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underwater ranger downed state

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


yea, maybe i came back to gw2 too soon, or maybe i had too much hopes for this game, i might have to shelf it for another couple of months to let the nerfs die down, seems like nerfs still keep hitting all my mains, n forcing me to get new gear.

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underwater ranger downed state

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Downed state in underwater is stupid considering you can’t even stomped them. I’ve never had any outrageous fight in underwater til i fought this ranger, and i play 5 different characters all lvl 80 with exos.

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underwater ranger downed state

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Dont follow rangers into the water, easy fix for your problem. It’s like confusion, it was fine the way it was, you just shouldn’t do anything while you have it on.

(Yes, this post is filled with sarcasm)

Well being a mesmer which is one of the stronger classes in water i wasn’t scared, I mean i had him downed with a little over 8k hp, which shouldve been enough for a finish til he started to heal with pet, which was ridiculus amts of healing. I didnt know about said bug and was already in water, its not like i can port/outrun a class that has a passive spd boost in water, when i have one spd boost (outside of underwater combat)

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underwater ranger downed state

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I just fought a ranger underwatered, got him downed, but his pet was still able to hit me like a truck with 2.6k armor, and also when his pet was healing him in downed state, he was gaining health faster than i could even take it down. Is this broken because i just recently came back to gw2 like a couple weeks ago from a couple months of waiting for fixes n such but this seems extremely broken.

i have 3k attack btw.

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Guild Wars 2 Still in Beta!

in PvP

Posted by: Bones.5762


What provoked this post? The fact that a teammate and i both attempted to kill an opposing ranger while in his downed phase underwater, and we both died in the process. How has this not been fixed yet? It’s been going on for MONTHS.

That would explain something that just happened to me just now, as i’m just now realizing there’s a bug with ranger underwater downed state. I downed a ranger in WvW (not sure if bug still applys there) and he was able to gain health back faster than i could dmg him when his pet helped healed him, also his pet was hitting me like a truck while i had around 2.6k armor and able to down me, and get resed up to finish me off.

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T8 question

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


yea most likely, i started out in kaineg during its t8 early stages before WM went there so i do miss those days. But that matchup doesnt look anything like the old FC/Kain/DR matchup, seems more like than t1 matchup.

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T8 question

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


The reason the match is so uneven is because of SF numbers during NA primetime, if you check in the match up thread you’ll see its not a even fight.
Any of the other 5 servers would be a good pick for what you’re looking for, or you can keep your choice on SF, just be aware that their numbers are nowhere as low as what you’re looking for.

ill keep that in mind. I’ll wait til they go up a tier and see how they fare up in those servers, like i said i dont wanna go into a match thats already stacked and doesn’t need help, but doubt i could do much being just 1 player anyways.

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T8 question

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I want an avg size server, that fields around 20-30 organzied on primetime maps (own BL +EB) and maybe the extras anywhere else.

I want to be able to hop over to a different BL to sabotage camps, towers n such when were backs are against the wall and not have to worry about running into groups of 40 running me over with skill lock.

Yes i know SF is higher pop of the 3 servers in t7, but im going to assume thats just night coverage, but in terms of NA prime, im sure its an even good fight, also it’s hard to assess HoD V0.5. Still not sure if they belong in t7 or t8 either since im just recently coming back to gw2 after a couple months off so that could be the reason the match is a blow up.

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T8 question

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Is there any time that the population drops below Very High? sucks to use so much gem to try to xfer to a lower pop, so if you guys do know of a time that population drops lower than VH let me. I’ve checked around 2am CST before too and it was still VH.

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T8 question

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


maybe, lol, atm they are a good looking prospect

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T8 question

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


i think i might xfer over to SF since u guys will be moving up a tier maybe in a week or two at ur rate. ill consider it, im also NA primetime, usually around 6-midnight CST

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T8 question

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


good to hear, I was actually looking at SF server because I’ve seen videos of Seven mirrors, and I’m a huge fan n would like to see more of his gameplay in person, but only thing is i dont wanna stack a wining server even if its just me, which is the only thing holding me back atm.

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Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Old times, I miss t8.

