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WXP gains for support

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


i think i might have a solution, just an idea really, but what if everyone in that area during combat gets all kills for wxp, even without tagging, (i’m not saying lootbag, its different) so if 10players were kill everyone at tht battle would all get kill xp for all 10players, but if u came into combat during mid and 5 died during ur time there u get xp for 5players, this way its easier for all players to take roles, (such as repairing tedious gates, which do give wxp, but cmon i rather man AC’s), or support roles like guardians who bottleneck chokespoints really well. the only thing really needed for adjusting here would be how much wxp a player gives if they implemented this system.

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Small man/Havoc Crew Tier Consolidation?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bones.5762


k, i was jw. thanks.

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Small man/Havoc Crew Tier Consolidation?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bones.5762


is sniffy cube and his guild still in ET? or did they already xfer off.

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Mesmer Build Advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


That does look like a pretty functional build… was talking with a guy in game who gave me some informative tips about Mantra of Resolve… if I were to get 20 points in Inspiration and take Mender’s Purity and Restorative Mantras, I could create a very efficient mantra based build… beyond that though he gave me nothing… I’m a bit curious as to if the two builds could be merged somehow.

doesnt sound functional, because you would have to put alot of points into those trees and you would lose out on some skill traits, but i dont know for sure, its hard to create good hybrid builds that are really functional without losing alot.

The minor traits in Inspiration at 20 would also cause my illusions to have Retaliation and my Phantasms to grant Regen in an AoE.

you could give up the whole entire skill tree for illusions and put it all into inspiration i guess, but youll have 200 less condi dmg, and you wont have phantasmal haste to make your iduelist attack faster. also instead of using the pistol CD skill trait, u could take deceptive evasion for more clone summoning too. its all trial and error, to find somethign that suits your gameplay i guess.

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Mesmer Build Advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


That does look like a pretty functional build… was talking with a guy in game who gave me some informative tips about Mantra of Resolve… if I were to get 20 points in Inspiration and take Mender’s Purity and Restorative Mantras, I could create a very efficient mantra based build… beyond that though he gave me nothing… I’m a bit curious as to if the two builds could be merged somehow.

doesnt sound functional, because you would have to put alot of points into those trees and you would lose out on some skill traits, but i dont know for sure, its hard to create good hybrid builds that are really functional without losing alot.

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Mesmer Build Advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


I dont have much advice for you on it then because i would never use scepter for pve since its a confusion weapon and mobs only attack like every 3 seconds. but the build i would use if using those weapon set would be


Your main source of damage would come from your conditions from either your staff or your pistol proccing bleeds on crits. Your staff clones now have condition dmg at your lvl so should be able to stack around 15-18 stacks of bleeds using 2 staff clones and one iduelist. Also your staff clones also has a good chance of proccing burns too and with this much condi duration (if you’re using food buffs as well) burns that last one second now last around 2sec which is basically permanent burning if your lucky enough where all your clones and you attack. You can shatter for the occasional confusions, but confusion isn’t as strong as these bleeds/burns in dps. Also your staff has great support for boons as well when it bounces, and not to mention chaos armor, which can be activated 2x if you use the combo field to get it.

For your utilities personally you probably don’t need to use both of the signets i suggested, just one of them depending on your preference, (i prefer domination over illusions but thats because i can summon illusions faster than this build does though so maybe illusions might be better for this build.) I would replace one of those signets with probably decoy. I would take mantra of resolve for condition removal over arcane thievery because pve doesn’t tend to have much boons to steal, so a 45s CD skill for condi removal is pointless except during certain boss fights that gives 25stacks of might. You could take null field as well, but it has a similar problem as i stated above, no point in ripping boons of enemies. (its good for groups though, and another source of chaos armor with combo finishers).

fight style would just be keeping illusions up as long as possible, your illusions will do most of your work. not really sure where your scepter would come in here, because if you use the autoattack itll get rid of your other illusions which will be your main source of damage.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

Mesmer Build Advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


are you looking for a pve build? or wvw?

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How can I make a cool guy mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


heres how my mesmer look, you can only get that shirt as a asura racial jacket tho.


