Is it Incinerator that you want? If so, go get them. They aren’t going to drop from the sky for you (although Spark might – get lucky there!), so start working if you want it.
Zodiac is the daggers I want, but never be able to get them.
Choosing a dagger that looks nice with your character is a matter of personal taste. Nobody on this forum knows your personal taste, and nobody can ever tell you what your personal taste should be. (That would be like somebody telling you what your favorite color should be.)
Therefore, the only advice that I (and most people) can give you is to decide for yourself.
Actually I did a thread about my mesmer and people actually was helpful, brought up weapons I normal over look.
Among other things, so no your way wrong.
People see my char and so say thing they think would look nice with it, and it help with my mesmer getting her the weapons and so pretty sure it will help here to.
^There you go
I know I should have said, dont give me link to a gallery.
Well I said it now, SO NO ONE ELSE DO it PLEASE.
I am asking you people opinion, I personal already have dagger I want, but I will never be able to get them. So I am looking towards you people to see what you think. What dagger would be nice.
For thsi char looking for 2 dagger skins that will look nice on it, any help will be nice.
I am sad, I loved the patch update, the glow made my armor perfect. I was so happy.
However, this roll back destroy all that happiness and so right now I am down.
Also yes on the t3 shirt one color covers most of it, which makes the roll back annoying.
Before this rollback how it work it was fine.
Over all I am really upset right now…
Come on, I loved how I look.
top pic is rollback, so how it look now, then below pic is how it look before the rollback. So please tell me how does it look to you.
8/10 he okay, and he got a nice noble look, but the face is what bothers me me. Maybe I just dont like the way you made your face.
Here mine she a great mesmer,
(edited by EsLafiel.4517)
I love the new long hair for sylvari, I almost change my current hair to it.
One problem through, It shows to much forehead.
I love really long hair, but I hate when all the forehead is showing.
Prefer it to be cover, so I like long hair that is messy in front type of thing.
Bumb this fantastic thread…!
You colour scheme is somewhat similar to my guardian.
I use the Cobalt greatsword, it is a nice slim blade with a bluish sheen and has a bright blue flame when wielded.
I use the Bloodseeker focus. It is small and very red. It will shows nicely against blue kit.Swords are a problem because there so few nice ones. I do not like any big bulky looking swords even on my guardian.
My ranger uses Bonetti’s Rapier and my guardian uses Cane’s Justice. Cane’s Justice is from a karma (heart) vendor in Shieldbluff Point (Harathi Hinterlands). Do the quest and the npc will sell to you.
The colbat seems like a nice skin.
Anomaly is always a good focus, albeit kind of expensive. But not too hard to make if you have some max level crafters and a 80. It is pink, but it could potentially still go with your style.
King’s Remembrance and the other new foci are cool though. King’s Remembrance is the purple one of that design, it also comes in gold and blue I think.
Only other weapon I can think of is the new sword Lord Taeres’s Shadow, but it also has that black shadowy effect going on.
I personally like the Rapier on my Mesmer as it is a very basic fancy sword. But the handle does have a bit of red on it.
Greatsword is always hard to find a good one for Mesmer imo. And there isn’t really anything deep purplish. But plenty of blue glowing stuff like Cobalt and things. :/ The new dreamthistle stuff might be of interest (they still have a slight green tinge to them, even though they are pretty dark), but they are probably pretty expensive on the TP.
Dungeon wise maybe Nightmare court stuff, but I’d imagine you’d have gotten those already if they interested you.
Just some ideas.
The Lord Taeres’s Shadow Loook nice, I check it out in game to see what it will cost to get.
The anomaly is already on my list of focus I might get.
Also I use to play gw2, I quit in beg of may and coming back.
Back then I got my Mesmer all the armor I wanted it to have, but could not get the weapons. Example I wanted bolt but I suck at getting that much money.
If it cost 100g and less I can get it.
I think the Dragon’s Deep weapons would look good. But you have to run Arah a lot to get them.
A few months ago I went looking for a blue sword and decided on the crystaline sword, it’s the same skin as Zap but much cheaper.
