Showing Posts For Bones.5762:

Not Getting Our Mails? Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail & more.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bones.5762


Is it possible to change email? I recently checked my yahoo and they told me someone tried to breach my yahoo acct but they said they “blocked” it, but for all i know they didnt do anything, after going through the forum, i’ve come to the conclusion yahoo is not to be trusted, can i change to a different email? also how do i change it if it’s possible?

As stated right above, you would contact Customer Support and request an email change. Top of Page – Support – Submit a Request. Good luck.

thanks just submitted a ticket.

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Not Getting Our Mails? Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail & more.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bones.5762


Is it possible to change email? I recently checked my yahoo and they told me someone tried to breach my yahoo acct but they said they “blocked” it, but for all i know they didnt do anything, after going through the forum, i’ve come to the conclusion yahoo is not to be trusted, can i change to a different email? also how do i change it if it’s possible?

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Commander of the Year

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Ajaxs the blue, hands down, were all nothing but a bunch of mouthbreathers compared to him.

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SorrowFul nace/Eredon Testament/OKai-neng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


Technically ajax was on Kaineg way before he was on ET, he just went back home. Man i’m so glad our guild sponsered his tag.

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SorrowFul nace/Eredon Testament/OKai-neng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


they cant run plex warrior anymore, it got nerfed, they need a new meta

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Obsidian Sanctum Arena Feedbacks.

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


thank you anet for this gift, it was truly the best gift you could give for thanksgiving and for that I am thankful that you have brought many delicious tears to our forum thread.

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Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


Fun week everyone. Got to chill with my gommies again and talk with some old friends. Nice fights all around for the most part. Still sad I guild creation capped myself and couldn’t make a fake [BS] guild this week. Maybe next time, Heh

Yes! Do it!

If we are against ET again tonight after reset I definitely will, but 3 weeks in a row against ET is unlikely. My 2 guild creations this upcoming week will be reserved for the guilds on the opposing servers I want to troll the most.

Also a shame I never ran into you or Xom this week. But I did manage to stomp all the BS I could find, outside of duels and getting 5v1d.

Xom quit a while ago.

Xom is about 1000 times a better necro. I’m pretty sure your grandma could roll a hammer stun warrior and roll me.

Clearly Grandma is OP, we should nerf her with artirithis hands so she’s at belle’s level.

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New guy trying to choose a roaming class

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


well a good engineer can beat a warr, but skill cap is higher and will almost always lose to a good necro. Necromancer shouldn’t be considered because lack of mobility, its true its probably the top 2 1v1 classes but your lack of mobility and stabilty will be the reason you die 99% of the time if you do group fights, also good groups know to target necro’s first as well as engineers because of their lack of stability, and most builds only have one stun breaker.

But engineer is a great roaming class, but i just don’t suggest it to new players because, it takes a while to get good at it, and be prepared to die ALOT to thieves in 1v1.

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New guy trying to choose a roaming class

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


warrior, or thief,

both have extreme mobility (thief being faster if you have the correct setup) and both have strong burst dmg, with warrior having more consistent dmg since he doesnt have to stealth to gain iniative in my opinion, but stealth will save you 100%, you only die when you want to die, and when you mess up.

Warriors have more toughness, more vitality, and healing signet is OP, so your regen is good enough that you don’t even have to heal 80% of the time.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

Deckard Kaineng/Gate of SPARTA/Eredar Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


This “ress-through-gate” thing, been already exploited for ages and I find it silly that it still around when many other exploits like the wall climbing have been fixed already… They could simply put another stupid gate behind that one and the problem would be solved. And no, I don’t belive that such a broken mechanic is “working as intented”.

So since Anet didn’t fix something, it must not be broken. Great logic there.

Let me just kick you from my party in WvW…

Jeknar is saying the mechanic should be fixed…. Maybe have some morning coffee?

Are you offering free coffee??

Yes. I’ll even dress up in my maid cosplay outfit and carry the coffee on a silver platter.

