would you play a Beta Drop RNG again?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
I didn’t grind the content because I don’t have time to waste.
Then you don’t have time to waste on an unfinished closed beta expansion either.
Wait for the open beta.
And I don’t even care about the Beta Portal.
I’m sure you care much more than you pretend you do.
I’m sure you wrote this message exactly because you did not got a portal, and that if you got it, you would never have wrote it.
Let’s see…
The poster – yeah you only feel good because you got lucky. If you didn’t your post would look much different.
Yeah that’s not an argument; I’m still befuddled as to why they didn’t query their highest profit players from their database that are active and gave them access
Apparently, you care a lot about it….
(edited by Blanche Neige.7241)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
If you read carefully, their account was upgraded to the Heroic Edition because the game edition these players had previously is not offered for sale anymore. The basic edition is now the Heroic edition. So when they wanted to downgrade their beta tester’s beta game edition to their previous one, that was the easiest way to do it.
If a player already had the heroic edition or a better one, he probably received nothing.
(edited by Blanche Neige.7241)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
100% agree that this is a slap in the face to players who couldn’t participate in the last beta.
Aww com’on.
It’s not as if this chest gives away tremendous stuff anyway….
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
Next time put a farming metode but with 100% chance of getting it, as the dungeon gear is for example
Yeah. and get 500.000 players with portals?
It’s a CLOSED beta. Meaning it’s only open for a few players, not half the game’s total population.
It will be run on a test server, probably lacking the megaserver infrastructure we have on the main game. Meaning it can only accommodate a reduced number of players at a time.
Which is why very few people out of the thousands who tried to get one actually dropped a portal. ArenaNet knew how many people they wanted for the test, and they adjusted the drop rate accordingly.
Giving a 100% chance of getting a portal would have been totally stupid. You would have ended up with a week long waiting line to enter the server.
It’s like a lottery. You can buy 1 ticket and win the jackpot. You can buy 1000 tickets and win the jackpot. You can buy a million tickets and not win the jackpot. No matter how many hours you tried to get a portal, you KNEW it did not meant you would get one.
(edited by Blanche Neige.7241)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
The biggest failure is that the same people can get portal multiple times. The drop sysstem should exclude anyone who already had one, and randomly keep rewarding new people, so that a fair amount of people get play chance.
If everyone only gets one portal stone, and new drops do to new people, then I see way smaller problem for people not getting one, cause they had a fair chance then.
The question begs, if those portal stone were more divided (i read someone got 3 portals), wouldnt 3k people have been awarded or maybe 2k?
Here we go again….
Someone dropping 2, 10 or 1.000.000 portals has NO EFFECT on everyone else chances to drop a portal themselves.
Everyone have the same chance to drop one, no matter how many were dropped by others.
There is not a box with every available portals in it from which one is removed every time one is dropped.
So, even if they would have limited the drops to one per account, your chances to get one would still have been the same as they are now.
(edited by Blanche Neige.7241)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
ArenaNet (imho) should be rewarding players who have logged in regularly during the 3 years this game has been out
It’s a BETA TEST, not some mechanism to reward players.
You already got your rewards for playing the game with what you got from doing what you did.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
Beta Portal: Cost of 25 Tokens
You are assigned 1 token for:
- Every 1000 Achievement Points
- Completing the Points of No Return Living Story Chapter
- Every 10 PvP Ranks
- Every 50 WvW Ranks
- Every 5 Hall of Monuments Points
- Certain titles: Dungeon Master, Light in the Darkness, etc.
Let me guess : this token distribution scheme would have given YOU a beta access on the spot. Right?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
My idea is that instead of having the portal be one big rare drop, split it up into many pieces with higher drop rate so the RNG spread isn’t so high and people have a sense of progress.
Then you would end up with hundred of thousands of players complaining on the forum that they ended the event with only 3 or 4 pieces.
It would also make it a lot harder for them to monitor how many beta access are given and how many are still available.
