Seems you’ve misunderstood me. These are merely answers of current topics regarding the new achievement system, based on past observation and logical aspects.
These are not in any way reflected upon what I personally think “should” be and whatnot.
Really….looks more like your thoughts (insert opinion) to me. As much info as you think you have on non released content….
I dunno about the “behavior”….but I completed it over three days when it started. Bit too much of a grind, but I noticed that back then they appeared a lot more. I still try the holos to actually get coffers, but only like one in 12 get me pirates (I don’t want the pirates now though :P).
But I can tell the spawn rates have dropped.
Im torn…I have the money (gems) but can’t get myself to buy any of it.
Griffonrook Run is actually pretty easy if you’re not bothering with the bomb.
Really…..? So your first time there without any knowledge of it was “easy”. You are the god of JPs then. It wasn’t easy at all to us mere mortals. Until we tried it a few times and/or read up on it.
The new JP was easy to me due to the amount of portals and the lack of interest in the diving ach……but that’s me :P
It is content whether you think it is or not or whether you like it or not. I’m not a huge fan, but love that they are putting stuff out so often. I almost wish they would wait three months at a time and deliver better put together stuff. But I would never complain that it isn’t content.
Are you trying to say that us “elite” players shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy content from low end maps? I think that aside from the other people on the map griefing you with name calling, you’re also being rude to suggest that we not play those maps.
Please realize that having other down-leveled players in the area can actually help make Heart clearing faster. All you need to do is tag the enemy a few times, and you get credit for the kill, and for the Heart quest. If other people are clearing mobs, follow them and join in on the fun. But if you miss out on an enemy, it’s not the end of the world since they do respawn.
If you aren’t one of the player ignoring low level in the zone and killing everything is sight? Then no…not you. And it was already stated that the respawns were immediately demolished. Really isn’t hard to read…srsly
We’re not talking about the Hologram enemies. It’s the normal mobs and tasks for completing Hearts.
Ummmm yeah….. Same here. Just like the OP said. PPL are running around killing all mobs in low level areas hindering new characters/players.
We don’t have to keep repeating this do we? Lvl 80 marauding across newb areas so much so that you cannot get your normal hearts/event’s done. Not a huge issue on my server, but it has been happening.
Are you trying to say that us “elite” players shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy content from low end maps? I think that aside from the other people on the map griefing you with name calling, you’re also being rude to suggest that we not play those maps.
Please realize that having other down-leveled players in the area can actually help make Heart clearing faster. All you need to do is tag the enemy a few times, and you get credit for the kill, and for the Heart quest. If other people are clearing mobs, follow them and join in on the fun. But if you miss out on an enemy, it’s not the end of the world since they do respawn.
If you aren’t one of the player ignoring low level in the zone and killing everything is sight? Then no…not you. And it was already stated that the respawns were immediately demolished. Really isn’t hard to read…srsly
I didn’t want the wing…got them in four hours of play when the event started. Dropped from a boar I believe. Looked lame so I sold it. :P
600 or so coffers later, I get a ticket. Now have a funny looking rifle.
Well short of 1000 coffers opened…4 minis and a ticket. I’d like to know how you people know the exact number you opened…obsess much :P
Yeah…cause a filter will do the job….
Try grouping with others that you see in the area and follow them around. (Most) People on my server (Blackgate) have been kind and wait for other players to show up for the holo, then hit it. Granted there are still the players that will run up and hit it whenever but still, try grouping
Again…not talking about the holos per say…read?
the content was new for everyone when they logged in, everyone learned how to play dragon bash so just learn how to play the game yourself. the only real problem is with afk not being kicked after 15 seconds or at all. as for the holograms that you’re trying to get, it’s first come first serve unless people are being nice enough to wait for those in the area running towards them. coffers also drop from regular mobs as well as the holos. as for the places with hearts, it’s a shame that your friend can’t do them atm with so many players round the event.
I think you missed the point entirely. The OP never once said they wanted to do the holos….it was just simple getting the bandit cave done for the heart. Did you read it at all?
“coffers also drop from regular mobs as well as the holos.”
Exactly…but not if EVERY MOB is being slaughtered in that cave or anywhere else. You cannot get anything done as a new player or on a new character that way. I have seen this happen too and can’t wait til the “L33T” level 80 players decide to get bored of hunting coffers. The epitome of lame right now…all this burning through low level as an 80 for the sake of it being easier. Man up and go to more unpopulated ares.
Holy smokes, a reasonable post! Good job. Expect backlash, though. lol
I quoted Si…he is unbacklashable :P
I agree too…but in the words of Si
It’s a big fat goose egg
As far as getting the same opinion
Still.really fun to me…but it’s debatable why i guess
Hopefully…as much as a “fanboi” I HOPE to be….I still only lay what’s fun. Just hope it keeps goin.
