Showing Posts For Kingsdavid.3598:
I came up with few more.
If we encounter Jormag becuse it’s sonwy and mountnin area of the world.
Climing (you can clime on anything you want) and Surfing (from the top of the mountain).
We know that in the next expansion we will get mounts.
I was thinking that IF 2 expansions from now we will encounter the DEEP SEA DRAGON a new Ships, Boats and Submarines and Sea mounts masteries will be great.
If we will necounter Prymordes I think that a Drilling (which you can make a whole in the ground to go down a levels in the map and the undergound), Mining Cart (which you can build a rout for yourself) And TNT (that you can blow rocks away for new secret areas) mastery could be amazing too.
I Don’t have any good ideas for masteries to if will encounter Jormag (Do you want to build a snowman? wink wink).
What cool new masteries would you like to see in the future?
So as we all know next expansion we’ll be going to the desert
and I thought that it will be cool if we have deserty kind of armor.
I have a few cool concepts I found online that I think will be cool.
I know it’s for an exting game but you can get inspired be it. And I think it will look great on a thief.
You can make it cooler that when he is off combat his bottom part of his mask is off and when he is in combat his mask is on (like shown in the diffrent pics)
Plesae Anet make it.
If you have other concept that you would like to share that you think fits the desert that please be my guest (it doesn’t have to be thief it can be any profession).
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
I haven’t paid attention. Has Anet said there will be more raids yet?
As I see it now, raiding been a sucsees for HoT. I don’t see them stoping making raids all of a sudden.
Plus they haven’t said they will not make anymore Raids like they did with legendary armor.
Legendary Accessories, Amulets and Rings?
I mean, it may sound trivial, but it’s very handy for fractals and raids, especially fractals, since you can put AR on it, and then use it for all your characters.
I already once suggested a legendary amulet with a graphical effect per class that uses it:
warrior: Fancier banners
necromancer: shadowy minions
elementalist: halo of elemental attunement
guardian: blue light becomes red
engineer: fancier turrets
revenant: thorns of ripping mists
ranger: pet leaves a trail of nature
thief: .. no clue
(note, just visual effects)
That’s good idea and all but this will be one expansion/raid worth of reword. What will they do in futere expansions?
Now that Anet has staited that there will not be anymore Legendary Armor coming to the game.
What do you think will be the next big thing (new reword) that will make us grind the living kitten out of the new Raids?
I have no idea what can they do, legendary backpack (lame IMO), legendary trinkis (even lamer), legendary mount (wink wink, this seems ok, but not good enough).
i like the basic concept you are talking about, not so much the story mission, unless its small for alts.
not so sure if alts should have to do it again, but yeah basic idea makes sense.2 major problems though.
1) they needed way more mastery points than they have abilities, and not always related to the mastery.
2) and this is the most important, apparently some people prefer exp grind to the exploration/adventure focused growth. as evidenced by others above
I think that it will be fun if they were non main story related mission. That way if you have the 3rd or 6th alt you don’t have to complete the main story over and over again just to get the mastery.
And as I said, the story mission will unlock the first one in that tree. The rest will be via the mastery points system.
I agree that some people want the grind (I was one of those people not to long ago), but if you make it with no xp (Like Zelda) you will see that a game don’t really need xp to be intresting and make you feel like you have (fake) accomplish something becuase it take longer time to do (Via Time Wall/XP System). The game itself should be really intresting and FUN (becuase that’s purpose of game after all) becuase it’s FUN and becuase it takes longer.
I am not a fan of making the mastery system character bound, I don’t see a way in which it could be done without it either being completely trivial per character, or having way too much grind (which would be ironic considering that reducing grind is the most often repeated argument in favor of character bound masteries that I’ve seen).
Plus, how would the mastery points work out that way? Right now, as account bound points they could act similar to WvW ability points, where you earn them once and then can spend them freely on any character. But immediately that would make it no different from account bound masteries at best (as soon as you hit 80, you open up the hero panel and just assign all the points you earned on other characters), and at worst just introduces substantially more grind (you already have the points as soon as you hit 80 on any alts, but still have to grind out exp to unlock each mastery tier).
So only solution would be to make the mastery points character bound. But how would this work, since all of them are tied to achievements? Even the communes and strongboxes, the actual mastery points are tied to completing the achievement, not to channeling the point (and I suspect theres some technical limitation here, which is why the achievements are only worth 1AP each, its there because that was the only way to give us the mastery point for doing the commune). So you’d only be able to gain the points once anyway under the current system. Which means that to have truly character bound points they would have to be decoupled from achievements, which means you’d have to earn them either through completing the story (needless grind to force us to do story completion on multiple characters) or back to performing certain events in game (which again would be needless grind, since you’d have to repeat it on each character). Or they could just be handed to you through playing the game, which would trivilaize the entire thing. On a more technical side, there might not be a way to hand them out on a character bound basis outside of just handing them out for getting experience, which again does nothing to address the grind and would just make it worse for players who have alts.
So while yes I think the system could have been more immersive if it was character bound, I don’t think it would make the system any better to go for it now. Plus, we still have to sort out the issue with how you obtain the mastery points. Any way I can imagine it either makes the system even more trivial than currently, or just introduces way too much extra grind, to the point of making it no fun to go for masteries on alts period.
First of all, I think they should remove the achievement based masteries. Make it only open world (like the ones in the maps you can get to/glide to or even once that at the end of jumping puzzles), Adventure base and compliting open world bosses/meta events/Raid bosses/Fractal bosses (for the first time with each character). And they could add the open world masteries to the Vanila maps.
Second, if you make it that every mastery cost the same, and it cost only 3 points it makes the point getting alot easier, and not feel like a chore. Today you have to get 186 mastery points to complete the whole set. But if you make it only 3 for each one it will cost you a total of 108. That is 78 point you can throw away (via all the achivemnt based ones). And if you make it that you can choose freely which mastery to unlock and not be forced to do the whole tree just to get one mastery you like, you can not do certain masteries and be happy with yourself. You can have only 60 Mastery point and have the masteries you want, insted of having 108/186 masteries and feel like you only did most of the becuase you needed to unlock the last one.
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
Instead of been a FUN new feature that’s add to the game in order to inrich it, it’s fake progression system to make sure you spend 1000000000000 hours in the game, in order to answer WoW expansion and the “level reset” it does every time.
The whole point of experince bar and leveling system in the Mastery system is just stupid in my opinion.
After playing Zelda Breath of the Wild, a Role Playing Game with not level and expirance system, it open my eye. Games don’t really need leveling systems and skills been locked behind a giant TIME WALL(xp and leveling) to make you spend time in them (hope it make sence).
