Showing Posts For Cactus Brawler.7415:

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Whomever decided it was a perfectly good idea to roll a game changing system like this out, just before they were due to go on vacation. Should be demoted.

Whomever decided the above was okay, and it was also okay to do so before they abandoned their office to go to another country for weeks, needs sacking.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Well I was planning to level a guardian and a necromancer but well… the trait system has stopped me.

I can either play without traits until eventually I can get to the right level to unlock them (Yay level 50+ stuff for a level 40 trait) or I can grind skill points and gold for them.

Or I can just not bother with making anything new.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

This is pretty much the most stupid leveling up system in any MMO ever.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Well mega servers are pretty much ruining my game play, never encountered a troll on Piken Square until the megaserver brought them over.

But hey on the plus side, more money to spend on other games, since I’m never buying gems again.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I wonder if each of the threads will hit one thousand replies each, before anyone bothers to reply.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Killing communities is the quickest way to kill off a game, so yeah Megaservers will kill the game if not fixed or removed.

Our Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

You know we had communities, people chose servers based on what type of players they wanted to play with, servers built up communities, cultures and pride. Then Anet decided to stick everyone together.

You think we are being harsh, unfair, mean to the Devs? Why shouldn’t we be, they are wrecking the game for many people, and why? Just so the China release can go smoother?

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Maybe we should go to the press and point out that Anet are craftily merging servers, while avoiding saying that phrase?

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

So the reason why people chose different servers is because they wanted particular types of people to play with, they chose Piken Square or Tarnished Coast if they wanted to roleplay. Here in the EU they chose a language server if they wanted to play with people who spoke that language.

That choice is now meaningless; Anet has decided you’ll randomly play with whomever their glitched, rubbish, face saving system puts you with. But don’t worry if you can’t understand each other, they’ll just auto-block any language difference.

Why in the name of kitten, did they choose to roll this out when they were going on vacation? Why have they rolled this out with zero communication to us over that period, then come back to work and despite our protests and concerns, carried on rolling it out?

Do they not give a kitten about their customers? Did EA buy them out when we weren’t looking? Or is it just NCSoft caring more about their precious Asian market and the China release, to give two jots about us?

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

So the reason why people chose different servers is because they wanted particular types of people to play with, they chose Piken Square or Tarnished Coast if they wanted to roleplay. Here in the EU they chose a language server if they wanted to play with people who spoke that language.

That choice is now meaningless; Anet has decided you’ll randomly play with whomever their glitched, rubbish, face saving system puts you with. But don’t worry if you can’t understand each other, they’ll just auto-block any language difference.

Why in the name of kitten, did they choose to roll this out when they were going on vacation? Why have they rolled this out with zero communication to us over that period, then come back to work and despite our protests and concerns, carried on rolling it out?

Do they not give a kitten about their customers? Did EA buy them out when we weren’t looking? Or is it just NCSoft caring more about their precious Asian market and the China release, to give two jots about us?

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I’m starting to feel that we are nothing more than beta testers for the China release.

Arah Path Armor Box(Answered)

in PvP

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Wow, I guess the time they spent into coding the Citadel of flame and crucible of eternity tracks, was literally wasted time.

I mean who is going to use those tracks when they come up, when you can run all three paths of both of them in under an hour (Okay maybe an hour and twenty given loading, snacks and selling breaks.)

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I play on a german server with an english client…
So basically, whenever I am thrown onto a server with other german people from different servers, I can’t communicate with them? What?
Such a helpful feature, really.

You seem to speak English very good.. I should not be a problem.

You don’t get how the filter works.

If someone playing with the German client has the filter on, they will only see things written by other people using the German client.

Said people could be writing in any language, it’s the CLIENT’s language that effects the filter.

Basically anyone he plays with who uses the German client, on the German server he plays on, will not be able to see his messages.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

It is quite funny that people complain about this fix, seeing as people have been suggesting this very fix for a very long time (even before MegaServers), but now all of a sudden it is the worst fix ever.

The problem : We are being put with people we can’t understand due to language issues, making world events and progress harder.

The fix: Okay now you can’t understand them or see their chat, but we are still going to put you with them, that will surely help with events and play.

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

It blocks by client, if you turned your client to the French or German version, you wouldn’t see stuff written by people using the English client.

It doesn’t filter by what you type, it filters by the language you’ve set the game to display in.

In other words, covering a hole with paper, expecting people not to fall in… Absurd…

Yeah real triple A development isn’kitten

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

It blocks by client, if you turned your client to the French or German version, you wouldn’t see stuff written by people using the English client.

It doesn’t filter by what you type, it filters by the language you’ve set the game to display in.