Are we still talken about the game?
lol…my typo
Hopefully…as much as a “fanboi” I HOPE to be….I still only lay what’s fun. Just hope it keeps goin.
The games population has been declining since Nov-ish. Not a surprise considering thats the route most mmos take.
Games population took a big hit in November and it’s been increasing ever since. Servers were expanded recently to deal with an influx of people. How is that decreasing?
Just because the number of players is increasing does not mean the number of active players is increasing. Many ignorant people tend to neglect the fact that activity is different than the number of players. There could be 10,000,000 players, but if they only log in once every week for an hour, that’s different than having 1,000,000 who play several hours every day.
It exactly mean that jack!
People who leave over nerfs to a profession probably aren’t worth trying to save. Just saying.
People like you should perhaps spend time enjoying this “great game” rather than typing to strangers in the game’s forum? Or maybe spending time with family and/or become involved with real life situations? Your forum history quite frankly speaks for itself, so i’ll leave it there! Thank you.
Ah, attacking ones personal life in forums. Now you have matured, grats.
No personal attacks there i’m afraid. I may have accidently quoted a previous poster, but I was just broadly speaking really. Cheers.
You just sound upset that people can have lives and have done something with their lives and still find time to chat on forums and play a game. But I guess time will tell.
Nope, sounds as if i’ve pulled a few strings with you too! Sorry.
Lol nope, we have tough skins :P I’m actually farming but have to wait between them to go active.. So I pop in and out to get my daily humor from trolls and whatnot.
Well, if i’m a supposed “troll”, technically speaking you’re “trolling a troll”, which makes you just as bad as I am. In your opinion ofcourse.
You really just posted that? srsly?
Goodness me, stop trolling already! Also, is it really that hard to type “seriously” instead of what you wrote? :P
Ok…prolly right
Besides…we might be friends on the field
People who leave over nerfs to a profession probably aren’t worth trying to save. Just saying.
People like you should perhaps spend time enjoying this “great game” rather than typing to strangers in the game’s forum? Or maybe spending time with family and/or become involved with real life situations? Your forum history quite frankly speaks for itself, so i’ll leave it there! Thank you.
Ah, attacking ones personal life in forums. Now you have matured, grats.
No personal attacks there i’m afraid. I may have accidently quoted a previous poster, but I was just broadly speaking really. Cheers.
You just sound upset that people can have lives and have done something with their lives and still find time to chat on forums and play a game. But I guess time will tell.
Nope, sounds as if i’ve pulled a few strings with you too! Sorry.
Lol nope, we have tough skins :P I’m actually farming but have to wait between them to go active.. So I pop in and out to get my daily humor from trolls and whatnot.
Well, if i’m a supposed “troll”, technically speaking you’re “trolling a troll”, which makes you just as bad as I am. In your opinion ofcourse.
You really just posted that? srsly?
I love it. And nothing anyone can post can top it Vayne
People who leave over nerfs to a profession probably aren’t worth trying to save. Just saying.
People like you should perhaps spend time enjoying this “great game” rather than typing to strangers in the game’s forum? Or maybe spending time with family and/or become involved with real life situations? Your forum history quite frankly speaks for itself, so i’ll leave it there! Thank you.
Ah, attacking ones personal life in forums. Now you have matured, grats.
No personal attacks there i’m afraid. I may have accidently quoted a previous poster, but I was just broadly speaking really. Cheers.
You just sound upset that people can have lives and have done something with their lives and still find time to chat on forums and play a game. But I guess time will tell.
Nope, sounds as if i’ve pulled a few strings with you too! Sorry.
Self delusion….seriously?
Yer wife plays?
More validation than Anonymous.6935 can give
Have fun actually playing…
I really wish most would write their threads like this. I can get to the points and “see” all of the points and not be bombarded by anti GW crap.
I can say that I agree with a lot, but not say they are game breaking (which I believe you are not doing either).
Hope you stay around a bit more…at least until the next brain waster comes out
I guess you’re entitled to your opinion, and I fully respect that. However, i’m going to ignore it.
Which make you invalid on these boards.
Can I order this paperback?
This is why you won’t get a valid or constructive opinion. We need the lecture note a full friggin week ahead of your post
I know that “some of you ppl” on the innernet can write. I know you can make reports. I get that.
Then er can give our opinion
Then you can expand…
Iz how these thing started. Not with 50 page reports to analyze before we could rebut.
I don’t think you’re understanding that I’m no longer interested in your opinion.
This one and your last reply sums it up. Don’t post you biography on the state of your mind whilst playing an MMO in a ten page mocumentary…then ask for replies.
