Hey I just wanted to say, even though it still isn’t completely balanced. This has been a much more competitive match up than previous weeks.
I’m having a great time, and I hope ET continues to come on out and play.
Also, SF looks like you lost some people. You’re not nearly as…. numerous as you once were. It’s nice really, we can actually somewhat fight back. Somewhat.
Glad to see ET out and fighting! Good for you guys!
ET! You came out to play! Good for you guys. Hope you have a great reset.
Bored. New Match-up. Please.
Is it Friday yet?
FC! You came out to play!
I guess in a way it can be fun to go against 2x youre numbers for the entire day. sigh. HoD please go do pve events your 60man zergs are annoying.
Never seen so many fair weathers out in HoD.
You guys have just been promoted to “PvE” status.
Ahh HoD the other server where zerking makes guilds proud.. Yeah when I see a PAXA or VLK or PHZE actually down me alone then I will tip my hat, but for now its been a let down, most of the lvl 80 guys i fight from them either, run away, last a good time with me, (which is awesome), or win only when another friend shows up, and whats with ET not being able to down 1 guy with 2 people rather bringing your small zerg to pin 1 guy, seriously they should make it less about numbers and more about skill these days anyone with a zerg ball can feel almighty. Ill be on the field to gank ur players xD
I assure you if we ever meet one on one I will gladly send you back to your waypoint with an armor bill. If you’d like to organize any one on ones with any of my guildies, please let me know asap. We’ll even record it so that when we run away from you, or you stomp all of us the whole world can see just how great you are.
Let me know.
ET and FC.
Question for you, Would you say GoM and HoD can field similar numbers? I’m curious.
kitten, I wish we didn’t have to wait a whole week.
Well. Here we are again. Hello FC and ET.
You guys are rediculous.
In case you don’t have time to catch up on the forum war, I’ve got a play by play here for ya.
BP forum warrior uses Zerg mentality.
HoD forum warrior uses ragemoar.
BP forum warrior ignores embarrassing defeats, points out scoreboard.WINRAR
DR forum warrior deploys Gab/Oozo.
HoD forum warrior counters with PAXA/KoM defense.
BP forum warriors start stacking post count.
DR forum warriors execute logic.
BP forum warriors are confused.
BP forum warriors hurt themselves in confusion.
HoD forum warriors use “kitten please, 5 man swag”
DR forum warriors use run.
Got away safely.
Bunch of forum warriors having a kitten ing contest in the match-up forums. Ah, great entertainment!
Fight on mighty forum warriors! Fight on!
To the ranger from Seventh Sect… why are you afraid… seriously you hide form a solo ranger amongst the guards till 4 friends show up… could have had a nice little fight to bad you were afraid.
Hey instaead of putting things like this on the forums, where chances are that person isn’t going to read it anyway. You can invite enemy players to a group by clicking on them, then by pressing “p” then “invite.”
Incase you didn’t know.
To the ranger from Seventh Sect… why are you afraid… seriously you hide form a solo ranger amongst the guards till 4 friends show up… could have had a nice little fight to bad you were afraid.
Hey instaead of putting things like this on the forums, where chances are that person isn’t going to read it anyway. You can invite enemy players to a group by clicking on them, then by pressing “p” then “invite.”
Incase you didn’t know.
Listen to this man. BP picked up so many tricks and strategies from Ehmry Bay during our long slog with them. Last night we were using everything we had learned. This your chance to see those same tricks and in turn use em on someone else.
Tricks? You mean like bring a 25-man to fight a 12-man and when they’re losing, have another 25-man flank that 12-man? Yeah, good tricks. How about this, come out on your own and let me gang bang you with 3 friends and then you can “learn tricks” too.
I haven’t laughed that hard in a very long time. I wanted to thank you for that comment because that’s exactly how I feel.
You’ve got some talent BP, it’s just buried underneath your massive zergs. It’s hard to identify what tricks you’ve learned, when its just steamrolling.
There’s probably more going on between your commanders and in your VOIP’s, less pugs. More coordinated guilds. Just can’t see it passed the sea of red.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
WvW needs some work. Or you’re gonna see a mass exodus of WvW’ers leave T8.
I see it happening. very soon.
Well feel free to elaborate on those implications, for i’d love to hear them.
If this was Starcraft, BP would be Zerg, HoD and DR would be Terran and Protoss.
