Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Still patting you on the back Masterofkhaos? :P
You guys were wrongly ranked during 1 days matchup. Next weeks will be a better place for you.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
It’s not losing that isn’t fun, it’s getting stomped and getting spawn camped.
When getting stomped, you lose so much option to have fun. You have no keep to defend, no group to counter zerg, not enought player to build siege.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
And I’m still wondering how we were ranking higher then them!
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
I don’t like OP idea
Mainly because I use ToolKit in a Toolbelts Build.
I need the wrench throw in my tool belts, and I use a lot of toolkit attacks when I get in melee. (happens often with a rifle)
Don’t change my pry bar! Hitting for 3.5k with confusion damage going on after is wonderful. I love using it, and I don’t see many people use it.
I would agree that Nails need some love. Some people said they need it for conditons, so I’m asking for a buff more then a change.
Ether make the castime faster or something.
Same thing with Magnetic pull, I would love to use this skill more. But with the short range and the casttime taking forever, I can’t rarely use it.
Gear Shield is wonderful, I love it. But I do agree it’s weird that it’s only effect is blocking for 2 seconde. Most other skill have an added boon or warrior hold for 3 second. Still a good skill!
Don’t change my toolkit too much! :P I need my burst dps!
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Engineer kits in general are not that amazing but 3 of them are completely unusable.
in Engineer
Posted by: Kardiamond.6952
Forgot to mention about Toolkit, even I think it’s a good kit, I really bad when you pair it with turret.
I tried to do a turret build once, and using toolkit is just useless. You lose one turret slot, and the only thing you do is repair your turret for what, like 300 hp? This will only save your turret for like one more hit. And you have to be melee.
I don’t like the synergy between toolkit and turret, it just didn’t work right for me.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Engineer kits in general are not that amazing but 3 of them are completely unusable.
in Engineer
Posted by: Kardiamond.6952
I currently running a Rifle/Toolbelt lightning build.
And I love Toolkit.
First I was only using the toolbelt skill to cast a lightning. But I woke up someday and tried the kit itself. It’s really better then I thought it would be. Especially since auto attack got added.
I burst my toolbelt and rifle from range, taking them apart. I jump on them, stun them with battering ram, using the shotgun like ability of rifle. I then switch to tool kit, use ability 3. It sometime hit for 3k damage + confusion damage, and I’m poorly geared. Then you just use rifle 4 ability to go back to range.
Gear Shield looked weak first, but then I started using it when I get focused and its amazing too. Can block thousand of damage.
I gotta say though that the 2 ability is really situationnal. I only use it when I’m running away, and even then it doesn’t work that well. The cast them is just way too long if you compare to other skill like pistol 5 skill.
The magnetic number 5, I don’t use it often ether. It just too limited with range and cooldown. Cooldown is really killing it, you have to stay in range during like 2 second. I get canceled so often or outranged. A greater range or no cooldown would be perfect!
Still I love this kit! With toolbelt build, like I said I’m poorly geared and I still burn people really fast in WvW.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
An open letter to Boralis Pass: (And I guess my fellow Anvil Rock guys)
in WvW
Posted by: Kardiamond.6952
I barely see any Borliss around, and we have are very limited too.
In NSP borland, the most people I saw was like 10-15 player. And only 5-7 are following plans. Each time we attacked a tower, a zerg of around 20-30 NSP came like 5 minutes after.
And I don’t think Borliss hav e better number then us.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Yeah, too bad most action happens when you spawn camp us :P
Yesterday was so boring, our only option was to raid your camp, hit and run.
It felt more like PVE then pvp, encountering bots in the water for some pvp.
Next time send a squad to defend your camp, so we have some pvp action!
Attacking towers near our spawn is just out of the question, since you have cannons ballista and arrow carts around!
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
And we do, but killing people in water is such a pain in the kitten
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
“What do we see? Borlis Pass attacking our west camp in our territory, then them coming directly to the north camp we are attacking to attack us. Like a zerg fo around 20 player.”
