That new Obsidian Sanctum arena is pretty darn cool. To the famale HoD [VLK] warrior I fought there who I believe is the infamous Bllades, cu-dos to you; it was a kitten good fight. Got really close at one point but when you made me blow my cooldowns and stunned me afterword, it was gg. Hopefully it stays troll-free (doubtful) and we can all have some epic fight clubs in there.
Hey great job out there, hope to see more of you guys in OS havin’ a good time.
Seriously HoD, you tanked on purpose to stay in Bronze league. You had to know you would take some flack for it. Just take your dolyak finisher and move on.
I love it when people act like they would not have done the same thing in that situation.
Get snuffed out like a candle for 7 weeks, or be competitive? Choice is obvious
[way too much bold, stopped reading]
I don’t act like it, I lived it. When my server fell through the ranks to T8 and guild after guild chose to bail out, I had a choice as well. I could stay on GoM and “Get snuffed out like a candle” (for more than just 7 weeks) or I could transfer to greener pastures. I chose the harder path.
Also, your logic is flawed. A lot of servers did have the opportunity to tank for an easier match up. The servers on the top of Silver fought hard to get INTO Gold league. NSP was tanking at first, but then turned it around and pushed for Silver. So obviously, not everyone would choose to tank in your situation.
I could respect your decision to tank a whole lot more if it was followed up with humility.
You seem like a pretty smart guy/girl. You think top of silver league/bottom gold is even remotely similar to that of top of bronze/bottom silver?
No. Apples and oranges.
Chose the harder path? You mean didn’t want to pay transfer costs. Idk if you know this honorable Mr.Rogers, but HoD went from T1 down to T8 in a matter of weeks and guess what? There are many original HoDians who also didn’t seek “greener pastures.”
You can argue all day long, you’re just angry at the way match-ups were designed and you’re taking it out on HoD. That’s fine. Take it to the people who actually have control to fix things, not a group of people who log into the same server domain every day.
So heres the TL;DR version of this thread:
FC: Bla Bla Bla we are talking kitten attacking GOM and hiding from HoD
HoD: We have 4X your numbers, at least GOM but you keep bringing us a fight so we will keep zerging your BL because at least theres a tiny nugget of something almost resembling a challenge in it. /Lolicon /Video of us Zerging
GOM: /Eyeroll. /Troll also /Eyeroll.
I can shorten that up even more:
FC: Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
HoD: Keep it up
GoM: Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Seriously HoD, you tanked on purpose to stay in Bronze league. You had to know you would take some flack for it. Just take your dolyak finisher and move on.
I love it when people act like they would not have done the same thing in that situation.
Get snuffed out like a candle for 7 weeks, or be competitive? Choice is obvious, and let me tell you something the first match-up with SF was the most competitive match either server has had in a very long time.
We would have been in trouble without our night crew, I admit that.
Second match up with SF, blowout. All their fair weathers gave up. Same exact thing that would happen to HoD if we made it into Silver league.
Point is, you’re getting kitten y at the wrong people we didn’t design this league system.
HoD, SF, NSP and IoJ are oddball servers, they don’t belong in Bronze but also certainly don’t belong in Silver. Not in its current set up anyways.
Would you have preferred getting LOL smashed by NSP? Spawn camped the majority of the day? Choose your poison.
Stop acting like you would of taken some sort of moral high road. You know kitten well if any of our servers made it into Silver league half our wvw population would vanish to pout while farming Karka and omnomberries. Then you would of sat on top of a rock somewhere in Orr thinking to yourself, man we should of stayed in Bronze league.
Also, say what you want about HoD but it’s population and organization has really stepped up it’s game from what it use to be. I believe she may even be starting to slowly turn into a WvW server.
Says the guy who claims 30 and has 50 around him, yeah keep talking big, I will see you in Silver league , I will be there when HoD loses all its fair weathers, outnumbering smaller servers isn’t skill, when the tables flip in the higher tiers, I will trasnfer to the winning servers and talk about organization and skill
I never said we’re better, I said stop talkin’ smack then backing down. Also never said HoD was better, you’re making all that up in your own head. All i’m saying is, if you’re gonna whisper me on reset night, talk a lot of garbage, then turn down any attempt to back it up. You’re gonna be laughed at.
