Sorry if I offended you. I suppose your post rubbed me the wrong way with your talk of “clueless players”, while you save the day with… Power and Wells… and " frantic Marking, dodging and kiting the mobs", which is kinda normal in a room full with waves of mobs if you have agro from them. Your group also managed to wipe despite your heroic deeds. It all just sounded like a player who’s used to being carried himself and are shocked to have to contribute for once. “Terribad” players wouldn’t have killed the Assassins in time and i doubt you soloed them.
That stage of CoF p2 is more of a gear check than anything, second a place where support come in handy if you lack it. Warriors doesn’t have much healing unless they spec for Vigorous Shouts, thus my term pure DPS. Maybe the mobs picked them off one after the other before they could rally. A condition Necro works perfectly fine to kite, while targeting and attacking the Assassins at the same time. I know cause I’ve done it myself several times in groups that aren’t capable of mushing all the mobs quickly. But then my Necro is of course geared in full exotic/asc rabid which makes everything easy. You had a smooth ride up to it because the rest is on a lower level of difficulty.
The reason why I dislike Wells so much is because of this games AoE limit to five targets in combination with their long cooldowns. Staff is ideal for the bomb room for groups like yours, with its constant health regen and frequent chills between dodges. Spectral Walk is often seen as a PvP skill, but is something that can act as a pause button to gain health and endurance in tight situations.
You have a future guardian in your signature. Do the right thing and level it up and make it your main for instances like I did. You can single-handedly turn the worst pug group into winners with your buffs/heals, dish out real damage and have fun at the same time.
Really your first impression upon reading the title of the thread and the post is that I never contributed and am used to being carried. I think you have a tendency of reading things backwards.
First off, Spectral Walk doesnt regen health or endurance or make u invulnerable. 2nd, you mean a terribad player can’t press autoattack esp pure DPSer (not even HB) and kill an assassin. Hell a toddler can do that. If you are asking whether did I gib the assassin by myself, in fact probably 1 or 2 80-90% even 100% as a power necro. Obviously Life Transfer and Staff helps with the AOE damage to the mobs. Third, I am not sure I can take u seriously when you mention Staff heals being anything but marginal healing to the party especially in a stage when the players are usually scattered about.
As for warriors dying, pure DPSer should in fact find it easier to rally and after three tries, its evident that its not a case of bad luck of 1 or 2 dying because of being KD/stunned/comboed into death.
Can I ask u and anyone reading this thread a question: would you agree that a party of 4 decent warriors would be able to survive Magg defense by themselves especially if they proven them to be capable of handling P1 and the rest of P2? Not to mention Endure Pain, shield block, Regen Signet, GS whirl etc + Defense banner. Or u could dodge and range with Longbow when u are low on health which is what I do when I am on my warrior. If u have lifesteal food, even more of a guarantee u will stay alive even post nerf.
Rabid necromancers do work with a “normal” party as you are not required to DPS quickly and provide as much support as possible.
A minor component is gear check, the major component is a skill/L2P check.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
One thing I’ve been annoyed by was the Cliffside fractal with the two arm seals. If someone screws up by killing a Chanter that we’re trying to keep alive, IT’S PERFECTLY POSSIBLE TO SALVAGE THE RUN WITH THE RIGHT STRATEGY. But the more likely scenario is that players give up and blame ANet for their lack of flexibility.
It is very difficult esp with some builds and professions. And it becomes nigh on impossible on the higher levels (ie >30) for fragile classes/builds/party composition. Don’t even mention a try with terribad players. It is not just the right strategy, it is also about the players who have sufficient knowledge of their classes to use their condi removals, any buffs to enhance survival, pull etc. IMO it is a frustrating time sink, which I honestly say I have RQ a few times, whereas on a few other occasions scraped by (highest was on lvl 26) with an ele and a ranger.
You know what this is a good challenge for the PvE elite (not elitist) community. Go to lvl 48 and do the arm seals by killing both chanters at both sides and complete the task. I am pretty sure it is hell even for v good players.
I for one am enjoying Flame and Frost. I feel it could have been shortened by quite a bit but that is about it.
More sign fixing, lost and found, and snoozefests killing of dredge and charr please.
I do think that quickness needed a nerf, taking down a boss in 10 seconds was kind of silly. Killing another player in 1 second was also kind of silly.
