Finally, I suggest you try a toughness primary staff with sustain sigils because the staff isn’t great at damage dealing, and with this much toughness you can dagger most of the time. So I use the staff as more of a defensive/utility swap.
When weapon damage is added it takes an average of the weapons you are wielding, 2 handed weapons have a higher average as it is only 1 weapon. Duel wielding lowers your DPS by a bit, which is why I go into Shroud primarily when I am wielding the staff and why my offensive sigils are there. Not to mention the range, soft/hard CC on the staff is awesome.
Also to your point about blood magic, blood doesn’t fit well in a life blast build because life siphons are all about as many small hits as you can to proc the siphons. A life blast build is all sustained big hits, so for me Blood magic doesn’t work as a mechanic for the role of the build.
I like unholy sanctuary better because it covers my stupid more, I get FocusFired a lot and having a small safety net that makes me go into Shroud when stuff hits the fan is comforting. It covers my stupid, and I can be stupid.Dromina I like your stat spread up until I found out that you rely on infusions to get your crit chance to 49.6%, I also noticed that you have only offensive infusions, I only have one set of ascended and it doesn’t allow me to have all offensive infusions. I doubt other sets will, which is why I don’t include infusions in my calculations. I don’t know exactly what I can place and how many offensive/defensive slots I’ll have. I treat them as icing more then an integral part of the stat spread.
Tommyknocker I’d be interested to see how it shook down ingame, from my experience a life blast build relies heavily on crit damage for the bigger numbers which is why I tried to get at least 200%.
I see your point if you’re focusing on using life blast. I prefer using dagger for damage and I mostly use shroud defensively.
There are plenty of times in PvE when the enemies have boons. Dredge give themselves a few boons including protection, there’s that golem in CoE, the mid-boss in grawl fractal… All of those guys use protection + other boons.
When I bring my necro to those fights it doesn’t seem to matter enough. If I forget to bring Well of Corruption to those fights it doesn’t matter. We could kill things a little faster with it but honestly it’s not high enough impact. There are no boons that you absolutely need to remove.
Also there is a weapon sigil that removes boons on crit. I have an alternate rifle on my warrior with it that I could pull out for bosses that use boons.
It seems like Anet doesn’t want to add the type of utility people ask for such as party buffs or reflection in order to keep the necro unique. That’s fine but what they did with blood magic doesn’t really cut it.
I think blood magic is a great specialization for personal usage and made the necro a lot stronger, but the team utility it has isn’t appealing to teams interested in fast and clean runs. Nobody is supposed to go down in the first place and if they do, there should be enough DPS to rally off an enemy kill.
Who isn’t interested in a fast and clean clear? People who don’t care about optimizing, so the same people who were taking necros in their group in the first place. We got nowhere with the new rezzing stuff.
Honestly I think the best team utility we currently have is the protection boon we can apply with wells, which is something we already had before the changes. I think it’s a much better grandmaster than transfusion because the protection prevents people from going down in the first place which helps you keep things running smoothly.
I usually feel useful with my necro but there are situations where I don’t feel useful at all. For example, when running SE path 1 you can clear triple golems without reflect or projectile destruction but it’s difficult and the necro can’t bring very much to the table for this fight.
A huge problem is that Unshakable renders blind completely useless. If not for that, Well of Darkness would be one of the most useful tools for PvE. It makes no sense that bosses are immune to blind but they can be blocked by aegis or have their damage reflected back at them.
tldr; Rezzing support is a defeatist strategy. Effective support keeps people from going down in the first place.
PS: There is a great place to use things like transfusion… like tequatl where tons of people going down is a given. If you can prevent 5 people from dying that is a huge impact on the fight for one player to have. But for small organized groups we need different options.
(edited by Khristophoros.7194)
Super speed would be nice.
What would be even better would be remove the ICD on the shroud traits that cast abilities when you enter shroud. Speed of Shadows reduces the shroud CD but all of the other traits that could benefit don’t because they have ICDs.
I’ve been doing this type of approach for a while and it works really well for me.
I use blood magic instead of soul reaping because I don’t like shroud for damage dealing. You can use sustain really well with that much toughness so blood magic is perfect.
Also I think without any healing power, Corrupter’s Fervor is better than Unholy Sanctuary. It’s easy to stack with pretty much any build.
Lifesteal food is really good for survival when needed but for standard dungeons you’ve got the right food imo. I think you should also carry some omnomberry pies for really hard content because the sustain it gives this type of build is crazy.
