Showing Posts For Deli.1302:

Server rivalries

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


BG and SoRs rivalry is probably the most vocal one out there

You must be new then.

Time to talk about Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deli.1302


Polls are biased. Anet knows this and will not EVER take them seriously.

Season's End.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deli.1302


Those who came only for the rewards, crippling their server in the process, got what they deserved. Real wvw players don’t care about the rewards.

Anet is teaching you a lesson. Read this:

(edited by Deli.1302)

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Thank god all the baddie pvers won’t be coming to wvw anymore. I can finally play without 2 hour queues.

Do not change WvW rewards.

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


There is nothing wrong with the wvw season rewards.

EU Gold League Final

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deli.1302


To Anet, thanks for destroying one year work on our international server with the achievements on wvw. Thanks for making such a good game where i met nice people and then dismantle it giving us those achievement hunters that made a lot of nice guilds and persons leave my server.
If possible give us even more reason to have pve people come in wvw especially in international servers that have communication as their main problem so they can fill up queue spots without joining our teamspeak.
A last thank for always making we ask ourselves how is it possible to have a queue on a borderland when enemies from another server are three times our numbers, it would be much more interesting seing the borderland call , logging in and being outmanned but still not happening!

fixed it for you

this, GH lost too in the first week the best 3 www guilds what we had making us fall to oblivion. Come to think a bit we lost many www guilds in that period. I’m sure it happend to alot of servers.

Which guilds were those? I thought you guys got transfers ? Like FG then IRON.

Thoughts on the Silver League

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Things that need to be fixed though, Anet needs some Asian/Oceanic servers. They also need to realize that net world population does not equal WvW population.

There are already multiple servers with established oceanic/asian communities and anet cannot force them to relocate. Anet also realizes that world population doesn’t equal wvw population but they cannot ignore the fact that pve population contributes to world population. If a server is filled with pvers but has barely any wvwers they can’t magically allow more people to transfer to it. The caps are there for a reason.

How is your server? Looking for a new home!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


I’m interested to know how dedicated to a victory the server is.

Am I right to assume that you care about winning? Since that’s something the vast majority of people don’t care about….. most servers/guilds just want to have fun fights.

Re-Enable Town Clothes in WvW! Please!

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


this post could only be more productive with a poll. Anet loves polls.

No they don’t. They know that polls give biased results.

To my SFR colleagues

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


You do realize SFR has a server forum right? Use it.

Looking for a new world

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


Literally any other server. It’s sad what happened to Dragonbrand but afaik no other server in the gold/silver league are in the same situation so any of them will do fine.

Early Morning EST Player\Best Server?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


That is asian prime time.
BG, JQ, SoR, TC, FA and SoS all have English speaking guilds that operate at that time.

For EU, Seafarer’s Rest, Piken Square and Desolation will surely have multiple guilds that are active at that time. I’m speaking from experience here.

Week 7: Kodash - Augury Rock - Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deli.1302


Wow, really impressed with Kodash this season. Hard to tell which is the top German server now :o

Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deli.1302


This Moko Toko guy is hilarious to read. Whoever is getting him all riled up and emotional, please continue.

Keep the positive momentum!

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


I’ve never seen 5+ rams, catas, or trebs inside a friendly objective when the player was not purposely griefing.

Trebs/catas are incredibly useful for defense. In the higher tiers it’s not unusual to see quite a lot of defensive trebs in a keep. Sometimes way more than 5. The poison cloud is pathetically overpowered at the moment.

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deli.1302


3/4 maps queued.

gg bp tier .. 2 server.

Something must be seriously wrong with your server

What do you play WvW for?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Most people don’t seem to care about PPT O_o

And you’re surprised? PPT stopped mattering the second people realized coverage decided the outcome of a match. Also you get more loot bags.

NP moving Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


Gunnar’s Hold looks like a great place to settle in. They could certainly use more players. Underworld too but we all know only the brave would transfer there.
Is NP brave???

whats up with all the NA invitations, the man clearly said EU silver league o.O

Wannabe T1 servers. Nothing new.

Is it time for server merging???

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


about time, the server mergers are….

don’t just look from the NA perspective. look also from the EU perspective. even for PvE, you don’t need 3 half-dead english speaking servers (or any other languages)…. merge them, save your electricity bills ANET, give players more people to play with…

Merge 3 servers and you end up with 1 server with no one to fight………

Season 1 Analysis

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Riverside is an amazing server and as far as I can tell, there has been no collapse. When the numbers are equal, Riverside dominates. During prime time and on weekends, Riverside dominates.

The difference is that Baruch Bay and Jade Sea have many players willing to put in serious overtime during the week which causes Riverside to slip behind.

