There is a lot of really good players and guilds in tier 6-7-8. If you take any of the higher tier recruiting thread they would be pretty happy to have a [PvP] [ZoS] [MoB] [As] [Cosa][King][Os] etc.. guilds. (Sorry it’s the first that come into my mind…)
The difference between us and tier 4-5 is 24H coverage. The difference between us and tier 3 is 24h coverage and 3-4X more dedicated WvW guilds. Look at Kaineng, they started tier8, they hitted incredibly hard and grew stronger by each tier. They stopped at tier 2 and are about to fall tier 3.
I agree with all of that, that wasn’t the point. Point is, keep your egos to yourself. Go up to Tier 1 or 2 and put any of our guys in this tier against a guild full of Russians who play WvW like its a job and I just about guarantee you they will make any of our guilds look like a bunch of kids licking windows.
Perspective. You’re not as great as you think you are. Get rid of the egos.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
Isn’t perspective interesting.
We’ve got guilds and commanders in here talking mad crap to each other, when at the end of the day this is Tier 7. The next to last tier. Being the “best” Commander or PvP’ers in this Tier, is like being the smartest kid on the short bus. Get rid of your egos.
And whats up with this random Jade Quarry coming in here? Fondling himself over his Tier 1 tips and advice. Blow it out your kitten. If we wanted to hear anything a different server had to say, we’d ask or transfer.
Also, for my fellow HoD players, don’t get all hissy because we cant take and hold objectives. That goes along with having a low population in WvW. That’s the nature of the beast. Instead use this time to refine your PvP abilities.
Being outnumbered forces you to become better. Start roaming, even if you get wiped by a massive SF zerg regularly, learn from it. Learn what your profession can and cannot do, and when we finally do get the people to make a difference in WvW, well have some great PvP’ers ready to roll.
This was my public service announcement, keep it coming NSP and SF, I’ve got a lovely Pistol/Dagger Thief in EB waiting to have some fun!
Been on HoD for over a month now….Run a group just about 5/6 nights a week. Yet to see a [VLK] small man running around let alone “smokin” people.
Heard they are pretty kitten efficient at reporting people tho….kinda like that guy that calls the cops on the party.
You should run around more often. We’re there. Always there.
Must be in zergs or in EB.
You’ll find us in EB running around most of the time. So there you have it. We should run together sometime, be a lot of fun.
Been on HoD for over a month now….Run a group just about 5/6 nights a week. Yet to see a [VLK] small man running around let alone “smokin” people.
Heard they are pretty kitten efficient at reporting people tho….kinda like that guy that calls the cops on the party.
You should run around more often. We’re there. Always there.
Two rams down at the gate, too. Some mighty complex tactics employed by TFG there, I’m amazed it didn’t work out for them.
All we managed tonight was to shove NSP’s face in their own dirt and eradicate HoD from EB. Ew.
You guys truely are amazing, i’ve never seen so many bodies log into WvW at the same time. True show of skill, great job.
Sorry SF I was holding back on posting this video because I didn’t want to embarrass you.. It takes 65+ to hold back a guild that peaked at 32 on reset night. If this happens to you in tier 7 what will it be like in tier 6…? I really do think SF is a t7 server. Please watch this and I recommend you watch it in HD, it show’s all your dead bodies a little bit more clearer.
MoB Reset night
Not bad, good job. I think this tier would be even more fun if the active WvW numbers were a bit more even.
As far as SF being a T7 server, they’ll get into T6 with their numbers. We’ll see if they stay or not.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
VLK is hosting its first official fight club for this week!
What is a Fight Club? Why would I attend this?
Fight Club is a separate controlled event inside of WvW that focuses more on small team and individual PvP duels, rather than point capping. It is a friendly competitive environment with rules and structure set up by the hosts. Typical Fight Clubs are dueling environments set up in 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5 matches.
Big deal, why would I bother?
Fight Clubs provide PvP’ers with the ability to show off their skills outside of “zerging.” It allows people to not only show what they know, but learn from the other competitors. Fight Clubs also provide fantastic opportunities to develop small team tactics, and coordination valuable inside of a WvW environment. Last but not least, it allows you to remain in the fight for extended amounts of time, without having to run around looking for PvP.