With only one item to gather, it’s easy to see how many account already have access vs how many you want, and adjust the drop rates accordingly.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
You enjoy farming? Good for you. I do not. I was looking for a beta portal. I don’t enjoy farming because it is too repetitive, I even vary how I play to avoid repetition.
And you think you would have enjoyed a beta with very limited content?
(edited by Blanche Neige.7241)
people getting several portals when all they can use is ONE while others are still farming for them.
Ok, lets explain this one one more time :
Someone getting 2, 5 or 1.000.000 portals has not effect on your chances to drop one.
There is not a finite quantity of portals that can be dropped, there is a % chances in the drop tables to get one. Like every other droppable items ingame.
Got it? Someone dropping multiple portals don’t affect your own chances of getting one.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
But how the hell is it at all justified that someone who just purchased the game gets beta access over someone who has been playing since the original beta and has over 3500 hours on the account…….
If the new players already seriously beta tested 20 other games previously, and if the guy with 3500 hours never beta tested any game before, my choice would be obvious….
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
It is because it’s practically like this: The more you play the less chances you get..because the DR system kicks in.
The countermeasure to DR is quite easy : stop hitting the same 10 mobs five hours in a row and move around.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
They should make it a 1 time drop so there is no chance of getting more than 1.
Someone getting 2, 100 or 1.000.000 has absolutely no effect on everyone else’s chances of getting one.
It’s a % chance to drop set in the droptables, not a finite number of portal droppable.
It’s easy to add something to a drop table. Making something only dropping once for an account from a drop table is more complicated and require special coding. It would change nothing in the end, so why should they have wasted their time on coding something that would serve no purpose in the end?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
This was a great idea!
I would like to see more events like this happens in the future for other zones and for other occasions than a beta access.
It helped to bring back those two zones to life, even if only temporarily.
Now it might not be that easy due to lack of information but something as simple as a switch could not take a team more than 2-4 days to get it written and tested. And after the event stops the coding can be removed.
And then you would have players not dropping the portal after they farmed for it for XXX hours say that the code is bugged and that it flagged their account as having dropped a portal already while they have not and bla bla bla….
Locking the portal drops to 1 per account is not going to change that.
That would require to add unrequired coding to the game,, test it to be sure it does not bug, pay employees to do all that, employees that can be more useful working on something else (like the expansion, for example)
As they did it, they simply had to add an item to the drop tables. The system is know to work without bug since more than two years, and it requires no further coding and testing.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
It,s amusing to see so many people thinking they should have got a portal because they farmed XX amount of time for it.
Do you also think you should win the lottery jackpot because you spent 1000$ on tickets?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
The .001% will definitely slow the numbers from rising quickly, but just like RNG will be RNG to us the players, RNG could screw Anet and allow 1000 people (or whatever their cap is) in a single day before Anet has a chance to lower the drop rate, and one would have to be a fool if they don’t think Anet has a fail safe to keep that from happening.
Of course they do. They are certainly monitoring the number of drops regularly. They can lower the drop rate past a certain threshold is reached. It can even be automated easily with a few lines of code.
You only have to put a counter that increase by one every time a portal is dropped for the first time by a player’s account.
Check the counter’s value everytime a portal is dropped vs the threshold’s value.
If the counter’s value is greater than the said threshold, then reduce the drop rate and increase the threshold value. Repeat.
I don’t think anet has a set number for the closed beta.
Of course they do. They know how many players their test server can accommodate, they know how many beta testers they need, so they will do what they can to attain a number close to that, give or take a few.
That’s why they increased the drop rate after a day they started the event. They saw that with the drop rate they put at start they would not get the number of beta testers they wanted.
The drop rate could again be modified up or down if they see there are too many or too few drop before the event’s end.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
I also want to know if I like the Revenant or if I should just use my tomes on the Mesmer
Then wait for the open beta to come.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
or you know, flag the account so that it doesn’t drop for them again
if only 10 drop an hour and you want to argue math, the law of probability could have all 10 portals go to one person…..highly, highly unlikely, but it could happen
what good is getting 1 tester in an hour?
