Showing Posts For Dustfinger.9510:

Our technology is ancient

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I never stated we have to be on par with scarlett intectually. I brought her up to show that an engineer doesn’t have to be based on charr sentiments and can use magi-tech without it destroying the lore. Plus they don’t need to do everything scarlett did to simply be magi-tech users. And if your referring to profession equality in opportunity lore-wise, isn’t there already a requirement to be naturally leaning towards the profession’s magic to become it? I remember this being discussed in another thread. I mean I really don’t see how just anyone can become an engineer (lore-wise), given the functions of the tech they make, there already must be a high intellect requirement.

We already know that engineers have access to racial abilities. So there is already a creeping in of other technology. but that is a far cry from replacing the base technology with tech that nobody knows anything about because it’s so new and built by someone that needed to do those things in order to have it.

The equal opportunity comes from not needing to be on scarletts level in order to be the class. which is implied by the idea that scarlett sets the precidence.

edit: realized what you meant. Lorewise, the engineer class is going to need to remain rooted in charr tech. Otherwise, every asura already is an engineer because they are all inventors. So the charr needs to remain a defining characteristic of the class. We may get more magitech or plant tech (Inquest already does it with magitech turrets). But the the charr tech will always be a major base. Atleast for the playable class. I suspect the reason behind the charr tech base involves the effort involved with customizing each ability effect (which is what kit skins would be doing)

Inventing something on your own does not require the same knowledge and intelligence as just reverse-engineer, disect and get to know the workings of an already built device. Thats exactly what science is best at. Examine something that already works in nature, find out why it works, and utilize it in similar or entirely different scenarios.

After Scarlet is dealt with, you can bet your legendary that the pact will not just discard everything she built. They will use it. Maybe they wont build poorly balanced metal marionette giants, but you can be sure that the flying thing it descends from will find a use. Her receiverless portal technology will prove invaluable. Her holographic army concept will save lives by the hundreds in the battle against the dragons.

So why would engineers, specialized in combat-engineering sit on their laurels with their bulky turrets, their scrap-heap mortar design, their hilarious battering ram that should break their pelvis every time they use it, their giant hobo-sacks… when they should be on the forefront of advancement?

Heck, make it a thing for all professions. Skill effect customization. Magic is getting stronger, technology is advancing. Have it in Gem Store for all i care! I would pay for it sooner than another back-piece item i never see. Or another fancy armor i cant match my hobo-sacks with.

EDIT: To clarify, im talking about design customization, not gameplay mechanic changes. Balance is a factor that should not have lore-backing.

It is already happening at what seems to me to be a reasonable rate. As I said, scarletts tech is brand spankin new. The knowledge behind her tech is going to have to become common place enough for each engineer of every plable race to have access to it in general usage.

(keep in mind that Im speaking to the origioanl post here. Which is calling for her tech over the “outdated” charr tech wich isn’t outdated at all.)

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Our technology is ancient

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Completely switching from one specialty to another that is vastly diffrtent makes no sense for an entire class. Coglin is right that engineer tech is no where near outdated. It’s new to Tyria. new and highly effective. That’s the entire reason for the engineer class. People don’t normally just quit their life work the minute something else is introduced.

Scarlets tech had just now been introduced into the world. it is comprised of the greatest technological achievements of the playable races and some of the non-playable ones. Wouldn’t it make sense that engineers would need to take the time to study that tech before they can start to utilize it? For engineers to specialize in scarletts tech, all playable races would need to be scarlett.

Again i’d like to point out that the “Pact” weaponry is neither Magi-tech but is vastly superior to the Engineers weaponry, furthermore your the commander there, only surpassed by Trahaerne in rank

Pact tech is also an amalgamation of the brilliance of multiple races. Asura included. Not sure what the point of our rank is.

With Scarlet Briar (a magi-tech engineer) being introduced, I really don’t see this as being far-fetched. In fact, she justifies it (just read her story).

We’re special, but we didn’t go to every asuran college, or surpass out charr teachers, or gain the knowledge of the hyleck. As I said, in order for scarletts tech to be the norm for the engi, each member of the playable races would need to be on par with Scarlett. because the professions are equal opportunity.

