Showing Posts For Cactus Brawler.7415:

Perm bans for snowflake exploit kinda harsh?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Kinda sucks on this.

I mean after the last content patch they admitted that costs were two high on certain things, for example stuff made from passion flowers and karka shells.

So we get a new patch and stuff for the next event with lowered costs, but apparantly thats an exploit and not, y’know to be taken as the lowering of costs in response to prior feedback ¬_¬

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I was somewhat willing to give the redname the benifit of the doubt, after all she’s the French community manager, maybe her English isn’t so great. But then I noticed that she phrased it in italics, she knew full well how snide, unproffesional and down right insulting she was being with that post.

Frankly this whole debacle has been disgusting, there was a massive thread full of data, and what? They couldn’t be bothered to read it? Have they even bothered to check what people are telling them, or has some jobworth at Anet said ‘Nah its fine’ and gone back to drawing a salary for doing nothing?

Insulting HIS language, yes, Stephane is a male name, and culture achieves nothing and where he’s from has no bearing on anything. Let’s keep on topic. I do agree that how they’ve dealt with the situation is abhorrent, but please lets keep on topic and focused. It’s the only way we’ll be taken seriously. Attack ArenaNet all you want as they deserve it, but please keep personal attacks against the one person who has replied where they belong…in your head. It’s a good way to get moderated and/or have the thread closed. Keep in mind, he’s probably just the designated messenger and the reply was probably crafted in some committee that he may or may not have been involved.

You know I’ve been mentally inserting an I, into his name.

I am however looking for a reason why anyone who has made it to a posistion of community manager would post something so inflamitory, unless of course they are secretly Stanley Woo in disguise.

The committee idea is an answer, but surely he’d of been able to point out that this would make people angry?

As for feedback, pre November 15th, as I leveled two characters they were able to keep up in terms of gear, either through drops of greens and the like, or drops of fine materials to either sell and buy the next tier up, or use to craft gear.

Post November 15th, I’ve been unable to get enough Karka shells to craft gear, despite going out specificly to farm said items for several hours at a time, I’ve also been unable to get enough tier f or 6 mats to craft other gear sets.

Likewise leveling several alts, the drop drought impacts these preventing them from upgrading their gear as often as my first two characters did.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

There are a lot of traits that do something nasty when you are imbolozied, they really mess a backstab thief up.

They hit their Steal+ Baskilisk combo, and then for example in the case of an Engineer, you go invisble. Steal has a long cool down, you just screwed up their plans for them.

Now if you want a real nasty group to encounter, multiple warriors can have people meleeing you, people meleeing you with an ability that stops them taking damage. Meanwhile their buddies sit in the back with a crit Rifle build and pop you for 25K every Killshot refresh, heck if they use shouts to build adrenaline, they do so while buffing their swords swinging bros.

Dungeon Finder / LFG - In the works?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

A pre-autoWoW style dungeon finder would be cool, a LFG system where you could see who was searching for what. what teams were searching for what, and how many were in said team.

A way of flaging yourself for say Arah Path 1/2/3 or All, as well as a brief LFG comment that everyone on the server could see.

City of heroes had a pretty good version of what I mean.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

There is something very sad about people who think having a higher fractal number makes them a better player.

Anyone who makes it to level ten, has seen the complete difficulty of the Fractals, agony mechanics only pop on a few extra moves for the mobs, and it is negated by gear not by player skill.

This isn’t a raid dance.

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I was somewhat willing to give the redname the benifit of the doubt, after all she’s the French community manager, maybe her English isn’t so great. But then I noticed that she phrased it in italics, she knew full well how snide, unproffesional and down right insulting she was being with that post.

Frankly this whole debacle has been disgusting, there was a massive thread full of data, and what? They couldn’t be bothered to read it? Have they even bothered to check what people are telling them, or has some jobworth at Anet said ‘Nah its fine’ and gone back to drawing a salary for doing nothing?

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

What is most likely is a scaled buff of passive agony resist, so that say at level 15 you have a baseline of X Agony Resist, and at level 25 X+10, but never as much as wearing the right level of Ascended gear.

