WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
Have you noticed how solo/small groups have all but disappeared?
No, because I run solo regularly, clearing camps and towers across the board. Soloed keeps during primetimes after Watch Towers were added.
Soling keeps in T8 stopped being impressive in 2012. I find it really hard you would do that again in primetime now that matchups are populated with server links.
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
Anet needs to stop with this artificial manual balancing junk, open ALL the full servers up and let the players naturally balance out. Hasn’t their economist heard of trickle down theory? Naturally players will trickle down and fall into lower servers.
Because it worked so well in the past 4 years…
Nothing wrong with fortified gates though as most squads will go for walls anyway these days.
People go for wall exactly because the T3 gates have more HP than T3 walls.
any reason we shouldn’t have more ppl come play if all sever has queue?
Yes. there are servers that don’t have queues and could use more people. If you choose to stay in a stacked server, you are choosing to deal with the queues.
Full map? I don’t know what you talking about… I can go whatever map I want most of the time.
But you lost by 11k using the normal scoring system that affects glicko ratings. Doesn’t matter really, you rolled up anyway.
But it’s the Skirmish system, not the warscore one that count to adjust glicko ratings. So, in essence, Arena Net is buffing a server that came in 2nd the past 2 weeks. Not that I care tbh. Not having to deal with the Asian Hordes is good for me regardless of who move up.
And considering all the recent actions, I don’t know why would anyone be surprised with this one. Nothing Arena Net decide to do will surprise me at this point.
Swallow your pride already and just get rid of that kitten.
Why don’t the players swallow their pride and accept links are here to stay instead? They were voted and won. There is no going back now…
Fact 3: ANet Dev starts thread about creating more servers to improve matches, gets 6 pages of responses. Closes thread for lack of interest. Afterwards BG and JQ open up for transfers.
Just gonna stop you right there on that one. Just because a thread is 6 pages long doesn’t mean its 6 pages of positive responses. I didn’t read all of the posts on that thread, but a lot of the ones I did read were against the idea (for whatever stupid reason). You shouldn’t go around accusing ANet like this in such a biased way. Long threads do not automatically mean support.
Most of them partially suported the idea if all servers were closed and we started fresh in new ones and everyone that said so pointed out why. But they just disregarded everything we said with “they have no interest in our proposal” when they did asked us what we would change on it in the first place.
Good, could you next ask how we feel about merging servers, because personally I feel that is the way forward, shrink it down to a 12 server super league.
Only if ANet uses the Lower Ranked Server’s name after the merge.
Totally new server names would be fair I think.
Sounds fair to me…while we’re at it.
We should pre-schedule 1 year later to merge again to create a 6 server super league?
With totally new server names again?
lol Sounds like a good idea, Anet hire this guy.
No. He will turn WvW into his king of the hill thing that everyone is tired of hearing already.
We have fewer players than JQ, as stated by ANet
The same post also said BG have less players than CD+Dh+DR who barely even compete in T4.
You really want us to take it seriously?
Nah, just let WvW die in peace already… The cofin is already ready for it.
Let us all go retire in the arms of Blackgate, less populated than a T4 tri-link.
Oh yeah? Put CD+Dh+DR against BG and let’s see how much more populated that 3-link is… They cannot even win T4 right now. This has to be a joke.
when jeknar coming to BG? you always welcome
For 1800 gems I can take that offer.
:-). Guild wars.
But i do´t like the register on efry matchup. It must be a free jump in for everyone even if guildless.
For what I understand, if you don’t register you get randomly assigned to a team in order to make up balance. Registering means to choose which team you want to play for (if that matter for you).
What I don’t see in this proposal is what happen to large PvX guilds that have a small core that do WvW? I mean, a 300man guild that have 20-30 players who do WvW regularly cannot take up 300 slots. But they also cannot only take 30 because other players from outside the core might also want to play WvW. What’s the proposal for those?
