Showing Posts For Daddicus.6128:

What is Ranger good at

in Ranger

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Rangers are great for solo PvE. They’re nearly impossible to kill. Even if they manage to over-aggro, as long as the bad guys can’t do enough damage to kill them outright before they get their pet healing them (skill 3) working, they’ll be back in the fight.

Balance? Are you kidding?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


this threads gonna get closed

and op, u r so wrong, everything in open world (soloplaying) is easy. u just dont manage those proffessions yet.

the problem in pve w specific problems is, they dont have enough support for the team, for example, compare necro to an ele , the difference is huge:

necro, has high SINGLE target dmg, but not as high as staff ele, and staff ele is using aoe + doing more dmg to single targets in pve as well

staff ele can stack party might, necro cant

ele can support w water fields and different boons, necro cant

ele has minor amount of reflects, can be used with aura share , necro doesnt
(ele also has swirling winds, if using focus)

ele can give fgs, self explanationary


theres way more, but just so u can get a grasp of the pve proffesion difference

I think you misunderstood.

I’m NOT talking about easy vs. hard.

I AM talking about one class being easier or harder than another in the same situations.

Since you state an example that clearly shows that they are not equal, I don’t see what your problem with my post is.

Specifically, I’m saying that their referring to the upcoming changes as “balancing” is a misnomer. They’re changing them, but not towards balanced. They’re just making them all better.

Balance? Are you kidding?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


In open world pve, any class will succeed.

Possibly, but are they BALANCED? Do they work equally well?

Balance? Are you kidding?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


I’m not so much cutting down the changes, as the concept of calling them balance changes.

My main characters are a thief, a necro, and a ranger. I’ve got the others, but none of them have a full set of even exotic armor yet.

I did some experimenting the last few weeks by sending those 3 characters to 3 zones, and then rotating them after playing a while. (Zones Dry Top, Frostgorge, and Cursed Shore) So, I had apples-to-apples comparisons. (Previously I always wondered if it was just that the ranger was hitting easier foes … by chance … all the time.)

Anyhow, it because exceptionally clear that the ranger, who has the least-completed armor set, was far superior in every aspect of combat than either of the other two. The necro could hold his own against a small mob, but not if there was a vet included. The thief? 3 creatures, max. Anything more and he was in serious trouble. With the ranger, I was trying to aggro at least 6+ creatures so I could kill them faster. If the thief accidentally aggroes 6, he’s dead unless he can hide in shadows and run away.

The only real exception was in Dry Top. Against those dust mites, the ranger had some trouble. But, nothing else bothers her short of champs.

Well, and that chicken tornado thing, but that’s a whole ’nother story.

Balance? Are you kidding?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


I find it hard to believe that the upcoming “balance changes” are called that. They’re not even close to balancing.

WHAT is out of balance? In PvE, the classes are horribly unbalanced when compared to each other. Rangers are death-delivery vehicles. Nothing but 4 or more veterans can come close to taking them down.

Thieves, on the other hand, need to be played perfectly just to survive an encounter with a single veteran.

My ranger and my necro have both taken down a champion solo. My thief, engineer, elementalist and guardian are hopelessly outmatched by all champs they have attempted solo. They’re almost certain to die without even getting a chance to run away from most champs.

Mesmer? Kind of in the middle. At least he’ll be able to run away.

Yet these “balance” changes do nothing to level the playing field. Thieves still have a completely useless downed land skillbar, and no viable weapons underwater. Yes, some of their stuff gets tweaked, but so do the other classes. What about making them operate at the same level as other classes, instead of as second-class citizens?

If you want to do “balancing”, leave the ranger alone or nerf them. They’re grossly more powerful than any other class in nearly any situation (PvE). Concentrate on making the useless classes (thief, engineer, and guardians if playing alone) more playable. Especially their miserable underwater skills and some downed skills.

Home instance resource nodes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


There is an easy to access Mystic Forge at the Vigil in Gendarran Fields, in addition to the one in the airship.

Really? I must have missed it. I’ll check again. Which area? (compass directions are fine).

Home instance resource nodes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Really stinks. My daughter recently quit playing altogether because she had a life, and ANet passed her by. She came back to see LA in shambles and her unable to find anything (she didn’t know about the camp at the Vigil).