Just started - what is the best/op class ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Roll a thief. No other class can practically one shot people every 60 seconds and then escape, then do it all over again.

Warriors, except they can do it quicker than sixty seconds.

Should Dyes Be Account bound ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

They were intended to be an account unlock, it is actually a failure on the devs part that they were unable to establish a global unlocking system.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Just my opnion here, but if I bought the game I should get rewards for buying the game before said date.

Making it so you only get things for buying it during a certain period of time, is a real dick move when you consider they sold this game with a prepurchase option.

I am perplexed .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Can anyone name an MMO where a patch broke jumping? As in at no point during the QA testing of a patch pre-release did any of the testers press the space bar?

That goes beyond launch jitters.

Other dyes that vary like Heirloom dye?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I love how much heirloom dye varies within the same color box… it makes armor with only one box appear as if it has more than just one. See pic if you don’t get what I mean… that’s all just heirloom dye.

Are there other dyes that do this as well? I would love to find one that does that in a blue or green. Thanks for your help

Pretty much all dyes do this. You see a dye will look different depending on what material it applied to, and not all components of a particular piece of armour are the same, for example the starting heavy armour has leather sections as well as the metal sections.

Lack of communication/QA endangers the game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

So with dungeons and karma out of the window where do you get your level 80 gear? Assuming it is the correct stats for your build, you could get WvW tokens and buy a full set of gear there. But once again something is broken, the drop rate nerf strikes here, lowering the amount of badges you get for competing in PVP considerably, and given that you need several thousand of these badges for a full set of gear, the grind becomes even worse than that of a broken dungeon. Even worse is, every time you die your armour degrades, leading to repair costs. Repair costs that you no longer get the drops to cover, either during a PVP conflict or through PVE on the way to a fight.

So what are we left with? Well FOTM still gets pre-nerfed drop rates, so it looks like that is the only way left to gear up. Luckily it is also where you need to grind to get the highest stats equipment in the game, so you’re saving yourself extra grind by heading here first off. After all with the drops you’re getting you can afford to buy other gear to get yourself exoticly armoured and armed, plus you farm the new currency for ascended gear.

But wait, once again poor QA gas struck again, in an effort to fix a bug which was allowing people to avoid the Agony mechanic on the Colossus fractal, they introduced a new bug that makes it either impossible or merly nigh-on-impossible (depending on your luck) to complete this fractal. This clearly shows that the QA department aren’t testing things, how could they fail to notice that an event that has been modified no longer completes, had they actually ran it?

Personally short of adding a Public Test Server and hiring a competent QA team, I can’t see how they are going to fix the issue of patches breaking the game so badly. Anyone else have ideas how they can fix this before they pull a Secret World?

As for communication, I’m hoping they stop this SWTOR communication before the company ends up like Bioware, anyone else have ideas on how they could improve communication with us the player base?

Lack of communication/QA endangers the game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Buggy patches, it happens all the time in the MMO industry but shall we look at two recent examples?

The Secret World, now this game took some daring steps just like Guild Wars 2 proposed to do. A modern day setting when everyone else does Fantasy, with a few stepping into Sci-fi, more daringly they did away with the class system so beloved of the MMO genre.
But The Secret World scrimped on its Quality Assurance, progress crippling bugs were present at launch, hot fix and patch after patch all claimed to fix these bugs, but they kept slipping past and remaining bugged. People gave them the benefit of the doubt, after all they were clearly working towards their monthly content patch. Which arrived, failed to fix the broken content and introduced fun new content, which was also broken.

So players put the game on the back burner, and people working for The Secret World, lost their jobs, a lot of people.

The Old Republic, Bioware the king of single player RPGs and Star Wars one of the biggest, most spendiest, cash splashiest Fan-chises in the world, can’t possibly fail right? Well it did, one year on and its free to play. But how did they do manage it? The content wasn’t that bugged compared to The Secret World, but it lacked in many Quality of Life additions, that people take as standard for an MMO these days.

For example it had an end game based on grinding previous content for gear purchasing tokens, it didn’t have a LFG system, (well actually it had one that was fit for task, no way of saying roll and what you were looking for) it only finally announced one, after it had already been announced it was going free to play.