Someone dropping 4 or even 100 portals in an hour would modify in no ways YOUR chances of dropping one.
There is not a “XXXX number of portals drop each hour” thing. You have “XXXX” chance to get one everytime you access a mob’s drop table. Just like you have the chance to drop a piece of armor, or a weapon or a crafting mat.
There can be a million portal drops in an hour as much as there can be no drop at all in an hour.
You can spend a million hours farming for it and never get it, while someone else can get in 2 minutes after he started farming for it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
It’s not because someone drop 2 or more portals that it diminishes the other players chances to drop a portal.
It does not.
There is not a set number of portal that drop on a given timeframe.
Everytime you access a drop table you have exactly the same chance to get a portal, no matter how many where dropped previously.
For example, if the chance to get a portal is 0.001% everytime you drop something, you’ll always have 0.001% chance to get one. It will never increase or decrease, unless Anet modify that number. And if someone dropped 2, 4 or 100 portal, it will not modify YOUR chances to drop one.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
This is ridiculous… They need to increase the chances again. All of it was wasted effort otherwise.
Do you know how many beta testers they want this time?
Do you know how many portals dropped so far?
No, you don’t. ArenaNet know. And that’s why they already increased the drop rate once. That drop rate may later be increased again if they consider they need to.
Or even decrease the drop rate if they feel they need to too.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
How does this happen? I’ve been farming since the event started… and there are still those who haven’t received one yet?
I have very bad news for you : the vast majority of players wasting their time farming for this item will NEVER receive one.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
If i play as I normally do, I wouldn’t be in maps like SW and DT, in fact, that would be the last place I would be. I would probably be leveling my mesmer instead.
Why are you forcing yourself to play something you don’t want to play?
To have the privilege to become an unpaid tester for Anet?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241
It’s not because you spent XX amount of time farming something that you have the certaincy you’ll get that item.
I find it quite amusing to see people who farm hours on end to get a portal and complain they don’t get it.
It’s only for a beta test where a very small portion of the map will be available with only a fraction of the content that will be in HoT available.
It’s not as if this item gives you access to a super duper secret zone where you can drop super duper items….
Why don’t you spare yourself all that stress and deception? Play as you do usually, and if you drop a portal, good for you. Otherwise, it’s not the end of the world. Just wait for the open beta when the expansion will be much more complete and will give you access to a lot more stuff.
Drop rate is really dependant on how many people they want in their beta. And it’s hard for us to know how many portal dropped so far.
For example : if they currently have 5 megaservers opened for the zone, and that 2 portals drop every hours in every megaserver, it means that :
- 10 portals are dropped every hours
- 240 portals drop every day
- 1600 portals drop in a week
These numbers are hypothetical of course. Only ArenaNet know the real numbers. Its only to show that even a very low droprate to our eyes may mean that ArenaNet will still meet their required number of testers they want to have, if for example, they want to have 1000 to 1500 testers this time. I doubt ArenaNet wants 200.000 players for the next beta.
So, even an “increased” droprate does not means that everyone will drop one, even if everyone farm it for 12 hours a day. The increase was certainly very small. Add two drops an hour to every megaserver and you double the number of portals dropped and you end up with 3200 players available for the beta.
And, as players leave the zone, either because they got a portal or are tired of farming it, the quantity of portal dropped will also drop. They may yet have to increase the droprate again to meet the quantity of players they want in their beta test.
There are also always a few PvP arenas opened specifically for daylies. It’s easy to get at least one or two daily quests done in there too.
Check the arenas descriptions in the listings.
Someone at Anet left his chocolate rabbit on the server. The heat made it melt and leak into it O.o
Login is fixed now apparently.
Same thing happened to me a couple of mins ago.
And I was also unable to login to forums.
Another update, still no fix.
Sad thing is that it worked well before.
Here is a hint for your devs :
1 – look how the code was BEFORE the update that broke it.
2 – look at how the code is NOW.
3 – COMPARE the two. It should give you a good start to find what broke it.
