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Suggestions; Districts, Armor, Weapon dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I know this game is not the original Guildwars and that is what I love about it. Don’t get me wrong I loved Guildwars, but I am glad GW2 is not a updated copy of it.

There are some things However that would help that Guildwars has that could easily be brought over to GW2. Districts, Armor, and Weapon dying.

Districts were space on servers when an area got filled up, but instead of using Join in on the party list you just chose the district they were in. The main district was one then on from there. The join in can still stay and be useful at times of course, but the district idea is much better. Districts let you choose what map you wanna be on at any time. There may only be one district for a map, but this game is always finding ways to increase population on those maps. Maps can still be closed, but it takes an hour to close them which is fine that hour could be used say if someone is gathering materials and wants to finish, even if its on another character.

Armor from Guildwars was not based on light to Heavy, but based on your profession. For those who don’t know and never played Guildwars. It is not the idea of profession type armor though. Guildwars had some great armor that could be converted to this game with an updated style. The problem with some armors in this game is there are a lot of copies in them. all the God temples in Tyria carry the same armor. The should be carrying different types each now. You want certain Stats on your armor just transmute it to the set you like. Bring it all back from the 1k armor to the obsidian armor from Guildwars. Then let the player choose what they would like to get.

Weapon dying from Guildwars was awesome. Now there are weapons in that game that could not be dyed which is ok that is the look that Anet wanted and that was cool. Weapon dying is a way to express yourself even more you have a theme you are going for but that weapon is the wrong color and does not work with what you are thinking. Do you find a weapon that does work, wait no because it is either stupidly expensive, or does not exist. So you dye the weapon you wanted to use in the first place.

Now you may be saying to yourself Anet can’t do that and its stupid for me to think they can. That’s the beauty I know they can, no doubt. GW2 can be pretty much made to do anything that the devs want. From districts to armor to weapon dying, and even the ability to save builds. Haha I had to throw that in there too somewhere.

Are you Afraid of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Well to avoid getting HoT people who think its not worth it, think its a bad design, or believe Anet did not come across on what they promised. Then never ever get a Guild wars 2 expansion, because if you do you will get HoT with it

Promises I have never seen Anet say I promise this is going to be this or that. I have seen them say they want to do this or that with the game and they do try to implement things as close as they can.

Price is another thing. I bought the $100 version but did I pay $100 for the game?
Not really, because I got an extra character slot so that is $10 bringing it down to $90. Next I got 4000 Gems worth $50 so that brings it down to $40. I had already been playing GW2 and was rewarded with another character slot another $10 which brings it down to $30. Now that was my account and I got the extra slot for being a veteran of the game. So if you pay the $100 and get the gems that you would probably buy in one way or another you only pay a total of $40 for HoT. You also get a lot of cool stuff with it.

Are you Afraid of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

The point is stop trying to get rid of HoT it is not goin anywhere and its part of the future of this game. The core game is also part of that future, and I am trying to explain why it will be relevant as the game progresses.

Are you Afraid of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

For those people who think HoT is not good enough, afraid to buy it, or think its not worth the money. The second expansion is already being made as we speak. This was mentioned in the last Community Showcase Live featuring Gaile Gray.

HoT was not a huge expansion in the idea of area like most are in other games. Things kinda got messed up here and there. Desert borderlands was kind of a flop when it came out. The grind was not liked at all due to the mastery system and Specializations. Yes Anet tried new things and they flopped, but that’s how you learn.

Then the spring update came out it did not fix everything, but did help a lot. All the raid wings were finished, and now includes a bit of training using golems. Anet has to think of three separate areas of play. First is SPvP which they want to have an Esport design in it that is their baby which is Ok. They have always put SPvP above everything in their games just get used to it. Second is WvW not quite SPvP but not quite PVE either its a combination of both. Last is PVE which this game has a lot of area to cover. PVE you actually have to level to 80 in the zones, because the game will not level you instantly like SPvP or WvW will .

So when they make an expansion it just isn’t about one part its about all three. Again mistakes can be made, bugs can pop up, and content can be disliked. That does not mean Anet isn’t trying to make the best game they can for us, because they are. They are trying to make a game that’s not like WoW or EQ2 in the standards of games. Anet is trying to be different but still familiar at the same time.

The HoT expansion was a set up for the future expansions, because unlike those other games the core game and expansions will still be relevant to the entire system, dailies see to that. Also unlike other games where you have a new expansion and every thing goes gray in the old areas you used to play in cause your just too strong for them. Only newer people play in those and grind to get to your level and leave those puny areas behind. Some do have mentoring systems in them though.

Guild wars 2 vanilla is kinda funny if you think about it. Vanilla in games means nothing was added to the game at all when it started if I understand it correctly. Almost immediately they added new content of course for free at the time. Southsun Cove. then Living world, then Living world season 2 with Dry Top, and Silverwastes. They also set up the new specialization design for HoT. Actually an expansion worth of content for free. Now how can that still be vanilla?

So should you buy HoT to stay relevant? Yes because of the gliding (ok ok the gliding is not what its all about, but it is fun) The thing is Hot is not going away and its the beginning of the future expansion design in the game. Which like Guildwars campaigns will link the game together and it will all be relevant. You can wait until the next expansion if you would like which will include HoT in it, but you will have to catch up anyway, cause they are not gonna just give you everything it has to be earned. It will save you some money though since Anet wants GW2 to include it all for one price as the game grows.

New report options please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719


Another example would be when you pvp or wvw and get rekted vs a mesmer using tide of time 5 times in a row which is flat impossible, or how about a thief pinging you then stealthing .5 seconds later regardless of revealed debuff, we got no report hacking button to appropriately report such offenses.

If a thief hits you with cloak n dagger skill and nothing else there is no revealed with that they can if they are good at it keep hitting you with that skill without being revealed at all or only for a second if that. Try it for yourself if you have a thief
5th skill dagger dagger

Biggest fear of next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

What is your biggest fears that may come with the next expansion?

For me it’s gotta be the fear of then trying to fix underwater combat and making the next elite specizalations underwater based. Just the thought scares me half to death and I’d end up leaving till the next expansion.

