This annoys me, people like you.
This is why open world events will never be truly great.
Because if their IS a negative to losing a event, then people cry about it.
So events instead of becoming better, they be nerf until they have no change on the world whats so ever.
Mesmer was fun to me, from lvl 1 and I believe that if it was not fun from lvl 1 to you. Then you are not a true mesmer player.
That goes forever one here.
Try Midnight ice, I use it my on sylvari culture armor
and it always a deep dark black.
I have just one question……..
Is anyone right now even looking at the possibilities of new weapons for class’s for the future.
Seem my post was to long for people…. so here short version
Butterflies in real life make illusions/chaos theory work around butterflies.
Pink does not exist, it a illusion are mind make up.
Purple have always been a nobility/royalty color.
Easy to understand now???
Butterflies wings make illusions to fool predators that is after it.
So I say they fit us, also butterflies are use in the chaos theory. Which again fits are class perfect.
Now about the color Purple, first it have been use for Emperors of Rome. Then from their it was use for most royalty and the Pop.
Basically Purple is a sign of royalty, which again fits the Mesmer, since they have a air of nobility in most of the lore.
Now about Pink, first it was not a female color until the 1920’s. It was stolen by girls during that time.
However, before then it was thought that blue was a girl color and pink was a guy color. Basically it all about culture, what your culture says what you should like, you will like.
In the past pink was taught since was young that it was a manly color and so it was treated as such and blue was treated as a female color and so it was treated that way.
Hell in the 1910’s on a survey over 70% of all males like pink, and over 90% of all females was big on blue.
ANYWAY what makes pink so good for Mesmer is pink is not a real color, it not in the spectrum and no mix of the color spectrum makes pink.
Pink is actually a illusion are brains make up.
Edit: male here, but love the theme/color for the mez. Fits the class perfectly, so good job ArenaNet
(edited by EsLafiel.4517)
With focus traited, you can already keep up a reflect field at lest 80% of the time easy and if done right 100% of the time.
So giving mez another reflect skill, is not needed and even if it is needed and can be use to cover the small gaps when rang can hit you.
Thats just make it way OP
“Here the thing a couple of days before I herd of someone blackmailing the GM about them leaving guild. If they dont give them 50g to help with their legendary.”
I don’t think there is any truth in this. Doesn’t make sense in any way. For starters, 50g means NOTHING if you’re going for a Legendary. I think you just sound like an extremely young player and the guild might just be looking for older and experienced players. You shouldn’t dwell on it, instead just join a different guild.
Um no,, I am 22 and even if what you said is true, they should have told me.
Them just auto kicking, means they the childish ones. Not able to even tell me.
Second every word I said is true.
However, I knew I get people like you,,, who will blame me.
So congrats on being that person.
Ps I know it easy with just the email address to find out what someone does with it.
So I know you can easily find it to.
Edit, it seems they remove the email out of it, saying it was personal.
(edited by EsLafiel.4517)
First I know this is childish and I know I need to get a life,,, so those who say this. You wasting your time, since this knowledge is already known.
Really this is just to let some vent out, so I can breath easier, so go ahead and close it Mods if ya wanna.
Guild I was in, did not just anger me, but also hurt me a bit.(maybe it should not, but these type of things have always made me feel a bit sad)
Anyway to start with they just kick me out, with no warning are the guild master telling me why. I was just auto kick.
Here the thing a couple of days before I herd of someone blackmailing the GM about them leaving guild. If they dont give them 50g to help with their legendary.
Yet this person was not kick at all.
So me being kick, without knowing why. Keeps thinking what the hell did I do to get kick. Because I mean come on, if a person like that was not kick. Then I must have done something terrible.
So I contacted someone I knew, to talk to the GM(because I was block to).
It took a day before I got the reason back.
Because some people in guild went to her and told her. They did not like me, that I annoy them.
This last thing, just blew it. Because I was hurt already for being kick without being told why. Was not that angry, was just a bit sad and confuse.
However this is what made me angry, I HATE IT when someone goes behind my back and does stuff like this.
If you don’t like me, then whisper me. Tell me what I did and I will do my best to fix it.
Because I know I can be annoying some times.
Yet these bloody cowards could not just tell me.
first instincts, like I can always tell right before a invisible thief going to hit me, and so I can almsot always counter it.
Second if ya see one and it goes invisible, gets as far away form the spot it did as ya can.
Third use f4 key about a sec after they go invisble, becuase most of tehir skills dont alst more then 4 secs and so ya get 3 sec of dis.
Fourth you go invisible as well.
fifth get in a strong stance by summing phant def, and rdy to take teh damage and still live pretty well.
Their is other ways, but here some.
I got a d/d ele and I got a bunker mez. I fight you on my bunker mez.