Another ‘crime’ they committed was an almost total ignorance of their player base. Concerns were raised, bugs were pointed out, suggestions made and they were all piled into merged threads and then ignored. When they finally started listening to what people wanted or expected from their game it was too late, they’d had a huge number of job layoffs and the game was announced as going free to play.

But what has this to do with Guild Wars 2 you ask?

Well actually quite a lot, we will start with communication.

A lot of people are feeling their concerns are being ignored, take for example the undocumented by Arenanet nerf to drop rates outside of the FOTM dungeon. Multiple people have brought up their concern and alarm at the drop rate reduction across the game, however everything has been moved to one thread:

This type of moves has been used by the SWTOR devs in their original ‘untouchable’ phase of mind. Now during the AMA Reddit thread a dev finally acknowledged that people have concerns and then… nothing, we’ve had a patch that didn’t fix whatever they changed in the previous patch. Which can be taken two ways, either the nerf to drop rates is a delibret change on the part of Arenanet, or that their programming and QA standards are substandard and they don’t actually know what they changed to break drop rates.
But what does a nerfed drop rate mean to us? Well if you start a new character it becomes increasingly hard to keep said character geared as you level from 1-80. You get less green items dropping meaning you can’t keep yourself geared up with ‘good’ gear, you get less blue items dropping once again meaning less gear to straight out equip, but also a lack of rare materials with which to craft levelling gear. A lack of vendor trash also impacts you, preventing you from buying levelling gear from the Market, though that source continues to rise in cost the longer the drop drought continues.

So you finally reach level 80 and it is time to gear up, but where do you get your gear from? Well you can get it from Karma vendors in Orr, but due to poor QA these vendors may not be available as the events that cause them to spawn are bugged. Assuming you are then lucky enough to want the gear from a vendor that does spawn, well you are faced with a lack of Karma, previously introduced DR and event reward reductions having impacted your 1-80 levelling, leaving you with much less karma to spend than a pre-nerf level 80.

So where do you go for your gear at level 80 since Karma is out of the window? Well you could go and run multiple dungeons and get a full set of armour and weapons that way, it won’t get you accessories but you’ll be mostly geared up… except once again poorly done QA strikes again, not all paths work in the dungeons each path that doesn’t work increases the amount of real life days you have to grind the dungeon by a third. Even ones they claim to have patched, may not work.

If you could add one weapon to each class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Spear on land gets my vote as well, plus two handed axes.

Rifle for ranger as well.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Glad to see the topics were merged but not answered. That leaves out the part with “they’re on holiday, they didn’t see the post, they’ll answer when they do”. Talk about a slap in the face…

This might just be my view on it but, can’t a forum mod work from home just by logging into their account.

But the guys who need to check the code and so on to see if this is actually bugged, they need to be in the office to do it? Which might explain the lack of official red response, no one has been in to check yet.

ArenaNet is awesome: bot/exploiter bans

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Since they’ve got rid of the bots, can we please have our drops returned to pre-DR level?

I’d sort of like to be able to craft armour and the like without it being a massive coin drain.

Guild Wars 2 - Nice Community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

You can craft your way up to level 80. So being 80 isn’t really a sign of knowing your class, after all you could of hit 80 without leaving your starting city. All you would need is to buy your way to 80 with gem conversions.

Besides being 80 you might never have teamed, and thus not know about such useful things as combos.

Or you could be a greedy 80 with nothing but MF gear.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

The new dungeon seems fun, however the enjoyment it would of granted has been greatly diminished by your company turning into a bunch of liars.

However on the positive side, you have saved me a great deal of money, as I will no longer use your gem store. I will continue to play and drain resources from you but you will no longer get any financial benefit from me doing so.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

The answer is simple do not buy anything from the Gemstore, do not buy a single thing, do not give Anet a single penny, dime or whatever of your money. Now you see they are banking on the extra money from locusts to give them a cash flow increase, but what they fail to realize is these guys and gals aren’t going to buy anything.