Last year, I had a family member who died in a plane accident.
Yet, I found this April Fool’s ingame joke quite amusing.
I did not made any link between the two. Because there are none to be made.
Really, who here never pretended to be a plane by stretching their arms and making noise with their mouth when they were kids?
Anet must tell the janitor to not hit the servers with his mop.
The team is aware of this issue, it was actually formally entered as a bug some days ago
We had no ways to know that unless someone from Anet actually told us they were aware of it.
I’m sorry to say that none of us can read Anet dev’s minds.
Same .
Error code : 51:49:7004:1163
Like our beloved Prince Rurik from GW1, my ranger pet now rush to attack everything I attack, even when he is put on a leash with the “avoid combat” option.
Could you please fix this as soon as possible?
Thank you.
If these new maps replace the current borderlands, what happens if you don’t buy HoT?
You are stuck with the EB map only?
So, Rytlock is the first revenant and he’ll teach others how to become revenants themselves.
RP wise, this raise an amusing paradox.
When a new revenant PC will go through his/her personal story, he/she will meet Rytlock BEFORE he became a revenant…
I found out why. For some reason, the sound for them is linked with the environmental sound control. You only need to raise it in the sound option.
I guess they are directing the sound to the wrong channel.
Same here, no or very low inaudible sound on the two cut scenes….
(edited by Blanche Neige.7241)
what exactly do you think can be accomplished by wasting developer time implementing mounts? what possible good would it do in this game? Please explain this to me. What is there to gain by adding mounts???
The same could be said about a lot of stuff currently available in the cash shop….
Mounts would serves the same purpose as all those other useless junk currently available there : to generate revenues.
And there is already some kind of mounts available : witch’s broomstick and flying carpet.
How do you end up in GW2 if you got zero interest to at least do the non-PvP elements of WvW? Or rather, how can you expect the game to cater to you if you’re not interested in ~2/3rd of it, at all?
You do realise that without the army of PvE players, this game would have died 6 months after release?
In fact, the majority of the game’s selling points at release was about PvE gameplay.
I like the fact that I can do as many items as I want and not have to worry about hitting an AP cap.
There is an AP cap, and you’ll hit it one day, sooner or later.
Do people not understand you can mix and match WvW/PvP and PvE??
Do people don’t understand that many of us don’t want to have anything to do with PvP?
So, before, I could complete my dailies the way I wanted, and now you are telling my Anet is trying to force me into styles of play I dislike?
all the dailies so far are ridiculously easy and can be done in like 20min.
False. For example, you cannot do Maw or Jormag or any other boss if its spawn is scheduled 90 minutes later than you are connected.
I think Anet gets satisfaction from players playing how they want, but they get more from players helping and teaming up with other players.
Under the old way of doing daily, I would come upon an event and do it with the few other players around. We helped each other.
Under the new way of doing daily, I see someone call an event. Then a big zerg of many dozen players come up to do the event, following mindlessly the NPC and killing mindlessly any mobs foolish enough to come too close to the blob of players. I certainly don’t have the feeling of “helping and teaming up with other players” anymore….
All that did was to bring the zerg of WvWvW’s daily to PvE’s daily.
But on the other hand, we’re now getting more than just AP, 1 laurel, 1 mystic coin, and 1 jug of karma, + SMALL chance at BLTC or essence of luck. Now we get actual rewards for completing the specific task. And we get 10 AP if we do 3 of them.
They could as well have left the daily the way they were and have updated the rewards….
It took me 24 minutes. Could easily be done in half that time.
And under the previous method, I was able to do my daily without having to devote even 1 minute to them, because I would make them while playing the game the way I wanted, doing what I wanted to do.
Now I must devote time doing stuff I don’t necessarily want to do.
Sorry but there are still 12 choices and now you only have to do 3… not choosing something is not the same thing as no choice.
With only 4 choices in each category, you may find yourself forced to go in WvW or PvP if you can only make 2 in one category.
At least with the old system you had a lot more choices.
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