Showing Posts For Blanger.3162:

I Gave Up On This Game Am I Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


“Since release I’ve been playing GW2 off and on trying to make it work for me but the truth is this isn’t what I was looking for.”

You answered your own question, the game isn’t what you were looking for.

$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I understand both sides of this debate; however, from my experience, I’m on the side where it can’t be an intentional cash-grab.


Because in one week of playing, I have accumulated over 20 of the two-week passes from opening the alliance supply bags. Since I have no way to get rid of these two week passes except to use them, it is actually pointless to buy either the individual or life-time pass at this point.

The people that should be complaining are the ones that bought the pass and, now, are awash in free two-week passes that they have no use for.

Exactly, if you do the content by the time you get all the achievements you should have plenty of the free passes unless the RNG gods decide to frown on you, if it was intentional on Anet’s part then it was very poorly thought out and implemented, kinda’ like shooting yourself in the foot.

$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


The mist forge in PvP is only for pvp items. .

Really, then it is broken, I just tried forging some PvE sigils and it worked 3 times in a row.

Perhaps they changed it? I tried awhile ago and i could only put in pvp stuff. Regardless, the mists isn’t a good place for all your pve needs. If anything the best place aside from buying the pass, is the borderlands. Although there isn’t the same Laurel vendor there either…

No problem, I use the one in WvW most of the time, but I also went back and forged the blue prints gotten from the LS and it worked fine for them also.

$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


The mist forge in PvP is only for pvp items. .

Really, then it is broken, I just tried forging some PvE sigils and it worked 3 times in a row.

$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Hmmm, dunno… hadn’t tried that.

Which points out another benefit of this creative destruction – I’ve at least figured out what else is in the various play mode locations. I also found that vendors offer significantly different wares (whereas I had assumed there were no major differences).

Yes you can use the forge in the mists just as any other…

$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


People do that all the time, it’s called “brand equity”. Hell, “good will” is literally a term represented on a balance sheet. If you can’t tell the difference between (I keep using this phrase despite none of you knowing what it means) manufacturing consumer pain vs. solving consumer pain, well, I can’t help you.

Enjoy the kool-aid.

Good will comes in many different forms, did you not receive the free minis last week?

Consumer pain in this case is a perceived notion, it already had multiple free remedies that are available to every player without spending 1 copper. (we won’t even mention the free passes which gives a direct access to the items)

BTW I prefer cherry kool-aid, the lime has to much of a pucker factor.

$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


You know, I wanna’ just go whaaaa whaaaa whaaaa, six pages! of complaining about a situation that has been explained over and over to be a non-issue, so what if Anet sells passes, so what if it breeds more items in the gem store that are similar and the kitten sheep buy them, Anet is a business they need to turn a profit and you know what most of us are smart enough to see value in a item or if that item offers a enough convenience to warrant spending our money on, just like in RL if you don’t like the price, value or the convenience offered by a product you don’t buy it and the companies selling the item gets a very clear message that it wasn’t wanted or needed by their consumers.

Complaining might make you feel better but it comes down to sales, if Anet sells enough of the items regardless of people complaining they will do it again because they are here to turn a profit not win a popularity contest, sales/profit trumps just about everything in business and lets face the facts if they make a profit selling passes it was apparently the right choice for them and they will continue to make such items available because there is a demand for the product and profit to be made which helps keep a game like GW2 going.

It’s very simple if you don’t like the product don’t buy it, vote with your wallet the same as you do in real life, if your on the side that wins and the product goes away then you made a difference, if you loose then you were on the wrong side of the issue to begin with and were out voted by people who saw more value and convenience in a item than you did.

Trying to apply emotion, feelings, or any similar traits to a business transaction to make the seller look greedy or underhanded is unwarranted because for Anet this is a business to make a profit and supplying items that their customers buy is a big part of their after the box sales, trying to place a stigma on a item because it is based on a perceived inconvenience that has many free work-arounds does nothing to bolster claims and makes you look rather foolish or childish, the fact remains don’t buy the item if it doesn’t offer you some form of value, convenience, or price point.

$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


If Anet would have removed a feature that after removing it would only be accessible through buying something in the gem store then I think it would be a legitimate complaint, but that’s not what they did, it isn’t the only option, it was redundant because everything can still be accessed from other sources/cities. What Anet did was destroy LA giving us one of the best releases content-wise for 2014, a minor inconvenience in our habit of using LA as a hub of activities is really not a issue to anyone who is enjoying the content, adding a pass in the gem store that can be purchased with RL money or in game monies was to be expected because people will buy them, if they had not offered the pass people would be kittened off about that too.

