Showing Posts For Bllade.1029:

8/23 HoD/DH/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


ha ha! VLK and HoD we meet again! hows my VLK buddies doin now adays?

Christ Acium. You have more server ADD than [RH]

Ill be looking forward to our……. meetings. >:D

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/23 HoD/DH/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Hello again Darkhaven. Lookin’ forward to this once again.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/16 GoM/HoD/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Well AR and GoM i’d like to say this week was fun, but it wasn’t.

However your towers and keeps got my upscale leveled up, so thanks for that. Best fight we’ve had all week was today in AR BL at SW tower. Great job there, that was a lot of fun.

Maybe we’ll see you again tonight. Cheers.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/16 GoM/HoD/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Take a look at this Zombie Land video on youtube

I really hope this was a joke.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/16 GoM/HoD/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


You guys bringing your server drama to the forums?

Oh boy.

Please, continue.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/16 GoM/HoD/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Its the GoM hype. That’s it, and now that were actually doing very well. The fairweathers are bringing out their upscales for the easiest leveling ever.

Also, HatSimulator, that hold at Mendons was a good one. Great job for as outnumbered as you guys were.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/16 GoM/HoD/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Hey you guys are right, HoD zergs are skill-less.

Should make them easier to farm right? I’m not gonna give any super secrets away, but nothing like a couple well placed arrow carts, staff guardians and a choke point can’t handle AMIRITE?!

Think HoD is bad? I implore you to play Kaineng one day. Their zergs actually do have skill, so not only will they mop the floor in a ZvZ fight with your server, their pugs are disciplined to the point where they won’t even break off for a decent small man fight.

You literally fight extremely coordinated zergs all week long. Every person hugs the commanders kitten , like they are still in tier 3. I’m not even kidding.

And one of their guilds alone will take 10 people, and absolutely molest your fairweather pug zerg.

That is something that truly sucks, not a kitten thing you can do about it.

But HoD zergs? Like watching kittens lick the windows on the short bus. Many numbers, yeah. But just PvE’ers lookin’ for a new tower grind. Get your best WvW’ers together, and hit one of our zergs head on and half of em will run when people start hittin’ the dirt.

I promise. Some of my guildies laugh at the things said in map chat and in team chat like ‘Man these guys suck’ or ‘Man they don’t even put up a fight’ but these are the same guys who book it to pavilion farming when tower caps aren’t as simple as building some rams and playing pocket pool.

Same goes for 80% of our commanders too. Only show up when things are easy. Funny really.

Playing pocket pool is actually my only commanding skill atm.

Also we played Kaineng. They made me sad. I wanted skill and they gave me “OH MY GOD LETS THROW BODIES AT THEM” They’re a bunch of glass cannons who need some points in siege defense.

Also, I has a sad.

Say what you want about Kaineng, but they’ve had the most coordinated zergs of any server i’ve played thus far.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/16 GoM/HoD/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Hey you guys are right, HoD zergs are skill-less.

Should make them easier to farm right? I’m not gonna give any super secrets away, but nothing like a couple well placed arrow carts, staff guardians and a choke point can’t handle AMIRITE?!

Think HoD is bad? I implore you to play Kaineng one day. Their zergs actually do have skill, so not only will they mop the floor in a ZvZ fight with your server, their pugs are disciplined to the point where they won’t even break off for a decent small man fight.

You literally fight extremely coordinated zergs all week long. Every person hugs the commanders kitten , like they are still in tier 3. I’m not even kidding.

And one of their guilds alone will take 10 people, and absolutely molest your fairweather pug zerg.

That is something that truly sucks, not a kitten thing you can do about it.

But HoD zergs? Like watching kittens lick the windows on the short bus. Many numbers, yeah. But just PvE’ers lookin’ for a new tower grind. Get your best WvW’ers together, and hit one of our zergs head on and half of em will run when people start hittin’ the dirt.

I promise. Some of my guildies laugh at the things said in map chat and in team chat like ‘Man these guys suck’ or ‘Man they don’t even put up a fight’ but these are the same guys who book it to pavilion farming when tower caps aren’t as simple as building some rams and playing pocket pool.

Same goes for 80% of our commanders too. Only show up when things are easy. Funny really.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/16 GoM/HoD/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


dramas goes here

We said the same thing about Kaineng, and I can asnwer that statement:

PvE’ers and Fairweather players make up 70% of HoD’s WvW population.