What about you

Think of underwater combat as a space battle the only difference is being able to go to the top of the water but deeper water u fight in every direction. I personally think underwater combat is one of the best ideas in GW2, because of that reason

Looking for Options for Handicap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I was looking at the forums to find interesting topics, and came across this one. First off thank you for your service and sacrifice. It is also great that you have not given up you are an inspiration to many.

Yes there are mice with extra keys on it that may help you, but I may have found something way better for your situation. It is a left hand gaming key pad it combines the main keys on a keyboard you use most, along with a thumb style mouse and scroller.

All of the keys are customizable to your program preferences. It would be perfect for your situation. Just look up Left hand gaming keyboard I would put a video of one but it would be like I’m trying to sell them to you lol.

So hey, medium armor.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I have only one female Asuran I had the same problem even though they are not human that does not mean they cant be feminine. So I looked through my wardrobe and found the best top for them is the Whispers medium top. Its sleeveless it is coat like on the bottom of it though but still has that I’m a female look around the shoulders. I do not have any Charr so don’t know what it would look like on those

Instant level 80

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Wow I guess you really did not look. Just because you are a level 80 does not mean the areas are all open for you. They still have all the hero points in the core game and another 400 points of them in HoT. Just look for them when you go out exploring areas they are all over the place. Also the 400 in HoT = 40 each one gives 10. Not to much after HoT came out they brought the amount needed from that 400 to 250 points to use the elite specializations. So actually anyone who used that boost has way more available points than someone who hasn’t.

Now I see GW2 is great

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I post here and there on the forums I see Vayne post all the time on here. I am a casual long time player. I play pretty much every day I may or may not do anything in the game. That depends on if I feel like it or not.

I played GW a lot also. In that game I played over 22,000 hours over like 8.5 years before GW2. Yes I did not have a so called life where I partied all the time, or had the money for it. I also figured out one major thing. Anet makes games that will be around for years like no other. So I never really worried if I did not get this or that because I knew I would get it sooner or later. I also have over 9000 hours in GW2 Shhhhh don’t tell anyone.

I played a lot fewer MMO style games than most have though. Only two actually and not sure if one was considered an mmo or not that’s Runescape. The other was Star Wars Galaxies. Although I did not play SWG much due to its sub fee. Which reminds me GW2 in my opinion is a sub fee quality game.

Anet will not do that, because they love this game just as much as we do. Of course they want to sell us stuff, but only if we want it never if we need it. They do not force us to buy stuff to increase their profits. They also use those profits to either add content or fix the game. People have to realize Anet has over 350 employees that deserve a decent paycheck just like everyone else. Sales of the game and Money paid for gem store items helps make a great game.

I pre purchased GW2 while I was playing GW so I been with Anet since 2006 about the time Factions came out,that’s how long I have played GW and GW2

Can Name Change Contracts go on sale please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Well actually the price is lower in GW2 than GW for name change contracts. GW2 it’s 800 gems or $10 American. In GW it has always been $14.99 American no gems they did not have them in that game. They also did not have NC Softs Gem equivalent either. So if you think about its not a bad deal.

Since lots of people seem to be leaving...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I find it funny how some people say how Anet owes them because they paid X amount for a game that they can play free after they pay for it. How a Anet broke promises to them also.

I don’t know about other people, but the MMO Manifesto was never a promise it is an idea a guideline to follow. With so many idea’s being included in this game there are things about those guidelines that have slipped. The legendaries have been put on hold how long is up to them. Read what it said about them in the HoT guide again. It says that the new legendaries will be released in small groups that is what has happened so far. Now about the game itself and the Manifesto would you rather have them keep letting the game go just for those legendaries, or are they more important than fixing the game to what the manifesto idea is.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Now this can also work as in game rewards too. I am a person that likes to mix and match armor styles in games. I never use an armor set just parts of them. I am sure I am not alone in this. In Guildwars I was the same way always a mix and match set unless the entire set looked great and very few did to me.

Here is my idea, and They did it in Guildwars Eye of the North with the Dwarven style armor set. Make pieces of armor instead of full sets. This way you can get a nice piece of armor for like 400 gems that will work with any other set. Also since it takes way longer to create a full set it will take less time to create piece only and be an option for outfit style designs. In fact outfits could also be designed by the piece into armor pieces.


Is HoT a 100% product?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Why don’t people get it about Guildwars 2? Guildwars 2 is never ever finished and never will be. Guildwars 2 is unlike any MMO ever made it has similarities to all MMO’s, but that’s where it stops.

Guildwars 2 is continuously being added to or taken from depending on what is going to happen in the future. Mistakes (Bugs) will happen in the game no matter if its so called finished or not. If you only look at the basics on HoT then yes compared to other games HoT is small, but look at it in a new light. Even though WvW was not well received they tried to make it more interesting with a new type of gameplay in WvW. Add that to the four areas now that makes it a bit bigger. Each guild hall is a map in itself add that too making it bigger again. Now each Raid wing is another map each one came with HoT the other came a bit later add those also. Pvp got stronghold which added the ability to Guild vs Guild add that to it also. GW2 gave us Masteries even though you have to work at it some, it gave us a way to progress without needing to get a higher level add that too. Elite specializations gave us kind of a duel profession design for each profession add that too.

Now the Masteries and Elite specializations have the ability to be built upon later in the future. A couple of good reasons for the game never to be Finished as some people think it should.

Older MMO’s when the expansion was created that was it you did not have people adding too the game after that. What they did was started working on the next expansion, and of course be there for bugs and such.

Anet is constantly trying new ideas whether or not it will be successful is up to the players and the ability for Anet to make what they do fun. Anet makes games that are fun, but the player has to make it fun for them. They give us the tools and a lot of things to do some can be boring some not. If you do the same thing every day and love it great if it bores you then do something new you have not tried yet.

If you do not like change even between expansions then GW2 is not for you. If you expect the game to be finished after an expansion is completed this game is not for you. If you expect changes in the game at any time this game is perfect for you.

Graphics upgrade?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

There is a balance between realistic graphics and gameplay itself. Put too little graphics on each character and they look blocky similar to a game like Runescape. Improve them more and use more computer power you get games like WoW and EQ2. Which can run on older computers for now. Update the computer to aprox 4-5 years ago to today and you get a computer to run GW2 and a few others.