They won’t be buying Stones, since they don’t care for looks just stats, (BC outland clown suits anyone?), they won’t be buying exp boosters since alting isn’t their style of play, karma boosters they don’t need those for these dungeons, magic find boosters? Don’t need for this content. Dyes? Don’t need. Town clothes? Nope.

There is nothing these guys and girls need from the store to grind content.

Obviously some one at Anet, or more likely their Bosses at NCsoft and Nexon, have mistaken this for a Korean game.

Korean games having a different subscription method, where you don’t buy a monthly subscription you buy a card of X amount of hours. Hence why Korean games do well with cash shops in Korea, if you’ve only got five hours to play, you’ll load up on boosters for pretty much everything to get as much done as possible in your paid time.

But the grinders they are focusing on, the content locusts, they do not need anything from the shop, to devour this content and move on. So what we need to do is stop buying anything from the gem store, stop so that it becomes clear that this was a stupid move.

Hopefully hitting them in the wallet will remind them that they have a market waiting, one that kept their previous game alive for seven years.

"What do we have to do to change this???"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

The answer is simple do not buy anything from the Gemstore, do not buy a single thing, do not give Anet a single penny, dime or whatever of your money. Now you see they are banking on the extra money from locusts to give them a cash flow increase, but what they fail to realize is these guys and gals aren’t going to buy anything.

They won’t be buying Stones, since they don’t care for looks just stats, (BC outland clown suits anyone?), they won’t be buying exp boosters since alting isn’t their style of play, karma boosters they don’t need those for these dungeons, magic find boosters? Don’t need for this content. Dyes? Don’t need. Town clothes? Nope.

There is nothing these guys and girls need from the store to grind content.

Obviously some one at Anet, or more likely their Bosses at NCsoft and Nexon, have mistaken this for a Korean game.

Korean games having a different subscription method, where you don’t buy a monthly subscription you buy a card of X amount of hours, that are spent by being in game. Hence why Korean games have successful cash shops, because if you’ve only got ten hours to play, you’re going to want those ten hours to be as rewarding as possible, so you’d buy exp, drop, potion boosters and so on.

Somewhere along the design chain they’ve forgotten that the grinders they are now catering for don’t need to buy anything from them.

So if we make this change fail, maybe they’ll remember they’ve got a market that kept their previous game running for seven years, and return to the manifesto.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415


Depending on how different the stats are, it may bring me back to the game. Lack of gear progression is why i stopped played after hitting 80.

You bought the wrong game. Play pandas.

People will play what they want. Stop telling them that they purchased the wrong game. There is alot this game offers that others don’t that many of us enjoy regardless of the new Ascended gear.

It does seem odd to complain a game that advertised for years that it wouldn’t have a gear progression end game, doesn’t have an end game of gear progression.

Even worse that Arenanet have caved into those over the people they original brought in with their promises.

What next, the next CoD FPS will have a dating simulator game play mode?
The next Mario game will have an extra gory death match mode?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Looks very interesting indeed. Google translate butchers it, but it looks like they know what they’re doing, or at least are very aware of the audience.

Disappointing. No info about a compensation for the players that lost time and money in obsolete gear. Confirmation that they will NOT say Ascended is the last because they might want to make another level later …

My German is non-existent so i’ll have to take your word on them denying Ascended is the last tier but I think them not saying something in a hastily prepared forum post is not indicative of them ignoring it.

They’ve had three days to respond, three days is hardly a hasty response is it?

Sure it is – bearing in mind it’s only in German. If it was a well-though out response, it would be multi-lingual and posted by a higher-up?

Then we are arguing semantics, though perhaps you should use the word ‘official ’or perhaps ’authorized’ rather than ‘hasty’, hasty would of been several hours after this thread started, ‘timely’ left the building yesterday. After forty eight hours things start to get into the ‘delayed’ territory.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Looks very interesting indeed. Google translate butchers it, but it looks like they know what they’re doing, or at least are very aware of the audience.

Disappointing. No info about a compensation for the players that lost time and money in obsolete gear. Confirmation that they will NOT say Ascended is the last because they might want to make another level later …

My German is non-existent so i’ll have to take your word on them denying Ascended is the last tier but I think them not saying something in a hastily prepared forum post is not indicative of them ignoring it.