Not everyone plays COF 1 to infinity. And you are talking about only three bosses in COF (maybe 20s-30s for new AC spider queen with 4 warriors 1 mesmer pre patch) out of the dozens in all the dungeons + fractals (mini bosses counted). No one can say with an honest face that TW is OP in PvE. On the other hand I think mesmer shatter builds are OP in WvW and PvP.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Apart from the boosters. Just curious.
50% less effective and still one of the best skills to have. because thats how OP it was
U mean for every profession or just mesmer. If you are talking about just mesmer, its because the other elites suck for combat. If u are talking about for all professions, I would say it is no longer the #1 elite in the game and that aren’t that many AOE boon elites which doesnt make TW totally useless.
This skill was OP. Adapt people… it still provides a functional benefit, just not as much.
Only in PVP and possibly in WvW. Lets not be disingenuous here.
On the flip side, more shatter nerfs please esp in PVP seem like a nice counter argument. Then I can tell the PVPers to adapt.
@Op, I Made a irritated post about ppl just see the bad of every patch and ignore al syrgies and good stuff. Then deleted it as it was using referenses to how kidds argue about lemonade in two similar glass and cry howmatter you pour.
In simple words, let me try again.
Specced to surf the patches mesmers got constant buffs sens december. Not 1 month have gone without us getting a buff. Yes some patched got a nerf but always to tone down a recent buff or on the side of a other buff.
Example the january might nerf was a nerf + a buff and also the nerf of the might was smaler than the buff month before…. ressult, 1+3 – 2 > 1. You get a big buff, smal nerf and endup stronger than before the first buff.
What you negative ppl miss also is look at the professions we fight patches.
Sight, just stop, you can in no way claim our clas got constant nerfs mr. We got constant balancing and in the end we accualy stronger now than we was a few month back.
You are wrong in every possible way.
Ps, enjoy warrior its a fun class aswell but tbh it also get balanced from time to time.
Sry I dont run shatter builds in PvE. And a big thank you for being responsible for all those that are in PvE ex COF P1 especially during Legendary Shaman.
Some of the buffs are actually bug fixes like the underwater skills.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Personally I prefer the old sounds so that I know something has fired off and I find the new sounds to be more annoying.
Its a minor annoyance +1 to the stacks of larger annoyances for other professions minus the banner love for warrior.
World of tanks is balanced and yes it’s an mmo. See you didn’t have to wait that long and if this game is so much fun to play why are you on the forums and not playing it?
Let me try:
GW2 is undoubtably the best MMO ever, Anet is so generous in giving out free content, the updates are nice.
But I feel it is more important to rebut whiners and critics on the forums than it is to have fun playing GW2 itself.
I wonder which patch gathered the least number of “whiners” threads. Just curious. And vice versa of course.
Anet has the answer of course.
I’m not tremendously stressed about profession balance, and you know, most players aren’t. The only real issue is that if you’re not in a guild, and you play a ranger, necro or engie, you might have trouble getting into pugs.
Never been to the necro, ranger or Engi forums, have we? And “try your best not to pug” in aforementioned classes is not a good response to class balance.
More importantly, I was actually pretty happy with all the classes (except ranger which I would never seriously play) until this patch. Don’t tell me whiners on other forums changed the class mechanics for Engi’s Kit Refinement and are responsible for the quickness nerf?
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
I’ve never understood why some people take legitimate constructive criticism of the game as a personal attack. If you are personally happy with the current level of updates , then great. But I think you are in the minority imo.
1) Troll 2) Anet marketing department. 3) The most loyal GW2 fans ever.
Take your pick.
Disagreeing that your post has merit does not make one an Ostrich.
Virtually everyone who complains feels that THEIR post is “legitimate” and “not a whine” post. Yet the vast majority are. So feeling that way is silly. I liked the update. I felt it was fun and substantial. If you don’t feel the game has been added to a great deal in the last few months, I have no idea what game you are playing, frankly.
I didnt. End of story. No complaints. If you did like the update, then good for you.
Bottom line is, you can only beat a dead horse for so long until you get tired.
I disagree, we can farm COF P1 to eternity.
Couldn’t have said this any better.
We all know that defeating a boss in 400 seconds due to quickness, when it should take 420 seconds, is just completely overpowered and needed to be nerfed, right?
::shakes head::
Probably the biggest impact of Quickness was that it actually got people to coordinate their alpha strikes to take advantage of the increased execution rate. I mean, all it did was allow you to occasionally execute six seconds of attacks in three seconds. In most fights, pointless, in boss fights, just makes them slightly less tedious and also provides players with a sense of accomplishment on their ability to coordinate a dramatic attack.