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T8 question

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I have a question for t8/t7 tier, i’m considering xfering (just me, not a massive 400man guild) because i’m on a higher tier which seems to always run in huge groups of 30ish on average and its just a little annoying right now to me personally, (not saying its a bad thing, just saying that skill lock sucks) so i was wondering about the dynamics of t7/t8 fights, smaller scales of 20v20? or is all servers like 30v30 now at least? explain the dynamics of your tier, i already have a server in mind but would like to hear from others.

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Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762



Why are you so mad about a video game? Who cares if we win/don’t win. Or people do irritating things. It’s all about having fun.

Personally I don’t seek e-glory by winning T2, or going to T1. It’s not important to me. I just want to log in and WvW with my guild and have a good time. We wipe, we wipe people, We take keeps, we lose them. But almost always everybodys in TS in a good mood having a good time.

it’s never been about winning, its been about outplaying the other server, i could care less if we lose by 200k because of night time crews that wreck us, but if we can’t efficiently play good during our time, it makes it quite depressing to know the only reason we win is because the people who are night crew pull 100% of our weight. I have been on 5 different servers (4 of which weren’t winning servers) (FA being the exception) and i can honestly say that those 4 other servers played better. I’m not saying FA doesn’t have skills so don’t imply that, BT has an amazing roamin group and i’ve seen them firsthanded, but that’s not what my argument is about. Why do people always imply that critique is based on want to win. I have never wanted to win, it’s always about having fun.

If our server sucks so bad why don’t you go join a 6th. I’ve played on FA since day one and I think it is a splendid server. It plays well and is fun to play. There are many roles to fill. The only thing we really lack is 50 man robot zergs. But maybe we just aren’t that professional when it comes to WvW because we aren’t getting scholarships or a living wage for playing it.

I plan on it, but unfortunately i don’t get massive amounts of gold because i don’t lay siege and zerg all day. I’ve been here 2 weeks,(the winning weeks of FA) but also the worst weeks spent in wvw for me personally. Yes this is me complaining, I’ve asked the community to try and play better a week ago, and addressed the issues i felt were our weakness, i never said we suck, i said we could learn new strats and play better with better siege placements (or just more of it) and you guys explode on me for trying to point out the flaws/weakness in this server?

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Edit: I play WvW and I also sometimes jump into PvP. I don’t remember that I ever died while having confusion on me.

So, you’ve never been hit with a stack of confusion at low health where even trying to heal yourself kills you? You don’t PvP much I take it. :P

You are at 2K health, just don’t do anything for 5 seconds!

If you’re at 2k health and get hit by just about anything you would die.
How is this an argument against confusion?

If your argument for nerfing it is that “It kills people at low health” then that, right there, is pretty compelling evidence that the kitten isn’t overpowered.

It’s not an argument against confusion. WTF has happened to our education system where people can not accurately interpret what has been stated in clear terms.

He said “never.” I took issue with the use of that word. End of story.

He said HE never was in a situation where confusion has killed him, you made up some fake example and are trying to put him in it.

I’m simply saying anyone in that situation got outplayed. maybe you need to educate yourself first.

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Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762



Why are you so mad about a video game? Who cares if we win/don’t win. Or people do irritating things. It’s all about having fun.

Personally I don’t seek e-glory by winning T2, or going to T1. It’s not important to me. I just want to log in and WvW with my guild and have a good time. We wipe, we wipe people, We take keeps, we lose them. But almost always everybodys in TS in a good mood having a good time.

it’s never been about winning, its been about outplaying the other server, i could care less if we lose by 200k because of night time crews that wreck us, but if we can’t efficiently play good during our time, it makes it quite depressing to know the only reason we win is because the people who are night crew pull 100% of our weight. I have been on 5 different servers (4 of which weren’t winning servers) (FA being the exception) and i can honestly say that those 4 other servers played better. I’m not saying FA doesn’t have skills so don’t imply that, BT has an amazing roamin group and i’ve seen them firsthanded, but that’s not what my argument is about. Why do people always imply that critique is based on want to win. I have never wanted to win, it’s always about having fun.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I’m surprised people skipped the QQ about LoD hammer warriors and went straight for confusion mesmers.

They are fine IMO, one of the few viable zerg builds mesmers have, and in small scale fights I fine them much less dangerous than physical damage shatter mesmers. Even if they get 10 stacks of confusion on you they have zero means of damage, so if you can’t remove the confusion then it is still fairly trivial to ride out the damage until your cooldowns come up.