They’ve had three days to respond, three days is hardly a hasty response is it?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

But other people do find it fun. Anything they do will always piss someone off.

Personally I’d say not pissing the people who you’ve spent X amount of years enticing with promises that you’re different from other MMO’s, is more important than not pissing off people who were unhappy that you’re how you advertised yourself to be.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Kinda odd that the guy doesn’t know that currently, Exotics and Legendarys have the same stats.

So they are moving to bridge a gap, that isn’t actually there?

Makes me wonder if the guy is actually working there, or if some new starter borrowed his log on details to post that.

its not a gap in stats, but the actual acquisition of the gear. You can easily get exotics rather quickly, some people have multiple sets. I got my full stuff in 3 days. Legendaries on the other hand have a massive amount of time comitment and work required. Ascended is designed to close the gap between the two.

Except, Ascended has better stats than Exotics, and Legendary will be changed to match Ascended when the Ascended weapons come out.

If it was about the current gap between legendary and exotic, Ascended gear would just have the same stats as exotic, but fancier graphics and particles, fancier than Exotic, but not as good as the Legendary weapons.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I cant believe people are complaining they have extra things to do. So youd rather have less things to do? Makes sense.

It is actually less things to do.

Currently with horizontal progression you can do what you want. Want to go do an old zone? Sure the karma and gold you pick up can be used to buy end game stuff.

Want to just craft? You can craft end game stuff.

Want to PVP? Two options one that grants end game gear, and one that is gear requirement less.

Run dungeons? Sure the explorable modes net you tokens for end game gear.

With vertical progression we run out of that. You have to do content A so that you can be geared for content B, which you need to gear up in for doing content C. If you are not doing that, you are no longer progressing.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Kinda odd that the guy doesn’t know that currently, Exotics and Legendarys have the same stats.

So they are moving to bridge a gap, that isn’t actually there?

Makes me wonder if the guy is actually working there, or if some new starter borrowed his log on details to post that.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Weapon Strength: 1011 – 1117

Stop right there crimi…


GW2DB uses a beta or pre beta database and is outdated. Don’t link to it. Especially the legendary stats are wrong.

You’re right though, slight stat change it no longer has the 17 weapon strength.

+179 Power
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality

(edited by Cactus Brawler.7415)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Weapon Strength: 1011 – 1117
+182 Power
+130 Toughness
+130 Vitality

Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+179 Power
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality
(From PVP)

Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+128 Power
+179 Condition Damage
+128 Vitality

(From dungeons)

Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+128 Power
+179 Healing
+128 Toughness

(From Crafting)

Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+128 Power
+179 Condition Damage
+128 Vitality

(Random Drop)

2 stats in the secondary and a mighty difference of 3 in the primary.

The stat difference between exotic and ascended is far more than that.

(edited by Cactus Brawler.7415)

A personal response

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415


Really? Cause the post I read pretty much stated “Hey, we’re not going to be doing the treadmill thing that other games do where each new update provides a new set of armor better than the last that you have to get to even complete any content whatsoever”. They’re implemented a new tier of armor. Once. For going in to the very deepest parts of a dungeon that is completely doable without said armor, just not as far.

When they implement a level above ascended, then start the worry mongering and calling them liars and the treadmill is starting. Cause a single data point does not equal a trend. Until then, chill the heck out and don’t try and rain on someone’s parade who actually likes the update. Not -every- topic has to be about how ascended armor is going to ruin the game.

No, no, Endless….just hand them a paper bag and let them exhaust themselves. It’s rather depressing to have thread after thread after thread about a system that no one seems to trust the devs to do right on. Honestly…y’all have trusted the devs with your $60 to play the game, have obviously sunk a ton of hours into it to get your exotics (or be posting atm), and yet you think that this is the beginning of the frickin’ end.

From what I can tell of legendaries, there is a minute statistical difference between them and exotic weaponry; not enough to be imbalanced, but enough to still let some spreadsheet player to justify their expense. Ascended will allow those gear-monkeys something else to strive for, and from that post it seems that the devs will let those who refuse (for some reason) to run dungeons…to still obtain Ascended gear in other ways.