If you think of it the more expansion GW2 will keep doing the more time it will take to all of them. If someone want to join the game in the next expansion or the one after that, you really think he will spend all this time to unlock all the new masteries and the old ones?.0 NO, He will say kitten IT I AM NOT DOING THIS kitten this will take me ages, and go play other game. And then Anet will sell a new expansion with all the previous masteries unlocked which ruin the game even more (making people ignoring the older content all together).
My reasoning for making it a the mastery system a charactrer base and not a account base is that the mastery system will keep feeling fresh even after you done them for the first time. Not making it a chore you must complete and never see or think of it again. Second it make every character feels uniqe, especially with the way that every mastery is unlockable after you completed the first tier in that tree. Meening that you can have one character with stealth gliding and with no fast gliding at all, that way every chararter feels unqie.
So as I (not you angry guy/girl on the keybord preparing to write and angry comment) see it the Mastery system is a failure. I am talking about the system itself and not the masteries themself.
I think the way to fix the Mastery system can be implement in 2 ways.
First, remove the experience bar and leveling system (Time Wall) from the Mastery system. Make the masteries only a point system. Make it a fix number for unlocking every new Mastery skill (not that the first cost 3 then the second cost 5 etc, all of them cost 3 Mastery points). Make it that after you unlock the first tier of in a mastery tree you are free to unlock any mastery you like from that tree (Not been force to do all of that mastery tree just to get one mastery you want like from that tree.)
And most importantly, make it a character based system and not account bound system (no need for account based once you remove the Time Wall from the picture).
Second, is a little bit more complicated , and I don’t think Anet will do it becuase it will take to long. Make it that every tier opener a story mission and make it have place in the world and a reason for been there. Think of a mission in HoT that you build a glider and Taimi helps you make it. And says that thats the only way you can maneuver through the jungle. And other one that a Itzel teaches you how to use the jummping mushrooms. And make the way you get new mastery points fun, like the Adventure system or the random mastery scatter in world. And not like boring achivment like guild under and brige.
My thoguts on why I think these changes need to happen are in the next commnet to keep you of me rambleing for an hour.
First of all nice thread, I see you put alot of effort in it. And if I skip somethings you said it means that I liked them.
I liked the change to the dodges to making them a F3 insted of perma dodge, this will make DD more intersting IMO. Tho I didn’t really liked your new skills, I feel like they don’t really feat the dodge theam.
Trick shoot – Stealing boons is just to op and giving it bleed for each bouce will make it more balanced IMO (it will act like Dagger Storm in that regard).
Shadow Arrow – Because you changed Infiltrator’s Arrow that way (which I liked) which makes you want to use this skill (Infiltrator’s Arrow) as a gap closer now and damage dealing, if you give thiefs another gap closer it will make them op IMO.
So I suggest that insted make it – Poison all targeted hit by the bouncing arrow the last tagert hit get Stuned and get Poison stacks depented on the number of baunces the arrow made till it came to the last target.
Pistol Whip – I like the fact that moving won’t cancel the skill (and I didn’t understand what you mean by postpone it for 3 seconds), but I think that this skill should be used while moving and the down side for this will make you NOT stun the target. And make the skill a Whirl Finisher.
Hearthseeker – IMO Hearthseeker already feels clanky at some times and making it a skill shot leap that can only hit one traget will make it alot more clanky (Tho I would really like to see this change).
Body Shot – So I think that making it a 1 second daze insted and removing 1 Initiative will make this skill ridiculous and make it spammy AF. Not to mention the you had to change the headshoot skill to a diffrent skill just to make it logical with Pistol Pistol in mind, but with the changes you made to headshoot you left Dagger Pistol with no CC and no interrupts.
I think it should be – Deal more damage, remove 1 Initiative (make it 3) , cause Slow (insted of and Immobilize) and Vulnerability to the target.
Headshoot – I think the skill is fine the way it is now, but if I would change somthing is that, if you successfully interrupt a foe you inflict 1 stack of cunfusion.
Blackpowder – I think the skill is fine the way it is now.
Hallowed Ground – reduce it’s cd to 45 sec, Retaliation and ontop of the Stability and enemy hit by this skill gets Weakness . Also adds, For each ally affected by this skill redcue this skill CD by 3 (or balanced number) seconds.
Sanctuary – reduce it’s base cd to 60 add Regeneration for all allys in the bubble. also add, for every project that hitted the bubble reduce the skill’s cd by 1 second. For each ally affected by this skill redcue this skill CD by 3 (or balanced number) seconds.
Purging Flames – increase it’s cd to 45 and adds, For each ally affected by this skill redcue this skill CD by 3 (or balanced number) seconds.
So yes, Roll for Initiative does need a CD reduction, but giving it a baseline CD reduction, as well as 3 sec resistance is too much. Resistance is already too widely available and needs to be tuned way back
As for Roll for Initiative, I have to disagree. Right now with daredevil and Unhindered Combatant (which is basically an improved version of Roll for Initiative with no CD at all and you can be used at any direction insted of just backwords) Roll for Initiative seems to have no purpose in the game. I think that with those changes it will make it atleast viable and with Resistance (with all the condi damage, block, stablilty BS that other proffesions have of right now) it will give us atleast a fighting chance and make you at least consider taking this skill. And (if god forbits) you want not use a build without daredevil (or in the futere with new elite specs) this will give u a fair alternetive.
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
So I have seen alot of threads regarding that the core skills and traits need a overall.
I have been thinking that in this thread EVERYBODY could suggest ways to improve existing skills & utility in any profession you like.
Mine are:
Traps – Change the hitbox on the traps to other Profession like Guardian. I think that the traps themself are not so intresting or good IMO (As of now I can’t think of any ideas of changing traps to make them viable).
Spider Venom – Remove the charge system and make it: For the next 5 seconds all your attacks apply Poison.
Skale_Venom – Remove the charge system and make it: For the next 5 seconds all your attacks apply Torment and Vulnerability.
Caltrops – Make it a low range trageted skill with the same hit box, and if the target stay in it for to long or takes to many hits/steps form it he will get Immobilized.
Scorpion Wire – The skill is unblockable, you have 2 casts the first is when you hit and the second is when you pull. After you hit you have a few sec to choose. And if you pull, it shows the target get pull to you and get knock down on the ground and get stuned for a few sec (like he hit his head on the ground when he was pulled and got stuned). hope it maked sense.
Roll for Initiative – Lower it’s base CD to 30/40 seconds and make it that everytime you use regualr dodge you reduce it’s CD by X seconds and on the top of that give 3 seconds of Resistance after using this skill.
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
@ Kingsdavid
Ya, a Saboteur works with a Weapon like Mace or Torch, because that would be weapons that would suit to a Thief thematically who’s about to destroy or to manipulate something by force to weaken his foes or to cause malfulctions of something they want to sabotage.