Though, I do agree that the current models could get better charr designs.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Our technology is ancient

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Completely switching from one specialty to another that is vastly diffrtent makes no sense for an entire class. Coglin is right that engineer tech is no where near outdated. It’s new to Tyria. new and highly effective. That’s the entire reason for the engineer class. People don’t normally just quit their life work the minute something else is introduced.

Scarlets tech had just now been introduced into the world. it is comprised of the greatest technological achievements of the playable races and some of the non-playable ones. Wouldn’t it make sense that engineers would need to take the time to study that tech before they can start to utilize it? For engineers to specialize in scarletts tech, all playable races would need to be scarlett.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Our technology is ancient

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


The problem with this is that the lore of the engineer class is that they specifically use charr tech. Not just any tech. other races are just now starting to slowly incorporate their own tech into the class, by way of racials. I don’t see how it would make sense that an entire class based around charr tech would suddenly be proficient with the tech of scarlet

Requirements to be a "great race"?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Just an assumption but I would figure having comparable power to the individual nations of the ‘great races’.

I don't understand Charr tactics

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


As the late, great Chest Puller once said, “They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can’t get away from us now!”

I dont see too many Charr thieves

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


If you don’t see charr thieves, they are doing it right.

Honestly, the confusing ones are charr necromancers and/or elementalists. You’d think they’d have kicked those professions out for being almost linked to Flame Legion.

“The Flame Legion is condemned more for their worship of false gods and longtime oppression of the other legions than for the fact they have a preference for fireballs. The Flame Legion remains the most “magical” legion – that was their strength, and their overthrow in part has driven charr achievements in technology. But the charr always appreciate a fellow charr who can carry his or her own weight, and while they might mock an elementalist for his light armor, they appreciate the mobile artillery support that a timely meteor shower provides.”

OP: each races grows up in their own societies, so their stealth isn’t compared to other races, it’s compared to other charr when they pick and train for their proffessions. The same way a smaller races like humans will still have warriors because every society is going to internally foster the benefit of warriors within that society.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Size of the Legions

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I think I read somewhere in game that the Flame Legion’s numbers rival those of Blood, Iron and Ash combined. They’re definitly a dangerous Legion, which may not always be as evident in game.

I wouldn’t doubt if this was the case. The other High legions tend to follow the general structure of population growth through breeding. Where as the Flame Legion surly uses that as well but they have a strong policy of recruitment from the other legions. Of course with their attitude towards females, they may have less females inclined to be confined to the household.

I dont see too many Charr thieves

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Also a baby. Felix Gutblade of the Blood Legion.


Sylvari Story

in Sylvari

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I like. Nice find.

Norns are huge! AND FANTASTIC

in Norn

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Godkitten right norn are awesome! I have a max-height male norn warrior and max-height norn female necromancer and man do their armors / animations look intimidating against other races.

Lol, this.

I remember a thread someone made about how the norn were too big and they didn’t feel right fighting against something so big. So they decided to call for a-net to make norn smaller. Lol.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I will chime in and say that when I discovered the confirmation on the charr page it was because I was looking for something I had seen a while ago. I recently rediscovered what it was I had seen when I rerolled a charr character. In the opening cinematic of charr they say “we reclaimed our homeland of Ascalon”. The word ‘ancestral’ on the charr page was just bonus :P

edit: At 0:30 seconds

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Another lesbian relationship?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


In a lot of cases where the fans will be saying “It’s so obvious!”, it usually isn’t // – especially if you have any experience with very close, affectionate friendship.

If it is heading that way, I certainly don’t have a problem with it and I’m all for encouraging diversity in storytelling.


There are many levels of complication in relationships between members of the same and opposite sex that have nothing to do with sexual orientation. But if there was a strong friendship between two males and one of them happened to be gay, the general fanbase would just assume that they were gay together simply because the dialog between the two characters isn’t flooded with one member spurning the advances of the other.

