Showing Posts For Fashion Mage.3712:

Glacial Wrath

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Sounds OP to me too. Although it’d probably be fine if it had an appropriate ICD, or if it proc’ed on something more rare like blinds.

Bow for Guardians maybe ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I’d love it if the guardian got a longbow, with a side of healing arrows preferably. ;0

Also, longbow > shortbow style-wise imo.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Guardian - Purging Flames is inconsistent

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

From what I’ve tested, it doesn’t (usually?) remove the stated three conditions. Unless I missed something, it actually kind of looks like it only removes one condition.

[Guardian] Ray of Judgment - NoCast Error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Same for Orb of Light.

Superior Rune of the Monk

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

It affects healing effects originating from you on allies only (ie. not on you).

bug fixed?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

The only “bug” that got “fixed” was the nerf on the AoE size of the tomes’ cone abilities.

Is Rune of the Monk good with Guardians?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

It depends on the kind of guardian. In my opinion, there’s no better rune set for healer guardians.

Take note that the description is correct in that it only affects allies. So you won’t be getting any survivability from the healing bonus.

Guardian Wishlist 2014

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Seeing the healing-centric utilities becoming a bit more useful would be nice (because they’re kind of bad at the moment). Something like:
- Signet of Mercy gives +18% healing to allies (like Rune of the Monk) instead of 180 healing power, and the revive is faster.
- Bow of Truth scales with healing power.
- Merciful Intervention heals for more and is ground targeted.

Guardian Wishlist 2014

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

A Longbow for Guardians and a new line of tome utilities followed by appropriate traits. ;o

Scepter. How do I make it love me?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

It’s the only weapon that works decently with Unscathed Contender as well.

About Purging Flames...

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

It should always remove 3 conditions off of everyone in the AOE when it is cast, including yourself. If it isn’t, it’s a bug or you’re having conditions reapplied to you very quickly.

Thanks for the clarification.

I’ve noticed that poison is typically the remaining condition after I cast it when I should’ve had none after casting. I’d have to test it to be sure of course.

About Purging Flames...

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Does it really remove three conditions? Does it remove three conditions in total, or three conditions from every ally in the field?

From what I’ve seen from it, it doesn’t seem to consistently remove three conditions from me (when I’m the only one I’m using it on). Sometimes it’ll only remove one or two conditions when I clearly have three on me. Is it bugged or am I missing something?

The bad trait/skill list

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I’m sure this is sarcasm but i’m dead serious. I put it borderline because it requires so much healing power to be effective. Any sort of DPS build will get no benefit from it.

So because DPS builds don’t benefit from it much, it’s borderline useless? :p

new guardian trait idea

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I think a trait which converts consecration light (and fire?) fields into water fields would be quite interesting (perhaps as a grandmaster trait). I mean, I think consecrations are the only utility line that don’t have a corresponding grandmaster trait.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

new guardian trait idea

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

^Not to mention Healing Breeze is the most powerful heal to allies in the game (besides Light of Deliverance). With 1400 healing power it’s like an 8800~ heal to allies (going into the 9000’s with Monk runes).

The notion that a healing guardian’s supportive healing is inferior to a water elementalist’s supportive healing is a fallacy as far as I understand. Even without Tome of Courage, when properly specced for it, guardians might actually outheal (in terms of ally-healing) water eles. With Tome of Courage, a guardian is by far the best healer in the game. Of course Tome of Courage isn’t always on, but the amount of healing it provides just with Heal Area alone is pretty stupidly high (providing you have healing power).

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Fire fields?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Personally I’d prefer light fields to grant something better than retaliation on blast/leap (protection? Vigor?).

I always thought that Area condi cleanse with a 240 or 360 radius would fit much better than 1-2? second of retaliation. But protection and Vigor would be awesome too.

I was thinking that too, but I was just following the trend that the effects from leaps/blasts are different to projectiles/whirls. :>

Fire fields?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Personally I’d prefer light fields to grant something better than retaliation on blast/leap (protection? Vigor?).

6th rune of the monk and 10% more heals

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I made that response specifically because I was “educated” enough to read the april feature pack notes further than anything just concerning guardians, despite a guardian being my main.
The devs mentioned that this new effect only affects allies when they were talking about the elementalist trait Aquatic Benevolence (in the notes that is, not the stream), and when they go on about the changes to sigils and runes (they even bolded it in red text if I recall correctly).
As Ozii said, it was also apparently mentioned in the first patch stream for those who prefer streamed notes over normal notes for whatever reason.

Not only that, but this is easily tested in pvp (which you seem to have forgotten about, according to your OP).