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arcane thievery bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


they dodged or blocked or obstructed or not in range etc etc..

it is unblockable. but yeah they can dodge it or you can be outa range or like you have probably noticed sometimes it just doesn’t feel like working even if you are staring them in the face a cm away.

it’s unblockable with aegis, but i think it’s blocked via skills like warrior shield block or activated mimic. though i’m not sure.

well i saw him get his other boon stripped but he still had stability on it. He had might and stability and i took might only. i mean a couple of times players had like 6 boons so i figured it was just chance that i took other random 3 boons instead, but when they only had 2-3boons i couldnt take stability

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Mesmer + Bows?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


how do u know what its capable of if its not even made yet tho. it might be really good tbh, or it could be really crappy, idk, but short bow sounds like a nice support.

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Mesmer + Bows?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


have you seen the visuals of the legendary short bow? rainbow unicorns come out! definitely sounds like something we need.

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arcane thievery bugged?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


Idk if its just me, but this whole day when i was trying to steal stablility from players in wvw, it wasn’t working, did they fix it to where you can’t steal stablility anymore? i was trying to steal it from necros and warriors.

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illusion skill trait tree

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


Plus the master of misdirection… oh sir I tell you confusion is still very strong I just wish they would revert it because of other things that are not reverted in wvw but are in pvp… I kinda feel its a little unfair to have thieves and warriors with over 100% crit chance without any fear of punishment or guardians/eles that can straight out heal any confusion we apply… Just not right… if they want to split wvw and pvp from pve they should do all skills not just pick and choose based off the whiners.

true, its unlikely now that confusion will be a main source of condition dmg now unless your extremely good at applying it and using condition duration food, i heard it could go up to around 200% increased duration in just confusion alone from someone but not sure.

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illusion skill trait tree

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


and yes, i use traits for traits, not for stats, which is why i’m saying can’t i have both? (i feel entitled)

well its useless to me because i started running a condi mesmer without confusion, besides the occasional shatters or random conf from chaos armor, its all coming from bleeds and burns from my staff. I have to allocate some runes for duration which also takes away some dmg, and was wondering why condi dmg is on illusions skill tree if confusion isn’t suppose to be a main source of condi dmg anymore.

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illusion skill trait tree

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bones.5762


Idk if it’s just me but i feel like our condition dmg = should no longer be in illusions considering that whole entire skill tree revolves around confusion and glamour when confusion is no longer what it used to be, maybe trade the condition dmg with boon duration in chaos? i would like to get more condition dmg bonus, but its pointless to invest points into illusions.

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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


After the AC change, golems are way less viable too. I witnessed a 35+ golem rush on hills and were able to take down NW Outer gate, but only had like 2-3 remaining once inside outer gate, and the remaining 3 just melted due to AC (as did all the others) very quickly.

tbh, thats just sad, even with the AC buff, which i hate, 35 golems should be able to take the first gate in like 30seconds or less, idk how u failed there unless they were opening fire on you before ur golems even got to the gate.

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Limit flame ram construction

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


whomever this is, he needs to teach me how to not hit siege limit, unless rams dont have a siege limit. (have not tested it with rams)

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Any idea how to siege hills?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I’m sorry im a little tired so i just skimed through your post, but remember this is a threeway fight too, you also have to defend yourself from the 3rd server, unless they have zero pressence in that map. A t3 keep will have waypoint most likely, so you still have that split interval to waypoint in, making it easy to teleport in with supplies, (remember you have a 30second headstart when flipping ANY camp now too, and it only takes like 20seconds for a group of 5 lvl 80’s to flip a camp. Also because hills kee kitten o deeply sieged up around the walls, nobody will be blockin people from running into it, and if for some reason they have a zerg of 100 and split it just good enough to stop people from going in, theres always people who can chain portal if its really that bad. I would be the people defending hills keep over the people trying to flip hills keep anyday not because its fun but because it’s easier to accomplish.

Also remember, if you do have everything flipped besides hills keep, siegerazer commander will be up for them which will automatically dispense EVERYONE near him 10 supplies, so imagine just timing your waypoint, and instant porting back with 30players with 300supplies. Also when you pass it all, youll still hit the extremely hard chokepoint at the lords room (if they sieged it). you can build AC around the outside of the tunnel at the side and shoot inwards too, but the AC can still hit them too if they push it towards the sides.