1. No stomping. The exception to this rule is 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 matches.
2. Must stay in the arena. Competitors who step outside of the arenas borders will be disqualified.
3. Be respectful. This is a friendly competition, keep that in mind.
We are very excited to see what many of you have to offer, so come on out and represent your servers! Bring your best buds you like to play with and come on out for some friendly PvP fun!
If interested please feel free to send me an in-game mail or whisper, and I will give you the appropriate information.
Hope to see you out there!
(edited by Bllade.1029)
[ApeX] recently transferred from DH to HoD.
We are a guild designed to run as a smaller group incorporating squad tactics to accomplish things without the need for “zergs.”
We work as a tight cohesive unit moving together and fighting together when we WvW.
We have our own teamspeak, website, many commander titles, and much experience on the WvW battlefield.
If you want to be a part of something that implements more strategy than running around with 50 people, [ApeX] may be an option for you.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Just recently transferred to HoD from Darkhaven.
We are a guild who work as close nit squad to achieve objectives without the presence of “Zerging.”
We are looking for talented PvP’ers who enjoy WvW, and want to be a part of a team that works as a cohesive unit. We do not like to zerg, so if you’re looking for a little bit more than just running around with 50 people, [ApeX] may be a good fit for you.
Any questions comments or concerns please feel free to send me an in-game mail.
Hello HoD! Just transferred from Darkhaven to you guys and look forward to fighting for you in some competitive WvW!
For anyone who cares, I brought [ApeX] a smaller guild more focused on squad composition and tactics rather than zerging. See you on the field!
Dear GoM and HoD,
Please gang up on us. Seriously.
Ah kitten, sorry. DR and IoJ.
So much buthurt. It is a buthurt fiesta in here.
Darkhaven is even worse at PvP than Borlis was. Anyone else tired of these numbers games?
Yeah, Darkhaven is so bad at PvP that they wiped your DDLG zerg with 8 people.
Still want to talk about numbers games?
I want AR back. This is god awfully boring.
Well fought tonight DR. Let’s see what tomorrow has in store.
Darkhaven Uprising is looking for competitive PvP’ers to join us in WvW combat. We are a guild designed to move in a small squad, working together in synergy and accomplishing objectives in the WvW environment even when vastly outnumbered.
If you are interested in such a guild, please contact Bllade.1029 or Soraskellington.7281 with any questions you may have.
Have fun, while striving for excellence.
Thank you.
Earlier today WvW bugged, many of you probably noticed. I went to DH borderlands to actually find myself falling from the sky in someone elses borderlands.
It was Blackgates.
I get on map chat, and there were not only HoD but GoM with me as well.
AND TOGETHER Tier 7 Servers united in killing all of the Krait clearly working for Blackgate. TAKE THAT BLACKGATE! Tier 7 FTW.
Well unless HoD is already in talks with NSP to ally with them and protect them also. I am sitting in game now watching HoD just sit there and zergs of DH run right by never attack and go right for GoM.
I just watched 10 HoD run right by a group of 20 DH and they never even attacked each other. 5 GoM run by and both teams turned and ran after us. Whatever good luck in where ever you go, as for HoD better work that negotiating table fast it will be Friday soon, I know where I am headed to on reset.
This is probably because DH wants to push the gap between 1st and 2nd place for the point tally to move up a tier. If HoD was in second, i’m sure they’d be doing the same thing to them.
BUT THIS IS CLEARLY MALICIOUS INTENT, because DH really gives a kitten about either one of our servers!
Wait a second… GoM isn’t Green! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!
lol @ this entire forum.
Let’s try to remember this is a computer game people. It’ll help with the high blood pressure problem.
Lol you guys are rediculous.
Let’s all pause for a moment, and please for gods sake repeat after me…
This is a computer game.
There. Didn’t that feel good? Let’s do it a couple more times.
DH would love it too. You guys should really… REALLY…. consider it.