Were you guys just randomly flipping stuff or actually trying to hold it? Because from what I could tell you guys had no real prescense in the zone. We WILL engage and fight you if we see you in NSP borderlands. What we will not do is come to your borderlands and take supply camps/towers/keeps from you when you are actually making a real effort to take back your stuff.
So yeah, if I see one of your raiding parties in NSP flipping objectives I WILL engage you for the fight unless its clear to me you are doing more than farming karma in the zone (taking back your tower, keep, etc)
I was commanding at the time and I don’t feel we wronged you in any way.
Well, we had just sieged the faithleap Tower, and where getting supply to defend it. That’s when you guys attacked our only supply and killed our group, because we were fighting both you and NSP.
Also, how do you explain your group taking our Camp west of our spawn? Those camp are really important for us if we want to get our spawn tower back.
Like I said, kitten happens and mistake too. But don’t come on the forum complaining about something, when you do it yourself.
Both server did it, just don’t start a war over it.
Before we fall on friday, we will try to bring as much NSP players with us as possibly.
Die Scum!
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
An open letter to Boralis Pass: (And I guess my fellow Anvil Rock guys)
in WvW
Posted by: Kardiamond.6952
I’m down for it.
Anyway I’m pretty sure NSP will outnumber us even if we ally togheter.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
So Anvil Rock, feel like trying to do something your own borderlands or NSP instead of double teaming us on Borlis?
Seemed like most of tonight a 30 man group including a guild named ToF were taking our supply camps and generally hitting us from a second direction on our borderlands and by proxy assisting NSP siege our garrison.
While we love fighting you guys, do you really not see who the common enemy is here? I am not even talking about score at this point (nor do I personally give a kitten about it). But seriously, this is beyond counterproductive to both of us.
Wow you are in HoM guild and you say that?
In the shilverpeak borderland yesterday at like 9 pm, we (anvil rock) had our west supply back, and were raiding Faithleap and camp around in the ennemy territory.
What do we see? Borlis Pass attacking our west camp in our territory, then them coming directly to the north camp we are attacking to attack us. Like a zerg fo around 20 player.
I’m telling myself : It must be random player group running around.
But now that I see your signature ahah It was your freaking HoM guild that did it. I’m sure it happens on both side, but don’t attack us on the forum about it when your guild did it!
Really it’s not big deal, it just weird that I see you complaining when yesterday your guid went out of their way just to attack us in our territory and attack our only tower owned in the map.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
This place is always full of bots. Everytime we raid supply camp in your borderland, we encounter the same bots.
Not like reporting them is any use. they are still there!
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
90% is on goods days! :P
Someday we should get some connection between unmanned server, so we can fight togheter those pesky NSP!!
I don’t like going 2 vs 1, but our two server togheter have prolly less people then them alone. And they have hack, orbs and stats boost
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Nice, didn’t know we had a Night Crew!
Now we just need a day crew! :P
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Ferg server I wish we were still in the same bracket then you.
Anvil Rock stayed NSP and this week isnt a good week for W3 on AR.
Hoping to fight you against! Your bracket seems a lot of fun!
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Well AR lost so many people this week. My guild never attack Boris Pass, so we always focus on NSP but we just dont have the man power to take them.
I don’t know whats the situation on your side BP, but since yesterday I always get the outmanned buff in every borderland. It’s gonna be hard to come back)
Might as well fight each others and have some fun ahah!
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Funny you are calling Anvil Rock for attack you.
I heard the same thing about your server at the beginning of this weeks. Borlis Pass attacked 2 on us with NSP.
Don’t act like “Anvil Rock is the dumbest server” while you guys keep doing it to us. It’s part of a three way wars without communication : attacks happen.
By the way, it’s weird that you call us dumb for keeping our second place. I will call a guild meeting on AR and let them know we have to keep quiet and let you guys overscore us. Seems right.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Not my first time, won’t be my last. Also saying something happens ‘every time’ is pretty ignorant… Sure 10 vs 100; 100 will win, but we have consistently wiped larger raids than us. Why, because we have quality players working together, and they have mindless numbers attacking every random person they see closest to them….