Stuns are far easier to counter since there are a ton of stun removals in the game along with the ultimate denier – stability. And, of course, what people have been ignoring is that it’s not what the confusion mesmer is doing to you it’s what the other people are doing to you while you are shut out of using both offensive and (more importantly) defensive abilities.

why must you make it seem like a 3v1 or a 2v1 or 10v1? you have allies, they should help you, walk into the background roughly 5 seconds won’t kill you unless the whole entire group decides to focus fire on you.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Edit: I play WvW and I also sometimes jump into PvP. I don’t remember that I ever died while having confusion on me.

So, you’ve never been hit with a stack of confusion at low health where even trying to heal yourself kills you? You don’t PvP much I take it. :P

You are at 2K health, just don’t do anything for 5 seconds!

first off, that’s called getting caught with your pants down, he outplayed you, accept it and move on.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


i get the feeling that people are implying mesmers do 15stack burst of confusions in 2seconds in which said player imploded in on himselfs, only a bad mesmer would use all confusions skills in a burst, and only someone worse would implode himself doing so. Good mesmers use it in small burst, not some gigantic burst of 15 stacks, they usually sustain around 3-6stacks of confusion, if the other player is just an average player with average amounts of cond removals.

Oh an easy counter to confusion mesmers who burst out 15stacks of confusion, just cure it, then the mesmer is basically useless and dodging/going invisi/ til his cooldowns are back up, which is roughly around 25-30seconds.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Also the elementalist argument is invalid. We all know Eles have an ridiculous amount of condition cleansers. I personally play condition engineer and lately alot of condition necromancer and i have a hard time with eles too, even without confusion. Try to argue about this with another prof viewpoint. Alot of profs have less to almost no conditionremovals if they don’t heavily trait for it. And since we can get some ridiculous high condition duration in WvW mesmers can maintain 5+ stacks of confusion all the time.

-A guardian can easily cure conditions from their heal and weapons as well and has many light combo fields which cure (combo fields are powerful but few people use them).
-A necro can cure conditions or send them to an opponent or convert them into buffs. Their heal is better with more conditions.
-An engineer can use elixir gun which has the 5 ability which cures conditions, toss elixir r, elixir c to convert conditions and toss elixir c to cure, antidotes from med kit or healing turret. Super elixir, toss elixir r and u also make light fields which cure conditions. They also can use elixir gun to cure allies, and their toss skills listed cure allies as well.

On top of that 1 of any of the 4 can cure an allies easily as well, if you work together.

Untraited the ele/engineer/necro/guardian have the best and most access to cures. If you trait these become even better at curing but untraited they are very strong already. The other professions have access to cures but are a bit more limited outside of specing, eating or gearing, which is a weakness of the more offensive classes of mesmer/thief/ranger/warrior. But even those all have utilities that can cure and some even have condition removal built into their heals.

There is also food, runes and sigils that reduce condition duration/transfer conditions/remove conditions which everyone has access to.

Not anyone traits for heavy condition removal and the engineer lacks it without those investments. Elixir gun is crap so why should I waste a utility slot for 1 condi cleanser every 20 sec? The engineer is allready a tough class to play why should I gimp myself even more? And even if I bring all those cleansers there is still a chance it will cleanse the wrong condition / you catch me when I’m out of cleansers.

I wonder why you even bring condition cleanser as a valid argument as you can easily reaplly 4-8 confusion stacks as a mesmer without too much effort. Shatters aren’t your only source of stacking them you know?

Any good conditionspec will watch out for conditioncleanse abilities and keep their key conditions for after the enemy blew them up. Even an elementalist with almost infinite cleanse possibilities offers a timewindow where he can’t cleanse anything.
With your logic he just should wait out until his cleanses come avaiable again before he starts doing anything…

And no confusion doesn’t really hurt those key spammers, it hurts those classes that attack fast/produce multiple actions with 1 single button press. The 100 nades medkit button with 4 ticks for 1 key press was just 1 example. There are sure more.

I don’t think ANet wanted confusion to be a much stronger stun which penalices you even more then a regular stun/daze.

I’ll stop argueing here as I don’t see this going into any direction. Mesmers will say leave it as it is no matter what kind of arguments I can bring. I just dare you to play against those named mesmers with another class. I think this would greatly help you understand.