And, she wanted to do some Mystic Forge work. I had to tell her sorry, there’s no way to get there any more without spending real money. Sad, really. She used to like the game, but being a senior in college required too much time. Now that she has more time, she can’t play any more (or, feels that way, anyhow).

What bothers me is that they made the same stupid mistake in GW1 with Winds of Change. They had to backstitch in alterations because the player base revolted, and now they’re making the same mistake all over again.

Any way to tabulate dyes in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Yes, thank you. That WORKS!

Any way to tabulate dyes in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


I would like to be able to see some kind of list inside the game that shows all the dyes I am MISSING. Does such a thing exist?

If not, is there a workaround?

Home instance resource nodes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


That really stinks, but it shouldn’t surprise me.

What do you mean by “until they re-release”? Do you mean “IF they re-release”? Or have they announced something I haven’t seen yet?

Home instance resource nodes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


It seems that if you miss out on the ending of certain achievement categories, you lose the capability for adding the home instance nodes. Forever. (I’m referring to Quartz Crystal Formation, Krait Obelisk Shard, etc. in your home instance.)

That can’t be right, is it?

Scamming is wrong

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Hahaha ya true. But there you can public humiliate people and call them out on it. On the forums you seem to have your hands pretty much tied.

OK, I wasn’t going to post, since it appeared you had learned a lesson. But this post needs to be slammed.

There are 3 MILLION people playing Guild Wars 2. There are maybe 500 that are scamming people. Do the math: Your odds of running into one are insignificant.

BUT, if you advertise yourself as someone willing to be taken, then you will get taken. Look over your actions for the previous few weeks. I would guess it’s very likely you took smaller steps in the same direction. And they guys who scam people look for gamers like that.

Do some soul-searching before accusing people of being louts. While there are some here in the forums, it’s a much higher percentage than in the game. I can’t count the number of times I’ve called out for someone to help me with a jumping puzzle or vista or event, and someone spent their own money to hit a waypoint, just to help me.

When that happens, I almost always send them 5 silver or something for their trouble. Every single time, that person has sent it back. THAT is sportsmanship. That kind of person isn’t going to scam anybody. But, s/he’s also not going to put him/herself into a position where it could happen, either, because that kind of person doesn’t try to get an unearned edge against the game.

If you spent all your gold on the scammer, you need some more. Call out to someone and ask them to help you earn some quick cash (by helping kill stuff). There’s almost always someone willing to help. But, one must actually work to find a scammer.

If you’re interested in grinding out a little cash, look me up in-game. Or, I would guess, any of the people here who weren’t rude in their reply. These are people who are trying to help; that’s why they posted. If you ask, they’ll help in other ways.

Am I correct, guys?

Interface suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


The interface for seeing daily, monthly, and special event progress is really handy. The ability to always show individual items in the list is also very good.

One more thing would make it perfect: A way to persistently block certain items from showing.

For instance, I never play WvW. But, I have to put up with a few “mists” items in the list. I could go turn on all the ones I DO want to see, but that means I have to keep going back and tweaking my entries. If I had a way to always block (from view) mists entries, that would be really nice.

(edited by Daddicus.6128)

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Don’t celestial items still have MORE stats in their other items of equivalent level in their item budget even without the MF?

Yeah. That’s to compensate for being balanced. They have a higher total number of points, but there’s no focus. It’s a classic trade-off: Fewer points and specialization vs. more raw points, but balanced.

When I bought them, I really didn’t want the balanced stats. However, it was the only way to get MF on ascended rings. If there hadn’t been MF on them, I never would have dreamed of buying them.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Did anyone ever, throughout this whole thread, think to send a ticket “just in case” it was an actual error?

It seems that when something like this happens, the first thing we do is run to the forums to complain instead of contacting the people who can actually do something about it.


Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128



The current best sources of gold, rares, and exotics in the game have absolutely nothing to do with the temporary content released as part of the Living Story. This makes me thing that there’s something deeper going on, because essentially, obtaining full exotic gear should become rather trivial, even if you never touch a single living story release.

The idea that you get “left behind” in the sense of some kind of legitimate progression compared to other players by not completing LS release achievements is fallacious. I’d like to try to determine why you believe this to be true and see if I can help.