Add this nerf to the “come on, was that really, really necessary” list of head scratching moments since the game released. I mean, come on, I know they have a lot better things to do with their development time!
(10 seconds of quickness ever 210 seconds at the old 100% rate allowed 20 seconds worth of attacks in 10 seconds, which really just shaved 10 seconds off a normally 210 second encounter. That’s 5% more damage over time, assuming everyone makes perfectly efficient use of the time under quickness! Even if you could double the duration via traits/buffs, it would still only be a 10% increase in damage, requiring a very specific built to achieve. Being overkill on most scrub mobs and accounting for time traveling between encounters, the actually reduction in completion time for a dungeon run would be much less than the theoretical maximum benefit).
More importantly the burst is very important in critical situations like when your party is about to die and the boss also had a sliver of health left or when u need to rez teammates quickly. Now it is 50% less effective.
I kind of agree with other posters saying why argue over trivial matters like this. Clearly if anyone who didn’t like the changes can always take a break from the game, wait for a month or so or until content / mechanics changes are to their liking then come back. If they come back that is.
Well is Frost Gun an exploit? Well possibly u can spam chill but the damage is so low and there is significant risk in using it especially with AOE bosses if your weapon skills provide evades. Is it fun to use? Yes.
Is Healing Seed Pod/ Mortar Seed Turret/ MedKit an exploit? Not really there is a CD for the former and only one can be planted at one time for the latter. They are more like heal consumables with limited applications. Perhaps the water field on the Healing Seed Pod is OP.
Well its the devs’ prerogative to make changes in order for PVE Balance and to prevent exploits.
Warrior still utter trash compared to all other classes in sPVP*.
*This is the single most important aspect of balancing a class.
What do u mean most important? Don’t you mean only?
3.2.1. before whining/l2p/switch to other games replies.
quickness : check
stealth : check
blast finisher : check
range : check
feet : check
gimmicky beams : check
bug : …….
mobility : …….
no used crying over spilled milk i guess..
U forgot:
Deliberately spilt milk: Check.
just so you guys dont feel like you are getting shorted.
mesmers got nerfed last patch by a bug cutting izerker damage in half.
time warp nerf. they are upset about thier buffs to beams because its almost impossible to line up 2 targets.. blah blah. tears all over.engineers even though they got buffed seem to be whining a ton also. more then they are happy about the buffs.
thieves think they are broken by the reveal buff.
warriors are “quitting” over the “game breaking” nerf to quickness that takes away all thier greatsword burst.
guardians got nothing notable.
blah blah. not sure if there is alot to whine about or that whiners post more on the forums.
If it ain’t broke dont fix it. PVPers can go kitten it.
Mesmers have almost the same utility as guardians, while still doing fantastic damage.
Let me guess glass cannon shatter cat builds in PVE? Kudos to u if u and ur teammates dont rely on your clones/phantasms to survive.
This is coming from a PvE mesmer. I like the change.
I love nerfs too. Keep them coming. More nerfs pls, especially -50% effectiveness ones. As for TW nerf not being noticeable, it is pretty nootiiceeabblee to me.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Are you kidding; I’m digging the mesmer buffs.
GS1 and Scepter3 hitting multiple targets is freaking boss, in PvE and PvP.
Dazzling now works with Chaos Storm, another awesome aoe blind for zerg busting.
The big nerf to time warp through quickness affects groups as a whole, not just mesmers.
Burst warriors (who have a personal quickness skill) are the ones who should be complaining.But yeah, let’s all roll warriors. sarcasm
No we should all roll mesmers and parties LFM mesmer for the boss GS autoattack and scepter skill 2. sarcasm
To all those saying its no big deal, then why the nerf? Clearly it was a great imbalance issue that devs (in their opinion) needed to address in PvE.
I wouldn’t say TW is now useless or even bad like Frenzy, but its a very significant nerf. People saying its a “I win” button pre-patch clearly don’t play the harder dungeons or fracts at higher levels.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Sounds like OP went from typical slacker auto-attacking scepter, to actually supporting his team. I have a Necromancer myself that I have played on and off since release, and one thing is for certain, they need to use their support to validate their existence cause the damage alone is sub-par to most classes.
