Ridiculous. Who needs that? Imagine all the bugfixing time they’ve wasted
Well that’s not true. Killing zhaitan was at least worth like 30silver coins, I think…. but if you want vet support better step in line because there are several thousands of those “commanders” including me. Pretty much your whole server is swarming with them and everytime you kill someone in WvW: that was a zhaitan killing war hero.
Bind a key to sheath / draw wweapon. Sheath weapon in combat to stop attacking.
This doesn’t always work for me. Even deselecting the target doesn’t always help, because sometime you get caught in a rythim where a last shot always slips out your gun while sheathing / deselecting and once it hits your target it automatically reaquired and auto-attack starts firing again.
I like leveling. Maybe because I play RPGs since the early 90ies.
You play a game to progress. If there is no progression at all, why play at all?
The logical consequence to have no levels is to have no gear grind and to have nothing to do at all and get all the coolest looking armor (there are no stats) just after logging in.
Just let a game be a game. Levels and levelling is a part of it. And on top of this: levelling in GW2 is very easy and fast. Try other MMOs, it’s much more tedious and slow.
I really hope they will add an expansion with a higher level cap.
By your logic all racing games, FPS, arcadegames, storytelling games, RTS, TBS, etc are complete fails and no one ever wants to play them because there is no reason to. They usally don’t involve any numeric progression, anyway. Though I think people know that other MMO are way worse concerning alot of things, which is because we are here of course.^^
OK Im not going to pull punches but people that don’t want mounts in this game either just don’t like mounts in MMOs or have vision so short metaphorically they need glasses as thick as pint tumblers.
Anet introduce a huge beatuiful world, a world where exploration is a big deal, a world that is event oriented, many which are timed, random, chained and are group events, rather than boring old static stuff, so the world is not constantly exactly the same when you wander through it.
Introduce WP everywhere, instant teleportation, discouraging people to go through it to get to where they are going and have the chance to run across events and instead make limited speed buffs for characters. OK to encourage exploration on foot and keep world completion a challenge don’t allow mounts to be unlocked on an account until one character has been round the block or until level 80 or both but man to help make Tyria a living world lets encourage people to travel through it and not teleport everywhere.
And for people who like choices to teleport everywhere cheaply and instantly rather than travel, well I would like given full ascended gear free but I am not getting that. Teleport should be a privilege not on gold cost but on play. I suggest the more we travel by overland and by mount the more coupons we earn to make teleports encouraging us players to populate a wider area of the world as we travel and saving way pointing only for special events.
Let the flames begin to lap at my legs as I put myself on a stake to be burned. Metaphorically of course.
This is a very obvious symptom, is it not?
However it’s not the players fault. Traveling in large worlds was tedious since the first large world that has been developed for an MMO. The problem was not that it wasn’t fast enough, but that it didn’t pay off. The motivations which keep us playing games like GW2 are to unlock new abilites, reach max level, find the best gear and maybe to compete and show off in pvp. Traveling doesn’t get you there AT ALL. In fact, in slows down progression in these terms. We only do it as long as we have to so Anet decided to cut traveling.
There are other games with large maps where traveling is fun and part of the experience (e.g. far cry). So there are motivations for traveling, they’re just not activated by traditional MMOs.
(edited by Escadin.9482)
Please refer to (and bump with your own suggestions) the following threads:
- Turret Bugs
- Turret Hitboxes
- General Turret PvX Discussion Thread
Posting negativity doesn’t get you anywhere.
there is no issue with hitboxes, bugs are completely known just not acted upon except a select few, and it IS for balance as in they need to be balanced correctly and not be useless in anything other than maybe Spvp and the occasional PvE this is the whole point of the post. like Mnemesis.8257 said, “why fix it if we could just slap a bandage on it” whitch is 100% what is going on right now.
does that mean there’s been mentioning of “bandagefixes” by anet for upcoming patches? Frankly, I’d take any sort of fix even the bad ones.
moving from map to map without mounts makes GW2 special.
not moving at all due to waypoints makes GW2 ‘special’. If you want to travel faster buy a solid-state drive (wtf filter?).