I’d take Deth much more seriously if you guys weren’t so full of crap. A lot of smack talkin’ goin on in my whisper box, and absolutely nothing to back it up.
You’re about to be promoted to the #1 laughed at guild on FC. I hope to see you guys in that new Arena coming out soon, that way you can prove me wrong.
Bet you can guess who the french bulldog is.
I believe that HoD is the best place to transfer for skilled players who want to play WvW for fun and blob-free-lag-free-fights.
Idk where these skilled players are, lately its been 1v3+ where people only to wipe and come back with more numbers, they run into towers to man siege and never come out alone. If zerging is skill then I guess HoD is winning. So far only people to give me a fair fight have been Yarr and they are from FC originally… Also please HoD stop with the emotes after it takes 7+ to kill 2 guys, seriously only 1 more week and your server goes bye bye to silver league
, Ahh there is some skilled GoM though, that one necro got me good , props to the Gom necro!
I find it very humorous, someone from [Deth] even mentioning or QQ’ing about Zergs.
err you mean the guys who 15 v 40+ your blobs, yeah… On another note I find it funnier you call a 20 man at max guild a zerg compared to your organized tactical groups of 40+… No QQ from [Deth] I am a roamer so dw most of the time I bash your faces in without a blob. That is until 4 more come to gank me and jump around and emote like some accomplishment was made :P
Do me a favor tell me when you see [MU] with a 40 man blob thx.
You mean the guys we ganked earlier? MU thief and guardian ele and etc. Yeh your skilled 4 man group was so good.. too bad you died to another 4 man group that fought you as well. I can respect skilled in 1vx not xv1 like you were pulling, ganking anyone with your group, until you ticked me off and i got a 4 man to gank you back, all were squishy, except for some of you running perma stealth, evade or cloaking off everything, nice try though. When you get better I might say “Hey Mu man they are so good”, but no I lost respect once you ganked me with a 4 man and wiped soon after to my 4 man, thnx
yeah, I don’t play thief, I play a necro I do little to no roaming. You seem to be confused hope that cleared it up. Now speaking open field wise, why have I never seen [Deth] alone with this 20 man super group that is so elite and dominant? I usually see [Deth] and around 20-30 pugs/militia.
My last comment still firmly stands, how can you even talk about people having no skill and being zerglings when your guild does the same?
Edit: In response to Bllades, not at all most of us enjoyed Friday night.
Enjoyed it so much Yellow blew up my whisper chat with nothing but whines and gripes. Come on man, I don’t need that kind of stress when i’m trying to tag all your bodies. It’s stressful enough as it is. :P
Any of you guys born in the late 80’s early 90’s should remember this one… nostalgia.
This is what threads end up like when we play FC.
[Deth] was doing that all friday night.
I’m starting to think HoD is starting to develop stress fractures under it’s numbers and success lately. Mainly due to higher tier server groups trying to change low tier groups just wanting to have fun.
Thankfully, when GoM gets transfers, they already only want to have fun. It works out better that way.
HoD, your server is gonna fall apart from the look of things when you move into silver. It happened to NSP. Silver league tore them right in half. Either from [MU] getting frustrated with us lower tier people and leaving, or from lower tiers leaving to dodge the large zergs in silver. Its gonna happen.
You’re wrong. If the current silver league stays the same and we move up to silver, we’re gonna lose hands down; no if, ands, but or maybes. 100% chance we will not win. That’s not going to change us as a server, only thing that’s going to change is the PvE player base participating in WvW will decline substantially.
You’ll still find FKB, VLK, Rawr, MU, PHZE, and many other WvW oriented guilds hitting the field no matter what.
In regards to our transfer guilds, we’ve had some it’s true. They come from a different mentality, that’s also true; if they decide to leave because HoD can’t hack silver league then so be it. That’s their decision.
NSP is not HoD.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
Yo mama is so fat, she wears a ring of warding on her thumb.
Gold contributions sent to Bllade.1029 may help you take fourth place….
Just putting that out there.
Here on Henge of Denravi we pride ourselves in defending our Bor…
“They took our East Keep Bllades….. Bays going down.”
“………Mother of god………” – Super Troopers
We purposefully shut down the server when it’s SF prime time. Its strategy.
Gold Dolyak please.
dolyak finishers are serious business.
Yo mama’s so fat, Arena Net released her as the ultimate Dolyak Finisher.