THey’re farming the tower lords, karma, and silver. They don’t give a kitten about 1 or 2 red names. You’re just Karka to them.

However, VLK is full of roamers. We’ll gladly have some small skirmishes with you guys. Time and place.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/16 GoM/HoD/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


so this is the [VLK] >.>

seen the whole, ac outside the wall thing before eh?

No you were just silly enough to place it on the ground right behind us where we could jump on it.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


I’ve been picking fight with stragglers all over the 4 maps, and I can say that Kaineng remind me of SF… All they know to do is zerg you, because all Kaineng straglers I took on, died miserably to my Engineer (which i’m still improving), or came rolling with a large group on me.

Yes, I know WvW ain’t place for 1v1, but I wanted to put my findings here…

If anyone is interested in a fight, you can whisp me in game and I’ll get to ya if i’m not busy. (Even PAXA… At this point, idc about WvW for the rest of the week. Just want to fight for fun.)

I’ve said this before, and i’ll say it again. Their team play is magnificent. Of all the servers we’ve played thus far, their coordinated pugs, commanders etc has by far been the best.

Lets keep in mind they use to be T3, and i’m sure with that tier came a certain mentality. We don’t have the same mentality as that server. HoD and ET are more of a

“Hey, lets make a 5 man havoc group and roam! and send 50 people into a gate and look awesome while doing it!”

Kaineng’s more of a “Hey lets make a 15 man havoc group and roam, and send our zerg to these towers in this order, at this time, with this many supply. You hit here here and here and well swing around back in full support” (Made that all up, but maybe theres some legitimacy to it.)

It’s a luxury of having a higher WvW population.

With that being said, don’t expect a team server like Kaineng to play builds designed for 1 on 1 or a small man situations.

These mentalities are polar opposite of HoD . HoD for the most part plays very selfishly, mostly for themselves.

And this is what has impressed me the most Kaineng is all about the team. It’s why we lose, and they win. That and they have a larger population to play with, and better coverage.

But who gives a kitten ! Its not like Arenanet has made any incentives for a server to try and win.

+8% more gold from gold kittenting squirrels doesn’t exactly convince me to fight and push for a win. Just saying.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

Torment Runes #6: Altered

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bllade.1029


I’ve noticed the Torment Runes #6 does not work very well with certain heals.

For example: Withdraw ( A thief heal) Rolls the thief back and then heals. Problem is the runes have a small AoE to where that heal makes it pretty useless.

No one ever Withdraws TOWARDS the enemy.

How to fix: Have the Torment AoE activate at the beginning of the heal, not at the end or half way through.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Kain’s OBEY warriors seem to have mastered the art of running away. Pretty impressive, really.

Greatsword warriors run away. It’s a luxury they all have. Get use to it.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


People get kitteny when they lose miserably because the enemy have much more people and you can’t fight back accordingly. Happens everywhere. I’ve never seen HoD complain when they’re winning.

i smell really bad. but im really a nice guy

fixed it for you

There… Bath is done again….

alright thank you. now will you marry me?

also blades to be fair to our pugs…you did kinda yolo swag into a ac killzone

That yolo swag you speak of, was VLK knocking off the Arrow Cart operators. Then watching our pugs fumble around each other, while we played ring around the rosey with 20 people.

Yesterday in that same keep, one ranger walked into our keep. Knocked off our arrow cart operator, and every Kaineng was on us in less than 3 seconds after that operator was pushed off.

To be fair. We’re outplayed. Kaineng’s group gameplay is the best we’ve come across yet. If HoD were anything like that, we’d be doing a hell of a lot better than we are.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

(edited by Bllade.1029)

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


I wish our pugs listened half as well as Kainengs. The difference is night and day. Very impressive.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Kinda sad [VLK] and [Mend] turned us down for a GvG. [BS] LF to GvGing with you guys!! Anyone else wanna GvG contact me in game. [CNB] is willing to GvG with anyone, as we see it as a chance to learn and practice our organizational open field combat (: Please be registered for the GvG website (:

[VLK] You should really give us a shot, we are not guardian heavy, especially with our new comp.

I was told to contact [Rawr] and [PHZE] if you guys are interested shoot me a mail (: Thankies!!

<3 Nyx

We aren’t looking for the kind of fights you guys are and I can guarantee you BS won’t GvG you either.

