Showing Posts For Bsgapollo.5364:

Does changing attunements=weapon swap?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Yes. (15 characters)

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Eles in PvP? Raise your hand!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Raising hand ! ~hype~

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Fixing thieves in three easy steps.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


3. Change chilled to effect thief in some way, perhaps by increasing the initiative cost of skills by 66%.

Thief’s initiative already won’t allow him to cast ALL his 4 weapon abilities one after another. Even with 15 ini he can’t cast more than 2-3(rarely 4 cheap) abilities without using some ini regeneration abilities/traits and pauses between his strikes. And you suggest to completely turn him into spam 111111111(2 or 3 or 4 or 5)111111 class. What did you think before posting this? Did you?

He’s making a suggestion to make chill have the same effect on thieves as it would on other players. Why should thieves have more advantage towards a certain condition then other classes? As an Elementalist even the internal cooldown between switching elementals is affected by chill. How is that exactly fair? Instead of flaming people and telling their idea is poor you should think things through when you’re about to write such crap.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Calling for nerfs

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


There are some rightfull call for nerfs though. Such as condition damage, stealth, and too many evades are already major ones. Balance should be something on the top list to do from Anet their side.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Rate the elementalist above you!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364



I’ve seen some really nice pictures already


Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Fail build? Fire

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


There’s really no point to go 30 in fire since you basicly get 1 useless stat. As I’m sure you have figured out already ele’s have barely any condition damage. So getting condition duration aint gonna be that usefull either then. If you want to have a power spec you always need a certain amount of base power and a certain amount of critical damage. If you have neither of these 2 then both wont work. ( you also need precision for making your critical damage effective so basicly you need 3 stats. )

I strongly suggest to put your main trait points into air and arcane. You will get your main damage from air since you get critical damage and and precision. Those are already 2 stats you need from 1 trait line. There are a lot of possibilites you can go but if I were to a wvwvw staff build I would run something similar to this.

btw your idea of running a might build definitely isn’t bad. Try to combine it with sigels such as superior sigel of battle so you constantly have the 5% damage boost from your runes.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

(edited by Bsgapollo.5364)

the best build for ele?

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Currently playing this.
might aswel go full burst. No point going for 20 in water when a necro can 100-0 you anyway. And since almost everyone is running a condi spec now the vitality you get from berserker is better than the toughness from valkyrie.

Edit. Incase you’re looking for a dagger dagger build. You can try CMC his build. He’s a pretty known streamer on guildwars2pvptv. You can pick up some skills by looking at the stream;2BJ-U0v4-N-Z0;9;5JJ-T;159-57;245A5w0;3CoF2CoF26BW

Personally I don’t really like it that much since most skills are easily dodgeable, and with this heavy cc/condi meta atm I rather have some skills that are instant aswel. I definitely like the run choice though if you are planning to go for more of a sustain build. but then again that’s just my own opinion. This might suit you.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

(edited by Bsgapollo.5364)

Thanks this topic is very useful.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Might aswel add the reason why the forum moderator closed the topic.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Why are ele's always complaining?

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Im not complaining at all. The class is not overpowered. I just don’t think its under powered. It has 2 viable weapon sets (like a lot of classes). Good support too. 20 air, 20 water and 30 arcane wont 100-0 anyone but no other class can 100-0 too. Seriously i don’t see why s/d or d/d ele needs a buff. The other weapon sets probably do tho

Necro’s can Kappa

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.


in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


I can dodge just fine while being immobilized, even without the use of any skills.

Uhm no?

mesmer mh sword #3 disagrees with you

I can dodge just fine while being immobilized, even without the use of any skills.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.


in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


I can dodge just fine while being immobilized, even without the use of any skills.

Uhm no?

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Gamemode: Asura Ball.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Who ever came up with this is brilliant

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.


in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


aren’t you playing condi engie ?

The same issues regard engies, they run with 30 points in explosions and it happens the same exact thing.

Engies can’t afford a nerf to conditions, there are things that should even be buffed in engi kitten nal.

