Showing Posts For GussJr.1643:

post your soul beast build

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


This is a tweak of my current PvP build using Soul Beast…looking forward to seeing how it compares with my current set-up.

This is my current set up using just core ranger:


(edited by GussJr.1643)

Dusting off after a few months' break

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Been a few months since I had time to play, so a little rusty at this build, but still fun! Vid should be done rendering soon.


Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


It feels better, honestly, after a few more games. I don’t miss the cripple at all. Adjusting placement is getting better, still working out the swap to SB – my timing gets way off sometimes. I have also started having the Red Moa out first, for the opening fight, for fury right off the bat – since I am usually not in range yet to use the Tiger. All in all, though, I am having a blast with it. When everything procs at the right time and an enemy goes down almost instantly (there’s a DH in one of the videos I felt kind of bad for) its pretty cool, and I admit, makes me laugh.


(edited by GussJr.1643)

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


So I think this is probably the best representation of the build so far

I tried to adjust the camera and field of view to make it easier to watch.


Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Hey, thanks for the videos! It really helps.
Noticed a big downside to always being ranged. You don’t get to use your sweet finisher too often! :p jk
On a serious note, I noticed something about your opening bursts. You generally go QZ + SotH -> Rapidfire. One small tweak to try: do QZ + Rapidfire then SotH + Autoattack. Attack of Opportunity from the signet only applies to the first arrow you hit with and Rapidfire’s arrows individually do 1/2 or less damage then the AA at any range.
This is assuming they don’t block after Rapidfire is over.

Oh, and a small optimization: when SotH is on recharge, try looking into doing a quick turnaround + shortbow 3 to get around a bit quicker. You won’t lose time if you mess up and weapon swap is eliminated when OOC so you can get back on longbow right after.

I’ll try that!! Thanks for the suggestions!


Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Sorry, I am just used to playing like that I guess.

Hey, no need to apologize – if it works for you, go with it!


:) thanks! I also appreciate the honest feedback. I will try to adjust my field of view and pan the camera back for future videos – to try to make it easier to follow what’s happening.


Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Ah! I see. You’re build is full zerk longbow focused. Shortbow is just your utility set of choice. That it works with Light on Your Feet is a nice bonus. Yeah I can see how a build like this would have to play off-point. Your best defense is being out of range. Does being only ranged change how you rotate? I know with a melee set on swap I’m generally thinking about where/when I can jump in.

Given the style of play, I think your build is decent. I’d only suggest testing out Spotter and Clarion Bond. The bleeds on this build are piddle even with Hidden Barbs and the trait doesn’t affect your pets’ conditions. Spotter gives ~+7% crit chance for you and allies and Clarion will help you keep up Fury + a bit of might and swiftness when you’re out of range of your Tiger.

Regardless, you’ve piqued my interest. I might just try this out on my own.

you have the opportunity to trait both signets (2) and shouts (2) but don’t.
you are using sharpening stone (untraited) but have no condition dmg.
Need to iron that out.

The signet trait is pretty lame for Rangers, especially compared to the other two options. He explained why he doesn’t trait shouts. And he used Quickening Zephyr in the vid. I assume SS was a misclick.

:) Yes, my best defense is definitely trying to stay at range – the low-ish health and slow cool downs on Signet of Stone – mean I have to be really mindful of placement. If I get rooted or stunned, I can be burned down really quickly – its a big drawback of the build. Also, the constant ‘no line of sight’ and ‘obstructed’ mean that if I don’t have an elevated vantage point – I have to place myself closer – which increases the chance of me being caught up and burned down.

As for rotating – I always keep an eye on the mini map and pings from my team. I try to stay away from points that are being zerged by the other team when I am alone – unless I know I can easily pick off someone. I will typically try to target the thief or mesmer first – and stay far away from engies unless I have help. The rotation isn’t much different than normal – just trying to play smart and helping teammates when they are overrun on point.

Clarion bond is an interesting tweak – my only problem with it, again, is the internal cooldown – but nice to switch it up. Spotter is a nice change – but seems to only really be helpful in those situations where I am forced to fight closer than I would wish to.

I posted a few more videos on my channel – even non-blow outs and losses – just to give a better overall view – I am not the best by far and occasionally make really stupid choices – but I think that’s just me still working it out…I was running an entirely different build before this one where I was always right in the middle of everything…


(edited by GussJr.1643)

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Sorry, I am just used to playing like that I guess.


Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


This is the build I am playing around with. I have gotten a little tired with all the meta builds right now, and was trying to find something a little different for a while. I was almost out of gold rank and then hit a horrible loss streak…kind of disheartened and not real concerned about climbing right now.

Phew, that’s a lot of questions lol, lets see…

If I can’t take control of the point alone, I will attack from off point to either draw them off, or have a teammate come help – this is to say only if I can’t pressure the enemy to death lol (necros and thieves are problematic up close)…from far?…easy.

Its a power/crit build – I chose SB simply for a little more mobility when I am closer range – and help escaping.

Weapon swap on pets is reduced, so the fury on both pets is proccing more often. The f2 skill on tiger ends up at about 4500 to 6k dmg on hit.

I don’t have much condi clense, but signet of stone helps – when timed right (however, the downside is the long cool down). The cripple is not much, I agree, but I try to really watch my opponents skills and try to time my biggest shots with their cooldowns. (really important with warriors and guards).

That’s true, I haven’t traited shouts because I do try to fight exclusively at range. General survival is ok – I tried with marauders amulet but didn’t like the reduction in damage output – even though it gave me more HP


(edited by GussJr.1643)

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Pretty fun build so far, even though it was a blow out.


Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Finally happy!

What skirt is this and where can I get it. You look great!


Its the magitech medium armor skin

Thank you!

Absolutely! No problem! Now…if they would only give us some more skin-showing tops like light armor classes have….


Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Finally happy!

What skirt is this and where can I get it. You look great!


Its the magitech medium armor skin


Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: GussJr.1643


My baby Daredevil, Fiore Veleno



(edited by GussJr.1643)

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Finally completely happy! This is Delvanai, my reaper



(edited by GussJr.1643)

Year of the Ascension Achievements

in PvP

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Thank you for the information Ben! I just got mine today!



Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Finally happy!



how to record gameplay?

in PvP

Posted by: GussJr.1643


OBS is what I use, its great – easy to set up, pretty user friendly.


Post Your Build Thread

in Mesmer

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Someone might have already posted something similar, but this is my power shatter Chrono


Ranger Upcoming Changes to Skills

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


@Archon, It takes some getting used to, I admit. But its very natural for me now. Dodges, 3 on short bow, constant f2 usage, and the proc on weapon swap along with ancient seeds. You do have to be aware of where your enemies are located (quick camera panning, etc). Having a group that can focus down targeted enemies is always nice too. (if you have a problem with lag, though, this might not be a good build for you)

I have some youtube videos of it as well, but haven’t done any in a few weeks.

@Eleazar, I agree with warriors being tricky – more with their blocks and invuln skills than their knockbacks (as most of them are transferred to my pet any how). The bleeds melt them when those skills are on cooldown.

Again…really just takes some getting use to, I just like the feel of it I guess, and it really favors my playstyle.

There are a few other variants of condi-druid out there as well. So if this one doesn’t work, keep looking for one that you may like. Good luck!


(edited by GussJr.1643)

Ranger Upcoming Changes to Skills

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643



Ranger Upcoming Changes to Skills

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


I really don’t think they do much. I’ve been trying to make Druid work without healing, but it’s not going well. You need over 1000 healing for Druid to be viable. I don’t see it working anyway.

Druid only works with Menders amulet. All else fail. They removed all build diversity last patch.

Edit: Sage might work with Druid runes. Trying that now.

I had more fun with my Druid when I got out of the mindset that druid was only for healing. I have so much fun on my bleed Druid now, but will be sticking with the amulet and rune I currently use.

I have no intentions of going back to a pure heal build.


Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: GussJr.1643


This is my 4 year old Ele/Tempest, Lil Bit:



Ancient Seeds is overpowered.

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Trait is fine as is


[PvE/WvW] Bleed druid

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643



(edited by GussJr.1643)

Weird Build (Condi and stuff)

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


This is what I run – bleeds everywhere – but can be easily translated to pve using Sinister or Viper.


(edited by GussJr.1643)

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: GussJr.1643


So, with my 4th Gw2 bithday coming up…I kind of wanted to show off a little…Nevermore, Ghostly infusion, Winter’s Presence, Elite Wings of Glory, and just all around prettiness…Here is Delvanai…



A revision of my pre HoT condi ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


This is the bleed build druid i originally came up with. Should be done rendering soon.