I’m not sure about greatswords and focuses (foci?) specifically as I’ve never looked into what’s available, but I know the wiki has weapon galleries where you can see all the skins side by side.
Thanks for info, but I dont like any of those weapons.
Also ive got tons of tokens from all the dgns so I can get weapons from any if I wanted to.
I’m a Mesmer and here how I look. I need sword/focus and a greatsword. So trying to find good looking ones that match this look. So any help will be nice.
He definitely did not shatter his illusions. The only time I ever took a huge hit was when he popped Chaos Storm over where we were fighting (possibly Phantasm crits?). I do not have the logs anymore unfortunately. He stayed mostly in staff though. I am not sure though if his damage was mostly from conditions or physical (I would assume conditions).
Also, he seemed to be turning invisible a lot. I assumed it was due to Decoy but thinking about it now, he should not have been able to stealth that often.
then a crit condotoon mesmer with prismic understanding.
that mesmer might have decoy mass invisibility and veil.
are you sure that mesmer has a focus???? cuz it seem counter initive that he has a power weapon for a condition build
Not really, the focus can be use to apply massive boons on self and allies and massive conditions on enemies..
There are people who use bot programs to automate their characters. I’m not saying the op did… I don’t know anything about his situation. But if people who DO use such tools are told that they were caught using tool X or tool Y, they’ll either switch to other tools or will modify their scripts.
Or if people are told they were caught accepting gold from a known RMT account and were flagged initially due to the sum or number of transactions, they’ll transfer in smaller amounts or fewer transactions.
I’d rather ArenaNet not give away that info.
That can be true,
However, if someone who just trying to play the game accidentally do something wrong.
Then they should be told what they did wrong.
If they are not told, then they could do it again without knowing it is wrong.
That they dont know about.
I believe your lagging son, because no matter the skill a enemy use on you, while you doing BF you cant be hit at all.
this, except the damage part and plus “survivable ressurector”not sure if serious or troll. my zerkers and blurred frenzy hits like a truck. auto attacks on 1,5k minimum isn’t that bad either. I don’t see the point going into more support then actually needed. you just slow down your whole group/ dungeon run whatever. If you’ve got a bad group that gets downed 24/7 and you need to rezz them alot of times it’s not your fault your failing, it’s theirs.
go full support in fractal 40+ and you will end up being in it for 4hours+ . :p
It annoys me people who always say GO DPS GO DPS…..
Let people build their character the way they want to.
I am a tank Mesmer, I can solo tank even lupi.
I dont do much damage, but I can survive anything.
It my character and I will build it how I want to.
So I am the tank in my guild and we got a couple healers and the rest love going full dps.
Which, with me and 4 of are dps. None of them die at all. But with a full team of dps they die like freaking crazy.
Also with me, they pretty much never even get hit. So they dont gotta run around and wast time. They can just stand and nuke the mobs.
Mobs do focus those with heavy armor, all games are designed with this setup in mind. You CAN take aggro from those characters with Superior DPS but it is difficult, but yes they tend to go for the high armors first. Heavy armor to enemies is like cake to a fat kid they just go for it. So running a toughness setup will get you focused if thats what you want. However because you are having mobs focus you, retaliation on your phantasm’s is not going to be as efficent imo.
I stand right ontop of My Warden,,,, and most mobs melee is a small aoe, second my defender auto takes damage when I and my warden is hit. So thats 4x norrmal reta their.
a bunker mesmer is a low damage mesmer … and if u have any guardian/warrior in party.
I think they will get all the agro on them.And I am interested to know how can you control the mobs ? r u using focus a offhand ?
I got about 2k tough, so mobs usually focus on me. Also yes I use a focus on offhand.
Also on boss’s I usually stick my team back for the first 30 secs, that’s long enough to get him focus on me. So he Ignores the team completely.
Also I dont ever got a problem with holding mobs on me, when a warrior in party.
Only a pure out bunker guardian, can take mobs off me.
Also I use reta as a small bonus to damage, the same way using gaurdian runes, because I can get 10 sec+ of burn on people, every 20 secs.