Look i actually run the 100nade build on my engineer, if i die because i fought a confusion mesmer (first off i would never win because i knew what i was getting into, with the wrong build) it’s 200% my fault for my self-destruction.

Secondly ur talking about a GC 100nade build who died to confusion when it’s the least of your worries in a big wvw fight?

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Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


You know whats really embarassing that i saw on a daily basis? going to BL where we held keeps and it only having 3 siege built over the course of 3hours until we were either attacked and forced to build more or we got mawed over, and even when the keep became paper gates, we would have a hard time flipping it back because enemy server laid down 6-8siege on keep. FA was doing things like this all the time during its time in T2

This is extremely embarassing for a t2 server, Worst server i’ve ever been on, and i’ve been on a few.

Have you even been to the FA community website? The thoughts there echo your own sentiments exactly (albeit in a constructive, not negative, way). Ignore the FA forum warriors here, their opinions mean little to nothing. Real discussion happens on the servers website, where we know our place and are committed to improving for a shot at T2 again. The link is in Mif’s signature if you missed it.

I would like to, but the community has already rubbed off in bad way to me, so i would rather not go there. I just came here to speak my opinions and why this chest thumping is necessary, people are saying skills, but coverage has 80% to do with everything, (not speaking to you directly) because if you want real skills look at reset night, Maguuma played extremely good, holding SM for 3hours i believe? yes SM flipped back n forth but after the turmoil i think they had it for 3hours.

People don’t handle critiques very well here. I don’t post on forums much anymore, but lately its been irritating when i come and read nonsense.

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Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


What is with the FA chest thumping when coming down to T3 where this tier obviously has less population than us in wvw. I’m pretty sure everyone already knew the outcome of this matchup so to go around chest thumping for a win that doesnt mean much is somewhat childish.

It’s funny how you guys can give it (like you do in the part of your post I didn’t quote), but you can’t take it…

ummm, i’m from FA, i’m saying FA chest thumping is unneccessary and sickening.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


i dont think OP and his said 2 followers arent going to change their mind anytime soon.

Look as much as i hate guardians and how they can tank up to 3-5players easy if they’re good, for a good 30seconds, i have learned to adapt and when to throw burst skills on them rending them useless, they will still be up for around 30seconds but i can WAIT until they use their heal. But i wouldn’t go on a cry about nerfing guardians, because about 90% of guardians are played this way, i just adapt their playstyle and did something that was harder for them to counter and this justifies why mesmers should be nerf? because i did a build that renders you weaker than you want?

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(edited by Bones.5762)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I think you’re taking this on a personal level, I’m simply saying learn what you need to counter it, will you always have those skills available or run with that build? most likely not but you’re a guardian, so i can’t really say what skills you use because i don’t know of them too much.

Classes will never be balanced because theres always going to be a trinity of what beats what in this game. lets say thieves beat mesmers, mesmers beat guardians, guardians beat thieves.

also this is not completely accurate as it falls on player skills and builds, but that seems to be the general idea of what class has trouble with what.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


necro, warrior, engineer, ranger

I’ve been playing since bw3 as well, so i know what i’m dealing with. I have a mesmer and i have that build so i know how to counter it and it’s weak spots. The only question is if i’m traited for it? or geared for it? if i’m not geared for toughness and condition removal in WvW maybe i’m not doing something right, but if you’re glass cannon complaining about this then you’re argument is invalid, but if i recall you said you was a guardian i believe, not gonna go back and look up your exact words but yeah.

I have not seen 1 engineer trying to run a valid confusion build and make it work in all my time spent in wvw (500+hours). If there is any confusion dmg engineer who considers themselves to be OP, i would like to see fraps on build and how you use it in wvw because it sounds pretty fun.

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(edited by Bones.5762)

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I’ve always said Confusion was sleeper OP, it seems people have finally caught on ( some balance changes inadvertently buffed it ). Confusion is currently to strong, as has been stated before in coordinated groups its a huge force multiplier. It’s not simply Mezmers that are the issue, Engineers as well.

So signed … ANet needs to nerf confusion damage, there’s no reason a condition that punishes you for action should do the damage it does, nor do I think it’s intended.

umm, if i remember correctly, the engineer has 2 skills that can even apply confusion, 3 stacks if i remember right, so if anybody is running an engineer trying to do a confusion build is probably not a very viable build. Yes condition dmg engineers are still strong but that’s because they can apply other conditions like poisons/burns/bleeds but their skill set isn’t focused on one thing where they can just effectively spam one type of condition such as a necro spaming bleeds.