But you’re they queen of ET, it’s shameful to dress up in a cosplay outfit, ask your sex slave void to do it for you.

I’ll have you know that Void is a regular slave (not a sex slave).

pssh, tomato, tomata

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Deckard Kaineng/Gate of SPARTA/Eredar Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


This “ress-through-gate” thing, been already exploited for ages and I find it silly that it still around when many other exploits like the wall climbing have been fixed already… They could simply put another stupid gate behind that one and the problem would be solved. And no, I don’t belive that such a broken mechanic is “working as intented”.

So since Anet didn’t fix something, it must not be broken. Great logic there.

Let me just kick you from my party in WvW…

Jeknar is saying the mechanic should be fixed…. Maybe have some morning coffee?

Are you offering free coffee??

Yes. I’ll even dress up in my maid cosplay outfit and carry the coffee on a silver platter.

But you’re they queen of ET, it’s shameful to dress up in a cosplay outfit, ask your sex slave void to do it for you.

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JQ 3 easy weeks in schedule, SOR 1 and BG 1?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


god can’t believe this thread is still going.

Just let me get this out, it is IMPOSSIBLE for JQ to win league IF the 2x that BGvSORvJQ matchup happens and the other 2 servers force JQ into last place. Assumming that JQ beats the other server without the other 3rd super server.

JQ would get score a 1+5+5+5+5+5+1=27

For arguments sake, lets say SOR is going to win all the matchups without jq against bg. and in the second matchup with BGvSORvJQ same outcomes with jq last, bg first, sor 2nd.

SoR scores 3+5+5+5+5+3+3= 29
BG scores 5+3+3+3+3+5+5= 27
JQ scores 1+5+5+5+5+5+1=27

Now for the reverse situation of where bg beats SoR all of the time. I’m still holding JQ’s wins constants, assuming they beat all servers 1v1 not ganged up on by the 3rd super server.

bg scores 5+5+5+5+3+5+5=33
sor scores 3+3+3+3+5+3+3=23
JQ scores 1+5+5+5+5+5+1=27

OP was about easy weeks, and yes, they will have more GUARANTEED WINS but their outcomes is solely decided by the 2x you guys meet. if you make sure they get last place the next time the BGvSORvJQ matchup happens, itll come down to sor or bg.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

suggestion for league match-up

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Not that i care much for ppt or wins or anything but i was thinking about a new way for how match are decided. for each current tier match-up (or bracket, not sure what you call them) at the end of each week, whoever comes in first place will be placed together in that top bracket, 2nd place will be in 2nd bracket, and 3rd bracket etc.

So for example in bronze league, since HoD, SF and GOM, all took first place in their brackets, they would be together in the next matchup.

Since Gold league doesnt have 9 servers, this wouldn’t work but I was thinking that the top 2 servers in top tier bracket stays, and 3rd place moves down, while the first place server of the tier 2 bracket moves up.

Some problems it would create is lets say JQ and TC are the 3rd and 4th server, they would consistently bounce back and forth, stomping t2 regardless, but i think in the current match making setup it will happen no matter what since the 4 servers have pretty much 24/7 presence.

feel free to drop some thoughts down. I probably won’t post much, just read over posts.


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You like the new content for WvWvW? Yes-No

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


a bunch of players in my guild has already taken a break cause of orbs, i might be taking a break too. maybe in a month things will be different, hard to play like this. also any1 else noticing more lag?

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Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I can alt f4 log in and join wvwvw in like 15seconds

u said u was in t1 right? they have ques on primetime i believe

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Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


yes, alt f4’ing to avoid giving the other server points, GENIUS!!!!

now just gotta get a whole zerg to alt f4 after they wipe and give the other server around 2-3mins to do whatever they want, because that 1 point they denied per player was worth it.

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Stun Warriors in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Bones.5762


They aren’t OP, you deserve to die if you don’t have stability/stunbreakers.

Just looks like a learn to play issue to me. The build is still pretty new, people still have to learn how to counter it seems.