If anything, nerf silly AI spam and Dhuumidiotfiremyass, so that necros won’t go for 30 in spite anymore.

Worst balance change in MMO history, wtf.


OMG censoring A_R_S_E_N_A_L, genius forum

I play every class except for ranger and mesmer

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.


in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


So it’s been over 3 months already since the condition meta came. I’m quite sick of it that almost every class is running a certain condition build now. There is very little counter to conditions except for cleansing them. There simply isn’t enough condition cleanse in this game to keep up with the rate it’s being spammed.

  • Condition duration.*
    It’s broken. Necro’s weren’t a problem in the past cause no one was running 30 trait points in spite. As most people know conditions work with ticks. If you have a base of 4 seconds of bleeding and have 50% condition duration that means you will have in total 6 ticks of bleeding.

Formula: 4/100 = 0,04 × 2 ( 50% condition duration ) = 2 extra ticks.

So let’s try to explain this simple. If I have in total a 1000 condition dmg. That means my bleeds will tick for 92 each second. Those 2 extra ticks you get, result in a total of 552. Without the 50% condition duration I would only have 368. Do you know how much condition dmg I would need to make up for that 184 dmg ? ALOT. Easily over 500 condition dmg.

Now I did this with a low calculated condition such as bleeding. Imagine with burning.

  • Burning*
    It’s needs to be toned down. A single condition that does over 500 dmg each second when you have a bit of condition dmg. It’s simple too much.

Why was this buffed in the past ? 25% was more then enough. It was an underrated condition and the pro players knew that. Now it’s simply over the top and power classes were even nerfed more because of it.

note that your endurance regeneration gets cut in half, your dmg gets cut in half when it’s a glancing blow and you can’t crit either when it’s a glancing blow. This completely shuts down any power build what so ever.

Gonna leave it at this for now. May come up with other things later.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

(edited by Bsgapollo.5364)

Stealth without stealth...

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Ok. NObody good ever complained about stealth. ONly noname kittenters.

That’s why all top tier teams say/said it’s unbalanced?

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Could Dark Path have a different animation?

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


I’m talking about the Second deathshroud necro skill

Currently it looks exactly the same as a autoattack of a staff. It’s really hard to predict when your enemy uses it. Not only does it give 3 stacks of bleeding and chill, a necro usually casts his fear after it making me unable to do anything for +3 seconds since he was suddenly so close to me.

Just a small change would be appreciated.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Rangers deleted from pvp, again

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Good changes. Nice Work Anet

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.


in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Well said ! I’m with you all the way Xeph

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Petting zoo dare!!

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Good work Jumper

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

No place for casual players?

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Hotjoin that way <——. Do us,competitive players, a favour, don’t join in teamQ nor soloQ, don’t ruin our weekend PvP. Played 3 matches soloQ, got 3 rank under 10s and have no kitten idea what to do.

Now try saying that in a more polite way ? No wonder people switch to pve..

I suggest spending a bit of time in hotjoin aswel since the first levels will give you a rough time. The matchmaking still isn’t what it’s supposed to be so you will most likely face more experienced players in soloque. Watching streams is also very helpfull for improving your skills. Try to find a streamer that plays the same class as you, that’s how I became better at the game.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

SoloQ mentality. I can't handle it anymore.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


How can you be that selfish?

You should ask that question to yourself.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Is it a Bug or i lost anything ?

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Seems like you lost it cause of a fear.
Unintended bug probably

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

A serious post on the meta

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Agreed ! Very constructive post

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

[BUG] Legacy of the ...Loading...

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Yea this is quite annoying Fix asap please

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Thank you to all the teams and observers.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Thank you for hosting such an awesome tournament, I had an amazing time watching these matches. Can’t wait for the finals in seatle !

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Congrats [SYNC] for NA tourney win

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Couldn’t have asked for better matches nor a better ending, everyone played great ! Good job guys

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Editing some stuff since I have seen to misjudge a couple things.