They already got FOO a sea guild that they didn’t need. I would be cool if they got some more NA guilds but it looks like they just want more off hour pvd and no challenge(BG and the guilds that move there)
It’s because “they need to stay competitive with the servers with links”. They need that coverage.
This always been like this. Even in the old claiming system buffs wouldn’t work on EotM.
Either it is intentional or they simply don’t care as it have minimal impact.
Respectable guilds are long gone… The only thing we fear now are 80man mapqueues made up of 3-4 guilds+pugs “looking for fights”.
Hey. I can play while the outnumbered buff is on during NA prime…
Some servers may have different peak times, but I actually meant play when there are less people around… Dragonbrand for exemple had EBG queued at 11am EST, but their NA seen to be very outnumbered.
There should be a minimum requiment to let you be elegible to the skirmish/week reward. Problably somenthing like the meta event progress in the HoT maps (where your reward is based on the overall participation across the event). Playing while outnumbered should award more participation to encourage playing out of the peak times.
Sweet kitten ! The salt in this post…
Enjoy it my friend. I really am annoyed with how things turned out.
It’s not a “card”, for some reason you think we are special and above everybody else. BG is another server, one of 24. If you hate us because we are successful, fine so be it, but to act like we need to be punished for it is beyond ridiculous. And yes I will say again, what if its your server, try for once being objective.
You do understand we do not force anyone to come here, or to stay here. And people can choose to go to any server they want to, its not our fault they dont want to.
Ok, let me make an analogy to see if you can understand what I mean. At this point you are the rich boy telling me, who always lived in the slums, that life isn’t being fair with you. How can you expect me, that seen many servers severely lacking people, to have any sympathy for a server that always been known as being the most populated server in the game?
And since you like that question so much let me ask you: What if it was your server down in the Bronze Tier for years because it always lacked people while you see Tier 1 saying they need more people? Would you agree with them?
Put aside BG for a sec, what if its your server, would you think its fair? Maybe if some people would for once think objectively rather then instantly getting enraged because its about one particular server and automatically needing to spew their bias on here.
Always pulling the “What if it was your server?” card… Well, I cannot answer that question because I always played in the lower tiers (the ones you buy guilds from) and not with the stacked blob servers. I can’t simply know how I would feel if it was my server because it never been my server. But I problably would not come here crying that my server need more people if we were still holding our position in tier 1 since February 2013 (last time BG was ever ranked 4 or lower).
There are worst situations than losing a match in Tier 1 you know? Oh no, of course you don’t. You alwasy been in the top…
The timing of this, with both servers opening up makes me very suspicious and is making me think that anet was indeed manually closing/opening servers. Now I dont mind a server being full through normal means, but manipulating it to intentionally drive people to different servers is totally uncalled for and a terrible path to follow. Heck I dont even mind BG never getting a link again, but if they are going to match us against servers with links, it’s a little unfair to intentionally lock us if we are not actually full, if that is indeed what they were doing.
Sure, totally unfair when the your server still winning by a large margin despite being “manually closed” and not having a link… Maybe they should link you with JQ since BG need people and a link so bad.
This sounds like a horrible change. It completely destroys the solo roamers as they would no longer be able to do anything except kill sentries and dolyaks. They wouldn’t be able to flip camps or towers anymore.
They shouldn’t be able to do that anyway. Following his logic, since Sentry Mission require 3 people on cap you also should need 3 people on sentry circle. Oh and Yaks escort also need 3 people to count, so yaks not escorted should not count to upgrade stuff. #LetsMakeWvWGreatAgain.
Having issues covering daytime/afternoon/evenings/overnight? Figure it out. Where there is a will there is a way!!
4 years in the game and you want us to care about what’s happening in a timezone we don’t play?
Yes you should. As the overall score is what should matter most.
Overall score will matter when winning start to matter. Right now there is no point in winning as you gain nothing for it. At least with rewards for skirmishes we can focus in winning during the time we play instead of stressing over what happening while we are not playing.
