Showing Posts For Blanger.3162:

I don't understand the point of Karma

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Karma has value in the game depending on your point of view, I currently have 9 chars 8 of them being level 80’s, all of the level 80’s are decked out in temple armors bought with karma, 42k per piece burns it up fast roughly 210k karma per toon that’s almost 1.7m karma I spent outfitting them, please keep in mind that way over 90% of the content in GW2 can be completed in this armor and that before Ascended armors arrived it really was IMHO the BIS gear to have, and probably is still the best gear for the average player, again IMHO.

I got the idea a few months ago to outfit my main in ascended armors and a couple ascended weapons, in that process I burnt through over 700k karma and almost 400g because like a lot of players I never let a node go by untapped and sell the mats on the TP, I do horde mats but you never seem to have enough when your crafting ascended stuff so I had to buy some mats to complete my project, was it worth it? probably not, but I had the karma and gold to burn so it wasn’t really a big deal to me.

But….. (there’s always a but! isn’t there?) I now have about 1.5m karma left and feel the need to build it back up to my pre ascended levels (around 2.5m) just in case Anet decides to give it another purpose in the game, so I do frequent EotM and run with the train to gain more karma, it’s also a easy way to level a toon like last night I gained 4-5k karma and my toon I’m leveling gained 3 levels in just a couple hours.

Level up rewards for after lvl 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


It ain’t all that, I’ve been leveling a new toon since the patch (currently at lvl 66) and yeah I got a BL key somewhere along the way that opened one of the 100+ chests I have in my bank….. it was mostly boosters and one scrap ticket. So far (and I don’t expect it to change) all the rewards have been level specific that yeah I could use leveling the toon or they have been traits points, and crafting materials that I already have a ton of.

Trade with other players

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Can you open a trade window to give something to another player? Do you have to be grouped to do it? How do you do it?

I searched GW2 Wiki under as many possible headings as I could think of but got nothing but notes on crafting and illegal gold selling.

There isn’t a endorsed (by Anet/GW2) way in game for players to trade/sell items between themselves, having said that you can mail items to other players if you want to risk it, selling outside the TP (player to player) is frowned upon because it is very easy to be cheated in some form or fashion and Anet will not help you.

If your wanting to trade with a guildie it’s easy to just put the item in the guild bank and have the other player there to pick it up, if your wanting to trade or gift to another player no gold/money exchange just use the mail system, but if your intent is to sell something to another player circumventing the TP fees you’ll do so at your own risk.

Hope this helps.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Funny, I was just thinking about this the other night while looking at the AP panel, I got the achievement for doing it 1000 times without even knowing I was involved in the success of a combo field.

You can find the achievement under Community: Team Work Gets It Done.


What Happened to Drops by Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


On the new character I started after the feature patch I haven’t noticed drops related to my profession (warrior) I still get staffs, focus, etc that I just salvage but what I have noticed is that the rewards for leveling up are almost always something that I can use be it a piece of armor or weapon.

Mob drops seem to be the same generic drops I’ve always got that are level specific but normally not something better than what I already have equipped, but I do think the leveling process is still bugged in some regards I just hit lvl 40 last night and got my first rare as a reward, it was armor I could equip and use, the biggest thing I miss is the trait points hopefully they will start coming now that I broke through lvl40.

Gw2 coming on Wiiu?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Just for a moment imagine GW2 on any console implementing the NPE and all the subsequent patches to fix all the bugs and unintended effects that have occurred just in this one feature patch, the patches are still coming out and bug fixes are being taken care of but just think of this happening cross-platform and the logistics of getting it all to work together cross platform, GW2 will never see a console in it’s current configuration, now GW3 maybe.

how many dailies should i do/do u do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blanger.3162


The AP really means nothing to me, but I do dailies religiously not for the AP but for the Laurels which I never seem to have enough of, dailies are easy just play and most days they come without even noticing.

Corpse camping has to stop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Dear Risen Veteran Subjugator,

Careful what you wish for, I had the same problem here in Wayfarer but I was a Champion strong and mighty with my wolf pack to protect me, because I couldn’t win a fight Jormag demoted me to less than a veteran, now I get kicked around by everyone even though I have no loot to give.

exChampion Wolfmaster

Try the new leveling before you critique it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I have tried it. Got to 10 before I couldn’t stand being locked out of utilities and such.