In the Magg defense stage a Necromancer should try to maximize debuffs on mobs, spreading them as much as possible with Epidemic. Wells isn’t good at all, short duration, looong cooldowns. Sometimes I hear newbies say that staff for Necro sucks, damage wise sure, but the debuffs from a traited staff is perfect for places like the one you described. At least that’s how I play mine, and I always feel like I carry pure DPSers if you wanna call it that, but that’s part of the profession.
Well to avoid a flame war, I should refrain from calling you names and would like to point out that you will fail abysmally along with the other 4 terribad warriors (pure DPSers or you would call them) as I was not just “autoattacking” with scepter but spreading Epidemic and getting my golem to do its rush while switching to staff when the going gets tough. The problem with condi build Necros in that stage is that it takes far too long to AOE kill with conditions especially the one mob are you are spreading Epidemic from dies too quickly or has very few debuffs in the first place especially with a bad team.
In the first place, the warriors should be able to keep themselves alive even as pure DPSers while nuking everything, especially when u have 4 of them.
I skimmed the thread and saw a post about not wanting people to use P/V/T gear. That’s just silly. Not everyone knows all the encounters, or can even handle them, and the extra tankiness helps a lot for beginners and poor players. You should only demand berserker gear if you’re specifically speedrunning.
Hell no, some players are so experienced and so skillful they wont die on glass cannon eles and thiefs in all GW2 dungeons. In case anyone was wondering, I was being sarcastic. And let’s be honest, the OP himself would be on my block list as I consider some of his “etiquette” guidelines to be offensive.
Some etiquette guidelines should be imo:
1) If u are new to the dungeon, say so and experienced players can help you. You keep quiet and waste even more of everyone’s time.
2) Failing is ok. Stubborn refusal to take suggestions during retries is another +1 to my block list.
3) Failing is ok. Even RQ is ok. Whats not ok is standing around refusing to do nothing during retries especially if you arent performing well yourself and blaming the rest of the team.
4) Players who are nowhere good as they think; who may in fact be worse than others; are criticizing other players. If they are as good as they think, then they should have no problems carrying a weak team. But they aren’t.
5) Nubs with >5k achieve points as of March 2013 auto +1 block list.
6) So are trolls and deliberate time wasters clowning about. Fine for the latter if u are in a guild party and know each other, but not for PUGs pls.
7) Loud and annoying “Napoleons” who think they know the tactics (but who is in fact wrong and results in lots of time wasted). If u have an alternative strategy, we can discuss it as a party.
8) Really impatient ppl who cant wait for the rest of the party to catch up or change their utils (in non speedruns eg Fractals). If they are willing to slow down, no harm done though.
Actually don’t some of these guidelines apply IRL? Oh I forget, culture varies among people.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
We have options, but they aren’t widely understood (even by many rangers), can be killed, have some limitations, and the timing and positioning of them may not be 100% under our control… all of which makes people dubious. Right now the issue seems to be how to give us the controls to adequately manage pets in dungeon situations without straight up buffing them.
The problem is the utility u mentioned via pet management is only possible if your pet doesnt die in a boss AOE attack even within 16s especially the less tanky ones u mentioned and you dont get to control when they chose to activate their attack skills (eg the drake tail swipe which concidentally has a 30s CD). The Moa cone AOE is far too small to be of any real benefit to teammates in 95% of the time.
As for Spirit of Nature, I have yet to see a ranger use it in a boss fight yet. For example would he use it against Old Tom to provide condition removals? Or he could always use Entangle for the 14 stacks of 8s bleeds or Rampage As One for the 20s of fury.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
I would agree to each his/her own but I think people claiming that ranger is a good profession; just that it has a high learning curve like the elementalist (and engineer imo) really don’t know what they are talking about.
If GW2 had class recommendations for skill level, DPS and support in the class descriptions as they do in other games, I would describe it as: Recommended for new players, Average to Average-High DPS (single target mostly), Poor to Average Support (Average because apparently not everyone carries Healing Pods).
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
I haven’t carried a “bad” PUG per se, but I’ve had an experience where I’ve carried the team after a stroke of bad luck/BS.