You can’t assume that players defending hills would just sit idle and do nothing while you iniate your attack, its just ignorant, because if you think of the reverse situation what would you do if you were defending hills keep and they applied these moves, are these the iwin button for flipping hills keep? that move worked “ok” before patch, and with the patch its still just an ok move, that doesn’t have a high success rate in my time spent in wvw.

and yes i wrote a long post too, but ima head to bed, ill check up on posts tomorow.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

Any idea how to siege hills?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


i think ppl are just missing the point. OP wants to seriously learn something, (as well as me) and people are basically saying, just ignore it and flip everything else, once enemy defenders are afk or offline we can go pvd everything unless were the server that gets pvd at night in which case we may never get to flip hills keep using this strategy.

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Any idea how to siege hills?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Cap everything else in the BL and let them have Hills?

lets not act dumb.

Thats not actually dumb… especially if Hills gets zero supply while being trebbed.

Lets assume were playing with people with some intellect here that can actually do more than just act dumb. I’m not saying its a dumb plan, great if you can do it but lets be realistic and say that they also flip other things while your on the move instead of sitting in one keep for hours doing nothing while you flip the whole entire map.

But it still doesn’t answer the question how to flip a t3 hills keep thats DEFENDED. If theres not an answer its only reasonable to say that it cant be done or that it takes longer than 4hours which is too long just to flip something in my mind because not everybody can spare over 4hours to flip just one keep. I would actually like to see a video of somebody sieging and flipping hills keep that is defending with superior AC.

PS: hills can counter treb just about all trebs hitting it if not all trebs.

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Any idea how to siege hills?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Cap everything else in the BL and let them have Hills?

lets not act dumb.

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Any idea how to siege hills?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Well that’s mainly PvDoor… i’m asking a well defended one. I mean, the only way to do this is to catch them offguard and rush them…

So you want to take Hills with all 80 players inside of it? You can’t take Garrison or Bay with such odds either… so what exactly are you looking for here? An “I WIN” button on hills?

I’m pretty sure he’s asking if theres a scenario that you would have a good chance at flipping hills with people ACTUALLY defending, not PvD. Because anybody can flip a keep PvD. he’s seriously wanting some insight, which i cannot give considering hills keep is impossible to flip if defended in my mind.

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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


JW but has anybody successfully taken hills keep yet with people actually defending? not via ninja attack. Also what about the chokepoint at the lords room, is it as hard as i imagine it to be now with 80% dmg increase? because even before then, it was a nightmare.

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Retaliation damage reduced by 33%

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


My theory is an Anet guy was playing a flamethrower engineer, and got burnt to a crisp on retaliation.

False! if they even played the engi they would show it more love, but its prolly the least liked professions in terms of patch notes after mesmers

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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Here’s an example of how weak an AC was. I clearly remember standing in QL’s LR back in December. An invader was trying to pass along the north side in the shallow water. I was raining arrows on him and barely slowed him down. A teammate came in and killed him.

The corpse persisted to stay there thus, I kept watch. A minute later here comes along another invader. I go full bore on him with the AC as soon as he’s within range. He successfully limped in, rezzed the corpse, and they both hobbled away.

How was an AC not pathetically week if this can occur? It needed a buff to become a realistic siege engine.

first of all, its an arrow cart, if its just 1 invader you shouldve just went to go kill him 1v1, at least you wouldve had a 50% chance, if you had a balista yea, you wouldve got him for sure. balistas might as well be pointless to build now, since AC does just about as much dmg per attack as well as a bigger aoe.

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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


The way I look at it, they’re trying to give smaller numbers of people a chance to fight off large groups. With these new additions, it will force zergs to implement a little more strategy.

The damage increase and range on the arrow carts are going to force more strategy than just zerg balling. Its a fantastic addition, one that I welcome.

thing i dont get is, why dont people see the reverse of this? if it helps the smaller number of players, it would also help the superior numbers of players as well by 80%!!

you’ll never be able to capture anything if they cant capture it either because they can apply same tactics you use, and defend it easier because they still have numbers to spare.

Again, that goes back to coordination and strategy, thats what this is going to boil down to. People working together. Forcing people to work together, and do things differently whether its offensive or defensive.

i’ll admit that prior patch defenders couldnt do much to stop the 40man group with 10 when theyre flipping a tower, but buff arrow carts up 80% isn’t the solution i believe. they need a different type of siege that is only built via the building, similar to a cannon.

exactly!! if they couldnt do it prior to the buff, they wont be able to after the buff, unless you mean defensive, this just gave defensive players a strong foothold which is ok, but in the long run, i personally see it not helping much.

idk maybe in 7months theyll finally realize that 80% is OP and reduce it back down 80% without meeting the middle ground like confusion.