(edited by Escadin.9482)
I often feel like i’m fighting the UI more than the game. It’s one of the worst UIs of any game. Other things I hate:
- not being able to rearrange the UI
- the small size and placement of boons/conditions
- having to look at opposite extremes of the screen to see my vs my enemy’s health (obvious UEX/design fail)
- the personal story BS obscuring a large chunk of the screen
- modal windows that block windows below them instead of coming to front
- the many pointless dialogue windows that require manual closing
- search filters in the auction house that don’t work (>12months after release)
i could go on…
+no searchfilters for armortypes, backitems, shades
+no option to save search results or filter settings
They exist as:
- A rough estimate of power. Presumably, two level 57 Rangers will have the same potential for abilities, just have them in different places. So it’s understood when they balance a place for level 57 what should be possible. Note that the downscaling effectively makes this really dicey since a level 80 has access to all the trait points possible, and probably has a lot more skills (if not all of them) rather than the two dozen a level 57 might have.
- A “soft measure” of progress. People know there are 80 levels you can have, therefore by knowing they’ve hit level 40, they’re “halfway to maximum potential”. Rather than always just guessing if they’ve peaked or how close they are to it. It also allows people who want to to plan ahead to try to get the most effectiveness out of their growth.
- A rough estimate of how tough an enemy is. If you’re level 60, you’re going to have a different experience attacking a level 50 enemy than you do at level 40. By seeing that Risen Abomination is level 50, you know you’re either not ready, or very likely ready to take them on. (Note: Tequatl is an exception now, no matter what level his event is, you’re not going to cakewalk it.)
Yes that’s what a level system as well as character charts, damage values, hit crit and dodge chances, etc have been invented for: Representing the flow of the game, giving us a hint of what we have to imagine just happened. They had to invent those because there was no way of showing that character A has just dodged an attack from monster B, especially if you go all the way back to table-top games, but things have changed.
Everything those numbers and keywords represent can actually be simulated by computers now and therefor doesn’t need to be “told”. 1 example: When was the first time we were able to score critical hits through proper aiming (first FPS involving headshots?). We don’t need an RNG to tell us about successful and critical hits anymore. Basic concepts of RPGs and MMORPGs are way behind technological development.
Tied to that is the whole concept of improvements for any part of a characterchart that we currently have, like the whole “hunt for gear with better stats” as one of the most important motivations which is then obsolete in it’s current form as well.
The point is: You can actually make characters look kitten and “highlevel” enough to discourage newbies fighting them. On the other hand what was wrong with learning the hard way in the first place? Physical barriers can prevent the wrong fights too. I miss that about modern games sometimes… Offering a community based prestigesystem could help regarding pvp particularly, because one does not simply mess with the #1 killer on your server.
It is a nice and easy way to meassure progress, strength and replace playerskill / effort with hardcoded values. However it results in min/max builds and eventually makes ‘experience points/ money/ high end gear per minute’ a much more interesting thing to care about than the game’s story, environment or how challenging (in other words: fun) an encounter is.
There are tons of games out there without any levelsystem and they still manage to gateconnect. You should also consider that the progress of your exp bar doesn’t always represent how fast you pick up new strategies and proper use of abilities.
Personally, I would enjoy the learning process alot better if it was part of the main gamingexperience rather than a prolonged preludium to the actually important late game content. Being unrestricted from the skills I want to learn and master right now for as long and intensivly as I see fit, is what a level-up system can’t offer.
(edited by Escadin.9482)
Okay, figure it’s been a couple days since the patch, anybody find any Turret bugs that aren’t on this list?
Like the list isn’t already long enough…
“high end pc”
I run the game on a 400 € machine and with a very bad inet connection. Still I have never had any drastic fps (constantly below 24-30fps) or lag issues (position resets, disconnects etc).Everything else you’ve said may be true but this particular point is BS.