This is pretty basic economics. In the in-game economy, prices go up. Why? Because there is competition on the demand side that outweighs the supply. If I don’t have the resources to compete, I fall behind.

For example, I will never be able to buy a legendary, because the prices will keep going up faster than I can generate income. While I was earning more recently than when I started, the prices are accelerating faster than I can keep up.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Yes, exactly – the same as every other MF build there was.
And yet for some reason Celestials were treated differently.

Nice post! So simple, yet so true.

The argument that MF was wrong has absolutely no bearing on this discussion. It’s completely unrelated to the issue.

The issue is the different way some gear was treated vs. the rest. “Logic, logic; what DO they teach them at these schools?”

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


… I’m sorry, what do achievements get you that you need to keep up with the game? … Skins? Minis? Titles?

I mean, granted, these are nice, but they aren’t necessary to keep up with the game. The only thing you need is gear and knowing how to play.

Money. Rare items (to salvage). Occasionally an exotic. I don’t play for the minis (although I don’t fault those who do). I play for the chance of bettering my character (at my age, bettering my gaming skills is pretty much impossible, or I would include that). I get that bettering via chests and achievements and dailies. And, judging by the price of things, I don’t do nearly well enough to keep up with the game.

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


OP is talking about this missed chance at the carrots arenanet dangles with these updates. The minis, the achievement points (because they do matter now), the titles, etc.

Some people do care about those sorts of things and if he doesnt have the time to complete these events at his pace playing his way(as we have been told we can do in guild wars 2), then he will most certainly miss out.

Power scaling has nothing to do with this conversation.

Even though I agree, I’ll point out that there is a small amount of power scaling going on. I have 5 characters I play regularly, and 3 of them have finished the campaign. But, none of them have a full set of ascended and exotic gear. So, I am indeed trying to get more gear.

Some people have gone through and taken one character to the top and then fully geared him or her out. I’m sure if I pushed one character’s gear I could top her out, but I like playing in different places, seeing different sights, finding the new events they’ve dropped into some zones, etc.

In fact, the closest of my characters to “perfect” gear just got reamed by the magic find stuff. So, I’m going to have to push again and re-gear. :p

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


New Flash: You don;t have to do the living world content.

News flash? It’s not even true.

In order to keep up with the game, you MUST complete achievements, and that means LS. The further behind you fall, the harder it is to catch up as the price of the stuff you need goes up.

Like it or not, we are in competition against each other for a limited set of resources. It’s generally a cooperative and friendly competition, but it is nonetheless competition. The losers are the ones who don’t keep up.

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


I skipped the whole SAB thing. Didn’t go inside even once and it was great. It was like taking a vacation and now I’m ready to go back to work with this new patch.

Seriously, they need to have time between these events where nothing happens. Let people decompress, do dungeons, level alts, stand around in LA, whatever. It’s one thing to visit a carnival. It’s another to live in one

I skipped it as well, although for other reasons. And, I haven’t missed it. Those end-of-summer ones were just too much.

Here’s the thing, though: If they announced a “summer fling” where they did the election and Scarlett stuff, and said that it wasn’t a new paradigm, but rather a one time sequence at a blistering pace, I would have loved it. There’s a challenge to being on a clock.

It’s when you are ALWAYS on the clock that it gets mundane.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


It’s even worse than I thought. My Golden Lotus’ infusion is Magic Find 20%, and the rest of the stats were removed completely. I can replace the other stats, but when I do I will lose the infusion completely.

That makes 100 laurels in the ash-can, more than 2 months work. And, that’s only on 1 character! This is really sickening, and it’s made worse by people who think it’s fair and demand that I do also.

NOTE: We CAN buy another 20% MF with 20 more laurels. I wonder how long it will take them to figure that out and yank it again.

Correction: I’ve been told by tech support that you don’t lose the infusions when you convert the main item. Further, this 20% infusion remains in the game, so you don’t even have to buy a different infusion.

Mark threads as read by ANet

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Actually, I was thinking of this idea as for this Suggestion thread only. This is the only thread ANet has committed to reading. But, it moves so quickly it’s hard to keep up.

Once we knew ANet had read it, we can assume it either has been approved or disapproved. In either case, it wouldn’t really be as important to keep posting to that thread.

