Just something I’ve been working on… polite and helpful suggestions welcome
They also won’t have that excitement of head start, trying to grab all the cool names before someone somewhere grabbed it first…where you waited with baited breath to press that play button…the tons of people in the opening tutorial zones… (oh, and the investigation they did on the very first player to reach level 80 in the game lol) the holy cow awe I got the very first time I saw someone with a legendary…seeing the very first spoiler video of the Zaihtan fight when you were still 30 levels away from the zone…and of course…the hundreds of naked humans with brown bears botting their way around orr. My $60 is still totally worth every penny.
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Saw an LFG that had an AP requirement and that you had to wear the new veteran outfit.
It’s on Facebook too.
They just posted it on facebook.
Found it, looks legit
Sweet, now I see it.
I don’t see it on their twitter feed either.
The full game you paid for…
Ran (what was supposed to be) a speed run in TA the other night…guard in our party never once put down his staff…guard died on every boss and we left him at the puppy hallway in forward path and finished with 4. Most awful TA run ever.
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I’ll try it out after work, see how it feels and what the numbers look like.
Was thinking of swapping out Arcane Brilliance for Glyph on Elem. Harmony…for higher healing and the might stacks that would give that slight boost to power and condi (while attuned to fire) when I heal.
I just don’t know if it stacks with Pyromancer’s Puissance…which gives me might with every skill used while attuned to fire.
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Had Zap drop this past Friday from 3 random yellows and a mystic forge stone Sold that sucker. Then 9 random orange named after that….then my luck ran out again.
That’s pretty sweet Mahuyo. I did end up going back with my Balthazar runes, it felt smoother.
@ Wolfric Yea, that makes sense lol
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superior sigil of bursting is 14 gold and definitely worth it.
That is pretty sweet! Can’t wait to use it.
Thanks Mahuyo! I’ll have to work on getting a video up of gameplay soon.
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PvE and just for fun… tried it in pvp, but it is not a viable build for that mode. Too squishy for pvp…just wound up being an easy target.
It melts mobs in pve, but gotta constantly move, evade, and dodge. (hard to play in the morning without coffee) – that’s why I switch out for staff for lazy morning play.
O, I wouldn’t really say it now viable, but I get what u are saying. I’very been thinking of doing a burning burst build. But I think I would like carrion then sinister, and that the mid GM in arcana, but that is me. Don’t think there is a problem with Evasive Arcana, just think it is kinda over use, my current build though goes with bountiful boons, love the dmg I do.
Though now that I think of it an set that goes Condition dmg main, toughness and power sub would be the best for these builds
I guess it is really just a matter of play style taste. What I enjoy, may just be a bit different than everyone else. Really was just seeing how far I could push power and condi at the same time, along with duration.
Been working out lately in pve…with crits in the 6-7K range every other hit.
with respect, the way out of my thread is that way —→
PvE and just for fun… tried it in pvp, but it is not a viable build for that mode. Too squishy for pvp…just wound up being an easy target.
It melts mobs in pve, but gotta constantly move, evade, and dodge. (hard to play in the morning without coffee) – that’s why I switch out for staff for lazy morning play.
Ehmry Bay
PvE / PvP
Itty bitty tweaks to inch up the condi (burn) damage and duration…just for giggles.
And as an added note…don’t try this in pvp lol not gonna work at all for anyone looking for a win. Only using it in pve/dungeons now.
or sacrifice 10% duration for 15 points in condition damage:
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This is what I have been running in PvE
Switch out for staff when I feel like ‘lazy burning’
Normally for dungeons or open world pve, but I run it in some wvw and pvp. Have won some ranked matches with it when I have gotten lucky, by some blessing from the stars lol
note: those wins had to have been a fluke…don’t use this for pvp. :’(
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lol yea, there is zero survivability against condi builds lol I won’t even try to say there is. I break like a twig. But otherwise I find it really fun.
I’ll try it out!
This is the 2nd alternate version I tweaked to last night
I’ve been running this and really enjoy the burning…but is also extremely glassy. Mainly for PvE and WvW
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I run this in all three modes…
I know if you look in Hiemskarl’s thread, he’s listed the one that pairs well with the Balthazar runes.
Pros : omg the fire
Cons : extremely glassy
my alternate version:
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It does, but there is a lag time, at least from what I have noticed on mine. about a second after it lands the attack.
Been working on this for a while
My burn ele
my alternate version:
(edited by GussJr.1643)
If you’re looking for a lot of power and a lot of condi… this is what I run
It’s really not too hard to keep up the 25 stacks of might and 25 of condi. I love the imob that entangle and spike offer. Just have to remember to always use the f2 skills on the pets and swap when possible.
Couple of cons are the lowish health, lack of stability and condi removeal. But if you can get them off in in the right order…entangle, spike trap, flame trap, skill 5 on torch…they are almost dead right there.
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So I don’t normally spvp (actually hardly at all), but I decided to try out unranked last night for the first time ever, using this build…. worked out pretty well for me I think.
I actually like the traps as they are today.
What on earth for?