DH, i love all the chances you give for us to wipe you =D
Sororita, can you give me a score update please? You seem to be more active on this forum.
Looks like we get to fight DH and HoD for another week!
Update 2/7/2013:
We’ve been keeping a very close watch on this week’s matchups and, despite our concerns regarding the recent population shifts, it seems that many of the games are quite competitive. At the same time we’ve been evaluating some possible changes to the math we use to calculate ratings. After examining a number of new methodologies for weighting the outcomes of matches we have found that our existing formulas already do pretty much what we want them to do. Certainly none of the candidates that we tried yielded better results.
In light of the strong community response to the idea of a WvW ratings reset, the results of our ratings formula investigations, and our data on the current matchups we have decided not to reset the WvW ratings at this time. All existing WvW ratings will be preserved and the rating calculation methodology will remain unchanged. Any existing mismatches should be corrected by the system in relatively short order. Now that there is less volatility in the player base for each world we expect the quality of matches to improve more quickly. This is both because the rating system is operating in a less unpredictable environment and because more stable teams tend to produce better results.
Thank you all for your feedback on this matter, and for your patience while we explored the various options. The community response was a key element in our decision making process.Good grief Anet… Well, here’s to another week of fun times with familiar faces! Anyone for a GoM/HoD/DH WvW drinking game? Add to it!
- Every time DH loses a supply camp, drink
- Every time you get pwn’d by a GoM 1v1, drink
- Every time DH takes a keep in EB, drink
- Every time HoD sets up a treb, drink for every shot they fire, for each treb, until (if) it’s taken down
- Every time someone QQs on the forums, drink
- Every time the PUGs try to melee a wall down, drink
- Every time a golem dies, drink
- Chug if you take Stonemist, chug everything in your fridge if you lose it.
Are you tryin’ to kill three servers with alchohol poisoning?
Heres one, every time Darkhaven smashes HoD and GoM zergs at stonemist. Drink.
There you go.
And therein lies the problem. It shouldn’t take skill and experience just to match a player because he chose a certain class. That’s not balanced. OK, bad thieves are an exception, but average thief players nigh instant killing all but good players is what we have right now, and its not good.
I’m not saying give these thief skills hard nerfs that will reduce their efficiency in the hands of good players, but I would like to see these devastating combos require quite a bit more skill or setup to pull off.
But you have to do that with any class.
For instance and all of these are coming from a glass cannon perspective, if you try to fight a Ranger who knows what he is doing with a ranged weapon you’re gonna lose.
You try to Toe to Toe melee with a greatsword or hammer Warrior of the same skill level. You’re gonna lose.
You fight a bunker necromancer of the same skill level, without any condition removals or heals. You’re gonna lose.
It’s a combination of knowing what your profession is capable of, and what other professions are capable of. Not an imbalance, just experience.
You are right in a sense that in a one vs one situation, a thief fighting any other class that is glass cannon is going to have a huge advantage simply because they generally get the opening strike. Sure that’s true, but that’s not an imbalance.
Some professions are better at things than others, thats what makes them unique, and important in the WvW arena. Know what they are capable of and prepare accordingly.
Culling honestly isn’t the thieves problem, thats ANETS allocation problem.
As far as the profession goes, thieves as a profession are extremely fragile, even in stealth they are very killable. It takes experience and practice to know how to fight thieves, but when you do they are much more manageable.
I defend thieves because they do not have the luxury of blocks, pain tolerance or damage reducing abilities. If they get hit, they go down. (Depending on your build, but for the most part they are fragile compared to the heavier classes.)
One thief killing three of your players just means that he/she knew how to play the profession very well. Most of the time what people don’t realize is that thieves rely on Cloak and Dagger most of the time to weave in and out of stealth. Deny them that, and you leave them in a very vulnerable position.
Thats my two cents.
So DH has 6 towers in the BL but yet they insist on spawn camping us. Kinda funny. I made sure I got a pick of the commander doing it too
We dont need the points. We need badges, thanks again for your contribution.
Holy kitten Acium, you are one hell of a writer! Never would of guessed, I am truly impressed!