It’s not BS, GW2 is not optimized for use with multi core PC’s, especially AMD processors. I have a brand new system just built, FX-8320 oc’ed to 4.4ghz, and a 7870ghz edition graphics card with 8 gigs of crucial ballistix elite ram. Any other game on maximum resolution with supersampling and AA enabled, over 60fps, this game in an open world raid…8..maybe 10fps at best, on 50/15 internet. The game is very poorly optimized for any PC not running an intel processor, and the reason being is intels single threaded performance is 20-30% better then any AMD on the market right now, but that should not be a reason why a user cannot play this game, its laziness on the part of the devs to actually program the game for better usage of multi core processors and optimization for use with AMD processor technology.
Hate to break this to you. but that aint a high end pc. Its mid range at best. In point of fact its nearly the same as the Xbox 1 or PS4, neither of which are “high end”. My i7 rig is better than yours by a fair margin and even it aint “high end”.
But you are correct in that GW2 has horrible performance on AMD cpu based systems.
You missed my point: I have a midrange pc and very bad internet connection BUT no lags or fps issues at all.
2) Beeing a more offensive build that rellies on ( Deployable Turrets and Accelerant Packed Turrets) wich would be much more flexible when it comes to weapon selection and allow a better use of turrets in a power build. Sinds it wouldn’t be requiere to drawn attention away from them so you can freely choose your gear.
But personnaly, I think it is a bad design decision.
I didn’t mean bad mouth your knowledge about engineers, sorry for that.
This is probably why I suggested this. Playing alot of Pve I naturally run a full power / berserker build (30/ 20 / 0 / 0 / 20 ) with grenades because I prefer very long range. So maybe that’s the best use for turrets in my build I’ve come up with so far.
I deploy them to stay alive as long as possible when I see a chance, but mostly I want them to overcharge and then be tactically sacrificed for area weakness or heal (or whatever my team offers for combo fields) AND maybe interrupt someone when I don’t see a chance for them to survive. Either way, I will sacrifice them once the corrosponding toolbelt skill has refreshed (because this one scales with my equipment) and so it just feels right to get most out of detonating a turret. Additionally they are usually just as safe in melee range as they are elsewhere. 99% of the game content has been designed to be possible for melee only groups and many bosses even have dedicated safetyzones for melees around them. It’s not like the turrets care from where they’re firing ^^
I would love to have RTB but there is nothing in that traitline I desire (despite elite supplies maybe), but all those minor traits and stats? I don’t care for them.
(edited by Escadin.9482)
For 50 bucks they received so much content as in 10-15 single player games
I’m imagining GW2 on one side of the scale and 10 Elder Scrolls games on the other…
I have 3.1k hours into GW2m
On steam I have 1000 hours into Rift.
My next game is Super Monday night combat for 300 hours.
Xcom 125 hours.
I payed 60$ plus bought a 20$ expansion pack for Xcom.
120 hours on Skyrim. I payed 60$ for that.
I have only 350h in GW2 (just as much as in one of the most buginfested games of all: Chivalry MW)
700h in Terraria
500h in killingfloor
500h in skyrim (half of it just for modding)
I think the best deal will ever be terraria. I payed like 3€ for that and fun just never ends. Still, GW2 is in the big boys league (not counting €/h but how much quality time you can spend here) and I’m far from quitting tomorrow or any upcoming MMO that I know of.
Content isn’t diluted as much as in other mmos by a long shot since anet has cut grinding alot. I think the frame of whatever problem people may have with GW2 is that is still a traditional MMORPG.
(edited by Escadin.9482)
… thus increasing their chance to remain intact for the rest of the fight.
But they won’t.
I’ve been playing my engi with turrets ever since it was created and have no intention to swap to kits or some other BS just because Anet doesn’t pay attention to this subject outside of the nerfing alley.^^
Honestly though, almost every highlevel mob in orr, or explorermode will have some sort of AoE. It is very very rare that your turrets survive even if you plant them midway up the walls with deployable turrets+rifled turret barrels so they still can actually shoot stuff.
