These sort of events are nothing more then to generate Anet money, and to be a money sink on gamers. Im not dishing Anet, i get it, they need some sort of income to run a free game model. And these events are just the thing, makes perfect sens.
Iv notice one or two things about these events – one, people complain about the rarity of gem purchased boxes. Two, people dont learn from past mistake and purchase it again on the next event.
Want to possible change things? Dont buy the boxes, and just maybe Anet will increase the % chance on the next event. And then we can all run around looking the exact same (abit of sarcasm there xD).
The server (wvw) lag is quite bad when zergs meet and greet. And do wonder why this cant be fixed by Anet, and even more baffled how a game like Planetside 2 can field 2000 players on one continent and not get any sort of lag (not including gamers own hardware limitation).
Between my wrench and confusion shot im hitting around 800 to 900 damage (wvw). Sure i dont get the memsers confusion stacks (why should i?), but with what i got and all the other lovely condi from my grenades.. Well target rarely stand afterwards.
So i personally dont find the pistol worthless the slightest. Its slow as F—-, yup, but then again i only use it to tag/dot something.
I rarely get that bug where it dosnt trigger mist on double tap. And when i do get its because there 100 something on screen doing all sorts of crazy stuff, but even then im rarely on the front line (grenades) and it still triggers just fine.
Any chance you guys been under fire doing the double tap? Iv fought dd eles, thiefs, mesmers, rangers who did an aoe attack just as i pulled the healing turret which broke it down instantly, and i got no blast aoe heal. Its incredible weak.
Just got it on a overflow servers.
If your on an overflow server at the 2 hour mark and it turns night, you wait another 40 min befor dawn. If your unlucky, you wait another 1 hour and 40 min.
Just got it after 40 min night time. It happens 5 min befor ingame dawn.
Wait, so if I understand the position, if the fireworks start at say 6 and you get to Lions arch say 10 minutes before 6 but you land in and overflow that has an hour before dawn you have to wait an hour before the fireworks? If so that doesnt make ANY sense. How are you supposed to know what overflow you’re on and where in the day night cycle you’ll be? You can’t. Even if you jump on LA all weekend you could miss every show due o the fact you could be dumped in a different overflow everytime. I sense gifts to be sent out in the mail shortly…
Bingo. Iv been in a overflow where its been night for a good 30 min now. If night last 40 min i hopefully should be getting it soon (doubt it tho). If not i gues ill lottery my way to next overflow.
Yeah.. how long is this night and day cycle in GW2?. Its now 20:16pm in some overflow and nothing has yet to happen yet, again like 2 hours ago…
As I posted before, it’s a 70 minute day, 40 minute night and 10 minutes of transition between them. Yeah, not exactly intuitive:(
kitten . Screw that, time to afk for 2 hours.
Cheers anet.
Yeah.. how long is this night and day cycle in GW2?. Its now 20:16pm in some overflow and nothing has yet to happen yet, again like 2 hours ago…
Gawd, ingame time.. Did you even consider overflow being a problem with that?.
Completely screws up your two hour time frame. What newbie work this is.
Hasnt triggered on GH either.
Gues ill try again in an hour.
Nobody has any fireworks, atleast not on Gunnars Hold.
^Thanks for the link Uther.
Heres UK and US/PDT time (hopefully its correct). Or in short – 2 hours to go.,5368361&h=2643743
Seen this happen at EB/Mendon aswell. Server who shall not be named at this time placed a 3-4 AC just outside the gate DOWN the slope and filled the entire tower with arrows. It was impossible to defend against.
Guessing by the end of the month more people will have figure this out and exploit the hell outta it.
^Could be Uttar, i didnt really get a good chance to pay attention. I just died so fast i just went – the hell, meh moving on. xD
If theres ever a next time, ill see if i can find an arrowcart.
Lost my 17k health pool in 3 seconds after throwing my nades twice into a blop of zerg. It wasnt the actually impact of the nades that did it, it was my bleeds. 374 retal a tick from multi targets with my bleeds. And my bleeds do 108 per tick, a pretty nasty return i must say.