Just send me a whisper.
yes and yes and yes. I’ve tested the phant def a lot.
I dont mind any of the change’s.
Some like the Membrane was a bit annoying, plus with phant I think they should summon if you blind. It just they first attack miss’s.
However none of the rest really bothers me that much and seem mostly fair.
Yet they are nerfing it every patch and so it is kinda scary that they will keep doing it until everything nerf to the point it useless.
So here I am hoping that they do not do that.
As a mez with over 900hrs on the belt, I have to say.
This thread is bullkitten, the only thing that could be seen as right.
Is that Mez is slow, and I do agree with this problem.
Now I dont have this problem, I can keep perma swift up.
However, still my build that I natural use should not be the only build out their.
Just because it the only one that as a side thing can give ya perma swift.
So it would be nice to have some more spd abilities, even if I would more then likely never use them.
Just read the patch logs and quickly ran here to read some whine threads which i expected. I see absolutly nothing wrong with fixing obvious exploits/broken mechanics.
I haven’t used them thus i am not affected and still i am king in WvW. All i can say, stop whining, adapt and move along or do not let the doors hit ya on your way out to shelve your mesmer…Again some yohoo commenting with out even reading whole post. The OP was not whining about they nerf it was way Anet typically handles everything not related to thief or Warrior. Nerf with as little as possible work on their part to hell with customer. And FYI OP was talking about PvE why in hell would you whip out your kitten apout WvW as incase you are not aware PvE and WvW are kinda not same thing.
Guessing you don’t even try to read ArenaNet news. They said this was not perma, this was a temp fix to it. It was over the holidays and most of them was not even working. More then likely when the big patch for this month comes out, they will change it.
Mimic is a epic skill, and if ya cant use it right. Then your in need of some real help.
imo torch.
focus 4 is good for moving around the map but in a 1vsx it is only good when with sword mainhand. warden is plain bad imo. even when summoned on a knocked back enemy it does lacking damage and if the enemy stays in warden you could have killed him with any other weapon.
on the other hand prestige is awesome. every stealth is a big + to any roaming build and it does good damage with a condition spec. you can use blink while channeling it so a guaranteed 2-3k aoe burning and a good surprise opener.
image is ok. not that good but ok. usually that is my first skill to use when I jump on somebody. 3 stacks of confusion + one illu to shatter :\ (could use a little buff imo^^)edit: ah and don’t forget prestige is a blast finisher so combined with your fields you can spread the love of chaos armor to your buddies (or other nice stuff)
Warden is epic, you just fail with it.
Yes I am a bunker Mez, and Bunker gaurdians are annoying, but sooner are later I take them down.
However bunker ele d/d, I fought one for over 30mins before. Until he left, I mean it. Their annoying as hell, I’ve never been killed by one.
However I don’t think ive ever killed one.
focus got aoe pull/cripple/aoe damage and both it skills reflect long range skills.
I love it.
(i mainly pve and sometimes WvW)
I do a tank/cc build
na to stero typical, but guess good in it own way.
Yuno Abriel.
(wonder if anyones knows what Abriel comes from)
I did sword/focus at low lvl really good for aoe mobs.
well I still use it, hehehe
Even when it’s among the most effective and customizable professions around in the game.
You must not play Dungeons where the only really viable build is crit/shatter spam
So you saying a build that gets all mobs into one area and then take complete control of them, so they never hit any team mate and also do multy perma damage buff to all team mates and keep perma regen/reta on everyone.
Also keeps up a perma reflect so all long rang kills it self.
Then on boss’s keep up all that and on most can keep it completely lock down so it never even hurt the team.
You calling that useless in a dgn.
I got a question, was you drop on your head as a child???
Ps I agree with this thread, plz all the babies leave this class. I hate seeing crying all over the place.(I dont like kids)
I use focus in my main build and tc got a 20 sec cooldown and the swift last 16 sec on me.
So I dont got this problem.
I dont do confusion builds.
However the focus warden can be use for a aoe confusion combo, or the tc can be use to cleanse all debuff off of you.
Also focus tc can pull up to 5 guys into any spot you want them to be. Also for running away you put it down get swift and wait for the people to past it, it gives them cripple and then use it to pull all the guys back.
It a really good skill for getting away if needed.
Also for control the enemies, canceling skills they useing like elites(with it pull) and just pulling all enemies together.
Then aoe them easy. I pull together and then use sword 3 to immb them and aoe the crap with warden and 2 on sword.
Lastly once the focus been traited, it skills reflect all long range skills. So you can also then use tc to stop all long range from hitting you. as well as warden if done right.
Well was just telling you the uses of the focus.
Yes all your states effect your phant. the crit/power/tough/vit and so on.