Finally, I suggest you try a toughness primary staff with sustain sigils because the staff isn’t great at damage dealing, and with this much toughness you can dagger most of the time. So I use the staff as more of a defensive/utility swap.
edit: One more thing. I use sigil of rage + sigil of strength on the horn/dagger set. The quickness always procs within 1 second if I do well of suffering+locust swarm and autoattack.
(edited by Khristophoros.7194)
This would be a great addition and also a nice resource sink for the economy. Maybe thick leather would gain some value.
Well, The GW2 elementalist makes a whole lot more sense than the GW1 version. The GW1 elementalist sounded very versatile on paper, but in practice, it was very limited. Back then, you would specialize in one, maybe two elements or focus on one element entirely.
Because of the limit of eight skills, you basically had to bring some form of energy management in the form of enchantments (auras), or glyphs. That would leave room for around five to six skills which made things really tough when you wanted to use more than one element.
With GW2, you can switch between four elements which each have their own set of skills ready to use. That alone is 20 skills at five skills per element compared to GW1’s possible two skills per element due to the eight skill limit.
You also need to keep in mind that two skills per element would be incredibly ineffective since you would have no energy management and attributes would basically be spread out. Spell effectiveness was governed by attribute level and spreading out points in four attributes was just really bad build planning. The only way to get more than 12 levels in four attributes without losing too much health from major/superior runes would have been master of magic but that was an enchant and took up a skill slot.
Therefore, the elementalist transferred very well into GW2 and (arguably) benefited the most with the new combat system and the attunement switching mechanic.
Elementalist worked just fine in GW1 but it was a different concept than the GW2 elementalist.
You didn’t have to only have one element on your bar. People in PvE generally just had fire skills but that’s because they were only interested in damage.
In PvP most ele builds had one or two skills from another element for utility purposes.
Considering that every other profession worked basically the same way that wasn’t a problem. It was by design. You had one main attribute and your build focused on skills from that attribute.
Exotics are really inexpensive though.
I’m comparing exotic vs ascended.
Well yeah then you’re on to something I guess.
Except for thief, you use your main hand damage range stat for skills #1 to #3, and your offhand damage range stat for #4 to #5.
Thief is the same except for #3 which usually does one attack with main hand, and another with offhand, not always in that order.
The item bonuses to power/precision/etc… always matter though, just same as your helmet’s Power stat helps you punch stuff harder.
This is what I suspected.
In follow-up to this; is a damage-boosting sigil on the off-hand weapon only used when the off-hand weapon strikes or does its bonus benefit all sources of damage?
For example, if an off-hand weapon has a Sigil of Ghost Slaying, will all attacks against ghosts benefit or only strikes made by the off-hand weapon?
You can see where I am leading with this; using inexpensive off-hand weapons with desired sigils for different purposes.
Exotics are really inexpensive though.
The number one thing anet can do do help pve is make it more dangerous, specifically by drastically increasing npc attack speed.
It’s not only possibly, but expected that capable players are able to dodge EVERY major attack that is thrown at them. If creatures didn’t have ~3 seconds of recovery time between every hit, not only would squishy glass cannons be in greater danger, blocks/blinds would be much more balanced. Right now, a few well timed blocks can create a huge window of complete safety that facilitates the stack and spam style everyone uses.
Skilful players would still be able to protect themselves and others from big, infrequent, exceptional dangerous attacks but smaller strikes would still take their toll on players.
The end result would be much more value on survival over raw power. That survival could take the form of possission (give player a reason to go ranged/flank/not stack/move in and out of combat), tank stats, or healing from themselves or others.
Once defence becomes a requirement rather than simply a sub optional crutch for players who don’t have fights and dodge timings memorized, pve well be WORLDS healthier, probably more challenging and satisfying too
I don’t think it’s that simple. Why would PvE be healthier if players are forced to build more defensive stats? What is the actual effect on gameplay? Well it’s slower. It takes longer to do the same thing. Is that healthier? I don’t think so.
Does offhand weapon skills not just use the same formula?
Damage = Weapon strength * Power * Skill coefficient / Armor
Except weapon strength would be from the offhand weapon and not the mainhand weapon.
This is what I’m asking. I don’t believe the off-hand weapon strength is used in the damage calculations. The off-hand weapon adds to power but not to weapon strength.
Is this correct?
Read my above post.
Ask any necro about life blast damage. It is completely dependent upon which weapon set you have equipped before going into death shroud. Very poor design IMO.