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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Think about every single time you have seen a group of people take a tower or keep. What do they do? They stand directly in front of the door and beat on it, or they group around the catapults that are attacking the door. They just stand there, attacking the door. Cast things on the walls if there are defenders up there. Stand around, hit the door.

Everyone has been stuck in the same mindset about how towers and keeps are taken for months and months, which is run up to the door, drop rams, and plow on through. Now that you can’t do this anymore, the complaints roll in.

How to take a tower now? You need siege to take out the arrow carts. “But they will just build counter-siege!” They do not have infinite siege! You do, because you are the attacker and they are trapped inside. You need to starve them out. How you do this is:

-small group to man the siege that is destroying the arrow carts and other siege
-small group to defend the siege man-ers
-small group to secure nearby supply camps so you can keep building more siege
-small group to defend the supply camps so the enemy can’t build siege
-small group to cut off reinforcements to the tower so they can’t bring in supply from elsewhere

Hey guys, look at that, Anet solved the zerging problem! Which you’ve all been asking for, for months!

hmmm, small group everything, lets also run with small groups and split up into other objectives like our enemy…. Or we could group up, and take out each of these small groups, until they’re left with nobody.

You can’t group up now, arrow carts were buffed, remember? Just build some carts at the supply camps, or to defend your own siege. Then if they start siege-ing that, well, now we’ve got some interesting counterplay going on.

yea arrowcart is buffed when you have to take an objective, but trying using your arrowcart at point blank range, works miracles.

I’m pretty arrow carts don’t have a minimum range. If I’m wrong and they do, just spread them out so they can cover each other.

youre wrong, you cant use AC right next to you, theres a min range. so spread out players, sounds like easy pickings for a group who will focus them.

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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Think about every single time you have seen a group of people take a tower or keep. What do they do? They stand directly in front of the door and beat on it, or they group around the catapults that are attacking the door. They just stand there, attacking the door. Cast things on the walls if there are defenders up there. Stand around, hit the door.

Everyone has been stuck in the same mindset about how towers and keeps are taken for months and months, which is run up to the door, drop rams, and plow on through. Now that you can’t do this anymore, the complaints roll in.

How to take a tower now? You need siege to take out the arrow carts. “But they will just build counter-siege!” They do not have infinite siege! You do, because you are the attacker and they are trapped inside. You need to starve them out. How you do this is:

-small group to man the siege that is destroying the arrow carts and other siege
-small group to defend the siege man-ers
-small group to secure nearby supply camps so you can keep building more siege
-small group to defend the supply camps so the enemy can’t build siege
-small group to cut off reinforcements to the tower so they can’t bring in supply from elsewhere

Hey guys, look at that, Anet solved the zerging problem! Which you’ve all been asking for, for months!

hmmm, small group everything, lets also run with small groups and split up into other objectives like our enemy…. Or we could group up, and take out each of these small groups, until they’re left with nobody.

You can’t group up now, arrow carts were buffed, remember? Just build some carts at the supply camps, or to defend your own siege. Then if they start siege-ing that, well, now we’ve got some interesting counterplay going on.

yea arrowcart is buffed when you have to take an objective, but trying using your arrowcart at point blank range, works miracles.

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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Think about every single time you have seen a group of people take a tower or keep. What do they do? They stand directly in front of the door and beat on it, or they group around the catapults that are attacking the door. They just stand there, attacking the door. Cast things on the walls if there are defenders up there. Stand around, hit the door.

Everyone has been stuck in the same mindset about how towers and keeps are taken for months and months, which is run up to the door, drop rams, and plow on through. Now that you can’t do this anymore, the complaints roll in.

How to take a tower now? You need siege to take out the arrow carts. “But they will just build counter-siege!” They do not have infinite siege! You do, because you are the attacker and they are trapped inside. You need to starve them out. How you do this is:

-small group to man the siege that is destroying the arrow carts and other siege
-small group to defend the siege man-ers
-small group to secure nearby supply camps so you can keep building more siege
-small group to defend the supply camps so the enemy can’t build siege
-small group to cut off reinforcements to the tower so they can’t bring in supply from elsewhere

Hey guys, look at that, Anet solved the zerging problem! Which you’ve all been asking for, for months!

hmmm, small group everything, lets also run with small groups and split up into other objectives like our enemy…. Or we could group up, and take out each of these small groups, until they’re left with nobody.