I was in a rank 30 Fractal run on my Thief for the daily chest, and we got the Grawl Shaman on the third fractal. We had been doing perfectly fine and had pretty much no issue for the previous two (Uncategorised and Cliffside). We got to the final boss without any trouble, and took his shield down twice (at half HP). However, the lava pits were bugged, so they burned players when empty. One unlucky member got caught in one of them and got downed. The subsequent panic got all of the team killed from the onslaught of lava elementals while trying to get him up (they hadn’t noticed the bugged pit, either). After a LOT of kiting, I managed to get all the elementals down and started to work on reviving a Guardian teammate while still taking fire from the Shaman. I put up Smokescreen when off CD and kept planting Healing Seed Pods and using Blast Finishers to keep myself alive against the burning from standing still. When I eventually got him up, I still had aggro, so I kited the Shaman away while the Guardian got to work on the rest of the team. From that, we went on to beat him with no further issue.
I felt kitten good that day. Thieves suck in PvE, my kitten
Congrats. And I am an advocate for good thieves in PvE too (P.S. lets see a ranger save the day for once). However I dare say that if any other player in my position regardless of profession was of the same standards as of the other 4 WARRIORS in COF P2 they would have been stuck and could not progress any further, no matter how many times they retried if they didnt change their utility skills etc.
As for my definition of bad, well we did P1 and P2 everything ok up (so they were definitely not noobs and all had >1.5k achieve points) until Magg’s defense and the warriors kept dying in every failed attempt and even in the last “successful” attempt, we are all dead except for 1 last warrior downed (I was dead seconds away from 100%). I don’t believe they were trolling or that all 4 of them were so impaired to the point of failing. I was running as condi necro for the failed attempts but found it was much too slow in setting up AOE kills and was not able to provide enough support until I changed to Power Necro with Wells and Plague. I believe that a party of 4 decent Warriors can clear this stage with little difficulty, much less rely on a mostly Glass Cannon Necro for support.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
If you have please state them in this thread. I am not doing this in order to boast (well not mostly), but just curious as the tactics used in carrying clueless players in your pug.
My example:
COF P2 is v interesting when u play with terribad players during Magg defense stage. Exciting even. It may actually hone your skills at a particular class in order to carry the party. Not that you are likely to want to repeat the experience again; due to the level of frustration at what should be an easy challenge.
You want to know what the party composition was? 4 warriors and me as a necro. We failed like 3 times before I changed to Power necro, plague and Wells basically to stop them from overwhelming the party and had resorted to frantic Marking, dodging and kiting the mobs (as in the old P2). Of 4 warriors. And no, they weren’t noobs because they cleared everything else perfectly.To be fair as bad as they were, they did contribute to the DPSing of the mobs as the last man downed was a warrior. (I was 2nd last) and Magg managed to get to 100% just before we wiped.
At least there is a chance of carrying your party unlike certain fract stages in certain classes.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
I saw moments where I would not have been able to help or to save the group from a wipe on any other profession, but that I managed to pull us through on my Ranger. Again, this may just be because I know it so much better than the others, and I can certainly see why people have complaints about Rangers in dungeons.
Maybe you can quote the examples. Some ppl like myself seem unconvinced that great Ranger players can actually be more useful than average players of other professions and that great players in other professions will not be much better than great Ranger players.
Maybe a very good Ranger can carry a COF P2 team of 4 terribad warriors.
This censorship really is a tra kitten ue.
It is a fair assertion, however, that some classes are seriously lacking in a nicely effective entry level build. And that is sincerely a shame.
Ranger has a rather low “power” ceiling thats the problem. Its not a L2P is?ue as you assert, which would be the case for the more notoriously tricky professions such as engineer and elementalist.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
There is a very good reason for that, might be because this is a dungeon subforum.
Or that Rangers are even worse in PvP if that was possible.
But I digress – just take a look at the ranger elite skills. Spirit of Nature may be useful if it is traited to move around and doesnt get killed by an AoE or a mob which would be quite often. Rampage 20s of fury, stability and swiftness + a few might stacks of 8s duration with 120s CD (traits cannot lower this CD). And Entangle a 150s cd (can be 20% lower if u are traited into Wilderness) for 20s AOE immobilze/damage/bleed – I would much rather use Avatar of Melandru instead.
Why stop the criticism of Rangers at PvE? Lets talk about PvP . And WvW when rangers arent on top of a wall.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Um in regards to the rangers in my party…I like their Healing Spring + my Cluster bomb combination!
You can always use a + Cluster bomb combination and bypass the ranger altogether.
The loss of DPS is situational and often times it is dangerous for melee DPSers to get close to deal damage, and that’s where Ranger DPS shines and no other class can out DPS a Ranger from a distance.