We need a kitten load more supply depots.
Poof is what I put in threads to bump to make sure atleast someone sees it. Its what I do.
I’ve noticed many times when outnumbered the biggest issue is the fact that the outnumbered group has the luxury of ressing their dead while in combat.
The smaller group naturally doesn’t have this same luxury in these battles in WvW. Not only PvP but also while defending or attacking a keep.
It’s a never ending struggle, the smaller groups manage to down the larger group members, but it doesn’t matter because 4 people can res them in combat, and theres nothing the small group can do about it if heavily outnumbered.
Suggestion: When someone DIES, a debuff much like “revealed” appears. For X amount of time that person cannot be ressed. They can waypoint, but not be ressed on the field.
I think that would solve a HUGE disadvantage the smaller numbers have while engaging larger forces, if the larger force can’t keep replenishing their numbers, its possible for the smaller group to completely wipe out the larger one.
This mechanic wouldn’t put anyone at a disadvantage, nor hurt the overall game play of guild wars.
So, my advice to you guys for this week is not to see the current score as humiliating, but as a mountain to be climbed.
I see at as a current rating system that needs to be un-kittened.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
Jesus Christ. So that’s what Tier 5 numbers look like.
Yawn. Fight Clubs use to be interesting, but alas dueling thieves, guardians and mesmers all day gets a little tiresome.
Come on! Where my super engis, necros, warriors and rangers at! Come show these OP 1v1 professions how to play!
BTW.. Dont go to Fight Club here.. KING is downing people w/o reason. BS watches.. so its like a small group of people that are allowed to have fun.. You’d think ET would be more welcoming since there server is so light on people.
If the guild KING is downing people, they deserve it. If BS is just sitting and watching, then they REALLY deserved it.
So w/e it is that you did to get stomped, you should probably stop.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
Fight Club tonight!
SF Borderlands, by the windmill. 7pm EST.
Come show us how awesome you guys really are.
I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts. Deedly deedly dee….
Sexual Heaaaaaaalliinnngggg
Love sideways insults. Especially when they come from someone who is probably the first to turn and run for the nearest tower and ask for the next turn on the ACs.
LOL, were you one of the noobs who kept coming to Longview to let me farm them? Is that why you got insulted at my post? If it wasn’t you, why are you getting upset? I wasnt calling your server out, I was just thanking the 4 or 5 toons who kept coming back.
And feel free to ask around, I never run, I always meet the enemy head-on and up front. LOL, yes, I die alot but we win the battle and that is what counts.
“Upset” is the last thing we are. If you didn’t win with the amount of people you can field, I certainly would be surprised.
I was once asked the question “Do you even roam bro?” Yes. VLK does roam.
Heres the proof.
Whoah whoah whoah. This is going completely away from what I was getting at. W/e I don’t care anymore, it’s easy to say those things when you can walk out of your spawn.
Love sideways insults. Especially when they come from someone who is probably the first to turn and run for the nearest tower and ask for the next turn on the ACs.
Not sure what you took as a sideways insult. The bag farm comment is made by every server, every weekly thread. In fact he complimented you if anything on your numbers and persistence, because it is in fact different than we remember when we encountered you in t7.
Also, the AC comment, really? Not only is it another bag-farm comment, but it’s also pretty hilariously hypocritical.
In any case, match has been fun and less stressful (I think mainly because we’re on even-ish ground with overnight crews, it’s annoying how bothersome coverage is in higher tiers) and I’ve enjoyed the fights. Hopefully it’s been enjoyable to some degree for HoD/ET.
Yes, getting spawn camped with 4 balistas, two arrow carts, and a trebuchet is enjoyable “to some degree.”
As I said before I seriously think they need to consolidate ET and FC and HoD, and until they do or they do something to un-kitten this ranking system. T8 is either going to fight against each other forever, or get stomped out.
Got some good players, thats for sure. Just like ET FC and HoD. But it doesn’t matter how good you are, when 5 are pitted against 25.
So in regards to your “Enjoyable to some degree” comment. That strikes the same nerve as when that one guy jumps on your corpse after a zerg runs you over.
I hope getting bulldozed by 50 of us was “enjoyable to some degree.” Oh yes sir Mr.SF very enjoyable thank you.
And don’t get me wrong, I realize its not anyone’s fault other than the way Arena Net decided to determine the new match-ups.