Yes Black Desert character creation is awesomely cool looking after watching it on YouTube. But it also has a huge fault there is no way with today’s network and computer power it can run smoothly. They should put it back on the shelf for the future though when the computers and networks have improved to handle it.

Anet took a year or so to remove culling in this game because the character and animations when a lot of people were in one area overwhelmed the computer and network happened. One thing they did was make it so you can set what you see to a lower setting. Like only seeing names at distance and up closer only seeing a base form character. So even now the mid range computers today cannot even run GW2 at full graphics to see all characters without it affecting gameplay.

By the time computers and the network can run where it can handle Black Desert characters without slowing down GW2 may end up with the same or similar system.

About the characters looking cartoonish they actually don’t They look pretty well natural. Unlike Tera where they are way too shiny, or like WoW where they do look cartoonish.

Sorry for the references to other games, but it is not a comparison of how the games are played. Only a comparison of computer and network power they use.

We are really really lucky this is even possible to play games like this today. Technology has improved so much over the last aprox 80 years, and its still improving today. Remember a $1.00 calculator today has more computing power than the first computer built that filled a full a large room.

Now we hold amazing computing power in our hands that are better than the super computers of the past. They are predicting 5g cell phone service will run at up to 10 gigabytes per second again the network cannot handle that but will get there eventually

Comments about Communications

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I have one question to Gaile and the Devs. Why is there no link on the GW2 page to reddit similar to the ones to facebook, and twitter at the bottom of the page?

That would make it so much easier to check the GW2 reddit page instead of having to do things this way.

How did we come from GW1 To This?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

When I started playing Guildwars it was just after Factions came out I only had Prophecies at the time. I did not know about Factions heck I hardly knew how to play the game. A few people helped me along and showed me some things it was not easy since I knew nothing about Guildwars. I finally learned some stuff and got my bearings in the game. At this time there were no heroes like Koss or Olias they did not exist. We had to rely (if we could not find other players) on what they called Henchmen/women (for the ones that have to be politically correct).

Also at that time the most powerful profession in the game had only 55 hp. This was known as the 55 monk. Now that build could be used on a couple other professions effectively, but that was the meta. A couple years later the 55 monk was set aside for a new meta called the Permasin. The Permasin was an assassin that used a combination of skills that kept a skill called shadowform up. Shadowform was a skill like none other It not only stopped all spells it also stopped all melee damage. There was a downside to this once it ended you had only 53 health less if you were not an assassin. Yes Shadowform was an assassin skill, but it was available to all professions.

Later in the life of Guildwars the 55 monk became the 600 monk and used a smiter which the 600 monk did the tanking and the smiter put spells on the 600 to do the damage . It was pretty epic seeing all those numbers fly. Well Anet did not like this because people were complaining about it so they changed the smiter to where the damage casts could not be put on indefinitely, and Shadowform now will take damage from melee. The 600 smite kinda went down the crapper, but the Permasin actually got faster and better. Where it was taking 15-20 minutes to clear Fissure of Woe they were doing it in 7-8 minutes The change was good because they removed the 53 health issue if shadowform ended. They found a skill that kept a nice regeneration of health goin constantly.

Guildwars has added things to the game over the years a total of 3 Campaigns (Stand alone games that can be attached to each other if one chooses) and Eye of the North its only expansion

Now these are just a few changes that has happened to Guildwars over the 13 plus years it has been around. When it started and for the first few years its was just another game trying to find itself. It was not the be all end all game people say it was. It took time to become what it ended up being.

Now Guildwars 2 comes along its completely different from Guildwars in design. Everyone knows this of course. Guildwars 2 when it starts has no Guild halls or Guild vs Guild pvp (Really wow then why call it guild wars 2) Watch the Prophecies Trailer if you haven’t in there Devona the Warrior States that the Guild wars were over.
Guild wars 2 is Innovative Fresh from all the other games that came before it. Instead of following the Code of an MMO like others before it, Guildwars 2 burned the code book. Now of course people will say it has this from that game and that from another game etc. All of those things were good ideas, but no one put all those ideas into a single game. Which makes Guildwars 2 unique in its own right .

The one thing Guildwars 2 does is change constantly. When it started it again was hard to learn and I ain’t an expert by no means but I get along pretty well. Problem is they keep changing things in the game darn it. The added skills they even added the ability to change to another profession. Omg fail how dare they change things. They even made some content harder. They took away our dungeons giving us less than 1 gold for completing them. Most people I knew didn’t do dungeons for that 1 gold anyway it was for the tokens and salvaging they made the money from.

Anet is trying to make a very unique ever changing game in Guildwars 2. They will make mistakes just like any other Gaming company. In an interview one of them said there will not be a Guildwars 3, because Guild wars 2 will change so much by that time it will be a totally different game than when it started. Heart of Thorns is proof of that now.

All I am basically saying is things change over time Guildwars took time to become a great game for many people. Guildwars 2 needs that too, but it also needs the understanding that it will change in the future to become something new for the player. Let them make mistakes or try different things we may not like them all, some will some won’t. Just don’t run away every time something goes wrong you think is bad. Try to adjust to it ya may find it more fun that way.

(edited by Chyanne Waters.8719)

Guild wars 2 progression

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

People have said Heart of Thorns is an expansion that is too small to pay the price it is asking for. People do not like the thought of rebuying a game to get an expansion, making the price seem too high again. The reason for that is simple it is to entice new players to join the game.

Think about it like this recently before Heart of Thorns they were selling the base game at two different price levels. $10 and $15 much less than normal. When Heart of Thorns came out they offered to give the player that amount back if they got HoT. If someone had an account before that they offered an extra character slot, and an outfit for being a veteran. Ok we all know this.

Even though HoT is small in comparison to some MMO expansions it is making some huge progressions that the others do not. You cannot compare it to let’s say Factions. Factions was a separate game in itself which you could connect to other guild wars games, but you did not have to. Same with nightfall. Of course it was better if you did that some did not though. Compare it more with Eye of the North.