But it doesn’t work with Scepters. Scepters aren’t designed to deal with them physical attacks, unlike a Mace, which is much more destined by design to do that.
Your concept with Scepter makes no sense.
Only because anet made Staffs for Thieves into melee weapons, doesn#t mean, that the same principle of that move works with absolutely all weapons the same way, nor does doing so against logic everytime sense, nor is it always realistic – so that it must be excused by the end with the ultimate excuse formula that is called “its magic/ a fantasy game”This might work as natural excuse by design for any kind of Magic Weapon, like Scepters and Staffs, or Foci, but for realistic conventional weapons, that exist as well in real life (or existed in the past), this doesn’t work without automatically coming into the hardship of having to explain, how this or that can work in the game, like its the case with the Hammer of the Retualist – the only excuse you can say here to explain how that weapon can work in the game how it works is by saying – due to magic…
Thieves aren’t well known classes for their “magic” – so are Infiltrators, Saboteurs ect. however you want to call your concept now. You may not forget, that the basics of the elite spec is still the Thief and as that a Thief will always prefer using conventional melee orientated weapons which underline their swift and agile combat styles, over those, that are by design made for magicians.
Thats how I do see that – brief said, I think your concept should rather work with Maces, than with Scepters. Would fit imo alot better.If anet will ever add any time soon new weapon types, I think also more common known missing weapons are more senseful and easier to design also for other upcoming Elite Specs, than to add some kind of ultra exotic nearly unknown tribal weapons, which in my opinion don’t fit into the game compared to Pistols, Rifles and more common known classical conventional weapons like Bows, Axes, Swords ect.
Missing Weapons Types like Greataxes, Polearms, Whips, Claws, Chakrams, or Crossbows have significant bigger chances to find somewhen into the game, than said exotic tribal weapons, which not many people even know exist.
Anet doesn’t design new weapon types, just to give them then only for 1 single Elite Specialization of the whole game.The weapon of choice must fit by design to multiple different Classes, at least 2.
A task that is easier done with more common known weapons.
And we can be happy, if we see anytime soon at all – maybe with the next expasion – hopefully some new weapon types to bring some fresh air into the game.If you take a look by what people are commonly wishing for, when it goes about new weapons, then there are currently Greataxes and Polearms the two best options that have best chances to find maybe next into the game, because these are the two weapon types that are basically wished the most by people when you look into the forums.
Brief said, I give no single Class Concept here ever any big chance to see ever somehow the day of light, if it uses some kind of over exotic weapon that has in itself no chance to get ever used, when there are easier to design alternatives, which are also wished more by players aready or doesn’t use an already existing weapon type, like Mace.
Now that you realized, that your concept wasn’t enough, I hope to see the missing half
I made a new topic due to your feedback.
First of all to be frank, there is almost 99% chance that Anet won’t use any of the suggested elite specs that are offered here, or any other place. These concepts (at least for me) are just for fun. So the point you make about the viability that a weapon like this will ever see any daylight (tho true) is irrelevant.
To the subject, tho you offer some fair points. A scepter when you don’t have any magic infused into it is just a club, just like a wand with no magic is just a stick. So it’s highly possible (IMO at list) that a thief that has not magic abilities could have picked up a scepter and used it as a club, or as a throwing weapon. And when he threw it, he realized that if he put a small knife at the end of it, the weapon will do more damage.
I linked a picture of a scepter from GW2 wiki and you can see that it’s just piece of wood.
Minor Adept – Heart of the Guerrilla
Gain access to the Saboteur Specialization, unlocks the Scepter Weapon, gain access to the Utility Skill Category “Guerrilla Tactics” and gain the ability to use Decoy (F3).
Major Adepts:
- Scope Strike – Gain 3 Initiative for every 2 ranged skilled used in the last 3 secs
- Explosives Mastery – Grants the player bonus damage to enemies with Aoe.
- Master tactician – Reduce the CD of Decoy when you first activate a Guerrilla Tactics skill. Guerrilla Tactics skills have reduced cooldowns.
Minor Master – Agile Recovery
Gain swiftness and Regeneration whenever you use Steal or Decoy.
Minor Master:
- War Bat Master – While wielding a Sceptor, if you hit 2 or more foes with an AoE (Area of Effect) attack you will gain 3 Initiative and reduce the CD of Decoy by X seconds.
- Eye for an Eye – remove 1 condition whenever you inflict a condition. (3 sec cd)
- Open Wound – You mark a foe when you first attack him for 3 seconds. The Mark stores a percentage (like 12%) of all the damage you deal while the foe is marked. After the mark has ended deal that stored percentage damage. (CD 15 -30 seconds).
Minor Grandmaster – Camouflaged Burglary
When you use Decoy reduce the CD of steal and utility skills.
Minor Grandmaster:
- Unseen Spark – Your Decoy ability is replaced by Flash bombs, instead of a Decoy you leave behind 3 flash bombs that explode instantly, dealing damage, giving Blindness and Bleeding and Confusion to the foe, and giving 5 Might stacks for 10 seconds.
- Mirror figure – Your Decoy is replaced by a Target Dummy with a picture of you (but looks like target dummy the someone glued a picture of you on it), the foe that hit you is Taunted to dummy and gets 10 stacks of Vulnerability for the next 10 seconds, and giving you 3 Stability stacks for the next 10 seconds.
- Booby Trap – Your Decoy ability can be used once again, once press you teleport back to your decoy and activating it in the process. once activated, the decoy shoots a powerful arrow that deals a large amount of damage to the foe that attacked you. you gain Protection for 5 seconds.
Let me know what you guys think, I have put alot of work into this and I would really appreciate good/bad feedback.
For the F3 (New Class Mechanic) I chose – Decoy
Once pressed the next time you take a direct hit you will go into stealth and teleport behind your foe (not directly behind but at a decent range that way Backstab won’t be broken), and leaving a decoy where you stood.
Utilities and Elite:
Heal – Guerrilla tactic – First Aid Syringe
Heal for a % (percent) of the damage you took in the last 3 (or X) seconds, and 1 gain boons for each 25% max health damage you took in the last 3 sec. (if you took 50% damage of your max health in the last 3 (or x) second you gain 2 boons).
If you didn’t take any damage in the last 3 (or X) seconds you will heal for a low flat amount.
Utility – Guerrilla tacit – Espionage
2 parted skill
First use – You attack your target with a well timed strike (like spock’s vulcan nerve pinch) that at the moment it hits it takes one of your foes skills (utilities on an enemy Player and main skill/fixed skill (becuase it will take ages to code) on an NPC) and make the foe skill (or utility) go on cd.