(edited by GussJr.1643)

A revision of my pre HoT condi ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Thanks Puck for the input, I will try it out.


A revision of my pre HoT condi ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


So, since I have two druids (and don’t want to change my pure heal/bunker druid), I wanted to revisit my pre HoT condi build. This was the original build:

I wanted to create my own take on a bleed/condi druid, and this is what I have come up with. Bleed/condi with passive condi removal.


Times pets have saved your lives?

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


This is still my favorite for myself – pre HoT fractal.


Glyph of Tides: Should it be flipped?

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


@ Tragic…sorry, I am really bad at putting stuff into words when I am trying to explain things…I do have quite a few youtube videos that make it easier to see. You can search ‘gw2 druid pvp’ and look for the one that has the COLLAMETTA icon. Just don’t watch the first one, its terrible haha

@Crossaber because of my build, I am always in the middle of the fight so I can support my team. Pulling a foe to me, doesn’t affect me in ways it might affect others with different builds.


Glyph of Tides: Should it be flipped?

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Ok…first I don’t use LB. I use Staff + axe/wh. Let me see if I can explain this better…keep in mind its a cc type rotation.

Out of CA form: staff 3 to land on the point with enemies already occupying, then immediately use glyph of tides to push them all off. Kite said enemies around until AF is built up – in the meantime just generally kittening them off – still on point.

Switch to CA form: Glyph of tides again for pull cc, staff 3 for cc, staff 5 for another cc, staff 4 for more heals while waiting for staff 3 cc to get off cool down. (by this time CA form is drained).

Out of CA form : glyph of tides again to push them back for more cc, and then more kiting.

Usually, after the first rotation a teammate has joined me on point. I keep the enemies cc’d and heal teammates while they burn them down. Sometimes its 2 rotations, sometimes 4 or 5 depending on how many enemies have shown up on point.

It is a rotation that works, and is already user friendly if you watch your cool downs.


Glyph of Tides: Should it be flipped?

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Except that it works, tremendously well. Plenty of my vids show exactly how I do it…you can easily control several enemies at once – to bunker points or give your team free reign to kill them while enemies are being dazed and pulled and immob’d…its really not that confusing. Annoying CC’s and huge team heals.

That’s all amazing and stuff but how is it different from being able to do exactly the very same thing but easier and more user-friendly?

If it was flipped, you could do the same thing but you wouldn’t have to blow CAF for nothing at the beginning of your mentioned rotation.

The sequence is not confusing. Your reasoning why is it better the current way is.

Because, I use the knock back to push enemies off point to start de-capping it…I don’t want the pull to be the non-CA form when I am trying to de-cap a point with enemies already occupying it….why would I want to pull them all to me when the first thing I want to do is get them off of it.


Glyph of Tides: Should it be flipped?

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Glyph of tides in CA = pull everyone in with glyph of tides, 3 on staff, 5 on staff, 4 on staff, switch out of CA glyph of tides to push them all away again, repeat.

Its perfect as is, no swap needed

I’m lost.
You just said showed us the most wonderful, most amazing example of a horrible scenario.

-Blow off your CAF for Tides only
- drop CAF loosing all benefits you could have had
- Use your normal abilities that you could have used without entering CAF if it was swapped

- And push them away if you want to be on defensive … While holding your offensive setup (weapons) … outside CAF.

No, plenty of what you said feels wrong.

Except that it works, tremendously well. Plenty of my vids show exactly how I do it…you can easily control several enemies at once – to bunker points or give your team free reign to kill them while enemies are being dazed and pulled and immob’d…its really not that confusing. Annoying CC’s and huge team heals.


(edited by GussJr.1643)

Glyph of Tides: Should it be flipped?

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Glyph of tides in CA = pull everyone in with glyph of tides, 3 on staff, 5 on staff, 4 on staff, switch out of CA glyph of tides to push them all away again, repeat.

Its perfect as is, no swap needed


Burn ele viable for PvP?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GussJr.1643



Burn ele viable for PvP?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GussJr.1643


So I am stuck mid Ruby, and not sure if I’ll make it to the next tier by the close of the season, so I have been playing around with other builds.

I know this isn’t the mete Ele right now, but wanted to try something different. At work right now so I can’t test it out, but any chance this would be a viable build for PvP?

Suggestions or tweaks are welcome, I know it is very glassy. And that death would be almost immediate on a mid fight


(edited by GussJr.1643)

Druid glyphs: need change?