Guild wars 2 is a progressive game that is constantly over time changing unlike other MMO’s it is not just adding new content it is changing the design also. Most MMO’s of course do add new content new levels etc, but they hardly ever change the design of their games. Mainly because they have been hugely successful over time.

Quite a few people quote the GW2 manifesto video and say HoT is going against that because it has more so called grind in it. So what to be honest grind keeps you busy. The point is this you do not have to grind out those things if you do not want to that is your choice it can be done over time where you can enjoy the game more. Of course there are always people in a huge rush to go no where.

People also compare Guild Wars to Guild Wars 2 I find that hugely funny, because they are no where near the same game and they shouldn’t be. They say GW is the better game, because it was more polished. That is true after 10 years of course its more polished. GW’s took time to get that way, but at the beginning it was not that way, people had to learn, nerfs and buffs had to be implemented, skills had to be added and then separated from pvp even the separation of countries had to be intertwined into one polished game.

The same is happening to GW2, but people do not see it. It is always about each individual player for some, not the game itself. This game is based on cooperation not solo play. If you are good enough to do most stuff solo that is fine it means you are a good player. The game is designed both ways actually. Solo when you want, but if you cannot plenty of people to help you with your goals. I used to solo tomb of the primeval kings on my assassin. It made me some platinum and all kinds of stuff, but it was kinda boring alone. I also had a Barrage Pet ranger group that did it too. I found that way more fun, but the other was more profitable.

The progression is in the masteries and elite specializations. This way they can and will add new things to do in the game itself. The new specializations will make the old GW duel profession system pale in comparison over time. I would like to see the ability to save builds soon though. Including a place to store armor and trinkets in with the builds.

The mastery system will make and is making leveling obsolete. Think about it like this in GW our max level was 20 the max level of monsters was 32. The hits were in the hundreds from the player and maybe 800 max from a level 32. GW2 our max level is 80 and the hits are much higher 1,000-20,000 range (could be more or less). So the higher the level you go the numbers are just larger. Does that make the game any better? Not really its just higher numbers.

The masteries are also a way to give players more abilities that are based on the entire game itself not battle. It may however enhance battle here and there though. It does take some time to do though.

People want perfection in an imperfect world especially in an MMO. GW2 is not trying to be that MMO it is trying to coexist with it by being different. Sometimes that means trying things that may or may not work for some. If it does not work very well at least they admit it and try something new. The WvW revamp will be a good example, because Desert Borderlands was not a success, so maybe this will fix that.
Be patient this game is going to last for years like its predecessor.

Improvement idea for outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I do not like outfits, but that’s me. There should be a mix you can get of both in the Gem store and in game rewards. In game rewards by piece on armors like it is now including the ones in the Gem store. Outfits for completing some of the full line achievements as a reward. This way both can be earned in game and if you do not want that you can buy them in the Gem store. Totally up to the individual.

Anet I think it was Colin that said if you want to play through the game to get the cool stuff fine, if not you can always buy gems and purchase it that way. What I propose here is exactly that.

Now on to the improvement that may be cool for outfits. In guild wars we had several professions like this game each one of them had their own dance style. Why not add that style to the outfit? For example the arcane outfit looks like an old dervish armor set, so that would have the dervish dance. Another example would be the exemplar outfit looks like an old Mesmer outfit, so that one would have the old Mesmer dance to it. The similar types to old professions should have the old dances connected to them. If they are a new type maybe add a new dance style to it.

This is just a suggestion I think would be cool it gives no real advantage to anyone in the game which is good.

Will Guild Wars ever go Free To Play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Lol why are people never happy? The Guildwars franchise are built on one thing BUY TO PLAY. You make a purchase of the game and each campaign/expansion, then you can play for as long as you would like. Free to play games are just free. They get their money from somewhere like unlocking certain things, or giving you better armor through their stores.

The Saga games by King are a great example wow I made it to this level, but I cannot get through it. Tada King to the rescue you can purchase a way to get past 10 more levels easier. You still have to do them, so its like a key or something. King has made a lot of money doing that. They have commercials on TV all the time where do you think that money comes from.

So Anet asks you to purchase a game to play it without a sub fee. They offer different items in a gem store that do not give any advantage over other players. They allow you to purchase those gems with cash or in game gold.

Stop asking them to go free to play, because it is not gonna happen.

We need balance patch ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Yes balance change please not on the player, but on the creatures in HoT. For example Pocket Raptors attack in groups each one hits for over 1200 hp. That’s way too high for how fast they attack. I also have gotten hit from them after I jumped off a cliff several feet from the cliff face on my glider. I would understand if their hits were around 4-600.

I once was in Frostgorge Sound gathering I went by an Icebrood Quagan and he threw his spear at me I did not dodge but went in another direction to avoid it. The spear made a 90 degree turn just to hit my character. If that happens other places kinda not fair we are suppose to be able to avoid damage by being out of the way of the projectile which I was.

Add more mastery points in the world or let us use things like leveling tomes to purchase them from a vendor say like five tomes per mastery point. Some people like me are not good at those adventure things. The four just four for the story achievements is crazy. I did the title thing in Guildwars so achievements are not my thing here. Not sayin I will not do them here and there, but too many points locked behind them.

I also heard a really good idea for a new water mastery similar to gliding create a slipstream similar to the updrafts for underwater travel. Also all rivers and streams should push your character back like that one in the Forgotten City. I thought that was cool, but does make it impossible to gather in that location lol.

Winning an MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

There are some people that claim that this game is a pay to win game, because of things like gem store items combined for a higher price. They may look at the black lion skins as more pay to win items. I do not know but I think its kind of funny .

What I want explained to me is this unless you are a pro player for pvp and in the pro leagues. What exactly are you winning? An MMO is not a winnable game, because there is so much to do, so many things in one, and so many goals to work on that it is impossible to Win an MMO. Nothing in this game has ever and I mean ever given anyone any kind of advantage that another player cannot get.

I played Guildwars for years I had 3 maxed title holders 4 full halls of monuments. I used to laugh at people that would say after they got past one of the last missions in any of the campaigns they would tell me they beat the game lol. I would ask them did u vanquish that game? NO did you get guardian and do all the missions in Hardmode? NO then you didn’t beat the game. Hell I never considered even with all that that I beat the game.