Second use – You use the skill/utility.
Utility – Guerrilla tactic – Hit and Run
You call down one thief from your thief guild that wait in the nearby in the shadows (not in stealth). The first time you attack a foe he perform 1 range attack (with a rifle becuase it in 2 expansions) that stuns and deals damage and bleed (don’t have to bleed can do and other condition) form a distance (You can see the thief form the distance that way it’s counterable) then he is dismissed.
Utility – Guerrilla tactit – Ambush Assault
Targeted skill that mark an area on the ground, after a brief delay any foe that is in that targeted area is marked by the Thief Guild. Every marked foe is revealed (don’t have to be) and get attacked from range thief from the thief guild.
Utility – Guerrilla tactic – Sticky Booms
You throw a mini boom (that has tree sap all over it) at your target and stick to it. After x sec it explode dealing damage to the target and to the near by foes, also causes bleed.
Elite – Guerrilla tacit – Sabotage
After 2 sec cast time (or balanced number) you summon a thief from your thief guild and teleport to you enemy from the sky knocking them down for 1.5 sec and disarming them for 4 (or X) seconds and doing damage.
New mecanic disarm – disarm your enemy, taking his weapon (and ONLY the weapon skills, not the utilities) giving them new set of skills
So I remade the thread I did before to make it more organized and changed it due to a feedback.
So we all know from the leaks that the next elite for thiefs will be rifle.
I was thinking of elite for 2 more expansions.
The concept involved around Guerrilla Warfare fighting tactics, that i think fits the thieves.
I think that thiefs today luck a medium ranged AoE damage which I think my concept can solve (I know that thiefs luck an Party Buffing skills, Long range weapon (which the next expansion will do), and more melee weapons. But my thread is not about it) .
The weapon will be War Club, It will have a medium range.
Main Hand only: Scepter
The Scepter will be used as a throwing weapon.
Skill 1:
First Attack – Throw the war club at your foe and bounce it to your hand.
Second Attack – Throw the war club faster and apply 3 stacks vulnerability and bounce it to your hand.
Third Attack – Throw the war club even faster and slows the foe.
Stealth Attack – Throw a precise throw that stuns the target and cause Confusion (or other condision).
Skill 2: Fill the club with black powder and light the fuse, you throw the club at a target area. On first impact with the ground the gunpowder spred throw the ground (kind of like Black Powder but with range). After few seconds the club explodes and lighting that area on fire. (Blast Area, Combo Field: Smoke & Fire, Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile)
Skill 3:
Scepter Pistol – Fill the War Club with gunpowder and throw it at your foe. The War Club sticks to the target (The war club has a little knife at the tip of it look at image) and you shoot your club and explode it. It cause bleed or burning damage (w.e don’t really care which).
Scepter Dagger – You flurry the War Club and the dagger while moving forward, evading (or reflect projectiles) dealing damage to any foe on the sides of you, at the end of the attack if a foe stand before you he will take big damage. (like watch till 2:36, and like Champion Coztic Bladedancer Deadly Dagger Attacks).
First of all thanks for the replay, seem like you’re the only one that actually give a daamn and took your time to give a feedback. I appreciate that. Any feedback good/bad helps me improve.
I will answer you in the order of your feedbacks.
1) The infiltrator was the first name that I came to me. Didn’t really think it’ll make alot of sense, but it’s the only good name I could come up with. Ain gonna lie to you man. If you think that Saboteur is better I can agree with you.
2) First of all I never said that war club will be a mace, you just assume that.
Second, The war club is a weapon that can be used a throwing weapon in many different tribes in the world.
here is a visual example. watch from min 23 second 51 he will explain how it works.
Third, just becuase the weapon is initially used as a magic weapon doesn’t mean it has to be that way. Take for example the staff, when it first came out it was a magic weapon only (much like any other fantasy game out there), but then came the elite specs and it changed it to a melee weapon that we thiefs use today.
3) Sure I agree it was very lackluster, I had a really hard time thinking about the traits, utilities and even class mechanics , so I thought it would be nice if you as a community see the first concept and feedback then help me with the traits, I now realize it was a mistake.
4) Again agreed, I had a really hard time to think about the utilities, So I went to a previous thread of mine and took some ideas from there.
5) On that I have to disagree, just becuase I mentioned Polymorph Moa doesn’t make it Moa 2.0, you haven’t thought of Rampage at all when I described this ability. I only mentioned that ability so you can have a better understanding of were I was going with that ability.
6) Again I already answer that in 3 and 4, I should have thought about it a little more to feet it in larger theme. And no, I didn’t get any kind inspiration from anything. I really think that thiefs luck a mid range weapon that have Aoe and that is not used a support weapon (shortbow). I thought thief should be like a Guerrilla Warfare Fighter with the utilities, but it required thief to use traps (which we already use, and they are really bad IMO) and bombs (which engi already use) so this is the best I could come up with. As for the F1 I am really straggling to find new thim for that feats the war club’s skills and feats the thief concept.
And lastly, I didn’t want to make a thief skills (utilities and weapon skills) to feel exactly the same. All I see in the longbow elites in this forum are the same 1-5 skill with a minor tweak like skill 1 shoot bow, skill 2 shoot bow give torment skills 3 use bow give poiesn ect. (and no offence to your concept specific, but to all longbow skills I see in this forum).
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
I would really appreciate if you guys comment. really interested in hearing what you guys think of that concept.
So we all know from the leaks that the next elite for thiefs will be rifle.
I was thinking of elite for 2 more expansions.
The weapon will be War Club, It will have a medium range.
Main Hand only: Scepter (too lazy to come up with a off hands skills)
The Scepter will be used as a throwing weapon.
Skill 1:
First Attack – Throw the war club at your foe and bounce it to your hand.
Second Attack – Throw the war club faster and apply vulnerability and bounce it to your hand.
Third Attack – Throw the war club even faster and slows the foe.
Stealth Attack – Throw a precise throw that stuns the target and cause Confusion (or other condision).
Skill 2: Fill the club with black powder and light the fuse, you throw the club at a target area. On first impact with the ground the gunpowder spred throw the ground (kind of like Black Powder but with range). After few seconds the club explodes and lighting that area on fire. (Blast Area, Combo Field: Smoke & Fire, Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile)
Skill 3:
Scepter Pistol – Fill the War Club with gunpowder and throw it at your foe. The War Club sticks to the target (The war club has a little knife at the tip of it look at image) and you shoot your club and explode it. It cause bleed or burning damage (w.e don’t really care which).
Scepter Dagger – You flurry the War Club and the dagger while moving forward, evading (or reflect projectiles) dealing damage to any foe on the sides of you, at the end of the attack if a foe stand before you he will take big damage. (like watch till 2:36, and like Champion Coztic Bladedancer Deadly Dagger Attacks).