Are Norns Really...

in Norn

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I’m hung up on the word ‘repent’ because it is a major part of the preists message. Im not however, hung up on the fact that it can be read as an insult. Because im not the one being defensive about it.

I’m sorry you feel that way. I’ll stop trying to explain it to you.

The possibility of it being insulting was merely a side note that didn’t really warrant the attention that was dedicated to it. As I said, feel free to disreguard it.

edit: If we were to examine to norn relationship with the Spirits we would see that it is nothing like what the priest thinks it is. Let’s assume that the priest is right and the Spirits answer to melandru.

The norn shows us norn priorities when he says “Your humans gods don’t speak to me”. That means that what he holds essential is the relationship between the Spirit and the individual norn. That means that even if the Spirit is less powerful than a god and answers to a god, it doesn’t matter. Because the Spirit invests intimate time and energy in the norn. Where as the priest shows us human priority in what to worship. They feel the one most worthy of worship is the one that is most powerful. Whether the god chooses to acknowledge the worshipper or not. (obviously the priest doesn’t take it to an illogical extreme by worshipping a powerful Dragon that wants to destroy humanity)

The conversation between the two definitely does offer deeper perspective into the lore world. Two different priorities in the spiritual lives of two different species. So insulting or not aside, the conversation is a good find.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Scar pattern masks on charr

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I checked it on my charr but I like the complicated patterns so they are barely noticible on mine.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510




I agree with your take on “flavor,” although I’m not sure about your take on engineers. Engineers(and techy stuff like that) are in the game simply because players like guns and things that blow up. The lore was written to support that, not the other way around.

I agree with this. But the engineers lore is that the other races have adopted it from the charr because they saw how effective has been for the charr.

“The Iron Legion is the start of all of this, and the Engineer profession has spread to the other races from there. The People of Tyria have seen it in combat over the past few years and have seen the effectiveness of an engineer. And so you are going to see Engineers of all races although it is a little bit more common to see a Charr Engineer than anybody else.”

Size of the Legions

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


No exact numbers but keep in mind that each High Legion is it’s own nation. Each one is enough to qualify as a fully functional, self contained nation. So things like Ash being the smallest because they are spies, doesn’t really translate because they also have their warriors, engineers, clerical, farmers, etc.

edit: Though, you may be right about Blood being bigger since they have the more dangerous strategy. I doubt they would have been able to consistently take the types of losses that come from prioritizing frontline combat if they didn’t have the advantage of numbers. especially considering all the infighting that has taken place between the High Legions throughout the centuries.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


all the races bring something different to the table. In order for the humans to adapt to have every benefit against every challenge, the other races would also get it because change is nature. It would essentialy be a homogenization of all the races where there isn’t even any meaningful lore diffrences.

All races are doomed to maintain the flavor they came into this game with.

edit: all representative nations of the playable races are doomed…….* would be more correct

edit 2: The existence of engineer class for humanity is proof that the humans are adapting, along with all the other playable races. But krytan society won’t be adapting in any major way any faster then the other races during the life of GW2

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Engineer Weapon Options

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


More options is better. it provides more possible archtypes for every class without arbitrarily dictating what the “feeling” of a class should be according to some other fantasy universe that has nothing to do with guild wars. And A-net is working on making those options happen.

“Now let’s talk about the specifics Colin and I chatted about during our call”.//// “What’s more is that the team is also working very kitten finding a way to make it so that every profession has access to every weapon”

Are Norns Really...

in Norn

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I doubt he is trying to be insulting. But the fact is that his message isn’t “Hey, we are all already chums”. his message is that the norn should change what their doing. That’s what ‘repent’ means. To turn away from what you are doing. And his reason for the norn needing to “turn away” is that the Spirits they worship already “answer to” the Six. he’s essentially saying “Why worship the servant when you can worship the master?”

“Hey, we’re already on the same aisle you and I, here’s a little insider info for you.” You have to read an insult into that. It’s not inherently insulting.

You’re hung up on the word repent, which means to change your mind. That’s not insulting in of itself.

I mean unless you’re this fragile flower that can tolerate absolutely no challenge to your established thinking, lest a fuse be blown upstairs?