Shame Engineers don’t have reliable stability (Yet), and stun breaks got puked in every direction (The one Kit one, having a 40 second cooldown).

idk if i would consider toss elix b a good source of stabilty (if it is the one youre talking about) considering
a.) its not a stunbreaker
b.) its only 3 sec and a warrior can just hold off his stuns til it wears off

its almost pointless to have a stunbreaker on engineer against these build because as soon as you pop it, your stunned instantly especially in group fights, so if you don’t run guard you’re pretty much done for.

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9/6 ET/SF/DR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


This is what happens when we have a good commander on

Wait .. you were in WvW?

I was talking with you in game for a 1v1 and you said you had PVE to do first.

And you posted this pix minutes after I left.

Well bah. I guess you didn’t want to 1v1 me.

Nah that was a pic from last night dawg, i just got to WvW. (You can whisper me whenever the next time your gonna do it)

and you all didnt fix anything for me, my original message still stands.( Those edits were cute tho)

oh yes, i remember that, i was asleep saying to myself ppt night zergs are so pro.

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cultural armor acct bound like zenith

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bones.5762


wow that was painful to read but ANYWAY…… even if they did make it account bound the second you put it on a character it would become soulbound . Its not exactly that hard to earn the gold anyway . If anything they should up the cost of all cultural armors

not sure what you mean by painful but ok?

its not hard to earn gold now a days, i’m just curious if you could do a one time purchase and goes into acct skins where you can withdraw em similar to zenith skins. If they do, I’m definitely fine with them up’ing the costs of cultural armors, because t1-2 is fairly cheap, but like i said t3 is expensive, and 100g+ (don’t know real amt, but each piece is around 25g if i remember right).

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cultural armor acct bound like zenith

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bones.5762


JW, but would it be possible to buy cultural armor and it be account bound to those racial? i know some of them are cheap but the t3 stuff is expensive, and i dont feel like buy it if i just get access to one of it only, also when u swap gear, u have to xmute if u want to maintain look, but if u also want to keep ur current gear, u have to buy more cultural again.

an official response from anet would be nice saying its a possibility, or no not possible.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

siege as collectibles?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


but a counterargument is invisible bag too, im just saying, i personally would like a collectible spot for em. they just kind of take up my bank space, i do use em from time to time, but i mostly roam. They don’t bother me that much, but im just wondering if there should be a spot for em or not.

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siege as collectibles?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


should siege have its own spot as collectible? just wondering, but if it did it would be annoying to do auto depot and deposit all your siege as well. but just a topic i was wondering about.

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New Sigil of Luck

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


why op delete his post

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New Sigil of Luck

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


no. on kill doesn’t seem as worth it compared to pve, unless you’re getting lots of tags and theyre getting slaughtered, in which case you wouldnt have needed the rune anyways. In a group fight, thats fairly equal, fights could last like 2mins, before someone is downed and killed, so imagine having to run with that sigil without any benefit for possible 2mins, and when u do get that boon, im guessing its like a 5 second boon only. The only really good boon that i would like from this is, stability fury, and protection. that’s my 2cents.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


Wow…So our key match up trolls leave the server and we still can’t get rid of them. Just when I thought I could start reading these threads without Advil…

The large guild zergs, as mentioned earlier, overshadow the work of the small teams. I have been in every borderland and I’ve seen every guild that regularly steps off to fight. Everyone has screwed up at some point, it’s the human element. DDLG, best of luck. I’ve met a couple of you who I’ve enjoyed playing with, and the same goes for the other guilds.

Tactics differ from guild to guild and that’s all there is to it. I’ve been leading larger warbands then I’d like the last couple of nights simply because PUGs don’t get tactics, the only know kill. We need to focus on teaching people how to be patient and guard keeps as they’ve grown accustomed to BL hopping with the large zergs. Let’s focus less on this forum bs drama and get to fixing the server.

you’re doing it all wrong, try popcorn, it instantly becomes great.

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Roamers in High Tier vs Low Tier

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


the answer is obviously no. what defines skills? tiers? there might be more players in higher tiers increasing chances for having higher percentages of good roamers, but that also increases amounts of players that is equally not as good.