$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I blame it on Evon Gashblade not Anet, he’s the one who is trying to capitalize on the ruin of LA, Anet was nice enough to give us the free passes while Evon is trying to extract every last copper out of us, I’ll bet he brought the airship in, you saw how he treated the Heal-O-Tron wanting money up-front, he is truly an evil money grubber who should have perished in LA.

AFKing in LA

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


So yesterday I played about 7 hrs, in first couple of sessions I helped save citizens and we pop’d 1200 twice in a row, took a little break to finish dailys and the next session I ran with the zerg stopping at rubble piles and saving citizens as I came across them and we it 1200 again, I had one escort mission left to accomplish which was the lighthouse, so next session I went right to the lighthouse and waited for it to pop, first attempt I was by myself and the event failed, go back and wait, next pop and I was still by myself and you guessed it failed again, I go back and wait a couple other players show up and it pops again this time it was successful and I finished my achievements got the 100 bag reward.

I might have looked to the casual observer that I was AFK because I was waiting for the one event that I needed to complete my achievements, but unless you stayed there for the time it took for the event to pop again you’d never know, the added bonus is we hit 1200 yet again right as I was running for the exit, we did seem to have a good crew yesterday explaining in chat that saving citizens was more important than farming champs and I noticed many more people taking the time to rez/escort/encourage citizens than I saw in the first couple days and of course this was in one of the overflow maps.

AFKing in LA

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Maybe people should get over themselves and learn to mind their own business.

Believe whatever you want, but even twenty people AFKing in LA won’t ruin the event for you as long as the rest of them are spread out doing what they need to do

^^^^^^^^ This.

Given the amount of loot and the limited capacity of bags who’s to say folks that look like they are AFK have just stopped to sell item on the TP or dump mats to their bank, or salvage items to make more room, lots of possibilities that don’t include botting. Myself, I play on a game pad and if I need to chat I have to stop pull out my keyboard then go back to the game pad after I’m finished, But what difference does it make anyway? people stop to chat, look at the map, go to the bathroom or stop for a bite to eat.

From the looks of the volume of people playing I doubt even if they were just AFK to get free loot off of others work it’s hurting anyone, it’s better to just move along and do what your in the game to do and collect loot bags.

$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


What If?

As part of Anet’s grand plan for 2014 a new city is born in a previously unavailable area of the map? opening up a totally new area, would the inconvenience of loosing LA as a hub not be worth a new area opening up?

None of us know what their intentions or much less their plans, but loosing LA to me is not a great loss considering all the other options we have for crafting, BLT, and Asura gates, it just amazes the kitten out of me how people clamor for new content and change, then when they get it they want the old stuff back, the LS is evolving, we are getting rid of Scarlet, and things are changing in a positive way.

I’m optimistic that we will have many more major changes to the game coming in the not to distant future it’s best to just sit back and try to enjoy the ride.

Free Mini's in Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Thank you Anet, it was even nice to see we could sell them if we choose to…

Total infrastructure restructuring = $$$

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


If your concern about WP costs then I’d assume you avoid fights to save on armor repair costs also?

Commander Tag Zerg

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Lets see…log into content you’ve never experienced before and have little clue what your suppose to do, look at the map, see the commander and figure that’s where the action is, run to tag and join in the fight, collect loot.

After awhile you figure it all out and venture off on your own or form your own group, or not, it would seem from my limited time last night in LA that it is another zergfest and was designed to be that way, every good zerg needs a commander to follow, sometimes it’s the quickest way to get up to speed with new content, and it’s simple if you don’t like it don’t follow.

Would sPvP Make Me Better at WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I am bad at 1v1. And when I say bad, I mean, really, really bad.

To be fair, my contribution to a large zerg also is questionable at best, and I am an albatross to any small group.

I am reminded of this every time I run into anyone else when I am alone in WvW. I play a warrior, which is a class that I know in the hands of a good player should be able to hold its own against any other class in a solo fight. But I will die to literally anything, unless the other person is worse than me in every way (which is unlikely in practice, since if they are that bad they probably just run away before I ever see them).

I’m with ya and feel your pain brother………

I’m kinda’ in the same boat with my warrior it started out as a very glassy build and my first experiences in WvW were bad, 1v1 I got killed quickly and left me going wtf warriors are suppose to be easy winners, well glassy builds will get you killed if your inexperienced, granted if I could get a couple good hits in before being downed I could win some fights in a 1v1 setting, but 1v2 or 1v3 I was just a loot bag waiting to be taken.

