(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)
I hear it might be some kind of sword…it has more sense that they add 1-handed sword. Much less developing/testing time.
Sword offhand LOL, knowing anet.
I would find it hard to believe that a ranger lost all of his pets lol, its a great idea tbh but the concept is a little odd or maybe grim. Not intending to bash your idea, but prolly would be better to say he’s just a animal spirit/totem caller kinda like the norns, instead of saying his pets DED.
you’re looking at the good ole point bunker ele of days gone past, pre-HoT it was arcana trait line with evasive arcana as grandmaster (massive healing spike when switching to water mid-dodge) and cleric amulet, it was indeed hard to kill, even with 3 people focusing you, you had no prob healing, cleansing condis etc.
I also used to use it as a pug carrier in dungeons when they were really bad lol
(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)
you will be far better to just activate the tempest line even if its not fully finished just to take advantage of overload air/fresh air spam.
core ele is like, the worst core profession, especially since staff pretty much got kitten to oblivion…
Just make sure to get fresh air and you’re golden. Dagger/warhorn or Scepter/Warhorn are the best right now, again, don’t even touch staff
A traditionally melee weapon doesn’t necessarily mean it will be close range. Examples:
Staff – Long range with ele, close range with thief, medium with guard.
GS – Close ranged with war, long range with mez
Hammer – Long range with Rev, close with war
Axe – Close on war, long on necro
I’m rooting for a GS, because that way we would get 20 new skills, as opposed to 12 with sword.
(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)
Yes please.
+15 charrs
Ram horned Charr looks amazing.
I’m guessing, as someone said, they went extinct with the sinking of Orr, or my theory is that simple animal like a horse would not have the means to survive much in a world where even the bees are the size of dogs, they have no means of defense to the more crazy predators around. We still have Does though, which my guess is would be extinct soon enough as well, as you don’t see them that much around.
They’re not something like a Dolyak for example, with big size, herd mentality and huge horns. Rabbits and other small critters are small and can easily hide. That’s what I think at least. We got Cows in Queensdale but they are protected by humans.
For CC’ing breakbars (air 5 and water 4), DPS and long lasting fire field (Fire 5), Water field healing (water 5) and yeah to squeeze some more seconds on quickness with earth 4, which is also a nice projectile reflect.
Staff Ele was non-existent in sPvP. It only found its way in WvW and PvE. Now, they’ve removed it from those two game modes, staff for ele has effectively been put in a box and thrown in the dusty closet.
major part of d/d was evasive arcana, I don’t see it working with tempest, or the fact that every single class can now delete you as ele… and iirc toughness was nerfed, that was a major part as well of the build (made healing yourself up more manageable cause of low hp pool+godly defense)
Here’s a quick video I recorded with my crappy cellphone lol. Please excuse the potato quality, I just rushed it.
It’s pitiful now.
In this update, we’ve reduced quite a few recharges for many weapon and utility skills that felt too high in light of previous reductions to cooldown traits. With that said, we’re also looking to reduce the elementalist’s damage in high-level content, as this profession’s damage and utility mix currently crowds out other potential high-damage dealers.
Arc Lightning: This skill has been unsplit from PvP and will now deal the higher damage values (25%) in all areas of the game.
Ride the Lightning: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds.
Frost Aura: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds.
Cleansing Wave: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds. The number of conditions cleansed has been increased from 1 to 2.
Earthquake: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds. Fixed a bug that caused the blast finisher to occur around the elementalist’s selected target rather than around their current position.
Frozen Ground: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds.
Healing Rain: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 45 seconds to 40 seconds.
Static Field: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.
Meteor Shower: This skill now has a 0.5-second cooldown when hitting nonplayer targets.
Armor of Earth: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 75 seconds to 50 seconds.
Mist Form: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 75 seconds to 60 seconds.
Ether Renewal: The healing of this skill has been increased by 6% per pulse.
Arcane Brilliance: The radius of this skill has been increased from 240 to 360.
Overload Air: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 7% in PvE only.
Glyph of Elemental Harmony: This skill has been unsplit from PvP, and the cooldown of this skill has been reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds game-wide.
Arcane Shield: This skill has been unsplit from PvP and will now use the lower recharge (40 seconds) in all areas of the game.
So is meteor showers only hitting half of the hits against big targets now? wtf. And Even more nerfs to overload air.
EDIT: Here’s a quick video I recorded with my crappy cellphone lol. Please excuse the potato quality, I just rushed it.
(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)
I like flashy stuff, so ele. Plus it’s the only class that actually makes me feel powerful. No other class gave me the satisfaction of dropping a meteor shower+ice bow 4, or glyph of storms+overload air.
This may not be easy to do, but I would think the ideal solution would be instead to tie the transmutation to the Cultural armor level/tier. That way if you transmute your ascended armor to look like Human Light Cultural 1, on a Sylvari it would be Sylvari Light Cultural 1 or a Norn would be Norn Light Cultural 1 and so on.
There are achievements for owning each piece of cultural armor for each race, I guess they wouldn’t do that cause it would completely break the achievement
I’d really like them to bring out something like Urgoz’ warren, the deep, FoW or Domain of anguish from GW1. We have raids, but to be honest they ain’t kitten compared to those instances. I’d imagine it is near impossible to have something the scale of Urgoz for example, seeing that Devs can hardly pull out something like legendaries.