I’ve always thought Riverside was the most skilled server (on a macro and micro level) in the game. They have some of the strongest, most disciplined zergs and are somehow able to gain the upper hand in almost any situation. Their rise through the tiers was great to see. My favorite server to play against.

Delete Post

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


Clarification needed: Will the server you pick also be the server you play on during Season 2?
For all we know you’re looking for a server to get recruits then transfer to a stronger server with better coverage just before season 2 starts.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deli.1302


Woah, I’m impressed with JS. Now lets see if you can keep it up.

Oceanic Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


BG, JQ, SoR, SoS, FA are the big oceanic servers. BG probably the biggest for WvW and SoS biggest for PvE.

Does SoS have a good amount of players on for WvW though?
Not in turns of rankings but just the amount of players on.

BG, SoR and JQ have more wvw players than SoS. FA has equal to SoS. You’ll be able to find plenty of people to play with on all 5. That’s why they’re oceanic servers in the first place.

Oceanic Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


BG, JQ, SoR, SoS, FA are the big oceanic servers. BG probably the biggest for WvW and SoS biggest for PvE.

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deli.1302


Hello Polismassa,

Let me clarify a few things:

1. There is no morale superiority in not working overtime. It’s just the way SOR in general wants to work.

2. The focus is ALWAYS 1st on winning the fights, the 2nd priority is winning the ppt. PPT is important but it’s 2nd priority. We will want to win but looking at how EU has evolved, we recognize that some guilds want to focus on winning the fights 1st vs watching objectives/ppt for other time zones and we want to grow that type of community. So yes, we are still looking for guilds to field our time zones that we cannot cover because we want to win but not at the expense of working overtime.

3. I did some checks, the reason why we are gaining PPT is because quite a few of the guys and girls are back from ESO, nothing more.


The only question I have is, when is the karma train starting? Holiday Karma train tomorrow???

Karma train? With how close SoR and TC’s ppt is?

Exactly, dont you know, they’re going to pull more 15+ hour shifts to catch up, then brag about beating a T2 server at the end of the week like they’ve been known to do in the past…. or maybe SoR’s a changed server, which would be awfully nice, and appreciates how actually close this matchup has been.

Edit: Ok JQ, you can take your boot off our throats any time now.

Are you sure? SoR is (generally speaking) not known to pull off crazy hours. The server known to pull off crazy hours is BG because their primary goal is to win. SoR has always been more about fights, rather than winning.

This old line again? Look, I respect SoR as a server, I really do. You guys rose up from a lower tier and have been excellent competition over the past 6 months of coverage wars and other BS between the big 3.

However, SoR is like any other T1 server in that you really want to win, if you didn’t want to win, you wouldn’t be in T1. That’s not a bad thing by any means, but stop trying to pull the moral superiority card every time your server is having issues.

If what you say is true (which it isn’t), then what happened to your server since the league began would not have happened. This includes the in-fighting prior to the leagues.

Guild of the Year

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Does this even need a thread? We all know it’s Red Guard. WvW wouldn’t be what it is without them. Every guild that “got good” did it by following RG’s example. NA WvW would still be kitten if they hadn’t spent that week in JQ back in January.

[IoM] Erredon Terrace Transfering

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


Question you guys should ask yourselves: Do you want to play on reset night as a guild?

Because every one of those servers queue all four maps on reset night. If you have no problem having about 1/4-1/2 of your guys in queue on reset or if you have no problem with just sitting out of wvw on reset night then by all means any of those four servers would be a fine choice. Otherwise, you might wanna look at NSP/SF/HoD. HoD is pretty much mid tier and SF will move up with your presence there.

All four servers, you should have no problems getting into wvw on non-reset nights once the league is over.

Also, be very very careful… do your research and do it well.

How to combat the ZERG.

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Zergs are a part of wvw. There is nothing wrong with it. WvW is supposed to include large scale combat.

The problem is that the maps are too small, making zergs more effective than they should be. Make the maps bigger and the size of zergs will be forced to reduce so that they can cover more ground on the map.

Personally, I have no problem with they way they are at the moment. My loot bags per hour has never been greater.

Gold League: SoR Loses to TC?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


People of Sor, TC, FA or another server Tier 1-2-3 there is a French guild looking to join a NA server bg has told them to go to another server to make it more balanced so dont know which guild it is just letting you guys know.
And maybe you allready heard of it.

That guild has decided to stay in Europe. Thank god!

WvW for small servers is demeaning

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Not sure about EU, but in NA all ANet has to do is reduce the map cap to 40 or 50, and T1 will crumble under the weight of their server stacking, and the players will spread out.

The only people opposed to the reduced map cap, are of course, the T1 band wagon stackers.

Will they do it? Probably not, ANet devs play on the T1 stacked servers.