Mark threads as read by ANet

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


I would expect that if they check the box, they really would read it. Some suggestions are frankly lunacy; they should be marked so.

Which brings up another idea: Anet could mark posts with “good idea”, “bad idea”, etc., in a way that the rest of the user base can’t see it.

I’ve seen a LOT of suggestions show up in the game. Not so many recently as in the past, but MANY have, including some of my own ideas. I do think they are basically good people. (Although that doesn’t mean they ALWAYS listen well.) Unlike some of their competitors, at least they don’t lie to their customers, and they generally treat them well.

Mark threads as read by ANet

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


I suggest this section of forum threads should have a button that only ANet personnel can use: Mark as “Read by ArenaNet”. It is claimed that the staff always read all the items here. Such a marking would validate that claim.

Magic Find removal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Magic find was recently removed from most aspects of our gear. Some items are allowed to be swapped for equal-valued items with different stats.

However, many items (a magical infusion already present on an item, the Lunaria and Solaria rings, and probably more) had it just removed.

Why can’t you simply allow the gamer to “sell” the item back to the vendor (in these cases, Laurel vendors)? That would allow us to buy our items back. It would be fair, nobody would be out anything, etc. Seems like a win-win?

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


One last comment before I leave for good: Let’s think about this in reverse:

Would ANet have tolerated it if, a year ago, I were to have uncovered a glitch whereby I could add an extra 4% Magic Find to my rings? It’s no big deal, right?

Would they tolerate now it if I found an exploit where I could get free Magical Infusions or get the rings with the MF still included?

Of course not! So, why do I have to accept it when they do it to me?

I’m leaving the game, so I probably won’t reply again. I’ll check in now and then to see if they corrected the problem, but I doubt I’ll post again. See ya!

(edited by Daddicus.6128)

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Guys, despite my having been the one to start this thread, I’m afraid I won’t be coming back anytime soon. I just discovered that the MF removal destroyed another of my ascended items. So, it is with great sadness that I’m leaving the game after 7+ years. I just can’t take getting jerked around like this any more.

Good luck on getting ANet to reconsider. Keep this thread alive until someone official responds. The thread has some pretty good statements made, and you all really deserve to have the content slow down. I’m just sorry I won’t be there to experience it when you finally get it.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


It’s even worse than I thought. My Golden Lotus’ infusion is Magic Find 20%, and the rest of the stats were removed completely. I can replace the other stats, but when I do I will lose the infusion completely.

That makes 100 laurels in the ash-can, more than 2 months work. And, that’s only on 1 character! This is really sickening, and it’s made worse by people who think it’s fair and demand that I do also.

NOTE: We CAN buy another 20% MF with 20 more laurels. I wonder how long it will take them to figure that out and yank it again.

(edited by Daddicus.6128)

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


… Where is the most interesting parts of stories posted? That’s right, on the website, and majority of my guild doesn’t even know about it. Even if it is generic, it would be more fleshed out as a whole if those stories were fully unfolded in the actual game.

This is a great idea, IMO. When “something” new happens to the game, today they announce it on the web. Sometimes, they also give you a snippet of information via the heralds and emails. But, you can’t really figure out all of what is happening from NPCs; you really have to either play a lot or read the wiki.

What if you could? How about an NPC that’s reporting news from a far-away land (that just happens to be Colin’s outbox)?

Rather than just announcing new BLTC stuff from the logon screen, how about if they created cave paintings with strange glyphs, just to make an out-of-game type announcement? A painting that if you scrape it off (like Grawl paintings), you get a coupon you can use at the BLTC?

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Note – your analogy is flawed, as both of you had different harddrives, meaning different compensation packages wouldn’t be unfair.

The analogy applies perfectly: In one hard disk, an approximately equal replacement is offered. In the other, something is instead taken away.

I’m not asking for the MF back. I’m simply asking why I can’t be allowed to choose another item for the same price instead.

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


For those who have said ANet is just using it as a way to garner more real money purchases from the BLTC, I’m not sure I agree. And, even if I did, I can’t fault them for it, because it’s where their only long-term revenue stream will come from.

(Unless Coke or Pepsi billboards start appearing in Lion’s Arch.)

