(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
Thanks for the kind words, guys! Glad to be of service.
Thanks for the report, Hamfast. I’ll get this reviewed.
Try playing another game and waiting for the leaderboard to update again.
That should hopefully resolve the issue. Let me know what happens!
Thanks for the report, Reroll. We’re investigating.
Alright, thanks for the additional information. I’ll get this escalated.
Thanks for the report, folks. I’ll get this escalated.
Have you folks tried re-logging? A few people had this issue yesterday and it resolved itself.
Boxes dropped from Queen’s Gauntlet no longer contain coin. However, the first time you kill each boss each day will grant more coin than it did before.
Killing each boss once per day will be more profitable than it was previously.
Josh, we love you and your team and their work on Super Adventure Box.
But why more DAILY content? T_T
I’m not Josh Foreman. =p
It’s limited to default finishers.
Thanks for the additional reports! A separate thread is usually preferred, but I won’t say no to a bug. The sooner we get them tracked the sooner they get resolved.
Hey V Man,
1. Thanks for the report on the invasion event map markers. I’ll send that long.
2. Could you be more specific on which champion it was, or where he was located?
3. There’s another thread open on this topic. Thank you for the additional information, though!
Thanks for the update!
Thanks folks. I’ll add it to the tracker to be reviewed.
Can you be more specific? What kind of weapon skins are you trying to trade?
This has been updated.
It’s already in the tracker, Animi.
Thanks for the report!
Thanks Rage. ^ _ ^
Let me know if this keeps happening!
Try adjusting your WvW Character Quality setting in the Graphics Options Menu.
The WvW culling settings now apply to PvE.
Thanks for the report, Fror. Can you provide the location that is causing the cinematic to play? Perhaps with a screenshot?
Thanks for the report, phiplayer! I’ve escalated this issue.
Hey Lyana,
We are aware of this issue and are currently tracking it.
Thank you for your patience!
Thanks, Auruan! I reported it from your original post.
Also, grabbed the bit about the emotes, Auruan. Thanks!
We’re looking into updating the menu options to make it a bit more clear for players.
Thanks for the reports and feedback!
Locking the thread.
Thanks guys!
Thanks for the report, Myrkr. I’ll send this off for review.
We’re already tracking this issue.
Thanks for the reports!
Hey Anymras,
Thanks for taking the time to compile this list! I appreciate your time and hard work.
+1 Internets.
Thanks for the report, munkaybiznaz. We’ll have this looked at.
Thanks for the report!
Thanks for the report guys. We’ll look into this.
I’m glad you figured it out, Sonia!
mtpelion, that cult does seem to be everywhere these days…
Boxes dropped from Queen’s Gauntlet no longer contain coin. However, the first time you kill each boss each day will grant more coin than it did before.
Killing each boss once per day will be more profitable than it was previously.
We’re already tracking this issue.
Thanks for the report!
Thanks War Mourner. I’ll get this submitted as well.
Thanks for the report, War Mourner! I’ll get this submitted.
Dizzle, please let me know if going to Queensdale and trying to represent fixed the issue for you.
It’s in the tracker.
Thanks for the report!
We’re aware of the issue and looking into a solution.
Thank you for your patience!
Thanks for the report, Stormbringer. When elites are modified by traits they’re actually considered a different skill completely. This was probably just missed in the Lyssa rune fixes.
I’ll get this submitted today.
Thanks for the report!
We’re already tracking this issue from a previous thread.
Thanks for the report!
Thanks for the reports! Again, even the little things count!
I grabbed the bit about the Celestrial Jewel, as well.
Hey folks,
I saw this bug in a different thread last week and sent it to the appropriate team.
Thanks for the reports!
Thanks for the report. I’ll send this along to get looked at.
We’ll look into it!
I’ll forward this along to get looked at. Thanks!
Thanks StinVec! Good catch.
Thanks for the report. I’ll forward this along.