Thumbs up!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not.

They haven’t actually fixed the issue you know, you’ll still be lumped on megaservers where you can’t communicate with people, but this time you won’t even get to make the attempt.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Well this is a really pathetic way of ‘solving’ a problem people are having, its just like they handle the forums, hide the problem and hope people forget about it.

So their solution to people being unable to communicate with each other on the EU servers? Is to make it by default that they can’t communicate with each other. Bravo, really triple A development right there.

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

If it doesn’t get fixed, blog about it, sooner or later some gaming ‘news’ website will pick up on it, and the same ‘dying game’ rumor they are trying to avoid will get around.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Can we get the wardrobe to default to Hero equipment, rather than the wardrobe, or is this a bit of scheme to get people to transmute when they think they are equipping?

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

All I know is a friend of mine went to Fields of ruins, and went into a French version.

Went to another map, that one was German, a third map German. She plays and all ways has played on an English language server.

Likewise a whole guild of people tried to meet up last night, and nope, that didn’t work, it even split people in the same party.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Really they should have just manned up and done server merges.

But no they can’t be admitting needing to do that when a competitor just launched.

Server communities being destroyed like that would most likely be far more damaging than a megaserver.

They are already destroy the communities anyway, they are just avoiding using the dread words ‘server merge’.

Server merges saved SWTOR. They’re not all bad. I mean server communities are destroyed either way, I’d argue that merges are the lesser of two evils if population issues are that much of a problem.

You know that, I know that, but that isn’t the way the gaming press and public see it.

For some reason people see the act of merging servers as a sign that a game is dying. Even when it’s just a byproduct of launching with too many servers.

But Anet won’t risk the bad press by announcing server merges, so they’ll…. have a piece of software chuck you around different merged servers, but call it a megaserver.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Really they should have just manned up and done server merges.

But no they can’t be admitting needing to do that when a competitor just launched.

Server communities being destroyed like that would most likely be far more damaging than a megaserver.

They are already destroy the communities anyway, they are just avoiding using the dread words ‘server merge’.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Why are some traits unlocked by doing things much higher than the point where you’d get access to them?

The II traits that have you go do a dungeon that is level 50 (Ignoring the whole people demand you be 80 to do dungeons issue) that’s still like ten levels you need to gain before you can get the second trait as an option…..

Who thought these unlocks were a good idea?

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Really they should have just manned up and done server merges.

But no they can’t be admitting needing to do that when a competitor just launched.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Thanks Anet for ignoring our feedback and continuing to roll out the thing that none of us want…

Or maybe the feedback asking for fuller maps was significantly bigger than feedback asking for quieter ones. Probably even more than the feedback asking for empty maps because some computers can’t handle it.

What’s the point in a fuller map, if the Megaserver decides you’re going to one where everyone speaks a language you do not?

You know, like how the different languages of Europe picked out different servers to play on, with people who speak their language?

Only now you might be a Spanish speaker on a map that speaks French, or an English speaker on a German speaking map, or a French person on a map that speaks Lithuanian.

You missed this:

Obviously the language mess isn’t how it was intended to work – they actually stated the opposite.

The concerns being expressed are that ArenaNet continues to roll out Megaservers into new zones without addressing the obvious bugs in the system. Anyone with some common sense should realize that the language issue shouldn’t be happening. But it IS right now and ArenaNet hasn’t responded to the issue, nor are they halting their rollout of the system into new zones. When they announced changes to the rollout plan, the expectation was that they would add the megaserver to those select few locations, gather feedback, and fix errors in the system before then applying it to the rest of the world. What they’ve actually done is continue to add zones to the system before the errors are fixed.

And despite the fact it is throwing people into different language maps, which apparently it shouldn’t do. They say that it’s going well.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Thanks Anet for ignoring our feedback and continuing to roll out the thing that none of us want…

Or maybe the feedback asking for fuller maps was significantly bigger than feedback asking for quieter ones. Probably even more than the feedback asking for empty maps because some computers can’t handle it.

What’s the point in a fuller map, if the Megaserver decides you’re going to one where everyone speaks a language you do not?

You know, like how the different languages of Europe picked out different servers to play on, with people who speak their language?

Only now you might be a Spanish speaker on a map that speaks French, or an English speaker on a German speaking map, or a French person on a map that speaks Lithuanian.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Without using obscenities I cannot describe just how annoyed and disgusted I am by the megaservers, why are your customers being expected to beta test a system that’s only purpose seems to be so you can avoid saying ‘Server merge’.

It should take into account language, original server, friends and guild lists as well as preferred play.