However, even goodies in the BLTC don’t require new content. How about a mining pick that miners found deep in a Molten Alliance cave that’s now abandoned? Heck, there were those periscope things shooting at you weeks after the event was over (which was a nice touch, IMO).

I have to believe that there is a HUGE pool of Tyrian History from which they could make new goodies we would pay real money for. How about a “Troll Ungent” that’s been recently discovered after 200 years of sitting in a cave. Smear a little of that on your backpack and the stacking limit goes from 250 to 350.

Maybe a really old flute (could it be Gwen’s?) that you could play just right while you are in a bank panel, causing the stacking limits in that panel to go up?

We don’t need new content to justify new goodies. I’m not complaining, but it’s not needed.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


To the OP’er;

You wouldn’t cuss out a hardware provider for providing new hardware, no matter how much you paid for the old stuff. Give that same courtesy to software/game developers.

Interesting analogy, but it doesn’t apply as is. However, I can convert it to one that does:

You and I both buy new hard disks for our computers (same day, same store, etc.) Unbeknownst to us, your disk is a slightly different model from mine, under the hood.

Later, the hardware vendor realizes they screwed up and that both disks will lose data on the disks due to their error. So, they offer me a replacement disk (same size). However, for yours they offer to remove the bad spot on the disk and let you keep it (as a smaller disk, due to the error removal).

Now the analogy fits. Is it fair?

Slow down the content train

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


See this thread for details:

There are a hundred posts, and 90+ of them repeat the same thing: The content is coming (and going) TOO QUICKLY.

Please slow things down.

NOTE: Please do not respond here repeatedly. Use the other thread for discussions.

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


And keep telling them how you feel. Despite what people may say, you have every right to express your dissatisfaction (without resorting to personal attacks, of course!).

I’ve actually done that, although not for the reason in this thread. The pacing was burning me out, but getting stuck with two ascended rings I never would have bought is the straw that broke the camel’s back. I’ve been playing for 7+ years, but I finally decided I need a break.

Will I come back? Probably.

My problem is that there is no way to let ANet know what I don’t like. The tech support group can’t do a thing and will loudly force you to understand that if you try. The forums don’t seem to be read by the devs at all, and if anybody else is reading, they’re maintaining radio silence or something.

So, please, by all means tell me how to make this known to them. If they correct either of these problems, I’ll most likely return (assuming I find out some way without logging in).

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


We’ve really hit a nerve on this one. Almost complete agreement.

Is there any way we can know if ANet folks are reading this one?

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


If you’re talking about fractal rings they don’t come at a huge price. They’re easy to buy with pristine fractals and are uncommon fractal completion rewards. I’m guessing you’re not talking about infused rings. Lunaria and Solaria are the ascended rings with celestial stats and they have hardly changed. After the patch your combat abilities are unchanged and those two rings are more than compensated for by account wide magic find. I have plenty of ascended celestial jewelry and I’ll be keeping it all thank you.

The game mechanics have been changed to remove big magic find bonuses from armor for improved balance. Good. You still seem to want big magic find on armor and that isn’t going to happen. You seem to want bigger magic find than other players with the similar game history just because your old armor used to have magic find and that certainly isn’t going to happen either.

Let’s try a different tack. You earned laurels. So did I. Let’s assume at the same rate.

With your laurels you purchased some gear. I’ll assume it was without MF, given your expressed opinion here. I also bought some gear, the two rings, to be exact.

Your gear still works, although if you bought non-celestial MF gear you have to replace the stats with other, comparable stats. The 110 laurels have still purchased items that are just as useful as before. You have suffered no loss.

My MF was taken away without compensation of any kind, when compared to your items. The rings are now way below other equal-cost items in value, because they prevent some specialization (despite having more raw points). When I bought them, the MF compensated for their otherwise rather poor stats. I am holding two rings that I never would have purchased in their current condition.

From this point on, if we play the same amount, your gear will always be ahead of my gear by 110 laurels worth of stuff.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


OP, the very least you should have is 20% not 4%, because you were sent consumables via in game mail to bring up up to 20%. This more than compensates for those specific stats.

As time goes on, and you do dailies and salvage blues and greens it’ll go much higher. It’s a small investment for a realtively short time, unless you don’t play at all.

