Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
Yeah, group stealth can lead to permo stealth if a bunch of mesmers and thieves hide in a keep and aoe stealth each other the whole time and be unseen, but Anet is highly unlikely to change AoE stealth…
The “Hire Additional Guards” upgrade in the camp should hire 2 more guards for the dolyak as well, so that could be useful, because if your at vale escorting yaks to briar, you probably have a good defence in there already but the yaks can be ganked by 2 people, 1 distracting the guards, the other killing the yak. However if you upgraded it to 4 guards, 1 person definitely couldn’t solo it (its like rushing in the middle of a supply camp all by yourself) and “Raise Guard Level” should also effect Dolyaks too, making their health doubled, (even though their health should be way more too).
These two changes (and maybe more original dolyak health) would effectively make dolyaks harder to kill and more defended.
(edited by Henrik.7560)
Judging by next week’s scores here, its unpredictable if Dragonbrand will flip or not with IoJ or FA. Extremely close. Looks like Yaks Bend doesn’t want to drop anymore so they give Ehmry bay everything they got now, and EB if you want to stay up there instead, just earn second place.
See you next week Dragonbrand (hopefully).
1. Give yaks a ‘reveal’ skill that uncovers any stealthed player within 1500 range of it as it walks along.
2. Give yaks a 1500 radius that prevents movement at faster than walking combat speed within that radius so d/d eles can’t kite back and forth all over the map and kill your yak without 5 players being able to do anything about it.
3. Give yaks 5 times as much HP points as currently, so no class can burst it down on their own in a few seconds.
4. Yaks take no damage before the guards are killed.
5. A yak being attacked flashes up on the map as soon as the guards are aggroed by a player.Simple changes that could make escorting yaks with a chance of it actually reaching it’s destination
Brilliant ideas, they do need to be more tankier. Their current HP is rediculous, especially since there is a rune named after them meaning Toughness and Vitality…. (See Superior Rune of the Dolyak)
Well, give up the glass cannon build and try Toughness or Vitallity.
We die faster than in other MMO’s because we have our own heal and dodge rolls.
Put some resistance SBI, or in a few weeks, you will be swapping with us since you guys are losing as the easiest colour.
Not a bad server, I used to be on it, I didn’t leave because I hated them of anyway, I just hated their opponents, since they are stuck in T4 and aren’t coming back to T3, so they will face those servers for quite a while.
Yes, dolyaks should have a buff (Under Defense) or something, and it can’t be hit till both guards are down, too easy to kill with range DPS and dodging the guards.
No more whining about WvW. We already know it all. Yes no auto-loot is a pain, but they can’t fix it. Yes the badge drop rate is tiny, just do puzzles with all your characters if you want badges. Learn to work your way around things then stick and whine.
Hopefully we will see you next week in the battle field Dragonbrand, keep up your pressure, give them everything you got this week, and you will flip with one of the servers from our tier. It’s been months since a Tier 3 – Tier 4 flip has occurred!
Duel Swords Invaders stats with Power/Prec/Tough Greatsword
10/20/0/30/10 Traits < Everything into illusions stats
Emerald Trinkets
WvW armor
Utillities- 7 Phtsm Defender 8 Phtsm Disenchanter 9 Illusion life signet (whatever its called)
Elite- timewarp
CD have taken a 45k lead already, looks like this tiers getting to easy for us. Things may change if dragonbrand come up.
Siege shouldn’t be able to be placed in JPs then no one can complain about farming.
Well done Fort Aspenwood on pulling ahead of Isle of Janthir this week, thus after coming 3rd 5+ times in a row your server still has confidence and the morale to hold your place in tier 3. Well done also to Crystal Desert for finally pushing ahead far beyond the other two servers and not losing it all the day after the reset. Is does seem that blue gets targetting more, then the other two colours, as CD had it hard as blue but finally kicked IoJ beneath them.
IoJ need to put up resistance, or they are heading towards tier 4, as Drangonbrand are eager to come to tier 3.
Some good fights in the borderlands earier today though!