Utilities and Elite:
Heal – First Aid
It has 2 uses.
First way – You heal yourself and near by allies for X amount giving boon (don’t care which one). The more allies near you the more boons and heal you and allies get (max of 5 people).
Second way – More selfish way. USE ONLY IN STEALTH, you heal yourself (only) a for a good amount and gine alot of boons (like Consume Plasma), or balanced amount of boons.
Utility – Decoy
You Place a decoy dummy on the ground (like a scarecrow), while the decoy is on the ground the first attack/x% damage you recive will make you swap places with the decoy and turn to stealth if the decoy is hit again the decoy explode dealing bleed damage (because reasons). The decoy itself can be hit but it’s explode on death.
Utility – Sync Attack
You call down one thief from your thief guild that wait in the nearby in the shadows (not in stealths). The first time you attack a foe he perform 1 range attack (with a rifle becuase it in 2 exp) that stuns and deals damage and bleed (don’t have to bleed can do and other condition) form a distance (You can see the thief form the distance that way it’s counterable).
Utility – Trust of the Guild
Targeted skill that mark an area on the ground, after a breef delay any foe that is in that targeted area is marked by the Thief Guild. Every marked foe is revealed (don’t have to be) and get attacked from range thief from the thief guild.
Utility – Exploding Star
You throw a mini boom (like a Firecracker) and you target. After x amount of sec it explode dealing damage to the target and to the near by foes, also causes bleed.
Elite – Sabotage
After 2 sec cast time (or balanced number) you teleport to you enemy from the sky knocking them down, disarming them and doing damage.
New mecanic disarm – disarm your enemy, taking his weapon (and ONLY the weapon skills, not the ultilitys) giving them new set of skills (like mesmer’s Polymorph Moa).
Let me know what you guys think, I have put alot of work into this and I would really appreciate good/bad feedback.
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
There can be no “Imorpving” the game until you imorpve your subject line.
Sgt. Hamfast (Spelling Police)
First of all, I don’t know what are you talking about, nothing wrong with the title. O.o
Second, I think that they should also improve the tutorials in this game. Hell I didn’t know anything about any finisher, leap or blast till I was 80 and someone did a mini tutorial to me and helped me improve my gameplay and profession skill.
Wooden Potatoes – Suggested in his stream yesterday on how to improve the tutorial and I completely agree with him.
You do know if they made full armor sets they would cost at minimum 2400 for a whole set they take alot more resources to complete.
Dude what are you talking about, where are you getting this information?
Normal armor set at the gem store now cost 800 gems, it is alot of work but compare to the outfits it only cost 100 gems less. You really think that Anet will post that armour at that price if they didn’t made money of it?
Second it will never cost that much becuase nobody will buy it, when you sell those kinds of things it’s a question of quantity the more you sell the more you earn. Even if they lose on the first 200 they sell, from there on out it pure profit. The different between this and normal IRL clothes is that it cost you X amount of money to make every clothes that your sell (because of the fabric cost and men/machine working on making that clothes) then you lose some money for every clothes you sell. But in here it cost you X amount of money to make at first, but after it’s finished it cost 0 money to make, because it a line of code that can be replicated without any cost. Meaning that from the X amount of money it cost the Dev to make the clothes(Working hours = money spent on that armour) it’s pure profit.
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
So I having been seen a lot of complaints in the forums about the game. Especially with the thread I opened a while ago (
So I have been thinking here all of you can post any problems and ideas to fix it or just any new cool idea (not related to anything) that you can think can improve the game. It could be from any part of the game from cool QoL ideas, New event/Meta event to even Professions skills improvement, and ect.
Mine are:
Gem Store Overall:
Remove the rotation on the skins of any kind and just put every skin that is a available in the gem store always there.
Please don’t make anymore outfits, I really don’t care for waiting little longer and pay more for a armour skin then a factory clone everybody looks the f—-ing same outfit.
Make a option to buy a specific armor piece insted of buying the full armor just to get a specific piece (make it that if full armor set cost like cost 800 each armour piece will cost like 200).
Make all the skins account bound and remove all the skins from gem store from the AH (I am gonna get alot of hate out of it).
And I you think that won’t work, just look at games like League of Legends you as a player have all the options left for you to buy whatever you want, and it a free to play game with ALOT OF INCOM.
Decorations for Home instance:
We have scribing already so why not let us have the option for that, we don’t use the home instance for anything this days except daly nodes farm.
Story Fractals / Mini Dungeon that relate to the overall main story we have at the time they come out:
I really love the way the dungeon work with there storytelling, for me it a really enjoyable way to experience the game. You participate in the main story but from different perspectives, raids do this these days but really little. I really hope there would be a 5 man mini dungeon in the future/ or a changeable fractal that change with the main story.
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
As a follow up to my previous comment about the Thief Elite Spec, Scepter thief (just few comments above).
The Utilities and Elite.
Healing – First Aid
It has 2 uses.
First way – You heal yourself and near by allies for X amount giving boon (don’t care which one). The more allies near you the more boons and heal you and allies get (max of 5 people).
Second way – More selfish way. USE ONLY IN STEALTH, you heal yourself (only) a for a good amount and gine alot of boons (like Consume Plasma), or balanced amount of boons.
Utility – Decoy
You Place a decoy dummy on the ground (like a scarecrow), while the decoy is on the ground the first attack you recive will make you swap places with the decoy and if the decoy is hit again the decoy explode dealing bleed damage (because reasons). The decoy itself can be hit but it’s explode on death.
Utility – Sync Attack
You call down one thief form your thief guild that wait in the near by the first time you attack a foe he perform 1 range attack that stuns and deals damage and bleed (don’t have to bleed can do and other condition) form a distance (You can see the thief for a distance that way it’s counterable).
Utility – Trust of the Guild
Mark and area on the ground, after x sec any foe that is in that area is marked by the Thief Guild. Every marked foe is revealed (don’t have to be) and get attack from range taking damage.
Utility – Exploding Star
You throw a mini boom (like a Firecracker) and you target. After x amount of sec it explode dealing damage to the target and to the near by foes, also causes bleed.
Elite – Sabotage
After 2 sec cast time (or balanced number) you teleport to you enemy from the sky knocking them down, disarming them and doing damage.
New mecanic disarm – disarm your enemy, taking his weapon (and ONLY the weapon skills, not the ultilitys) giving them new set of skills (like mesmer’s Polymorph Moa).
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
Totally agree. Good idea.
Btw you have this thread so you can list this idea and Anet would most likely look at it.
So we all know from the leaks that the next elite for thiefs will be rifle.