1: Can you provide a link to where anyone from ANet has ever said that they consider the population balance to be an issue?
The current map limit only exist because of resource constraints, if they could run maps with higher caps, or without caps at all, they would. Imagine how the population imbalance would affect that scenario.
A-Net won’t do any of this stuff because they want WvW to be as big as possible and they’ll address capacity issues and won’t consider smaller worlds.
2: As noted, the hateful people will hate on people and cause friction, and A-Net probably do not want that.
3: This would be a lot better phrased in a GvG context.
Say arenas that guilds/parties can hire out that are inside WvW and count towards your WvW score. Limited places as agreed during hiring, not accessible until another team joins.
If you want the cheap version they don’t even need to do any maps, they can just cordon off the shrines. Open world until two guilds have hired them, and then a pop-up fence and you have your balanced GvG fight with no roamers popping in and WvW objectives built in.
Vote 1, too much coffee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Server population isn’t the issue. Server participation is, I also said nothing about increasing caps so not even sure why you even brought that up. You create separate servers altogether, and charge a fee to sign up to those servers. Same cap and everything, once cap has been reached, you open the next server up for registration. Etc. Etc.
As far as creating friction, you must not read the forums often. There is friction regardless, no matter what. Doing this would alleviate all of the friction due to pop imbalances and coverage gaps. Also, the people that would sign up for these servers would not be your typical fair weather if the fee is hefty enough. The fee is what separates those who play this game for WvW and those who don’t.
Lets say said server has four maps each with a cap of 160 players each team before a queue happens.
160 × 4 =640 640 is now your cap limit to sign up on each server. However, you close cap at closer to 500, so if any servers do not get filled you can distribute the remaining sign ups among the rest of the servers without breaking the hard cap.
gg wp. Arena Net gains a lot of revenue from the sign ups, WvW’ers can stop complaining about pop and coverage and we’re one step closer to being whine free.
Bllade, there is only one problem that I can see with your proposal. Since the spots per server are fixed let us surmise that players A,B, and C are elite players. They want player D to join who is also an elite player but the spots are taken up by new players who are still learning what WvWvW is all about. Those new players are going to be pressured into giving up their spots so the elites can all be together.
A very simple overview but I can guarantee that is what will happen.
That’s why I mentioned the fee to register in the first place. It’s a filter out process while still generating revenue for Arena Net. Players that casually play WvW will not find paying a gem fee to sign up worth it, and they wont.
In that particular case where A,B,C elite players try to force out someone for D player, can’t happen even if they wanted it to, once you sign up it’s in stone. So it’d just be a bunch of wasted crying.
How to fix the WvW problem:
1. Create new server names or team names specifically for WvW. Current server names stay the same, and WvW still is open for them.
2. Allocate X amount of spots for each server for people to sign up to represent. When spots are full, they close that server of sign-ups. A time-limit listed until sign ups are closed altogether and servers are made live. Charge a fee to sign up on these servers initially.
3. Repeat until all players are allocated among the servers. Servers that aren’t full, the player base is distributed with the other servers.
4. Launch.
5. Population problems fixed.
Be sure to separate servers depending on geographical locations. European, Asian, and NA. NA IP’s cannot sign up for an Asian server; so on so forth.
Prime-times will be consistent, and coverage gaps will be minimized as well as population differences.
It will be up to each team to coordinate and organize against the others.
Now here’s some interesting insight. Post your opinions about this
So before the leagues, I would say that servers WvW population consisted of your die hard PvP guilds and PvP’ers running amok, PvE’ers popped in every once in a while but for the most part, your server population was based on how many die-hard WvW’ers you had. If you had more WvW’ers on your server, you won WvW.
So from a servers stand-point one server may LOOK to outnumber another server judging by how many people participated in WvW; but that is clearly not the case.
And then leagues were released, and with it a nice chunk of achievement points and a 1st 2nd and 3rd place rewards chest promised to the top three servers.
and then boom, servers that people believed had practically no one exploded with participation. Servers that once were dominated, came back with a huge amount of people. (SF use to destroy HoD very regularly.)
The reason I bring this up, is because Arena Net made a very smart move; They gave incentives to win a WvW match.
Here’s part two:
With these incentives the writing was on the wall, its very obvious that HoD has a much larger fairweather base than many of the lower servers. When HoD began to win, more people flocked to the server via transfers.