Maybe it’s ‘insulting’ in this sense? Offensive is a better word I suppose? Me thinks the norn are a little more sturdy than that.

I’m hung up on the word ‘repent’ because it is a major part of the preists message. Im not however, hung up on the fact that it can be read as an insult. Because im not the one being defensive about it. Im just choosing to acknowledge it’s existence. I am also pointing out how the message of the priest isn’t “hey we’re on the same side of the isle, here’s some insider info”. because the message is “We all know that both the Spirits and the Six exist but instead of worshipping the Spirits, worship the six because they are better”.

feel free to disreguard any idea of how insulting that can be (really, disreguard it. it isn’t important). Without the insult, it still isn’t a message of “hey we’re already chums”. it is a message of “Turn from your ways”. That means he isn’t focusing on the common ground. He is focusing on the diffrences. Using the common ground as a vehicle to get to the diffrences.

So my point is that the priest has a flawed idea of the norn/Spirit relationship. But that flawed idea still doesn’t translate to the priests having a message that all is good and well, because his main message is to ‘repent’. To turn away from your ways and instead of worshipping Spirits, worship the Six. but…… the norn don’t worship the Spirits. So the entire premise is flawed.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Are Norns Really...

in Norn

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


A message can be insulting without it intending to be. The norn also include his faith in their own beliefs. That’s not really an issue. Especially since both the Six and the Spirits are known to definitely exist. I don’t see any animosity coming from either side.

I doubt he is trying to be insulting. But the fact is that his message isn’t “Hey, we are all already chums”. his message is that the norn should change what their doing. That’s what ‘repent’ means. To turn away from what you are doing. And his reason for the norn needing to “turn away” is that the Spirits they worship already “answer to” the Six. he’s essentially saying “Why worship the servant when you can worship the master?”

That shows us a couple things about what the priest believes. The priest has a flawed understanding of the relationship between the norn and the Spirits. And that the priest is of the opinion that Melandru is above the Spirits. So in response to that belief, he is trying to turn the norn away from the Spirits in order for them to worship the Six.

Either way, the priest doesn’t really understand the norn. he is just doing what he feels he should be doing. maybe he looks at it as a service to the norn. That isn’t a horrible or evil thing. It is just what it is.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Are Norns Really...

in Norn

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


It changes the tone of the entire conversation. The priest sais to repent and follow the six. The norn said “no”. The priest reasons that they might as well since they already follow an aspect of the six in fashion. The word ‘repent’ implies that the priests message is not that they are already dandy with each other but that the norn should turn from their ways and do what the human is doing.

if it is already happening then there is no reason to repent. But if the priest is basing his message off of his flawed understanding of norn/SotW relationship then he isn’t even speaking the same language as the norn. either way the priest is wasting his time.

So the priest message is actually pretty insulting. he is saying stop your Spirit worship and worship the six because the Spirit answers to (Is a servant of and therefor, below) one of the six.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Asura Skill Size Difference?

in Asura

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


If it’s like other skills like the flamethrower then it’s only the animation that’s different. Not the area of effect.

Are Norns Really...

in Norn

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


That priest doesn’t quite understand how the relationship between norn and Spirits of the Wild work. A-net has specifically stated that norn don’t actually worship the SotW, so much as they rever them.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

I don't understand Charr tactics

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


No, from what I understand the charr went through Ascalon, not “to Ascalon and back north to go around the Deldrimor territories”. And from what the feeling I got on Longeye’s Ledge was “don’t mess with the norn named Longeye, or he will screw your crap up”. They had no trouble messing with Bjora Marches (Jora’s ancestral lands) and trying to fight her there when they figured they could get away with it.

Also, as is so often said, norn act as individuals more than an army at most times. They do things because they want to do it, not because someone ordered them to.

The charr, thus, were not “having a peace treaty” so much as going “we just will not bother them unless we can actually win”.

No one ordered the norn into a peace treaty but the charr and norn had an unofficial peace treaty built on mutual respect.