I have to say that I have a F1 skill for that rifle elite.
F1 – Grapling Wire
It’s a Skill Shoot that have 2 uses.
First use – This skill is long range targeting skill that when you press it shoots a wire that stick to the ground (can be used vertically) and pull you to it’s location.
Second use – If you hit an enemy with it you and your enemy get pulled to each other (you meet in the middle) and you Grapple (get it wink wink) his weapon and disarm him.
Also it’s a leap finisher
New mecanic disarm – disarm your enemy, taking his weapon (and ONLY the weapon skills, not the ultilitys) giving them new set of skills (like mesmer’s Polymorph Moa).
So I was thinking of elite for 2 more expansions.
The weapon will be War Club, It will have a medium range.
Main Hand only: Scepter (too lazy to come up with a off hands skills)
The Scepter will be used as a throwing weapon.
Skill 1:
First Attack – Throw the war club at your foe and bounce it to your hand.
Second Attack – Throw the war club faster and apply vulnerability and bounce it to your hand.
Third Attack – Throw the war club even faster and slows the foe.
Stealth Attack – Throw a precise throw that stuns the target and cause Confusion (or other condision).
Skill 2: Fill the club with black powder and light the fuse, you throw the club at a target area. On first impact with the ground the gunpowder spred throw the ground (kind of like Black Powder but with range). After few seconds the club explodes and lighting that area on fire. (Blast Area, Combo Field: Smoke & Fire, Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile)
Skill 3:
Scepter Pistol – Fill the War Club with gunpowder and throw it at your foe. The War Club sticks to the target (The war club has a little knife at the tip of it look at image) and you shoot your club and explode it. It cause bleed or burning damage (w.e don’t really care which).
Scepter Dagger – You flurry the War Club and the dagger while moving forward, evading (or reflect projectiles) dealing damage to any foe on the sides of you, at the end of the attack if a foe stand before you he will take big damage. (like watch till 2:36, and like Champion Coztic Bladedancer Deadly Dagger Attacks).
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
The problem is that jumping puzzles are supposed to be an optional extra you do for fun if you want to.
A lot of people hate them, literally hate them, and refuse to do them at all. If the rewards were better, especially if there were unique armour sets which can’t be obtained anywhere else, then they’d feel pressured to do them and resent it. There’s already enough anger over legendary armour only coming from raids and that’s an area of the game Anet want to push people into.
Meanwhile those of us who enjoy doing jumping puzzles and already choose to do all of them don’t really gain anything from it. You can repeat all the puzzles any time you choose, you don’t need Anet to tell you to go and do it because there’s a new shiny thing stuck on the end. (Which won’t be “special” any more after a week or so when everyone else has farmed it too and moved on to the next thing.)
Having said all that the end chests from the puzzles already do have a small chance to drop rare skins. They can drop any piece of equipment that’s available as a drop, including named exotics and precursors.
First of all I didn’t know you could get a exotics and precursors from the chest (guess I wasn’t lucky enough) so thanks for that.
Second you can argue that you don’t need any loot at the end of anything (fractals, Raids, LW, Meta event’s etc.), because it enjoyable. And there shouldn’t be any loot at the end of them, but there is one for a reason. we like to get rewarded for doing something good or achieving something difficult.
I really don’t think that a few map scraps and one armor piece (like a shoulder piece, NOT ARMOR SETS) that says I did that jumping challenge will make people rant and feel pressured to do them. I thought it will be something nice for rewording people who actually like that feature. And you not only complete the map and you get instant reward, but you actually get a map for a new jumping puzzle and at the end is a guaranteed reward.
Man this community is really difficult, it’s like you are so close minded to any new idea that is different the what Anet has been feeding you for the last 4 years, And it’s not just my ideas, every new idea that I see been brought up to this forum that is not what Anet is good (even like mounts and other things) you are insta anti. GOD….
They’d have to go back and disable portals, gliding and stuff like shadowstep in all the JP zones, otherwise they’d be ridiculously easy to farm (like right now). Probably more work than they care about doing.
But agreed: the rewards are awful. Did Malchor’s Leap or whatever it’s called the other day. Took at least an hour and lots of pain and misery. Reward was some greens. Yay…
I don’t think it that a big of a problem to disable gliding, shadowstep and portals inside all the jumping puzzels. They did most of that job during the introduction of gliding in Tyria. And it’s just not enabling you to use those skills insdin the borderd jumping puzzle area.
First of all I don’t think you need to ask how much you will pay for the full set, becuase most likly people will pick few skins that feets them the most from that set.
As for your quetion.
I think the for 1 weapon 400 Gems/5$ is a fair price (yea I know you said not the price of one). There are 16 weapons in the game (not including underwater ones). So 5* 16 = 80 remove 20 bucks of that (Because it’s a bundle) and you get 60 bundle for the whole set. GG
So at the current stand, when you complete a jumping puzzle (no matter how hard it was) you reword is really bad. Like Masterwork level items. And even you finish all the jumping pazzles you get a mastery point (YAY, zero sarcasm….). And for me it doesn’t motivate me to do them.
So my suggestion is a 2 things:
1) Make the rewards better (obviously) AND make a really small chance to get a really rare skin (that way players will be encourage to do them often to have a chance to get that sweet sweet loot) .
2) At every jumping puzzle ending chest (the ones from the achievement) put a unique Map Scrap for that specific jumping puzzle (And yea I know there is already a similar thing related to that Enchanted Treasure Map) And when you gather all the scraps you will get a treasure map that leads you to a NEW jumping puzzle. And at the end of that of that you get a choose between a cool armor NEW that feet your profession.
The only way to enter the jumping puzzle is with the map, even if you know the location of the jumping puzzle.
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
option 1 they underestimated the cost of building of raids and legendary armor. Raids are expensive to build – we know this from every mmo that produce raids.
option 2 the majority of customers wanted more investment in other areas of the game.
What would you want them to do?
Not promise somthing they can’t keep.
If they advertise something to get people to PAY REAL MONEY from there pocket, they should do it. Also we also only got 5 legendary weapon sets, and they advertised that we gonna get full set of legendary.
You would expcet that after 3 YEARS of no expansion that the devs will release a massive expansion with alot of content, but that wasn’t the case.
(2) Weapon skins. I too would buy more weapon skins if I could simply pick and choose from the gem store, rather than deal with tickets. Right now I have 7 tickets in my bank, but I hold onto them “just sure the next set will be better.”
(3) Grind. I’m not sure what exactly you’re complaint is against grind — what are you grinding, exactly? And throwing out the name of another game means nothing to me, you would have to make actual arguments or comparisons.