Lesson from this. Dont play with the zergs, just not worth it. Back to killing roamers.
I mainly use the shield for the exstra blast heal from the healing turret, so between grenades and confusion i do more then enough damage that i dont need the pistol burn.
Im quited suprised at how many in WvW ignores a stack +5 confusion and bleeds, +10 if they forgot to evade my mine. Especially love it when a thief is doing that heartseeker jump thing. xD
Just got back after several months aswell, decided to try a new character and 50 levels later i think iv seen about 5-6 players through out the zones at various times (Gunnars Hold). Altho WvW on GH seem to have increased in its pop quite abit since i was last online.
Cant tell if its the crappy view distance that make it so wont see any players befor they run off or if everyone is just sitting in LA calling out dungeon runs. Whatever the case, the zones feel empty, chat is empty. My Guild left for Planetside.. Im lonely!:(
Atleast i can login on the forum now, hopefully the game wont be fare behind.
Your vids are great, really wants me to level a engi just for www. But i then realize i just aint got the reaction time you got. xD
I suggest wearing a cup, that way, you won’t even have to “adjust” yourself.
Haha, you picked up on that one. Nice one. xD
Yup, dont get it either. Im doing just fine on my D/D ele.
The range on RTL was abit of a kick in the nuts, but i adjusted.
They could just add a spawn timer to your death, like if you dont do anything in the next 10-20 seconds you automatically spawn at home base.
Figures this would end up in the JP puzzles.
Iv seen several bots in frostgorge sound teleporting all over the place. Especially under water for some reason.
You know, i have the exact same problem just with Burning Speed after using Updraft, i have to click the key twice most of the times befor it kicks in.
And at times when i use RTL my character will just stop moving, as if stuck for a split second. Its really weird.
I got the App Toymaker title + 100 cogs, 15 slot bag and a new back item. Wasnt sure i’d get it since i didnt complete everything.
Didnt finish anything with Bells, or thouse magic snowman you had to find. And couldnt be bothered with the Toypocalypse randomness.
Completed Gift-Bringer, Gift-Stopper and Jump Puzzle. Plus all the TIXX town visit aka dungeons, and smash the town. Thats about it.
Should just lower the points to 0.1 gain per tower/keep/garrison you own after 2am, every two hours, and go back to a normal rate around 9am. Or even later!.
Maybe thouse pesky night cappers/zergers will finally get some sleep. xD
Yeah yeah crappy idea.
Iv been out shopping for presents, food and beverages for xmas. Aka i got no money for gems, and very little gold as it is. So i got fat chance of getting any of the goodies that wintersday has to offer /Bah!.
I gues “Too Hard” is fitting tho i havnt actually been able to purchase any boxs. :d
Its the night zerging that annoys me. Its almost as if you cant night zerg you cant win WvW. Prime hours are fun tho, zerging vs zerging. Just after 1-2am our server pretty much goes to bed.
Its fine for EB, as it gives the lesser populated servers a chance to play that map.
However for a defending borderland its a pain in the rear end. Why should a invading force of 10 players get such an easy foothold?. If 10 players decide to attack another servers borderland they outta work for it rather then just smile at some epic boss and let it do all the work.
It dosnt really help either that if your already on a low pop server and 10 invaders start this break out event on your borderland. You cant defend against it.
If you have to make it easier to attack another servers borderland, just remove any chance to upgrade the two towers near their entrance. Just dont need the PvE for WvW.
Let Break-out event stay in EB and for borderland defenders only. Remove it as a mean to attack another servers borderland.
Am i wrong?.
Lol, thats quite a suprise. xD
I love the xmas scenery, and did quite enjoy the JP, much more then the last one. xD
Tho im getting to a point where i have no interest in hunting down 100 something items (or magic snow) this time around. And the Ring in the Season event either dont link very well with my wireless keyboard or it got abit of lag. Whatever the reason its more stress then fun that one. ^^
Even so, “Thank you Anet and happy holiday”. :-)
I have yet to see anyone be able to counter a zergs portal bombing, so dropping 20 players smack in the middle of everyone is still going to own everything.