If a good roaming guild for say, t2 or t3 xfered to t8, does that make them any less better when they were on t2/t3.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

Retaliation is a real handicap to our class

in Engineer

Posted by: Bones.5762


Yeh, my guild doesn’t even allow Engineers in our WvW group.

first off, lmao, engineers bring alot to the table, multiple blast finishers, great survivablity, and can roam especially well with other classes. But i won’t tell you who can and can’t play in your guild.

Side note, you know what hits harder than gnade barrage in a zerg with all retal? superior rune of mad king elite activation, it does like easily 12k back to you just from retalition.

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Engineer wish list

in Engineer

Posted by: Bones.5762


OMG, another char engineer? i thought i was alone.

13. add better stability.

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8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


To all the folks that are leaving DR and are giving excuses to try not look bad: You are leaving the sinking ship. You ARE bad. Because when the server need you most, you just decide to leave because you think “it’s not worth it”…

The thing everyone needs to remember is that this is a game and no one has the right to tell someone else how or where to play.

I am no longer having fun on DR. I am confident that most on DR will tell you I have poured my heart into the server and my desire to leave doesn’t make me a bad person.

To those who think otherwise, that is their problem, not mine, and they are better off without me/us.

Jeknar, I have to agree with Blodeuyn. This is a game and it is meant to be fun. If people want transfer to find fun let them go.

It does suck to have people leave your server and it can create a chain reaction of server transfers. There’s nothing anybody can do about it.

Full Disclosure: I transferred off ET when I wasn’t having fun. I came back for the same reason. I find the best way to have fun is to have a good group of friends. Focus on that and leave everything else aside.

Winning != fun (for some people it does though)

Lies!!! You came back for me cause I’m awesome.


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8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


To all the folks that are leaving DR and are giving excuses to try not look bad: You are leaving the sinking ship. You ARE bad. Because when the server need you most, you just decide to leave because you think “it’s not worth it”…

The thing everyone needs to remember is that this is a game and no one has the right to tell someone else how or where to play.

I am no longer having fun on DR. I am confident that most on DR will tell you I have poured my heart into the server and my desire to leave doesn’t make me a bad person.

To those who think otherwise, that is their problem, not mine, and they are better off without me/us.

You’re right, people are getting too upset about it, i left servers at least 7x just because it ceased to be fun. Theres no reason to stay and play the game if it’s unfun as itll result in quitting the game anyways which ppl find more acceptable then leaving servers because it isnt fun. (weird isnt it?)

One reason y people r getting so upset too i guess is maybe because since u were always there they seem to have this sense of betrayal. but remember its just a game, they didnt leave ur server to join the enemy server (i mean server that will be fighting DR like say ET) they left the tiers completely, but DR will bounce back, give it a month or 2, more or less idk.

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8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


“everyone do whatever you want, don’t die, that is all.”

Wow…… Tuna, Hop, Purp, lil homie and myself spent hours coming up with that tactic and you just gave it out on the forums

gotta edumacate these guys on how to be pro, that’s why they asked us for advice.

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8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


Well, looks like im joining the group of people quitting/leaving DR. Today has really shown that DR is bottom tier material without all of these guilds that have left

What’s wrong with bottom tiers? Didn’t Devona came from there in the first place?

people forget roots, not to be mean but DR exactly wasn’t top tier either. they were t7 at best.

@ alien
DR has like 4 major wvw guilds that are leaving, some aren’t ppt guilds either but thats like taking around 40 players out of any given map at all times, and expecting them to do just as well when maybe these t8 servers only has like 100 players or so playing wvw during prime time.

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8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


Had fun with [BS] at the rock in front of Briar today. Was good to talk to you guys and learn about your gvg tactics. But you had to go hurt my previous VALE. Fun to keep it contested. Hope to come across you all again tonight with some more numbers on both sides. Also, more no moving allowed fights please!

lol, I’m sorry but i had to laugh. gvg tactics lol. here’s what they told me at gvg when i asked about any plans, “everyone do whatever you want, don’t die, that is all.”

