Showing Posts For DevonCarver.5370:

Reset tonight?

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


UTC is the time we use, so as daylight saving time comes on and off in certain locales it will affect when the reset hits you. Further reason to ditch daylight saving time altogether.

Out of curiosity, where do you live, to make such a statement?

As with the rest of Anet, I’m in Washington state. And we still foolishly use daylight saving time. I just wish we didn’t.

Fixing the WvW ranking and pairing flaws

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


What we would really like is a rough ETA. We’ve been told you were looking in to it before, and yet some of us have been in the same match-up for months. If it’s going to be a while for the solution fine, but do something temporary soon please

EDIT: Holy quaggan, I just read in the other thread about this that you ARE doing something temporary, and the word “today” was even used! You sir, are a rockstar!

I’d love to give you an ETA, but there isn’t one. It’s one of those things where we have to get some solutions, design through the problems, scrap all those, start again, get better solutions, then implement them. Depending on the nature of those solutions, they could be quickly implemented or they could require some time. The promise I will make is that as we get a clearer understanding of the time frame I’ll make sure everyone knows. Specifics are always going to be hard to come by, but I can at least give you all that much.

Who is the siamoth fan?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


Internally we pronounce it “See-ya-moth”, and since washingtonians speak perfect english as we remind our british design director Chris Whiteside daily, that’s clearly the only correct way to say it, so there ya go.

Speaking as a California transplant, I have two counter arguments:

1) It is called soda, not pop.
2) Bag and beg do not sound the same.

Nice try, though.

Fixing the WvW ranking and pairing flaws

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


It’s a fact not really well known over here, but Glicko 2 works better when the same opponents don’t fight every week. It is sane to have the lower ranked guys sometimes play against middle-ranked guys as a kind of “poll”, just to check that the lower guy has not improved his skills.

While that makes sense in theory, it would result in matches that are total blowouts and where most of the player base drops out early in the match.

Which would not be fun and not really give you valid information. Also, every blown match results in a few players quitting WvW altogether.

That’s our current assessment as well, which is why it’s going to take more work to decide what we really want to do here. Speaking for myself, I think we need to change some of the mechanics of scoring to more accurately reflect what we want people doing in the game, which would hopefully get us tighter matches. There are any number of possible ways to deal with this however, which makes it a paradox of choice to a certain degree. Rest assured we have top men working on it! And me. :P

Confirmation from new WvW Staff on T8

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


What’s up today?
Did someone die?
Someone got possessed?
So much red in the forums!


Confirmation from new WvW Staff on T8

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


If the server populations for the T8 ones are Very High as the lists suggest, the problem is that not many people on those servers are attracted to WvW.. And you should look at options on how to make it more attractive to a bigger populace of players.

Unfortunately, there could be many reasons that those servers are doing poorly, including that people stay away because they are doing poorly. Creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. This change will help only a little because it isn’t going to actually change the skill level of any servers, we are just going to mess with the numbers to try and fix the impacts their scores have had on everyone else. There are more holistic changes that will need to be made to try and solve this problem for the long term, but we can do this today, so we are.

Fixing the WvW ranking and pairing flaws

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


It’s a fact not really well known over here, but Glicko 2 works better when the same opponents don’t fight every week. It is sane to have the lower ranked guys sometimes play against middle-ranked guys as a kind of “poll”, just to check that the lower guy has not improved his skills.

We are aware of this fact and we are trying to decide what we actually want to do about it. It’s more complicated than just that though as there are aspects of scoring that are not reflective of the quality of individual servers as well. Until we address the underlying scoring issues, it’s just a temporary solution though. To that end we are actively designing things that we hope will, if not solve, at least ameliorate the scoring issues.

(edited by DevonCarver.5370)

Reset tonight?

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


UTC is the time we use, so as daylight saving time comes on and off in certain locales it will affect when the reset hits you. Further reason to ditch daylight saving time altogether.

Confirmation from new WvW Staff on T8

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


I’ll have more info once Habib gets in, but we are going to bump the ratings of the tier 8 teams to attempt to partially address this today. That’s not going to stop things from sliding back towards the current state, so there will be discussions about larger changes that are necessary to address this issue. But for now we are just going to juke the stats, as they say.

Loot Bags to Chests

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


Agreed. It’s a complicated problem to solve as it touches a lot of broad systems, so I can’t guarantee it will happen soon, but I would very much like for us to alleviate this some way or another.

Rezzing through the gate...

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


It is definitely not intentional and we are looking into it.

WvW Title progress - will we see any changes?

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


I can’t make any promises, because nothing is set in stone yet, but that is something I would like to address, yes.

Seven months of people pointing out the sheer impossibility of obtaining any of the wvw titles in any reasonable timespan and it’s finally reached the stage of ’it’s something I’d like to address’.

I can’t speak to what has or has not been done in the past, but I have just started to improve WvW and I hope you can all provide me the benefit of the doubt. For at least one build, then you can return to the gnashing of teeth as usual.

The Kids Are Loving WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


Why is it that my precursor hasn’t dropped yet? Is it because of the time I TPed ArenaNet headquarters for not fixing culling in beta?

Let me check our secret list of people we don’t drop precursors for…

Yep, that’s why. Also, if you look really closely you’ll notice you slowly lose copper every day. Don’t mess with the HQ.

WvW Title progress - will we see any changes?

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


I think there is certainly the possibility of distinguishing WvW titles from PvE titles. But it will require investigation.

even mean? As far as I know, there is no association to begin with. Does it mean that I can show my WvW title only when I am in WvW? That would be a bummer.

What I meant was that there is the possibility of making the titles visually distinct from one another. That has nothing to do with them displaying only in one area of the game.

WvW Title progress - will we see any changes?