This is not going back on their promise any more than they already did with exotics; you can’t tell me there isn’t some form of grind to get a full set of exotic gear. Heck, to get exotic jewelry is an incredible expense. So please, to everyone bemoaning Ascended gear, please shutup until it’s in the game. Until then, we can’t be certain of its effect on the game.

Weapon Strength: 1011 – 1117
+182 Power
+130 Toughness
+130 Vitality

Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+179 Power
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality
(From PVP)

Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+128 Power
+179 Condition Damage
+128 Vitality

(From dungeons)

Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+128 Power
+179 Healing
+128 Toughness

(From Crafting)

Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+128 Power
+179 Condition Damage
+128 Vitality

(Random Drop)

2 stats in the secondary and a might difference of 3 in the primary.

The stat difference between exotic and ascended is far more than that.

+179 Power
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality

It’s exactly on par with other end game exotics now.

(edited by Cactus Brawler.7415)

A personal response

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

It worries me that a designer doesn’t know there is no step up between exotics and legendarys, currently they have the same stats.

The Sword of Damocles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Anet is western, sooner or later NCSoft will kill them just to save money lost by a homeland studio.

Just enjoy the ride while you can.

Dulfy Banned for RMT Activities!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I don’t know about that.. I received over 100g in donations when my guild was collecting for a commander book and planning a large community based halloween event.

I got over 50g in one day so it’s possible that something is wrong here. I’m not going to get into the politics of it, but hopefully it’ll be handled by Anet

I’d pre-write my ticket if I were you mate.

You know just to save time.

Dulfy Banned for RMT Activities!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I dont think anyone can get banned if there is not enough evidence, else it will be resolved through support system. Or you really think Anet are some kind of monsters that want to ban legit players to hurt them or something? lol No need for emotions here.

It should never get to the point where it has to be resolved through support.

An innocent should never lose their access to the game they’ve paid for due to laziness on the part of developers.

Dulfy Banned for RMT Activities!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Problems with the algorithm.

Some one arranges a sPVP tournament with a gold prize, Winner gets banned.

Guild organizes a costume contest/beauty pageant, whoever collected the gold for the prize money, gets banned, as does the contest winner.

Craft stuff for your guild, only asking for the money for store bought components (especially cooking)? well enjoy your ban.

Dulfy Banned for RMT Activities!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Here is a crazy idea how about rather than relying on algorithms that can target innocent players, how about actually having an employed human check into the bot reports?

How man servers are there in the game?

It wouldn’t need that many people.

Bots != gold sellers.

Bots ARE examined by real people before bans.
The gold-selling filter however probably works around the amount of gold mailed or gotten via mail during a short amount of time.

And where is the gold going to come from, with no bots?

Dulfy Banned for RMT Activities!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

it was the same with gw1, people cried about anet “not doing anything about the bots” that plagued the game, then when they started banning the bots, they also got false positives, then people where crying about how “inocent players are getting banned left and right” and how they should stop

there is no clear win here, but i am also on the side that its better to have false positives than it is to not have anything be done at all, if she misses the event start, i am very sorry for her, but she will get her account back

Here is a crazy idea how about rather than relying on algorithms that can target innocent players, how about actually having an employed human check into the bot reports?

How man servers are there in the game?

It wouldn’t need that many people.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I agree with you ganzo and i feel the same way. I do. However I really truly beleive that this is not happening here. They are upgrading the stats of gear already ingame. Im sorry if im starting to sound like a broken record here but really, people seem to be missing this major point.

They are upgrading the stats on legendary gear, the stuff that has a massive grind because they have ‘look at me’ level of special skins.

Originally they were an optional thing, they have the same stats as exotic weapons, they just look special. Now they will become necessary because they will be the ‘best’ weapons stat wise.

Given that the primary method of getting these weapons is to pay real money, it is complete bull kitten.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Perhaps now that they’ve decided to massively change from the game vision they sold people on, they should instigate mass refunds?