Oh boy, how I miss the days of casual gvg matches. 15 is a bit of a chore its most the guild we will see what happens,

It is casual for us. :P What I meant by “the kind of fights” is the whole 15+ thing, and also why I said your guild probably wouldn’t. Neither VLK nor BS are the kind of guild that fields that kind of number on a regular basis nor works consistently with those numbers.

I’m not interested in playing Guardian Wars personally.

I’m not really into Hammer Warrior Wars either, that is getting old.

And down with thief gank duos and mesmers while we’re at it. Who do these classes think they are, existing and all that? Engineers only in GW2 plz.

Can’t really hear you, all I hear is “Blah Blah Blah Blah I play an OP profession from a zerg server Blah Blah Blah Blah I’m so much better than you!

I eat most thieves for breakfast, but Engineers have VERY little access to stability, making the hammer warriors that much more annoying, especially with the ridiculous damage numbers. I am also not the first person to acknowledge this stupid level of CC.

I don’t usually respond to trolling like yours, but I would assume I’ve hit a nerve, otherwise you wouldn’t have even bothered to comment. If you would like to bring your OP guard to a little 1v1 fight, I would be happy to show you that I don’t need a map full of engie’s to win. You can even bring your hammer, I think that would be hilarious.

Holy moly a few of you ET and HoD guys are so touchy. It was a joke dude! I am of the opinion that I don’t care what/how you play, and as this is a forum I expressed that opinion in joke form. You are more than welcome to duel my group support build guardian, I am sure you will cherish and squeeze the bag you will receive.

People get kitteny when they lose. Happens everywhere. I’ve never seen HoD complain when they’re winning.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Why in the heck is there a 20+ HoD group in the ET BL attempting to take things (a fully upgraded Garrison for example) with 2 golems, when you’re entire BL is being painted green? (We put the smackdown on you btw)

We were outnumbered at least 2:1 (more but I’m being conservative) when they tried that with us moments before, but we managed to repel them at Cliffside and Garrison. So I know it can be done. Defend the homeland!

Here’s a new question to answer, Who cares? Kaineng wins regardless.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


I’m not placing blame, it’s just observations.

As far as the population gap goes. Yeah, theres a big one, but who cares that’s gonna happen.

Regardless, great fights thus far, you guys are a sight for sore eyes. I’ve got NSP bleeding out my ears, and you guys put their zerg fighting to shame. I mean seriously, you do. Their organized guilds, not to name any names, don’t even come close to the tactics some of your PUG ZERGS use.

Im serious too, i’m not trying to talk smack.

What I love about you guys is your zerging is actually strategic, I mean it’s actually thought out, planned and executed. NSP throws 40 people through a gate and think very highly of themselves. Not that HoD is excluded from that little equation.

You know what I would love to see? One of your pug zergs wipe out NSP’s guild zergs. I would pay gold and make a glorious video out of some footage of that. Anyways, HoD as a whole could take some serious notes from you guys; but I doubt we’ll ever reach that point. Cheers to an interesting match.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Ok here is my theory about Kaineng as a whole.

I believe that Keineng is a manifestation of the tier they came from. I believe that they came from a tier so dependent on zerging to win, that they still have it beaten in their heads the “zerg or lose” mentality.

Not that i’m blaming them, I’ve played many servers and done a lot of roaming and I gotta say, I have never seen a server stick so close to a commanders kitten before. Seriously, it’s impressive that commanders are able to keep their pugs from squirreling off and chasing things. That’s absolutely unheard of here on HoD.

Then I got to thinking. Well of course! Where these guys came from, if you wondered off you got destroyed!

Very impressive zerg tactics as well Kaineng, seriously your zerg fighting is very good. HoD could certainly take a some notes.

I gotta say though, I have also never seen people so hesitant to fight 1 v 1 situations. It’s like they need another green name attacking one person to muster the confidence. I would like to think its because majority of Kaineng is designed for team support situations, but that’s likely not the case.

And then another idea popped into my head, Kaineng isn’t use to being outnumbered. Seeing more red names on the screen than green isn’t something you guys are use to. Atleast not back when you guys had that massive, what was it War Machine? I don’t remember.

That’s probably the biggest difference in mentality it seems between ET and HoD vs Kaineng. HoD and ET are so use to being outnumbered, they’ve adapted.