Now what is interesting is that all of these transfers bumped HoD up into a lower silver league server pretty easily. And this is the point im trying to make:
I believe Arena Net did this on purpose. To get a much better idea of what servers have a higher participation rate compared to others, with the transfers coming from high tiers down to lower tiers there may be a time in the future where Arena Net physically moves servers into certain tiers to be more competitive. While at the same time, generating a lot of revenue.
Make an incentive for people to win, and they will flock to the servers destined to win the leagues. Take the winners on the leages after one or two seasons, and put them in a league of their own. I’m not sure if this was on purpose or not, but i’m trying to give a little credit in hopes that change is indeed coming.
Do any of you believe this was done on purpose to get a better idea of how to balance the servers while still keeping the business’s best interests in mind?
Killing two birds with one stone.
SF’s mama is so ugly, dad actually takes her to work with him so he doesn’t have to kiss her goodbye.
Why did our yo mama jokes get removed from the forums?
Yo second cousin so fat, her belly button is a point of interest. – Leo Brutus aka “Kitteh”
Star that was a lot of fun in HoD BL tonight. I know we had you guys in numbers, and you did well with what you had.
Great job
Thy female parent may or may not be so obese that when we placed her amongst the Forge of Mystics, in return it granted us Slim Fast.
This is new, match hasn’t even started yet and there’s already whining.
SF got feisty, great job taking advantage of the new PvE content release!
HoD said man we got these guys, lets go farm some boring kitten PvE content for dem achievements!
CoSa said “What are we gonna do tonight SF?”
SF responds, “The same thing we do every night CoSa. TRY TO TAKE OVER WVW!”
F-F-F-FERG FERG FERG. FERG IS THE ZERG F-F-F Ferg Ferg Ferg Ferg is the zerg
Haven’t you heard about the Ferg?!? Everybody knows that the Ferg is the zerg!
Bababa boo mao mao baba ba mao bababa boo mao mao boomaomamo
Best way to beat SF is hit em in their off times. They’ve got a lot of those, but when they’re out there, I mean… they’re out there big time.
All or nothing with SF.
In NA Bronze league:
HoD has the most total 24/7 numbers
SF has the strongest NA Prime force
DH does not outnumber HoD. Maybe on a particular map or a particular time of day but in general, no that is false.
I agree with this completely. Here’s my take on it, unbiased as I can possibly be.
HoD’s coverage (overnight guilds) and an extremely strong reset night, has ALWAYS gave them an advantage over any server in Bronze league, but as far as prime time goes SF is a monster.
Now what HoD’s prime time basically boils down to is multiple WvW guilds working in unison with each other, small to medium WvW guilds.
SF has CoSabut as someone stated earlier (which I believe was a CoSa member), they are usually only in one place with everything they’ve got; but its one hell of a force to contend with.
The only reason SF won’t be able to keep up with HoD is because a lack of oceanic coverage. If they could recruit some oceanic guilds, SF and HoD would be a dream match in bronze league.
As far as skill level goes, I haven’t had much confrontation with GoM this match so I wouldn’t be able to say, but SF has shown some pretty great coordination.
Would I say the average HoD player is better than SF? No.
Would I say SF vastly outnumber HoD? No.
But what I would say is that HoD’s WvW guilds and their leaders have an absolutely amazing response time, and a great synergy when coordinating with one another. That’s where I believe most of HoD’s success lies, is in the willingness and cooperation of it’s WvW guilds.
I would also say that SF’s success lies in absolutely dominating at prime time through huge groups of coordinated players, judging by the way they move so tight on the commander i’m assuming you guys are also on a VoiP. That’s very impressive, if there’s one challenge here on HoD it’s getting pugs to move and fight like a collective force. SF has got that down pretty well. I think SF has also got a lot of great commanders and I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to get such a large group of players on the same page.
So all in all here’s to the most competitive match HoD has had in Bronze league, been a lot of fun, GoM i’m sorry you guys got put in the middle of this, I hear that DH match up was so close people were pulling all-nighters to see you guys on top. I hope we all should be so lucky to get a competitive match-up like that.
SF has been outnumbered in 90% of every fight I’ve been in.
Are you stacking on an enemy commander or something?
