I’m on a EU server I don’t see any kind of problem if some EU plaers wanna do a all nighter to catch up or just out of a job or whatever thats their choice
The problem I see is when other TZ other than EU login on their primetime our night time and absolut steamroll the borderlands with little resistent then it becomes a problem.Some of us takes pride in siegeing up towers/keeps/upgrading all that is gone due to 95% of my server are asleep while the brave 5% left can only watch when 40+ zerg takes hills,bay,garri and cant do anything to prevent it.
What servers are these? Only Far Shiverpeaks has organized NA guilds. The rest might have some NA players but no organized NA force. Almost all those people night-capping you are from Europe. The problem lies with your own server not having people willing to play at those times.
Jade Quarry
Sanctum of Rall
Tarnished Coast
Fort Aspenwood
Sea Of Sorrows
Stormbluff Isle
Take your pick from the above. You’ll be disappointed by every other server. Also, the top half of the EU servers will have a whole lot of people out in wvw by SEA prime.
Yay, someone found something else to pointlessly complain about. What’s next, we’re going to point out that the golem prefixes (alpha and omega) are technically the wrong way round?
1-It’s a clusterkitten of particle effects making it very difficult to read your opponents actions
2- Crap meta. Conditions and cc’s are stupid.
3-Lack of tension or any mechanism for big plays to have an effect on the match
4-Capture points. Nuff Said
It’s an unfortunate consequence of success. All those bandwagon transfers to SFR forced those guilds to leave and those that stayed had to change. Same thing happened to Piken.
In force or just a few?
They were out in force today.
See how the wall juts out further at the top of the stairs?
If the zerg really was mindless then they would have melted instantly to aoe. It looks like the zerg you fought was an organized one, which Anet has no problems with.
Foot In Grave trait
Lich Form
Spectral Walk
Spectral Armor
Well Of Power
Plague Signet
Melandru Runes
As if they’re going to get any GvGs during their timezone, let alone good fights all round…. unless they like fighting pugs.
Downed state isn’t the main problem. The rally mechanic is……
All 3 T1 servers utilize blobs. They all do it. BG. JQ. SoR. Their “havoc” groups are nothing more than volunteers who x’d up on map chat to temporarily leave the blob to go flip a camp or something. When they can’t achieve it, they’ll inform their commander who will then proceed to bring the zerg to that location.
BG is definitely slightly better than the two because they actually have real roamers but man am I disappointed in some of your larger NA guilds………
I have 31k~ kills. My Zerg-skills are below 0 because I dont run in Blobs and be proud when I kill pug zergs. ushually I run alone or in a 2 men group.
I dont take baths in waterfields because its usless when you dont play in a stupid melee hammer train.
Iam also fat play videogames all day and I think gold is the most important stuff.
Now, tell me your story, please.
So you spend your time ganking pvers getting their map completion instead?
I recommend that you look into TC, FA, SoS, SBI, CD or DB. All the other servers either have more than enough commanders (the T1 servers) or don’t have enough people online at your time to even follow you (all the other servers).
Also, EU servers have heaps of people playing in wvw at your time so you can look into there as well. I’ve heard that Desolation and Piken Square have some players from gmt +8
Contrary to popular belief, every server is pretty much identical. Only difference is the numbers and the names. You want a server that stands a chance. That means any server other than Devona’s Rest.
I’d pick one with a cool name.
yeah thats what the game needs…more hard counters.
you guys didnt read the diamond skin thread hm?
Hard counters are good. It forces people to adapt and be prepared for anything. Also if you can’t take something down to 90% health, you’re just plain bad.
This is the only game in existence where stealth has no counter. Hmmmm………
If someone wants to transfer a server, they’re gonna have to pay the price. It’s just that simple. You don’t have to like it (anet doesn’t expect you to like it), but you’re gonna have to accept it.