You should see the whole turret concept as a single skill. There isn’t only the turret itself + it’s overcharge but also accelerant packed turrets, detonation and the other toolbelt skills.
If you run berserker gear, that tactical missle offered by rocket turret will hit for 8k-10k. The flame field created by your flameturret’s toolbelt skill is one of our strongest burning sources.
I switch turrets constantly depending on my teamsetup and the next encounter. In any way, the best place for your turrets in most cases is right in your enemy’s face so they can explode properly. This is also a saver zone sometimes as melee classes got to have an easy time around heavy AoE bosses in gw. Let them fire until they die and be happy that you can once again use your toolbelt cooldowns + just had a couple of free detonations, which also remove a couple of defiant stacks.
(edited by Escadin.9482)
“high end pc”
I run the game on a 400 € machine and with a very bad inet connection. Still I have never had any drastic fps (constantly below 24-30fps) or lag issues (position resets, disconnects etc).
Everything else you’ve said may be true but this particular point is BS.
It’s that the people playing WoW would rather be playing WoW, where all their work has gone into it.
Do you think people playing WoW would rathe be playing WoW than a WoW sequel?
Imo, experience points and level are as ancient and redundant for a ~2010 released rpg as many other things like spreadsheet based combat, overly complex exponential functions and their vacuous values as an expression for “how many hits something needs to be dead”, waypoints as an excuse for how undesireable extended traveling is (even 2mins are tedious) and much more, while on the other hand the physical environment of a character and his position on the battle field mean so little that a pure melee meta can evolve in wvw (essentially castle siege scenarios).
There is a lot of possible innovation that could have happened with the amount of time and money spent on a project like GW2, but innovation wasn’t their goal. Their goal was to be successful by creating a product that almost every possible customer would at least try out. I don’t think abandoning a proven and traditional concept like exp and level up would have been a good idea in this case.
(edited by Escadin.9482)
You got a point, but can you really imagine them to change anything about it?
^ That about sums it up. If anything, they will nerf kits though. Despite all those issues engis are apparently a very strong class in pvp (I wouldn’t know), so I don’t see any buffs or fixes incoming.
We will have a reason to rely more on weapons, elixirs, turrets and gadgets once kits get their nerf which is a good thing.
edit: That list misses 1 thing:
Playing a supportrole is very undesirable in gw2. There are almost no healing numbers created by the interface, not even combat log will tell you about heal. Healing in general is not even required since most efficient heal is everybodies own heal cooldown and you will never get any visiual recognition for buffing people.
That alone kills 3-4 engi builds and a whole aspect of the class.
(edited by Escadin.9482)
Lol. Seriously though this is no joke. People have had their doors kicked in for nothing less by police and swat teams. Crime thriller authors googling for a little inspiration or other who posted thoughtlessly on facebook.
(edited by Escadin.9482)
I love your suggestions but like many said, this game is more for casuals and as such is kept as simple as possible. You can’t even expect people to read the actual tooltipps so most of your gold-worth suggestions can be rejected by the buzzword “complexity creep”.
Sadly you have the wrong audience for such changes as well as the wrong basic game.
would be nice to have
GW2 is clearly a mix and it is also not about balance. The game was made to cater to as many playertypes as possible. Balance wasn’t and will never be their biggest concern and this whole discussion will never even reach out to them (though I do enjoy joining for fun), so just don’t expect that anything to come out of this.
Whatever it has for variety and choice, wasn’t only meant to balance the game. One example here are how some of the classes are much easier to play and can still be as effective as other classes, so the game offers both: easy casual play and a challenge for more serious player.
‘Choice’ in gw2 evolves from the fact that every class is more or less capable of attending all and the same roles in a fight on the one hand, and that pvp in general and PVE in gw2 don’t require the player to pick a specific role on the other hand.
There are no tanks, healing specialists, or even extreme differences in two characters statsets wearing two completely different gears of the same level. (not like wow where a tank had like 3-4 times the hp/general def stats of dps spec’d char).
