Showing Posts For Jomo kenyatta.7351:

decap engis

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

they ruin solo que and any kind of team play, Delete it from the game the amount of nerfing needed will require more work than just getting rid of it totally why are their traits soo useful compared to most other classes guardian traits theres only 1 option for bunker and dps lol dps guardian you dont even think it exists well it does and its viable how about making some positive changes so we can have proper team fights again not just idiotic player versus point

5v4 15+ wins in a row

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

dont believe you, he probably lost 1 team fight and some cry baby rage quit like they always do.

Will we see a PvP blogpost this or next week?

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

keeping it a secret is only making it worse, you need to tell people what we can look forward to in order for us to keep playing.

No more immunity

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

For me it is strange that they developed immunity to one kind of damage – conditions, but not the direct one. If there is a trait that you are immune to conditions at X amount of hp, why shouldn’t there be you are immune to direct damage at X amount of hp?
Also after they talked about decreasing the passive play, still added DS…

theres a warrior trait that gives endure pain at 25% hp so they already did that.

No more immunity

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

REDUCED* just for all the people had feel its more important to do a spell check than actually taking in what ive written

You can edit posts.

read the post instead dont need advice.

No more immunity

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

REDUCED* just for all the people had feel its more important to do a spell check than actually taking in what ive written

No more immunity

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

topic titles says it all, stop immunity unless your going to balance it FAIRLY as far as im concerned the only fair invul is guardian elite on 90 second cd, and if you use this in conjunction with lyssa runes you can actually be interupted or cced, AR 25% immunity no just no this is A huge problem in this game decap engis are the bane of everyones existance, diamond skin seriously everyone said dont release this its going to be horrible and thankfully eles are still not in the meta cause immunity is never the answer and yes obviously warriors zerker stance lasts too long, endure pain isnt op in itself but combined with zerker stance they have god mode and can still attack and dont need to heal, thieves too much evasion on weapon sets THAT NEEDS TO BE RECUCED the last nerf didnt do anything infact made it easier, can you stick to your word and no more skilless options there are many people who dont win in real life so this is the only chance they get to actually think they are something special so no doubt theyll abuse any exploit thats available pistol whip is a prime example it doesnt say it evades on the tool tip but it is and yes guess what thats basically the only thing thieves are running now, as if they were broken enough with sword dagger? hot fix pistol whip and force people to use raw skill and not just get carried by broken weapon skills.

Let's be honest people

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

00103030 reqs still, standing on point spaming symbos staff 4 staff 2 and dodging as much as possible, AH ruined bunker guardian, and seriously with all these warriors why doesnt anyone take indomitable courage?? cause your all idiots basically you see some brain dead idiot pull off ah and think wow if he can do it anyone can, get real your not helping the team your just playing solo and occationally resing, no pre prot no active condi removal cept when you spam for yourself thats just bad game play.

[Thief] Interrupts - Maybe a bit broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Great video, and its nice to see someone who plays thief as main reporting issues that actually benefit you, if only more people would have an honest unbaised opinion, another thief BUG which really bothers me, yes you guessed it, pistol whip. Why doesnt it say evade on the tool tip, and why is it evading? why is it as soon as i saw a pistol whip thief like 3 months ago i knew instantly it was broken, how did it get through the net? and when can we expect these issues to be addressed? again thanks for posting this, its just a shame that even with this knowledge, it wont help me fighting Sword pistol thieves

To Allie Murdock.

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Yet another post from someone whos not even in the top 1000% telling people whove played over 4000 tourneys that thieves arent as op as we think this is why the game is how it is, anet are listinging to people like you and not listening to people like Lordrosky, he has 3 accounts that have been number one in solo que, a really good win ratio only reason people dont listen to him is because hes angry at how the game is progressing or not as the case may be, thats passion about this game Anet are ignoring, hes the best necro in the game and he knows what hes talkin about, hes one of the only people who dont say biased opinions all he wants is this game to get balanced, people like you need to stop posting your useless and always outdated opinions and leave it to people who know whats going on, oh and btw i said 3 months ago pistol whip was op, noone believed me and now look what happened.