So those are just to add to my damage a bit. While in PvE Since everything else is focus on bunker, those 2 things keep my damage not completely horrible as a bunker.
well how often a mesmer gets hit in PVE/dungeons ?
as EsLafiel said at the end … retalation will be more important for mesmer in PVP
Depends, I am a bunker in dgns. I control the mobs and keep them off everyone else. The same with boss’s I can fight boss’s(most of them) and none of my team mates every get hit.
Reta is a buff, and it does damage to the enemy every time they attack the player/summon that have reta on them.
Now if you get it and then keep reta on yourself to(which is easy) Then with a phant def you can get 2x the normal damage every time you are hit. You can get up to 5x, if done right. Which in Pvp, I did over 20k damage to a warrior in about 5 secs, with nothing but reta.
No,,, the Mesmer is a duelist class,,, not just that…
But in the very first every art of teh Mesmer, when it was first made for Gw1, was it with a sword.
Also a Mesmer can get up to 27khp, so pretty much 3rd highest hp in game.
Mesmer is kinda like the battlemage ideal, but instead of defense magic to keep him/her alive. It use illusions.
Lets forget the swiftness on focus.
The focus still way out shine the pistol.
Warden then tc under it, to remove all conditions, also leap while on tc for 20 sec reta.
Tc and wardens both reflect once traited and so if done right, you can get a perma reflect wall.
Then the tc pull(which is on a shorter cooldown then the pistol cc move) and can do up to 5 instead of 3.
You can do a lot with that pull. Like cancel someones heal when they low hp… Pull a bounce of mobs into one place for easy aoe.
Among a lot of other things.
Basically Focus, is by far better then the pistol at lest to what ive seen,
Aeros you know it not Tyria it gotta corrupt if ya theory is true.
It gotta Corrupt the pale tree, because that is what their connected to and not the land.
I use stealthy usually, like i use it in pve. To give me a couple of secs to think of my next move and to start setting up my next move.
So this does not effect me at all.
Actually I lied, I am loving this change. Before I accidently use decoy are something when not meant to. Then boss got off me and went to group or use decoy for just a couple secs to reset up my next move and then lose mobs.
Because of this I took decoy off, and not I can use it again in PvE(Ps,,, I am a tank)
Just wanted you guys to know that these are also available as guild mission rewards as well. You can get them as random rewards from completing missions or from the commendation vendor.
I see what you did, you want people to play the guild missions. However if you put something ONLY in the guild missions people would complain about how it not fair to force them to do something. Because that’s the only way to get the item. Like they did with fractals.
So you made it where the other way to get earrings is way above what it worth.
So people will do guild missions, since thats much faster to do.
I feel very sorry for you, the focus got the most utility of any other off hand weapon.
I love the focus, it got so much freaking utility it not even freaking funny….
If anything the focus could be consider OP….
It not the more damage you do, the better lot you get. It you gotta do a certain amount of damage to be able to get the loot.
Which I am a bunker/support build in PvE and I always do enough damage to get loot. So I spend a lot of time supporting others and tanking the mob and boss.
While not attacking much at all.
yet ive always done enough to gt lot.
(edited by EsLafiel.4517)
Worse build EVER,,,,, ten out of ten 10/10 for it… it so bad,, it more of a play style then a build and a 10/10 playstyle wow so freaking bad……
For real,, you did a lot of work and this is good,,, so congratz.
I’m a guy and I got purple glass’s(tons of purple/pink shirts)and the hottest girlfriend on the earth….
So stop losing your manhood to a kitten color.
Also a quick history lesson, pink was consider manly and blue was consider girly, until the 1920’s.
Also another one purple have always been use as a royal color and noble color.
Now a science lesson, pink don’t exist no such thing as it wavelength and no mix of wavelength makes pink. It a illusion are brain makes.
Another one butterflies make illusions on their wings to fool predators.
Last lesson of the day their also use in the chaos theory.
In the end, plz devs dont listen to these people. The Scheme of the Mesmer, fits it personality perfectly.
It apart of what make the mesmer who it is, and if you dont like it. Then dont play the kitten class, because this is what give it personality.