“In fact, during the Searing, the Norn allowed the Charr armies passage through the northern pass from Ascalon into Kryta, setting the stage for the Charr invasion of the central human lands.”

“No peace accord was ever signed; a treaty would have been meaningless to the individualistic Norn and no Charr would even spit upon such a paper. However, the two races allowed one another passage and trade, while keeping their borders secure. Occasionally, a warband (or a Norn hunter) might cross the line into the other’s land, only to be cut down without prejudice…but these skirmishes do not disrupt the accord reached by mutual consent between these nations.”

Lore + Character + Profession

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


To add to what Bruno said, all engineers are using charr technology because of how effective it has proven to be. The designs are actually charr designs. Charr tech is new to the asura (as well as all the other playable non-charr races) and we see in the Black citadel that there are asura who can’t grasp the concept of complicated machinery that doesn’t rely on magic. So asura engineers are actually pioneering asura study of non-magic technology.

I dont see too many Charr thieves

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I’m still leveling mine. It was hard for me to get into the thief.

Sylvari Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Sylvari, like Asura, really need a more racially consistent look for their turrets and other skills. Pigeonholing every engineer in Tyria into using what looks like Charr technology is quite possibly my biggest gripe with this game.

Lore-wise, every engineer is using charr tech.

“Engineer technology really developed with the Charr first and foremost. And its one of the specialties developed by the Charr Iron Legion. …….. The Iron Legion is the start of all of this, and the Engineer profession has spread to the other races from there. The People of Tyria have seen it in combat over the past few years and have seen the effectiveness of an engineer. And so you are going to see Engineers of all races although it is a little bit more common to see a Charr Engineer than anybody else. So it all started with the Charr and their technological development.”

So other races are starting to incorporate their own tech into the charr tech of the engineer but it is in the form of racials.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


And you can separate your attachment to your characters and your positions and opinions in regards to Tyrian Lore? I think you’ll be surprise to learn than you are no different. In fact if anything you and others like you are worst in many ways.

I absolutely can. But please, enlighten me on how Im worse.
…..worse than this:

“nore can these deeds be forgiven. The crimes committed demands vengeance without end. It seems that the majority are comfortable in the denial of these truths and are completely accepting that actual and real peace is possible with these facts.”

based on my personal interpretation of established lore, yet at every turn I meet with almost complete opposition from you both and others.

…..So if every one elses watch says the same thing but yours is the only one that’s different……

May I at this point out that I am not anti-Charr. I do believe that they as a people deserve respect and understanding. They are however the enemy of Humanity and no amount of historical re-writing can change this truth, this doom. How can the situation be otherwise? The Charr directly caused the Ascalonian and Orr Holocausts!

Do I really need to go into how the perpetrators of a holocaust aren’t doomed forever be the enemies of the victims of said holocaust? really?

Not everyone is as extreme as this. Not everyone can’t separate their love of lore from their personal characters.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Seems some players still can’t separate their love of lore from their favorite characters and races.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I read it. I disagree. Humanity, should not be as powerful as a race that has overcome their dependence on gods and pioneered the way into industrialization in a new and highly effective technology. The same technology that all the other races are starting to utilize simply because of how effective it actually is.

Humanity can adapt and help shape change without being on the top tier of power. It’s a likely scenario that doesn’t go against the grain of lore continuity.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Why is there no statues of Cornwallis gracing Londons prime squares?

because 250 years is a long time. Especially when the last remnants of a fallen kingdom is a distant outpost of that kingdom. The continuity of how things ended up today is a likely possible secenario. Now can there be a statue of Devona in EH? Sure. (A-net, make it happen) But something like that is hardly big enough to warrant all the unrelated posts calling for humanity to be more powerful in the world. Which seems to be a major point in most of these posts.

edit: A problem I see here is trying to equate one broken kingdoms history with “human history”. But it is really just a fraction of “human history” in Tyria. And the remnants of that kingdom aren’t even the human focus kingdom of the game. Kryta is. So the heroes of Ascalon won’t all be focused on when the human power in Tyria is kryta.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I hold that if the writers want to be seen to have an unbiased hand in the direction of the Lore as it relates to the humans of Ascalon – Devona MUST become Queen of Ascalon succeeding the throne directly after Adelbern, well before any move by the Charr to move against Ascalon City.

