When are people going to accept the fact that there won’t be any major (or even minor) content patches before HoT launches?
We get this thread EVERY SINGLE WEEK, when will people accept that unless we hear something else, there won’t be anything big?
So all stop playing till HOT ? what ya saying ty
me neither all though i never do lol
There has not been any new content for ages , wondering if we will get some today ?
I tried to get a portal stone for today’s beta but sadly i failed so why im hoping for something for the poor people who did not get into today’s beta
I meant that showed what i have done/not done . This starts fresh but its still a great site ty lawton
Guessing release date n price will be announced at E3 so in 7 weeks time
Pretty sure there will be
Any chance some talented folks could make a dungeon tracker ? ty
Revenant Legends - Who would you channel?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Decrypter.1785
Zhed Shadowhoof , guy is bad at dodging but dem earing flames :P
Will we see more content that’s tuned for roles ? e.g Great jungle wurm . I really do hope so , the zerker train needs to stay in the station . The roles/builds needed made The great jungle wurm excellent and challenging . I do wish the dungeons and fractals had been tuned this way , but adding taunt etc gives you the option for a soft kinda trinity and to change things around , especially in HOT
Anyways hoping to get a portal stone so back to dry top
peace out ..
(edited by Decrypter.1785)
King of the hill , some kinda hall of heros styles the new stronghlod could be good , but not for 5v5 , needs to be 8v8/10v10 with elite guild ladder in game gvg ftw
Just wanna say me n my guildies enjoyed the e sports exp , we were masters of blackgate and was only team to not lose 2-0 first round , props to dps n storm , next weeks bro
Dont forget floating turrets thats cant be killed also :P
Save em tbh , theyre getting switched to hero points
I mean its so easy, its like any other dungeon honestly, the only thing different is agony, and that really has nothing to do with learning any sort of fight mechanic, just start from the bottom, obtain relics to put infusions on yourself, and get yourself ascended armor to do the higher ones. Done.
Not just about agony diffrent tier fractals have difrent fights = harder extra adds/skills deployed , try lvl 50 :P and compare to lvl 20
Wait for reward track in spvp lol :P pr0 tip ever gave + 1
@ the OP well known facts you have stated , but its falling on deaf ears , the queues need to be split and the MMR also reworked , showing the chances of winning losing etc . As for your comment of josh not being a real pvper , i loled hes a good engi actually and can prolly e sport
*Golf Clap , says the cele ele/rifle lol
I would also be adding more tiers to the champion titles and more Achievement Points for these , they would be back dated . Doing this will add Progression again because once you have all champ titles and are r80 the progression stops
First thing i would do is Split the Queue,s Up , and also the leader boards into :
Guild queue : [ must have at least 3 guild members and be 5 man ] Ranked top 1000 Guilds in game Leader board
Solo Queue : Ranked top 1000 players in game leader board
Secondly i would run monthly ladder position tournaments for both guild and solo Ranked , with PvP exclusive Prizes to Promote more interest and get the community growing . Monthly Balance and map changes Also
Unranked Also has its place for teams to practice and recruit , and can be queued by anyone from solo + to a full team
The PvP exclusive rewards could be things like different colored little trophies added to your in game name etc , like Anet has the emblem on Employess etc , they could be gold/silver/bronze and reset every month with new season
Im Just wondering if there might be a dungeon tracker coming in game ? to see which paths/stories etc you need to complete for the AP/titles ?
Is it Possible to get carried through these chieves ? like afk at start ? as i will gladly pay 2g per chieve as i just cannot seem to do this one many fails sigh
If any pros want to carry add me in game ty
when will you promote guild skill on leaderboards ? . I hope its coming in hot and ingame or else i feel ill have to quit after nearly 10 years of play , which is sad , i dont see the ladder in game that made me wanna gvg or random arena . You guy needs to look at what got you to make gw2 , from the vets/fans of gw1 and stop trying to invent the kitteng wheel
ty crypt i serious disstressed gw fan
q1 . Can you switch class before the match starts ? and be unpenalised ?
q2. Is It True unless you are a godley premade , there is no point in team Q ?
q3. Any chance of a free llama finisher ?
I think they might be making adjustments , i would prefer then to update every 4 hours or so tbh ,
@ Grouch , can you answer this please sir . Is it Ok to switch class before match starts , and not get penalized ?