Also, personally for me this seems more like a backstab towards TP. You could have easily addressed this issue in private to mistleague instead of posting it on the forums and causing drama. Even after Phantaram said a nice “Thank you !” on the stream towards CC for all the scrims, you still do this.. It was completely unnecessary in my eyes. and some things were just said at that moment strictly out of jealousy and not being able to bear the thought of losing.
Instead of being proud and saying against your team that you fought 5 great matches and gave it everything you had, you decide to make a complaint on the forums how bad the rules of this tournament are. Put your hate, jealously or whatever emtion you’re experiencing now aside and show to the guild wars 2 community that you can be truly a great team.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

(edited by Bsgapollo.5364)

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


This thread is just stupid. we were told to play bo5 cause it was 20:30 gmt and enough time for 5 exciting matches. we couldve said that we are not playing if its bo5 but we didnt. we didnt even say that we prefer to play bo3. We lost because we did some small mistakes and TP outplayed us very good. No one was tired or not concentrated.
ggs, i wish TP best of luck at Pax.

Thumbs up for being honest and sportive.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Constructive necromancer thoughts.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Honestly, some people are so clueless and in denial in this thread, gonna stop replying.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Constructive necromancer thoughts.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


We’re kind of on a time crunch, so yeah

If we’re going to do any hotfixes before the Qualifiers this weekend, they need to be asap.

Here’s a couple of clips from my warrior today a friend asked me to post.

How do these clips show that a necro is OP? First fighting multi opponents+no stun break, and second one is mostly the eng. Warriors still need some love but this is probably the wrong thread. =P

Are you kittening kidding me ? It’s really hard to stay calm with people like you. He was running berserker stance which makes him immune to condi’s for 8 seconds + balanced stance which is a stunbreaker. He used both in a previous fight.
What is a person supposed to do, keep his cooldowns specificly for a necro and ignore all the other CC abilities other classes have? + even if you have a stunbreaker it doesn’t matter one bit since a necro can pull up to 3 fears after eachother, (nightmare runes, staf 5 and deathshroud 3) Only thing that can save you from a chain fear is stability which can also completely kitten you over due corrupt boon cause it turns into another fear aswel. )

Look at the first video, he dropped from 14k health to 0 within 2 seconds while he was running a full sustain build
No class should be able to instagib someone within 2 seconds.

Atleast for pyshical classes there are several ways to counter a burst such as protection weakness, retaliation, and even dodges. What is a dodge going to do while the condi’s are already on you and literally eating you alive.

21k HP = sustain build?

Running HAMMER and BANNER in a Blind spam Condi Meta?

The problem at hand was that he used all his cooldowns not putting himself in a good position to keep the Necromancer stunlocked.

It also didn’t help he was 2v1.

Necromancer DPS is high, there’s no question about that, but that was a flagrant example of bad evidence.

Funny, 13k health ele’s in the past were considered to be a huge threat. Everyone asking for a nerf on bunker ele’s. What does 21k hp have to do with you being sustainish or not ? Hammer also gives stunlocks which makes the enemy unable to attack so it does define as making yourself more sustainish wouldn’t you agree ?

He was running 0/0/30/30/10, so yes that does define sustain as me on a warrior.
I was there during the whole stream and at a certain point he had 2 stacks of torment on him which didn’t dmg it at all cause he had so much regen.

Start watching from 2 hours and 19 mins. I wouldn’t be able to make myself a more sustainish warrior, can you ? Since you seem to be the warrior expert.

Also, I seem to have forgetten to say he was running lyssa runes which should make him even more immune to condi’s, but it doesn’t help if a necromancer can spam his condi’s in 10 seconds again or chain fear you while you are trying to get rid of the condi’s. Face it, necro’s their burst is too strong atm and the more experienced players know that.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Constructive necromancer thoughts.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


So funny that you actually think the previous patch nerfed necro while they even buffed it more. They are too strong now and it’s as simple as that. Don’t argue. Their burst should get nerfed, period.