It must be noted that all humans of Ascalon see the land as rightfully theirs to hold so long as their soldiers have the military might to hold it on their behalf. That is to say that the do not accept that the Charr have better claim to the land – regardless of history. This is especially the view of the crown and the nobility.

It seems to me that this entire premise is based in bias toward humanity. The in-game human view is clearly bias so isn’t really relevant because both the charr and humans will hold the same view. While the out-of-game writers view simply chose another path in order to include other races. sucks for fans who wanted lore to continue in human favor but a design decision really has nothing to do with bias’ against ‘groups of people’.

“There is no racial bigotry here……..Here you are all equally worthless.” – GySgt Hartman, Senior drill Instructor

The real issue here is to “put them on even footing with the Charr”. But they didn’t just win because of

their military might and magical prowse – gained through roughly a thousand years of domination of the Tyrian landscape.

They had the backing of the gods. Without that we see the military might and magical prowse – gained through roughly a thousand years of fighting over the Tyrian landscape, on behalf of the charr is what put the charr in a higher position.

I see no reason that humanity needs to be on equal footing with the charr. There may be some nostalgia from GW1 but I think we can all agree that this is a different game with a completely different zeitgeist.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

How strong are Elementalists?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Like the other classes, most ele’s probably won’t be able to have every skill available to the entire class on hand.

I don't understand Charr tactics

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Charr primary Legion infighting is almost as old as their grudge against humanity. Dating back to the last khan-ur. They may not be self sustainable against the ED’s but they are in no danger of destroying themselves if they don’t have an outside enemy. Not since they almost did destroy themselves before they developed their strict hierarchical society. That strict hierarchy coupled with a good sense to keep the infighting on a lower priority is what makes their society workable.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Who waters the plants in the Black Citadel?

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I like that one ^

I don't understand Charr tactics

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Dragon are a bigger threat.

If the humans declare war after the Dragons are defeated then 2 of the charrs enemies are taken care of. branded are gone and renegades are in favor of the war with humanity. before the treaty with humanity charr were doing fine against the FL and ghosts. The dragons are a big reason the charr even need an alliance with anybody.

Another lesbian relationship?

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


here is an interview that touches on sex and sylvari. The sex having sylvari was later confirmed by Ree in another interview but I think that site is down.

CDA: One of the lore questions that bother players the most is – do Sylvari have sex? Are they able to procreate on their own, or just keep sprouting out of the Pale Tree?

Martin Kerstein: I’m not exactly a lore person, but as far as I understand – yes, Sylvari can have sex and they will have sex with whoever they like, they are fully capable of doing so. But they don’t do it to create to new Sylvaris. They actually grow from the tree.

Silvary : pls arena net tell me why?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


asking why the tree people aren’t elves is like asking why they aren’t orcs. The answer is because they’re busy being tree people.

Questionable forum re-arrangement

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Agree with Aaron. And the proximity may encourage more lore oriented discussion in the race forums.

A way to stop the zerg in queensdale.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


There is nothing wrong with the Queensdale champ farm.

There is nothing that needs to be stopped.

If someone says something reportable, then report, don’t come here and blame the farm on what one person said. It is a individual, not the whole entire zerg.

This ^

If it’s not reportable then it isn’t actually a problem.

A way to stop the zerg in queensdale.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Partially agreeing and disagreeing with it. I noted a point where I disagreed with it (you said it wasn’t a new player who would be soloing a champion, I disagreed). Then I noted where I agreed: the whole killing a champ and complaining about killing a champ wasn’t a problem, it’s the how and/or why it was done that’s the problem.

Okay Seera. You are right. Out of the infinite number of possibilities in the universe, it is possible for a new player to stumble upon the correct build with the correct armor and them to have an intuitive grasp of what needs to be done.