Just remember an MMORPG cannot be won. Especially Guild wars 2 because it is changing all the time. An MMO is there to do one thing give you something to do instead of watching tv or looking at walls. It gives you a way to have an adventure when you want. It cost three things the price of the game and expansion, your internet connection, and your computer. Oh yes one more thing it cost is your time.

Winning an MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

There are some people that claim that this game is a pay to win game, because of things like gem store items combined for a higher price. They may look at the black lion skins as more pay to win items. I do not know but I think its kind of funny .

What I want explained to me is this unless you are a pro player for pvp and in the pro leagues. What exactly are you winning? An MMO is not a winnable game, because there is so much to do, so many things in one, and so many goals to work on that it is impossible to Win an MMO. Nothing in this game has ever and I mean ever given anyone any kind of advantage that another player cannot get.

I played Guildwars for years I had 3 maxed title holders 4 full halls of monuments. I used to laugh at people that would say after they got past one of the last missions in any of the campaigns they would tell me they beat the game lol. I would ask them did u vanquish that game? NO did you get guardian and do all the missions in Hardmode? NO then you didn’t beat the game. Hell I never considered even with all that that I beat the game.

Just remember an MMORPG cannot be won. Especially Guild wars 2 because it is changing all the time. An MMO is there to do one thing give you something to do instead of watching tv or looking at walls. It gives you a way to have an adventure when you want. It cost three things the price of the game and expansion, your internet connection, and your computer. Oh yes one more thing it cost is your time.

Did i get the heart of thorns?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

If the Op reads this yes you got HoT , but there is a catch to HoT you will not even be able to go there until your characters are level 80. So do not expect to be able to play HoT right away. Now the Core game mastery system I do not think you have to be level 80 for that. Take your time on leveling explore the game have fun they are not closing the game in 2 days lol.

Suggestion: Subscription Plans

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

You need to learn OP

Anet people used to work for Blizzard they worked on several things like Warcraft, Diablo 2 and also created battle net. They even suggested to have a Buy to play system for Wow. The greedy people at Blizzard did not like that idea. With limited resources and a great idea they found NcSoft a backer to their new idea and game.

With NcSoft Anet came up with a game that was not a Wow clone instead of an open world they gave us open world towns, with instanced areas to fight in. A unique design and they promoted it as when you are in those instances you and your party are the only ones in there so no distractions from other players. It was limited though, but people still love it after 10 years.

Then Anet was going to create a new game (Campaign) for Guildwars Called Utopia. A South American Aztek style design. The Chronomancer was one of the new professions for example.They started talking wanted this and that for the game. Things like jumping, and open world. This is documented in a magazine article from PC gamer magazine. Unlike most companies that usually have an expansion at least half way done. Anet did this article with only Ideas for a new game nothing at all done.

They had to do something with Guildwars to give people new content so they dropped the new campaign, and decided on an expansion. So Eye of the North was created. This expansion was also unique it introduced new races that will be in Guildwars 2 like the Asura, and Norn. It also allowed the player of Guildwars to have a place that would be their legacy for Guildwars2 called the Hall of Monuments.

After five years Guild wars2 was born. Actually that is really fast since that was only from ideas and nothing was done at the time. People still complained that it took too long lol.

Anet has always been a developer that wants to be different. Anet does not make Wow clones. All games have similarities to each other, but game play and design of GW2 is nothing like Wow. In fact Wow has copied some things from GW2 like jumping puzzles.

Anet created the Buy to play model it is not a free to play game. You must purchase the game to get the content. They do now have a free to play system which is limited, but once you purchase the game everything opens up for you. You do not even have to start over with your F2P characters. All of the progress you make with them will still be there after purchase. Then you do not have to pay each month like a subscription game.

You are right in one aspect this game is worth a sub fee for some people, but it was never designed for that. It was designed as a cooperative mmorpg where people help each other to complete goals.

Some people accept Gw2 for what it is different. Some people want it to be their old game including Gw1 players. That’s what makes it great it is not conforming to one game, but to several game types. It has already had a game similar to it kind of a clone called Elder Scrolls online.

I give Anet Credit for not conforming the what other games are doing. They design their games to be different for a reason. They designed it as an option to those games, and gave people the ability to play it without having to pay another sub fee.

People want change, but............

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Again all you all are saying is this we want our kind of change if its not exactly what we want we will complain.

Instead of embracing the changes that people have asked for whether or not they are what everyone asked for or not you cry foul. At least Anet is trying new things some work some don’t.

About GW2 vanilla that was gone ages ago when the living story started. Most do not see that. Vanilla in a game is kinda silly its saying if you change anything we will cry about it.

WvW has changed from what I understand I do not play that, but why would it be so hard to do again its the players fault for not embracing the changes. In fact it made it harder to take places and easier to defend them. Isn’t that what people wanted instead of easily getting zerged out of it?

Most of the things they have done is to try to make it a bit harder because people complain this game is sooooo easy. Some even find HoT easy that’s fine I don’t and many others will agree with me.

When GW2 began it was hard to some people especially in Orr. Because of complainers they reduced the number of foes there, and made it easier to navigate. That made it too easy and boring. Wvw the same servers always seemed to win mainly cause they had the numbers.

Like When GW2 began you had to rethink how you do things. Now you have to do that again. I am working on my masteries yes it will take time, xp , and mastery points. Does that seem too hard for me? Not really just have to do it. I already have all nine professions with their full elites. I have full gliding now. the rest are hit and miss.

If anyone is goin to play GW2 they better expect changes or they will always be disappointed in it.

Old is new again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

This is not about Map closings It is about choice. Your choice to choose which server aka number of that server you would like to play on. Without having to rely on a taxi system to get to one.

People want change, but............

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

When they get it they want what they been doin back. HoT is a perfect example of this the game has completely changed. Its almost like a new game now (which if anyone pays attention) That is what Anet has said. In an interview they were asked if there will be a GW3. They said no they want GW2 to change over time it will be like a new game by adding and removing content as they progress.

HoT is the first layer of some of these changes. Will we have to wait for another expansion? Probably not another living story will do great with this idea. The dragons are the focus of expansions maybe we will get a new dragon later in the living story without another expansion.