Warden and defender,, my 2 favs
getting the soldier one,,,, tank here
Female sylvari,,, Lafiel Abriel,,, Go look up Crest of the stars,,, my char personality and everything is base off of Lafiel of that book series.
First, to me Mesmer was easy as hell to lvl.
Who cares if ya dont run as fast as others.
Second we got good enough self heals, at low lvl keep up 3 clones/illu when you use fest and it will heal for a ton.
At higher lvls you can make all mantra heals you and all shatter if you want.
Also if you just wanna be in a zerg, then you can use portal bombing for high damage.
Time warp, to really spd up your damage dealers.
keep up reflect walls, so when other zerg try to long rang you, they hurt themselfs instead.
Their other things to do in zergs, but those are just a couple.
However, Mesmer really shines in small groups.
I’ve made awesome decoy 3-5men groups. Where we trick entire enemies zergs to follow us and give are allies main zerg time to take place’s.
also takes tons of supply routes really fast. Hell my decoy group, even once lead a zerg up a cliff and then trick them off the side. We do tons of epic things in a small group.
Emanuel.9781 Message that guy, he got a good dps mantra build. You got some clones, and some phantams,,, however they mainly a side thing in his build, not the main focus.
no it wasn’t a glitch. that is a pr reason.
“However, if only reason you want a female sylvari is because of that one sound. Then it good you move to a different char.”
Why is it good?
Actually yes, it was a bug
A mod comments their about that being a bug.
Also the reason it good you leaving the female sylvari.
Is to play a race, you need more then just 1 reason to play it.
Which if you deleted your female just because they fix a audio bug.
That means the only thing you like about the female sylvari was a bug.
Which, a toon you can play for years and so you need tons of reasons to like it.
So to only like a toon because of one reason, well thats not going to last you and you will get bored.
So it best if you move on away from the female sylvari and find a race you have multy things you like about.
It was not nerf, and ArenaNet did not put it in.
It was a glitch in their sound file that made it.
So it was fix and that is all.
However, if only reason you want a female sylvari is because of that one sound. Then it good you move to a different char.
The Mesmer, one on the gs and one of the staff and that is all. None of the others are ground aoes.
Most of the “not viable” arguments were anxiety based off recent patch nerfs. Those arguments were quashed after experiencing the content post-patch.
Although I highly doubt 10K-15K damage is in their line of work, especially not in one hit.
However, it is worth noting that they maintain their damage output throughout the fight if not increasing over time with the appearance of phantasms should they survive.
Actually I know someone with bf alone can do around 10k each hit, sometimes a bit less and sometimes a bit more.
Then with warden does 12k-15k. Also their reg attack is 2k-4k, so no a nicely built Mesmer can do really scary damage.
It because look at other weapons with tails, staff pretty much dont get a tail on any of it type of weapons.
However for sword their like 6 of them with tails.
Their Mesmer builds which can do 10k-15k damage on normal.
Which no other class can beat that, theifs and warriors can tie it,but not beat it.
Then Mesmers have other builds with Major support, to keep massive amount of boons on everyone and keep conditions off, while keeping up a perma reflect wall so no long range can hit your team and so on for support.
Also Mesmer even have tank builds.
With 27khp, 3.2k armor…….These builds can survive anything.
Basically Mesmer can play any role that may be needed in any dgn, as long as you got right gear and build for that role.
PS,,,, I know of these threads you talking about, I commented in a couple of them calling them idiots, because that what those people was.
(edited by EsLafiel.4517)
I personal see Mesmer as the best dgn class, however only once it been learn very well. So if ya looking for easiest class to play then Mesmer is not for you. However, looking for something that is great at dgns, once you really learn about it. Then Mesmer is your class.
I do this puzzle a lot alone, and I love doing it
I esp love when people are camping it, I love to be able to beat 5people+.
thanks for the Info, and if no one else have any other info, then mods go ahead and close this.
I know you can get it as a daily starting from lvl 20.
However, I gotta ask is their another way.
Like at higher lvl’s(for example lvl 30+) will it just drop from normal chest and mobs or will the % of getting it as a daily go way up??