Where is the loot promised from open world bosses/champs/vets ?
Where can i obtain lodestones needed for nice items ?
How am i supposed to get 250 t6 rare mats ?
I am constantly farming and getting nothing unlucky or something wrong with loot tables ?
@ OP some awesome suggestions pretty sure some are being worked on as we speak
Was a good watch tbh i found Jonathan sharp very honest , even tho he called us noobs lol
I Hope they dont nerf i actually find entertainment of groups getting rolled by 1 vet karka lol
I suggest you read the " state of the game " the dev even replied about warriors are free prey atm and they have a good old laugh @ noobs with bull charge + frenzy 100b lol .
1. Diminishing Returns
2. Lots of bugs
3. Terrible loot system for W V W V W
4. Dungeons
5. No GvG
Good read and well explained i run something similar except i go hammer instead of sword n shield , im not convinced about your gear tho ? what kinda heals you pumping out with that set up of gear ?
Cooking is useful for endgame yet the other professions seem pointless
e.g Mystic forge > every profession except cooking
Scrap mystic forge and let crafters gain rare recipes/discoveries and lets have a nice economy
Can't connet to login server [Merged Threads]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Decrypter.1785
- More info added *
Managed to log back in was unable to after disconnecting from Ascalon Catacombs having completed the dungeon and receiving my 60 tokens they’ve vanished out of my inventory i have noticed ….
Can't connet to login server [Merged Threads]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Decrypter.1785
Hmm thats good to know facebook before there own account support section wtf….
Can't connet to login server [Merged Threads]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Decrypter.1785
hmm where is Gaile when we need her
Can't connet to login server [Merged Threads]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Decrypter.1785
Whats happening can we hear something from someone ?
When Deleting a character , you must also type out the character name exactly when prompted as-well
Can't connet to login server [Merged Threads]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Decrypter.1785
Don t know if anyone else is having this but me and some of my guildies cant connect to login server ? is something happening ?
(edited by Moderator)
Pretty sure GVG will be implemented @ some point don’t worry , its what made guild wars what it is
@ op sure footed does not increase stance duration on any stance @ all , still broken , also fast hands bug is still there
When can we see some better rewards and improvements in WvWvW , It has become very dull …
Ok i have spent lots of time in this game , the amounts of t6 rare crafting matierials to obtain nice items is just such a turn off , i have 11 fangs and need 250 lol and i mean 11 since i started playing ?
I know i cant be alone on this topic surely , i do not want to spend 2 months getting 250 rare materials to craft thanx rant off /
Its a drop i think , but back pack is craftable , check wiki
Hey , I think this would be awsome 3 way HOH action all fighting for keep in the middle with a loot chest for the winners
what ya think ?
I am still wondering why this is not fixed ?
Anyone have link of patch Notes please ?
Anytime before 6pm CET lol
BG do not worry we shall rise again , to SBI/JQ good fights i personally do not beleive it was a conspiracy theory of 2v1 , i just think we lost guild hoppers but thats good CULL THE WEAK!
EU Guild moving to US Server - looking to take other guilds with us
in WvW
Posted by: Decrypter.1785
RK oo ? Guild name ? lol
EU Guild moving to US Server - looking to take other guilds with us
in WvW
Posted by: Decrypter.1785
hmm @ severim Your post is ridiculous the best servers have 24/7 coverage and the EU server he was on dident … think before talking trash , good look OP
Well i know this , some great fights n hope for more and im sure we will meet again SBI/JQ well played score please btw
Good Post OP you just about nailed the pro,s n con,s , But fear not The game is young and a little patience i will guarantee things will change for the better
@ cover girl must be nice to to be rich to make golems yes ?
I am feeling the same way , i got to 80 and like w v w but even that now is getting boring due to no real ingame rankings/ladders of guilds . The server hopping just makes w v w a joke tbh
Great post lol , mighty joe has seen the light at last ! Everyone COME!
Ok i Do not like the current loot system , grinding a dungeon for hours on end for 1 piece of armour/weapon is just not fun to me . I loved the loot system in gw1 , greens were awsome and great looking items you implemented , And made doing the instances well worth it not to mention you could sell the greens for a nice profit etc … I just cannot bring myself to do Dungeons for this reason sadly
list your feed back …
Well not sure about burning but with bleeding for instance , the stacks give intensity not duration , you can get durations as-well tho from traits n mods/runes , but that don’t stack , its only you who gets the duration
I totally agree with the OP as to most of the loot concerns , I loved the loot system in gw1 , the fact you might get an uber rare crystalline sword or a stygian reaver , was what kep me playing for years on end . I love trading and selling to other players kitten i must have spent 2 years just selling stuff in lions arch lol … oh the good memories
Would love to hear from Dev on these two Great features , Also loved the Guild ladder for e sports etc..
ty kindly
@ snow Aeth i dident cry honestly and to be honest i just like a good fight , i hate rolling people its boring . The ranking and 1 day server transfers mean nothing anyways so just fight my friend
Come on Guys we all know Lots of sillyness n bugs etc , Bet when we got beat by same servers we are now beating we never cried like you guys lol
Its nothing to do with that at all , Its the Fact all other weapons look garbage compared to awsome looking greatswords
I see you’re Point but to be fair The legendary is for that very purpose no ? And guild wars has never been about stats really at end game its about looks n skills , you need skills to get looks ? , works fine for me
Hope its GvG
Hope its HoH
Hope its Guild halls
bump ? like i said noy 1 decent looking hammer , so diappointed
I play hammer warrior n besides the ice breaker i earned from gw1 , i have yet to see anything like the awsome hammers in gw1 , mursaat hammer , desolation maul , many more ?
Ok the legendary is nice but wont be getting that for 2 years plus lol ?
If anyone can show me some decent hammer skins post them plzz ive looked around they all look really poor
p.s no wonder every warrior is great sword they look awsome lol
The dungeons Are in a very bad shape and are nothing like fun , Also no loot drops of bosses is a massive turn off for most . Please Take your QC team and work on them because after 80 , its dungeons or WvW or uninstall and im sorry for being blunt , because i am a massive gw fan and im very disapointed atm
As it states can we see gvg in GW2 ?
I totally agree with the OP , either make encounters intresting for melee with bosses switching targets instead of chasing someone , killing them , ressed , then chase again . Or give us the trinity . I have to say dungeons are a massive let down and not to my anet expectations of gw1 , classy dungeon encounters there and rare loot drops ftw , And dont even get me started on the garbage loot drops for wiping for hours on end ….
A healing skill is 6th slot , nothing else
Ok got the 2 puzzles locations , griffonrun and rookery , im no on 171/172 done all puzzles and checked maps , help! also go lair of the coil
Update 171/172 now thanx to puzzles keep it up guys n thanx a lot
@ bumpuss ill check thanx
Thanx ive hardly done jumping puzzles , so maybe its those that will give me the 3 missing areas ill check it out thanx ill also check region named to see is im missing them off my map , pretty strange nobody has put up a 100 % map with all areas covered tho