(5) Lack of Content. I’m not a WoW player, but since you brought it up… Looking on the wiki I see WOW expansions every two years. Anet is working on the next expansion. Game release, 2012. Expansion, 2015. In between, multiple LW releases. How is this different?
I’m not thrilled with the mastery point system and “disappearing XP.” I think XP should always count for something. That probably goes back to my pen & paper gaming days. My main account right now gets nothing for XP unless I’m leveling an alt. My four non-HoT accounts get nothing for any level 80. Yes, I know I could finish masteries blah blah blah, but I’m not always focused on that and am “playing the way I want” so am not there yet. Thus, wasted XP.
(3) As for the luck of content. I have to say I only linked the video, because he said that mmo needs to give constant updates in a short period of time to stay relevant. He also said that sometime quantity = quality. He just explained it a bit better then I. Also WoW release expansion every 2 years but it gives alot of BIG content patches (sometime game changing) during these 2 years.
(5) As for the grind part it will take me like a whole page to expain so maybe I will do it later (also I felt like the thread was getting bit big so I didn’t elaborate on that.
I would like to add one more thing.
Unfinished Expansion On Release:
Hot was released in October 23, 2015 and gave us 3 maps and living story. One of the main things that was advertised to come with HoT is Raids, So as expected (at least from me) is that you get a full raid at release and maybe 1-3 Raids (Full Raids and not just wings). Instead we got 0 Raids at the launch, 1 Raid Wing at November 17, 2015 almost a month after the game release. Also they advertise that players will be able to get Legendary Armor and it’s been a year and we still haven’t got a glimpse of a release date on them or how they are going to look (except heavy armour for a glimpse of a video). There were legendary weapons that till this day we only have like 5 of them. And many more promises that were not released on game launch but were released down the line, or aren’t yet released till this day.
I have seeing alot of people compelling in the forums about many things in the game.
I Would Like To Know What Are The Main Issue YOU Have With The Game?
Mine are:
1) Gem Store:
I don’t have any problem with the concept of the Gem Store but I have a problem with the luck of choice you have when you want to buy items.
When you look at other games with Gems Store you can see a massive amount of choices for weapon and armor skins. And in GW2 a lot less choices not because you don’t have alot of skins, rather because Anet is blocking skins then I have to wait like few month to be logged in at that week to get the weapon/armor skin want to put realy money on.
Anet just put all the skins you have in the gem store at once (except for the holidy skins).
2) Black Lion Ticket:
Please Anet remove the Black Lion Ticket system and just put the skin on the Gem Store with fix price. Black lion weapon skins wasted explain the thing better the I can.
3) The Change In Philosophy Since HoT Launch:
This game was not publish as a grindy repetitive game from launch. But in HoT it became graindy A-s game with no real point ot it. I have no problem with a grind game but the current problem is that you have a game with a system that wasn’t design to grindy (the realeseed game), being grindy (Hot Launch) and it’s a mess, the game don’t know what it is anymore. Look at Black Desert it knew from the start it was going to be a grindy game so the did anything they can to prefect that play style. If you wanna be a grindy game be a grindy game all the way, if you don’t wanna be a grindy game then don’t half a-s it.
4) Fractals:
I have made another threads in that matter. My Main Issue with Fractals and “Fractals or Dungeons What Do You Prefer?”
5) Luck of Content Updates:
The game updates really slowly and when you get content it’s usually like 2 hours (max) LW story. I remember that since Hot launch it’s has been like 8 mounth since we got any real content (except raid wings). MMO at it’s core is a game that you play for a very long time with other players and for that you need constant game update that gives alot of content. I know they gave us new map but there is nothing to do there beside some dalies.
And don’t get me wrong I love this game and it’s community but it my personal main issues with the game.
I Made Some Changes To The Thread Hope It Helps To Make Things Clearer
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
So while you wait for you guild/friends to to the raid you have nothing to do (PvE wise).
How did you go from “I no longer enjoy fractals” to “there’s nothing to do in pve”? Is your issue that you don’t enjoy fractals at all, that you no longer enjoy them because you’ve run them too often, or that you don’t find anything enjoyable in this game’s vast portfolio of pve activities beyond fractals and raids?
Personally, I have enjoyed my journey through the fractal levels a lot, but then I enjoy a lot of this game’s pve content and don’t easily burn out on a single facet since I switch up what I play all the time. Gearing up for fractals, increasing my ar and my fractal levels was motivated in part by wanting to be able to play fractals with friends at all kinds of different levels (and not feel like I’m being carried in the upper scales but actually being useful instead), in part by wanting to see the different variations of the fractals due to mechanic changes and instabilities, and in part by wanting to finish Ad Infinitum (for which I had to be able to run fractal level 100 and perform decently at it).
I still haven’t gotten my personal reward level all the way to 100 (currently at 88), since I don’t often have a group that is able to play the upper level fractals, but I’ll get there eventually, and I’m still having fun fractalling with guildies at all levels. My friends and guildies are interested in all kinds of different fractal levels, so things won’t get boring any time soon for us I guess .
First of all thanks for the replay,
Second, I came to that conclusion from the moment I started to do fractals not after grinding fracatals.
I have to ask you, if you would play a Raid wing and finish it, and when you reach the second raid wing you realize it’s the same exact raid wing but it’s the bosses are a little harder to kill (not becuase of different mechanics, but cuz there hp,armor, etc. are higher). And image doing that over and over and over and over. Is that really feel like a good game. it create the illusion of progression, but with no really contant just like FTP mobile game (Don’t kill me fractal lovers).
And another thing, I really don’t think that for me there is anything else to do in PvE. I already did the HoT map that soon became grindy and had the same philosophy of endless repeating the same thing over and over, and I don’t like doing any of the Legendary weapons (Because I think they are ugly), and raids are 1 time a week content with guildies. So tell me what is there to do in the PvE?
Fractals IMO are fun for a while and the “gear progression (AR)” in theme is fine, but it feel like it has no purpose. When you progress though the fractals levels it feel lackluster. It feels like just doing the same fractal but the boss has better stats (and sometime annoying mechanic Mistlock Instability before the update). And even if you get to level 100 in fractals it has 0 purpose, Because it’s the same F-ing boss from other levels (you already done) and you get nothing in return (no special skin or gear or recipe, nothing). In addition when an expansion is released you have no room to progress, instead the only thing they can do is just shove new fractal instead of other fractals in the level 1-100 (like Chaos Isles Fractal. It feels like the main purpose of fractal these days is for gearing up for raids. And Raids are good but not all people like them, have the time to do them or can gather 10 people to do them constantly. So while you wait for you guild/friends to to the raid you have nothing to do (PvE wise).
And before you jump to defend fractals, please really think of what I said and tell me that you to didn’t think that at same point (or atleast agree with on that subject).