You seriously think a new player can get into any of those guilds? You should look at joining pvx guilds or wvw guilds that are a bit more casual at first so that you can ease yourself (i.e. get experience) into more hardcore stuff.
Only useful for towers in EB. It’s useless in the borderlands.
The reason why people don’t play gw1 despite the obvious fact that it’s superior to gw2, is because the can’t. The population isn’t there. Gw1 is playable and fun when there are others to play it with. GW1 is still an online game and while a lot of the content can be soloed, the fun comes from playing with others. It’s not easy for a game that receives no support from its developer to continue thriving, neither is it easy to get a significant amount of people to go back to a game they were forced out of, due to said negligence from the devs.
Also, why do you people still bother to respond to lordkrall? Didn’t you already know that he’s Anet’s ultimate fanboy?
So I guess it wasn’t SoS that was supposed to be the 3rd T2 server. TC/FA/Mag in T2 and SBI/SoS/YB in T3 seems more logical.
Look at who is talking from the poster child of “servers keeping their position from a single time zone”!
Oh CERN actually runs at least 100 at a time so learn to count!
You can’t deny that what he says is true. TC relies on celebrity commanders (all of which are in CERN) doing overtime in order to bring out numbers during non-NA timezones.
Only part he got wrong was the unemployed part. That’s Maguuma.
Do some spvp and see which class you are most comfortable with. Roaming is just a glorified version of spvp.
Let me answer this as a player:
Consider PvP: Being able to zoom out farther than your opponent seems a definite advantage. If a PvP player can see the entire map, he/she certainly knows more, and can react differently, than those playing the game as intended (who cannot view the entire map through normal processes).
The advantage-giving provision of the program is a concern to me, as a player, as it seems clearly prohibited by the policy. " Our general policy is that anything that gives advantage is forbidden; anything that imbalances the game in favor of one player over another is strictly disallowed."
Dug this from another thread answered about 7 months ago.
Except that windowed mode and changing your aspect ratio are both features built into this game. Press Options.
Learn to dodge. Seriously.
Current population? Less than at launch, obviously.
Does competitive pvp have a chance? That ship sailed over a year ago when the game launched without any of the structures needed for esports. Nothing they do now can change that. The majority of competitive pvpers have quit and they will never come back.
Changes? They’re only adding things that should have been in the game at launch. We’re still waiting on the tournament system that they advertised about pre-launch. Spectator mode is pointless as you can only spectate hot-join.
More tournaments? More tournaments doesn’t mean a thing when only ~10 teams play them. Other more popular esports have hundreds (if not thousands) of players participating in tournaments.
Learn to Dodge. Also, stun breaks.
Someone has to win and someone has to lose.
What…. SoS has had nothing but balanced matchups since the leagues ended. Colour is determined randomly each week so map completion is darn easy to get.
Nothing wrong with blobbing if it gets the job done. If you can’t counter or work around it then that’s a problem within your server that you need to sort out.
New end game content for pvers. Something to work towards other than legendaries/gear.
New WvW maps.
New spvp game mode that’s actually good. Oh, and that tournament system they told us this game would have….. still waiting for that.
If anet can do the above, this game should do just fine.
Today (December 19th) [DIE] leaves Ehmry Bay for their home server (or parts unknown). I’d like to thank them for their work here during the season, and for hanging with us even after it ended. Your time here was short, but be sure to keep the chaos going wherever you go~
Sooo, we lost ANOTHER guild?
No offense intended, but one ponders if it’s even worthwhile learning new folks names anymore…
At least at this rate, may see Anvil Rock again, lol. =D
They originally planned to stay for 2 weeks, but ended up staying for 6…if that tells you what kind of effect the community had on their staying to this point.
I thought it had to do with the split in the guild and the ones that were leftover had to decide what server to move to. Hence the extended stay.
I just hope the current matchup sub-forum gets archived instead of deleted.
Yes they do count inactive accounts. What they need to do is create a distinction between server capacity (which is what the population levels currently tell us) and active population. Then base transfer costs on the latter.
