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time warp elite skill bugged? mesmer elite

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bones.5762


thanks for responding, that makes the elite skill for wv3 so much worse than i had imagined prior. this is intended by anet, yes? but also if thats the case i think i’ve seen aoe healing more than 5before though(could be wrong), like the healing turret, and the water spring ability on a elementalist.

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Mesmer can't AoE?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


Mesmers have AoE. And they don’t. It depends on what you mean by AoE, and how meticulous you are with your definition.

For example, consider bounce attacks. Do they bounce? Yes. Up to 4 times, fully traited. Except they tend to prioritize friendlies. You can test it yourself. Pull 2 mobs. Toss GS #2, it’ll fly from you, to mob #1, then BACK to you, then back at mob #1 or mob #2, and then if traited back to you. But one thing never changes – if you are close enough, it’ll prioritize you over the second mob. Same goes for other friendlies. You’ll give them boons with your bounces, but you won’t damage the mobs. As such, this is not really AoE.

Sword #3 is nice. But it’s melee range. You can’t move doing it. And while you can root ONE mob (with Sword #2 tapped twice), the other targets can just run past you if you don’t have 100% of the aggro. And then there’s the cooldown, 8-10 seconds? During which you are in melee range and more or less vulnerable, which is hardly ideal.

Then there’s shatters. Except A) it takes time to create illusions for them, and illusions need to travel from where they are to target to shatter. If primary target dies before they get there, it’s no shatter, no damage.

We have damage phantasms. But really only Berserker and Warden are true AoEs. Berserker’s path is unpredictable – sometimes he hits 1 mob, sometimes all. Warden doesn’t move, and dies incredibly easy to melee mobs. I’ve seen him get 1-shot before he can even visually appear more often than I care to admit in PvE. And he is of course stationary, and Focus #4 pull is not precise enough to guarantee good DPS out of him. And with the recent nerf/bugfix to his attack recharge, he’s lackluster at best.

Now, compare that to TRUE AoE classes. Like Engineer, for example. Well, with Grenade kit, you have 1500 range (not a typo, 1500), your basic attack #1 is spammable (no cooldown at all), and you throw 4 grenades. Aim anywhere. They WILL land where you tell them to, and do damage to whatever is there. You can miss with them, which is the only thing keeping the kit from being godmode. And then #2-5 you have your special grenades – DoTs, slow, etc.

Next, consider Mine Kit. Same principle, but no need to target. Again totally spammable. Does AoE damage. No way to avoid it, except not being close to the mine. With right traits, when you roll, you drop a free mine the way a traited mesmer drops a clone. Except it does good AoE damage all by itself, unlike the clone.

Then there’s the Flamethrower – drop a wall of FLAME that BURNS, just like we drop our Into the Void. Your #1 attack is short-medium range cone AoE, and is spammable. Similar goes for the Elixir Gun.

Then, take a look at Coated Bullets in Firearms tree. Description is short and sweet – “Pistol shots pierce”. Not that impressive, right? But what it does is make your pistol shots effectively AoE. Combine that with Explosive Shot, with blows up on impact, hitting anything nearby as well, and add piercing to that, and what you see is a HUGE wave of numbers from each autoattack.

And that’s not counting turrets, some of which are AoEs as well – like Thumper and Flame. They just sit there, happily, as as soon as anything gets close, it starts taking AoE damage. Fun. And unlike illusions, turrets don’t die just because your target did.

And all this is not even counting the toolbelt skills. Really beautiful things, like Grenade Barrage and Big Ol’ Bomb. Which reminds me, remember those annoying heart quests where you have to destroy objects, like centaur weapon racks? Yeah. Plop down a Big Ol’ Bomb near 3 of them, and watch what happens. Granted, both of those have long-ish 30 sec CDs…but hey, if you have a Tools trait, each time you pop one of those you also fire a bolt of friggin’ lightning that will jump 3 times! And it doesn’t go for friendlies like our bounce – it just kills enemies. You know, that thing that gives you XP/gold/etc? Yeah, that.

wow you just hit every single point that needed to be made about aoe mesmers, because i came from a engineer down to a mesmer. It is truly disappointing to farm events with mobs, because you can’t kill even 10% of the mob most of the time for loot/xp. when i was rocking my engineer i would kill/get xp/loot on 50% of mobs, so much loot. Example is in COF, i have 12 slot bags in all slots except gem slot, and when COF is closed for event, i almost fill up with inventory making me have to jump into wv3 to sell my stuff before jumping back to do dungeon. Mesmers have shatter true, but like he stated above they die if the target dies, making it 90% useless for mob event farming. any1 who has played a flamethower/grenade engineer knows this. those who try it and come back to the mesmer will be truly amazed at how little aoe damage your mesmer actually does.

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time warp elite skill bugged? mesmer elite

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bones.5762


I’ve been playing in wvwvw with my new mesmer i trained specifically for wvwvw, and i find that when i use my elite skill mesmer(gives an aoe haste for 10sec) on a huge zerg group, only some peole get the effect, if any, and i dont get it much when i use it on a zerg group with me in the aoe. is this a bug for the elite mesmer skill or is it intended for only so many people.

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cooldown on the elixir u on engineer is bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bones.5762


I have the skill trait that gives a 20% cooldown on elixirs, and even when i hover my cursor over the elixir u (the one that gives quickness) it says the cooldown is 48seconds, but when i actually activate it, the cooldown is 60seconds as well. is any1 else having this problem?

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bug with Engineer skill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bones.5762


I have noticed that when you use the air blast on the engineer flamethrower kit and you shoot your flame blast immediately afterwards it always shoots to the ground. I don’t know if this is just happening to me, or if this is how the game mechanics of the engineer works, but it’s kind of annoying when i want to clear enemies off me and do AOE damage to the enemy group.

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can't log in with my main

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bones.5762


also one reason why this might be happening to me, is because i was going to a new zone through a portal in the caledon forest, and then immediately client crashed, and now problem has occured. any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

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can't log in with my main

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bones.5762


I can’t log in with my main because this error shows up (code=7:11:3:189:101). But i can log in just fine with my other characters. i just can’t log in with my level 80 character. I looked up the code and it said internet was the problem, or that firewall was blocking me, but I can play with my other characters.

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Maintenance Problem?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bones.5762


Ever since last nights update my friend hasn’t been able to log in, every time he logs in it says incorrect password, but he knows for sure its not that. Is it hacked or is this a update issue?

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