Now the people want change but the thing is this. Several people complain there is not enough to do in GW2 I’m bored no endgame etc. Finally Anet changes that and gives us things to do and a new end game. New skills, new weapons, new sub professions etc.
But there is a catch, you have to earn them. Now instead of people enjoying the new content. They complain wow now I have to grind for it? There is a time gate on this wtf?

This causes them again to lose interest in the game, because they have to earn it. Several people like that all they can think of is how many Items can I get how much gold can I horde?

Yes HoT is different from the base game and the base game is different from other games (some similarities of course). The thing is why not just enjoy what you are doing? Why does it have to be a grind to you? Masteries are account bound why not take out an alt and do something different?

I am not that great of a player myself, but I really think HoT is makin me into a better player. I still have to figure out the pocket raptors, rolling devils and especially the mushrooms in a fight with my thief. That will come over time or they may nerf them a bit (cause man they hit hard).

All games are goin to have bugs that’s what the in game bug reports are for. It will not happen that second but if no one reports them they can’t get fixed, and it may take longer than expected to fix it.

Relax its not a race there is no I beat the game. This is not a game like that. It is a game to give people a place to do things they cannot do in real life through an avatar. It is a game of challenge a game of continuation and a game to escape for a while.

Guild wars is still going after over 10 years if that gives anyone any indication of the longevity of these games then GW2 will last just as long the game is not going anywhere soon. If you worry it will end up like City of Heroes it won’t. They had trouble with the other Super Hero franchises saying some characters resemble theirs too much. Even though it was how the player set them up and the developer had nothing to do with those creations. I see it in GW2 all the time but this is not a super hero game.

If you cannot get something done today or this minute you will get it done eventually do something else for a while. There is plenty of time the game will constantly change over time but that’s what should happen.

Those changes are not just additions to the game but actual changes in how we play the game.

Old is new again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Mega servers are a good way to have maps for more people to be able to play together. But there is a huge problem with them. The ability to know what map you are in and the ability to change to a new one if you do not have a taxi to the new one set up.

The automatic system to change servers may bring you to another server that’s also ready to be closed for that time. The join feature is a great thing, but if you are just running around solo and temporarily joining people for events there is a huge problem.

The idea is to go back in time in a way that Guild wars players (GW1) used. When more room was needed for an area called districts. Districts AKA the other servers, but with a number you could choose to go to that district.

District 1 would always be available, but all other districts will depend on the population on the map itself. This way we will be able to choose independently which available server we can use. Of course Anet will still be able to close down low population servers until they are needed again.

HoT physical copies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I recently saw physical copies of Heart of Thorns along with $25 gem cards in my local Walmart. For those that may be interested my store has them well away from the WoW area. If all Walmart’s are the same then its top right area. The price is $49.95 (give or take a few cents).

More physical copies may be in other stores this I am not sure of, but some one may wanna check other places.

What did you guys want guild wars 2 to be?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I played Guildwars for over 8 years I still log on to bug people in Kamadan once in a while. I have three God walkings I have four full Halls of Monuments. I played Guildwars quite a bit more than most. I was not a pro player where I could not permasin without mistakes like others could. I did permasin mostly alone

After getting the three Gwamms, I thought I have done most everything I can do in the game. I did not grind for them I just played along with some friends in the game. They saw what I was doing, and they wanted to do it also. So when they had to do something my sin had already done I got another character and did it on that one over time doing that well filled up the requirements for the Titles.

People would call me a no lifer because I did titles. I also farmed, but not as extensively as others. To me a no lifer is someone that gets on does 20 speed clears in one area gets off comes back on does the same thing over and over and over. I at least explored, cleared areas out, and had goals in the game besides just being super rich. Which I was pretty well off in the financial part of the game lol.

When I heard the news of Guildwars2,ILiked how they got together said I wanna put X into the new campaign. Problem is they couldn’t, because the Guildwars engine was out of date. So they decided to create a real MMO unlike anything before it. Using things that did not work out in several of them each one thing for those other MMO’s. Figuring if someone mish mashed them into one game instead of making a clone of another game and adding a couple unique things in, it might work. So the idea for Guildwars 2 was announced to everyone. Five years later (I think that may be a record not sure lol) From Idea to finished product that is.

Guild wars 2 set 250 years into the future. Unlike Guildwars Guildwars2 has fire arms. Some people did not like that MMO’s shouldn’t have guns. Why? 250 years is a long time progress had to be made eventually. At least they are only up to a revolver for guns, and a rifle. Think about this 250 years is a long time no matter what. The world today is completely different from the world 250 years ago. Its called progress. Why can’t they do it in an MMO?

That’s what intrigued me about Guildwars2 the idea that it would not be Guildwars on steroids and just repeat the same formula. Or repeat the formula of other MMO’s. So far it hasn’kittens not a perfect game none are, some claim to be though. It would be a game that not only can change over time, but one that can be changed any time. Living story was suppose to be a way for the devs to give us totally new content constantly. Just seems that was not enough for some of the players so over some time they developed Heart of Thorns just to please them.

Now people are shunning Heart of Thorns. It cost too much, not enough content for the price, its got bad breath, all sorts of reasons not to get it. I tell you all what HoT if you just bought it for the scenery it is worth it. Of course do not do that lol its also a lot of fun to play sometimes a bit overwhelming. If you are an explorer type the maps are huge the entire left side of the map in the area that looks kinda like India is HoT. Look at that and think three levels then tell me its not enough content. Remember they also added WvW and PvP areas. Guild halls are huge maps in themselves, then you have caves you can glide too and discover those which again add to the diversity of the maps and the size. Raids will use what u gain in HoT to be successful in them.

Any way I like Guildwars because it was a great game to play for the time I played it. It was not the be all end all of all games though, but I liked the formula of not being a clone. Guildwars 2 has so much potential and that’s what I see the most in it.

HoT - Custom Guild Ranks - Old Permissions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

How does the game determine “leader” rank because we don’t have one of those anymore.
Leader rank is not determined by how many things they can do, but where the rank is on the list. The leader rank needs to be on the top not the bottom or middle. The reason is they made it so Admin lower ranks means exactly that. The lower you are the lower the rank. You could make some one co leader but if you put it near the bottom of the list the rank above them lets say loyal member (example rank) could kick that co leader. So choose wisely where you put important ranks for leadership.