Be smart.
-Kill/CC the warriors
-Kill the lord where it is hardest for them to reach (like right in the middle of your zerg).
-Kill the lord as soon as it rezzes…. you’ll exhaust their banners eventually
-Split your zerg in two.. one to hold the circle/kill lord and the other to camp the entrances so no one gets in.
This is an EB keep, not garrison. There is only one way they will come into the lord room…………….
Be smart.
You would rather roflstomp weaker servers than have a close/competitive matchup? Really?
Your idea is a great way to encourage animosity within servers
if YOU (NA) transferred to them (Oc/SEA/EU/w/e), that would also help balance things, no?
All the <T1 servers that have decent overnight presences are lacking in NA. SoS; DB, CD, and IoJ are all under-performing their night coverage due to having a lower than average NA compared to their contemporaries.
Think how it is on the other foot for SEA and Oceanic? You think they like busting all night to do upgrades, only see them vanish early NA because no one is on?
Same thing applies to the servers that have strong NA but are lacking in ocx/sea…..
I’ve never heard commanders call for banner rotations, chill rotations, etc, on TS. If your guild does, more power to you. Until it becomes commonplace on TS however, I still see no reason to log on to it (not to mention I play Mesmer in WvW, which means I don’t do any of those things).
Sounds like a terrible server to be in. Mesmers have rotations for veil, timewarp, and null field.
Basing transfer cost on active wvw population is stupid mainly because it is impossible to define what an active wvw player is. It would also take up a whole lot of resources for Anet to keep up with the ever changing performance of servers.
Also, do you guys seriously think that free/reduced transfer costs would attract guilds to transfer down? There’s a reason why servers in the Bronze League are there…. and population isn’t the only factor.
(edited by Deli.1302)
It’s already cheaper to transfer to a High pop server compared to Very High and you want it reduced even more???
Yeah, wipe an 80-man zerg with a 40-man TS-coordinated group, I’ve yet to see that happen.
This happens daily, if not hourly…….
You mean to tell me that getting an ele down to 90% hp is difficult? You must be really bad.
Eliminating 100% condition/bunker specs from the game is a necessary step to making the game competitive. Auto-attacking to stack passive conditions is not good for the game.
Forcing players to go hybrid or sacrifice their bunker for power in condi specs is absolutely what the game needs.
Wholeheartedly agree with this.
Why should a server be handicapped just because they have more wvw focused players?
The sheer number of guilds you’ve been in over the past few months has me worried about the longevity (and legitimacy) of this one.
Anyone can explain how you get on that hill?
I was thinking maybe if you Savage Leap from the SE tower onto the hill it could be possible but some people tried it and they couldn’t do it.
That person didn’t try hard enough. That’s exactly how it’s done.
He Didn’t ask for Tarnished Coast…………………….
So which rivalry is the greatest?
The greatest rivalry would have to involve more than just forum squabbling. It would have an awesome origin story, highlights during the rivalry, and an epic conclusion (unless it’s ongoing).
Any rivalries like that?
‘Stack on me’, or ‘zerg going to Hills wurm gate’ doesn’t exactly require 60wpm.
If that’s all your commanders say then they must be really really bad…
Good Commanders will be saying a lot more and especially in the middle of a fight, they’ll be calling for pulls, stability, time warps, water fields, statics, well bombs, directing the melee train when to push and what direction to maneuver. It’s a lot of things to say that can’t physically be typed.
Best way to get people on teamspeak is to make them feel bad that they aren’t on it.
To his credit, he’s not hammer / mace
Yes, all the cool zerg commanders run S/S with bleed duration runes… for the extra survivability… right?
That said, Dark Jean frequently puts his/her whole day into herding cats for the sake of DR. We appreciate your dedication, but this thread will likely be perceived as a boast by the forum community.
People are just confused about intent of this thread since there are many Gold rank players running around as well as plenty with shark finishers.