If an Asura, also:

Wait… you are the same guy who said this:

If you don’t understand the class you’re fighting, learn it instead of complaining about them

How ironic. But wait, you also said:

i can say that mesmers have the lowest health pool

GJ you finally decided to educate yourself with wiki facts. But i did say if i remember correctly

with this engineer build i would be able to run 2 kits, 2 additional skills with no stunbreakers and one possible condition removal with medkit and be OP. thanks Oozo for giving out great builds, you’ve totally explained why confusion builds are OP, just apply hacks and exploits for wins right?

I said of the 4 classes i play, my mesmer has the lowest health pool, HP if you would call it.

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Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


You know whats really embarassing that i saw on a daily basis? going to BL where we held keeps and it only having 3 siege built over the course of 3hours until we were either attacked and forced to build more or we got mawed over, and even when the keep became paper gates, we would have a hard time flipping it back because enemy server laid down 6-8siege on keep. FA was doing things like this all the time during its time in T2

This is extremely embarassing for a t2 server, Worst server i’ve ever been on, and i’ve been on a few.

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Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


FA definitely knows what they’re doing and they have a lot of people doing it. Even if we had even numbers and DB wasn’t trying to get in on the action (which is the case sometimes), I think you’d still have more people doing the right thing at the right time.

Sorry to smash you but you’re wrong. Look at the last week matchup against Tc/BG/FA.
We had all maps on que and about 70-80% of the time we had less ppt against them during primetime. we obviously weren’t doing a good job.

ps i consider primetime 7pm -midnight EST

Uhh, this is coming from an ACM member?? I refuse to believe Tholbrin didn’t lead you to victory 24/7. Mods please delete this troll post.

exactly what i mean, ignorance from these FA forum warriors. look at reset, Maguuma OBVIOUSLY has a better primetime when all maps are que. People are saying look at the score and ppt 2-3days later but dont realize that maguuma has to flip back towers/keeps that has been fortified to t3 and can field maps easily. You would be ignorant to say that we don’t hit full ques on all four maps almost daily.

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Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


What is with the FA chest thumping when coming down to T3 where this tier obviously has less population than us in wvw. I’m pretty sure everyone already knew the outcome of this matchup so to go around chest thumping for a win that doesnt mean much is somewhat childish. FA is not prepared to go back to t2, FA has the same population size as TC, but TC does a better job, only one explaination for that, but people don’t wanna hear it.

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Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


FA definitely knows what they’re doing and they have a lot of people doing it. Even if we had even numbers and DB wasn’t trying to get in on the action (which is the case sometimes), I think you’d still have more people doing the right thing at the right time.

Sorry to smash you but you’re wrong. Look at the last week matchup against Tc/BG/FA.
We had all maps on que and about 70-80% of the time we had less ppt against them during primetime. we obviously weren’t doing a good job.

ps i consider primetime 7pm -midnight EST

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I’ve always said Confusion was sleeper OP, it seems people have finally caught on ( some balance changes inadvertently buffed it ). Confusion is currently to strong, as has been stated before in coordinated groups its a huge force multiplier. It’s not simply Mezmers that are the issue, Engineers as well.

So signed … ANet needs to nerf confusion damage, there’s no reason a condition that punishes you for action should do the damage it does, nor do I think it’s intended.

umm, if i remember correctly, the engineer has 2 skills that can even apply confusion, 3 stacks if i remember right, so if anybody is running an engineer trying to do a confusion build is probably not a very viable build. Yes condition dmg engineers are still strong but that’s because they can apply other conditions like poisons/burns/bleeds but their skill set isn’t focused on one thing where they can just effectively spam one type of condition such as a necro spaming bleeds.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


And mesmers don’t need yet another fact no class deserves a nerf, classes need to be buffed to have more variety.

But i like going commando (ha!)

Yes, all classes need to be reworked and given buffs in their other builds that are weaker. I’ve have literally never seen a Guardian run anything beisides either toughness/vit/power gear, or power/toughness/healing gear. Which i’m assuming is the only viable build for a guardian. This shows the lack of types of build the guardian can play, I don’t personally know the guardian or any of their skills but that’s my opinion on guardians.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I’m saying before the patch that nerfed one of their signets, i have no problems with thieves now if i’m built for it. except for condition thieves who just cloak away after applying a couple of conds back and forth, its just a pain.