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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


its not fear mongering, i did it before the buff, with a coordinated group, whats to stop uncoordinated groups from doing the same now. I’ve defended hills and garrison with a ratio of 1:4 before (15v70+).

I don’t like to play this card, but…seriously, if you held off 70 people with 15…you were playing against upleveled, poorly geared, exceptionally inept players. I don’t mean bad; I mean “Pac-Mac is unbeatable!” bad. Sorry; that’s the only explanation.

People say change tactics but lets be real, what else is there to do if you can’t ram a keep?

I just told you in the previous post; attack from more than one direction at once. It’s blindingly simple.

How would your 15 have protected Garrison from 20 enemies trebbing the wall from Cliffside while at the exact same time another 20 enemies attack the Watergate and another 20 attack the SW gate? The answer is; you would have failed. They’d get in, and there wouldn’t be a kitten thing you could do to stop it…and I even left out 10 of those 70 players you mentioned.

The problem here is all these pseudo commanders. SoR has their fair share too, including some real whoppers who happen to have fan clubs supporting their every inept move, but I digress. These commanders wouldn’t know the difference between tactics and strategy if you clubbed them over the head with it.

first off, let cliffside take the NW wall down (or if its the NE i dont remember), because you can DEFEND EVERYTHING from the inner, and watergate is easy to defend with 4players and siege in the right places. You can counter almost all siege with a counter treb from the vista in garrison (please remember this was when SW was still working.)

Also note that we have EVERY gate/wall sieged up to hell, we hit our siege limit, so we would first focus one group, then move to another, then another, it only takes like 1-2mins to wipe a group because when you have superior balista that can demolish the hell out of people, yeah its that easy, but i guess we could be more like you, running around like a chicken with our heads chopped off.

No!! It’s time to nut up or shut up!

Also why is it so hard to believe we played better than them, and its easier to blieve that there were 70+ players running around like idiots? yes, im sure that there were like 15-20 upleveled, but its hard to believe 60players were upleveld toons. My in game experience was all walls on the NW gate were down, the SW gate also broken, but they couldnt break into our garrison either. I have to give credit to Bony Charks from Magumma way back then, because he showed me alot of new counter spots that i didn’t know about.

Also, im sure that there are more stories like mine, but i guess a majority of players are extremely inept like you have so clearly stated.

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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


The way I look at it, they’re trying to give smaller numbers of people a chance to fight off large groups. With these new additions, it will force zergs to implement a little more strategy.

The damage increase and range on the arrow carts are going to force more strategy than just zerg balling. Its a fantastic addition, one that I welcome.

thing i dont get is, why dont people see the reverse of this? if it helps the smaller number of players, it would also help the superior numbers of players as well by 80%!!

you’ll never be able to capture anything if they cant capture it either because they can apply same tactics you use, and defend it easier because they still have numbers to spare.

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Confusion Nerf Way Over the Top

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Because something is easy to avoid or easily countered is not cause to make it blatantly overpowered to compensate for it. Plus it was this way to begin with I do believe and was increased to help Mesmers in PvE leveling/dungeons moreso than WvW?

But anyway, the change was needed and warranted. Mesmers will have to move to another build if this is what ANet wants. If ANet decides they want Mesmers to have a legitimate condition build (which they should imo) the better solution would be to give mesmers access to something like burning as opposed to readjusting confusion.

if anet removes the vulnerability from the staff auto attack, that would be like increasing it by 50%!! the random stack of vulnerability is so awful, if you have staff for a condition dmg build, it wouldnt even matter if got like 5 stacks of vulnerabilty on them because you couldnt even do much dmg. I would be ok with them replacing vulnerability with something like blind, which might be too op, not sure, or removing it altogether.

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Confusion Nerf Way Over the Top

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


what are you talking about? confusion is a supplement condition that is only suppose to help add to your attack, there is no such thing as a condition dmg build.


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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Those supporting this change are only looking at it from a defensive point of view. Yes, it’s great that it now requires less people to defend a tower/keep from an oversized zerg through the use of powerful arrow carts. However, how is a small sized guild/squad meant to have any success in attacking a tower/keep? 2 or 3 people will be able to hold off a group of 10-20 with no problem whatsoever with the new upgrades. This will in turn force people to increase the size of their group, so once again encouraging people to run in a ridiculously sized zerg.