I made it to level 12 and got to a crafting station which would let me open my bank, used one of those instant lvl 20 scrolls to pop up to lvl 20, then used a few skill point scrolls to give me a few options in the skills. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be and I can see where it’ll help out new players, hopefully Anet will release another scroll for veteran players that we can go from lvl 20 to say lvl 40 or 60 then play the toon out to lvl 80…. I haven’t touched the PS on this toon and not really sure I will at this point.

An interesting observation…. at lvl 7 I couldn’t start a skill point but if a higher level player started the skill point and I joined in I did get the credit and point.

Try the new leveling before you critique it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Even after all my negative comments, I AM trying the new levelling system. I am following all the instructions given by the compass and it’s going ok. My gear is being refreshed reasonably frequently.

Can’t say its as fun though. There’s little adventure in it. I feel like Im playing a single player game.

Doing the same thing, only at level 4 after about 20min, interesting thing was I could pop my commanders tag up at level 3 (didn’t think to try it before then) and now I have a following helping me along… and asking questions like why can’t I do a skill point? lol

Feedback from an American 12 year old

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Yesterday I thought I’d never start another alt because of the changes, but you know with all the posts about how bad it is I’m starting to think I should start another character just to see how bad it is for myself and see just how long it does take to level up……

What a concept, doing something instead of following the lead whinge. Congrats.

Thank you Sir, it will require me to buy a character slot since I have 8 lvl 80’s, but I think it’s the only way to have a informed opinion.

Feedback from an American 12 year old

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Yesterday I thought I’d never start another alt because of the changes, but you know with all the posts about how bad it is I’m starting to think I should start another character just to see how bad it is for myself and see just how long it does take to level up……

Feature pack 9/9: feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


You know….. playing a game be it a console or PC game makes no difference if it’s a RP, FPS or MMO half of the enjoyment is learning and figuring things out on your own, yeah a gentle nudge in a given direction is needed by some of the players who are overwhelmed but figuring things out is what makes a good game great as long as the content supports it, GW2 has taken a giant step backward in my opinion.

Having said that some of the feature pack are welcome changes like the crafting UI and the TP, I know Anet is trying to please everybody and draw new players into the game but I can’t help but wonder what the average IQ is of their intended audience?

If I was a new player I’m not sure I’d jump the hoops to get to lvl 80, I think I’d feel the game was for a audience much younger than I am, or at a much lower skill level than the average MMO player, not sure I’d even try to level another alt but at least I have a couple of those instant lvl 20 thingies and enough tombs of knowledge to get way past the entry level hump.

Do i salvage or mystic forge? Newb question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blanger.3162


There are no stupid questions…..

Since your just starting the game you have a couple things going on, I’d assume your a low level let’s say lvl 20 or so, you should be broke as far as in game gold unless you spent RL money and bought gems and converted them, you also have very little luck gained so far…correct?

If the above is basically correct I’d suggest this course of action, any item that is a upgrade in the future for your toon that you aquire is banked till you reach that level and can equip said item, items that are lower or at the same level you are are salvaged for luck and mats, if you have no interest in crafting or gaining more luck sell the items on the TP to build your bank.

Throwing items in the MF isn’t a very good plan, yeah you might get lucky but the odds are working against you, it’s like gambling, if you can afford to loose no big deal, but as a new player you need at acquire stuff be it gold, mats, weapons and armors, if you have no need for the mats then when you get a stack sell them on the TP, eventually you will want a item off the TP to upgrade your toon and the gold you make selling on the TP will come in handy.

Luck is very important because as your luck goes up supposedly the chance to get better items from drops killing mobs also goes up, we use to have what was called Magic Find that was replaced by Luck, the only real way to increase your luck is to salvage items, what I do (keep in mind this might not work for a low level player) I salvage all white, blue, and some green items, rares also get salvaged but for the mats not the Luck, exotics are either sold on the TP, salvaged for mats, or equipped
/banked depending on the item, all mats are saved until I have a stack (250) and either sold on the TP or saved for crafting.