They are one of the LEAST viable, if not WORST possible build choices in ANY of the 3 game modesCondi/Power are MILES ahead of traps in PvP
Same could be said for WvW roaming.PvE is irrevelant, everything can work in PvE. But it is without a doubt TERRIBLE in dungs/fracs (pathethic DPS, power LB/ S+Axe is miles better)
Why the hell do you like traps? they are utter trash right now.
Viable in nothing except like soloing PvE open world trash? lolI would have to disagree…flame trap and spike trap work wonders for my condi build…pve, pvp, and dungeons…
PvE is irrevelant as I said, Mobs will just stand in your traps cause they have terrible AI. Anything works there.
PvP, are you sure you are actually pvping or just fighting golems in HoTM?
Both of those traps take up utility slots which are vital.
There is 0 percent chance you beat a range based class or bunker/cele ele.
I don’t believe for a second that you could surive a mesmer or thief burst out of stealth.
There is a reason I haven’t seen trapper ranger in ranked or solo Qs… they are trash and provide absolutely nothing to your team
/shrug. If they don’t fit your play style, don’t use ’em. No one is forcing you. For some people they work great.
Relax…eat a cookie.
I actually like the traps as they are today.
What on earth for?
They are one of the LEAST viable, if not WORST possible build choices in ANY of the 3 game modesCondi/Power are MILES ahead of traps in PvP
Same could be said for WvW roaming.PvE is irrevelant, everything can work in PvE. But it is without a doubt TERRIBLE in dungs/fracs (pathethic DPS, power LB/ S+Axe is miles better)
Why the hell do you like traps? they are utter trash right now.
Viable in nothing except like soloing PvE open world trash? lol
I would have to disagree…flame trap and spike trap work wonders for my condi build…pve, pvp, and dungeons…
If you need someone to help you run it, you can always send me a pm in game when I am on, and I can help. I like up path best, but can help with fwd too.
And so I had my first precursor drop this morning…after 3 years. And so, I made this.
Looking forward to running this myself
I am really enjoying it, especially… entangle, flame trap, spike trap, and skill 5 on torch…in that order lol
It makes for quick melts in dungeon speed runs (like CoE) when you have to stack in certain spots.
The only downside I have noticed, well, noticed while doing the harpy fractal…it lacks stability. But that was more my fault for not swapping out for the skill when I needed to.
So tweaked a few more things at Heimskarl’s suggestion, the only thing I didn’t have up was the 25 stacks of condi damange from one of my weapon sigils. When that’s up, the condi is a little under 3k.
(edited by GussJr.1643)
If the OH dagger is not a total necessity, I would stick to Torch OH meaning with Quick Draw, you can lay down bonfire every 10s, that is a bulk load more damage than the dagger and is AoE. Take a look at the condi build in the dungeon build section for a good set of runes that affects all conditions, 2 trapper 4 nightmare I think it uses. Maybe like this? Honed axes will allow near three split blades to fit into each swap CD so you can go – swap, splitblade, bonfire, throw torch, AA, splitblade, AA, splitblade, swap, bonfire, Serpents Strike… etc That is a lot of bleeds with Sharpened Edges and heaps of burning with some poison also. Plus, honed axes will give you 150 ferocity, which is about 5% additional damage with this build. Test it out with Zephyrs Speed and see which one you like the most.
Ok, I really like that set up. I didn’t think that those % to condition damage sigils stacked. That feels more like what I was aiming for. Excited to try it out.
So I took a look at the suggestions you made on the build, I like a lot of them, but I wonder if this would be better for me… I lose 175 in power but gain 175 in condi by switching around the runes on the armor… haven’t made the change yet in game, so this is just a prelim…
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQRAnf8YjMqQ5K2uCGsAVLGMEquDC2qmDgR/0/D42z5MW6kZOA-TRCBABHcEAqW53z6Hg4BAwy+DScCAA4gAMt6PqpEMAACwupbWsFDW5KX5KX5KblrclrclrsUALqsC-eIs your objective to do maximum condi damage or max bleed stacks with some other damage? If it is maximum damage, concentrate on burning instead of bleeding. You have the right armor, just use Balthazar runes.
I am more aiming at a split between bleed and burn.
So I took a look at the suggestions you made on the build, I like a lot of them, but I wonder if this would be better for me… I lose 175 in power but gain 175 in condi by switching around the runes on the armor… haven’t made the change yet in game, so this is just a prelim…
This is a tweak to my prior build, still use sword/dagger, but swapped for Axe/torch instead of LB, and the feline (for bleeds and might) instead of ice drake. Also swapped quickening zephyr for spike trap, to get the extra bleeds.
This is for PvE yes? If so, try this out, I made a few suggestions to up the damage.
Yes, it is. Thank! I’ll take a look at it.
It’s because we give free hugs.
Thanks Prophet, I did check that out and its pretty cool. I am not a big fan of spirits, just not my taste, and I like the mobility that my sword/dagger gives me.
I guess I am going for a more all-around condi build with decent power, not just burns, but bleeds too, etc. But the build you linked is pretty sweet.