Guess this game is for full on elitists who have nothing better to do with their lives, spending every waking minute on this game (and the forums too it appears looking through people’s history).
Bring on the fan boys flaming me now! Life goes on, people will quit, doesn’t matter though as you can still play this broken game for however long it’s going to last. Or even…yes even walk out of your current accomodation and get back to the real world.
:PThese forums very much amuse me! Ha!
So you are not an “elitist who has nothing better to do with their lives”. Then why do you sound so upset about what they are writing here in the forum? Why do you care? I would think if you have better things to do with your lives, you would either already playing the game (or not), or doing something “useful”, and not ranting here about “elitist” and no-lifers. Clearly you cared, because you are also one of the “no-lifers”.
Sorry, just attempting to open people’s eyes! Can’t help myself really, being caring and all that!
I did enjoy this game on the odd occasion and after reading about the upcoming patch, I thought i’d add in my “2 cents” so to speak.
I apologise for offending you, which I quite obviously have given what you’ve written.
You cannot open ppl’s eyes to what is not real…period. Your opinion is just that
People who leave over nerfs to a profession probably aren’t worth trying to save. Just saying.
People like you should perhaps spend time enjoying this “great game” rather than typing to strangers in the game’s forum? Or maybe spending time with family and/or become involved with real life situations? Your forum history quite frankly speaks for itself, so i’ll leave it there! Thank you.
You sound so angry. I don’t know why. GW2 is just a game. Why do you sound so angry?
Does not…sounds like he has logic
Can I order this paperback?
This is why you won’t get a valid or constructive opinion. We need the lecture note a full friggin week ahead of your post
I know that “some of you ppl” on the innernet can write. I know you can make reports. I get that.
Then er can give our opinion
Then you can expand…
Iz how these thing started. Not with 50 page reports to analyze before we could rebut.
Agreed Vayne….and I just don’t get it.
Didn’t think it would be too long before a fan boy would come waltzing by, giving it his/her all!
That’s a good description of your stance. So you are just here to troll fanbois…awesome
Says the OP
I actually read it all. But you have so much that can be considered BS or opinion. Then you leead it into the next BS session.
So again…if you keep it short and simple, we can disagree with you easier.
Lol to many of these people. Who cares what they say you know? They’ll still spend £100’s a month on their monthly gem spend to satisfy their little gaming life.
You’re not the only one though…two people here also quitting if the patch nerfs do go ahead. Heck i’m not the best player in the world, I struggle quite alot with thiefs etc at the moment. God knows how i’d cope with the nerfs lol. Guess they’ll be nerfed properly soon enough!
Guess this game is for full on elitists who have nothing better to do with their lives, spending every waking minute on this game (and the forums too it appears looking through people’s history).
Bring on the fan boys flaming me now! Life goes on, people will quit, doesn’t matter though as you can still play this broken game for however long it’s going to last :P
Who do you know that plays this then? I don’t spend L’s or G’s
Bring on the fan boys? They wouldn’t know where to even start a conversation with you. English…speak something that can even “broken” down into English. Cause the only thing broken is your thinking.
What is with this long posts to start with?!?!
I am not reading through 3-7 paragraphs. This is a game. State your post, then explain it at in at least ONE or TWO paragraphs….give us a break!!
Provost… while the Guardian in question may not have been the best, and ignoring the necros skill, conditions need a SLIGHT rebalance in terms of their ability to do damage and stacking.
You’re funny. That’s a good joke. ..What game are you playing again?
Tell me how D/D Elementalists can currently cleanse the vast majority of the Conditions on the just by simply switching Water attunement?
I refuse to be lectured to by somebody who can’t even read the full post and understand that I was satirizing a post that offered a misguided justification for one of the many ridiculous changes this patch is making.
Write smaller posts so we want to read you “opinion”
First off, let me state that I love this game, but I am also not afraid to be critical of it. Let’s face it: Guild Wars 2 is dying already.
Only read that…laughed my kitten off…and moved on
Sadly, Vayne, it seems to be the people that whine the most are the ones that are heard.
Is why I just update and play. If I actually find something bad, I report it. I don’t post it on the forums for debate and some BS pat on the back. Just want the broke things to get fixed. I really….seriously don’t see that with most here.
Like politics…they want more added to the patch for their own agendas
Doesn’t matter…
These "veteran gamers’ will continue to post like this….
Even though a “veteran gamer” would know that games are games. Not life. And thus have no real claim of celebrity in life.
Find another player who needs it (try LA) then one kites it while the other gets the skill point, then swap over for the other person..
Not so tough if you keep moving..kill sparks first..
Kinda what I said.
Torn between frivolous or a genius way to get passed it and should stay. We had a giggle after the first tow deaths or so…but others wont. I don’t think is intended to both fight Champs and vets though. But “challenge” is there.