Please keep in mind that I’ve been playing for two years and have 8 lvl 80’s that I rotate through, at this point all have at least full exotic armors and weapons, several have ascended trinkets, and one has full ascended armor, trinkets, and weapon, I have plenty of gold in the bank, lots of mats to sell or craft with (doesn’t keep me from farming more to bank or sell), I have no legendary weapons or a precursor to craft one, but then I tend to stay away from the MF as much as I can, your mileage (experience) may be different.


Hope this helps….

Should I bother with crafting Ascended stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I got full ascended to maximize my potential. Did I notice a difference with full armor? Yes. Was it game changing? No.

This ^^^^^^^

It is exactly my experience, a noticed difference but nothing to give me a edge, now the weapons depending on your playstyle will give more DPS but again nothing that other boosters like food will give for way less money. Of course there is the argument that ascended and the food boosts could give you much better stats, but the fact is I still die regardless…lol.

Should I bother with crafting Ascended stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Nothing wrong with exotics, in fact 99% of the game content can be ran in only exotic weapons and armors with no problem at all, it is the natural progression to use exotics.

Having said that…. my main I just completed a full set of ascended armor and one ascended great sword, the cost in materials, time, gold is staggering and the ROI probably isn’t worth the effort unless you have the desire for BIS gear and can afford to pay the price.

I started my quest for ascended stuff with 1000g in my bank, I had to raise both my armorsmith and weaponsmith crafting from the mid 400’s to 500 plus create the time gated materials. I was able to sell some of the exotic stuff I crafted while getting to 500 on the TP to offset some of the cost but to be honest it still cost me around 400g and about 700k of karma to craft a full set of armor and one weapon, this does include the runes and sigils, it also took me almost a month to complete the task.

Was it worth it? probably not, I had the gold and karma to burn and just decided that it was a goal I wanted to accomplish, will I do it again? probably will make more ascended weapons for my toons but the armor I doubt I’ll do that unless something new is added that would make it worth the investment.

Not to be rude, but you don’t have the gold to even consider ascended stuff, you might be able to craft a weapon but you’d be broke afterword and the gain over the exotic (5%) could leave you with buyers remorse.

The above suggestions by others of exotics through WvW is a sound plan and if you don’t mind EotM you can acquire the needed badges and karma quickly, as stated the weapons offer great stats and should be all a normal player will ever need.

Of course this is JMHO

Is anyone happy anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Here let me weigh in, 2 years playing GW2 and I’m still happy with the game, I still find things to do on a daily basis to keep me interested, the game is diverse enough to offer lots of options, and there are plenty of things I’ve yet to experience in the game like FoM which I’ve never been in along with most dungeons I’ve never experienced either.

Yeah the game could be better, lots of things I’d like to see happen or added but am I unhappy? no, I’ve gotten way more than my money’s worth in hours of play, if I quit tomorrow I’d say GW2 is the best value for investment I’ve made in the gaming world.

Of course this is JMHO

Completely Pointless Revamps?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


This feature pack….. to me it’s all about aligning the Asian release with the NA and EU game or actually bringing the EU and NA versions features in-line with the Asian release. It’s easy to see what the devs have been working on for the last year or so which was releasing the game in China and given the market who can blame them from a business perspective?

So with this feature pack we get the changes made to the China release and Anet gets a more unified core game code, nothing wrong with that at all, it’ll be better for the devs from here forward and we should get more features in a quicker time-frame down the road.

Of course this is just my opinion based on nothing but my point of view.

10 mins commanding FR zerg and being reported

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Hey everyone,

I want to clarify a couple of points for you that I feel are important.

1. ArenaNet GMs very rarely send unsolicited whispers.

2. ArenaNet Senior GMs all have character names akin to GM Madi Walker and have the ArenaNet Guild Tag.

3. All ArenaNet GMs have GM ‘Hopefully Cool Alias’.#### for a display name.

4. GM whisper text is golden; not purple.

5. Impersonating a employee or agent of ArenaNet will result in an immediate suspension or termination of your account.

Hope this helps you identify real GMs versus the imposters out there.

Hunt safe.