While I’m studying builds for my warrior I started playing my GS mesmer who was pretty much built from scratch to run in WvW last year, she needs a little updating but has worked out pretty well, survivability is like night and day, sure she is more of a ranged fighter but much more forgiving for me to play while I learn tactics and in a 1v1 fight I can hold my own and win most of the time, the funny thing is playing my warrior it seemed like I was one of the first picked out of the crowd to kill but the mesmer I can hang back do a lot of ranged damage and get loot bags dropped at my feet… pretty sweet, but I do still die, it’s to be expected that while learning you are gonna’ die a lot and it’s ok as long as you learn something from the experience and it makes you a better player.

The one thing I’ve learned is that what has worked fine in PvE doesn’t really work in WvW, be it builds or tactics, sure dodging/rolling is basically the same but fighting a enemy player vs a npc be it vet or champ can not compare with a live player on the other end of a fight, experience counts but your gotta’ die to get it.

301 ranks and finally 1 ascended gear. YES!!

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I guess I have one of the lucky accounts, got a ascended ring last week at level 20, yeah I’m a noob at WvW.

I’m assuming you mean wvw rank 20 and not xp level 20?

I assumed the rank up chests still only give you level appropriate rewards, been saving the rank up chests on my guardian until I get to 80.

Yes… rank 20, toon is lvl 80, like I said noob!

301 ranks and finally 1 ascended gear. YES!!

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I guess I have one of the lucky accounts, got a ascended ring last week at level 20, yeah I’m a noob at WvW.

what exactly is the point of "Outnumbered"

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


The Outnumbered “Buff”, and I use the term buff loosely here, just seems like a troll joke.

It says:
The enemies greatly outnumber your forces, be careful out there!
+20% Magic find
+33% Experience
+10% World Experience
Take no Armor damage on death

Now someone try and explain this one to me. You only get drops and exp if you kill people and take stuff. If you are outnumbered what good is a buff towards stuff you wont get because you just dont have enough players to actually do anything that would reward you with exp and drops. Wouldnt it make more sense to grant a severely outnumbered side something like the Tenacity buff from WoW?

Im pretty sure having more damage output and less damage taken would help you a lot more than some MF and EXP.

Yeah, no fun getting ganked, I saw this buff a week or so ago when I entered one of the maps and though oh cool! then proceeded to die every couple minuets being chased down by enemy, I eventually gave up and went to EB and joined a zerg to get a little retaliation in.

Help me resume playing with my characters.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


IMHO…. Finish out your warrior, it’s your highest level toon and should get you back up to speed in playing the game, it’s a very forgiving class.

Now how am I supposed to get my maps done?

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I was rolling along just fine, minding my own business, got to 70% map completion.

Then I decided I would hop into WvW to get the Gift of Battle and the borderlands maps. A few weeks later, I have the Gift and just a couple points on the blue map to get the maps all done.

But now WvW is all I do every day when I’m on. And I start to fall asleep just thinking about going back to finish the world maps.

Thanks a lot, WvW. How the hell am I supposed to get my Legendary now?!

LOL…. I just finished my map completion on my main Saturday, only had two areas outside of WvW to complete and most of WvW I’d been doing little by little after resets luckily I only had a few enemy camps to get the POIs and one or two vistas, I’m glad I waited to do the WvW last or I’d be in the same situation as you are, WvW is very addictive.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Now, for the most part, it costs money to visit a shop unless you walk (let be real America, we are lazy, I ain’t walking any where if theres a kit seller right next to a WP)

200 times the average cost of a WP which is what? 1s or so? so roughly 2 gold a month just to VISIT the guy selling kits ON TOP of the valuable time lost

Thank you Sir,

By adding in the travel costs to get to a shop selling salvage kits the Copper-Fed-Salvage-O-Matic now does have a ROI! (we won’t mention that precursor drop we would have missed)

Definition of Blob

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162




“A combat strategy where a large group of players rush in at the target. Seen as a simple-minded strategy that requires no skill.”

Definition of Blob

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Blob = A commanderless group that overruns everything in it’s path.
Zerg = Everyone following the Dorito that overruns everything in its path.

When the two meet it is called Armageddon!