All about Skins!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I would like one major armor piece that went on any character in guild wars and always looked awesome.

Oh and dyeable weapons, HINT HINT

HoT - Custom Guild Ranks - Old Permissions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

This is kind of on the same idea I have an idea to replace guild armor. Instead of purchasing a set of armor for the guild (no this is not a cape) Why not be able to purchase the emblem and place it on the existing armor where you want. Kind of like going into the self style hair kit. each piece of chest armor has a place to put a guild emblem. Once its in place that’s where it will stay but it will be soul bound not account bound. That will take away the need for capes and no clipping issues with it

How will vanilla zones stay populated

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I always thought the vanilla idea was kinda silly. Why would anyone not want a game to progress? That makes no sense what so ever. If you had ever paid attention to the game you would of realized they made this game so every zone can be relevant even to a lvl 80. No other game or very very few games do this. They may have a dragon attack Queensdale one day that would bring some people into the zone just to fight it.

GW2 has no zone that is not vanilla, but some of us like the strawberry , chocolate, cookies n cream, butter ripple, caramel, etc. part of the game. The core game will be the same no matter what. Next will it be the vanilla HoT?

Don't miss the release date please!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

To be honest I do not think there will be many issues with the game like at the launch of GW2. The HoT part is already in your computer its what people have been downloading for some of the updates. Now it may have to be tweaked a bit before launch but the basics are still there. With the megaserver system which makes it easier to control populations on the maps it should be a cake walk compared to other game expansions.

At least Anet does not shut its servers down every month for so called maintenance, Like that other MMO does. Anet fixes then copy’s the fix to the servers behind the scenes. All we have to do is restart the game and its usually fixed.

Do I gotta buy HOT Twice?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

How do I explain this in a nice way? Ok there is no, never was no, and never will be no physical copy of Heart of Thorns. The reason that Arenanet not Nc Soft published it was because no physical copies were needed since anyone can download from the site. They do not advertise on TV like that other MMO does. They advertise it all over the place online. They do shows, and interviews etc. to tell people in the gaming world all about GW2.

Having a physical copy is useless after the first month or two. Big deal you can reload that part a bit faster, but its still goin to miss a lot. Even Microsoft saw the great idea that Arenanet has done and even though u can get Windows 10 on disc. Most of it will be online all the upgrades to it too.

So please stop asking about the physical copies of HoT and pay attention to what is going on with things. If you want a physical copy of GW2 get a 64-128 gig jump drive load it on there and play it from there all you want. There you go a physical updateable copy of GW2 HoT

(edited by Chyanne Waters.8719)

The Positive Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

When I saw this thread I figured it would be a good way to say thank you to Anet for so many years of Guildwars and Guildwars2.

Also if anyone reads this how Anet even though they deserve to make money it is not as important as making the player happy. Making them happy is subjective though. Where some players are fine with how things go at one time, they may not be on other things. Remember the old adage you can please some of the people……..

Any way how is Anet not as money hungry as other gaming developers.
When GW2 was first out there were quite a few bugs and problems with the game. What did Anet do? They shut down digital sales turned their sales people into support people and worked on fixing the game for the existing players.

They have a gem store similar to other games that have a special currency for items. Here is where it differs from most not all. The items do not give you any advantage over other players. The Armor Outfits etc. are skins, the gathering tools are unlimited, the boosts give up to 12 hours with a primer. You can get things in the Gem Store for real life money. Even though the gold to gem price is high you can still buy gems to get things from the store with in game gold (sorry free to play people cannot buy gems with in game gold) *whispers * I think they wanna have you buy the game

Recently Anet announced Free to play what makes this different you can play the entire game with some restrictions to chat and a couple other things. But you can level to 80 play all you want. Not sure how other games do it but if a F2P player decides to purchase the game all of their accomplishments remain and the restrictions are lifted.

All I can say is thank you Anet for not only making great games, but also for playing and understanding how other players may think. This game is the most versatile game ever made. It can change to anything Anet wants it to. Although sometimes it is a bit slow lol.

I personally played Guildwars since 2006 and Guildwars 2 from the 3 day head start. Although you would never know it since I still have less than 9k achievement points lol. I like the idea Anet made a game that does not charge for playing letting players use the money for other games they like instead. Again shows Anet is not a money grubbing company. Of course they do need money to operate so please support them they deserve it.

Thank you Anet for your games. And congratulations for now not just developing, but also publishing Guildwars 2 Heart of Thorns.

Elder dragons only in Tyria?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Every one should check the wiki Tyria is a Continent and the Entire World

What happened to NC Soft?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I have noticed that I used to have an NC Soft master account still have it but it no longer has anything guild wars in it. I had to change my @ncsoft log ins to regular email so I can work with it here in the GW2 system. I also have noticed that when any video showing anything about HoT (not sure how far back it goes) the NC Soft logo which used to appear first is no longer there. It says that Arenanet is a wholly owned subsidiary of NC Soft. Is NC Soft maybe letting Arenanet become its own publisher also?

I liked having the NC Soft Master account it had the ability to prevent anyone from hacking my GW and GW2 accounts. Oh well I guess the cell phone thing will have to do.

Just something I have been curious about if anyone in Arenanet wants to comment on it along with others maybe we can all understand why its happening.

Older Guildwars 2 retail copies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I did forget to include that Heart of Thorns will not have a physical retail copy which kind of makes it impossible to replace. And the price already includes GW2 anyway.

Older Guildwars 2 retail copies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Some stores are still selling physical copies of Guildwars2 Are those going to automatically update to HoT if someone buys them? Personally I would not mind that if it happens.

Guildwars 2 is usually overrun for space by that other MMO and is sometimes hard to find. I personally like the idea of just downloading it over a dvd of it. Mainly because it is constantly updated.

Getting used to things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

One thing that has always bothered me about any MMO I have played is of course after a while it just seems everyone just gets used to the same thing. A good example is in Guild Wars people would speed run the same thing day in and day out. Was it good loot? Was it fun? Was it boring? Was it a waste of time? These questions come down to the individual.