Is that supposed to be some kind of iWin argument?

Very well, let me try it.

So funny that you actually think the previous patch buffed necro while they even nerfed it more. They are too weak now and it’s as simple as that. Don’t argue.

Did it work?

I and other in here have mentioned this but the discussion taking place here affects PvP AND PvE. The last patch butchered necros PvE survivability to the point where some people are being asked to wait outside the boss room because the other party members knows the necro will die since we no longer can mitigate the damage.

Again I ask that this thread is moved to the Necromancer forums, where it belongs.

The moment where I read pve all your arguments became invalid.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Constructive necromancer thoughts.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


We’re kind of on a time crunch, so yeah

If we’re going to do any hotfixes before the Qualifiers this weekend, they need to be asap.

Here’s a couple of clips from my warrior today a friend asked me to post.

How do these clips show that a necro is OP? First fighting multi opponents+no stun break, and second one is mostly the eng. Warriors still need some love but this is probably the wrong thread. =P

Are you kittening kidding me ? It’s really hard to stay calm with people like you. He was running berserker stance which makes him immune to condi’s for 8 seconds + balanced stance which is a stunbreaker. He used both in a previous fight.
What is a person supposed to do, keep his cooldowns specificly for a necro and ignore all the other CC abilities other classes have? + even if you have a stunbreaker it doesn’t matter one bit since a necro can pull up to 3 fears after eachother, (nightmare runes, staf 5 and deathshroud 3) Only thing that can save you from a chain fear is stability which can also completely kitten you over due corrupt boon cause it turns into another fear aswel. )

Look at the first video, he dropped from 14k health to 0 within 2 seconds while he was running a full sustain build
No class should be able to instagib someone within 2 seconds.

Atleast for pyshical classes there are several ways to counter a burst such as protection weakness, retaliation, and even dodges. What is a dodge going to do while the condi’s are already on you and literally eating you alive.

There is no counter to this kind of playstyle and it’s in 1 word lame. The necro can stand at 900~1200 range and simply dealing all his burst. Tell me, which class can deal such insane burst dmg without getting close ? I don’t think there is even 1 class that can do that. There will be a few exceptions but that person will have to put itself at risk because of it.

I hate it when people try to defend a certain class when IT IS clearly overpowered due recent changes.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Constructive necromancer thoughts.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Sigh, a new patch with necro changes and again more threads asking for necro nerfs.

First of, a post about “constructive necromancer thoughs” should be placed better in the necromancer forum, not hidden away in the spvp section.

Second, Necros were fine before anet introduced dumbfire. Hardly anyone complained about them. Now that terror has been nerfed, we’re still considered “too strong”, too many conditions? You do realise that an engi can put out equal if not more cond pressure compared to a necro. With stability so easily accessible to most professions, terror is hardly the issue. An engi can stack confusion, which is just as powerfull as terror if not more so.
Too tanky? Life Force has to be build up, it’s not like we go into a fight with full ds.
If you want ds to build up “fast” you have to trait and take spectral skills, cause our weapon skills hardly fill it fast enough to be “tanky”. Sure we can take a hit 1-1, but 2-1 or more and ds melts like it’s nothing. Let alone rebuilding it. With this weeks patch the dmg flows over onto our hp if it runs out.
Condition necros have a very, very slow life force build up, are very squishy (the dumbfire+terror ones) and we have 0 stability. Use cc and you can play ping pong with the necro.
If you’re gonna lower our dps it’s gonna completely destroy condition necros, not to mention power based necros.
How about we start topics like this for every class then?
Ele is too strong, they can go glass cannon and heal most dmg in a matter of seconds for too often, nerf plz.
Warrior can stunlock now, nerf plz.
Thief backstab and heartseeker, nerf plz.
Mesmer insta win elite moa morph, nerf plz.
Bunker guardians can’t be killed, nerf plz.
Etc, etc.
If you really wanna learn necro, you should play it a tad longer than a mere 6 hours now and then before you complain about it.