I feel some yo mama jokes coming on.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
This SF /HoD/GoM match is nucking futs.
SF’s mama is so dumb she talks in an envelope to send a voicemail.
Who else is stoked for this weeks match-up against the big boys?
Awwwwww yeah!
Lol we finally got that splinter out of our side in our BL… Good fights HoD, lol.
Let me tell you, the Brazilians of your server are real adamant about not leaving bay alone after wiping countless times. I can hear all the screaming in Portuguese now.
15-20 omega’s I hear at 3 am est. Well played…I guess.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
The next match-up between SF/HoD/GoM is going to decide who takes first.
And GoM, you get to choose who you dislike more. :P
Well, Devona can interfere on the following week SF/DR/HoD, which will be very interesting if SF win one and HoD win another…
There are people on Devona?
Nice one!
Silas – Yo momma’s so fat she wears two watches. One for each timezone her kitten covers.
Togo’s mama is so fat, when she wore a Malcomb X T-shirt helicopters tried to land on her back!
The next match-up between SF/HoD/GoM is going to decide who takes first.
And GoM, you get to choose who you dislike more. :P
Togo’s mama is so fat, when she steps on a scale it reads “One at a time please”
HoD momma is so ugly that people call her Linda.
HoD, yo mamma so stupid she thought Plant Standard was a diet!
Alright alright here’s one:
AR’s Mama is so fat, we tried to get inside of her thinking she was an Omega golem.
DH’s mama is so nasty, Zhaitan made her into a minion called “Zhaitans Butt”
DH’s mamma is sooo hairy the only language she knows how to speak is Wookie.
Darkhaven’s mama is so fat, when she jumped into Bay the whole map got healed.
Hey [VLK], you are supposed to fall for those jukes…not obliterate me! Lol, definitely enjoying the match up, we worked really hard this past week to move up in the ranks and felt like we ran right into a brick wall with HoD! We Darkhaven-ers enjoy a good challenge, and the harder it gets the harder we fight….hopefully i can find a lone [VLK] to claim my lowly revenge!
-Trouvo [Fun]
P.S. NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER! Unless you are completely outmatched and already dead then just WP.
Over time we have been searching to VLK’s greatest nemesis, and we have surely found it. The master of death, the strongest force in the game, it will one shot you without even moving. Even if you run it over, you cant harm it; eventually you run out of places to run and it hits you like the fist of one – thousand angry gods.
Want to know VLK’s weakness? Want in on the secret weapon to annihilate your foes?
Here it is… go claim your revenge with the ultimate juke.
Let me see if I have this right. Some (not all mind you) people on the server running constant 50-70 man groups against 10-25 people (for a week straight now) are complaining that a small group from another server are taking out their small groups and solos?
Just making sure I was reading everything right.
Those on Hod who are having issues dying once in a blue moon. Yep you corpse jump, yep your groups gank solos, yep your groups siege stuff needlessly and also throw siege on top of dead bodies, yep you all do the same things; but to a VASTLY larger extent. Just because you, personally, aren’t there doesn’t mean it is not happening. Quit being sore winners already. If your server does it, expect it back from some people.
ET’s Mama so fat when she jumped off a cliff her fall trait crashed the game.
Oh how I am looking forward to the SF/GoM/HoD match.
Gonna be a kitten storm.
So like those vlk guys are scrubs. They run around in a big blob of op warrior and guardians. They all run zerker mobility builds and prey they can chain cc kill noobs. They die a lot but there blob of warriors just banners them and they run away if its gonna be an even fight. Did I do it right?
Yo Mama so fat Arena Net made an overflow server to hold her other half.
I want to thank the 2 HoD who ran back to a fully upgraded bay after losing a 2v2. It was an honor to get the cannon fire after a fair fight.
Then to bring outnumbered to hills after we busted thru outter with 6 guys. We are flattered you think so much of us.
PS. It was a good distraction to get EB keep back. Much appreciated
Man, you really pulled one over on us. I mean we were ticking 400+, now without your EB Keep were only ticking 350+. Great job, now perhaps we won’t triple your score.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
I’ll contact you in-game.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
Hmm there is an immense lack of whining from this match-up. By this time last week, FC had 3 pages of whining lined up for us.
I blame Obama for these match-ups.
Kaineng will be a much better match up for you ET. So there’s that.