Not sure if serious but i trash a mesmer 1v1 on ranger lol
Lot of ‘i think’ and ‘i believe’ going on here.
Yeah man i agree , i wish a dev could answer n clear it up !!
Is it Ok to switch classes in ranked games ? because i see people doing it and im not sure how it affects your mmr/rank points
Dont know if Anet has said anything but seems leader-boards broken
Ok i did solo Q to reach 200 , and i dont expect nothing i play because i like it . Raging because you get nothing is just childish , The test season starting today is for ANETS benefit not yours . I m sure once we get proper PVP season the rewards will be much better so suck it up people , GG
Im Glad its now Focused on wins than games played , Can we expect some better rewards once the real seasons start ? [this is only test i know }
When Someone Asks this , usual answer is you checked on Friday with wvw buffs at max , then you check after reset and notice its all gone down . Anet would have said if they had nerfed it so my answer is the former .
So i watched the streams this weekend , and my first impressions of Stronghold were mixed here’s why :
I found it all rather confusing and Im from a strong pvp background in many games , I was hoping it would be more like GVG from gw1 . Granted ive not played it but do we really need more 5v5 ? . I would have preferred 8v8 or 10v10 and a seperate Guild ladder In game , I see more team v pug blow outs by adding this to an already biased Queue System where people who want to play ranked solo get rolled by guild teams .
The concept is great but needs tweaking and the queue system in game atm needs separating to 3 different Queuing solutions
1. Unranked Q for anyone to hop in and play
2. Ranked Solo Q (top 1000) in game added as a rankings tab
3. Ranked Guild Q (must have 5 Guild members ) (top 1000 teams added as rankings tab
Stronghold needs its Own GVG Q and could be 8v8 or 10v10 ( Also top 1000 guild teams added in game pvp tab
Im sure doing something like this would get a lot more guilds and players joining guilds to play together for more fun
Monthly resets of in game leader-boards/ladders with added in game prizes
What you think all , devs and players :P
(edited by Decrypter.1785)
I agree somewhat to you OP , but im just not sure there is many players doing pvp enough to warrant seperate Q,s . Could be wrong but i see same players every match
- Update * installed gw2 back on my old rig works fine lol , this is so weird , any help grateful
Game worked fine for months on new pc , now after todays little patch i get black screen within minutes , and gw2 has stopped responding ?
Ive allready tryed the gw2 repair fix , that did not work , ive also uninstalled/reinstealled latest video card drivers for my msi nvidia gtx 660
im really fed up , if anyone can help plzz do , im quite techy myself but this has me stumped , only happens in gw2 , everything else is fine ty
Thanx for reply Gaile , I think something big is coming as no 2 weekly content update this time, i know its not the expac , but maybe some quality of life stuff
Hey guys! While this is one of the more fantastical bugs we’ve had, it is indeed a bug that allows players to spawn these in this way. We have a fix ready, and it should go live with a build in the next day.
Patch day is today :P
Just wondering when patch will be and what it contains
(edited by Moderator)
As above said , unless you wanna overclock , just get a normal cpu , i5 4590 is a great choice , also the gtx 750 is average at best , get a new 960 . Make sure you get a good branded psu , corsair , be quiet , coolermaster etc
Thanks for replys , yeah ill only be installing W 7 and serato dj on the ssd , so plenty of room for gw2 , :P ty
Hi all just after some advice from the player base , im building a new gaming rig
i5 haswell 4590
16 gb corsair ram
120 evo SSD
2 TB sata 3 6gbs
MSI gtx 660 2gb
Was just wondering if GW2 is worth installing on my SSD or the sata 3 HDD im currently on SATA 2 3gbps and the load times are horrible ?
any advice plzz
uh oh i hope that psu is a branded one ? because 800w unbranded is more like 600w lol
Pretty sure full game release will be Q 3 2015 , beta in a few months prolly
Wow , great info n presentations from MIKE n Colin , very impressed for the new expac
LOL op you beat me to it GVG (stonghold) with guild in game ladder , omggggg
so happy
Wow. So many classes. Much lack of understanding.
lol cute pic hehe
Seeing as this game is on a GW1 business scale pretty sure it will cost money and i hope it does , and have guild halls n gvg lol :P
I don’t think you guys actually get my point at all lol , o well . And 1 more thing while we are on the subject of Dungeons , why is there no track of which paths/story’s you have/haven’t done ? another flaw