Yes, but I’m going to do those anyhow. The way it is, I have to do it MORE to keep up with other players who didn’t get their hard-earned gear nerfed. EVERYBODY gets the 20%. And EVERYBODY gets the gravy from salvaging. But, only I and others like me get our items shafted. To be told I’ll earn them back is like rubbing salt in the wound.

If we were equally-skilled players with equal time commitments, we would both earn our next goodie at the same time. However, you get to ADD a piece of gear for your trouble, while I have to REPLACE my gear with that same earnings. How is that fair?

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Thanks for the info on “celestial”; I didn’t know that.

And, thanks AGAIN for the info on the email. I had seen it, but I was still seething from being told my equipment had no attribute bonuses I didn’t pay attention.

As the other fellow put it so well, having all the stats go up equally is a penalty paid for getting the MF. To lose the MF but keep the nearly-worthless items is a large cost to pay.

I don’t understand why we can’t sell them back for what you paid for the components? The only thing we can spend laurels on is other “stuff”, it’s no impact on the economy. The way it is, it’s a huge hit on the players who focused on MF.

It should be noted also that I have not “bought” (with gold) ANY of my gear. All of it was picked up in game, crafted, or purchased with special currencies (laurels, karma, etc.) So, the loss isn’t economic. It’s hundreds of hours of playing time. In particular, the “celestials” I bought cost me at least 3 months of playing to attain.

They should allow us to get a refund. Period. No other solution can be called equitable.

By the way, I don’t disagree with their decision to eliminate gear-based MF. As I said before, it wasn’t fair to other players. But, it WAS legal and was the chosen path for a very large contingent of players. So, they really have no case for what they did; it was just wrong. I hope they admit it and correct the problem. I DON’T WANT THOSE RINGS with they’re substandard mods. I want the ability to re-tailor my gear to focus on one or two attributes again. But, I don’t have enough laurels left to do it.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Why do people keep saying celestial?

And for the naysayers, I BOUGHT the trinkets specifically to improve my magic find. My whole set of gear was designed around MF. So, losing that from two of the items without compensation hurts.

Plus, who said it was only 8%? I’ve dropped more than 100% just from that one character’s gear. I haven’t even checked the rest of them. SOME of it will get replaced by, IMO, inferior stats. But certainly not all.

To get the 300% somebody mentioned, one has to do a LOT of work. Work I had already done in 6 months of dailies and monthlies. I’m dropping from 100+ on each of four characters to 4% account wide. That’s hardly compensation.

However, I am interested in knowing about this 20% we supposedly get for free. I received no such bonus of which I’m aware.

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Wow, I seem to have touched a nerve.

Well, maybe they’ll see it and correct things.

From what I see, they need a few things absolutely:

First, slower content-ending stuff. In other words, go ahead and start them as often as you like (although I recommend less often), but allow us to at least follow the content through before throwing them into the furnace.

I couldn’t get both achievements for the election because there simply wasn’t enough time; I had started later in the cycle. So, by the time I realized there was limited time, there weren’t enough days left to finish.

Besides, who ever heard of a congressional election lasting only a month?

Second, let us know if the loot that was special to that content period will become worthless or not. How many of you have stacks of candy canes, but no way to spend them? Sure, we could have recipes that use them. But, those recipes were only available during the Halloween content changes.

I’m glad that my leftover gaming tokens will get put to use. But, I’m saddened to know that the other loot I received last time WOULD BE useful, if I hadn’t purged them. :p

Finally, find ways to get us interested in the actual storylines. I had absolutely no time to study the storylines of the Lion’s Arch stuff, because I couldn’t even keep up with the missions. That stuff would have been very interesting, but we were never given the chance.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128



Worthless because they’re now taking up a slot on my character and not doing what I bought them to do. The two rings had lower overall stats, made up for by magic find. But, they removed the magic find without changing the other stats.


Thanks. They told us we would be compensated, and they told us that the MF would shift to account-based. Neither have occurred.

My account MF is 4%. I was well over 100% on each of several characters. I lost a LOT of value, and I don’t know how to recover it. Plus, the Pirate runes I’ve been collecting went from really valuable to complete garbage.