If arena net is going to keep this randomized matchup system, they need to consolidate HoD + FC + ET into one server.
This new randomized system is great for high/mid tiers, but it kittens low tiers.
Just in-case that rare HoD Zerg monster shows itself, never hurts to be prepared.
Winners moves up tier.
Loser goes down.
SF is full of moose haters.
Seems outmanned flat-out isn’t working. No that it matters when SF can field 4x our numbers consistently. Ridiculous imbalance is NOT the way to make WvW more fun, ANET. At least fix your kitten game to apply the buffs that are supposed to be there.
And how do you suppose et feels when we can’t field 1/3 of the people hod can?
I sincerely do feel bad for ET. I dont blame you guys for not showing up to WvW after reset.
Holy balls that’s a lot of people.
Alright FC and ET, here are the potential new match-ups organized by server under the new ArenaNet system:
Henge of Denravi
0.000000 Blackgate
0.000000 Jade Quarry
0.000000 Sanctum of Rall
0.000000 Dragonbrand
0.000000 Fort Aspenwood
0.000000 Tarnished Coast
0.000017 Maguuma
0.000022 Kaineng
0.000083 Yak’s Bend
0.000269 Sea of Sorrows
0.035701 Crystal Desert
0.055201 Stormbluff Isle
0.292330 Ehmry Bay
2.745221 Anvil Rock
3.154464 Borlis Pass
6.485715 Darkhaven
11.410986 Isle of Janthir
12.322618 Sorrow’s Furnace
22.004490 Devona’s Rest
22.744338 Gate of Madness
23.928621 Northern Shiverpeaks
45.675469 Ferguson’s Crossing
49.144457 Eredon TerraceFerguson’s Crossing
0.000000 Blackgate
0.000000 Jade Quarry
0.000000 Sanctum of Rall
0.000000 Dragonbrand
0.000000 Fort Aspenwood
0.000000 Tarnished Coast
0.000000 Maguuma
0.000000 Kaineng
0.000000 Yak’s Bend
0.000015 Sea of Sorrows
0.011466 Crystal Desert
0.017789 Stormbluff Isle
0.095918 Ehmry Bay
1.329529 Anvil Rock
1.600135 Borlis Pass
4.304137 Darkhaven
9.169243 Isle of Janthir
10.165482 Sorrow’s Furnace
22.053395 Devona’s Rest
23.055667 Gate of Madness
24.680521 Northern Shiverpeaks
45.675469 Henge of Denravi
57.841235 Eredon TerraceEredon Terrace
0.000000 Blackgate
0.000000 Jade Quarry
0.000000 Sanctum of Rall
0.000000 Dragonbrand
0.000000 Fort Aspenwood
0.000000 Tarnished Coast
0.000000 Maguuma
0.000000 Kaineng
0.000000 Yak’s Bend
0.000007 Sea of Sorrows
0.004736 Crystal Desert
0.007290 Stormbluff Isle
0.040173 Ehmry Bay
0.796821 Anvil Rock
0.977082 Borlis Pass
3.126920 Darkhaven
7.908661 Isle of Janthir
8.965450 Sorrow’s Furnace
22.327361 Devona’s Rest
23.488228 Gate of Madness
25.371579 Northern Shiverpeaks
49.144457 Henge of Denravi
57.841235 Ferguson’s Crossing
If you don’t know what you’re looking at, each one of those numbers are a % chance you will face that server, so ET has a 58% chance of playing FC and a 49% chance of playing HoD again, we may not be done with each other quite yet but I guess we’ll just have to roll the dice and see what happens.
Source: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/New-matchup-system-official-info/page/9#post2126885
(edited by Bllade.1029)
Man these forums are AWFULLY quiet.
Wheres that dude who made a montage of all the kitten talking HoD has done in the forums?
I’d love to hear his opinion.
Holy balls this isn’t even fun. Reset night is the best WvW night of the week as far as participation!
We got so bored last night, we just dueled by the windmill. On a freakin’ reset night. Christ.
Wtf ET and FC.
No one show up or something?
Not even an hour in.
(edited by Bllade.1029)
Fight club now. Green Borderlands. Behind Windmill.
Just to make sure, fightnight(dueling) are on thursday nights on HoD behind windmill right?
-lil homie[BS] (asura guardian)
I think it is always on the green border, so FC this week.
Green Borderland, Behind windmill 7pm EST.