Thank you Michael for the clarification, much appreciated.

On a side note…. I hope everyone else has noticed the ramp-up of Anet posts to topics, I have the feeling something has changed in a very positive way that is now allowing Anet employees more freedom to share info or respond to threads.

Thank you!

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Inb4 this was a calculated ‘leak’ so they can then ‘generously’ change the decision to show how ‘in touch’ they are with WvW players.

Say what


It must have been plain obvious for them, that something like that would generate a sh*tstorm on the community.

Not initially it would seem, but the important part is they were flexible enough to listen to our concerns and take the appropriate action, and because they openly admit that they changed it from 300g per color to all colors, tag, and accountbound functions being 300g for new purchasers all others grandfathered I’d say they get a AAA+ rating for how they handled this.

To openly admit a error, correct the error, and be transparent to your users by posting here in the forum they have gone a long way in restoring my faith in them.

Thanks again Anet.

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Hi Guys,

Just wanted to clarify that we did indeed change our plans based on your feedback. What was said during the interviews at Gamescom was correct at the time but after listening to what you had to say we decided to make a change to the feature be in line with what you felt was a more balanced approach to the change.

Thank you very much for your feedback and we hope that you enjoy this upcoming change.


Thank you Sir and thank the team for all of us!

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Blog post may read like you get all the colours together, but I’d still really like some red confirmation here.

Yeah, there is this line…. “Existing commanders will be grandfathered into this new system. If you’re already a commander, please enjoy this additional upgrade.”

And then this paragraph….. “This new assortment of colors will facilitate a range of tactical uses. For example, in World vs. World, you could select one color to represent an assaulting commander and another to designate a defending commander. In open world events, you might coordinate your efforts with other commanders by tagging up with different colors to help organize groups. Or you can just grab your favorite color to stand out from the crowd!”

These two things leads me to believe we either got it wrong because of their vague dialogue or that it was changed, either way it looks like it’s as it should be, if you have the desire I’d recommend grabbing a tag before the patch and save yourself a couple hundred gold…

BTW thank you Anet!

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Commander’s Color should be based on experience. There should be a leveling system in place for Commanders..maybe based on Points captured, time commanding, kills accrued.

I have absolutely no problem with this, buy the tag it has a base color to show you are a new commander (say white), as you progress through ranks/leveling as a commander other colors are unlocked, it would give players at a glance an idea of the level of a commanders experience, of course it might penalize new commanders in some ways but we have times when no commander is present on the map that a new commander can get his feet wet and gain exp but we’d have to separate it somehow from EotM.

Lack of attainable armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


How is grinding for gold to buy armour from an NPC any different to grinding for gold to transfer to gems to buy armour from the gem store?

How is grinding a tedious dungeon several times or grinding away at a stupidly annoying achievement any different to grinding for gold to transfer to gems to buy armour from the gem store?

They are attainable.

Agreed… it’s no different then the grind for every aspect of ascended armors be it materials you farm or buy off the TP, the time gate to create the components used, or the grind to get the gold to purchase exotics to salvage for dark matter, it just takes dedication and time.

There is no instant gratification unless you whip out your charge card and that only lasts till you get your monthly statement.

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


we don’t know until the community decides what/which each color will be used for and that won’t happen until they are in the game and folks have time to use them.

And that won’t happen as a game-wide or server-wide phenomenon. Alternate colors will be unevenly and unreliably distributed. You’re not going to tell my commander that he can’t do a Red Commander job because he hasn’t paid for Red Commander icon.

Personally, I’ll only acknowledge a blue commander, anyway. I won’t respect the others.

Agreed…well at first, I’d envision something like blue=WvW field commander, yellow= guild commander, red= havoc group commander, and green= PVE event commander

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


If I already have a tag (which I do) and Anet is planning on me buying a different color for 300g they are mistaken, making me pay for functionality of a item I already bought isn’t going to happen, it’s like buying a legendary and having to pay extra for the particle effects…. the right way to do this is every tag has the ability to be any color at any time the player decides, if they want to raise the price of new tags because of this new function and being account bound that’s fine but don’t make me pay again just because they added a function that is basically cosmetic, besides we don’t know until the community decides what/which each color will be used for and that won’t happen until they are in the game and folks have time to use them.


in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I’m here to ask a very simple question.