Give us the ability to influence what shard we end up on, to choose who we play with, or just remove the kitten system and admit you need to merge some servers. You may think you’ll avoid negative attention by not using the words ‘server merge’ but well, word of mouth is already getting out on this ‘New game experience’.

Blocking people in GW2? not really

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Blocking stops you seeing what people say in /s

But not in /e

That really needs to be fixed.

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

All together with a different chatcolor than plain white it would be perfect, yes. , But obviousely never going to happen as anet ignores RPers strictly…

Just like any game developer ignores the “minority” in the game. Honestly, a lot of the changes made to games, not just gw2 specifically, are NEVER intended with roleplayers in mind. If you cant adapt, you get left behind. That’s all there is to it. There’s always going to be groups of players that are going to remain an afterthought.

Yeah, if a very small group of people are going to be affected by a change that is better for the vast majority, then so be it.


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

That’s pretty much it. Especially when people are flipping kitten over something that isnt even in the game yet. People need to wait until the 15th to flip out after they log into the game.

And I suppose you need to hit the brick wall whilst going 70mph before complaining to the driver that the wall is in your way?

Because more people together on maps is totally a speeding vehicle about to hit a brick wall.

I see you’re not accustomed to metaphors.

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Y’know despite their track record of nothing working right, maybe Arenanet will get it right this time and everything will be gravy?

I mean it can’t possibly end up like all the living story releases full of bugs that get hot fixed into new bugs right?

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Well I can’t say I like this idea without some way of us choosing a particular version of a city map to visit. Hard enough to do RP events with overflows as is, without some algorithm deciding to randomly distribute players across a dozen different versions of divinities reach or any other map.


I’d also like to know if people who paid for a transfer are getting a refund, I mean mega kitten move on Anets side to keep selling server transfers when they are doing away with servers.

(edited by Cactus Brawler.7415)

Silver Doubloons: a year of /ignore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

If you can’t get them through ‘regular’ gameplay, then clearly there is an issue that needs to be fixed.

Alt-parking isn’t regular gameplay, nor is opening 100k bags.

The poor cant compete.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Technically, you need 500 in crafting to make an ascended, but how do you get there if your not buying the mats from the AH?

Well you grind, meanwhile the guy who was able to money hat his way to 450 or beyond, already has his ascended weapon, and if you happen to be WVWing against said money players…

Warning Buoy!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

According to the Book, Sea of Sorrows, such just under the surface rocks are the only reason Lions Arch still stands.

Risen ships would get stuck on them, and then picked apart by canon fire.

Friendly ships are guided in by locals on row boats.

Tequatl another failure

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Changed too much stuff, and did it badly.

Lets take condition damage builds, Poison, Bleed, Torment and Burn, two people can stack those to maximum, and with two people doing that, congratulations if you’re not one of those people, you’re having a negative effect, you’re not putting out enough damage to make up for the fact you’re buffing the dragon in the area.

Crit damage builds? Well you can’t crit the dragon, you can’t crit his bone fingers, congrats, your hindering the event.

Not eighty with best in slot gear? Yup you’re letting the side down, despite this being a leveling zone.

Needs a nerf

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

  1. Scarlet was a mass zerg event, with zero actual mechanics involved.

Yes, that’s why besides the first day barely any server has gotten to the actual Scarlet fight?

Eh? That was because of pirate farms, you could complete the event and get five gear bags, or you could get thirty five by failing it andjust spending twenty minute farming pirate champs.

Needs a nerf

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

It’s kitten first day and you say it’s next to impossible. If any server haven’t beat him in month you can start to whine.

Why should we waste a month? a lot can happen in a month.

I’m not saying it should be a cake walk, but eighty plus people should be able to scratch it, without having to rely on six people not mucking things up.

Needs a nerf

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

it might not matter if you have 50 ppl who know the fight are there, if 6 ppl on cannons don’t. I think that is probably the issue.

This, so very much this, why should 50 or 60 or 70 people fail just because of 6 people?

Six people is all that's needed to fail this.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

You see if it wasn’t for the cannons, it would be a pretty good raid fight, dancing away from poison patches, taking down buff ‘totems’, running/jumping/dodging tidal waves.

But the cannons, nah they spoil it massively.

Six people is all that's needed to fail this.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Right so you’ve got six turrets that need to be used to take down the dragon right, you need the number two skill to take down his armour. But what do you do if your map has either six people who don’t know to press number 2, no matter how many people say it in chat, or worse, six people who are AFK or crashing from lag?

You fail.

That’s not even counting what will happen when griefers think its funny to cause 100+ people to waste their time by ‘akitteng’ on the turrets for jollies.