It affects healing from regeneration by the way (which I tested in pvp of course).

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

6th rune of the monk and 10% more heals

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Someone mentioned on this forum that the 6th bonus only applies to allies and not the caster ( like Sigil of Benevolence ).

I’ll add it to my list of things to test though

“Mentioned it”? It’s on the rune description. I don’t know why, but people don’t tend to read the effect properly: “10% Outgoing heal effectiveness TO ALLIES”.

Mixed signals...

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I agree with Kamikaze. Having traits that better utilize our current conditions would be far more interesting than just bursting people with conditions.

They should make the Guardian burning unique compared to the other burn condition.

Name it Blue Flame or whatever.

Well now, wouldn’t that be an interesting trait to have? :p

Healing Breeze's tooltip

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

The healing you provide to allies in the tooltip seems to be incorrect as far as I’m aware. At max healing power in pvp (about 1400), the tooltip states I would heal for about 874 per tick for the cone. When I tested it on a friend, I was very clearly healing for approximately 1747 per tick. I had a full Rune of the Monk set on, but that should only increase my healing to others by 10%. No matter how I look at it, the tooltip seems completely wrong to me (not that I’m complaining, the heal to others is insane).

I think I remember ANet mentioned once that Healing Breeze’s heal gets 50% stronger when you’re healing allies or something (I think it was something different), but if that’s true then it isn’t represented on the tooltip nor is it stated in the wiki, and it still doesn’t account for the full 1747 healing per a tick.

edit: Found the change to healing breeze I was talking about in the second paragraph of my post:

Healing Breeze: Doubled the base heal when healing allies. Scaling from healing power has been increased from 20% to 40% when healing allies.

That’s probably why it heals so much, but it’s hard to tell just how much it affects the heal since it’s been changed (I think it doubles it?). Again, this still isn’t mentioned anywhere, nor is it ever mentioned on the boards. :>

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Sigil of Water or Renewal?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

It heals for about 900 (with 1400 healing power) I believe. I’m not 100% certain though.

Sigil of Water or Renewal?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I think it’s worth mentioning that Sigil of Water’s effect originates from where your attack hits, not from where you are.

Guardian is balanced = cop-out

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

A healing guardian’s healing is pretty good in my eyes (plus Healing Breeze just got a great buff; Rune of the Monk is also perfect for healing guardians), and Tome of Courage essentially makes the player a healing monk for 20-30 seconds.
They could probably be better, but I think it’s at least viable (in pvp, idk about the other modes). I have to say though, I wish guardians got their own Aquatic Benevolence trait. ._.

Eles+blasts do better that role, one thing i avoid in my groups are healing specced Guardians.

Elementalists do the role better normally, but from the (somewhat loose) calculations I’ve made: a healing guardian’s healing output is about 33% weaker than a water elementalist’s healing output, however, a guardian’s healing output far outscales that of a water elementalist via Tome of Courage. Additionally, a healing guardian offers a lot of defensive support in other ways (bubbles/wards, buffs, aegis, etc), whereas elementalists generally have a lot less of that sort of thing.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Guardian is balanced = cop-out

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

A healing guardian’s healing is pretty good in my eyes (plus Healing Breeze just got a great buff; Rune of the Monk is also perfect for healing guardians), and Tome of Courage essentially makes the player a healing monk for 20-30 seconds.
They could probably be better, but I think it’s at least viable (in pvp, idk about the other modes). I have to say though, I wish guardians got their own Aquatic Benevolence trait. ._.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

A NET not listening to the complains

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I think it’s quite a bit of an overreaction to say that we’ve been “nerfed into the ground”. Although, I do agree that the new traits are fairly pointless for the most part, and the devs also probably should’ve released a new rune set that gives boon duration as its primary stat in compensation to not being able to mix-up runes.

Also, yeah, ANet doesn’t tend to react to player feedback very often. They just say “We’re listening but we don’t necessarily agree”, which doesn’t really tell me that they’re actually listening. The last time I saw them actually react on the fanbase was when they buffed the scepter’s projectile velocity a bit (after like months and months of complaints from players).

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Another patch, another guard nerf !

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Force of Will is good, its passive but good. When you look at it objectively you are getting the same amount of vitality you get by investing into a entire trait line. I’d say that’s worth its keep. Some people say why take it over pure of voice? If you run consecrations you don’t need pure of voice. Remember none of the traits are suppose to be replacements but options.

I would’ve loved something that directly enhanced consecrations.

Dedicated healer ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I never said it was trivial, I just said it’s a long ways off from dedicated healing.