I mean, do they laugh at me because they think I’m a bad player? Is it because they liked the fight or just thought it was fun? Or is it because of a desperate need to establish themselves as a superior player because they’re lacking in other parts of their life (read: penile extension

A little of all of the above I’d think, but you know you’ve really made a impression when they take turns jumping up and down on your corpse which always makes me /laugh at them which isn’t the response they seem to want.

Ascend gears - Where to start?

in Crafting

Posted by: Blanger.3162


First you’ll have to get your crafting for either or both weaponsmith or armorsmith to 500 (depending on which you want to craft first) if you get the inscriptions for zerker and knights armor/weapons the items you craft will sell on the TP rather quickly and at least you’ll be making back some of the gold your spending leveling the craft(s). As always discovery will level you up faster than just cranking out the same sword or coat over and over even though it might have a higher selling price than other items you craft.

I just started crafting my armor, 3 pcs so far and it’s cost me about 200g and that includes the runes I plan to use, lots of the mats are expensive to buy like ectos, scales, dusts, oby shards, so don’t get in a hurry, I’ve burnt through about 600k of karma buying lost orr boxes to get oby shards which has a reasonable rate of return but not as good as it use to be IMHO.

So much of the material you’ll need is time gated (make one every 24hrs) so it takes awhile to gather the materials unless you have gold to burn, and can afford to buy them off the TP…not recommended.

Best advice I can give you is once your at 500 on weaponsmith craft your weapon (s) they do have the best return on your investment, when you go to the armor just take your time it takes awhile to craft a full set of armor, and don’t forget you’ll need laurels for the infusions if you WvW.

In game marrige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Last time this topic came up I said “kitten no, I’m on my third marriage in RL and the last thing I need is a In-Game wife!” I stand by that previous comment nothing has changed.

Rytlock Ritual End Fight

in Living World

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I didn’t fine it easy or particularity difficult on my warrior, but a couple minuets into the fight the wife asks me to help her, I move my toon to a corner of the room out of the AOE and go help her I figured I’d come back to a dead warrior. To my surprise I came back 10 min later my guy was full health but most of his armor was almost beat off of him, I laugh and figure why not just try to finish it, used my long bow to hit the statue when I wasn’t killing menders with my ax, it took a long time and once I had the statue down below a quarter health I moved in close and forgot about the menders taking the statue down in just a minuet or so of melee attacks and it was over, most of my armor was gone which gave the wife a good laugh.

Yeah, I got downed a couple times, got rezed by one of the NPCs but if you can dodge, roll, and have some form of condition clearing it is doable it just can’t be powered through you have to keep the menders off the statue while dodging and cleansing the conditions off of you…biggest thing for me was I was constantly changing from ranged to melee, and changing targets too while dodging around, it was a fun challenge.

Buying gem cards via other sites

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Probably legit if your buying them on Amazon, I bought several from Newegg on a close out last year (they no longer carry them) and all worked as intended.

suggestion: reward scouts

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I like the idea, not really sure the reward portion would work without a little prodding from whoever is commanding but in theory it would give players a way to reward scouts who otherwise go unnoticed and sacrifice the rewards others get, depending on how it was implemented the scouts could just be members of the commanders team and share a portion of the rewards with each objective capped, that would give the commander the ability to kick AFK’ers who are just there for the rewards, or rotate scouts out as they need to be replaced. Of course any reward system for scouts would be ripe for abuse, the donation system you suggest would probably be mostly safe providing folks actually donate.

Quick question about WvW (new)

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Hello. I just started GW 2 and want to try WvW. I saw that you get boosted to level 80 when going in the battlefield. How much does being low level and have low gear affect when being boosted? Will I still be on a severe disadvantage or how do things balance out?