(edited by Henrik.7560)
Worked for me as since as you put chaos storm on them you gain some distance on them while they are chilled/crippled and when in range you can use #3 of the sword to catch up to them, since blink is the same distance as their RTL, and their blink is only 900 range untraitable, and surely you can gain 300 range while they suffer from the conditions. If they cast anything on you, use Arcane Thievery to send it back to them. You can use Temporal Curtain as 600 range cast and 450 range pull so that will work if you can’t keep up and they are outside your range. If they RTL again, wait till your blink is ready then blink up to them and cast another chaos storm when its ready.
I’ve tried all this, and it has worked on D/D elementalliists.
Unlike most games, GW2 has waypoints instead of mounts, which is interesting and well thought of. But some characters having passive speed boost, (Ranger, Thieft Necromancer, Elementallist) and others that don’t, which is highly unfair, and are stuck with only a couple abilities to grant swiftness, which makes it hard for certain characters to keep up with zergs, or chase down players with passive speed.
Every character should just have 2 Utillities to grant swiftness, and a signet for 25% speed boost, and that’s that sorted, fair for all characters, and no one can complain about speed.
Do your personal story quest, they get you a few keys from that. When you use a key on a chest there is about a 50% chance to get a key again, so they are kinda worth it.
Cooking is fun, takes time, gives good XP, things up level 375 sell for less than 10 copper and cost silver to make, this is a problem.
Yes, #3 when downed has been a trouble for me, only 50% of the time it functions. All other pet skills work fine though.
Well, most people whine on about Elementallists being impossible to catch, but I can catch them with a Mesmer, and kill them. Takes some effort if they are D/D, but staff ones will drop. Anyway, this is chasing them, not killing them so:
1. Make sure you trait for Blink Range and cooldown.
2. Use Staff & Sword/Focus
3. Utilities make sure you have Blink and Decoy,
How to catch them:
1. Blink up to them, or as close are you can.
2. Use #4 of the focus to pull them into it, and to give yourself swiftness.
3. Use #5 of the staff about 300 Range infront of them, it will put Chilled Weakness and Cripple on your foe, to slow them down.
4. Use #3 of the sword to Immobilize your foe, then finish them off with #1 and #2 with the sword. If they try to escape, blink again, as its only a 24s cooldown, and 1200 range should easilly catch them if they blink away or Ride the Lightning.
This will be able to catch them, good luck mesmers!
Ranger does good DPS and is OK on conditions, but it has terrible traits and utilities, They should have stealth, because they are basically hunters!
Compared to Thief, Elementallist and Mesmer, utilities and traits, rangers may as well not have them. Needs changing!
Good luck to you guys, hopefully one of you can come up to tier 3 and play with us for some changes!
CD have gotten better because more of us have decided to contribute, there are a lot more players this week than the other weeks, our BL, and EB were full with 20 minute Queues at one point. I do admit though IoJ aren’t doing as good as they did when they first came to T3. Which server is full or is Very High does not matter, its PvE related most likely, Except for TC and SoS, so we should not be hearing about server population, its about who and how many contribute in WvW, not those people who stand around WP or at Trading Post, or even at Crafting Stations, its about who is in the zerg taking stuff and helping about. It has been clearly seen IoJ’s numbers have gone down in their groups, and there aren’t as many groups around. They need to get together and resist against the other servers, or they are on their way down. FA have been the same for quite a while and haven’t changed, which is why they haven’t gone down a tier.
Good luck to all, keep it clean, and hope we have some fun during the weeks.
There is no double teaming or anything, its just CD has improved a lot over the weeks and a lot more people have been contributing.
IoJ is heading downhill, and without resistance sooner or later they will drop to fourth tier. Last weeks matchup was very close and fun but this week looks like its CD’s week.
Good luck to all.
Thieves shouldn’t be able to move 50% faster in stealth as well as damage doesn’t break stealth, that just gives them a chance to run away miles down the road if things go bad for them.
They can’t have 50% speed in stealth combined with stealth that can’t be broken.
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