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


I think the only change Glyphs need is to be usable underwater. =(

Yes, totally agree


Druid glyphs: need change?

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Glyphs are actually extremely useful, depending on your build and what your goal with that build is.


What is your favorite Ranger build?

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643



Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


healing to others should be increased in CAF but reduced on the ranger to prevent further bunker abuse. GoL should be baseline at 1% per stack, increased to 2% and reducing the CD of CAF abilities by taking the GM trait. Druid, specced for healing, should be able to truly support allies who are being focused. At the same time allies must down enemies quickly to prevent their druid support from being nuked.

This is the only part I don’t agree with.

With a Druid specced properly, this is one avenue we can at least be on par with another class – Bunker Ele/tempest.

I wouldn’t mind more allied healing, but don’t take away my ability to keep myself alive too.


(edited by GussJr.1643)

Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


All I really require are pet F2’s that work consistently…and a bigger aoe radius for Glyph of Tides.

having 2 condi clears back on glyphs would be nice too…


Healbot Druid PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


@Swagger, thank you.

I agree, the support could be tweaked some…as its not as good as I wish it was either.

Thank you for the feedback etc…

As an update…this is the fight that pushed me to Ruby this season…build hasn’t changed…but thanks to all who gave feedback…I will say this about the build – the last five pips were a pain in the ‘you know what’…

it should be done processing soon:



(edited by GussJr.1643)

Healbot Druid PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Well…anyway…I’ll keep posting on my youtube if anyone is interested in the progress…silly to keep linking them here. I do appreciate all of the input…I know I have a hard time taking critiques…but like or dislike vids…and please comment with suggestions. Big girl pants are on.



Healbot Druid PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


why a/wh and not GS? you’d get more defensive utility out of GS on swap with the built in evades on AA, evade on swoop, a block and 2 CC’s.

also seeds used to clear 2 condi’s, they got nerfed to one in the last patch that may have been why you thought that.

I’m going to have to try something similar this evening, i run cleric shoutstaff when i need to bunk or support at mid. I like glyphs but they always feel lacking to me when compared to the other ranger utilities.

I’ve seen others use GS and it always looked like it worked out for them, but for me I guess it has always felt a little clunky. I like the traited regen on WH…but I will agree axe doesn’t really bring too much to the party but I’m not a huge fan of sword either.

Yea, I was mistaken about the condi clear.

Its been fun so far though…if I get caught up against too many Necros or DH’s the condi’s get me if I am not careful with my CD’s.

If the build ends up taking me into Ruby, I may have to switch out for GS to see how it feels, but not ready to make the switch yet.


Healbot Druid PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


It was a little slow go at the very beginning of Sapphire, but the pace seems to be picking up…vid should be done rendering soon…


Matchmaking... picture

in PvP

Posted by: GussJr.1643


and how the ranger could not be killed.

This is not cheating…there is actually a build that allows for this….but get it caught up against too many condi enemies at once and it melts b/c of cool downs…could have been playing me lol


Matchmaking... picture

in PvP

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Yes, please do something about this, i have many more screenshot, but am lazy to go thru them and sensor the names.

So…How was the Ele cheating? Or just upset it was a close match?


Best Necro Armour

in Necromancer

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Here’s mine, the glow matches too…but can’t find a screenie with it showing



Healbot Druid PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


just tested it a few matches and its worthless without a good team. its only good if there are team mates around to do the damage for you while you keep them alive a little longer. i was in mid it was a zerg fest on both sides and i was the last one to drop in my team .also tested it out on lord in the mist took me 5 min to kill all the guards and the lord. this build will fail you in sapphire

@ Trunks, I am glad you tried it out at least.

Yes, I will agree it is very dependent on the team you have, that is true.

As for the lord thing – this is not a damage build so you won’t be able to kill lord, it’s full support.

Well…it got me to Ruby last season, so I will have to see how far I get come the close of this one. You could be right, who knows, considering the MMR changes this go around.

@Swagger, been trying to use CA more as suggested. Haven’t changed the build at all, but using 3 + 5 in CA when I can have seemed to help the team more. The last 6 matches I played trying to use CA, were wins – and wins that felt much easier and smoother…it will take a little getting used to.

edit: @ Trunks, I made it to Sapphire this morning, guess I will have to see how it goes.


(edited by GussJr.1643)