I agree with Coaxial. GS is just so good as being both mobile and very high damage that it’s been hard to convince myself to use other options. Axe/Axe is nice, but besides the burst skill feels subpar (lack of mobility for instance).
Yeah. Charged have TONS of uses for really highly sought after skins/legendaries. Glacial don’t.
Ok, cool. Thanks. What about bank though?
How come these aren’t available yet? If they were in the game at all we should be able to search for them on the TP, whether one has been found or not.
Also, the Personal Merchant still says “Account Bound”.
Did the change not correctly go through?
Some of you guys are funny. You won’t buy one gamble because you were unlucky, but you’re more than willing to buy into the same gamble with a different name.
Azjenco, I’m saying that there will be new crafting components specific to Wintersday. To get them, you play Wintersday stuff. Activities, events, etc.
We took a very different approach to Wintersday crafting than Halloween. There’s a lot more recipes and we made some of our unique skins considerably more easy to get.
Honestly man, I appreciate the answers, but when it comes to the market, just keep your mouth shut. This kinda of statement quickly gets spread through the blogosphere and has a REAL effect on the market.
Mr. Smith should pull you into his office and have a little chat imo.
There are many negative things I could have posted here, but most would have been chat filtered.
Don’t tell him what answers to answer. Don’t pretend like you know more than him about the game. And don’t take it out on him that you invested too much money in speculations that likely won’t turn out well. That was the risk you took. Just sell now and move on.
With the way culling works in WvW, the 3 seconds of visible is more like 1 second if you’re lucky.
Does the system favor party/guild members over random other players?
This sounds like a much better solution since we can still see the dots on the map for allies. Lowering ally based particle effects could also reduce the work load of the game by a lot. Just keep white circles on the ground. That’s all we need to see really.
I admit though, some people managed to bypass the TP restrictions and we got items like “Power trader” and “Transmuted weapon” (really odd this one) on the broker showing for 350g and 750g.
I wouldn’t be surprised if some players made it past 10kg and put a legendary on TP for s—t and giggles.
Putting up buy orders for items and listing items are vastly different things.
lol, John. You shouldn’t have told them it would happen. You should have just let it happen.
A counter to this is to limit the amount of minis allowed to be shown in an area.
Yeah, that limiting factor was used in GW1. Just have a maximum amount. The mini’s don’t even have idle animations like they did in GW1, so it’s even less intensive.
How many chests did you open to get multiple EL tonics?
I almost never see people with minis. There are a couple reasons for this I think.
First: You have to take it out every single time you change map/instance. That get’s really old, really quick.
Second: Deposit all sends it to the bank. Certain bags can do away with this problem, but it requires you to have those specific bags in the first place. I personally greatly prefer general use bags for all purposes.
There is a very easy solution to this that I think would greatly increase the popularity of mini’s and can’t imagine anyone not being in favor of: A mini-pet slot.
It would be in your “H” menu. You just pick a mini-pet that you want and ‘equip’ it. Then it will never be sent to your bank and it will automatically appear every time you enter a new map/zone.
Good point Mandrax. Although I enjoy playing, so wouldn’t mind it too much. Others might see it as a chore though, when they already have a level 80. Thinking about it, you’d also lose any soulbound equipment you have, which could be a bigger issue.
The soulbound isn’t connected to the name, but to the actual character code. It’s why you can’t delete a character, create a new one with the same name, and use the first characters equipment that was bound to them.
Slightly off topic: The swamp is the best of them all. It’s fun, innovative, and (most importantly) it rewards group communication above all else. Players have a chance to finish it very fast or very slow, all based off of coordination. I love it.
Which precursor are you talking about? The Hunter stabilized around 115g and I was able to afford it after grinding it within 6 days, starting from 0g.
That’s almost 20 gold per day. That’s not even possible to ‘grind’ for is it? Unless you meaning playing the TP, but that’s not grinding.
Guys would you please stop whining about ascended gear as you are doing it way too soon. The stat difference between exotics and ascended it very small, therefore no need to get them if you don’t feel like it. Also, people are talking about having to “grind fractals”. there are 9 different fractals with about each having multiple paths. Lets say you would have to play to level 15 to get ascended ring (by then you would also have the mats/gold to get ascended backpack btw). That would be 45 fractals + 7 times the jade boss. So about 5 times per fractal. To get full set of dungeon armor you have to play each path more than 5 times. Also, a fractal takes 10-30 min to play with a PUG, dungeon run takes at least twice that. So it really is not any more grind than if you want dungeon armor set.
Another point. You all want skill to matter, not gear. Fractals level 1-9 is the place where this is the fact. More than anywhere else in PvE. In each fractal you have to work with your team. If you are skilled, you can be the guy who makes the team work (saving everyone when you are wiping, or being the kitten who just outdamages the enemies. Here you have to be able to stay out of red circles. It helps if you can follow what the bosses are doing. In swamp you need 3 guys to take right skills and know what to do. In dredge fractal you need everyone to have good idea what they have to do.
Ascended gear was and is a thing gear grinders can look forward to. It add’s a lot to do and lot of challenges to them. If you don’t want to grind, you still don’t have to. No1 outside fractals requires you to have ascended gear. It doesn’t help.