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Reeeally wish they’d make one that’s equivalent to at least a Fine salvage kit. Basic kit is a bit insulting (to me, anyway), but to have some of the higher drop chances would be worth the gem investment.

wink, nudge, ANet

Agreed, but there is always the chance they will upgrade the existing units to fine status, then again why would they if they could sell another as a silver-fed-salvage-o-matic for 1000 gems. (I really wish I would have not said that!)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


hmm how is it worth it?? i mean salvage kit come in 25 stack.. carry 100 only take 4 slot.. plus as you salvage it goes down pretty fast.. before you run out you will surely find an npc to resupply them..

as for function, it cost 3 copper per use, which is almost exactly the same of basic salvage kit per unit price…

hmm confusing…someone please explain, thanks

It’s a QoL thing, cost about the same per use but takes up less slots in your bags, it’s a convenience nothing more or less, I have a couple of them and find it easier to just leave one on my main and transfer the other from alt to alt along with the unlimited tools I also own. There really isn’t a ROI from use but like I said just more convenient than looking for a NPC when your running low on salvage kits, of course you still need higher level kits to salvage rares and exotics.

Seasoned Player Looking For New Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Hi Folks,

Been playing GW2 for over a year, 3k + hours, 6500 AP, just about to finish map completion on my main (warrior), I have 8 lv80 toons covering every profession that I normally rotate through playing a different one each week to keep sharp on each style of play. Have my own personal guild and belong to another rather small guild that has become inactive in the last few months due to other obligations the leadership has in RL.

I’m a older player being 57 years old, I’ve primarily played PvE and a limited amount of WvW but I’m becoming more focused on WvW as the primary aspect of the game I’m interested in, I’m not versed in dungeons but do have an interest in dungeon runs and always willing to learn.

I’m on TC and have no desire to leave (I like the community), I play most evening 7-10pm EST, some week days from work but have to go afk a lot, most weekends I’m logged in all day Saturday and Sunday unless RL has something else in mind.

Looking for a casual guild comprised of mature players focused on WvW, dungeons, and PvE (kinda’ in that order), would like not to have to rep 100% of the time but 80-90% would be fine (I just need to build influence in my personal guild sometimes), I’m not the most social person but not a “get off my lawn” type either.

Like I said I’m old, I’m not looking for a guild to carry me or hold my hand, but I am looking for a guild that is willing to teach, with a limited amount of drama, that isn’t trying to be elite. I’m not a guild hopper I have been in the same guild for all of my time in GW2 and short of the leadership I’m their senior member having spent more time rep’in the guild than any other member, I’m loyal and believe in giving back, helping other members of the guild if I can.

Feel free to PM me here or contact me in game.

Thanks for your consideration.

Account wide skill point pool.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Not that I care either way but I just looked, my main with 907 hrs of play and all skills unlocked has 318 skill points earned, my first alt with 640 hrs of play and all skills unlocked has 255 skill points earned. It would be nice to be able to use these points for something down the road but I don’t think I’d transfer them to a new toon either.

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I’ve tried playing WvW leading up to this release, for the past few weeks. I love the new map, the design and asthetics are amazing.

But here is my WvW experience from the last few weeks -

Find an uncontested waypoint.
Run around until I can find a commander to follow (usually takes a few minutes).
Spend a few minutes following him around, until I get defeated.

Rinse, repeat.

Is it just me, or are there not enough waypoints? I spend more time wandering through empy sections of the map than I do in a battle. And when I am in a battle, generally don’t last very long (playing as an Ele).

Waypoints are fine (read other comments explaining why)….

It will get better and easier for you, I was in the same situation awhile back just keep working at it, like everyone has said check your build and make adjustments to suit WvW and your play style. Slow down if you die in a battle don’t WP back right away, lay there and watch the battle looking for pointers on how each class is played and who knows your team may win the battle and you’ll get rezed.

And it can’t be stressed enough to be aware of your surroundings, there are roving solo players, roving team scouts, roving havoc teams, and small guild groups always looking for your team or zerg.

WvW can be a lot of fun and very rewarding, it is to a lot of players the best aspect of GW2 and I find it more fun every day I play, there is a lot to learn and just face the facts you are gonna die a lot until you get the hang of playing your build and learning the ropes, it’s not at all like PvE and you need to forget a lot of what works in PvE because it doesn’t work in WvW.

Unless you have 100% map completion use that as your goal till you get the hang of WvW there are lot of poi’s, vistas, and skill points in each area to do and it’s a worthwhile goal.

Are Warriors Op?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Not Op, my main is a Warrior and he dies in seconds in WvW, of course that’s not normally in a 1v1 fight but more like a 1v4 fight, with the right build and a highly skilled player (which I’m not) they are a easy class to survive in, now in PvE they might be considered Op not much challenge in PvE unless you like solo’n champs.

commander tag visible to me now?