Strategy. Yeah, look how well that played out for you.
Why would that make us mad? We love badges. Please keep it coming. Really.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
I don’t know what happens at Eternal Battleground but is like half of Darkhaven going to come and post on the forums every time they win a fight? =)
They think it makes them look good! :P
To the players of Darkhaven- I enjoy playing against your server very much. The commanders you have in EB lay down the exact same strats everyday. Its amusing!
Great job in holding SM though, your response time is very good. Several times GoM has broken into SM only to have DH rush in from behind us with 3 times our own numbers, and its always been a fun fight!
First off, I would be so embarassed if I were HoD and GoM right now. I watched HoD and GoM zergs literally hold hands as they marched up to our keep, GoM pounding the outter and inner walls from Jerrifers. HoD hitting us from the north.
Not only did both of you get massacred and thrown out of the lowlands, neither one of you even with your combined efforts could take SM when 90% of our forces were in the lowlands holding our Keep.
I watched as HoD marched a 20 man zerg with 5-6 golems down the SM hallway to our lord room. Met with 4 ballistas and 10 very coordinated Darkhaven. Wiped. GoM came up right behind them, they went down too. HoD yet again comes in for a second time, wiped. Repaired the gate, and for another hour GoM and HoD zergs harassed the inner walls of SM to be pushed out.
“Don’t run down that hallway, you wouldn’t want to be mistaken for a GoM would you?” – Team chat.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
GoM and HoD. You guys should be embarassed for what you just tried to pull in EB in the lowlands. Seriously.
Can’t really blame them Prosecute.
It matters, but I do agree with you. Should do your best regardless, however morale is a very sensitive thing. The moment you lose that, the ‘do your best’ attitude often goes out the window.
Acium, Togo. These screenshots make me proud. Well done gentlemen. I’m glad both of you are with us!
I wasn’t able to get last match stats either for GoM/DH/HoD, who won that match last week?
Hey guys from DH and HoD, you dont have to double team us in our BL, GoM will stomp you either way. =D . DH on the right, HoD on the left then we had to defend bay from HoD zerg followed by DH zerg x 2 and the 15 of us still held you, /wipes tear from eye.
Keep running your peasant militias, well run our soliders.
Sorry not on the computer. Can I get a score update?
Yeah, me too. Please post a score update.
Creative! In theory that sounds great; but in practice… well there’s a mess of things that would have to be sorted out to in order to pull that off.
Oh boy… I thought we were doing better than this in our T7 threads the past couple weeks. Lets keep that chest thumping on the down-low if we can, mkay? All three servers have been variously winning or losing the last few weeks, no need to get all superiority complex in here.
Yeah, I thought so too; ‘till HoD starting pointing fingers at Darkhaven for “allying with GoM.” I’m just trying to address those accusations, that’s all. No superiority complex here, just cold hard facts. We don’t need to team up with another server to win. May be hard to swallow, but the truth seldom is.
You need to stop with this chest thumping garbage right now. First, we pride ourselves on being good sports. These kinds of posts just make us all look bad. This is the tier where we match off in honorable combat and keep things classy on the forums. Second (and not really bragging – just pointing out), you guys didn’t win the most recent match, so I don’t think you are really looking at all of the “cold hard facts” when you make these kinds of statements.
DH will probably win this week, but I dont see anyone giving up any time soon (its not in our nature). The early lead is a little more significant than the one you had last week. I dont care if its because you got alot of transfers or if its because you are organizing better (either is a good thing). The only thing that matters is that we keep the fighting fun and discourse classy.
Don’t get all bent out of shape. I’m hardly trying to “chest thump.” I don’t even know why i’m responding, regardless next time i’ll be a little more considerate and sugar coat things.
Oh boy… I thought we were doing better than this in our T7 threads the past couple weeks. Lets keep that chest thumping on the down-low if we can, mkay? All three servers have been variously winning or losing the last few weeks, no need to get all superiority complex in here.
Yeah, I thought so too; ‘till HoD starting pointing fingers at Darkhaven for “allying with GoM.” I’m just trying to address those accusations, that’s all. No superiority complex here, just cold hard facts. We don’t need to team up with another server to win. May be hard to swallow, but the truth seldom is.