If I am understanding you here, the argument is; “This change hurts you more than it helps you because now the ENEMY can defend better too!”

I say again; good.

ACs aren’t overpowered, they’re now as powerful as they were meant to be. That’s all. These claims that 3 people can hold off 25 and that 5 people can hold off 50…that’s just fear mongering and a lot of hyperventilation.

On our BL yesterday, SoR was fighting JQ over Bay at the south gate. We had arrow carts, we had AC operators (15-20?). JQ had more people (40 or so I guess?) and they won. They breached the wall in two spots while also attacking the gate, and created 3 ways in. It took longer, yes; but in the end, they won. You can’t build 5 arrow carts in every single place the enemy can possibly breach; that means the enemy can get in.

Simple logic.

A significant numerical advantage will still win you the fights and the PPT; you’re just going to have to work for it now instead of letting 10 people zerg the door down while the other 20 all /dance and /sleep.

its not fear mongering, i did it before the buff, with a coordinated group, whats to stop uncoordinated groups from doing the same now. I’ve defended hills and garrison with a ratio of 1:4 before (15v70+).

People say change tactics but lets be real, what else is there to do if you can’t ram a keep? treb it? well any keep can safely counter treb from inside their walls exception being garrison to bay keep. Catapults arent going to do you any good considering AC has around the same range now too. So basically you just have to walk away and try again when the enemy has their pants down.

it’s also about the players as well, you might have been able to defend it with superior AC in the back room of the lords, with maybe around 7AC and a couple balistas, while the rest just stall the lord from going down, eventually they’ll dwindle down. (not saying it will work 100% of the time, just saying its one scenario that couldve went well.) It’s true you cant defend every breach, but you can CREATE or find a choke point, which wouldve been the lords room.

Also not sure what you quoted from me as it’s not showing up for me.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Those supporting this change are only looking at it from a defensive point of view. Yes, it’s great that it now requires less people to defend a tower/keep from an oversized zerg through the use of powerful arrow carts. However, how is a small sized guild/squad meant to have any success in attacking a tower/keep? 2 or 3 people will be able to hold off a group of 10-20 with no problem whatsoever with the new upgrades. This will in turn force people to increase the size of their group, so once again encouraging people to run in a ridiculously sized zerg.

^^ most true thing said here.

If you can defend it with 5players against 50, whats to stop them from defending you with 5 players as well. They will still have a number advantage if they had that on you already, but it just forces both parties into a defensive position or an multiple golem rushes where the enemy can’t even react fast enough.

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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


How does it make a zerg split up? When it takes LESS people to defend than it does to attack how do you really think smaller groups will be able to cap anything? I mean really…

I don’t think he meant to split up and attack different objectives. Getting a tower (and especially a keep) should be a coordinated and group activity. Zerg could split into few groups and attack from different directions. Once one wall is down, each group would wait for other teams to knock down more walls, and only then simultaneously overwhelm defenders (as opposed to current “huzzah, wall down, rush to the lord” behaviour*).

But that requires planing, organisation, and time. Previous WvW was SO easy (chu chu, karma train on the way). Well, times change and so will Commanders adapt. They will have to plan in advance, identify objectives, and assign roles (as opposed to current “build treb on me”, “push now”).

A lot of people complain about having nothing to do for small teams. Small team shouldn’t be able to capture anything (unless they use surprise). Small teams should focus on capturing depots (why you need 30+ people to flip a depot? waste of manpower), securing them, disturbing enemy dolyaks, or just roaming (disturbing enemy activity). Once you start bleeding a tower / keep dry enemies will leave their keeps and towers. They will know they need depots and dolyak routes running, otherwise they will get killed. With this system, the successful capture is dependant on such small teams doing their job. You get small scale fight while helping taking a larger objective. Win-win for me.

This guy gets it.

Gets what? Seriously… are people this naive?