This is also the reason why we can have a melee only meta in WvW, which was absolutely impossible for a game like Warhammer online (almost exclusively ‘WvW’ but with very specialized classes, often unable to even hold themselves without being mixed up with other classes to counter their weaknesses- imbalanced type).
You can see GW2 has ambitions to be a ‘balanced’ game.
However, we have 3 different sources for damage: power, conditions, transformations (toughness -> power / condi etc). Despite the leading meta issue, in theory we would have to actively counter our enemies build in pvp. To have a chance against dire and rabid builds, we need conditions cleansing and some def stats on our own. Stunbreaker, invulnerabilities and traveling skills help us counter burstcombos with bonus crit damage. Everyone has to weight defense against offense, for that extra required hit on either party.
Additionally, while every class is capable of making such choices, there is no possibility to adapt during combat. If you meet a roaming Mesmer in WvW his build will most likely be aligned to current meta but it could just be anything in theory (and sometimes really is).
So let’s say you may already be spec’d to counter a bersi build, not expecting to meet anybody on your way to the zerg. Once he starts to hunt you down, there is no way for you to change that fact so you’re already counterplayed. There is no possibility to use your other utility spells (even untraited) because the game creates specialization out of nothing by limiting your hotbar slots.
This leads to the conclusion that we have counterplay and asymmetric during the actual encounters in a balanced game.
Imo, it wasn’t all balance reasons behind that design but let’s not talk about it. GW2 is a mix of both gametypes and therefor should be balanced as such. One thing that comes with such a mix is a much bigger variety of options to ‘balance stuff’ because if it just doesn’t work to balance 2 abilities so they’re equally strong, they can just change perspective and say it’s balanced relatively since ability #1 was made for an easier class or can be easier countered or belongs to an overall weaker set of abilities. It also covers quite a lot fundamental design flaws, which means they can run GW2 on a very very basic set of rules.
(edited by Escadin.9482)
second link from there. (watch for the blue circle aoe)
Critical damage is not the problem. The problem is game mechanics like reflect, corner stacking and even dodging which allows players to avoid damage altogether without any defensive stats and coupled with the fact that everyone has their own healing skill and condition removal and healing and tanking not being viable in this game due to heals being weak and the lack of an aggro system, stacking as much damage as possible and killing things before they kill you will always be the meta.
I second this. Pve in GW2 is 1 dimensional. Big surprise our strategies are 1d too…
However you can’t start fixing fundamental game designs 2 years(?) after release, so they have to hammer kitten until it is broken in a different way (“work around”) at least in order to “fix” what is currently wrong with zerker gear.
(edited by Escadin.9482)
How about anet stops touching what we already have and ADD some counterplay to all professions that lack it?
I mean, adding skills and traits that could temporarily shut down combat advantages would not only increase build diversity but make combat less stale. The way they go about balance is like hitting a totaled motorcycle back into shape.
I will agree that, in theory, nerfing everything will increase build diversity because whatever you choose is going to suck around the same severity. However, arenanet has not nerfed everything and has thusly contributed to the changes in the meta.
So I shall say this again…. leave what isn’t broken alone and start adding some more skills. If those new skill need a slight tap with nerf bat, then by all means do so but understand that breaking everything is not your only option.
^This is what almost every developer for online games (balance requiring games) does wrong. No idea why. No idea whether it will ever change.
1) The effect of grenadier has to stay, although I I understand it is a very powerful trait (maybe even OP). The thing is other classes have such overpowered GM too (just think about what ele’s got in the exact same slot). On the over hand it is really a poor decision to force anyone who wants to run grenade kit to invest 30pt into power.
Hower, I don’t think the grenade kit is able to compete with other kits or regular weapon skills if there weren’t at least 40% bonus damage around for it. Untraited grenades just don’t hit hard enough (if they even hit in pvp/wvw). Same goes for the 1500 range. that range comes with an insane traveltime for the projectiles and most of the time I need 1500 range so I can lead a my target in ~1000 range if it’s running straight away.
So yea, split it into a Gm and some other trait but don’t take away from the effects in general.