Very interesting WvW population you have here Kaineng, best players/teamwork i’ve come across thus far is that BMS guild. Your teamwork and coordination along with your individual play is pretty kitten good. Props.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


I wanna give a shout to the 4 guys from HoD (sorry forgot your guild) who chased me down, downed me, let me heal, then fought me 1 at time afterwards. Great show of gamesmanship and your necro was very nasty…remind me to never meet him in a dark alley somewhere lol. HoD is alright by me

We were so sick of watching people stick to your commanders kitten , that when one did break off from the group and run solo, we jumped for joy! We said " DONT KILL HIM, HES ONE OF A KIND! Lets see if he wants to duel!"


[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Kinda sad [VLK] and [Mend] turned us down for a GvG. [BS] LF to GvGing with you guys!! Anyone else wanna GvG contact me in game. [CNB] is willing to GvG with anyone, as we see it as a chance to learn and practice our organizational open field combat (: Please be registered for the GvG website (:

[VLK] You should really give us a shot, we are not guardian heavy, especially with our new comp.

I was told to contact [Rawr] and [PHZE] if you guys are interested shoot me a mail (: Thankies!!

<3 Nyx

We aren’t looking for the kind of fights you guys are and I can guarantee you BS won’t GvG you either.

Oh boy, how I miss the days of casual gvg matches. 15 is a bit of a chore its most the guild we will see what happens,

It is casual for us. :P What I meant by “the kind of fights” is the whole 15+ thing, and also why I said your guild probably wouldn’t. Neither VLK nor BS are the kind of guild that fields that kind of number on a regular basis nor works consistently with those numbers.

I’m not interested in playing Guardian Wars personally.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


So Kaineng, you got any roamers? Or is this zerg ball in EB your roam group?

GG Arena Net Match making.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


I still remember HoD being the top 1 server when SBI collapsed. and HoD collapsed too.

I remember when MTV played music videos

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Well this is…. fun.


[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Not even going to deny it, we DESTROYED that fight night, for a few great reasons.
A: WvW is two things, capping/getting points and killing enemies – having those enemies behind our lines was not gonna fly as we were taking camps, and beyond that we were killing the red enemies on our screens, good times.
B: The week has been so sparse with so few enemies coming to fight us, and just poor engagements in general that we were hoping the LEET roamers that inhabit fight night would come out and fight us, rather than fleeing repeatedly when if they had all banded together they would have had at least the same number.
C: Fight club is an exercise of people wasting time in wvw and taking away maximum ppt from the server in general, SPvP is the place to go for 1v1 or small group combat, if you’re in WvW you can expect to be attacked at any time.
D: The whispers I got were great, but I won’t risk an infraction by posting that kind of stuff here.

I for one would love to congratulate flappy and mend for trashing fight night, it was probably the most hilarious thing I’ve seen awhile and I know a lot of people (excluding VLK obviously) thought it was pretty funny, chill out try hard nubs, it’s a game, congrats your pixelated character can beat the next chum’s pixelated characters big whoop

It’s not even about that. Fight Night is where competitive PvP’ers go to WvW to compete against each other in one on one situations. It’s a great time for learning, experiencing new builds and meeting new people. Capping a tower won’t teach you how to beat a HGH engineer, or immortal mesmer builds. It’s a time for self improvement something running around with 100 people wont teach you.

Fight Night is about getting together with like-minded indeviduals who enjoy more competitive gameplay, that SPvP can’t offer. 90% of the stats used in any of my builds are not available in Spvp, it is extremely limited on what you can do, but WvW is not. THere are many different ways to build a character in WvW, that Spvp does not offer. That’s why you see many people at fight night, and not inviting people to go Spvp. Its not even remotely the same.

Also, it isn’t your place to police how people play. Yeah, it’s a game, one that people should play how they want to, without having some kittenbag ruin what little fun there was left in a match that was getting stale.

These ‘Leet’ Roamers you speak of btw, were a mix of AR and DR. Tell me something, how is 8 DR and 8 AR going to attack you without blowing the hell out of each other first?

If you’re that bored, you could of just asked for a GvG or something, plenty of DR and AR GvG.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


(which of course HoD night capped back….how the kitten do you guys have THAT many players and are stuck in T7???).

75% of the mass you see there are fair weathers. If this tier was any more competitive to where the PvE’ers had to try, our numbers would be dramatically less.

Heres the story of HoD in a nutshell:

1st situation: “Oh man look, we own everything were so awesome. I’m gonna go zerg around and farm enemies like Karka!”

2nd situation: " Idk there are even numbers out here…. why wont they just roll over and die to my 1 spamming? That blue diamond is saying things I can’t comprehend… strategy? what?……. I might go back to Karka farming; it’s easier."