Then again once they make the “overflow map” maybe they will reduce the EB and Borderland map caps….. who am I kidding that will never happen.

You are misinformed. Reducing the map cap by that much would negatively impact NA servers as low down as T4. It would obliterate EU servers completely.

What happened with XAOC?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


If I remember, they broke up into several smaller guilds and moved to different servers like SFR and FSP. Most of the leftovers are in SFR now I think.

Outmanned Buff

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


I think it’s the fact that you had 30 (+ all the randoms on the map, which will be a lot given that it’s the leagues). That’s not enough to qualify for the buff………………

And no, it does not only go to one server.

After Leagues...

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Queues only got bad when the leagues started, they’ll go back to normal/manageable levels once the league is over. If you were hoping for guilds to spread out, the best opportunity for that to happen was during the leagues when the queues were unbearable, and we saw that with several guilds leaving the T1 servers. I don’t expect anymore guilds to be leaving T1, unless a server implodes.

If they return to their old RNG for a few weeks, im more interested to see how the top Silver faces against the bottom gold. Where does SBI and FA place against Mag or SoS.

They might even be as strong as TC now. TC/SBI/FA is probably the new T2.

Why is JQ and SoR playing dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


A combination of SoR/JQ dropping the ball, BG playing to win by putting in massive overtime, BG collaborating with SoS (was kinda funny hearing about SoS spawn camping SoR lol) and the purchase of ZDs (ZDs only paid 3k of their own gold, rest was funded by BG).

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deli.1302


First of all, ZDs themselves scoffed at the use of the word “bought”, as they made up their own mind (even to BG’s surprise) and spent their own coin to transfer. If people still choose to believe that money changed hands in a way that benefited ZDs, that is their opinion which has no solid ground to stand on.

“So with that figured out we spoke with community leaders and yes they supported us gold-wise.” – Champion of Khorne of ZDs

Scroll up and you can read it yourself. Straight from the horses mouth too.

WvW Season 1 - Low population servers

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


I bet the OP would have no problem if his server was stomping lower populated ones. People making threads like this are just being hypocrites.

[Video] Aggression after skill lag fix

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


I have to disagree. I still get horrendous skill lag. It’s not AS BAD as it was a few weeks ago, but where before I was gettin 2-3 FPS, I’m now getting 4-5. If this is the “fix” to lag, I’m unimpressed.

FPS has nothing to do with skill lag. Nothing.

Desolation BL 4 hour queue WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deli.1302


Complaining about queues on reset night. Seriously?

Theoretically : NA vs EU ( Tier One )

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Well, if Troma decides on an all call for that matchup then BG will be facing a Waha-like zerg on all 4 maps 24/7.

Silver League just broken

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


lol @ FA being stacked.

it is quite true actually….

almost every frustrated players on IoJ stacked on FA…


And you were frustrated with Kaineng and went to CD. What’s your point?

Could Anet help with population balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Reducing the map caps by half will not help you on off hours coverage, which is when you get thumped most the time in WvW. If you can’t fill a whole map in off hours, what will a 50% reduction really do?

Don’t think about how it would affect low tier servers. Think about what would happen to T1 servers.

+++ WvW Balance Solution +++

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Yea, lets punish a server for something they cannot control. Sounds like a great way to kill the game.

T1 WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Wait until leagues are over and ZDs leaves. BG will go back to being the weakest of the T1 servers.

Silver League just broken

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


If we left FA, SBI and YB alone to fight each other then someone is going to re-create this thread but instead complain about DB and BP. If we leave them out, then they’ll complain about Ebay. If we take them out, CD becomes the focus of the qq. It’s a never ending cycle. Everyone will complain about the servers that are stronger than their own.

And LOL at any of those servers being “stacked”. Have you heard of T1?

LF server with decent WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


You should wait until the leagues are over. Currently several servers are getting queues because their maps are getting filled with achievement hunters. Once the leagues are over it’ll be a lot easier to find a server with 24/7 action and small queues. Since you’re euro I’d recommend looking at silver league servers like Far Shiverpeaks. Gandara/Desolation will most likely have queues during prime time. Far Shiverpeaks has NA coverage and oceanic/sea prime time most EU servers have some sort of presence as you should know.

Cross-atlantic Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


None of the French servers have Canadian wvw guilds, anymore.

WvW player limits/ map - confirmed?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


~100 people per map per server.

Switching characters while queueing

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Why not just do pve with your mesmer………………………

Why not just thinking outside the box ?

Some builds and gear are not suited for an efficient pve experience

I think you should practice what you preach.

Switching characters while queueing

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Why not just do pve with your mesmer………………………

boon stacking

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Are we really complaining about something fundamental to the game that everyone has access to? lol
This is how the game works. From the scenario you’ve mentioned, you would have been steamrolled either way.