Since you said you just started the game I would agree with everyone else play the PvE portion of the game to gain Xp and learn the mechanics of how your class is played and get comfortable with your build, make trips to EotM along the way to level 80 gaining Wxp, WvW rank and badges (the rewards in EotM are great as you climb levels and the first 100 go really fast) you can learn a little in EotM and it’s much more forgiving running with the K-Train for a up-level. As you gain confidence on your way to level 80 pop in WvW every now and then run with the zerg or roam however you choose but don’t be discouraged when you die easily because dieing is a part of WvW that can’t be avoided even once you reach lvl 80.

Along the way concentrate on your build so by the time you reach lvl 80 you have laid the groundwork or foundation for the proper build you want to run in WvW, but most of all have fun, take your time, and don’t stress out about dieing, try to learn from each encounter and take something away from the fight that makes you better and stronger as a player, PvE in this game is reality easy once you reach lvl 80, but playing against real players in a PvP environment like WvW is totally different the skills you learn in PvE kinda’ carry over but tactics do not and you have to be prepared for battling real players who are not programmed to make choreographed moves with every encounter.

But the bottom line is take you time, have fun, and enjoy what the game has to offer.

To Command Or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


10: For fight tactics: watch this
For map politicing and map control, watch this:

For the second video, there are many lessons to be learned from that whole documentary, even if you can’t behead people.

Hamster, I would like to thank you again for the links to the vids, I just finished watching the documentary on Sun Tsu, after watching it I do understand why you posted it and came away with a much better understanding of tactics both good and bad, I even see how it translates into strategy or strategic thinking in WvW.

Much appreciated.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Ok 6 pages about a topic that has been beat to death many many times before, and as always there are legitimate reasons on both sides of the fence (for & against), but rest assured there will be no mounts in GW2 no matter how many or how bad people want them for two very important reasons that being lore and existing waypoints.

Lets just cut to the chase, Anet add the term “mount/mounts” to the profanity filter so we never have to go through this topic again….please! At least we can talk about kittens instead of mounts, everyone likes kittens right?

180 Gold on no precursor? how about you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I am still waiting for crafting precursor.
I think its primitive to try to craft it, because you need RNG to get it.
When they make precursor craftable I will make my legendary.

Agreed, got plenty of gold in my bank even though I decided to start crafting some ascended armor pieces and it’s such a slow process. , but if I get a precursor as a drop I’ll have to decide whether to keep it or sell it, when I can craft one I might do that but outright buying off the TP or trying my RNG luck at the MF, no thank you.

To Command Or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Thanks again…

I see several people don’t understand my vague question about scouts, to me scouts are a important role in feeding intel about enemy movements, when I made the post I wasn’t aware of the “live maps” which I can see a advantage to keeping a eye on, you know if a tower was just capped at least some of the enemy forces are in that area.

My main intent in asking about scouts was to find out if they are necessary, I can see a huge advantage to having scouting parties reporting in on enemy movements that the live maps can’t show you.

Anyway I can’t thank you folks enough I feel much more confident that I should try leading and have fun with it which I intend to do, I just need to spend more time on the maps first while I implement the great suggestions I got in this thread.

Commander Tag Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


And you’re forgetting the 3rd negative, which is abuse.

You could have two PvE guilds doing guild missions competing against one another. Drama shortly follows.

Guild A, which could be full of baddies, asks all guildies to ‘denounce’ the other commander. Furthermore they may make it a guild requirement for everyone to ‘respect’ their commanders everyday.

At that point the system loses all integrity.

I would suggest a system where there is no way to ‘denounce’ a commander. Every commander instead has the ability to move forward/up in ranks.

edit: forgetting, not ignoring, sorry

How do they gain ranks? By having players join their squad. Any events/kills completed while under the commander’s squad results in commander points which unlock better perks, such as more varied commander icon designs.

Does this mean that commanders with more zerglings will get rewarded more so than those that run with a few people? Sure, but I think that is fair considering how much more difficult it is to control an entire zerg.

This I would agree with, the only thing I’d add is a color change to the tag as each commanders gain ranks, that will make it easy to tell who is a seasoned leader, who is climbing the ladder, and who is just starting out, adding the automatic color change to the icon design unlocks.