And before anyone comes trolling “you don’t play necro in spvp you don’t know jack”, I play condition necro, power necro and MM builds in tpvp and spvp.

So funny that you actually think the previous patch nerfed necro while they even buffed it more. They are too strong now and it’s as simple as that. Don’t argue. Their burst should get nerfed, period.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Can’t really tell more specificly what’s wrong in the game then this. Even though some players mentioned this in the past. It sometimes takes a “higher” voice before Anet listens. Let’s see if they do something with this information.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

(EU) Rank 42, Bsgapollo looking for a team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Basicly sick and tired of facing premades in solo que. Might aswel do the same since that seems to be the only solution for now.

- Main professions I play. Guardian, Elementalist, Necro and Warrior.
Quite expierenced in pvp, been playing since beta.

Open for teamspeak or any other voice communication program.
Feel free to contact me here on in-game.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Post your 1 health screenshots :D

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Close but not close enough


Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Evade thief

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


I agree though. Having the best mobility in game while having ton of stealth acces + perma evade and boon stripping is kinda ridiculous. You can waste your best/all cooldowns on it and end up having done 0 damage. Flanking Strike is so fast and unpredictable that there’s little you can do.
I much rather have the old heartseeker spam back and backstab then this..

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

confusion cc troll warrior build

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Well.. Atleast he’s trying to make warrior viable..

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

I can't take all the crying.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Welcome to internet video gaming forums, 90% whining, 10% productive discussion.

There is a difference between stating facts and crying. Although they might be crying at the same time they are right though. Necro’s should be nerfed and everyone with a little common sense should know that.

If this community had common sense, as you so claim, then Mesmer would have been dealt with long ago.

So you want to make this necro thread into a mesmer thread now ?

Also at OP, There must be a reason everyone jumped on the band wagon and is playing necro right ? Ele’s got some nice buffs like fresh air etc.. You don’t see everyone playing ele now do you ? There is a good reason why everyone is playing necro now and you know it.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

We aren't even safe in hot join.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


See that. Stacked team of good players.
It really doesn’t matter what profession they play a team stacked with good players will always dominate newbs.

Sure it maybe easier to do it with necromancer now because newbs have no idea how to counter that kind of necromancer.

The bigger problem is hotjoin is jut consisted of good players farming newbies for glory. Anet needs to do something about this.

It’s called hotjoin. Every player should be able to face eachother no matter what rank vs rank. If new players want to go against players of their own level they should do a ranked tournament match. ( I know this aint possible aswel since matchmaking is kittened up but normally it should be like this. I can’t help it that Anet screwed up lol )

A suggestion would be perhaps add certain rank limits to rooms. I used to play an FPS called WarRock where you needed certain levels or in this case ranks to enter a room. For exampe > 1-10 ( for the newbs ) and like +11, +21, +31 for higher players.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

I can't take all the crying.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Welcome to internet video gaming forums, 90% whining, 10% productive discussion.

There is a difference between stating facts and crying. Although they might be crying at the same time they are right though. Necro’s should be nerfed and everyone with a little common sense should know that.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Infuriated Warrior; Just Sick of This

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


I said GS had a single cripple, thanks for reading.

Oh, well, the way I understood it you meant to say not a single cripple :p My bad.
Then again Hammer only has 1 cripple aswel.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Infuriated Warrior; Just Sick of This

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Uh, you can move while using final thrust, so unless your opponent dodges/blocks you should land it. And its huge damage so the windup is understandable. I’m landing 5k crits with it running a knights setup.

I don’t want leap changed either, yes you can miss targets below you, but I use this skill combined with death from above to blow apart groups of people. If anet changes it to angle the skill down it will lower the effectiveness of the skill for me.

I do agree that the rush style skills still need cleaning up, but I don’t find it nearly as bad as you make it sound.

Then again I find GS a rather selfish weapon to run in WvW, and I prefer Hammer by a long shot. GS offers no blast finishers, no stun, no knockback, and a single cripple.

