Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
(edited by Evan Lesh.3295)
Rewards are time-based now. These players must be in their match for the same amount of time as any other server. We cannot necessarily stop people from ‘playing’ oddly for their fixed amount of rewards unless it’s an actual exploit.
(edited by Evan Lesh.3295)
This bug is being looked at. Thanks!
Here are some more questions to answer if you are experiencing lag spikes:
Update on helpful information:
Trying using this command instead of a tracert, and PM me the results:
“pathping -4 -q 100 <ServerIP>”
This is most helpful if you do it DURING the lag spike!
If you have a game server IP while you’re lagging, PM’ing me your tracert is incredibly helpful.
Here is some literature on running a traceroute:
If you are experiencing lag and haven’t been disconnected, use /ip to get the server’s address. Then use pathping or tracert with the server’s IP and PM me the results.
Thx for the reply. Yes you can recheck the button, but it wont make the minipet visible, and if you close your hero panel and open it again, the button is unchecked again :S
Booo. Well, it’s getting fixed in any case.
The show/hide option gets always unchecked automatically in HotM, no way to make any mini visible..
The check/uncheck is tied to the auto-deploy not working. I believe you can recheck the button once you’re in the lobby. (don’t have live open right now)
Mini’s not auto-deploying in the lobby is a bug. You can still switch minis to bring them out for now, though!
The content direction system should not be showing in PvP. This is a bug and we are working on fixing it. For now you can turn it off in the general options panel.
It is intended that if you do not have a recipe unlocked, you cannot view it using the new inspect button.
Sounds like many people have their armorsmith and leatherworker showing this issue. Thanks for the reports! I’m working on a fix for this.
Spectral armor was changed to have a 50 second recharge this patch. Maybe that’s what you were thinking of.
This was a side effect of making sure as much as possible showed up in the combat log. Sometimes content would deal damage, but had no name. We opted for a blanket solution, but this could be changed in the future given it was a bit more far-reaching than intended.
This was a problem with standardized player models. This seems to have been fixed in the last hot fix.
A bug has surfaced which prevents certain base ingredients from being viewed via the new ‘View Recipe’ button. This isn’t happening for everyone, or even every discipline. So far the only affected account known is mine ( boo :[ ) and only on armorsmithing recipes. Any casing or lining recipe below deldrimor cannot be inspecting when viewing those ingredients from another recipe.
Does anyone else have this issue presenting on their character?
If so, what crafting disciplines do you have on your character?
How long ago did you install GW2?
Since most reports are coming from EU, can you post your ISP as well in case there is a problem on their end. Thanks.
(edited by Evan Lesh.3295)
What mode do you have the content direction system set to in the options panel?
If you have the downed target selected and are using camera-look (mouse buttons held down) then the interact prompt will not show. We are testing a fix right now.
I didnt see it in the screenshot there, but is it also going to be possible to see timestamps in seconds as well as minutes? That would make it all perfect.
Nah, time stamps haven’t changed. Would be an easy update to do later though.
/15 Videos plz.
A full-tab stats screen would be awesome, especially if rolled into match history. We are currently lacking enough stats to fill out a full tab, but once we get other priorities out of the way though, I definitely think we should fill out what stats we track. There have already been some good threads on what people would like to see (basically everything in the new combat log, but cumulative)
Your position on the leaderboards is based off your MMR, which is not a steady or linear way of tracking skill progression. This is why we are still focusing on ladders and seasons as a top priority in order to give players a more predictable way of showing skill progression over time.
Your glicko rating IS however good for matchmaking, as intended. It is used to find equal opponents for you to fight against, and becomes more or less accurate depending on the number of people playing and whether you play with the same five people every game.
The main factor in how stable your rank is depends on your MMR’s volatility, which will lower if you play many equal matches, and rise if you play less unequal matches. This is why you may not rise on the leaderboards if you play often, because your rating is only getting more accurate, not necessarily going up and down.
Next level necro: Although there wasn’t a blog post, we did announce the new combat at Gamescom coming in Feature Pack 2. Some details are listed here:
I figured it’s worth spreading the word since I haven’t seen it listed on any feature pack summary threads.I actually have a question about the combat log that you may or may not be able to answer.
Regarding outgoing condition damage – will it show the actual damage the target takes or will it be based on the potential damage the caster puts out? More specifically, what will the log show if I try to apply three bleed stacks to a target with 24 stacks already? Will it register in the log as me outputting damage equal to three stacks or just show the damage from the one stack I was able to apply?
It should match exactly what the floaters show, so actual damage done.
Next level necro: Although there wasn’t a blog post, we did announce the new combat at Gamescom coming in Feature Pack 2. Some details are listed here:
I figured it’s worth spreading the word since I haven’t seen it listed on any feature pack summary threads.
Thanks for the feedback. Queue pops could do a lot to be more clear.
Evan, I don’t know if you’re familiar with Smite, but I love the way they handle team communication.
