not a balance patch so it’s normal
they will do it later this month
Yes, the lock is 1 sec only which ends after you cast w/e you want from DS so it’s not a problem
What gear you are using ?
Best way to not get stomped is to not go down
also yes ranger does the daze then what ? I stomp again and its done
or i just blind the ranger daze misses and he gets killed same with guardians push.
If it’s aoe it still can be negated but it might help agaisnt ppl who stomp while invisible so i like the idea. The cast time is fine btw.
dodge once and you will be fine
Dodge few times use DS and this ability goes off
after that just wreck the warrior
For me the sthealth to LB is kind of a nerf for it
It will suit much more to SB since you need to flank in order to apply bleed
Have no idea why you want everyone to hate rangers
they can fix so we get bleed even with no target and to grant the might to allies also but thats too much to ask for
it goes to fight usual when you don’t want to messing things up
they should remove this usless trait or atleast to improve it somehow
maybe 1 min cd but to remove the bleed it has and if they are afrait that it will be op can put a cap to have max 2-3 or something
like anyone cares about finishers in water
there were cheaters here and theres but seems like they are more lately
hope that Anet will take some action
and wheres my report cheater/hack option in the report menu kitten
if you get full celestial you are losing about 500 of the prime stat compared to specific armor and a lil bit less from the secondary
i as conditionmancer don’t think that the more power/healing etc can compensate the cond dmg lost
i think it fits much more for ele or guardian
Rangers got their blast finisher how about we get manual activation of marks so we can use them even when theres no enemy to blast or to give regen ?
Or maybe enfeebling blood to be blast its animation fits perfectly
10 sec reveal and problem solved
they have enough teleports on top of stealth so they can escape any time
up their dmg a bit even hp or whatever so they don’t cry like it was with the 1 sec longer reveal
the main problem with thieves is the great mobility + stealth combo also spamable abilities because initiative mechanic is broken since day one
yes they are not op and yes they need fix
sux a lil but i can live without it
í won’t swap reaper’s protect for GM trait
There are stunbreakers
also stability gives you immunity to fear
Corrupt boon was nerfed so not many ppl use it
well can be avoided so its not so easy to strip your stability
or just run away when you see a necro problem solved
(edited by Batlav.6318)
would be cool if they never go out of stealth even when hiting
and the only to kill em to be aoe this will makes thieves viable
yeah 1 sec immobilize so overpowered
btw is torment fixed so the dmg is actually higher when target moves ?
its just few more stacks of bleed just different name nothing special about it
No idea who the hacker thief from viz is but he is rly big fail so pls better delete your game
faster projectile speed also to staff auto which is crap
Let the bags farm begin
happy hunting
Nerf is not needed just remove it already
most ppl are not using it anyway
I still jump like that and… then i click the respawn button
well said they overbufff or nerf classes based only on problems in spvp istead to balance both wvw/pve and spvp separate
why players should suffer in pve because their class does something better than others in pvp ?
1st they need to test their changes
2nd do them only for the part of the game where the problem exist atm it is spvp
Just ban necros from Spvp i don’t want the class to be screwed up because of it
swap burn with 2-3 stacks of torment we don’t need burn as necros anyway
or just remove it becasuse before it we were just fine.
After one year they fixed a bug and you call that buff ?
as expected theres always something to cry about sweet tears
The game is not only SPVP so if theres problem in it do changes for it only.
i don’t see anyone crying about how op are necros out of it…
also theres problem with one build only coz they did changes that not a single necro asked for like adding burning.
overall the nerfs are nothing except the mark trait one which is rly stupid
to the necro haters : you will still cry in the corner each time u meet one of us
the problem is that i use another trait at the master slot which makes marks trait usless for me, and yes they should make em even larget or no1 gona use it
yep there was another topic about it and yes its annoying as hell
bug fixing is not that important as nerfing us after the buffs that no1 asked for (burn)
rly sad that i can’t jump off cliffs surviving and watching silly ppl die after me
Adapt and make them cry again.
Let’s show that it is us the players that makes the necro class “OP”
yeah sword auto is broken
in spvp i can’t stomp most of the time unless i weaponwap
remove burning necros do not need burn
yeah warriors, they drop 10~20% of my hp before they die, i’m so afraid of them.
warrs can either use their mobility and run away or die when if it’s 1v1
on the battlefield not in forums…
i bow to ppl when they put up a good fight i don’t dance on their corpses
and yes they are copy of vizuna they were farmed infront of the spawn and druing night caped everything i don’t see difference at all
staff but not sure which year it will be rdy
just to fill the empty space when i log in
Riverside learn to show respect to your enemies
in 2v5 fight your players lost 2 and one was downed before we died and dancing on our corpses srsly ? I know that most of your players are bad but so much happyness for killing us ?
And vizuna erm i mean elona beign farmed infront of spawn on reset ? You can do better…
how exatcly marks when traited wich makes them with normal size are op ?
aoe = max 5 targets
marks CD is high enough
staff auto is pure crap
once marks are i used most if not all necros swap to other weapon
not sure who but one player gave a great idea
50% less healing taken while in DS how about that ?
or atleast they should allow regen boon to work its not that much of a healing
nice video showing that it is op against brainless ppl only
You were extrimely more than 10, but it’s only word’s – your and mine and i will post here a video of this battle soon
he said 10 from boom guild + pugs not that they were 10 ppl total
I’d wager on a nerf to Terror, not because of Dhuumfire, but because fear access in general got buffed nicely on the necromancer. Doom got an extra 0.5 seconds within 600 range, which isn’t that major, but spectral wall also got a 1s fear added on to it. Considering how few sources of fear we had before, it’s a pretty big improvement.
You mean the wall that is inivisble last for ages and because stability do not protect players from fear ?
(edited by Batlav.6318)
any new op necro abilities ?
and pls tell me which are most op because we got so many that i don’t know what to use
i do not use the 303010 thing also
no idea why ppl cry about terror when it was always there
then we got burn and unknown why terror becomes a problem ?
i died to a thief yesterday while i was afk at a camp in wvw
thieves are op pls nerf
terror was there for ages then burn comes and terror becomes OP ?
necro is fine out of spvp so pls no nerfs that will affect 2/3 of the game
they could make the CD even longer
could add 1 sec cast time to it and so on
but no they had to nerf single target long cd ability with no idea why…