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Spikeroot Fruit

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Why is Spikeroot Fruit allowed in WvW? An enemy thief and me got into a 1 vs 1 fight in the eternal battleground jumping puzzle. The problem is once he hit me with Spikeroot fruit I was chain knocked down (stunned) till I died.

Spikeroot Fruits are found growing on short trees in the Caledon Forest. They have an extremely hard outer shell, making it usable as ad hoc weapons when the need arises.

Throw the spikeroot fruit and knock down a foe

Range.png Range: 900

Here is a screenshot of my combat log.

Dieing is part of PvP. I get it, but being chain stunned? How is that acceptable? I have a limited supply of stun-breakers on long cooldowns. There is no way to compete against this.

That actually sounds really funny, but yes, items from pve being used in wvw is unacceptable in any form, anet needs to just go ahead and make all items from pve unusable instead of waiting for every item from pve being used.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Guardians just dont beat mesmers who use confusion. Too many conditions.

Even with a full shout, runes of the soldier, purity traited, signet of resolve using guardian WILL HAVE TROUBLE. I know i have one.

Fighting against Maguuma i learned dueling mesmers on my guardian, both switching off from a Triple Meditation spec to a Full Shout AH hammer spec.

You HAVE to turn your auto attack off.

You have to “pace” the mesmer. Pace the confusion, watch you conditions. The confusion is the only real dmg. The best thing they have at that point is stacking bleeds, but again you can leave that up to purity or the signet heal and passively regen and dodge heal AFTER.

Dodge fields at all costs. But good confusion 1v1 mesmers dont use fields.

Bait their shatters, dodge through them (usually getting behind them) condi removal into attack rotation.

If they’re rocking a staff they’ve got an 8 sec teleport. Save Leaps, Blinks and burst for after the blink.

If they’re using a sword, bait the invul attack, get behind or to the sides. Its like 100b’s but better with the invul, still the weakness is that they’ve immobilized their moving and turning ability.

The mesmers using heavy confusion builds dont rely on phatasm’s as much (as far as im concerned) but REALIZE that the “real” looking mesmer dont do crap for dmg, i think they just apply some condi’s if you leave them. The only mesmer you really have to watch out for is the purple looking ones. They do the dmg.

again, its really all the pacing.

When i fight confusion mesmers, and i see anything more then 2-3 stacks and am riding lower then 75%, just take your hand off the keyboard and walk away from him with W or with your mouse. Its generally a trap, just make them blow it.

Here’s somebody who understands how to fight a mesmer. I having 4 different lvl 80’s who i’ve played with a great amount each, i can say that mesmers have the lowest health pool, but many great tricks to increase survivability.

If you don’t understand the class you’re fighting, learn it instead of complaining about them, the only class that I can only honestly say i had trouble with before they patched it was the burst GC thief when they could pull out 13k dmg in like 3-5sec and culling was still super bad.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Like I said originally, you can say the exact same things for stuns… fears… knockbacks… anything that is a control ability. Oh, except that for confusion, the TARGET controls the ability, not the caster. Personally, I’d love it if I could control whether a stun or knockback that you cast actually did anything to me.

Yes, I stand by my “a player is likely bad if confusion is killing them” position. YOU control it and whether it does anything at all.

This entire thread is full of “I don’t like that I have to modify my playstyle because of this… NERF IT.”

So, when condition removals are down you have two choices in a small group fight.

1. Do nothing and die to the people damaging you.
2. Do something and die to confusion.

Do you think taking over 3K damage per action from confusion is balanced?

it’s also a question of your build, if you have one condition removal vs a mesmer, you’re dead unless you can burst on him faster than you die. If all your skills are on CD and nothing can save you besides condition removal then it’s still your fault for using condition removal, You have to find a balance to curing condtions. Also it’s a matter of your build, some builds will never be able to compare to a confusion build because lack of cond removals. its like complaining about regular damage and you just used your heal and someone attacked you again, what do you do when you have a Healing skill on CD?