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Should be bigger. Maybe with flashing and particle effects. And once in a while, for no particular reason, it should fall on your head and down your character.

^^^^^^^ This! can anyone loan me 100g I gotta’ have one!

Kinda lost, kinda rejected

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Lol, yeah, these guys sure lack a sense of humor

I was like “ooooookay” and i never returned wvw. But i really wanna try it, so can someone help me? Already read a lot of guides but it’s still confusing, i really dunno what to do when in wvw. Any tips?

Kill enemy Dolyaks and protect your own, flip camps, scare of enemy players and help your people and friendly NPC’s. Notify your server about enemy blob movement, or stall them when they zerg your keeps. Join a zerg when one passes, watch what they do, help build siege and scare of enemy blobs.

Play around with siege equipment present in keeps, figure out how they work and why they might be build were they are.

Oh, and above all, have fun.

^^^^^ This is good advice, as someone who was recently in the Op’s shoes (without the go PvE) What Frans is suggesting is what I have been doing, anyone can run with the zerg and if the zerg has a good commander you can learn tactics and build your Wxp while being relativity safe, but if you want to excel in WvW you really need to figure out a lot of things, it’s not always about killing everything in sight like PvE.

The another thing is spend a little time checking your build, what works in PvE isn’t always the best build for WvW, and the last thing you want to do is become a liability having folks constantly put at risk rezing you. When your tired of the zergs or have a bad commander go out and flip camps, kill the enemy supply yaks and escort your yaks, yeah your gonna die, and your gonna die a lot but it is part of learning. Solo play has it’s merits but you must be prepared to run away (to fight another day) or die taking as many of them out as you can in the process. I’ve gotten more laughs out of roaming solo flipping camps only to be encountered by 4-10 of the enemy team and just being killed in seconds while maybe taking out one of them.

Always look around in every direction all the time, be aware of your surroundings…. kill a guard and waiting for it to flip out in the open the enemy will sneak up on you, watch the map because the enemy does if they see guards flipping in a path they will come after you…expect it!

Still no Account bound WVW ranks.............

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Not to change the subject but has Anet stated that with the account wide WXP change will the ability points be reset and have to be redistributed?

Barricades in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Drop a few barricades in front of a gate, if they are destroyable it will slow down siege rams, if not destroyable..well you know the answer. Might be interesting if it was limited usage like out in the open on roads to slow supply yaks, if they can be jumped over by enemy forces I don’t really see it being of much advantage in herding.

Feb 4 Patch - EOTM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Oh man, I can see some of the guilds that like to turtle in towers with a ton of siege having some real fun camping PvE objectives, that’s gonna be great.

Arrow carts everywhere, build more arrow carts! Oh the fun to be had.

Naw, Anet will probably nerf the arrow carts at the same time.

Feb 4 Patch - EOTM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


This is like:

“Here is your new toy, but the first two weeks, you brother will be allowed to play with it. After that it is all yours.”

Wow. What a great idea!

IDK, I’m all for sharing, and it totally depends on how it’s implemented, but I envision a whole lot of PvE’ers getting their eyes opened to the carnage of PvP in WvW, if it is implemented in a open map like the EB not a instance there will be a lot of PvE players crying they can’t live long enough to do the content because the bad bad WvW’s keep attacking them, this is of course unless Anet gates the content into PvE mode for the duration of the LS update.

Zergs and WvW. Fun or not?

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


While I’m not new to the game having played well over a year, I’ve played very little WvW up until the last month, I like to roam solo or in a group of 2-4 others and at other times run the zergs that might be attacking, the thing I’ve noticed about running in a zerg is that the success, fun, and longevity of the zerg totally depends on the commander. A good commander who is well seasoned and has a plan or can change tactics on the fly (basically think on his/her feet) makes a zerg much more enjoyable, but a bad commander…well it doesn’t take long following one to make you want to go back to solo roaming.

Older Guild Wars 2 Players / Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Welcome to GW2…..

If your on TC or guest over give me a shout I’d be glad to help you along with PvE and WvW. As far as a guild geared to oldies I haven’t found one yet the guild I’m in is full of nice kids (IMHO) but I’m the oldest one in the guild being 57 and they are active mostly way past my bed time..

Gathering Nerf, Intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Not new…. I have the unlimited tools and it happens from time to time always right before, during, or right after combat, I move the tools from char to char and see it on all of them.