Skirmishes can be much more competitive oposed to Matchups that are pretty much over by monday.
ArenaNet golden child got what it wanted once again… It would only be more ironic if Jade Quarry stayed full while Blackgate opened.
Remind me again why BG needs to be open?
Because “It need more players to remain competitive against other servers that have links”.
YB. War council.
This is the funniest thing I’ve read in ages.
YB barely coordinates reset…
Yeah, everyone knows YB is “led” by one person alone.
“YB war council” “YB led by one person.” OMG that’s really funny. Someone is smoking something they shouldn’t.
I forget the internet is a bad place to do jokes. People never get them…
YB. War council.
This is the funniest thing I’ve read in ages.
YB barely coordinates reset…
Yeah, everyone knows YB is “led” by one person alone.
Camps should remain easy for solo players. People complain that all anyone does is zerg and yet you want to make it so you have to have a group to accomplish anything.
Pay attention to the map, it’s usually pretty easy to figure out where a roamer is going to hit, especially with all the passive radar crap all over the place.
And let’s be honest, most roamers actually want you to know where they are going because they want you to come fight them. I personally don’t skip sentries and I follow a clear pattern even when there is a RI camp in the way (Except in DBL, I take weird routes there but still follow the pattern with camps).
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
Players complain because game itself cant handle that kind of gameplay,
Maps were produced for the larger population concept and yet they want to short population with the maps they have designed for those big populations….The logic.. every step they do contradicts with what they decide or release before, wich will be ending a new issue because game was not prepared for that change nor the changes needed for X addon will ever occur.
Honestly, I don’t think they expected that it would become Map queue versus Map queue. I’m pretty sure they expected people to split in 2 maybe three somewhat large groups and fight over different objectives. I’ve been in many large fights like 30-40v30-40 that didn’t lag.
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
You can also see how Arenanet sold WvW from the beginning here, and compare it to now: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/competitive-play/
“Join World vs. World (WvW) for an epic PvP experience full of cunning strategy, earthshaking sieges, and pitched battles between hundreds of players.”
It seems to me that siege and blobs were exactly what they intended to do. So we have what they promised. And now?
Yup. They sold a large siege warfare but all people do is complain about sieges and blobs.
Too many ideas, but no clear vision…imho
We’re gonna get lost without a good compass.
It’s Arena Net that decide the direction, not us. We don’t need a compass.
Camp timer/swords are triggered as soon you aggro any guard these days.
Nope, it’s still based off the supervisor, goto a camp and kill a guard without aggroing the supervisor, then wait 1 min and watch how no swords appear. This is still true of alpine borders, not tested it on desert cos I’m retired from camp flipping ;P
P.S that was the technique I used to use to flip your upgraded camps without creating swords :P I would pick off all the loose guards first, without aggroing the supervisor then go aoe mode with a number I could handle.
No, it’s no longer like this since they changed the costest method to be when you aggro anything that belong to the objective (including towers and keeps).
JQ got locked 2 weeks ago… Wtf you talking about “being locked for months”?
Main: Blackgate > Eredon Terrace > Maguuma > Darkhaven > Eredon Terrace > Piken Square > Darkhaven > Fort Aspenwood > Ferguson’s Crossing > Darkhaven > Ferguson’s Crossing
Alt: Eredon Terrace > Northern Shiverpeaks > Darkhaven > Borlis Pass
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
Off hour guilds tend to stack in a single server and complain that they have no competition. rolls eyes
No no no definitely not.
Why not?
Inb4 “muh community and server pride”
Are we forgetting that some other games have managed to balance their servers for their WvW-game-type.
Name 2 games that did it.
Interesting…local team can get International help to balance their score.
ANet manually creates the Match-Ups using World Linking.
Now you’re suggesting ANet take International Scores & combine them to Local Scores to basically make all scores more balanced across the 3 servers in a Tier?