This “nerf” aint going to change anything.
How do you differentiate between hostile and non hostile if you’re using colours? I mean from a distance ….
Keep one eye on the radar!. xD
Thats the common mob mentality for you. When more then one person attack a single target they find themself “untouchable”, and completely lose track of anything around them and their allies.
Great video btw, that ele got a good feeling between his stances. Wish i had that.
Something should be done, maybe remove the silver fee, because its a total waste money to upgrade camps atm. They constantly flips.
Thief, no doubt about that. The constant blink in and out of stealth is the most insane thing iv ever had the pleasure of playing and playing against. Especially if the thief have heal on stealth.
Got my own 80 thief, its fun as hell watching people just give up. But when im on my Ele, well its easy to see the other side aswell. Frustrating as hell. xD
Nevermind, it was actually the Chantry of Secrets POI. kitten that was silly.
(edited by Glog.4275)
This happen to me five times last night. I thought i was losing it or had crappy connection, they just vanished into thin air.
Would indeed like a fix for that.
Havnt seen AG exploit anything.
Tho the guy further saying AG have “less players in WvWvW” is obviously a nutter. xD
You guys can zerg the crap out of GH and WR at the same time. Im so fokittening jealous of that!. ^^
Agree 100%. Everyday i login and wonder what to do in the PvE area.
Traveling around looking for DE’s is pretty expensive, and the return is quite poor considering the time sink between events. So i always end up in WvW hoping one day i’ll get “map completion” (which just dosnt seem possible!). :/
Tried the dungeons for awhile, was fun the first few runs. Then it became avoid this and that & go straight to the boss that will yield you the tokens of whatever. Rinse and repeate.
(edited by Glog.4275)
If you can get most people aboard the Arah event chain is a pretty good grind. xD
Just gotta fail it on the first steps, then its 10 min downtime (for it to fail ofc) and then the 3-4 events starts all over with the camp under attack as the kick-off.
We didnt have enough people in the earlier hours so we were grinding these events.
Likely wont do any good in prime hours tho, so.. yeah its probably a crap idea overall.
So i finally finish the personal story for my Guardian, and now i want to get into dungeon running. Im just not entirely sure what traits, skills or weapons i should be using in a dungeon.
Using 0/0/30/30/10 & working on full knight armor with cleric jewlery, 6 soldier runes:
Iv tried a few story dungeons and i always survive great against most things, but the party usually died rather quickly and i couldnt help but think if its was because of my setup?. Should i be using mace/shield rather then hammer?. Any tips is most welcome for a dungeon running guardian!.
P.s should i aim for the AC armor Pow/Vit/Tough?.
(edited by Glog.4275)
I thought doing the event again with the same level 80 would result in no chest at the end?.
Minus the “reinforcement” part (which took an eon) i thought the hole event was as interest as it gets, in a good way.
Im glad anet finally decided to drop a chest worth eventing for. Cheers for that!. :-)
Dungeons need a Res Shrine of some form, having to wait for a party wipe or the rest of the party to finish the remaining zone is plain and simple ridiculous, and in noway fun. Not everyone is a hardcore puzzle jumper or have the best reaction to a critical situation.
As someone mention above, you could have added a waypoint that only works out of combat. So when the rest of the party is done with whatever their fighting you would then be able to use the waypoint. And it still eliminates the WP zerging.
And if im not mistake you already know a way to do this considering you currently cant use a waypoint if a mob has tagged you. You just have to bind it to the hole party in a dungeon.
(edited by Glog.4275)
Reading the advertisement from Anet about the event, it states it opens at 18th, as part of the last event.
Phase 1
See also: The Lost Shores/Phase 1
Defend Lion’s Arch from strange creatures rising from the sea and assist in revealing the mystery behind their origins.
Researcher Dessa opens up the Fractals of the Mists in Lion’s Arch half an hour into the event.
And i got a mail saying the dungeon was open, but still closed. Seems bugged.
/edit nm, Thanks Mark.
Hehe we got a failed event aswell in a overflow. Was it suppose to “fail”?.
Either way, the event isnt going on. Dungeon is still locked. =/