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


I can’t make any promises, because nothing is set in stone yet, but that is something I would like to address, yes.

Anet you almost there!

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


We are actively discussing ways to improve this right now. These ideas are really great and I wouldn’t be shocked if the end version of the system wasn’t close to this.

The Kids Are Loving WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


I feel confident saying this is the most awesome thing I’ve read all day. Although the thought of being killed by a 6 year old is discomfiting. Please give them both a high five on my behalf.

Clarification needed please (Dolyak points)

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


I don’t have access to the exact numbers at home, but I do know that the points do not change based on the number of people that receive credit.

UPDATE: JK everyone, I misread this post and have now contributed to the confusion. I thought the OP was asking about World XP. The points rewarded to the score for Dolyak kills are indeed variable depending on the number of players involved.

(edited by DevonCarver.5370)

WvW Title progress - will we see any changes?

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


As we move forward with the title system in its current form, we’ll definitely take a look at this. I think there is certainly the possibility of distinguishing WvW titles from PvE titles. But it will require investigation.

Any updates from ANet on the bolded part?

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


Would those changes apply to wvw alone, or to the whole game?

It’s hard to say, again without really having specifics to go into. It’s very likely that any performance improvements would be game wide and not specific to WvW, but if the changes were more specifically related to what happens when a ton of players are around each other at the same time it might more strongly impact WvW than the rest of the game.

Any updates from ANet on the bolded part?

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


We are still investigating performance improvements as there are ways in which we think we can get better performance out of the game. I can’t go into specifics because there aren’t really specifics to go into yet, but we are definitely looking at what can be done.

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


This has been fun and I’m really quite excited to be stepping up to keep carrying the torch where Habib has so ably taken it. I hope you all continue to enjoy WvW and look forward to providing many more things to keep you coming back for one last SM cap. See you on the field!

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


How do you feel about the Great Lord Flame Ram?

Woe befall all who earn its wrath. And great favor to all who show obeisance before the GLFR.

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


Similarly, why do vital logistical tasks such as upgrading, repairing, and escorting dolyaks go unrewarded?

We are in the process of evaluating the way the system is rewarding points right now and determining what we can do to make it more rewarding for players that aren’t just killing other players or capturing objectives. I’m an inveterate upgrader and repairer, so believe me when I say I’m with you on that one.

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


They you Habib for your months of hard work, and congratulations on achieving your long term goals within WvW. I hope you find as much success on your next project.

It’s good to see that ArenaNet has changed WvW lead from a programmer to a content designer, as it shows they’re finally comfortable with performance and are now ready to expand and refine the game mode. I look forward to seeing what Devon came come up with

I look forward to coming up with things too! Hopefully good ones even!

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


In the WvWvW category: The owner of all created siege equipment. Since you already track the creator, show it to the world. (Related note: show the guild name on claimed strongpoints.)


Improvements to guild claiming are something I expect us to look very strongly into. What that will mean in terms of final product I couldn’t say, but I can say for certain that we want guilds to have even more to show for claiming an objective.

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


Hey Devon, welcome, can we have a little forum AMA?

Lets start with something simple:
What color is the shirt you are currently wearing?
Are quaggans adorable or are they adorable?
What is you /deaths on your primary or most played character?
Have you taken part in a quaggan drinking game?
If you had a choice between a strawberry or mint shake, which would you pick?

Red arenanet soccer jersey.
I’ll take the chicken then.
156, which seems low to me, but what do I know?
Can’t say that I have.
Strawberry. Definitely strawberry.

(edited by DevonCarver.5370)

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


1. Please allow us to disable the really annoying titles below people’s names.
2. Please give me permanent invulnerability in all WvW maps. But just me, nobody else.


1. Our goal is to make the WvW gameplay experience as good as it can be. To that end we are always taking feedback about changes and deciding how best to turn that into action.
2. I just checked in a change to give this to you. But it won’t activate until you run into the next group of 5+ enemies you see and /dance. If it doesn’t work the first time you do that, it’s probably because the group wasn’t large enough, so try with another group until you are invulnerable.

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


Quick. What is your personal vision for WvW? And what appeals most to you about gameplay like WvW?

My personal vision… it’s hard to say. I find that the thing about WvW that gets me excited to play it every time is that the challenge is different each time. I’d like for us to continue to add new ways to play WvW and new wrinkles that make it what it should be. That means we will continue to add new abilities and expand the existing ones. It means we’ll continue to work towards quality of life improvements like removing culling and the nameplate visibility. To be honest, while WvW is an amazing game type, there is always something I think we can improve and I hope to keep up the work towards the goal of making GW2 WvW the most amazing MMO experience around.

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


I’m already feeling the Wuv. I’ll try and reply to some individual questions, but I’m not going to respond to all of them.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


As with any change we are aware of the concerns about titles, nameplates, and screen clutter and we are investigating what we can do about all of these things to try and improve the experience now that you can see so many people on screen.

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


Is he stepping down or was he poisoned by the cookies sent by tier 8? Who can know for sure? I’ll try and be as visible a presence as Habib, although his shoes are impossible to fill. I can guarantee an increase in the number of charr related puns, so get your punning dictionary out and let the fur fly!

Cannon and Ballista Mastery Incorrect Tooltip

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


We are working on getting an FAQ about some of the confusion of the abilities. It should be out soon.

Tier8 wishes ANEt to get better soon!

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


Thanks for the cookies I hadn’t seen this thread before they arrived so it was quite a surprise. We weren’t sick, we were just a little busy working on fixing culling

Also, it’s pretty awesome that there were butterfly cookies. How did you know that my current main is a Mesmer?

Does that mean we can expect some Mesmer bugfixing love soon?

So, now you are claiming Habib has bugs?! Thanks again for this, we are always happy to hear from you guys.