Uhh, don’t take it personally like that. You guys are very good but I was talking to your leaders about how to start a gvg culture within a guild. Not trying to start anything but the RANDOM push on our BL wasn’t what I was talking about Talking to XOM and your engis much earlier today in front of Briar and at the GvG is what I was referencing.

oh, i wasnt taking it serious, i was just saying that we don’t do tactics lol. its more of just whatever you want and well throw down combos and moves on the fly. like oh, timewarp, blast finishers everyone, o look waterfields, blast finishers everyone, ooo shiny light fields, blast finishers everyone, etc.

And yes, we are very random.

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8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


Had fun with [BS] at the rock in front of Briar today. Was good to talk to you guys and learn about your gvg tactics. But you had to go hurt my previous VALE. Fun to keep it contested. Hope to come across you all again tonight with some more numbers on both sides. Also, more no moving allowed fights please!

lol, I’m sorry but i had to laugh. gvg tactics lol. here’s what they told me at gvg when i asked about any plans, “everyone do whatever you want, don’t die, that is all.”

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Bring the wvw map colors back

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Well i think when it’s all over and done, they’ll have an option to toggle color assist. the only thing is, how long til it’s all over and done. I’ve kinda gotten used to it, but mainly because i made my map smaller but i still don’t really like the new colors, so hopefully sometime soon, they’ll give a color assist toggle.

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8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


Just the three who were down in the middle of a gvg to “rez a random necro” (which is still mind blowingly wrong in a GvG setting).

If that “random necro” was who I think it was, then I’m glad as hell that he jumped into the middle of that GvG. All these posts full of whining started about the time that a rather large IoJ zerg took our Bay and proceeded to make a play at several other things.

Our BL was queued and no one could get in to help defend. All you GvG’ers were taking up precious spots.

Just out of curiosity, do you IoJ tend to coordinate your large zerg attacks in someone’s BL, while there are also GvG’s going on simultaneously, on purpose?

At any rate, whoever decided to put a halt to them, thanks.

just for kicks, but there were 17 of us in that bl, and around 30 of ioj (more or less) at the gvg, so imagine that 17 players occupying those 30 players while u defended, so maybe we did a favor? after we left, they actually got another 30 players to actually wvw while you got another 17 so overall maybe that benefitted them? Not to start fights but just pointing it out.

But yes, we never wanted to gvg in our bl in the first place because for one, it was a long run since we had no waypoints, and second, its better to always meet that server guild half way at windmill so in this case DR bl would be optimal. (least in my opinion.)

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8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


first off i was at 25%, had heal up, knocked u to the ledge, n u dodged off it afterwards, while i shot u from above, and then u came back i prybared, u armored walked off, so i walked off saying gg, not gonna do this again if he just breaks combat and comes back. also u prolly thot i was condi build since i prybar but no, im not lol.

You have a truly amazing imagination lol. Somehow you have convinced yourself that I ended that fight, when it was actually you who ran away from me, and me not feeling like chasing and leaving.

Edit: I tell you what, if you think I got scared and ran away from you, I’d be perfectly happy to fight again. How about you?

lol, sure im up for it, sorry for late post, i went to sleep as it was 5am for me already, maybe ill win the fight, maybe not, but least i won’t come back to qq and chest thump. But man, you need to lightening up bro, u so serious and angry.

later tonight though, ive gotta run and do some stuff, ill be back, just send ingame mail.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


o yeah bro? tell me more about stabilities that every other class has besides engineer. we have only 1 decent stability that last 3, on a 60s cd, with a 50% chance (also fyi, that stability isnt a stun breaker), don’t even get started on thumper stability….. besides when fights not going you’re way u just rtl out of there anyways.

funny how u complain about the classes that counter u, but don’t give props to players who beat u in a build that usually doesnt beat ur d/d build. Lighten up, its a game, don’t be such a try hard and cry about every loss and give me every little detail why you lost and if this happened u wouldve won.