3rd Situation: " They’re blob is bigger than our blob. Me and my 10 PvE friends are gonna go zerg Karka, too much effort in WvW right now."

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


VLK has another guide, how to sucessfully defend SM with golems.


[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


If you go to your options in game, you can remove tags from pets and NPC’s. Clones still have tags but it gives you a much more accurate count of how many were out there.

And I was in that tower, and there was more than 20.

Also, If you guys wanted the tower so bad all you had to do was ask! We didn’t want to deal with 1 Siegerazer, much less two!

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Never said you win because of other servers, and no one is crying. You have numbers pure and simple. Don’t expect us to hop servers because you have numbers. All the more reason to stay where the skill is ;-D

I have four letters for you: D – D – L – G. Wonder where your numbers are? Join that guild.

You’re not outnumbered, we’ve just got better coverage. Regardless, all this moaning and groaning is silly because when HoD and DR hit prime time, were pretty freakin’ even. When DDLG brings out the steamroll zerg, it’s back and forth. But when DDLG isn’t out, yeah you guys get rolled over.

That’s not our fault.

I would highly doubt if we’re pretty freakin’ even… we don’t have enough man power to hit both enemy borderlands hard like HoD. — if some of us did, homeland security people are kittened, or at least being VERY frustratingly busy. Also HoD kicked us out of EB during the weekend at least once or twice and it was not some NA early morning shift.

Just embrace what you’ve earned for yourself.

Again. Better coverage. Not outnumbered.

We spread the peanut butter evenly, 2-3 medium WvW guilds around different borderlands.

Seems to me like you guys slap down all your peanut butter when DDLG hits the field one place one time. Steam roll zerg.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


DR crying we have numbers we ALLWAYS had more coverage then u guys we took all ur stuff in every matchup what u expect? the few ppl in DR that posted on the forums that we just win DR because of the other servers guess what u guys just make points and are balance whit us because of the other servers now heres ur lesson do not trash talk whitout a reason next time this time theres no stronger server to fight us back like the other matchups so we can focus and do our thing dont get mad, and about AR u guys look so awesome but no ppl at all u guys should transfer here! so we can all be stronger!

Never said you win because of other servers, and no one is crying. You have numbers pure and simple. Don’t expect us to hop servers because you have numbers. All the more reason to stay where the skill is ;-D

I have four letters for you: D – D – L – G. Wonder where your numbers are? Join that guild.

You’re not outnumbered, we’ve just got better coverage. Regardless, all this moaning and groaning is silly because when HoD and DR hit prime time, were pretty freakin’ even. When DDLG brings out the steamroll zerg, it’s back and forth. But when DDLG isn’t out, yeah you guys get rolled over.

That’s not our fault.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Dont take Dr to serious this match up… I think some people will act out over the joy of not being in Zerg central like last week.

So overjoyed that DDLG has brought out their entire zerg force! Good for them!

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029



Your guests into the club have been substandard. Not only are they not hiding up in our super stealthy meetings, but they refuse to eat the hot pockets. Please be more choosy about who you invite to the super stealthy meetings that may or may not be taking place.

Also, Hotpocket Tuesdays will be changing to ham and cheddar cheese flavor.


Permastealth Thief Club

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

Where exactly is this game heading?

in WvW

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Great suggestions Jackie, i’ve posted very similar suggestions myself on these forums. Unfortunately, they went unnoticed. But perhaps yours will get some attention and the changes that NEED to happen, will.

I’m with you 100%.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

7/12 DR-NSP-HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Whelp, talk to you guys in a week.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Talking crap and gloating about being the best Tier 7 server is like being the smartest kid on the short bus.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


For as competitive as this match up is, i’m actually bored. Not sure why.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029



Whoeer was commanding in EB tonight on Darkhaven side, Sinesters went into treb rage mode. Like.

F bombs everywhere.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

(edited by Bllade.1029)

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


AR u guys are PATHETIC attacking us while we are having fun whit DH instead of attacking them so they have to split their 50 man zerg noooo u attack us but guess what u wipe even agains our few :P stop being pathetic attack sm its paper now instead of attacking our towers and btw DH awesome fights :P

First off, consider that HoD does the exact same thing when DH is hitting AR, second realize you are a commander and that makes you a representative of your server. Now step back and remember it’s just a game, smile, and have fun.

Side note, I haven’t been on all night. Firework with the family. It was a great show.