As for poison, there are thousands of sources for it. You couldn’t possibly keep it off anyone who is being focused.

So what would you consider to be the approximate numbers of healing for a dedicated healer?

It depends on who and how many people are focusing the target (for example, guardians, mesmers, and warriors don’t exactly apply poison frequently). It also depends on how effective your combined allied condition removal is.
For example, if you have a guardian who can place a few light fields, just tornado it and then blow out all of your burst healing. I do realize tornado isn’t exactly an on-demand thing though.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Dedicated healer ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

One word: poison.

Also… the numbers get big over time. But that doesn’t mean anything. It’s all about Healing Per Second. Our HPS is a long ways off from what is needed for a dedicated healer.

Condition cleansing? It’s true that they’re quite weak to poison providing it isn’t cleansed, but if anything this only shows how powerful their healing is.

Those healing numbers should all happen within like 10 seconds. I’m fairly certain that the sustained healing of this is also very high (I’d need to calculate it to be entirely sure of course). Either way, 30000 burst healing is no joke.

edit: Very loosely calculated, but their HPS to allies should be around 1600~ hp/s.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Dedicated healer ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Don’t think so, however new trait + full monk rune = 20% outgoing heal which makes it much better than before.

Um, no? Aquatic Benevolence gives 25% extra healing to allies, and Rune of the Monk gives 10% extra healing to allies. This adds up to a total of 35% extra healing.
With 1400 healing power, Aquatic Benevolence, and Rune of the Monk’s bonus (and applied on allies of course):
- Geyser heals about 4700hp
- Water Blast heals for 1k every blast
- Healing Rain (assuming 45% boon duration) gives about 17 seconds of regeneration in total, which heals for about 7300hp (!) in total.
- Bursted water fields heal for 2160hp
- Healing Ripple (trait) heals for about 3650hp
- Evasive Arcana’s cleansing wave heals for about 1800 (in pvp, double that in any other mode),
- Soothing Mist heals for about 2000hp every 10 seconds.
- Sigil of Water heals for about 700 on each activation.

In total, assuming sigil of water procs twice, Soothing Mist procs once, Evasive Arcana procs once, you land four water blasts, and there are three water fields bursted by you (via arcane brilliance, arcane wave, and earth staff #2), that all adds up to 31450 healing. Now I don’t know about what you guys think, but that’s not exactly a small amount of healing. Take into account that this is all AoE, and the numbers go into the 100000’s.

That being said, I can’t say with 100% certainty that they’ve reached the “dedicated healer” level yet, but along with the more “monky” guardians (staff, Healing Breeze, consecrations, Tome of Courage, etc), water elementalists can get pretty kitten close to that level.

Aquatic Benevolence is so underrated. I wish there was a trait like this for guardians (I’ll be enjoying it on my elementalist at least). >_>

Edit: Forgot about the water bolt spam from a Tornado’d water field.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Few question after the changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I like that 6 bonus, %10 more healing for everything can give some of the sustain we loose over the nerfs, but one statement in the Wiki disturbs me.

Guild Wars 2 Wiki

10% Outgoing heal effectiveness to allies.

Not that I’m complaining. I really love the new Rune of the Monk.
Anyone have any idea if all outgoing healing boosters affect regeneration applied by you as well?

Radient Retaliation

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

It also has really, really bad synergy with Tome of Wrath for those who use it, since that applies perma-retaliation but only multiplies your power.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I was really hoping the default town clothes could finally be used in combat. Instead they’re now a tonic (that’s unusable in combat) and undyable (and the dyes for them look really ugly too). I can’t stress how disappointed I am… >_>

Mace Attacks X2 Faster

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I wish the staff had a trait that gave that much healing power. ._.

Super simple QoL change for DPS Guards

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Or they could just make the name “Zealot’s Wrath” (or make it a symbol of swiftness). :p

While they’re at it, they can change the Symbol of Swiftness icon from a shield to something swift-looking. The amount of stuff they haven’t cleaned up yet from the beta is actually pretty surprising. >_>;

Ideas for new condi-esque weapon skills

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

change Orb of Light, into some sort of fire projectile

No thank you. I very much enjoy the theme of light magic, especially on the longish range supportive weapon that is the staff.
Liking that symbol suggestion though, although it might just be better to make a trait that makes symbols burn entirely separate.

If spirit weapons were improved, a condition build with them could be decent (via the A Fire Inside trait).