I mean I personally would not have bought another WoW clone, which they claimed they were never going to be, and yet here we are gear treadmills already.

dungeon finder LFG isn't in the works currently

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

SWTOR failed because it was trying to compete with 2012 MMO’s with 2004 ideas and interfaces.

A proper LFG system that allows you to flag yourself for role and content that you desire, should be mandatory in MMO design these days.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

8170 replies pretty much overwhelmingly on the negative side. To go with the marketing anecdotes, another well known one is.

“For every one customer who complains, ten walk away silently.”

Even if we chop out the positive and the multiposters, that’s still going to be a massive amount of lost customers.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

They had the perfect end game, get your exotics of the right stats and then farm for looks, either through pvp, karma or dungeon runs. then if you ever changed your mind about your stats and roll, or just wanted a change in looks, do it again.

All they needed to do was keep releasing new skins with each content pass to give people something to run for, but no instead they are apparently buffing legendary’s to make them better than exotics, and adding a new set of better than exotic gear.

Perfect end game becomes yet another gear treadmill, well done.

There´s one flaw in your philosphy about only farming for looks though. Imagine a new dungeon coming out. Only new looks on the dungeon sets, not better stats. 50% of the player base likes the looks, 50% hate them. What incentive do the 50% that hate the looks of the new armor have to do the content? What ANet is trying to do is cater to all kinds of gamers, not just one kind. I´m not saying either way is better than the other but most of the posts I see in this thread is like this “waaah waaah mommy they are not doing what I want. How can they be so mean to me. I´m gonna quit this game and tell all my friends that they shouldnt play it anymore. Am I doing good mommy? waah waaah”. Kinda like that. Not all of you are like that but majority that I have read in this thread. =)

Perhaps they won’t run new dungeon A because they don’t like the look of the gear, but they might want to run it for the runes, for the drops (How many people run TA to look like the nightmare court, and how many run it for the Onyx drops?) or just for something to do.

Then new dungeon B comes out and the 50% that didn’t like dungeon A, like that, while the 50% who liked dungeon A don’t like B. Both are still going to be run, because after all you’re not going to want to be a glass cannon all the time.

How many games have based their end games on WoW style gear treadmills? (Have to gear up from content A to do content B, that gears you for content C.) How many of them have actually succeeded? The treadmill junkies will just return to WoW anyway, Anet should stick to their pre-release manifesto and stop trying to ape the MMO gorilla.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

There is no gap.

Exotics and Legendary’s have the exact same stat values, the only difference is a visual one, Legendary’s have extra fancy skins that is all and it was great like that.

The gap in the investment required to acquire said items, time, resources etc. Currently Exotic items require a fairly small investment, where as Legendary items require a monumental investment.

Ascended items are presumably intended to fill the investment gap between the two. i.e. they take a while longer to get than exotics, but not as long as Legendary items.

Then why do they have better stats than Exotics then?

If it is a matter of time invested, then simply have them necessary for progression into the new dungeon depths, depths where visually unique to the depths of the dungeon armour and weapons drop.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

The last paragraph is relevant to the “problem” in that this game is new and the direction in which is headed isn’t set in stone. No one really wants to chase after stats every three months. Anet has stated that a treadmill is not their intention. We won’t know the difference until they actually do.

While it’s fine to protest the periodic addition of gear tiers to the game, it’s not acceptable to refuse an update that may or may not set a precedent for future updates. We simply do not have enough information to judge Anet one way or another at this point, and proof by intimidation is not proof at all.

They were advertising a cherry flavoured bar with no peanut content.
But after we ordered our cherry bars, what we end up getting are peanut bars. Some people really can’t take peanuts, you know. And in some countries / areas what they’ve done is not only of doubtful moral quality, it’s illegal.

Yes they said the treadmill is not their intention, at the same time saying they will, with time, introduce more powerful items, just not every three months. Maybe every four or six. So yeah, they’ve already set a precedence for future gear updates.
They might want to name it whatever they want but it doesn’t change a single thing.

No they haven’t.

not ever three months

How long has Guild Wars 2 been out…3 months!

Now look back at the sentence. They are saying, yes the game has been out 3 months and we are adding a new tier of gear to bridge a gap we left in original release, that doesn’t mean in another 3 months or more we aren’t going to be adding new tiers of gear.