Greatsword > Bladetrail

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Infuriated Warrior; Just Sick of This

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


I’m currently running sword/shield together with hammer. It’s the only thing I can run atm cause it gives A LITTLE survivability. And I agree that savage leap is pretty hard to hit. I usually use it as an escape ability. Or simply for more mobility. The only thing that is annoying me really hard lately is the amount of times I miss my skills. If the slow animation cast wasn’t bad enough already on hammer the blinds make it even worse..

If you are running GS atm I wouldn’t run it if I were you. I tried so many different things already just to land my hunderd blades or even get a decent whirlwind attack, nothing worked. Build i’m currently running is 0/0/30/10/30. Or 0/10/30/0/30 depending on what ulti I’m using.. Might seem weird. But it’s quite effective for me.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Why Warrior is the worst class in spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


- Still no source of condi removal. ( Removing condi’s through burst skills is not what I call a viable option. Especially if you have to spend 20 points into defense which is basicly the worst kittening tree ever for warrior. )
- No kind of sustain what so ever.
- Only a handfull of builds we can go since we are forced to use berseker amulet
- Barely any usefull utilities. Since we got stability/stunbreaker skills left and right on every class it’s nearly impossible to land a bulls charge now. Not to forget the frenzy nerf that happend in the past which is basicly just saying to your enemy, “I’m taking an extra 25% dmg for the next 6 seconds so all you have to do is kite me a bit and I’m a free kill !”
- We are a melee class yet we can’t even hold our ground for more then 5 seconds when we are in the middle of the battle cause we just melt instantly.

Why is it that a melee class that is forced to engage into combo to hit any of his skills has no source of condi removal or sustain ?

Either make the warrior his skills hit targets easier or do something els. As how things are right now the class is unplayable.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

haste and burst damage

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Burst classes in this game are too extreme. They were one (of the several) factors that were contributing for casuals to quit pvp. Bunker builds are also a problem, but at least they don’t pop out of nowhere and instant-kill new players who are still trying to understand the game.

Generally, players should still require fast reactions. 50% faster is still plenty. It’s just no longer exaggerated.

Battles that are decided in 2 or 3 seconds, in a game designed to be fun around using plenty of skills, weapon swapping, etc, was just not working.

if you died in 2 or 3 seconds you are a newbie and its a learn 2 play issue

Lack of skill and game knowlodge. I dont see what is your argument. have you ever heard of stun breakers and dodge rolls?

In counter strike ( E-sport ) you can die in 0.2 seconds with a headshot, and that is not a reason for Valve to listen to newbies that want a nerf on the headshot cause they get killed in 0.2 sec.

The answer is L2P.

Do you realize you’re comparing an FPS with an MMO ?

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

eG Element Gaming Recruiting 1

in Guilds

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Aww man you stole my name :/

Edit: gl with recruiting

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

This is why your warrior isn't good. Part 1.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Aww man warriors so unviable :/

DUDE LMAO when i saw this i literally busted out laughing. I hope you are trolling lmao.



do NOT buff this class. clearly it is way op based on this screenshot LMFAO

Aww man warriors so unviable :/

Man, you were playing in hot-join, 100% with new players judging by their armor. Considering the fact that most of them don’t even know how to dodge, and certainly not to interrupt your combo, I wouldn’t brag about warriors being viable.

Try and play against organized teams, you’d get demolished if you think this shows any kind of warrior viability.

Why u guys all so mad ?

I can’t help it that i’m doing fine with warrior atm

Curse usually has a warrior in their team so idk what you’re talking about lol

and if that guy on curse switched to a different class, his effectiveness would be increased tenfold. just saying.

Dueled a warrior in WvW (I know this is pvp) BUT this guy ran Sword/Shield GS combo and he was a beast. I’m sorry I think warriors are fine.

“I am a very inexperienced pvper. I fought a warrior who was just as bad as me. He wrecked me. Warriors are fine.”

???? And the other 10-15 people that he dueled that he beat? They are all just really bad too right?