To Command Or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


My last advice would be… you have to realize that everyone want something out of it. If you’re playing it too safe, your zerg is going to slowly break apart as people go looking for points to gain. I often see PUG commanders run past a flag going “OMG DONT ATTACK OMG GO GO GOOOO FOLLOW ME!!!”. Nope. Not going to happen. A guild group can do this. Dont think a PUG zerg can. All that’s going to happen is that 30% of your zerg is still trying to catch up with you, 30% stay on the flag to cap it and the remaining 40% (if you are lucky) follow you. Great, you just split the zerg apart. Assume that everyone want points, all the time. Take the opportunity to use flags as gathering points. The same goes for commanders that get the bright idea to split zergs depending on their perceived supply status. If you got 30 people in your zerg and you say “People without supply, go cap that camp!” assuming that maybe its 10… 20 people will probably run away to cap that camp. And then a 20 man enemy group come and roll over you.

The last two points may sound contradictive, that’s because they are. Its all about balance.

Thank you… doesn’t seem contradictive in the least because I have witnessed commanders do the very things your describing, and the results are exactly what you are saying, I do understand the points, WxP, bags everyone wants to get, heck I want them also!

To Command Or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Livemaps, Livemaps, livemaps. They’re nice as a roamer, but mandatory for a driver. It does happen that you’ll run in a camp witb RI from time to time, but you should try to avoid it. I’d suggest dual monitors or an overlay.

Examples: or

I had no idea this existed, I just googled the live maps and that is totally cool, no problem with the dual monitor since that’s how I’m already setup. I’m looking at the wvwintel site right now…. thank you!

To Command Or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Many thanks to all of you, the answers are a tremendous help and go a long way to helping me understand, I have a lot to learn but thanks to you guys/gals I have a better handle on what I need to do. Special thanks to Hamster for the links to the vids I will watch both when I get home tonight. (btw the folks that mentioned my server I’m on TC)

Thanks again I really appreciate all the help.

To Command Or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


So I’ve had my commanders tag to over a month and have never tagged up in WvW, I have no experience leading, I don’t really know that I can lead without trying, I don’t have a idea of what is required to lead as far as comms or siege, I’d really like to give it a try but need some guidance from seasoned commanders/followers as to what are the downfalls.

So I have questions….

1. Is it necessary to be on TS or Mumble?`
2. Should I always be the one to carry and place siege? (is superior siege the only siege to use?)
3. How do I deal with back-seat drivers questioning my every move?
4. Should I try EotM first?
5. How do you (or I) choose the proper objective?
6. Scouts?
7. If I lead everyone to their deaths should I keep trying?
8. With no experience can I expect people to follow my tag or commands?
9. When do you decide when a battle can’t be won and retreat?
10. Tactics… How do I learn good tactics, is it necessary to sacrifice my followers to learn what I did wrong and if yes how do I deal with all the rage?
11. I notice a lot of commanders stay out of the battle until it looks safe or that victory is at hand, trying to keep a overview of the battle to give orders to push or retreat is this a good practice?
12. What’s the most overlooked thing you could tell me?

I know I have a lot to learn to be effective, I have NPC’s everywhere calling me commander so I really think the game is trying to shove me in that direction.


Dps / Burst / Tankiness comparaison

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162



Guard> War >rest

/pass the popcorn please…

State of Dry Top Later On

in Living World

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I have briefly pondered the same thing, for there to be a ‘living’ world, the Zepherites just can’t ‘stay’ injured and scattered all over the place… and surely after (at the end) this LS2 comes to conclusion the area will have to change into a more generic ‘stuck in time’ -> ‘but acceptable state’ …


A lot has changed, a lot of history added, but ‘in essence’ a lot remained the same and all is well… so don’t worry to much ok

Agreed all you really have to do is think of Orr and how it is today, it is forever replaying the events at the end of your PS for the most part and thanks to the megaservers the maps have a much bigger population than before.

I ran Orr every day for months gathering mats prior to the megaserver launch then got caught-up in other aspects of the game and hadn’t been in Orr for a long time until last week, there were players everywhere to my surprise doing events, the zones were well populated compared to how it use to be when you’d traverse a entire area like Malchor’s Leap and maybe see one or two other players.