However with clones power does not help them at all, but rest of your stats do.
phantasms are better for bosses, and they bring support. shatter is great for trash though, but its trash….personally I enjoy a phant build for pve because I can bring more to a group, but ill shatter phants when i know there going to die or when i need an oh s#@t button =P
WOW one skill
sorry but no,,,, phant build brings major control(immb/cripple/reflect/ and enemies focus on them) they bring support(protection/regen/reta/50% reduce damage/rip condition off you and more) and bring semi good dps not as good kittenter. However for a group working together phant build is very helpful.
I would say a Mesmer is the best.
I gotta say, Ive herd of this problem a lot from people. So I am sure it a problem thats needs to be fix.
I’m my self a bunker mez and never had this problem with over 900hrs on it.
I find Orr way to easy to solo, I solo a lot of the de in it with no problem as well.
Like the one where they trying to take over arah and yu gotta defend the gate.
However when I got someone with me, I notice a lot how they getting own and I gotta keep saving their kitten #8217;s.
Now I may be wrong, but my take on this is. Orr is not design to be glass cannon friendly, which Ive notice more then half of the players Ive meet are all glass cannons or close to being one with just a bit of def.
However, being a bunker build makes Orr really easy.
Especially when the team creating the content probably has little knowledge of the game altogether.
My question would be WHY did those recipe exist the way they were? If it was such an obvious oversight, shouldn’t ANY content developper have spotted it?
How did this get through quality assurance?
Every single MMo Ive every play, have always let stuff like this slid past sometimes.
It just happens.
This is how it suppose to work, it not a bug. Which is why they make double. THeir two different rings which both focus on def, their two different rings that both focus on attack and so on.
I would switch the two items the + to armor is nice.
If build right, then phant dont die fast. I can keep 3 perma phant up easy in almost all fights.
But I never like shatter and I am a phant build, so of course I say shatter sucks kitten
i don’t rly care about it, im weird tank mesmer who don’t use shaters ^^
I know a “tank” mesmer can be alright/possible for pve, but what exactly are you doing? I don’t really see a point anymore other than potentially taking projectile hits, since we can’t really make mobs follow us. I could see it being alright in a toughness/healing power phantasm heavy(perma regen)/ mantra healing/focus reflecting(Inspiration VIII) build.
Or going for disables, which also isn’t bad for trash mobs, which i never tried, though, since everything is so inferior to shattering right now.Illusionary Membrane has been nerfed to death, so we can’t really protection stack anymore, UNLESS mobs decide to hit us with fast attacks while we have chaos armor and get lucky.
You right about Membrane, however that only semi hurt mez tank builds. Was annoying as hell yes, but with a bit of change to my tank mez it was not prob at all.
Second no i can hold mobs on me for the first 20 secs of a fight easy. Which trash mobs are usually dead by then.
Third on boss’s I know how to lock down them so most of them become useless.
Any boss that mainly use long range is auto useless. Any boss that use melee I can control still pretty well so they aim at me and not at team.
Only boss’s I have trouble with holding is the big ones that just keep going all over the place like lupi. However with them I never die and can revive people even once their dead with out me going down.
Basically for most thing I completely control and for others I keep us from whipping no matter the boss.
(I dont do spvp really)
But in WvW I toking on 10 people before and won.
Also build so I can sue the environment around me very well, esp in WvW.
Me and chaios my theif friend. Took out a zerg of 30+ in WvW. by tricking them all off a cliff.
Basically my tank build can do so many different things.
Another option is to go with a condition/toughness build with Chaotic Transference and six Superior Runes of the Undead. This will add 10% of your toughness as condition damage. Then run a persistent clone confusion build with illusionary defense + compounding power. To keep your clones up try persisting images and signet of illusions. This means you don’t shatter unless you or your target is about to die.
Problem with that is your control abilities goes way down.
So then yes you could survive and in pvp do well.
However in PvE a tank build that cant even semi keep mobs on them.
Is kinda useless.
sword/focus and staff. I do 10/10/20/25/5.
I change around my traits I get. Depending on what I am doing. IN Dom at the 10 point I use III and V change them out.
In Duel I use III and IV in the 10 point place, again switch them out and in at that place.
Chaos it II, III and IV at the 10 point place and at the 20 point place it X only.
Then insp at 10 point place it I, II, V and at 20 point place it VIII and IX.
Decoy/mimic/phant defender is my 3 main utilities with timewarp.
However feedback, Null field, Arcane Thievery, Signet of Illusion, phant disenchanted, blink, portal, and veil. These are all the utilities I use depending on what I am doing.
Also I use mass inv sometimes, but rarely.
Edit: I use focus because once it traited it the best control weapon in this game for the mez and you gotta be a good controller to be a good tank.