You have 100 people that split into groups of 4, lets say these 100 are attacking Garrison… 25 on seperate gates… So what exactly will happen here? With arrowcarts on each gate it will take them a while and then what stops the enemy from blobbing into a group of 50+ and going out killing those 25 people then going back in and doing the same to all the 25 man groups… what exactly stops this? People are so focused on just siege defending and missing so many angles in this argument…


say its 25v50, the larger group is attacking and they split up into another 25man group attack another gate in that keep, those 25 would probably just rush those 25 left behind (possibly portal bomb) and just wipe them, and go and wipe the other group as well, because they already have siege advantage and numbers are the same. (this is speaking that both parties are of equal skills)

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Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


What people don’t understand is that it is BORING trebbing/dealing with counter trebs for 5 hours to TRY and find a fight inside a keep or something.. people want to fight CHARACTERS not siege all the time..

People obviously don’t feel this way.

That’s why this thread has almost 700 replies in half a day

700 replies totally agreeing with the complains made in this thread. Hell, if I knew my posts would count as some kind of support for these complaints, I don’t think I would be posting here right now. Face it, the people who frequent forums are a drop in the ocean, and mean next to nothing in terms of what people would actually like to see in the game.

You don’t have to tell me what to do, I’ll stop posting when I feel like it. It’s the only thing I can do now since the patch has made everything I worked for in the game useless. I do have real arguments, you just choose to ignore that, that is your choice.

I do not understand what you are doing in this thread, guilds that actually tried to make this game competitive are now asking for a fix. You are just here to ruin stuff.

If you consider 5v100 a valid argument, I don’t know what. Personally I would consider that mad ramblings. If you feel you need to quit this game, then by all means go ahead and do it. I see absolutely nothing from anyone who replied to me that is worth even a second of consideration from my part.

Oh, and this game is competitive. Maybe blobbing 30 people up and spamming your autoattack while abusing every game mechanic conceivable has something to do with your lack of fun. That is what you guys do in the upper tiers right?

Before this patch 10vs80 was not hard to do for hills or garrison. Not in the least. You didn’t even have to be on voicecomms for it. Of course this is going to make 5vs 100 doable.

P.S. we are in T7

Those 80 would have to be extremely bad, and would have to never adapt at all.

P.S. that was not always the case

that would be untrue, i remember one time back in maguuma, it was around like 2am or so on reset night, we defended our BL garrison for 4+hours after 3 NW walls and gates already went down with just 15players against 80, they werent bad players, we just knew every good counter siege spot, and with a t3 garrison, yea, autoattacks wouldve took them another 4hours at least. They tried every angle, hell they even tried to hit watergate with golems a couple of times, but yeah, didnt work out, eventually we succumbed to our exhaustion, and we logged off.

also hills is probably the easiest to defend keep of them all because of only 2 gates, and one wall which is easily seen and countered if server has it sieged up properly.

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Welcome to Devona's Rest!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Bones.5762



I’m genuinely impressed with this animation, it’s the 2nd best recruitment thread I’ve ever read. The first was from Fubuki way back in the day, (it totally moved me in such a way i xfer to kaineg back in week 5) He used a simile that it was so rare to see a player in kaineg back in those days, killing it would be like killing a unicorn. I used to run with unicorns, now i run with blobs.

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Now any sword Mesmer can block treb shots....

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


im pretty sure what you stated is a bug, also what ability would they be using? blurry frenzy? the block ability on the sword as an offhand? or temporal curtain with proj reflect when traited?

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Official WvW Patch Notes [4/30]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


you get wxp for repair gates/walls, it worked for me at least, i havent tried the other yet.

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New Patch; Meme Thread

in Community Creations

Posted by: Bones.5762


lmao, i totally rofled when i saw number 3.

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WvW Confusion damage nerf

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


well the confusion/retal build i had going is extremely underpowered now, i could hardly even solo a dd ele just a while go even tho they got nerfed too.

Its still hard to believe that just at the beginning they felt that confusion was so underpowered in wvw/pve that they boosted it up 50%, and now they feel its so OP they reversed it back to it’s original state without going into the middle of 25%. The logic is just AMAZING.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

30 seconds before attack notification?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


For groups that “20 man zerg” a supply camp….

It is pretty easy to flip a camp in under 30 seconds. After 4min buff expires…that is.

Groups can flip camps at will without opposition even knowing about it.

a good small 5man group should be able to kill all npcs in less than 20seconds, plus 5sec for that node cap=ninja.

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Small man/Havoc Crew Tier Consolidation?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bones.5762


This sounds like a great plan, but i think ideally it would be better to balance out the guilds accross servers beisdes just one super server of roamers, or else it might make that server too strong. right now t7 is looking extremely balanced so hypothetically if we portioned the players correctly it would be a stable matchup for a while.