You’re right. I’m sorry.
What you are witnessing is the official launch of Darkhaven’s Alliance. We have not gotten any transfers of significant numbers, we’ve always had numbers, but the morale was shot to hell when a bunch of T2W guilds (Transfer to Win) left the server. I know both HoD and GoM have experienced what that does to WvW.
Regardless, Darkhaven has reformed an alliance composing of about 18 guilds total, we are more organized, and we have slowly but surely improving the morale on Darkhaven since launch, which in turn has brought in many WvW’ers that otherwise would not have played.
It’s not server transfers and being outmanned that is your problem, its these 18 guilds who coordinate together, control 90% of the commander tags, and understand that we can’t win without teamwork. That is why we’re doing so well.
Btw Darkhaven has no reason to “team-up” against either HoD or GoM. Why? I’m not trying to sound arrogant, but we don’t need to ally another server to secure a win. So stop the accusations, if you don’t believe me; go to WvW and press “B”. There is your proof.
On a side note I am also a member of [jade] and I am dam proud of my guild mates in that jumping puzzle with the golems!
(edited by Bllade.1029)
Great matchup, well played HoD and GoM. Gave us a run for our money, that’s for sure.
Topic says it all, I’m looking for a guild that is well organized and coordinated in the WvW area.
I am a highly competitive gamer, who’s idea of a good time is dominating in PvP. I understand not every fight can be won, and I consider myself to be a fantastic team player. However, I want to make it clear that I am looking for a guild who is as serious about PvP as I am, and who gives everything 100% even in defeat.
I can follow directions, just as well as I can give them.
I play a Thief.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
No ones discrediting them. Jesus dude way to blow up. You just took a non-hostile post, an opinionated post, and made it hostile. I had no idea about the youtube videos. You could of just said “hey check this out.” Or something of that manner.
Whether that would actually happen or not would be on Arena Net’s side, I would think they would reward all guild members who participated, and that achieved membership status.
Implementing everything mentioned here wouldn’t take away from casual gamers, it would just satisfy that competitive mentality. Its those gamers who are the first to stop playing.
This is not a hate thread. Arenanet you did a fantastic job with this game. I wanted to point a couple of things out just to be considered.
Appeal to the competitive gamer – To get to the point, I do not believe this game has the competitive edge that many gamer’s (especially in MMO’s) love. This is opinionated but it seems like this game certainly veers more towards the casual less competitive gamer.
- Create a PvP system that is ranked, where people can create a team and vie for certain rewards and achievements and maybe titles.
(People take a lot of pride in their accomplishments, if you can satisfy that craving you will keep many customers playing, and in turn more revenue from micro transactions.)
- Create boss fights that require much more coordination.
( Many bosses in this game are just “burn them down bosses.” If you created bosses that require extreme coordination and made it worth it to do so i.e. Accomplishments more gold, better rare materials drop etc… I can just about guaruntee that the PvE side would be satisfied for the competitive gamer.)
- Implement a duel system
(I think this would be a great idea for people who do not know much about other classes, implementing a duel system not only helps people hone in on their PvP skills before going in to HotM, but also gives them a great chance to learn about the abilities of other professions and how they work. Not to mention something fun to do while sitting outside a dungeon waiting for the group to get there!)
-Create more competition between guilds
(Hey this is guild wars right? Alright, lets live up to the title! I believe creating some sort of Guild Vs Guild competition would appeal to many people. It allows people to be more prideful about the guild they’re in. “Hey check out what my guild accomplished… etc” Maybe implementing dungeons with difficult bosses that require more than 5 people to bring down, coordination amongst an entire guild would be much more difficult and fun than just 5 people.)
In conclusion, the competitive gamer loves to be recognized. By creating this competitive edge you could keep many more people playing this game. People are getting burned out of farming easy bosses, and watching WvW zergs run around with very little skill involved other than mass AoE. Appeal to this competitive edge, and you could make this already fantastic game that much better. Thank you.