Best Bunker Class?

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Bunker Guard
Bunker Engi
MM Necro
Spirit Ranger

in that order

Bunker guardians
spirit ranger
mm necro

Dev livestream: Ready Up: Feb 28 @ 12pm – Devs storm EotM!

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

The problem is the players, all so worried about losing because they aren’t running the most broken skills, pistol whip is a prime example, the tool tip on the skill doesn’t say it evades but it is, this is a bug exploit and personally i think everyone whose exploiting this should realise they are the ones ruining the game, if there’s a bug report it and stop exploiting it. We wont make money playing this game so why is everyone so scared of losing? Try running classes that dont have perma evades god mode utilities and insane elites spirit of nature, obviously one of the biggest problems, and every ranger is forced to be brain dead well supposedly im just assumed theyre all to bad to run anything other that spirit ranger go prove me wrong.

pistol whip is bugged.

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

the tool tip doesnt say evade anywhere so why are they evading while using it? everyone is exploiting this really needs to be sorted out please.

RE: "Leaked" patch notes

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Lord is right, when they leak patch notes they never change them, no matter what the public opinion is.

GW2 is the best

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

just saw this review, on you tube everyone should watch this, and start playing again!

State of pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Why cant you sort warriors out before next patch, they are so over powered teams with 3 warriors are almost impossible to beat even top players cant fun dmg anymore, only viable classes are warrior spirit ranger bunker guardian and s/d s/p thieves can we please change the meta…. its time people have to think about skills instead of just auto attack spam and perma regen. ps dont care if this is contructive, everyone thinks this its time to listen.

Spirit Watch

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

nice suggestions like in gw1 when running relics youd lose your weapons, because your carrying something! stands to reason right? but the classes with evade and crap on skill bars yet again prove how broken it is to have evades on weapon skills this map isnt great but the underlying issue is evades on weapons sets!

Guild Wars 2 Problems

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

I know English isn’t everyone’s native language, but it’s losing not loosing. That always drives me crazy.

/grammar police

my bad sorry

dont apologize senso just another idiot diverting attention from the real issue, and also if you only speak english and you want to help people learn it do so in private and stop cluttering the forums with petty grammar and spell checks
this meta isnt fun, rangers and warriors are the main issue but to a lesser extent decap engis like omg they are soo brainless and so effective its just annoying NERF ENGIS

Meditation heal

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Yes they gave the guardian a ’’dps’’ heal but ye its terrible being instant cast or 1/4 second max is the only way this skill could be more viable than shelter dps guardians die fast, theres no reason why the skill cant be instant to be honest set the bunkers free its time for dps meta.

Alashya on Mesmer Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

i started to read and then as soon as i saw you have to dodge to spam stuff i zoned out, im glad they changed mesmer i just wish they had removed vigor all together.

gf left me coz of ladderboard

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

why does this idiotic post get more attention than real pvp posts?

Balance around dodge.

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Balance all skill that are doing more than just standard auto attack dmg if we cant dodge it then whats the point of dodge turns out lucky random dodge is the only way to play versus too many classes at the moment. Rework all HIGH DMG and HIGH YIELD ie 1 skill that does a lot ! EG, Eviscerate, signet of spite PIN DOWN!! all too fast cast with massive pay off and LITTLE SKILL INVOLVED!! Its almost too late, so times running out. Dodge is a major addition to gw so how about lets use it with some purpose and punish random dodging.

Chaos Storm

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

its actually a bug that it doesnt daze on every tick, its meant to daze 5 times once per pulse so probably a mistake that you bring this up, you also wouldnt get any daze if you block the first tick so this skill is totally bugged and not in favor of mesmers.

Why is fear a condition?