This game was designed to minimize the loot stress that you’ll find in other games. The design is intentional. It doesn’t appeal to griefers, as a rule, because it’s hard to grief her by comparison. It can happen but it’s not easy.
Some design elements that make this my MMO of choice:
1. No tagging. Do you know how many times in WoW I waited for a boss to spawn only to have some guy who came later tag it before I could, so I had to wait for him to spawn again to get my quest reward?
2. Everyone has their own nodes. In Rift I used to use knockbacks to mine nodes while fighting, in fear the guy two feet away was going to steal it from me, even though he saw I was fighting the guy on top of it. Can’t happen here.
3. Everyone gets their own roll on loot tables from mobs, from vets, from champions, from chests. No rolling for stuff, You’re not taking anyone else’s rewards.
4. No one can steal your experience. You all get credit for killing stuff, so it’s not usually a bad thing if someone shows up to help. In fact, running with people, which I do frequently with my guild increases your loot and experience gain, because you take things down faster. Farming in a group, if you do farm (which I seldom do) is amazing in this game.
5. The community is much much nicer than other games. You know that guy you mentioned OP? The one who wanted to help new people. That’s me sometimes in Guild Wars 2, just standing around in an early zone, waiting for the Maw to spawn, or just chilling and offering help to new people. I do it several times a week. To me, it’s all about community.
Welcome back, OP. There really is no game like Guild Wars 2.
I love this post!
Now if there’s any, what’s your horror story for trying to leave gw2 for someting else.
There isn’t any. Not anything even close.
It’s a friggin game. Games are recreation, not anything else.
Long OP read about an opinion not fact…
LOL! Buh bye
THIS IS A GAME!!!! Go boycott things that actually matter to the world genius!!
On dual axe, you use more of the secondary skills so you have more animations. A lot of the skill includes both weapons to be used in the animation. Dual swords, same thing. In both sword/sword and axe/axe, the first three main hand skills (usually use main hand on for the animation but both main and off hand to swirl aground an such.)
Whenever you get into the mixes….not so easy. But basically, it comes down to what does your off hand do with a certain weapon in your off hand and hat skills are use (what class)
A and D turn left and right.. No mouse look button if that’s what yer thinking.
Much more easy to use the right mouse to turn as well as looking up and down…all around the word.
I’ve leveled 3 to 80 and one to 66 (along with many, many alts ranging from 13 to30), all since just about the start of the Winterfest event. So that’s like…just under five months playing semi-casually.
Only thing that becomes a chore to me is doing the same are over and over after “I” make yet another alt.
No real chore in this game at all to me. (Well…you could rename Orr to Chorr)
Last time I checked it was called skill CHALLENGE
There’s a place in Orr that has a communal Skill Challenge. Problem is, the crazy flying champion with an aggro range of a million yards and can readily take two or three lvl 80 trying to get the SP.
There is, however, a workaround. We just tag team the Champ and run around avoiding the SP are while the other person communes. When finished, we swap…assuming we are both alive
So I do see what the O kitten aying. There are many places where Champs roam around that already have many regular mobs as well as the vets. Can get ridiculous at times.
Some off hand weapons do have animations. If you are doing your base attack, it will depend on what skill sets and/or weapons you use. My Mesmer uses sword/pistol. The main attack only has to do with the sword, so unless I actually activate one of the pistol skills, it won’t animate. I think that seems reasonable.
Costume Brawls (something that nobody does outside of when they have to for dailies) was added before duels…..
What was anet thinking exactly?
I hate duels. I hate the duel system in most MMOs. I have blocked so many annoying “duelists” in other MMOs just for this.
Costume brawls are voluntary. You “suit” up and go. It’s a blast to me because it’s not a bunch of little morons running around asking for duals to ppl that just don’t care to. Almost irritates me as much as the old gold moochers did.
This. I hate duels with a passion. I turned off duels in WoW because some kitten would always plop down out of nowhere and want to duel when I was in the middle of farming or whatever.
If A-Net never put in a dueling system, I wouldn’t give it a second thought. Just one less checkbox I have to check in the options panel.
So you’re going to take out a major part of a game that many players would absolutely love to have, simply so you don’t have to go into your options a single time and check a single box?
Many players obviously have stated they would not love to have.
Why is it that you and a couple others think that a check box is all that it would need to make this happen? Not that simple. And they need to work on real things right now. Not “dual me dual me dual me”
Your missing the combined favorite: “Duel me!!!! Oh hahah I seen your gear soobaaddddd omgomg” Gosh, that used to be so fun to deal with /sarcasm
Yeah. Someone up there did at least make a good point about it passing time. But then, I don’t sit around waiting for some group to gather or mob/boss to spawn. So I can’t relate much.