Then what should it be based on?
Why ask on the forums? Anyone could say whatever they want and they may be right or wrong. This is something easy to test for yourself.
However I did just test it myself and found that damaging skills from the offhand weapon use the damage from it, but everything else including utility skills use the mainhand weapon.
I tested with necro warhorn.
I think people just want sword because they want proper melee like other classes.
The solution is change the earth attunement autoattack to melee on all weapons.
It doesn’t matter what the reasons are for why we don’t need healers or tanks.
What matters is ANet said they want to make content more challenging and require people to switch their role on the fly in order to incentivize more playstyles.
And the problem is that the current systems in the game go against that goal.
Yeah, I imagine… but healing power or not, the scaling is abysmal so it won’t make any difference. You can’t have dedicated healer because even with full healing power they don’t have any impact on the game as it is. And healing power scaling won’t be buff because e-sport. E-sport being the main goal of gw2 developpement, we won’t see this coming.
The real reason we don’t have them is because we don’t need them. The content doesn’t force us to.
If we needed a healer even with the bad scaling it would be needed so we’d do it. People would still have to use active defense to mitigate most of the damage though.
Also they could fix the scaling in PvE by adding buffs into the content like some buff you can stack by completing a challenge that increases your healing power by a percentage.
(edited by Khristophoros.7194)
The goal apparently is to allow for more playstyles including tanking and healing by adjusting PvE challenges. That makes sense so far.
Another part of the goal was to retain the ability to just throw together a PUG group that has any mix of professions and still be able to complete the challenge. The idea is every profession can respec into whatever role the team needs and it’ll work.
Here is where we run into a problem. Each build requires different stats and we get our stats from gear. Most players don’t have multiple sets of armor for each character. If we all just mained one profession hardcore it would be common to at least have 3-4 different sets of exotic armor but it seems that most players set up only one build and that’s the build they use.
Some people will say “just go zerker’s and you can still do support or tanking if you’re an ele or guard”. But to address that argument, imagine if the PvE was more challenging and it really required more healing to complete challenges. Would a zerker ele just switching to water attunement be sufficient? I doubt it.
How are you going to make it so players can join up and adjust their build according to the group’s needs with the current gear system?
Anet, you actually took a step backwards from GW1. In GW1 armor was just armor. It provided defense. Your build could be changed on the fly by changing attribute points and skills. It was a better system for this goal.
The most efficient way to farm linen is to play the game and buy it off the TP. That maximizes your fun/hour and allows you to get as much linen as you like. Second best is farming gold and buying the linen off the TP.
The karma:gold method using crab-grabbin gloves yields 10-12 silver per thousand karma. As one would expect (given that ANet doesn’t want us to easily convert), that’s not very efficient. In fact, it’s about the same value you’d get by using karma to acquire Oric Tools or Basic Salvage Kits (11.43 silver/1,000 karma).
Worse, it’s horribly tedious: fill up inventory, race to a forge, forge-forge-forge, run back to karma vendor. You can save time if you own a conduit, only those cost 140g initial investment.
tl;dr do whatever you like and buy the linen directly instead.
Depends if you have any other use for karma. If you don’t want a legendary you might as well convert it to other stuff. Collecting millions of karma and not spending it doesn’t help you.
In the old days of PnP games with a live GM, you would never run the same adventure module twice with the same players.
I should not have to explain the reason why, because it’s glaring obvious.We are made to run the exact same Dungeon hundreds of times in a computer MMO because there is (apparently) no easy way for ANet to make them more dynamic, which is in fact what should be happening. This would also then get people screaming because their easy “money making runs” are now more involved.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’d like more surprises in my Dungeons. Once the whole thing boils down to knowing where to stand, what order to press everything and what target order to burn things, why are people surprised we want to get it over and done as fast as possible with Zerg builds?
When I go on site to fix computers, I never know exactly what to expect, which means I have to bring a spread of tools and equipment. We are given a large set of tools, and then we find out we just needed one screwdriver. Every. Single. Time. This happens because we are always given the EXACT same problem, in EXACTLY the same Dungeons.
I think we need to address that first before we point fingers at all the people bringing screwdrivers.
PvE inherently loses its challenge factor once it is “solved”. There is always an optimal strategy for a static game.
So if you want the dungeons to be more dynamic and therefore challenging, Anet would need to make them procedurally generated and it would be a huge undertaking, especially if they wanted to make the result feel unique in a meaningful way every time.