(edited by EsLafiel.4517)
Is anyone else getting tired of this “blame the victim” mob mentality that the people against stealth portray?
So culling abusing thieves are victims now?
Nice bizarro world you got there.
I would say you living in a much more bizarro world.
Because this thread is not about fixing cullin or anything like that.
It about just removing stealth all together.
So that guys comment was towards that.
Plus not all theifs abuse it.
Spatial Surge: it fine
Mirror Blade: does need a bit of reworking.
Mind Stab: just go back to the drawing board plz.
Phantasmal Berserker: Really awesome skills, esp if you got a control/tank build.
Illusionary Wave: Only good for control/tank builds, pretty much. However with those builds this skill can be use to great effect.
Deaths 956/ Age 965(weird as kitten i know) DPH .99
Focus= reflex both skills, a 5 person pull, a cripple and swiftness, a aoe damage that is high dam.
I love the focus, it best offhand weapon their is.
Their 2 types of damaging in this game. Each one does more damage depending on different stats.
Power does raw damage. So your normal attack will do more.
Condition damage is about poison,bleeds,confusion,burn and so on. Determine how much damage these does.
About the clones offhand, why not get a offhand weapon that is almost impossible to see.
I got the flux one, since I use a focus. I doubt anyone can see it on me in combat.
Well of course you can do that, but that’s only a band-aid, it doesn’t address the real problem that clones could be a lot more clone-like.
Never said it fix it, I said what you could do for right now.
I use sword/focus it my main weapon set……so I dont got this problem
I dont think you should be able to change weapon are traits.
However, they need to unlock utilities.
About the clones offhand, why not get a offhand weapon that is almost impossible to see.
I got the flux one, since I use a focus. I doubt anyone can see it on me in combat.
The issue about the nerf is that they gave us compensation. . . they put Protection in another source further into the same tree. If you are going all out on a build that is going to absorb a good amount of damage then you’ll find that dropping targeting with the stealth abilities quite strong, coupled with instant protection (almost all the time) to stave off their AoE when you do stealth is rather strong. I’ve found I like stealth just for being able to finish casting abilities and the such, and setup and plot my next move.
Um sorry but no, that MAYBE getting protection for 3 secs when going stealth does not cut it at all.
Maybe if we had tons of stealth skills, but includen torch we only got 4.
Well easy to see you dont to tanky builds
It was necessary due to 15/15 spec actually having perma-regen if near the Phantasms, now.
Yes I don’t like it either, but I can understand it. If I ever want defence which does not require 15 Chaos, I need it to not be so strong that the classes’ defence is centred around it.
Um 2 other class’s can keep up perma protection, and regen.
Second if you going to be a defence mez you going to be putting points into chaos anyway, so it not center around it, but it will be part of it. Even with this nerf you still will have the trait, since you going to ALWAY have points into chaos if you a tank mez.
Third we light armor class’s so to be a tank we gotta have things like this, before I could keep up with a guardian almost.
Now I am working on a new build trying to get back up to where I was, however not I wont be able to do any where near as much damage.
Because gotta focus on healing big time now.
Which already my damage was lower then any other class their is. I had 3k damage at most with warden and less then 2k bf.
Now I be lucky for a 2k warden damage.
So instead of before where I could still have semi okay damage, and center most of my traits around CONTROL, so I can better protect my group.
Now if I wanna be tanky, I gotta have almost no damage and almost no control.
Which means even a freaking tanky ele is now better then me at being a true tank, since a true tank can protect their party and not just theirselfs.
Not letting this thread be left behind.
Need a answer from a dev about this, to nerf this, this much is just horrible.
Mesmers are NOT a pet class… The core of the class centers around shatters… Maybe you should play a ranger, necro, or engineer?
I am not attempting to be a jerk here. Seriously though the F1-F4 skills are your primary abilities of your class, it is the core of the class’s mechanics. All builds should be some kind of shatter build, there are many different shatter builds. It seems silly that you are trying to use the class’s primary skills as passive/secondary skills, that is not how the Mesmer class should work, at least not effectively :/
So to me it makes perfect sense this buff… it is encouraging players to play the class’s core skills.
Sorry but this is stupid, one of the biggest things ArenaNet use before the game came out to try and get people to come was.
Each class have tons of different ways to play them. SO much so that one class with 2 players playing with different builds would seem almost like different class’s.
It was made so any class can play any role, now ArenaNet is making the mez into a almost pure dps class, that cant do much of anything else.
2 wardens/1 defender out you could shut down tons of boss’s and own any mob dgn are not.
Now this patch they nerf tank traits and so now you cant do it.
Ps shatter is like the steal on theif, some builds focus on it and some have it in it.
However it not what the class should be 100% about.
Same with all the other class f1-4 skills.