Don’t take it personally, Sinesters just gets really into it when were playing. you should hear him in TS, you’d laugh your kitten off. Whatever you do, dont build a treb and start hitting our stuff, or he’ll send me out there to go kill it.

And when I do, he wont pay up -.-

LOL Ah yes the emotional TS commander from an earlier post. Now I’m going to have to start having the zerg flash build trebs for your TS entertainment.

Thats messed up dude. Messed up.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


AR u guys are PATHETIC attacking us while we are having fun whit DH instead of attacking them so they have to split their 50 man zerg noooo u attack us but guess what u wipe even agains our few :P stop being pathetic attack sm its paper now instead of attacking our towers and btw DH awesome fights :P

First off, consider that HoD does the exact same thing when DH is hitting AR, second realize you are a commander and that makes you a representative of your server. Now step back and remember it’s just a game, smile, and have fun.

Side note, I haven’t been on all night. Firework with the family. It was a great show.

Don’t take it personally, Sinesters just gets really into it when were playing. you should hear him in TS, you’d laugh your kitten off. Whatever you do, dont build a treb and start hitting our stuff, or he’ll send me out there to go kill it.

And when I do, he wont pay up -.-

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Great duels tonight guys. Well done.


And for the record: I hate HGH Engis. -.-’

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Whelp, im glad we faced Darkhaven for two reasons:

1. Im having a great time womping old friends. My list is now complete, except for you Togochubb. You’re next.

2. Gave me a pretty good idea of where we stand population wise, and where HoD belongs in the tiers. I have a feeling our ideal match-up is with GoM and DR or IoJ. We’ll see.

1. I’m coming to get that birthday beer you owe me! There is no expiration.

2. Blades, you belong under my boot!

Don’t you worry Togo, there is a boot involved. And it will be promptly placed inside your rectum. Very soon, i’m coming to collect my screenshot.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Whelp, im glad we faced Darkhaven for two reasons:

1. Im having a great time womping old friends. My list is now complete, except for you Togochubb. You’re next.

2. Gave me a pretty good idea of where we stand population wise, and where HoD belongs in the tiers. I have a feeling our ideal match-up is with GoM and DR or IoJ. We’ll see.


[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


You guys should hear him in TS with us, he drops more F bombs than the guys in the movie ‘Reservoir Dogs.’

One of his sentences looked exactly like this one time:

#$$ they love to @#$%ing treb, BLLADES GO !#$ing KILL that !#$ing treb! *breathes* !#$ !#$ !#$ !@#$ (Fbomb very fast sequence right there)’

Yup, good times had by all.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


This argument is kittened.

I come from Darkhaven, now on HoD.

HoD does not have the numbers Darkhaven has or even close.

HoD does not have BP numbers. Not even similar. Not even remotely close.

At a prime time. We’ve got enough to queue up one WvW map.

The End.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


OH HoD!! Darkhaven has missed you ;} Btw Bllades, Kirha other old guildies I’m hunting you ;} But I now have a Human Ele with my pink quaggan backpack =D

Found you sorry we had to kill you ;}

This is Jaicen. I was commanding that night.
I loved fighting you VLK….especially when we ran into you guys at the vet between Garrison and Bay. Nice little clash we had there. So much fun.

We should do it again sometime

Anytime, anywhere.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Well I’m still on the water. Blades I’m coming to find your kitten when I get back in town. Btw can I get a score update? Mos mill won’t pull up on the beach.

That looks like lake Allatoona, I tell you what. Come on back to WvW, and ill poke your sunburn with my dagger or hammer if you prefer.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Lol I just can’t stop…. But its just cuz your my friends =D So i kill you more ; }

Hey do you recognize this person? I’m trying to pin it down… but I just can’t seem to get the name off.


[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Ah, Darkhaven. It seems like forever. I not only speak for myself when I say we have waited for this match up for a very long time. And although we wont win in point count or potential points, I know many VLK and I will be more than happy to collect loot bags of your bodies.

RioT, Jaded, SE, Abys let the games begin.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


And that’s the thing about large guilds like CoSa and KING. All the good members are covered up by the massive amounts of really crappy ones. And it’s always the really crappy ones that talk the most forum warrior crap.

There’s always one 12 year old fair weather, who talks crap and makes an entire guild look bad.

Sorry this happened to you SF, but I do not miss being shut out of EB completely. At least this is competitive to a point. Much more so than in the past. Keep it up.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.