In an encounter where melee is necessary (i.e. Dredge factal taking down flame turrets), a Ranger can switch to GS and still be effective in comparison to other range DPS.
The point is moot about loss of DPS because I’ve seen other professions having a hard time adjusting to maintain their DPS. While a warrior using a rifle because they can’t get close to the target, they are doing horrible DPS…same goes with Guardians using, what, scepter, staff? Where’s the DPS in that? And this is just fighting a Cave Troll in Queensdale.
My COE gear warrior does 8k (up to 10k) damage on one and there is which increases vulnerable stack as well. I wouldnt call that horrible DPS and I am much more survivable than a glass cannon ranger.
My glass cannon engi does 800 per grenade for 3 grenades autoattack and has a burst skill of 1000+ x 8 grenades which has a 30s cooldown (shorter when traited). I can even have 2 sigils running while using grenades. If I want to melee, I have a 3s block 20s cooldown skill and a high damage autottack using toolkit.
I believe the ppl defending rangers ONLY play rangers and very few other classes, so they have very little basis for comparison. Necros get a lot of stick in PvE as well but if u run with only one conditionmancer in your party u will notice how quickly mobs die. Can the most pro ranger even compete with that?
I’m even appalled that you would suggest the staff as a PvE weapon. Its damage is horrendous in dungeons.
Not every encounter is a DPS check. If your teammates are melee guys even guardians who are getting killed, Chaos Storm will save their bacon. Let’s see rangers coming up with anything remotely close. If you are saying staff auto attack damage is poor, you are right but you are forgetting the phantasmal warlock which hits for a good amount of damage. And you can switch back to your other set of weapons anytime.
On the flip side, I really hate mesmers who think GS is their ONLY weapon.
Too much of this game is driven by rewards instead of driven by the actual reward of just being satisfied by beating challenging content.
The whole end game of GW2 is based on extrinsic rewards rather than intrinsic rewards. Unfortunately, that doesn’t leave enough fun in a game to make it worth playing for very long.
Its not challenging content that I am after per se, it is interesting content that I am after, good if its challenging in a sense if it relies on teamwork rather than utilizing a particular class to faceroll encounters. Like I mentioned – early days of Flame Temple Tombs.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
You can’t possibly be saying there’s only one way to get exotic armor.
For certain stat combinations, yes.
When I first started playing this game 6 months ago, I thought great a large MMO RPG with many dungeons (AKA PVE content) to do exploration and run parties in and would be very fun like the Little did I know 6 months later I got sucked into the grind (because I am a sucker for nice animation) and there was even less content than an average solo RPG, story missions are just too short and unsatisfying, especially Zhaitan. (And they still have missing dialogue even now). I finally have 6 lvl 80 professions with 95% of all the gear permutations (and fashion) that I want and really like their own individual combat mechanics and I think the combat system has a really solid foundation notwithstanding class balance issues and the constant tweaking.
The problem is that my merry band of kick kitten fully kitted characters dont really have anything to do right now except for more grinding for glowy stuff like backpieces etc. I want that kind of experience the Flame Tombs gave me initially but on a much larger scale and with more dangerous Randomized mobs with better AI who also utilizes teamwork to score combos on their own for example instead of cheezy one shot hits and perma knockdowns. If that is too demanding on the server, then more mini-bosses pls.
As for PVP and WvW, I think PvP is really a diversion more than anything else, it should not be a focus of the game and as for WvW, it requires more strategic elements and a revamp to make it interesting.
The place I am coming from is old school solo RPGs, which may drive me into other MMORPGs, emphasis on RPG. * cough * Neverwinter.
Support? What support? Healing spring (which is useless on its own), and what else?
You want me to list all the buffs and heals my guardian outputs, while still doing better DPS on typical trash pull?
You should ask the rangers to reroll as kit/grenadier engis and they will know what real support is (tons of healing + CC) AND DPS with max range to boot. Or even as elementalist.
P3 pls. And Grast isnt really bugged because that would make Colossus a faceroll which u guys really hate.
Let me guess, they may become actually interesting to complete instead of a press 1, 1 and 1 to finish?
U mean in pre patch AC all u had to do was press 1. Yeah not buying it.
Sure P1 is doable with an a low lvl elementalist (if not 2 warriors will suffice) and with a PUG * (not a LFG Experienced 1337s in forum) group of lvl 35s – the problem is that the chance of success is 1 in 1000 for a PUG. I had done so many pugs and some with lvl 80s and yet they fail. If a bad player was at a higher level it would at least indicate that they were more likely experienced and not a noob who didnt know the mechanics of the dungeon, much less ICE BOW v the burrows.