I mean you can’t just generate a random maze with random enemy spawns who have random mechanics and behavior. That wouldn’t feel unique. It would feel like Diablo. Also, in such a game optimal strategies (builds) still happen.
… and you want them to buff GS, the only weapon PvE warriors use. sigh.
Staff already generates so much life force that it seems like overkill. I never have problems filling up before the cooldown is back. Ironically this trait competes with Speed of Shadows which is the trait that reduces the recharge on Shroud, which you really need if you’re generating stupid amounts of life force.
I think they should just change it to something completely different. A life force generating trait competing with Speed of Shadows was just a bad idea.
I like this idea.
Is it ok if I select more than 3 utility skills since I switch them pretty often?
Also, I suggest adding a “racial elite” option for elite skills. I don’t play sPvP and I use a racial elite because I don’t like the necro elites.
I’m not a fan of using somewhat memorable and iconic Necromancer’s Hex name from GW1 in GW2 for that trait.
I mean…I know that it doesn’t really matter, but I just don’t like that. Spiteful Spirit should be something more interesting.
The reason I suggested confusion instead of another damaging condition was to make it more like the old GW1 skill.
If you wanna see how strong a necro with invuln is, play a Sylvari necro with the Take Root elite.
Doesn’t help in PvP which is the base for balance in the game. My main char is a Sylvari Necro and I would love to bring Take Root into PvP games but can’t.
Well it sounds like sPvP sucks.
But I mean, you could try it in WvW and see how it is. Then you’d know how a necro with invuln is.
The most common complaint is the internal cooldown being longer than Shroud. I agree with this and I am really surprised ANet has left it this way. With any internal cooldown at all, it breaks all the synergies that this trait could have. If it had no internal cooldown it would have synergy with Speed of Shadows and Unholy Sanctuary, which would make those traits more appealing to take.
Another big problem is even without an internal cooldown it probably wouldn’t be worthy of being a grandmaster trait. It has to compete with Close to Death which is crazy good. I wouldn’t say it competes with the Signets of Suffering because that one is quite build specific.
Signets of Suffering is the only one that benefits condition damage builds, but it is very build specific. Without a bunch of signets it’s not good. This leaves a niche open for Spiteful Spirit which would be for other condition or hybrid builds that don’t use signets, while Close to Death is obviously for power builds.
With all that said I have a suggestion. The trait should do the following:
Spiteful Spirit
Unholy Feast applies 3 stacks of Confusion to enemies for 5s. Cast Unholy Feast when entering shroud. No internal cooldown.
This makes the trait useful for more builds, gives condi necros more AoE for PvE, and buffs the axe.
every class have its own mechanics. if you’re not able to kill invis(20k hp mes/15k hp thief) as 40k hp, 6k++ AA you should l2p or change your class or build instead of asking to break other classes mechanics. its just ridiculous.
You can’t actually hit mesmers so…
Double click the skill or double tap the hotkey.
Will this work with the Razer naga? I never knew there were ways to drop ground targets at your feet!
It should work with any mouse or keyboard. If the game receives the input for the skill twice it just casts it where the cursor is. If your cursor is on the skill button (in the case where you double click) then it casts it directly on your feet. If you double tap the hotkey then you have to mind where the mouse cursor is because it’ll cast it on the cursor.
Ok my alternative suggestion is remove Distortion from the game. Dead serious.
Dagger mainhand is the only really good damage necro has.
The way I see it each weapon has a clear purpose:
Dagger: Damage
Scepter: Conditions
Staff: Utility and AoE
Axe: messing around/handicapping yourself (lol its bad)
If you wanna see how strong a necro with invuln is, play a Sylvari necro with the Take Root elite.
Full reminder that marks exist. And if the enemy is out of range of setting off a mark you wouldn’t be able to deal with them anyway.
This is a slippery slope to all classes having personal detection or reveal.
Marks don’t give us a fighting chance against mesmers let’s be real.
And it’s more about being able to fight mesmers.
This is the biggest issue I have with proposing for reveal – the thief’s class mechanic and pretty much all of its damage and essential utility comes from its stealth attacks. Throwing reveal around willy-nilly, especially now of all times (thief is bottom-tier with necro atm, if not worse) without comping up with some huge compensation for the thief in regards to its damage potential/stealth attacks is just a really bad idea.
If the problem is mesmers being OP in stealth, but not thieves (which as a class require it for the most part aside from a few builds like P/P and S/P), then just nerf mesmer stealth, not stealth as a whole.