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

your forgetting that if they change it to a CC then you cant remove it with condition removal ie break stun with a condition remove dont say stuff like this when necros arent even the problem. warriors spirit rangers and thieves all so un balanced necro is the least of our worries. Typical post from players who dont have a clue about the problems with the current meta nice waste of time guys

Best PVP Class - 1 January 2014

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

spirit ranger
sd thief

if its not passive regen boons and conditions its evading 7 times in a row people are quitting cause of these 3 classes especially warrior sort it out or this game will be dead in 1 month. STOP PASSIVE ABILITIES AND START FORCING PEOPLE TO USE THEIR BRAINS!

Healing Signet complainers read this

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

all classes manage to to use their healing skill and not rely on perma regen to stay up, why should warriors not be the same.

Diamond Skin, Make it Smarter

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

You and allies in the area gain Diamond skin for 3 seconds when you attune to Earth.
When in Earth, you are immune to conditions.

A 100% always-on condition block is just unnecessary. I don’t even need to make an essay of the matter, I KNOW we all agree.

good post and its totally useless in team fights change functionality

I need Anet to remove the 25 skill cost!!!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

I just wanted to stop by and let you guys know that we are listening. We’re looking at a few different ways to address the time investment it currently takes to get new skills in PvP, but it’s not something we’re able to talk about quite yet.

You’ll see a drastically different system in place in our next major rewards release that should address many of your concerns.

We didnt need to do this for the other skills. noone wants to pve. how ever you can buy tome of knowledge and i did have a +20 lvl consumable so i didnt have to wait, however i do resent spending that much glory and money to get a skill which isnt even viable

Can we PLEASE get new game types !!!

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

great post man and omg weve been hearing were working on guild halls and gvg for over a year now please come on, me and a lot of my friends are this close to quitting especially after this new patch. NEW GAME MODES WILL GET PEOPLE BACK

Litany or wrath

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

you arent the only person who plays DPS guardian…..

but I agree with it, though given the historial of Anet never backing up on a decision, I doubt this will ever be implemented

i said im one of the only people so dont …. me like that

Litany or wrath

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Firstly thanks a lot for considering dps guardian this patch, however this heal doesnt synergise at all with the dps builds available, 1 second cast time for 3k heal, is weak and then in that time your casting the foe has run away or dodged so you get barely any of the benifit of the 20% healing from dmg, this skill needs to be at the least 1/4 second cast or instant otherwise its just not viable. Ive played dps guardian for months and im one of the only people who do, and im saying this skill hasnt helped please 1/4 second cast or instant otherwise its just another useless skill that might have been good with minor changes.

(video) ele vs necro post patch

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

this is just painful to watch, dont care if he could go power or what ever, this is not even counter its just immune, thats no brain. This is sickening to watch., and not to say i told you so cause actually it was 100s of people who said this wouldnt work, just terrible and no skill involved, great job anet way to evolve the game.

(video) ele vs necro post patch

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

One build on what is generally considered the weakest class in sPvP may be a counter to one of the strongest classes in sPvP.

Works for me.

lol you have no clue.

HELP!? more passive skills KILLING THE GAME

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

So they added 6 more classes (now all 8 with the warrior & ele) getting another passive skill.
So far the community I feel has been lets say ‘not liking’ the warriors healing signet.
Now to balance this GW2 has decided to add 6 more classes with similar type skills.

I believe this is hurting the game, when we’ve already been asking for less passive.
Devs can make jokes about “here comes the petting zoo” which Isn’t fun watching the mist league live stream tournament of them bashing their own game. Then add more pets+passive?

What can we do to show them this is not the right course? GW2 is making the game more passive (granted its their game) But they want to make a game enjoyable and not mindless passive+spam, no?

Discuss ideas on how to fix this since my last most recent post was deleted for not being contributive.

Ghostcrawler is available for hire I believe. He would be a great asset for this game…

Totally right, they are always laughing at the petting zoo, seriously laughing at it??? as hes said its your game and its your fault its like this! everyone has made it clear, and yet your still listening to people who havent played even 10 games in pvp, we dont go on pve forums and say nerf this or that so why do they? stop ruining the game for us and let it evolve!