Not to mention I was kicked out 1 time b4 the dungeon even started (no lvl stated in simply because I was low lvl.
Maybe I should make videos of all the fails but I think that would take forever.
Its good that a few people enjoyed the changes because even with this video out, judging by, its going the way of CM exp.
P.S The definition of challenging would be carrying a bad party by yourself and winning. Some people’s solution is to join a guild but really it is not a solution if your guildies dont want run a particular dungeon.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Then the game should make this VERY clear! Like let non-level 80 players not enter.
If ANet’s position is that dungeons are ONLY for level 80 players then they should communicate this well. This way things wouldn’t be so confusing.
I am an experienced player but I think my lvl 37 ele will have a hard time getting a party in P2.
both PvE class balancing (engineer, necro, ranger)
Actually not really for engi and necro. Go to their forums for tips on how to play them. Condition builds for any class is another matter though. As for ranger, I think it is really of little use whether be it PvE, WvW or PvP except for RP and noob players. Ranger needs a total revamp to be viable over any other profession at lvl 80 imho. If you are going for DPS, u go for warrior, if you want support or a special mechanic (eg stealth), u go to other professions.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
They aren’t listening to a minority they are not budging because they know people will eventually learn to do the dungeon properly just like they did around launch + They are planning to revamp all dungeons eventually. I personally can’t wait to see more interesting fights like the new end bosses in AC.
B. Wow one second. ie not that much difference.
C. I think its defend Hodgkins , Detha and the ecto collecting machines with the knockdowns increasing their difficulty, not enemies which u can skip. You can always read the other threads.
I guess we shall see. GL to the majority of ppl who share your opinion. See u around in 2 months.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
wait….are you saying that you meet unexperienced players in that wich is supposed to be the easiest dungeon in the game according to level? ._.
How untolerable……
Lvl 35 dungeons should be just for experienced players u.u in full exotic/ascended gear….
The experienced uber players are busy trolling the forums.
A. it was hard in pug groups back around launch as well give it 2 months time as I said for general public to catch on then it will be a lot easier again
B. vit/toughness keeps people up longer rather then fall over at the slightest gust of wind
C. Kholer is 10 times easier now then it was before O.o
A. Problem is the people who got all their Gear wont run AC anymore and lets face it GW2 new players arent going be as many as there were at launch, thus no more large PUG base. Once they lose interest, its on to the next game.
B. Only ever so slightly.
C. Kholer isnt the issue. Its not 10 times easier if you already know how to beat him. Its the other issues like the trash knockdowns etc.
I mean come on, theres no need to convince anyone that new AC isnt a dud. Give it two months or 2 years at status quo, there will be much fewer players doing AC. But Anet go ahead listen to the minority.
And its been a week. So much for a week for people to learn new mechanics etc.
P.S You know why I know some elitists suck? This guy I was pugging with was saying learn to dodge and got mauled to death by the AC gravelings. Win.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
The dungeon is NOT hard, it’s just different. Maybe also for once people will stop thinking full on berserker gear is the bees knees and get some vit/toughness going.
Millionth time: do it in a PUG party comprising of nothing of low levels and make a video with it, preferably with at least 1 noob. How is vit toughness going to help since every stat is downscaled as well?
Also as mentioned higher up in the thread, the defend Kholer part has become harder for most (hint: my main is a mesmer, kiting isnt that big a deal for that particular profession, and same goes for skilled elementalists IMHO).
The proof is in the pudding: Filter out AC Exp.
Phantasmal berserker + phantasm warden on shield + into the void for extra AOE and interrupts to the elementals. Mesmer feedback to prevent arrows + Null field + phantasmal disenchanter for removing fires. Do NOT run shatter builds. Not nearly enough mesmer run focus. Unless you are a pro dodger, dont wear your glass cannon gear. Also Time Warp ONLY for emergencies, rezzing teammates or speedclear the eles when party overall hp is low, not for DPSing the lava shaman. Not even to destroy bubble coz at most the lava shaman just heals, better to keep party alive.
If all else fails and u get hit by the arrow, Healing Pod.
And PS: I learnt the above-mentioned not by dying and retrying constantly, rather it was a combination of tips and trying out different tactics at lower levels when there is less risk of doing so.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)