Something needs to be done, you can’t have a first come first served system on something so vital to an event with such a long cool down.

Bye Abaddon Fractal, forever

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I’d prefer to be in a fractal with my own skills, own character etc

Rather than jumping into the body of another character and having a different set of skills, you know like a more tedious version of costume brawl.

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Anything that makes a profit other than buying gems from the store w/real money is considered exploiting.

Saddly it is begining to look that way.

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I realize common sense is in short supply for gamers. Anyone with a tiny itsy bitsy shred of it, knew this was an exploit.

Heres some common sense for you…

If its too good or too easy and you think, wow this great, Ill do this 100s of times in a short period…

You probably shouldn’t be doing it.

Well I better stop using the AH then.

An open discussion about fair punishment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I don’t bellive anyone should be banned for a developer screw up, particularly when said screw up falls in line withother methods of item or wealth procurement.

For example…..

1. I buy 1 yellow item from the AH for less than the price of 1 Ecto , I salvage it and get 2 Ectos. I sell 2 Ecto’s and buy 2 items from the AH for less than the price of 2 Ectos. I salvage those get 4 Ecto’s and repeat. Apparantly this isn’t an exploit.

2. I discover a recipe that can be easily crafted and requires 1 Ecto. When salvaged it might give back 2 Ecto’s, it might however give 1 back, or 0. In addition to that I might lose the component that required the original 1 Ecto. This apparantly is an exploit, even though it also requires purchasing additional mats from the AH, or going out for material gathering.

Perm bans for snowflake exploit kinda harsh?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

So what is an exploit, case in point, I log into the game, go to the AH buy a yellow for lower than the price of an ecto and salvage it. I get lucky and get two ectos back, selling them both nets me enough money for two more yellows, which once again I get lucky with and earn four more ectos?

Is this an exploit? It seems normal to me, but given the twaddle handed out by Anet over this, how can we be sure?

No that’s not an exploit, it’s pure random luck.

Exploits should be fairly obvious…

You know I really can’t see the difference between buying from the AH and having enough luck to keep making ectos, and salvaging a recipe and being lucky enough to keep making ectos……

Same outcome, yet one is bannable and the other isn’t?

Perm bans for snowflake exploit kinda harsh?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

So what is an exploit, case in point, I log into the game, go to the AH buy a yellow for lower than the price of an ecto and salvage it. I get lucky and get two ectos back, selling them both nets me enough money for two more yellows, which once again I get lucky with and earn four more ectos?

Is this an exploit? It seems normal to me, but given the twaddle handed out by Anet over this, how can we be sure?

Perm bans for snowflake exploit kinda harsh?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

The decision to permanently ban “exploiters” were made in good faith but the harm associated with the precedent set by ANet with this decision by far exceed any gain. In essence, ANet has sent the message that ANY profitable salvaged material is an exploit, (eg: salvaging a yellow for ecto). I do not think ANet fully comprehend the magnitude of the harm set by this precedent…

The message Anet has sent is actually a good message and does no harm. You cheat the system you get banned. Its that simple. It seems like a lot a lot of common sense is missing in some of these post. The only ones to get banned were the ones that really abused it. Its so easy to make gold in this game if you put in a bit of time but some lazy kitten gamers are always looking for a way to cheat the system. I mean how clueless does a person have to be to not realize that that wasn’t intended?? Come on now be for real. Don’t make excuses for those lazy gamers.

It wasn’t actually cheating you know? They were after all using the same RNG as everyone else, and unless they were using a BLSK they weren’t guaranteed to get their gem back, nor get any ecto from it, and they were still working their way through their mithril reserves….

Perm bans for snowflake exploit kinda harsh?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I’m sorry but this simply is not an exploit. Saying that this is an exploit would imply that crafting any rare for less than the cost of an ecto and then salvaging it to get ectos would be exploiting, which its not. The Karma incident was actually an exploit, as the items were selling for lower than the intended price.

This fellow has the right idea, so if the cost of 15X tier five materials and the gathered materials, falls below the current cost of an ecto, does that become an exploit too?

Perm bans for snowflake exploit kinda harsh?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

So assume you come at my home and discover that by putting 1 euro in my vending machine you get 2.
You keep doing so until you rob me a ton of money. And then I discover it.
How many are the chances I let you in my house again? Zero.

Exploiters are to be permanently banned.
One thing is doing it while unware, but it’s impossible to not be aware you get 2 ectos with 1.

Random number generator is random, you could spend that 1 Ecto and get three back, or you could get one back and waste a charge on your salvage kit, or if the luck isn’t with you, you could of got no ectos, wasted your charge and the snowflakes.