Whirling Wrath

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

it doesnt add up, because its showing 2k 3k and then 4k minimun on screen, and the numbers only add up to about 5k max

Whirling Wrath

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

heya, ive just recently tested out whirling wrath, and on the combat log, the dmg is considerably lower than the dmg im seeing on screen, i tried the auto attack, and its showing the correct value, just wondering if theres a discrepancy and the dmg im seeing isnt being delt, would love to hear your thoughts, i only play dps guardian and this skill is my main spike so would really like to know if the dmg isnt as high as it should be:}

Sensotix' Thoughts On The Dezember Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

I stopped reading when you said that Diamond Skin will be passive.

On the most technical level, it does provide a passive benefit, but it requires active attention to use defensive cooldowns early and to watch your health so that it stays above 90%. This is why it’s different than something like Signet of Renewal which is basically an excuse to ignore one of your utility skill slots.

when youve played more than 10 games in pvp youll understand that some classes have it easy due to passive abilities that req no skill at all, where as other classes must play there best with out making any mistakes, its not fair when 1 class can make so many mistakes but not pay for them like others do, dont get involved and ruin a perfectly good post with your one sided not looking at the big picture opinions. thanks again for this post sensotix really well explained and so accurate passive skills need a serious rethink if this game is going to continue down the right road.

Sensotix' Thoughts On The Dezember Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

i think you mean while someone isnt moving give double damage on torment, but ye really good points, i agree with all of it.

just a quick question

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

how come healing signet isnt being nerfed? the passive heal is just to high, its making it very unfair to fight warriors, and the whole community isn’t happy with this, please lower the healing per second, most attacks are actually out healed by the healing signet explain how this is fair.

Listening to nobody actually (title change)

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

This is in my opinion the whole point of sensotix his topic

I respect your opinion, but the whole point of this thread was to suggest that the devs should ignore 90% and only listen to the “top 10%” (in quotes because I personally do not believe there is a deterministic measurement in place to even accurately determine this and therefore is completely subjective). I respect Sensotix’s opinion and appreciate his videos and guides as well – I just disagree with the premise of this topic and felt hooma deserved props for calling it out.

when youve playing more than 11 games in team or solo que then your opinion will have some weight, dont get involved in discussions when you dont have a clue what your talkin about.

Warrior = Ele 2.0 ?

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Warriors are pretty strong right now, but will be seeing changes in an upcoming patch.

We like how they can be tanky, and we like how they can do DPS if they want. We also like the CC they can bring. We just don’t like them doing it all with 1 build.

they can do it all. warriors are ruining the game, you need to change them b4 people just stop playing because they already are.

Lots of New game modes!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Dont need to reference wow with regards to pvp modes, gw1 had more variety than any other game.
Random arenas random 4v4 no leaderboards of course cause thats meaningless
Team arenas 4v4 same format as random arenas but proper teams
Codex Arena limited skills available which change periodically
Alliance battle 3 teams of 4 v 3 teams of 4.
Fort aspenwood 8v8 assualt and defend.
jade quarry 8v8 collect resources with npcs
heroes accent 8v8 map progression with 9 maps in succession.
guild versus guild 8 versus 8 differnt guild halls with different tertiary objectives.
not to mention the lvl 10 arenas.
In short gw1 is an easy way to introduce something, and it doesnt matter if it works, we wont find out if it works or not until its played competetivly.

Game modes.

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

I remember being told ‘’were working on new game modes’’ now its up to us to come up with them?
Game Modes
2 versus 2 arena.
Daily automated tournaments (used to be 3 a day in gw1)
Bring back 3 map tournaments.
Guild versus Guild/ guild halls status update?

Get people playing again.
Permanent decay on leader-boards dont reward people who arent playing.