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


To the OP (and supporters of a confusion nerf) – I would have no problem with this if ANet would give us another burn or reliable condition that YOU can’t control. Confusion is totally dependent on how bad the person you’re facing is. I’d much rather have predictable damage, tbh. I never, ever, have an issue with confusion.

Although… it is funny watching the bads melt. xD

Total BS. It’s not like you always have a condition removal available and the conditions can be reapplied faster than your condition removals come back up so you will often be in situations where you have heavy confusion stacks on you with no removal.

Don’t even pretend like that is not true. And, doing nothing is not always a viable option if the fight is not a 1v1. The one guys says… “just don’t attack” without recognizing that anything you do causes damage. One guy putting confusion on you while another is attacking you completely shuts you down when your condition removal is gone since you can not take offensive or defensive moves. And insisting that everyone run around with condition removal heavy builds just to counter this is stupid.

Go ahead and call me “bad” as part of your argument all you want, I’ll just call you people protecting the crutch that you are leaning on in return.

yes if the the mesmer and said other player is coordinating their attacks efficiently, and you and a random is just spamming skills left and right, why should the mesmer be nerfed for doing what it does. Ele’s can cure condtions pretty fast as well, so if you ran with a support ele, the fight would be even, considering skills are even. it’s not like its 1v2 and you just shut down. This is WvW, the fights are usually 10v10 at least, you’re making it seem like a 2v1 scenario, because if the mesmer and other player is targeting you, that means they are coordinated but don’t worry, mesmers aren’t a threat to you as you said mesmers should not be on the priority to kill list so let them apply conditions away.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Na, confusion should not be nerfed. As annoying as confusion may be, mesmers are usually targets and that balances it out.

People intentionally target mesmers first? That’s almost as stupid as targetting thieves or d/d elems first. :P

because targeting guardians who can tank 5 players is the best idea? Maybe that’s why youre having so much issues, and qq’ing about mesmers confusions being op.

You lack discipline!

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Actually, it kind of reminds me of when I would pin my younger brother down and make him hit himself with his fist. “Stop hitting yourself!”, lol.

i totally LoL’ed at this reference, oh the good times…..

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


A while back Anet reduced confusion damage in sPvP by 50 percent because it is simply overpowered when used against other players. I see more and more mesmers spamming confusion in WvW that causes 1-2k damage per ability use. This is simply too much damage for a condition that can trigger 3-4 times per second. They should add the 50% reduction to WvW.

Are you saying yo cant win v a mesmer ?

Mesmer’s die to easy and so need something to help them. I only seen a few good mesmer that can take on a lot of players and win.

If you take that away from a mesmer what can they give them to help them, (thinking a long the lines of take and give to belance them) ?

people don’t understand balance, yes it can be overpowered, but you have to know when to spam skills, people just like to spam skills left and right, or cure conditions with too little stacks. There’s way too many things that’s still bugged with the mesmer skill traits.

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Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Confusion build is only strong 1v1, but overall in a group fight vs group fight it’s decent. Too many healing spams/condition removals. I run an almost full prec/tough/condi gear mesmer, and i only pull up around 2300toughness. i still feel pretty glassy, my necro has more toughness wearing carrion armor and prec/tough/cond accessories and backpack.

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Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Wow, I can’t believe how many people think the new system is worse. Far from my experience. When running into an enemy zerg of 30-60 players, I can actually see them! Sure, my commander or some of my allies might cull, so what? I can actually see where the enemy is. We can actually use field tactics. Yeah, I have a bit of a frame rate drop, but when I hit a skill, it gets used. How is that not better?

That’s not the case for everybody obviously here, which is why the topic is at discussion. If everyone was running like you, there seriously wouldn’t be any arguments, but seems like a good portion of players are having culling issues, me included, before patch it was fine with me, now it’s really bad

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A Question for Old Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Warsworn was an old Kaineng guild from Tier8…. we are currently on Dragonbrand actually… we transfered off Kaineng a week before the huge alliances xferd onto Kaineng…. and are now fighting against Kaineng. lol.

Gotta miss them days, I tried to find you guys when we was matched up in the FA/DB/MAG matchup but i couldn’t find any war commanders, you guys don’t play much anymore?

Heya Bones, ya we do usually out as a group during NA primetime in our allotted BL we get assigned each week. Not on for the hours upon hours we used to tho lol which is great cause being on DB now compared to Kaineng back in Tier8 is alot more casual.