The point being, you wipe larger raids than you, that’s great, you guys are probably really good. Over time and over the course of that matchup though, are you able to be everywhere defending every attack on every objective?
When we fought Anvil Rock and whomever the other server was we completely wiped the floor with both servers (I’m on Yak’s Bend). You know why we won? Not because we were better, but because we were everywhere. The players from Anvil that I encountered were no better/worse than us, they were just less numerous. Eventually it gets to the point where it’s just not possible to put the fires out fast enough. The boost in rating our server got would imply that we were better right? Even when the last few days of that matchup we were just racking up points doing effectively PvE as there was no one else out there?
Anvil Rock Represent, I concure : You wiped us of the map.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Hi There!
Just wanted to post something about what happened with Anvil Rock Match up those last 2 weeks. I’m pretty sure it mostly bad luck, but maybe there something to learn from it.
So here it is : Anvil Rock, a funny server with a low pvp population. People are kinda cool and help each other in W3. But sadly we are pretty bad.
So During early 1 days match up, we got stomped most of the time. We ended many time fighting for the 2nd place, and only once first. So it was really hard, but people were still learning how to play.
The first real weeks arrive. I see we are match up versus Shilverpeak, not sure I remember them tho. I thought they might be a lot stronger then us, but not sure.
Then we get stomped. They were a lot more then us, and had organisation, something we lacked badly. We had our fight during the weeks, sometime getting the orbs and controling a part of the map. We didn’t really fight with the third server, as we were both getting handled by Shilverpeak.
But it was fun, I love being the underdog, and raiding their camp in their borderland was thrilling.
Friday is there, we lost by a big marging. Can’t wait until next match up, so we get a good fight.
Oh my god, what I see. We are still Matched with Shilverpeak!! What the hells? I learned after that they were ranked below us before our first encounter, and they didn’t get enought point to go higher then 1 rank over us.
So now we are matched with them and Boris. Another low level server like us.
I don’t know if Shiverpeak as gotten better, or our team has given up or maybe even because Boris is weaker then our previous “ally” (way to say it, we dont help each other, but we tend to not fight) but oh my god are we getting our kitten kick. This week everytime I logged, the map was nearly all green.
We are usually doing a come back at 9pm, but yesterday when I was there, the map was about 95% shilverpeak. We tried to do a run for a Bay, we got a tower then got zerged by a force with twice our number.
So we switched BL, only to get the outmanned buff. We tried to hold our only camp, building ballista and arrow cart (yeah I know in a camp, but that was the only thing we had). We defended for like 10 minutes before another zerg of like 30 players attacked our 10 active player defending. (with orb buff)
So we switched BL against, now going in Eternal. Outmanned buff… during primetime… in the most popular battleground. Oh well. Went for some camp raiding, got some, lost some fight. Since we had to fight mercenary in camps, most of the time they had time to come and get us before we finished.
Thats how my night finished.
I love being the underdog, I love a challenge, but this is getting boring right now. I think its mostly because of bad luck, but if we get another match up like that, I think we will lose too many player to come back.
I will stay, but others that don’t like pvp as much will just give up. Especially when you have the outmanned buff, it’s very frustrating cause you know that even if we were the best pvpers all around, we still aren’t enought to control the map.
That was my rant of the day. I not asking for a solution or anything, just wanted to share the server story. Anvil Rock is still a pretty cool server to join in.
TL;DR We are getting stomped since release, getting boring, sharing story. Outmanned. I’m crying.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Heheh Well I will have to disagree there. :)
I love being the underdog, and having a challenge. Put being in a match up vs a server 2-3x more powerful then you 2 weeks in a row is just painful.
First week was kinda fun, we had our moment. But this week is just chaos. Nearly each time I log in a BL, I have the outmanned buff because people are giving up.
It was fun, but now it’s just getting boring each time I log. Can’t wait until we can get matched vs a server of our level!
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]