How do you propose to make this truly competitive game mode, or is this just to trick WvW players into thinking the scores are soo close…that it is competitive?
That’s the deal buddy. WvW isn’t meant to be a truly competitive game mode because it cannot be balanced since it operate 24/7. It’s more like a open world with PvP where you fight for a team but gain/lose nothing in the end regardless of the result. I’d say WvW is more closer to a Hotjoin PvP mode if anything.
But there is zero purpose of doing that.
Anet is not linking US and EU.
You wouldn’t physically link the servers, just the scores, everything would still be separate as it is now. All you would need to do is combine the scores to make it a global score.
As a quick example:1. Dwayna – Blackgate/Jade Sea = 118k, skirmish = 53
2. Balthazar – Ft Aspenwood/Abaddon’s Mouth = 103k, skirmish = 40
3. Melandru – Maguuma/Vizunah Square = 101k, skirmish = 39
Oh, interesting. But it means EU would have to need to have the same ammount of tiers as NA.
BG/JQ most skilled guilds best community, not because best coverage. also best guild graveyard. please open so more guilds can transfer to die. ty anet for capping servers and spreading out fairweather population. one day t4 will be the new t1.
Open, let guilds in.
Close it, make guilds die.
So solo capping towers or keeps should guarantee exotic with a high chance for ascended drops. Each additional player that helps should lower that chance by about 10% until you hit the current drop rate (should never be 0% chance).
Some people would go “kitten OFF, I want my rewards”.
Anvil rock is in need of recruits and a community rebuilding effort, all welcome.
You’re currently paired with Yak’s Bend. Ewww !
At least they don’t have to deal with YB extreme sieging. Think about it.
Who are you to tell anyone where to play?
Hi, you can call me Jeknar. Pleased to meet you.
We wouldn’t force players to move worlds but stacked worlds would have a high chance of never opening for transfers again since we would be lowering the population player cap on all worlds. So for example in NA worlds like Blackgate and Jade Quarry would stay “Full” and wouldn’t be open for transfers unless player started to transfer off.
And if the players on these servers dont move off, we would be facing smaller worlds? Basically we could all stay put and roflstomp anyone forever with this new system.
Yeah that could defo be a problem…
Honestly, I don’t think it would turn out that way. Gonna use some random numbers to represent what I belive it would happen.
Let’s consider that the new servers have half of the capacity of the old servers. Since BG is full we can say BG have 200% population, thus remaining full until it go below 100.
Arena Net will problably try to form alliances that can be competitive with that population using the new worlds. So they could pick somenthing like a 3 world link with 80+70+70 to form a 220% to compete with the 200% from BG. The biggest deal is that this link can go as far as 300% population completely overwhelming the oposition which cannot grow.
Next thing we would see would problably be the players from BG complaining that their server is closed and facing multiple open servers when it was pointed out why they are closed. And nothing Arena Net could do about it unless the players destack out of it, somenthing that they refuse to do.
Honestly, the best way is to remove all servers from WvW and only let people on the new ones to participate on it. So this kind of scenario is avoided.
1 – I think this will only work if all the existing servers are replaced with the new servers. There is no incentive to move servers currently and you problably would only see a small portion of people willing to move to a whole new server. Thus having more “dead servers” than you already have.
2 – As I said above: Remove all existing servers from WvW poll and make people choose a new server from the new ones if they want to go to WvW. New players also should be allocated on the old servers (no access to WvW) and only pick a new one when they decide to go unto WvW.
3 – Only if the current servers cease to exist. I see no point in doing so otherwise.
Do you like not being able to get your guild together?
It’s easier to get the guild together when you are not in a full server. Comming here and crying about not being able to get all guild member in a full server is silly when you have 22 (or 49 if you count EU) other options where you could be with all the members without restriction.
Then you could problably follow Nutz suggestion instead of asking Blackgate to be open.
And they probably wont show you either.
They never show us anything anyway…
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