It takes a little practice and getting used to it, but they have a hotkey (V) that initiates voice commands. From there, you enter a series of letters/numbers that correspond to a very specific direction. Some are simple like attack or defend, but others claim “Ultimate is Ready” (VVVR) or “Defend Left Lane” (VD1) or “Enemy Missing Middle” (VF2) etc…
Not being a MOBA, GW 2 wouldn’t require as many of these commands, but it could be a way to improve team communication with minimal mouse involvement, allowing players to stay focused on the action.
I have played Smite, but I was not a fan of how complex their comm menus were. Sure you can develop the muscle memory, but its hard for new players and all that work goes out the window when you have a new map with a different lane structure.
^ There are going to be things that can’t really be included, I think, and these may qualify. So just using the treb example, you could add: “Use our treb,” “Kill their treb,” “inc treb shot,” “inc to our treb,” “repair our treb”…. So on and so forth b
So I think bare, important basics are all you need. Because anything else may be too situational to really need to include as an option.
Plus, most of these things are contextual. Ping on an enemy treb to imply killing it. Ping on your own empty treb to imply someone should use it. Ping on manned treb means help it. Ping on dead treb means repair it.
I would love to see simple rotation requests as an option. “Rotate to home from spawn” and “Rotate mid from home” would be great, and so would"Hold" and “on my way to A, B, C”
Probably no more than 8 options would really be needed but simple stuff to make communication easier would be cool.
For suggestions like these. What happens if the new game mode has no capture points? Do those options just get replaced with other things?
I suppose they would have to be replaced by other things that are very relevant to that game mode, like killing a flag carrier or guarding them, or etc. etc. that applies to said game mode.
This is why combining functionality with the map seems like a good way to go. Just point at a position on the map and say, “Going here, Need help, Retreat” etc.
I would love to see simple rotation requests as an option. “Rotate to home from spawn” and “Rotate mid from home” would be great, and so would"Hold" and “on my way to A, B, C”
Probably no more than 8 options would really be needed but simple stuff to make communication easier would be cool.
For suggestions like these. What happens if the new game mode has no capture points? Do those options just get replaced with other things?
Thanks for making this thread. It would be interesting to know all the desired requirements of a system like this as it pertains to Gw2 PvP. Even in Dota2 I only end up using a couple things on the wheel: Missing, and sometimes backup. I usually just spam map pings for everything else.
Pause feature: Implementing this in an MMO makes my head hurt just thinking about it. I honestly see no way to do this without a significant rework to most systems in our game unless we implement a pseudo-pause.
What do you exactly mean with pseudo-pause?
A pause that just feels like one but isnt quite a pause. So not the game pauses instead every player cant do anything anymore, but the game still goes on (environment and so on), you just cant move anymore and cant activate skills. But it will be hard for them to do this with the AI (all thus petting zoos) and such things.
At least this is what I could imagine he meant.
This. We could make the score stop ticking and players not move, but imagine what would have to freeze in order to have a fair resume: Exact player locations, even if you’re jumping over a gap. Persistent AOE effects. In-flight missiles. Every boon and condition. Capture point progress. Skill recharge. Its a nightmare. Just freezing score and position is not good enough in a lot of cases.
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Thanks for the reply Evan Lekittenhese are all good responses!
One thing my frand! Vee Wee wasn’t talking about voice emotes even though that is an interesting idea! Vee Wee was thinking more along the lines of fast chat menus!
Same feature. I would want voice emotes tied to the fast chat so people could hear them without having to always watch chat.
PS. What is a Lekittenhese.
Test Servers: These are hard to do at the moment, and not something we will support for now. It takes a lot of manpower to manage another live environment and iteration on features in that environment takes a lot of extra lead time.
Skyhammer: Obligatory “Nothing is off the table”. (except deleting skyhammer)
Communication emotes: I really want this and think it’d help coordination a lot. I enjoy this feature in games like Dota2 and HoN. The problem I run into when thinking about this is how to make the feature approachable for all game modes without requiring 50 different voice emotes. This could be solved with generic lines, or automatic clarifications (like Dota2’s missing call know what lane you’re in). Feedback on this feature alone in a new thread would be awesome.
Leavers: We’ve been collecting data and are discussing if there are better ways to apply dishonor.
AFK Check: This comes up a lot, and we’ve discussed it plenty. Rest assured we understand this problem and have discussed ways to solve it.
Pause feature: Implementing this in an MMO makes my head hurt just thinking about it. I honestly see no way to do this without a significant rework to most systems in our game unless we implement a pseudo-pause.
Match history: Yes.
Voice Communication: I wouldn’t mind this, but I’m unaware of what the rest of the company thinks about this one.
Build Templates: Drool.
Split skills:
Passive Skills:
Balance Patches:
Balance peeps could answer these.
Disclaimer: I make no feature promises.
The attack has been happening for at least a couple days, so it is reasonable to assume people have received multiple false dishonor stacks.
(edited by Evan Lesh.3295)
Thanks for the feedback. This definitely hits on the rising themes we’ve seen coming from the community.
Creating a sense of progression through the different PvP types is definitely something we want. Hotjoin is not structured enough for new players, while team and solo arena are too daunting.
Open spectating of rated matches requires a lot of back-end work to make it scale to any number of viewers and support delays to prevent abuse. It is also less of a priority than leagues and seasons. Especially since we still have authorized shoutcasters and streamers.