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Tome is amazing with healing power in small scale organized play, I have been running Elite Focus with it for a long time(tome is 30s instead of 20) with lots of success, 2x #3(long lasting regen/prot) and 2x aoe daze goes such a long way, all the abilities are great… I put down a hallowed ground before it in real rough situations and it often singlehandedly turns outnumbered fights around, have to land the #1’s and keep dodge healing.

^This. The tomes synergize greatly with consecrations. So much so that I don’t really think guardians without consecrations should use them. The long durations of the consecrations let’s them have an effect while a tome is active, and the safety that the consecrations offer allow the user to pull off the long cast time spells easily (especially Light of Deliverance/Judgment). The fact that both tomes and consecrations (if traited) are long-ranged also makes them go together quite well.
Healing power also goes quite nicely with Heal Area (ToC #1). A spammable 2000hp~ heal is nothing to scoff at.

The tomes probably aren’t for everybody, but with the appropriate build they’re fantastic. At least, Tome of Courage is. I haven’t experimented enough with Tome of Wrath to be sure. :>

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

not a chance against a good mesmer?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Same. The best I’ve been able to do is cast Sanctuary and Hallowed Ground on myself before I get bursted, and then staff #1 away the Mesmer’s illusions. Doesn’t exactly beat the mesmer but it let’s me bunker a little more. Of course, Sanctuary isn’t really an on-demand thing.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

I love and hate how stable we are

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Sad, but Guardian is so “stable” that I believe this is how Longbow will be if they decide to release new weapons.

1) fire an arrow that sparkles
2) fire an arrow made of light
3) fire an arrow that is holy
4) fire a holy light arrow
5) fire a sparkling holy light arrow

At least we’d finally have a proper ranged weapon. :p

No Spirit Weapon changes in next Update?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

First: because they don’t care.

Second: because they don’t care.

I mean, that has to be the case considering that spirit weapons have been broken for like over two years now.

I use a support/healing guardian, and even I’d like to be able to use Bow of Truth knowing it doesn’t suck.
Making a spirit weapon build would also be nice knowing that I wasn’t gimping myself. They’re a good concept, it’s just that they’re executed horribly (and they aren’t the only utilities executed badly).

No spirit at all....

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Wouldn’t it be great if spirit weapons were actually summoned and used by the guardian as a direct main hand/offhand weapon? Could still keep the current traits that affect spirit weapons even, may be redesign a few…

Meh, I’d prefer that they add in utility tomes, and then while they’re at it, they can do their jobs properly and fix spirit weapons (like that’ll ever happen). Spirit weapons are great ideas, so I don’t think they should be replaced. It’s just that the devs completely ignore half of the guardian’s utility skills.

Disappoinment about upcoming changes

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

very excited
cant wait for them to happen.
very good changes


Grand-master Brainstorming

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Wait. Can the valor block proc from an aegis to begin with?

The interesting part is multiple guardians running communal defense. One passive aegis block triggers a party-wide aegis

Sorry to disappoint, but 360 range isn’t ¨party wide¨.

Guardian Grandmaster traits

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

It would be fun if Anet would release overpowered traits

I’d be fine with that providing that they’re interesting, otherwise they’re just as bad.

Disappoinment about upcoming changes

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Also disappointed.
At least the ele changes looked nice from the quick glance I took at them.

Not many changes to the Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

So boring, so stale.

I’ve been playing the same build since beta weekend 2.

Guardian development has been about as exciting as watching paint dry.

The most exciting change for the guardian for me since the beta was a projectile velocity increase for Staff’s Orb of Light. I think that says something.

Boon Duration Nerf

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

this forum tend to assume their class is the worst and bleh bleh bleh because they never try any other classes

Don’t you get tired of making baseless assumptions about other people?

Not many changes to the Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

That sigil(rune?) of benevolence looks awesome for healing guardians. I’m a lot more excited about that than any of the absurd yet boring trait additions for guardians.

now i understand why Force of Will was shown first. it looks A LOT better now with all the garbage surrounding it

Made me giggle. Nicely said. XD

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

New grandmaster trait = trash

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

But that new sigil for outgoing heal looks delicious…


Well at-least we have Aegis. 1 block every 40 seconds is worth the 20k hp reduction
oh and a shield that doesn’t block anything

Guardian needs massive work. The thing is, nothing people say here really matters.

They “listen” though, technically speaking. So don’t worry. They’ll listen to the users here; they’ll just continue to not change anything in regards to their suggestions.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Not many changes to the Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

^About as boring as I suspected.

Do you guys want to make the Guardian even more OP?

The guardian is in a great position as it is.

No, they don’t. They want to try out new things with the guardian but they can’t because half of their abilities have been imbalanced towards the underpowered side.