Skill Change
Torment skill change ‘’Inflict damage over time and double damage while standing still’’ (at the moment people have to just ignore this condition because you cant ever just stand still)

Listening to nobody actually (title change)

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

There is no single part of our player base that we should or do listen to more than the other. Every player has equal opportunity to say how they feel, and the “4%-10%” is not excluded in that. What we “listen” to is reason and objective feedback.

Do note though, what we listen to != what we implement (at least not right away). We read your suggestions all the time, but sometimes those suggestions are not in line with the pillars of our game. Sometimes those suggestions are ill-informed. Sometimes those suggestions are selfish (buff x class “cuz it’s my fave and I want to roll over everyone”). Sometimes those suggestions are so great that it inspires us to add a new project to the backlog. Sometimes those suggestions are already a part of the project we are working on.

Most of the time, we can’t immediately implement good suggestions. These things take time and discussion. These things have to be weighed against other things and prioritized.

All of this doesn’t matter though, if the 4%-10% spends little to no time giving us feedback for one reason or another (inactive, don’t care, think we don’t listen even if that’s wrong, etc.).

Ideally, you would all feel comfortable and willing to share your objective feedback, but that is not always the case, and that is not something we can control.

thx allie

exact what i said. its not our duty to judge and filter.

Sensotix has been a major part of pvp for about a year now, and you have not even done 11 games in pvp, you dont know the meta and have no clue which classes are the problem. saying that someone who has no exp in pvp has an equal voice towards the meta change is like hiring a carpenter to install your toilet. He is only trying to draw attention to elements of the game which have driven the best part of the pvp community away, your posts have been the opposite of constructive and why do you care about pvp anyway seeing as you dont even play it stop ruining pvp for the people who really care about it. also i agree with all the things mentioned in this post, also hes done some really good interviews with top players on youtube so check them out too, these arent just his opinions they are the opinions of the vast majority of the pvp community.

Skyhammer, Skyhammer and... Skyhammer?

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Is anybody else seeing a high percentage of Skyhammer like the OP? If so, how many games have you played and how many of them were Skyhammer?

I had skyhammer 4 times in a row. Doesnt feel random at all. and the map rotation is almost predictable skyhammer skyhammer skyhammer skyhammer temple forest khylo legacy. then skyhammer skyhammer skyhammer.

Ressurect skills in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

The fact that there is counter-play for the Elite Spirit rez does not absolve it from being over budget. The passive is too strong, targeting in the midst of at least 3 (usually more) other AI elements is clunky, the cast is far too short and the auto-cast on death is inconsistent with any other rez mechanic in game. The only reason why it doesn’t appear to be a major problem is because Ranger not very well put together otherwise.

The Spirits are currently acting as a crutch that props Ranger up. They need to nuclear nerf all the passive BS on Rangers and buff their damage capabilities/fix their weapon sets to make them better. You have to do both at the same time, because if you fix the spirit without fixing the weapons then Ranger will just disappear.

Brilliant reply, couldnt have put it better myself, and good job for not just saying learn you play, its a very popular response to this topic.

The guy who made the salvaging change

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Agreed, my RSI is completely gone! Best update EU!

Leaderboard reset.

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

hey, was just wondering if theres a chance of resetting the leaderboards? all the top 10 people are basically just using second accounts and maintain their top 10 status but they dont actually play on those characters at all. If your not playing you shouldnt be top 10, seems fair to me. Only person who ive seen in top 10 for solo que leaderboards that actually has earned his way is "Shad’’ GG man but the rest of them please just play on your mains or perhaps we need to think about permanent decay so theres a chance for others to get to the top with out having to go 20-0 when your often with people who arent at the same level. Thanks for reading. constructive comments welcome.

The Evan Lesh Fan Club Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

Perhaps this explains why warriors are so broken now. someone buffing their preferred character.

Guild Wars 2 now on MLG

in PvP

Posted by: Jomo kenyatta.7351

Jomo kenyatta.7351

only mediocre or inactive teams are invited, not so esports

like people who dont play team que until everyone else is asleep?