They are effectively acknowledging that the game’s been out three months, but they aren’t setting a precedent by adding this set now. It’s a one time only deal.

There is no gap.

Exotics and Legendary’s have the exact same stat values, the only difference is a visual one, Legendary’s have extra fancy skins that is all and it was great like that.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

They had the perfect end game, get your exotics of the right stats and then farm for looks, either through pvp, karma or dungeon runs. then if you ever changed your mind about your stats and roll, or just wanted a change in looks, do it again.

All they needed to do was keep releasing new skins with each content pass to give people something to run for, but no instead they are apparently buffing legendary’s to make them better than exotics, and adding a new set of better than exotic gear.

Perfect end game becomes yet another gear treadmill, well done.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

In the future they really should go down the route of having the chests drop a token if they don’t drop a skin. Anet can decide how much real money they think the skins should go for and then have it cost from an NPC an appropriate amount of tokens…

During the festival time the player opens a chest and they either get a skin or they get a token, they at least know if they buy X amount of keys they will get a festive skin. It might not be the one they wanted but they will get one, either by luck or by trading tokens in.

Of course maybe the player buys ten keys and gets the skin they want on the first chest, let them TH the rest of the tokens to other players,he gets some coin, someone else can eventually get the skin they want as well. Maybe by some random chance they get skins but not the one they want, well they could TH those skins or map shout till they find a trade for the one they do want, maybe even trading in some tokens too.

“WTT Candy Cane pistol and X tokens for Candle Scepter!”

That I guess would be the way to make the most money without kittening off the customers again.

Edit: The player would know at the very minimum if they were an unlucky sod and got no skins at all, how many keys and thus real money they would need for the skin they desire.

Maybe they might get lucky and get multiple skins, maybe they might get the one they want and stuff to sell to others.

But wouldn’t that encourage them to purchase keys, if they knew even if luck wasn’t with them that $10 would get them the skin they wanted, but might get them so much more? Isn’t that the good type of gambling that gets Anet more cash?

Just my 2p.

(edited by Cactus Brawler.7415)

Pact weapons

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415


i see.
doesnt make sense how people have purchased weapons but can only access him from the instanced area at fort tirnity.
You get the token after defeating zhaitan but dont have access to the instanced part of fort trinity where he is located?"vlaka.2198

They haven’t actually purchased them, but since they are in the game the TH lists them , just with no actual supply of them?

Level 80s, Haunted Door Campings, Lower-level farming, and problems with level scaling

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

“Indeed. I agree that the creatures may be a bit on the weak side when faced up with higher level players. But I’m not sure if putting the doors in higher-leveled zones would have helped out the low-levels much either.

One thing that may help is that in the coming days, there will be even more content available. Hopefully this should help spread attention around." AnthonyOrdon

I’m not sure i agree, given that one of the first things I heard today was “Are there those doors in Orr?”, high level people do sort of want their chances of dropping Ecto rares, end game nodes and the like, as well as the doors.

Wouldn’t it be ideal if they could do their normal level 80 stuff in addition to the Halloween events?

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415


“They didn’t waste any time developing them. Some people have got the skins, and they are all the more unique for that. Not everyone got one, obviously due to the amount of people in here complaining like children, but they certainly didn’t waste their time making them. Like I said before, if you actually wanted something festive and ‘new’ you should have gotten one of the guaranteed outfits or mini pets.”slapdot.3760

Then they wasted their time developing the skins. You were saying that people should of waited and seen from a few outliers that the drop rate was stupidly low, boom no one else bothers to buy the chests and from a resource (monetary) point of view they were a waste.

Or in other words, why spend $200 creating a skin that only four hundred people are willing to pay $10 each in an attempt to get, when the same $200 will create a skin that eight hundred people will pay $10 to definitely get?

Particularly when doing the whole chance thing, removes peoples trust of your company thus your ability to sell them future versions of those chances?

We’ll have to see how reasonable their response is.

In future they should have it so that you will get a festive token in these chests, and X amount of tokens is a skin of your choice, with the skins still popping randomly instead of a token.