2) RTB awesome trait (or let’s say my kind of trait) but what does it do in that trait line? Is there even a possible build which would utilize it – given turrets were great and not bugged?
The traitline holds healpower/toughness, healing traits and power. That leads to a support / semi heal build. Turrets don’t scale with power anyway and elixirs or elixir gun are def the way to go for a support build, so RTB can obviously suck it. Even if I would still prefer turrets for support (maybe as tanks), infused bombs is a way better support trait. It would be stupid to pass on it so my turret tanks can deal 15% more damage (like 100 per hit?).
(edited by Escadin.9482)
Hi there!
I have my engy for 4 weeks now (first char) and even after all this time I still feel almost the exact same way about my turrets. Whenever there is a class with minions or even stationary minions (omg so many strategic possiblities!!) I’m already hooked for months usually.
However, there is one thing you should be warned about: Around this forum turrets are considered to be utter garbage due to a variety of reasons. Most of them are just nonsense, imo, if you always take the whole turret skill with it’s overcharge, HP(pve distraction) and it’s corresponding toolbelt skill into account. Especially their toolbelt skills (including both the regular and the detonation skill) are usually stronger than those from kits or some elixirs.
The only reasonable cons are a handful of bugs:
-overcharge / attackrange not always working properly (no idea how many of them have already been fixed).
-Displayed stats in all tooltipps are wrong, concerning rate of fire (usually a few % slower), overcharge time, alleged conditions and damage
-Damage stats are wrong because the tooltipps imply your turrets scale with your power and conditiondamage which is unfortunatly not true. I really hope they reconsider this particular point but since there’ve been complains about it since release we should doubt it.
Another thing that bugs me is that the most awesome trait of all Rifled Turret Barrels is hidden deep in our toughness & healpower tree, right behind elite supplies (only way to get even more turrets).
This means if you want to max your turrets, you won’t be running a damage build of any sort, plus you have to choose both of them over some of our best support traits.
As a result, I expect them to be the least used traits even if turrets had a better reputation.
On the other hand, classes with minions and turrets almost never work the way both of us enjoy in any RPGs out there. Most of the time they either have a limited use, uptime or are just too few. Your asura engy should do pretty well in comparison though so don’t get frustrated ^^
(edited by Escadin.9482)
Weird topic
As per definition, if all bugs were fixed and all overpowered abilities / builds were properly nerfed everthing would FINE. I don’t see the point in discussing whether we fear anets inability to fix or nerf properly more.
I think there are a few positive points about the mortar:
-IF not destroyed, it is the only elite skill with a 100% up time (as far as I know)
-May not outdamage grenadekit with full off gear and 30 points in explosives but it will definetly outperform anything with a full support build (let’s say 30 inventions / 30 alchemy / 10 x). It’s nice to set it up and fire it while your healskills and elexiers reload. After all you didn’t have to pay for the damage it dishes out.
-Until the mortar is destroyed, you cannot be pulled off a wall in WvW using it to bombard the enemy at your gate. If you can use line of sight to your advantage, enemy might even have a hard time destroying it.
Is this still up to date? Turrets definetly feel glitchy in a lot of ways but many of the bugs listed I can’t reproduce:
-I can’t explode thrown turrets before they land
-Are all the basic range / range with RTB / overcharge range with and without RTB bugs still existend since they’ve adjusted almost all of them with the last patch?
-What about the damage values and their tooltipp? My rocket turret’s tooltipp says 780 direct damage and 1134 burning. I’ve never watched it applying a burning condition but the non-overcharged rockets hit for ~1800 (target dummies or lvl 80 spectral guards in orr)
-rifle turret deals about 50% more damage than the tooltipp states.
-how did you test the healing turret? my interface doesn’t exactly tell me alot about any heal that might happen, neither does my combat-log so how do I check on how much it actually heals?
And another thing: What is the reason for RTB (only option to improve turret damage apparently) to be located in the healpower and toughness traitline?
(edited by Escadin.9482)