Last but not least I want you to think this, whether you agree or not:
ascended gear might not be the perfect way to work as a middle way from grinding exos to grinding legendary, but if you screw the ascended gear, fractals are a great way to work towards legendary (farming ectos for example).
You are exactly the problem.
Yes, you are the only one. Every other player in the game besides you has a legendary already.
Who says there are fixed locations? A random person on a forum?
There is 0 evidence beyond anecdotal that points to fixed locations. There are so few precursors that have dropped at all outside of the mystic forge, that any response you get in this thread (aside from a dev, which won’t happen) will be wrong.
Whatever the result, whoever thinks differently will say it’s just a vocal minority. It’s a nice argument, works anytime you don’t like what someone is saying.
This is painfully true. I see it in almost every single debate ever made on the internet.
You haven’t searched enough or you overlooked a spot. Just to tell you it isn’t worth it. =)
What do you mean? You know their use?
Scavenger hunt for a precursor. Amazing idea.
Rewarding some players hundreds of times more for the same ecfort with zero risk involved. Amazing horrible idea.
The problem is that I deleted my items as soon as I found out I couldn’t get the bugged syuff from the previous day. So, I’m unable to be rewarded now?
I really enjoyed spending hours doing an auto attack event, which I was lagging so bad for the first 45 minutes that I could not activate ANY skill. I would relog and be dead. Wasting money on repair and waypoint costs.
Then I get kicked right before the end and get no reward at all.
I really loved it.
I am absolutely livid right now. I don’t even have words for how mad I am.
Guildie got an awesome ring today
Omg. I would love that. Perfect for an Ele.
Yeah, this happened to me as well. It really really is no fun.
Adding the holy trinity and raiding would totally crown this game as king of the MMOs (imho ofc), then throw in some goals (DAoC style) to WvW, while removing the repair bill in WvW and it would just be heaven.
This is already the best MMO out atm, but it could grab more players if it used the WoWisk style raids and dungeons, the dungeons clearly arn’t working as thought when the forums are full of players upset about dying so much in every instance. The “everyone’s a DPSer” was a good idea, but it clearly isn’t doing much in the fun department when it’s nothing but die and run back, die and run back.
Some way of adding in trinity style play a bit more may work, we already have the heavy armour classes and some healer elements, and after all, there is no reason not to cover all the bases, making everyone out there happy?
Or do we only play to the call of the choosen few?
If that’s how you play dungeons, no wonder you want it the archaic (easy) way. You could just stand in one spot and button mash. I don’t foresee you sticking with this game for long unless they dumb it down a lot.
Players rewarded by the amount of times they repeat content not by how well they perform in that content. GENIUS!
A huge, huge no for higher stats and a mob mechanic that rewards a gear stat over skill.
I only like it when new skins and content is added. With no stat improvemnts.
The main stat actually appears to have almost a 50% increase in stats (3% over 7% magic find). So instead of 300 as a main number (easy number to explain with) you would have something like 430. For EACH item.
lol. I saw that coming.
Have a better “PIN” for your whole account and this solves the problem altogether. If someone wasn’t good enough at creating and securely keeping one password, what makes you think this would be any different?
An option to change colors would completely solve the problem.
Financial Jump Puzzle?
Now that the Halloween event has come and gone, finding others that want to take part in brawling will grow increasingly difficult. I think it’d be awesome if we could have a designated place to look for competition when we can’t find it in towns. To make this idea really work, there would need to be more achievements and titles (and possibly other rewards) associated with it, too.
I also like this suggestion. Weapon swap that toggles through the attunements would be perfect.
GregT on the previous page had a very good (albeit snarky) post. He’s exactly right on all accounts.
As far as rewards go, I think costumes (to brawl in) is one of the best options for rewards. It’s displayable, doesnt affect normal gameplay, and feels like a real prize. Minis are nice, but much less interactive (for now?). Titles are great too, but needs to be used in conjunction with actual rewards.
Speaking of costume brawl, we really need to be able to have a designated area to do it in when we want competition, but can’t find anyone. I think I might write that suggestion sometime soon.
Yes. Permission granted.
Then wait until he does? L2patience. The price will only go up anyway. Calm down.
I think they either nerfed it recently or DR kicks in after a few runs. I got 2 exotics after about 3-4 runs. I’ve probably done 20 since then with nothing but greens.
Are you playing this game on a N64?
You forget, it can’t be armor because it doesn’t have a dress/skirt attached to it…
Why would they let them drop, but make the mats cost hundreds of gold?
Sieg.8439I can’t seem to find the recipe for The Crossing… Do you have a link for its recipe?
Like I said, they’re all on the wiki:
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Souls <- The Crossing
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_SpidersI was going to create pages for the exotics themselves (The Crossing, The Mad Moon, Arachnophobia), but the wiki is in read only mode during maintenance.
The wiki doesn’t list where Crystal Lodestones drop for The Crossing staff. Do you happen to know where I can farm for them at?
Yes it will be.
Go ahead and prepare yourself to spend about 400g on it.