If u still on Fa, seems like we gunan get matched again next week so see ya out there on reset night :P

yup still there, tonight, hopefully i’ll see you guys, i doubt we’ll be in home bl, most likely either DB or Mags,

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Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Culling is worse for me and some friends i know, yea it’s bad for the other side too, but imagine trying to go small man group and roam/scout/yak hunting/etc and you just walk into a group of 20+enemy, sure they didn’t see you but when you both see each other small man group gets slaughtered in less than 20seconds.

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Building/Repairing with addl supply (bug?)

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Seriously not being able to dump all supplies at once and having to redrop them in is a bad mechanic. I’m hoping this is just a bug that is on the to-do-list for Feb update.

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Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Kain is moving up to tier 2 next week! Will they win tier 2 and become the new tier 1 server? Will they tank and go down to tier 3? Will they hold their own and become a tier 2 server?

Who knows!

BG TC Kain is going to be an epic matchup. Sucks I will miss it

They are definitely stronger than FA because during our matchup with DB, MAGs, our point lead wasn’t even that big, so most likely they are going to be at a level with BG. TC might be the deciding factor to who wins the matchup. I don’t see BG or Kaineg going up a tier at all next week, in fact i predict them to lose glicko points because the match up between the two will be close by a margin of 20k only.

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A Question for Old Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Warsworn was an old Kaineng guild from Tier8…. we are currently on Dragonbrand actually… we transfered off Kaineng a week before the huge alliances xferd onto Kaineng…. and are now fighting against Kaineng. lol.

Gotta miss them days, I tried to find you guys when we was matched up in the FA/DB/MAG matchup but i couldn’t find any war commanders, you guys don’t play much anymore?

Will you help me move?

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


FA, we need to play better and smarter, we need to stop playing like the other servers are mindless zergs because i’m personally embarassed to get rolled with more numbers than them on our own bl because they used the proper sieging tactics and defenses. I know we can do better than this, because if we don’t start playing like the other servers know what they’re doing, this week will be a blowout.

This is the drawback of getting a lot of player, Zergs are zergs. I’ve played against FA before the merge with IoJ and I saw some incredible skills and great tactics (same can be said for the IoJ players before the merge). After the merge, I’ve noticed a sudden decrease in the average player skill. Not that players are bad, but having a large population does that: join the Karma train, run pressing 1 and get your kill…attack that tower, no need to think, just attack….EVERY server that outman the others in their match up fall for this and FA is no different.

FA is comming from tier 3 and have fallen to the zerg mentality. I honestly don’t know how the match are played in tier 1 since they all have a tremendous amount of people and all 24/7 coverage. Is there zerg tactic or is it only that numbers + coverage = wins period? So FA arrives to Tier 2 after a couple of week of easy wins and face servers with similar population and coverage….I’m sure FA will make a come back at some point during this week. Right now it seems it’s only the confusion of not roflstomping everything by sheer numbers.

After a couple of days getting beat up by smaller groups, I expect FA to let the zerg mentality go and play smart again

Don’t take this post as an insult guys, it’s just what it is. TC roflstomped everyone in tier 3 2 months ago and I wasn’t impressed by their skills. But their game got better as they faced server that have way more people than them. The same is and will be happening to FA. Welcome to tier 2….for this week at least until the match up balance themselves again after the reset lol

Keep playing to have fun, remember, behind every red name there is a human being that is just like you. Keep it classy and respect your oponents.

Jezebèl – TC

That’s the reason why i was disappointed, i knew they had the skills and potential to be better than this, well hopefully they step up to the challenge like they have in the past.

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Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


FA, we need to play better and smarter, we need to stop playing like the other servers are mindless zergs because i’m personally embarassed to get rolled with more numbers than them on our own bl because they used the proper sieging tactics and defenses. I know we can do better than this, because if we don’t start playing like the other servers know what they’re doing, this week will be a blowout.

People don’t realize there is a large tactics jump from t3 to t2. We have spent weeks learning and adjusting ourselves, but if you think any Zerg sharing a guildtag is mindless, you have allready lost. Anytime 2 or more guilds are on a map we have to know exactly where they are at all times because hitting them before they hit you is about 50pct of winning. The rest happens in the next ten seconds.

i have not called you guys mindless, but rather i feel this server is playing this matchup like you guys are which is not very smart of them.

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