Drytop will be fine Anet will make minor adjustments (or not) to the area and there will be a reason to go there just like Orr after the season ends, I’m just thankful that they are opening new areas of the map and who know what is yet to come for the zone we are only at episode 2 and at least 2 other areas have been discovered hopefully we’ll get more events and a dungeon that will keep players coming into the zone after the season has concluded.

Giant is good world boss design

in Living World

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Warrior Rifle and Ranger Longbow (at least) allow you to max range AFK. You’re juuuuust out of reach of his roar.

Yeah agreed, tried last night to melee him on my warrior with sword, he just beat me into the ground every couple minuets, switched to the rifle and stayed back far enough so his conditions only hit me a few times, even with 30-40 people it was slow going he has a ton of HP.

Finished My Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162



I actually just recently finally finished Arah story. Even though I played the game since launch and have all 8 80’s I was kind of saving it, waiting for the perfect group that doesn’t just want to skip, stack and otherwise blow through what I considered the ending of a rather long story.

What eventually happened was purely accidental. I was in Arah (storymode) alone just testing out some techniques & builds when a friend of mine offered to join to at least get me past the first door where you need two people to stand on the plates. Long storymode short we just kept going until the end, just us two necros alone against the dragon.

For me it was the perfect way to finally end that story…mode.

Wow! that was a acomplishment….grats!

I’ve heard of people making solo runs and I did try but like you say you need two at the first door to stand on the plates, heck I couldn’t even get close to the door without dieing.

Finished My Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Hey congrats on finishing! I need to do this also, as I have 2 level 80s, both with world completion, and over 1800 hours played – and still at level 73 of the PS for both. Thanks to your post, I think I’ll make this a goal for this week! I’m hoping that a few guildmates will be willing to help me out in Arah, but if not I will use the LFG tool.

Thanks…. I’ve logged 3500+ hrs and have 8 lvl 80’s (only my main has map completion), doubt I’ll run all of them through their PS but probably one or two more eventually, I even hit 8000ap (picked up the 2ap I needed somewhere along the way) right in the middle of Arah but left the chest unopened till after we finished, after I left Arah I went to Drytop on my main and finished the LS unlocking the side missions, it was a productive day!

I think the LFG tool worked fine for what I was doing, there where a lot of posts of people selling paths for gold which kinda’ bothered me, wondering if some noob got kicked and his spot sold, that’s the only thing keeping me from running dungeons at this point is I have no experience, I just need to find a guild that is willing to teach a seasoned player with no dungeon experience.

Good luck…

Finished My Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


So last week I decided it was finally time to complete the PS on my main, I’ve been hanging at lvl 70 (PS-wise) for way over a year, so throughout the week I finished small episodes to get to 80 one or two every night. Of course the final was Arah Story Mode and needed 4 other players, so on Saturday afternoon the pact held the WP at Arah and I went to see if I could drum up enough players to complete the mission.

Using the LFG tool I found a group that needed 3 players for story mode, joined and a minuet or so later got kicked…no big deal, within a few more minuets another player was looking for 4 to join and I joined his group, in just a few short minuets we had 5 players and just needed to wait on two to get to Arah. I used that time to tell the player who started the group that I hadn’t ran the path before and asked for pointers, he said no problem that this was his 3rd time and he would give us pointers along the way.

The other two players arrive and we go on in, I have to say it was pretty easy, as someone who has a lot of hours in the game it was only my 2nd time in a dungeon and it was fairly simple to get through, we did almost wipe once at the towers I guess we got a little lax since we blew right through the content up till then….but we made it. The rest was fairly uneventful shooting dragons from the air ship reminded me of space invaders…lol

All in all it was a good experience, the loot was as some have pointed out sup-par but I’m glad to have it behind me, the LFG tool made it very easy to find a group and the wait was very minimal.

Post your /age

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


3515 hours / 592 days average almost 6 hours a day, GW2 has made a very nice part time job for me…

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


because i am a no skill pug

This ^^^^^^^ and running with a zerg is a good way to survive while learning tactics, refining your build, and gaining WXP, I think all of us would agree that a newcomer to WvW gets discouraged rather easily being ganked 30 sec after leaving a keep trying to run solo, if you have a guild to run with it’s better until you learn the proper build and gain confidence, it’s a much different world to try to survive in than PvE.