We have disabled dishonor for the time being. Upon logging in, your dishonor will be cleared, and no new dishonor stacks will be applied.
Once we are sure any players who received false dishonor have logged in or waited 3 days, we will re-enable the feature.
In the case of malicious attacks causing disconnects, we should ideally be able to forgive dishonor. We currently do not support this, but it is something we’ll look into adding for the future.
PvP Gameplay Programmer
Can you ask the Lesh Prince what it’s like being so fresh?
See you there Blu
(edited by Evan Lesh.3295)
and even backseat designers like me!
Pretty sure we updated targeting some many months ago to tighten up the vertical selection distance (on level 3). The goal was to better allow selection over/behind people’s heads and selecting people on geometry like bridges. The change was very slight though, so I doubt it would impact your experience.
If you’ve been away for extra long, there’s a new option to disable right-click interact which helps prevent deselects.
Nope, not on autopilot. Nope, not designed by one designer. I Promise features are coming eventually. I want them finished and as badly as you do!
Let’s say that, currently, players have to choose between two extremes: either they go full competitive, or they’re left with mindless, unstructured chaos.
In other words, there’s no alternative, outside of competitive queues, that offers structured matchmaking for a quality pvp experience.
(Cough We need an unranked/ leaderboardless queue cough)
This is what I want to get answers to. Is this entire thread a product of not having enough room for casual players to progress within our modes? If we did have an unranked arena, would hotjoin be as big of a problem?
Hotjoin is going to be chaotic no matter what we do since people are free to leave at any time. For people who are wanting a more structured experience, why not play solo or team arena? I’m not asking this to sidestep your concerns, but rather to find out why there is a desire to force structure upon hotjoin when there is already a more structured game mode. This would help us determine if hotjoin actually needs some restructuring, or if there is a better place these types of players can go.
this will make entering spectator mode to force auto balance working as it is intended
This is not intended behavior. One upset player should not be able to force other people to switch teams and stay in the match. Auto-balance is there to keep the team numbers even as people leave the game.
This thread started with finding a way to NOT let people force auto-balance through spectator mode to get on the winning team. Now I’m hearing that this must be preserved with any hotjoin changes because it ‘balances’ the match. I would much prefer players sit an extra minute in a 4v5 to let someone new fill the spot then let players constantly jumble the teams.
Teams are constantly jumbled anyways.
If you want to prevent teams from constantly being jumbled, then let them fill up a bit before starting them. Starting new games when there are only 1-2 people in the game total is a recipe for disaster that we’ve sadly tasted too often.
What about upping the minimum players in ArenaNet custom arenas from 1 then?
At some point you change hotjoin enough to just become a queued arena, which is not the point of custom arenas. I really believe there are little changes we can make that will result in a huge difference.
This thread started with finding a way to NOT let people force auto-balance through spectator mode to get on the winning team. Now I’m hearing that this must be preserved with any hotjoin changes because it ‘balances’ the match. I would much prefer players sit an extra minute in a 4v5 to let someone new fill the spot then let players constantly jumble the teams.
I’ve adjusted the position at low resolutions to always be below the targeting UI.
Hey Evan, I am sorry, but it is not fixed. This is a clear visualization of how serious this issue is. (this is a hot join game I joined to test,.)
Sorry, I meant I’ve fixed it for a future build. Things like this cannot be fixed without a build, and this isn’t hotfix material. You’ll have to wait a while.
It’s nice to see a response to a player’s concern. Something like this thread is NEVER seen in WvW.
Just the fact that you…
1. Recognized an issue.
2. Inquired about and found root cause
3. Replied that the issue was resolved but that it would be rolled out in a later fix.WvW forum process is instead.
1. Recognize an issue.
2. Say it will be fixed “soon” or say “we can’t discuss things in development”
3. Silence…….. sometimes for as long as a year
4. When players Necro original thread, post a sticky threatening players about not Necroing threadsEven though I don’t play sPvP, I’ll go out of my way to say thanks for resolving this but more importantly, communicating back to the players about the issue. This is the type of community building that has been lacking in these (GW2) forums.
I consider this a special case because it was a trivial fix. We all work in much the same way.
Perhaps you should come try sPvP…
I’ve adjusted the position at low resolutions to always be below the targeting UI.
Hey Evan, I am sorry, but it is not fixed. This is a clear visualization of how serious this issue is. (this is a hot join game I joined to test,.)
Sorry, I meant I’ve fixed it for a future build. Things like this cannot be fixed without a build, and this isn’t hotfix material. You’ll have to wait a while.
I’ve adjusted the position at low resolutions to always be below the targeting UI.
Apologies if I’ve missed it, but I have yet to see someone suggest team-switching to spectator working the same as switching between Red and Blue. Disallow it if it would unbalance the teams. The general case is still possible, but harder. One person could move to spectator in a 5v5, but autobalance wouldn’t happen unless another player from the same team left the arena completely. Even if this doesn’t fix the problem entirely, it still makes team switching more consistent and less able to be abused. This should probably be done regardless of any other steps we could take.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.