That’s why I’m suggesting personal detection not the reveal debuff. In that case the worst it does to the thief is now he has to play around the necro’s shroud more carefully instead of “oh that necro popped shroud now his team can see me and I’m dead” of course that would be dumb.
Why dont u ask devs to remove stealth completely from the game?
Will u be satisfied when every single profession get reveal/detection debuffs?
Necro is already strong against the thief after the patch since thief’s survivability has been nerfed to the max.
Just because u are having hard time against PU mesmers doesnt mean u need the detection/reveal buff.
Every single professions now are having hard time vs those mesmers not only necroes.
It would be way too unfair for thief/mesmer and no point of having stealth when every single professions start to cry about “we need reveal/stealth detection”
During shroud your actions are limited and you can only keep shroud up for a limited amount of time. A thief could easily play around it. I don’t think it would change things too much.
I mean in some cases it would be better not to use shroud against a thief. If they use Shadow Refuge you can just do staff 5 and force them out. You can’t do staff 5 in shroud although I guess you could still force them out with shroud 3. The result would be the same though.
You guys are describing scenarios where you are missing out on the defensive bonuses from CF. You wouldn’t as easily end up in that situation if you had 300 more toughness and 20% reduced incoming condition damage.
I think it will take too much effort to get into the details about the EHP math and such, but to keep it simple, armor is 100% EHP per point (sounds like a lot, but raw damage before armor is in the millions so it works out) so if you have 2000 armor, 300 more from CF is a 15% increase in your EHP modifier. If you have 3000 armor before CF, it’s a 10% increase. This applies to your sustain too.
Meanwhile the 20% condition damage reduction is 25% more EHP against conditions, and it applies to your sustain too.
The point is CF scales all of your other sustain up so that you don’t end up in those desperate scenarios in the first place.
I wasn’t aware that US triggers when shroud is on CD. That is a useful mechanic in its own right, but the overall sustain probably does not match CF because US is only healing you during shroud while CF gives you a significant increase to sustain at all times.
Again you have to understand that damage reduction is the same thing as a percent increase to all sustain and health. For example, if you have 20% reduced damage against everything including conditions, that is the same exact thing as “+25% maximum health and +25% to all healing” Seriously, it is the same thing mathematically. If you’re wondering why it’s 25% instead of 20%, it’s because 80*1.25 = 100. 25% more damage is the amount the opponent would need to overcome 20% damage reduction.
(edited by Khristophoros.7194)
And it’s more about being able to fight mesmers.
This is the biggest issue I have with proposing for reveal – the thief’s class mechanic and pretty much all of its damage and essential utility comes from its stealth attacks. Throwing reveal around willy-nilly, especially now of all times (thief is bottom-tier with necro atm, if not worse) without comping up with some huge compensation for the thief in regards to its damage potential/stealth attacks is just a really bad idea.
If the problem is mesmers being OP in stealth, but not thieves (which as a class require it for the most part aside from a few builds like P/P and S/P), then just nerf mesmer stealth, not stealth as a whole.
That’s why I’m suggesting personal detection not the reveal debuff. In that case the worst it does to the thief is now he has to play around the necro’s shroud more carefully instead of “oh that necro popped shroud now his team can see me and I’m dead” of course that would be dumb.
I think you may be misunderstanding the point of unholy sanctuary. The healing stacks with all of the lifesteal traits from blood magic. You can heal significant amounts by swapping into DS for a bit to soak up damage and using #4. With my celestial build, I heal about 5k or more in most cases.
Also, it negates a lethal hit with DS— something which is especially useful for both boss fights and PvP. It’s the only thing that will save you when you’re low on hp and your DS is on cooldown. The number of times this trait has saved me against a rogue/guardian that teleported in to try and finish me off is off the charts. It is a very powerful trait and not to be underestimated.
To reiterate: It will put you in DS on a lethal hit even if your DS is on cooldown. This is absolutely amazing for survival.
Stacking with other healing doesn’t make it better.
Damage mitigation multiplies the effectiveness of healing, so once you have all that blood magic healing a trait that mitigates damage compliments those blood magic traits better than yet another healing trait.
They do conflict a lot however US has the unique niche of allowing you to reset fights with DS, especially with healing power, whereas Corrupter’s Fervor aims to reduce damage taken all the time.
Well my point was you already have other ways to heal in order to reset fights. Necro is loaded with healing, and most of it has a lower opportunity cost than US.