Or maybe he just plays the class cause he actually likes it and thinks the class is good enough for paids. Right ? No ? Ok, let’s all play thief then.

I like the class. I tried the other classes. Warrior is my favorite because the other ones are too cheese for me. All kinds of weird tactics that i’m not into. I’m really straight forward, that’s why I play a warrior, not because I think it’s strong. I make it strong by putting in 10x the effort of other players who think their classes are hard to play

We run warrior because we find it strong. Fredz has a very strong necro but we play warrior because the warrior is a viable option.

The only map when the necro is a much stronger pick than warrior is on kyhlo.

Probably with some obvious reasons for it like signet ress or easier to land wells on the mid point.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

This is why your warrior isn't good. Part 1.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Aww man warriors so unviable :/

DUDE LMAO when i saw this i literally busted out laughing. I hope you are trolling lmao.



do NOT buff this class. clearly it is way op based on this screenshot LMFAO

Aww man warriors so unviable :/

Man, you were playing in hot-join, 100% with new players judging by their armor. Considering the fact that most of them don’t even know how to dodge, and certainly not to interrupt your combo, I wouldn’t brag about warriors being viable.

Try and play against organized teams, you’d get demolished if you think this shows any kind of warrior viability.

Why u guys all so mad ?

I can’t help it that i’m doing fine with warrior atm

Curse usually has a warrior in their team so idk what you’re talking about lol

I’m not mad, just telling you that it doesn’t prove anything when talking about warrior viability, and it’s not adding to discussion.

How more precise can i be to add anything to this “discussion” ?
You stated that organized teams aren’t running the class warrior. I gave you a clear answer that Curse actually has 80% of the time a warrior running in their team now.
If they weren’t viable why would one of the top teams of eu be running this class in the first place ?

Tbh, what most people have said in this thread is garbage anyway. Warriors are viable, only thing that should be looked at are small things like getting better condi removal and maybe increasing the leap from eviscerate.

Never said organized teams aren’t running with warriors, don’t know where you got that from.


Some simple, small changes with bug fixes would bring us to a right spot, along with some of the weapon buffs.

Basically the same as you said. I don’t think warriors are in the right spot only because slowing conditions removal. And to have enough condition removal, and not being carried, you have to sacrifice half of your damage, where some other glassy builds do not need to do that. That’s why I said we need only a few minor buffs.

Like really ?

Aww man warriors so unviable :/

Man, you were playing in hot-join, 100% with new players judging by their armor. Considering the fact that most of them don’t even know how to dodge, and certainly not to interrupt your combo, I wouldn’t brag about warriors being viable.

Try and play against organized teams, you’d get demolished if you think this shows any kind of warrior viability.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

This is why your warrior isn't good. Part 1.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Aww man warriors so unviable :/

DUDE LMAO when i saw this i literally busted out laughing. I hope you are trolling lmao.



do NOT buff this class. clearly it is way op based on this screenshot LMFAO

Aww man warriors so unviable :/

Man, you were playing in hot-join, 100% with new players judging by their armor. Considering the fact that most of them don’t even know how to dodge, and certainly not to interrupt your combo, I wouldn’t brag about warriors being viable.

Try and play against organized teams, you’d get demolished if you think this shows any kind of warrior viability.

Why u guys all so mad ?

I can’t help it that i’m doing fine with warrior atm

Curse usually has a warrior in their team so idk what you’re talking about lol

I’m not mad, just telling you that it doesn’t prove anything when talking about warrior viability, and it’s not adding to discussion.

How more precise can i be to add anything to this “discussion” ?
You stated that organized teams aren’t running the class warrior. I gave you a clear answer that Curse actually has 80% of the time a warrior running in their team now.
If they weren’t viable why would one of the top teams of eu be running this class in the first place ?

Tbh, what most people have said in this thread is garbage anyway. Warriors are viable, only thing that should be looked at are small things like getting better condi removal and maybe increasing the leap from eviscerate.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.