The old T8 with kaineg/FC/DR was a pretty evened out fight, not like t7 now, but it was fun n good.

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30 seconds before attack notification?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Well a golem rush on all towers and keeps seems like a great way to get wxp now. gates will be down before the enemy team even realizes their tower is hit. I’m pretty sure 30seconds is way too long, 15sec would be better, but no way to know until we try. but the 30second interval before you can’t waypoint into a keep is really nice.

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t7 roaming groups

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Ok, i’ve decided ill probably try to xfer over into a t7 tier, whats all the good roaming guilds in these tiers? My ideal roaming guild is a group who doesnt run with the zerg much except to amass numbers to take an objective that is needed, otherwise their time is spent flipping nodes, running supplies, sieging up towers/keeps, and with extremely quick reaction time. I’m not looking for a 200+player guild with 50ish unactive, i’m looking for a solid 20-30ish core players who are on a decent amount and run in groups of 7-10ish.

No drama please. Also please state if they might be interested in inviting new players and if you guys know of when the server population ever gets below Very High, even if its like 5am.

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That's how WvW-Statistics should look like

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bones.5762


You shouldn’t be able to see the other servers population levels in WvW. That’s too much intel right there for free. If you want to find out, get in there and scout the map. That type of intel would result in significant changes to player allocations.


Alot of OP points makes sense, but the fact is AN will never implement that system that makes it where population determines how much points a server can get PPT wise as they already stated that they want everybody’s time to be equal and valuable. Besides it would be easy to abuse anyways. My solution is they should just post the scores at the end of the week instead of showing it all week long as they intended WvW to be a casual thing but showing scores certainly says otherwise.

I saw this statement by ANet. I would be nice if all players would have the same value.
But I don’t agree that this is currently the case.

Currently the prime-time player has nearly no value, and the off-time player has a lot value.

I needs 450 player in prime-time to get a 230 pts ticker, that’s 1/2 a point per player and tick. (in fact the prime-time player is worth less, if he leaves he is immediately replaced.)
I needs 50 player at night to get a 650 ticker , that’s 7 points per player and tick.

The offtime player currently is weight 14 times as important than the primetime player. (this is approx. EU-T2 numbers, I guess there are slightly different in other tiers, but the general tendency should be the same.)

It would be nice if ANet would not only believe their values, but implement them.

Edit: Where did you saw the players per server, I only saw the the total population of all three server, if you see that number you have no idea how this splits up per server.

Its true that the value of a player ingame during off time hours are more valuable to a server’s win, but it’s like treating them like second class citizens if we say they’re only worth half as much. Also i never quoted saying i saw players/server i only agreed to volkons quote saying if you see your outmaned by ratio of 3:1 it might deter you from going in.

Realistically speaking, people care too much about winning. i’m trying to get gold now so i can xfer out to a lower tier to avoid these huge battles of 40v40 and sometimes even 60v60 that just puts me into skill lock rite now, i calculated costs and it would be around 50ish gold just to transfer off because all servers are at very high at almost all times now which is stupid. around 1800gem, so rite now it is extremely discouraging.

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That's how WvW-Statistics should look like

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bones.5762


You shouldn’t be able to see the other servers population levels in WvW. That’s too much intel right there for free. If you want to find out, get in there and scout the map. That type of intel would result in significant changes to player allocations.


Alot of OP points makes sense, but the fact is AN will never implement that system that makes it where population determines how much points a server can get PPT wise as they already stated that they want everybody’s time to be equal and valuable. Besides it would be easy to abuse anyways. My solution is they should just post the scores at the end of the week instead of showing it all week long as they intended WvW to be a casual thing but showing scores certainly says otherwise.

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Treb Shots now being unblockable.

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I approve of this change in theory, but it should have come at the same time as an end to the bollocks that is tower to tower trebbing, particularly garrison -> bay and SM -> friggineverything

If the enemy has a treb, you should have to go, and should be able to go, and kill it.

You do realize that countering garrison to bay trebs is pretty easy right? I mean the method for countering it has been out there for a few months now.

if youre talking about AC placed below the trebs at garrison, it doesn’t always work, because a well placed treb is unhittable with an AC. Same with balista splinter attack.

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underwater ranger downed state

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


thanks for letting me know about how broken ranger is underwater, ill be sure to never fight em in water again.

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