Myself If I did a speed run or two that was enough for the day on that. Personally I liked vanquishing, missions, titles etc. Which by peoples standards at the time I was called a No Lifer. Ya know what I did all those things with friends and we had fun doing it.

The reason I am saying all this is Guildwars 2 is different. Anet has already said that it will keep changing over time. Heart of Thorns is the perfect example of this. Not only will it change by adding a new map. It also changes the way our characters will fight, do damage, make builds, work with others etc. It will and already has changed mapping for example WvW is no longer needed for map completion. WvW maps will not only change, but the places will help the player defend itself.

Anet has changed the progression system they seem to hate the Carrot on the Stick style where your character gets new gear goes up five levels but cannot seem to reach maximum level because it goes up another five levels. Using the Mastery system and the specializations your characters can become more powerful without adding a new set of gear or raising the level of your character.

Once HoT releases this will not be Guildwars 2 It will be Guildwars2 Heart of Thorns or if a number is put on it Guildwars 2.3 if in 3 more years a new expansion for the next dragon comes out could be Guildwars 2.6

If you want a game that pretty much stays the same kinda stale go to Guildwars or even WoW/clones Yes I do know that Guildwars2 has been really really stale as of late.
I think that is about to end with HoT though. The player has to be willing to experiment with things and just have fun.

Because when HoT goes live the game has changed forever and that is great with me. Hopefully I am not the only one that feels this way.

Character Slot for Heart of Thorns? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Omg pay $50 more get that back in Gems get all the stuff in the deluxe version the core version and the ultimate version for $49.99

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I do not know about everyone here but if you think about it you have played this game for near three years. Yes anyone who gets HoT gets the core game included.
So some people call fail on that. Others who will be new to the game will be happy with that. Again Anet breaks the mold of MMO’s by doing this.

You are technically getting GW2 the expansion with all the bells and whistles and $50 in gems for $100 after u take out the gems the cost of it would be $50

New Engie Lock on

in Thief

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

My question is this. What does it mean by Striking a Foe?
Does it mean any damage the Engineer uses including fire, bombs, grenades, bullets, shield, or rifle? Or does it mean tools and items on the ground? Striking usually means a physical type of damage.

This needs to be answered by Anet, not speculated by a player. Now if Engineers get hammer of course that would be a Strike weapon.

Will buying HoT be mandatory? (like in WoW)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

So tired of people asking stupid questions about HoT. Why do people even need to worry about this stuff it makes no sense. Just buy the expansion if you do not like it you can go back to the regular game. Unlike others I do not think HoT will be any where near the price of a so called standard expansion. I would go more with $10-20 where of course $20 is the better version.

Arenanet seems to want people to play their games and just want to give a great product for everyone. Maybe they don’t do everything perfect but one thing they do is try new things others don’t. Also remember one thing Living Story was suppose to be the expansions for GW2. Because of the players they are making the HoT expansion. Arenanet is not your typical developer so they do not follow the so called MMO rules others have set.

There will be changes before HoT comes out the Traits will change to the new system if you do not get HoT then you will have I think 3 trait lines you can use. The same will be for HoT players but one will be able to use the specializations as the 3rd one.

WvW will have new maps which will be available for anyone HoT or otherwise. These maps will have places that will help defend you as you control it. It if I remember right will be on a rotation.

PvP will have both Hot players and regular players in it not sure how that will come out, but the HoT players will have more build diversity than the regular GW2 player.

What you will be missing is the start of one of the best ideas in my opinion. A system that keeps your hard earned leveling and armor the same while improving your abilities at the same time.
You will get Masteries (a new system that lets u gain knowledge for your account to be able to defeat the dragons, craft precursors, glide better, use jumping mushrooms better, and learn new languages.)
Specializations. ( a new system that lets your character have more than one profession and abilitys for both)
A new 3 level area to explore that is not as large in area as a regular expansion, but is suppose to be as large or larger in content due to the three levels of it.
A new profession the Revenant.

So no you do not need to buy HoT? No, but I think you will end up with it anyway out of jealousy of other players. Should you have to pay for it? Yes because they put a lot of work into it for everyone.

Your choice either buy it or not up to you.
Oh yea specialties and Masteries are said to be only the first of many so having HoT will be a good thing for that.

A solution to multi-guild, cohesion problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Hence in light of this, I don’t see any point whatsoever of any additional text chats. In fact, I’d like to see more people on VOIP and less on text altogether.

You are kidding right so now you HAVE use a third party program to talk to people in the server to talk to other guilds? What if you do not like to voice chat? There are a lot of what if’s to this issue. If a new system is put in I hope its a good one. One thing I cannot stand is a guild that even though they have over 200 players very few or even no one chats in guild chat. Makes the guild seem empty.

Also in voice chat programs when people are talking over each other some may not even get a chance to speak at all and feel like their opinions don’t matter or that people cannot hear them at all. If they yell or raise their voice to be heard then people get upset with them for it.

So no VOIP should not be the be all end all solution to multiple guild chat. It is a handy tool to help with some things, but not all. Server VOIP is great for organizing WvW , but nothing else. What about world events? What about role-players? What about dungeon runners? Lots of reasons to have multi guild text chat system in GW2.

Armor/Outfit revelation today

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Well Crystin is from Nexon a pay to win developer which owns part of NcSoft. Only like 15%. Believe it or not that 15% is the largest investment NcSoft has and Nexon wants some control. Sorry Crystin and arenanet but this is true and you know it.

I was looking forward to more armor sets in the gemstore, because I do like to mix and match armors. I will get armor just for one piece of it. That’s 800 gems usually for one piece of that armor. I may use the other parts but only the gloves and boots on other chars if I like them too. Outfits do not offer that ability which stinks in my opinion. One set of armor and the sister armor that glows does not make up for the low volume now of armors because of outfits being gemstore only now.

A solution to multi-guild, cohesion problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Well If you saw the Angry Joe interview about HoT. You would know he mentioned that he would like to take several guilds in his Angry Army and be able to communicate between them so they can do things together. Colin responded that they are working on a system to do that. So no worries everyone it will come in time.