the game only because players with 10 alts gets bored to level them ?
it is fine the way it is u can knock off players but not npcs
also ikittennow how to do it u won’t be throwed down a single time by mobs
it doesn’t matter if the pet is dead or not because when you use the skill it revives yor pet and calls it to heal you so you can get revived too
the problem is in that pet even alive sometimes just sits next to you doing nothing
go with the big zerg drop aoe and it is done
i understand your point and agree that it needs atleast to change with something different sometimes after all we got PvP achievement the last patch
WvW is part of the map
you need to be patient because it might take a lot of time before you are able to complete it
no thanks there are enough WPs around the map
just another thing that needs to be fixed
last time in dungeon i used the kitten thing 2 times and the pet was still staying next to me watching how i slowly die
Atm when i revive someone i get kind of stuck while doing so
the only way to stop it is to move maybe escape works too but takes too much time
which often leads to my dead also…
Will be good if while reviving and i click on a bility for eg. to interrupt the revive and do the ability isntead same with the dodge roll it feels like theres glue during the revive process
not sure if this is the correct place to write but ill do it anyway
so heres the issue not a big deal but still
i use the superior sigil of air which grants chance on crit to trigger lighting strike
it triggers fine but there is no animation of it while the fire sigil and it’s aoe can be seen every time it activates. Will be cool if we can actually see the lighting when it hits
I’m ranger using Longbow if that matters
would love to see that atleast for WvW
WvW bonuses are applyed even if you are not in some of the border battlegrounds
it works all around the map except the new island as of what i could see there and in spvp
(edited by Batlav.6318)
Eles minor is 10% 25% major if air attuned also there were 10% in arcane if using dagger i think
and i’ll say it again for the not so smart thieves around it works out of combat only
and it won’t help is any away during battle
Why when i use eagle eye trait the “hunter’s shot” animation is ordinary arrow
when i use any other it looks different
also underwater it shoots the projectiles above the head of my character not from th speargun itself and why is they so huge recoil i’m not using a cannon
(edited by Batlav.6318)
Bonus Hp from WvW
Edit: did some test and it works but seems like it is some kind of bug or something
(edited by Batlav.6318)
normal range is 1200 i think above that u need to spam buttons because the skill shows that you are out of range while the real range is 1500 because of the trait
not rly sure but needs to be fixed
(edited by Batlav.6318)
Capin supply camps solo is not hard at all just a bit slow if u need to wait for the buff to go off so u can kill the main npc
it will be ignored by A Net like the don’t know how many other good ideas about how to fix the stupid pets and some of our abilities
good point
pets are weak enough now if they don’t get fixed they will die when targeted
won’t be even needed to use any abilities on them
was just an example i don’t use SB and doing just fine 1v1
wait who said that pets should take my(our) dmg ?
i never use this crap skill “protect me” my pets die in dungeons even on passive
even the bear dies and it got 4k vitality, pets are good only for exploration around the map because we fight normal mobs or veterans most of the time
please explain me because im stupid how exactly a dead pet helps the ranger ?
the speed bonus works only out of combat so wheres the problem exactly ?
you know it has nothing to do with keeping the distance right ?
oh sorry forgot that you are some kind of forum expert…
big numbers doesnt always mean high dps
look at the way how SB and LB works one does less but shoots faster
and the other does more dmg per hit but shoots slower
our dps is not the best but it is not so bad either
and since everyone compare rangers to warriors i beat them most of the time 1v1
the medium dmg is not that bad but when we are at close range and it happens often in dungeons or pvp its pure crap
I agree the lowest dmg to be removed and long range shot to be either split on 2
or 1k+ range to have bonus dmg and at the other range to do same dmg no matter 100 or 999
(edited by Batlav.6318)
pets get one shoted so it’s not very easy to swap em before they die
the problem is not in the cooldown but how terrible the pets are in this game