Wow lol. I run away? Remember you being at 5% health, knocking me off a ledge, and high tailing it?

And who exactly has beaten me?

first off i was at 25%, had heal up, knocked u to the ledge, n u dodged off it afterwards, while i shot u from above, and then u came back i prybared, u armored walked off, so i walked off saying gg, not gonna do this again if he just breaks combat and comes back. also u prolly thot i was condi build since i prybar but no, im not lol.

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8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


o yeah bro? tell me more about stabilities that every other class has besides engineer. we have only 1 decent stability that last 3, on a 60s cd, with a 50% chance (also fyi, that stability isnt a stun breaker), don’t even get started on thumper stability….. besides when fights not going you’re way u just rtl out of there anyways.

funny how u complain about the classes that counter u, but don’t give props to players who beat u in a build that usually doesnt beat ur d/d build. Lighten up, its a game, don’t be such a try hard and cry about every loss and give me every little detail why you lost and if this happened u wouldve won.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


i didnt attack u for a reason since u glitched, but thief went for it so i backed him up, besides earlier when i 1v1 i had map open n u opened on me, which was fine, after i hit u with pry bar u immediately turned away armored of earth and healed, so i just walked the other way lol, cant do nothing with a ridiculus move like that, only a necro could do something, corrupt boon.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


Dear whoever it was from [Basic], please don’t run away after you realize you haven’t 1-shot me. It’s very boring, especially when you can do this before I can even see you. Thanks buddy.

theres only 2 reasons y he wouldve ran.

1, he was about to get zerged
2, he realized u weren’t worth the effort being that he did a 10k backstab.

so i guess consider it lucky he saved u 3s? i personally wouldnt but yeah.

I’ve only seen one thief from Basic, and if it’s the same one I’m thinking of, the most likely answer is that, upon seeing his target didn’t die instantly, he immediately sprinted off to find some guildies for backup.

well thats cause all thieves perma stealth like a boss, that’s why you only see one.

on a side note, y so mad? got killed while glitched in wall by a thief and engineer?

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8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bones.5762


Dear whoever it was from [Basic], please don’t run away after you realize you haven’t 1-shot me. It’s very boring, especially when you can do this before I can even see you. Thanks buddy.

theres only 2 reasons y he wouldve ran.

1, he was about to get zerged
2, he realized u weren’t worth the effort being that he did a 10k backstab.

so i guess consider it lucky he saved u 3s? i personally wouldnt but yeah. I’m also pretty sure i know who ur talking about to, with it being a thief and all, and no he doesn’t usually run from zergs, in fact i see him run into zergs for a couple kills and get out almost all the time.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

queen jennah jubilee achievements bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bones.5762


ok, just got back in town, and did a daily, yea it worked. thanks for the help

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queen jennah jubilee achievements bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bones.5762


yes, it was finished before i did baloon achievement

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queen jennah jubilee achievements bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bones.5762


no, i did not get it. i just finished hot air balloonist, nothing. But the icons did not match if that also matters. the daily one was a star, while the jennah one is a crown.

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queen jennah jubilee achievements bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bones.5762


ok, ill try, thanks

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queen jennah jubilee achievements bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bones.5762


15 characters long


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queen jennah jubilee achievements bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bones.5762


i have done all achievements for this category but it says im short one, i already submited bug report 4-5days ago and no fix yet so i thot i post it up on forums.


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Bring the wvw map colors back

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I haven’t really been to wvw much lately but not mainly because of this, more of the pve LS content really, but this being out there doesn’t really motivate me to go back either.

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Bring the wvw map colors back

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


no, they do not blind my eyes in any way, but rather they are just irritating to look at, it is kind of like that fly that buzzes around you, it wont kill me, but itll just irritate me til it goes away or I kill it. So to be considerate to those who are color blind i’m just asking there be an option to toggle colors back to original settings.

Can’t we all just get along anet? also y u change my epic thread name?

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