Conjure Spirit Weapon
New skill associated with all the Spirit Weapons (Bow of Truth, Hammer of Wisdom, Shield of the Avenger and Sword of Justice) that replaces the Command utility. The Guardian conjures the Spirit Weapon as a 3rd weapon set (Conjured SW gets destroyed on weapon swap) granting him the same weapon skills given regularly by those weapons (Longbow, Hammer, Shield and Greatsword). For Shield of the Avenger a mainhand weapon must be equipped or conjuring the SotA will result in having only 2 weapon skills.
Hands up if this image was one of the reasons you chose to play Guardian
Would be nice if you could equip the spirit weapons.
But I think it would be nice if the spirit weapons would have 2 parts that they could be used.
First part – AI part (but way better AI ,like pet AI (and you can control it), and not make the look silly when it follows you) with 2 abilities. Ability 1 is AA ability 2 is nice skill (not amazing elite skill but normal skill 2-5 weapon skill).
Second part – You call down the spirit weapon to your hand and have 3 NEW weapon skills (that feets with each weapon) that are better then normal weapon skills (becuase you only have 3) with long cds. And when you swap the weapons it disappear.
Shout Elite: Light of Deliverance party is healed based on % of caster health (scales with health).
Aplies % armor on allies with health is under 50% for 10 seconds, scales with caster armor.
(not stackable)CD: 36sec.
Cast Time: 1sec
Nice consept but I didn’t understand what do you mean by not stackable?
Like if 2 Guardians use this skill at the same time it doesn’t stack?
I have another one:
Utility – Smash of the Forgotten
You summon a big 2 handed mace in to your hand and smash it into the ground dealing damage in a cone (similar to Mordrem Guard Overseer Mordremoth’s Smash) healing and giving vigor to every ally in that area and damaging and blinding every enemy in that area.
The mace is exploding on imapct with the ground.
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
Are There Gonna Be Anymore Raids This Expansion?
I have another one:
F1 – Dragon Fist
Passive – Burn your foes every few attacks
Active – Both of your hands looks like Dragons Head made of light (similar to Dragon’s Maw animation at the end. Image below). You have 2 Charges of Dragons Fist.
You Shoot a projectile skill shoot in a straight line that when you hit the target with cause massive damage making them burn and cuse vulnerability.
Hey let make a fun it segment.
Everybody can add only 1 idea of a new heal/utility/elite or even a new F1-F3 mechanic.
I will start:
Utility – Stand Behind Me
For the next X seconds the guardian take a protective armour that’s made out of light.
The guardian mitigate X% of the income damage BUT take X% of incoming damage from nearby allies.
Ok thanx for all the answers
If I think I have any good idea for improving the game. Is there anyway to speak to them directly? (via forum message or any other way)
Thanx ahead
I got onther one:
F1 – Grapling Wire
It’s a Skill Shoot that have 2 uses.
First use – This skill is long range targeting skill that when you press it shoots a wire that stick to the ground (can be used vertically) and pull you to it’s location.
Second use – If you hit an enemy with it you and your enemy get pulled to each other (you meet in the middle) and you Grapple (get it wink wink) his weapon and disarm him.
Also it’s a leap finisher
New mecanic disarm – disarm your enemy, taking his weapon (and ONLY the weapon skills, not the ultilitys) giving them new set of skills (like mesmer’s Polymorph Moa).
And BTW if you like one of the idea or you thinks this thread or my ideas are getting annoying, please tell me so I will know to stop or just get a feedback on the ideas.
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)
I would like to add that the dungeons add story from anther perspective to the overall story Arc. They elaborate more on the main story and give a feeling of purpose on doing them, And it doesn’t have to come from tedious text grind, you actualy there when the thing happens (like Rytlock Logan “moment”).
And this is where raids took the handles on this one (which is good and bad, because dungeons were left in the dark).
While fractals are there in there instance that is secluded from the rest of the world and don’t really relate to anything.Just an FYI, the devs are no longer working on or making dungeons anymore. Only fractals and raids now.
I already know that.
But I think that Anet lately starting to really listen to the community and I feel like if enough people would like to see the return of dungeons the maybe Anet will bring them back.
Maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong, still worth the shoot
I would like to add that the dungeons add story from anther perspective to the overall story Arc. They elaborate more on the main story and give a feeling of purpose on doing them, And it doesn’t have to come from tedious text grind, you actualy there when the thing happens (like Rytlock Logan “moment”).
And this is where raids took the handles on this one (which is good and bad, because dungeons were left in the dark).
While fractals are there in there instance that is secluded from the rest of the world and don’t really relate to anything.
Both! Fractals when I feel like fast-paced, challenging content, or just chilling and goofing around with some guildies on low tiers. Dungeons when I’m in story mood .
Yeah, no need to have a preference. Just do what you’re in the mood for . . .
I may have missguided you with the headline.
I met for the next expansion what do you prefer.
So the main problem (for me, don’t know about you) is framing Leather and Cloth in this game. So my suggetion is to add a new gathering tool that Skins Leather out of dead animals and cut Cloth (of dead humanoid’s clothing).
And I know that you can get alot of Cloth and Leather from salvging items you don’t need but if you want a guaranteed (atleast1) Cloth or Leather from low end tries (like Linen) it’s a very annyoing and frustrating progress to get them out of the bags or other trops.
I have onther one:
Elite – Arrow Storm
It’s a copy from the Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood ability Arrow Storm.
Those who don’t know what this ablility does I linked a video.
The ability don’t have to instant kill everybody it hit. But it’s will be a guaranteed hit 1 hitting arrow per target that deal a massive damage not like the Ranger Barrage that just hit the area it’s land in.
I have onther one:
Utility – League of Shadows
You call down one thief form your thief guild that perform 1 range attack that stuns and deals damage and bleed (don’t have to bleed can do and other condition) form a distance (You can see the thief for a distance that way it’s counterable).
I have onther one:
Utility – Disguise
First cast- You target a enemy that you want to disguise as (you have to be at close range) copy his looks (armor, race, weapon ect.) For the first cast it doesn’t make you copy your enemy’s look instantly instead, you hold a charge so you can cast it whenever you want.
Second cast – You active the charge of that enemy you disguise as and look like them for X amount of seconds. (You don’t have any of there abilities but you look like them).
Hope that made sense.
For The Next Expansion What Do You Prefer.
I personally prefer Dungeons.
I think they in engage more in the story and the feeling that you are doing something with a purpose that infect the overall story (of the dungeon and the world).
While fractals feel more disjointed and just “there”. You don’t really feel any reason to do them apart from gear progression and Anet choosing it to be the end game content.
What do you prefer/think?
(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)