Couple this with the speed of updates and I’m ready to stop playing. It’s like losing an old friend, but I just can’t take this kind of crap any more. You would think they would have learned their lesson with the changes to Cantha in Winds of Change that they had to reverse. But, I don’t think they can reverse this easily.

The thing is, both ANet and the “never used MF” crowd actually have a point. They shouldn’t have to do all the killing while we who have MF do all the collecting. It’s just that ANet destroyed whole characters over night.

For only the fourth time I’ll not be getting my dailies today. I’m just so frustrated at having to rebuild all of my farming characters’ gear that I don’t have the will to fight any more. Maybe the young guys can pull it off, but I don’t have it in me any more. I just want to play, not have to reinvent my account. Sad. 7+ years …

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


I’m not talking about celestial items. I named the two this thread is about. I recommend reading more carefully before issuing “completely without merit” comments.

Those two items LOST their benefit. It is not replaced, and there’s no option to undo it. So, yes, I have a lot to be concerned about.

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


I’m probably in the minority, but I simply despise new content coming every two weeks. I didn’t even like when they were monthly changes, but at least I could kind of keep up. But, this every other week stuff is garbage.

I barely have time to get even some of the achievements, and certainly no time at all to spend the trophies I collected. And then, poof, they’re gone, along with any possible method of using them. And I have 3 more slots filled with what is probably garbage (but I can never know whether that’s true or not, can I?).

SLOW DOWN! Or at least slow down the endings. Giving us only 2 weeks to complete two whole achievement categories is absurd. It’s simply not fun any more.

Don’t get me wrong: The content is great. You guys are doing a marvelous job at content-creation. But, there’s simply no way to enjoy going through it all. I like to savor my games. I want to play some things more than once, to see what I missed. But, when there’s only 2 weeks to get it done and it takes the whole 2 weeks, there’s no room for savoring the game. Heck, some day I even want to try out PvP. But, at the pace new content comes out, there’s no chance.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Of all the crazy things we’ve had to put up with in this game, this takes the cake: My hard-fought-for Rings of Lunaria and Solaria have been rendered worthless. At least for the Golden Lotus I can pick SOME set of stats.

Guys, I’ve been getting sick and tired of having new content come out so often. I’m barely able to keep up, and I spend a LOT of time playing this game. But, I put up with it because it wasn’t critical to keep up.

But now, on top of the blistering pace of new material, I’m now saddled with worthless gear for which I paid a HUGE price .

The LEAST you could do is allow us to sell them back to the Laurel vendor for whatever we paid for them.

I’m getting tired of these shenanigans. If this isn’t corrected ASAP, I won’t be playing much longer. In fact, it’s going to be hard to get myself to play even today given today’s absurd changes.

I do owe you a little nod: When you announced the magic find changes ahead of the actual changes, I broke off a gem-purchase I was about to make. There was no way I wanted to spend actual dollars unless you managed to do the change equitably. There’s some $$$ I won’t be spending, so for that I thank you.

Game crash; won't come up

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Must have been on their end; it’s fixed now.

Game crash; won't come up

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


No and the temp is normal.

Game crash; won't come up

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


My game started crashing with a c0000096 exception code. I tried -repair and a different character. Nothing works.

It crashes a second or two after the mapping information shows up underneath the name of the zone.

NOTE: I achieved the mapping title on one of my characters in the session just before it started crashing.

Why do people play WvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Can you please explain why anyone in thier right mind is motiviated to PvE?

I mean, really?

I play it for the multitude of stories being told. Recently I calculated that I’ll need to take 30 characters through level 30, 10 of those through level 50, and 6 of those to level 80 in order to have accomplished each of the storyline missions.

Plus, there are hundreds of dynamic events that add even more to the story. Sometimes related background info (dungeons in story mode being the most obvious example), and sometimes stand-alone.

WvWvW enhancement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


Introduce a small randomization into the positioning of the worlds in the list. For example, a 25% or 50% chance of adding or subtracting 100-500 points to that world’s rating (for positioning order purposes only, not real points). That way there’s a chance the green team in one group of 3 might end up being the red team in the bracket just above.

The problem this solves is the mapping problem: It’s nearly impossible to get the mapping title any more, because all of the worlds’ ratings are basically written in stone.