Cultural Armors are they worth the cost?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Thanks folks, I’ll take a look at them from the perspective of transmutating them over my exotics.

Cultural Armors are they worth the cost?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


As the title says are they worth it (the cost) over exotics?

I have a char that I’m wanting to upgrade, decked out in full exotics (armors, weapons, & trinkets) is there any advantage I could gain switching to cultural armor other than appearance? or would it be better just to save the gold and apply it towards crafting ascended armors when the time comes?


Scarlet, Mordremoth, and the Pale Tree

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


>>>>>>> Best Thread Ever <<<<<<<

Agreed…Thanks to the OP for taking the time to lay out his theories, it’s a interesting read.

The days of free online gaming may be over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I really hope this doesn’t happen but you all may what to read this:

Anet and Ncsoft may be forced to charge a monthly fee for this game and all other online free to play will have to also or ISP will start tearing there services and we will have to pay a premiums to play online gaming or both. Even the monthly subs like WoW may have to rase there rates let’s hope this does not happen but you know it will anyway for greedy corporate America to make more money!!!

Never happen to games like GW2 IMHO, the amount of bandwidth the game uses is very small compared to streaming services like Hulu and Netflix, not that ISPs won’t start throttling bandwidth based on IPs because it will become a cash cow for them but they will look to the originators of the content to extract money for a clear path to end-users/subscribers.

AT&T is already positing itself to do so, but most of the other ISPs have contracts keeping them from doing so or believe in the open-internet/net neutrality, but I do agree if the FCC doesn’t set their kitten together we will be paying more in the future or our connectivity.

A better read on the topic can be found here.

And here.

How do you feel about GW2 right now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I still like the game, still find plenty to do and occupy my time, looking forward to the next LS update (to see how they end this story arc) and the major patch later this year while moving my primary focus from PvE to WvW, I see no problem for myself getting another year of game play out of GW2 maybe more depending on changes Anet makes in 2014.

Achievement points shown in the forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Let’s judge more books by their covers shall we?

We are more than the armor we wear, the weapon we wield, or the AP we have accumulated. These superficial things tell us essentially nothing (of importance) about the player as a person.

I have to agree with this…. AP really has no bearing on whether a poster knows what he/she is talking about, take myself I have over 6000AP but have only been in one dungeon path in all my hours of play, so do you think I’d have a valid opinion about speed-running dungeon paths? Kitten No! I may have an opinion but should you listen to it based on my AP…nope! Ask me about PvE and that might be a totally different thing because that’s where I’ve spent most of my hours.

If your going down that road then show it all from amount of gold, fratcal relics, BoH, etc, the whole ball of wax.

Player body-body collision?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Been suggested about once a week for 16 months.

never gonna happen, mostly due to performance issues and griefing potential.

^^^^^ This, just think how it would effect the bank in LA or the BLTP in LA that has one door that folks love to stand in front of, if you think the horns was bad the griefing would go to a whole new level and folks would rage quit by the dozens.

How do some people have so much gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Lot of variables that start with how long have you been playing, how many hours a day do you play, what do you do in game, and what do you do with the loot you get.

Best advice I can give you is the same as everyone else, do world events, run dungeons, even champ trains if can stomach it.

Forget about upping your MF once you get 70-90%, the ROI IMHO isn’t worth the loss in gold, it will continue to rise from salvaging for mats to sell and doing daily’s and monthly achievements.

Salvage all white and blues save the mats until you have a need or a stack to sell on the TP, sell all your greens on the TP.

Sell all exotics you don’t want or need.

Salvage all rares sell the ectos or salvage the ectos and sell the dust, save the mats if you have a need or sell the mats gotten from the rares.

Basically become a pack rat save everything matwise until you have a need or sell them for the gold, then horde the gold, never let a node go by without harvesting the materials, harvesting trips to Orr daily add up to lots of high level mats that can be sold and fighting the risen helps hone your offensive and defensive skills.

How many hours a day do you play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


3090 hrs / 370 days, a little over 8 hrs a day but currently around a 1-2 hrs a day during the week 8-10 hrs on weekends of course some of that is AFK time, I also have the ability to play at work which drives the total hrs up but also has a lot of AFK time.

Green Quaggan Backpack!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I’d gladly sell it to you if I could. I got it and have zero interest in it. But alas.

Agreed I have a pink one sitting in my bank and got a green one from Anet (thank you) but I really don’t have a char I want to use them on ATM, I’ll probably just sell the pink one since it isn’t account bound and hold the green one for the future.