Meanwhile, CF makes all those other healing sources more effective.
This trait reads as something that would help you survive, but it’s actually worse at that than the other grandmaster trait, Corrupter’s Fervor.
Corrupter’s Fervor reads as a trait meant for condition damage builds, but it works just fine for any build because any necro build can easily stack up this trait.
A good source of toughness and reduced condi damage is perfect to go with all the other healing sources available to necro. Yet another healing trait as a Death Magic grandmaster really has no purpose at all.
I use Take Root. That’s how I feel about necro elites.
600 radius AoE abilities aren’t good? wtf
Mesmers chain so much distortion and dodges, then they spam illusions, teleports, and stealth on top of that. You’re lucky if you actually land anything in the first place. Doesn’t matter that the reaper has lots of chill or anything if you can’t hit the opponent.
Double click the skill or double tap the hotkey.
Necro literally cannot defeat a mesmer in single combat. The best you can hope for is the mesmer makes a bunch of mistakes and decides to retreat, but you won’t kill him.
Even if Anet took my suggestion and we could see invisible enemies, we’d still lose to mesmers but it would be a step in the right direction for the necro vs mes matchup.
The only way a healer would be useful is if it is required for the party to survive. Why would we slow down our DPS to have a healer if we don’t need it?
I’m fine with this though. It’s quick and easy to pug because we don’t need certain professions or roles.
Probably better as a skill, revealed is a really strong mechanic and Necros are already more than capable of killing Thieves through stealth.
Revealed is also a bad mechanic as shown over and over in every game that has stealth.
That’s part of why I suggest just personal detection.
And it’s more about being able to fight mesmers.
WoD should do some direct damage.
I dunno about WoP. It’s already really strong for the situations when you’d want it.
In DAoC, you could see enemies in stealth if they were really close to you. Like really close; if you saw someone in stealth, you had about half a second to react before they stabbed you. It was exciting since it made it possible to actively protect yourself against stealth by others means than spamming AoE mindlessly. Of course, if you were in stealth yourself, you really hade to be careful not to get too close to your target until you were ready to go all in.
Death perception is already really strong, otherwise I think it would fit nicely with that trait. Perhaps it could be added to spectral mastery. Have it “ping” like a sonar every 3 seconds or so while in shroud, and if a stealthed foe is within range, the necro can sense their life force. It should give a hint as to where the stealthed person is, but it shouldn’t reveal to others, as that would just ruin stealth. Then add a similar ability to a ranger pet or two and it’s no longer class specific.
Well I explained several times why making it a trait is a bad idea. So I edited my OP just now to explain it.
I made a big mistake in replying to your idea of not allowing the necro to target them. The necro weapons and utilities are irrelevant since the idea is you can only see invis people while in shroud.
If it’s only during shroud, then your only attack for sustained damage is Life Blast. You need to be able to target them, otherwise only reapers could do anything with it.
Yes, build and skill selection should matter. Even then, revealing and doing any damage should require a costly build.
Well my point was the dagger is the highest damage we have and it would work without being able to target them. That seems unfair to the other weapons which are already weak in the first place so untargetable doesn’t seem like a smart way to limit it.
(edited by Khristophoros.7194)
I like the idea of putting revealed on people too. Not that we need it, as necro does ok against thieves now, but it would be interesting as an optional trait, and useful to your team. I don’t think it would be unclear to enemies: if someone puts revealed on you, you de-stealth and you can see a revealed icon on your status bar. It’s not like they’d think they were still stealthed. And of course any such trait would have a range, so you could just back off if you see they’re about to go into shroud.
Applying the revealed debuff isn’t unclear, but it’s overpowered. The necro’s whole team can see you. So this would have to be gated hard like a long ICD or a condition like they have to be low health or something.
Or you could just see invisible during Shroud baseline. Much more personal satisfaction for the necro without being a complete shutdown against the stealth users.
And btw I think we’re ok against thieves but we really need this against mesmers.
LotR style or X-ray vision?
Agree it should not reveal. Should also not be targetable.
Well think about the implications of not being able to target them…
- AoEs like marks and wells still work.
- Dagger (and soon to come Greatsword) still work.
- Staff, Axe, Scepter, and Shroud autoattacks don’t work.
- Reaper’s Shroud autoattacks DO work.
Now what’s the point of that when Dagger is our best damage in the first place? It limits which kinds of necro builds would be able to use this anti-stealth tool.
(edited by Khristophoros.7194)