However, what I said is that I’d hesitate to call them new becasue of all the factors that it would take for a new player to accomplish that. So the possibility is already implied and accounted for while me saying that it isn’t new players is directly addressing the “alot of new players” the OP is talking about. Which you actually agreed with me on becasue you also admit they aren’t the average new player. So there wouldn’t be alot of them.

Are Norns Really...

in Norn

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


The Norn actually are more comfortable in cold environments. There’s NPC’s in the world that state ths. So it has nothing to do with the game mechanics of other races being able to unequip armor and not freeze.

If game mechanics are not the reason, then explain to me why my asura/sylvari/human characters can survive in the Shiverpeaks just as easily as any norn?

My only response can be for you to read more carefully.

A way to stop the zerg in queensdale.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Please read my previous posts in this thread. I am against the proposed change. Because it will not solve the problem. It’s just a symptom of the problem and the proposed change would hurt the person who is at the level of Queensdale more than it would hurt the zerg train runners. I’d rather time and energy be spent fixing the problem than just treating a symptom.

And I’m fully aware that rude people will be rude no matter what and that it would take too much effort to get rid of the rude people. Which is why I just say report them and move on if the person feels the other player went too far.

So what was the point of your response to my post?

A way to stop the zerg in queensdale.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


They could still be new players. Not the average new player, but still a new player nonetheless.

GW2 isn’t likely their first MMO as they’ll probably have some experience with how to evade and watching for tells, etc. But it could still very well be their first MMO and it just happens to come easy to them and they lucked into picking the best gear set up and skills, etc.

Simply complaining about a champ being killed out of order in and of itself isn’t a problem, but when the people turn on the person who killed the champ out of order and yelling at them and reporting them is a problem. It gives the vast majority of the Queensdale zerg train a bad rep when most of them don’t have a huge problem with people playing the game and they happen to kill off the champ.

What likely happened in the OP’s case is they probably thought he was derailing the train for the simple sake of derailing the train. Not to test out his skills. Three times in a row would be hard for most people to pass off as just a player going through the zone playing as intended.

Sure, it is possible a new player is the video game prodigy. Enough prodigies to warrant a game change? I doubt it.

People aren’t required to be nice and polite. You won’t fix that. But if it gest harrassing there is already a fix for thet. How is a report a probelm if the devs ignore those reports? So really his idea is to fix peoples “rude behavior”. I say that’s a waste of time and energy.

A way to stop the zerg in queensdale.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


If new players are soloing champs for funzies, i’d hesitate to call them ‘new players’. It means they have appropriate gear, appropriate builds and the experience to use them. And it means they have the experience under their belts that allowedd them to get to that level. Wich means it isn’t new players so much as old players with thin skin. If it isn’t reportable it isn’t a problem.

That goes for both views. Killing a champ isn’t a problem. Complaining about killing a champ also isn’t a problem. The way we do these things can be a problem but ther is already a solution when it is problem.

If new players limit themselves to one map without even finding out if there are high level players in other zones, a-net shouldn’t need to further cater to that rediculousness.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Scarlet, Gnashblade and the Human Gods

in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I heard an awfull lt of anti-charr propoganda during the voting season. I suspect human preference had more to do with the outcome than people caring about what was actually being voted on. But if that’s the case then we definitly deserve what we got.

Are Norns Really...

in Norn

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


The Norn actually are more comfortable in cold environments. There’s NPC’s in the world that state ths. So it has nothing to do with the game mechanics of other races being able to unequip armor and not freeze.


in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


personally, going around the maps exploring the lore is most of what I do. We have 250 years of lore since GW1. We have 250 years of intertwining lore between the playable races. We have pre GW1 lore that gets “revieled”. We have interwining lore between the playable races and the non-playable races. And the living story is a guarantee of continual current lore that adds to the past lore.

“One goes around to hearts and kills mobs to fill the quota of deaths needed and moves on to the next heart; thats if you actually feel like taking the long, lonesome journey of leveling through mapping. There is no engaging aspect to completing these hearts or the npc’s that provide these hearts.”

This is the problem. If you don’t care about the lore and decide to skip it all, you can’t rightly complain that it isn’t there.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)


in Lore

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


What do you need from GW2 in order to count as lore?