I’d rather have a looooong kitten dungeon with tons of very powerful and varied monsters and cool story/lore instead of raid wings where you enter-kill huge boss-do minor event-kill second huge boss. I admit raids have their little charm, but it pales in comparison tbh.
For example, freaking loved Domain of anguish because you actually had to go to different locations that when you finished them, culminated in going to destroy Mallyx.. Really gave you a sense of accomplishment to finally go and destroy the last boss, but first you had to destroy its little army/servants all over the place. Raids on the other hand, are overwhelmingly dull (at least for me), its all just a “memorize boss’ telegraphs and dps hard” fkfest with no substance.
Something like those elite GW1 dungeons with the mechanics of GW2 could be incredibly dope.
(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)
Was hoping to see more Mursaat epicness but oh well, everything else was great, except those time sinks you guys keep doing with the new chapters, like in the previous one where you had to pick up some berries and twigs and stuff. Also, its like the third time you guys put something silly that doesn’t contribute to the overall enjoyment of the chapter in the form of that little minigame with the golem… it was just press 1, 2 and 3 for like a minute… maybe doing something that actually makes you think like the riddles at the last battle would’ve been better,
Also, git gud people, I did the last battle with the squishiest character possible… zerker ele.
Do you want pro-fat people complaining we don’t have fat bodies? cause this is how you get pro-fat people complaining we don’t have fat bodies.
I farmed a leather piece, I farmed a leather piece again…. HEY! I farmed it again!
Check out the leggings from leystone armor set if you haven’t done it, its skirt-like, you might be able to work it out with your set.
And most of the people agree with you, the game has way too many trenchcoats, I have no idea the reasoning behind it, maybe they’re easier to do, or maybe ANET doesn’t wanna deal with the tsunami of people that would complain if you made something remotely sexy/tight/conventional feminine.
Make another tier that when you click on them you get 250 of the previous tier. That could save a lot of space.
Bloodstone dust -> Bloodstone brick -> Bloodstone cluster?
Bloodstone cluster: Double click to gain 250 bloodstone bricks.
Also: Double click 250 bloodstone dust to get a bloodstone brick. Would make management so much easier.
Its very hard for them to do it. A better option would be to make an item that would make you level 80, unlock all specialization masteries and unlock all the maps/waypoints of any other character you choose in your account. I’m guessing that would be more viable as you are, in essence, making a new character. I can see that going for at least 2k gems.
No idea why this isn’t implemented yet. Seems a legit QoL update we should have. Best you can do is spam heals in open world hoping someone in need of healing was in your way. Oh but we have the option to move up/down inventory menu options cause some twitch streamer complained.
If its good quality+good paintjob I would pay up to $150 without thinking.
Picture this:
Since the remaining dragons absorb the magic from the dead ones, the last one becomes nearly unstoppable.
Tyria is at the brink of destruction… when suddendly, 6 shimmering lights descend from the sky… the human gods, finally returning to Tyria after centuries of silence. Together with all the races of tyria, the six gods personally help with the fight and the last elder dragon is barely destroyed.
With the enormous amount of magic set loose after the last elder dragon dies, Tyria is forever changed (first time in history the dragons were actually physically destroyed, altering the natural balance), volcanoes everywhere, tsunamis, earthquakes, mutated entities, etc. This new Tyria is the gateway to GW3.
(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)
Its a stupid mechanic that has been since day 1, and quite frankly goes against everything that is stealth. Stealth should interrupt channeled skills upon activation… so stupid how everyone can continue to hit you even if you stealthed 2 seconds ago… probably they have a bionic eye implant or a thermal-locking kittening bow.
inb4 l2p, inb4 learn to stealth, inb4 “stealth is not like that, stealth is for…”
client-side hallucination only your character can see, gets triggered when you meet certain requirements (some event i believe)
The elementalist’s Vabbian jewels.
One thing that I really like to do to bring up the challenge of the game without gimping yourself with kitten gear is to organize lowbie/newbie player dungeon runs. I just put:
“AC full run newbies only” and my party just instantly fills up with new players barely with the required level for the dungeon that are having a hard time completing the dungeon. Its a real challenge to carry lowbies in blue gear and quite frankly lots of fun.
Alternatively, you can try solo dungeon runs. The subject alpha boss in Crucible of eternity and Giganticus Lupicus in aram really put up a fun challenge for soloing.
(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)
Elemental Synergy:
Performing a combo attack of any kind with your own skills resets the previously used attunement’s cooldown and reduces its skills cooldowns by 2 seconds (overloads are not affected but they would get the 2 seconds reduced).
I think that would make ele more fluid and would open lots of options, without making it overpowered.
(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)
I doesn’t matter if you activate unblockable before or after a skill, it takes immediate effect the moment you use it.
I used to start casting killshot back in the day and activate signet of might to make it unblockable when the projectile was in the air (made people confident that they could block/reflect it).
I’m not sure what you’re saying, or what’s going on in this picture. Are you saying the armor should be skimpier? If so, I’m gonna have to disagree there.
Where did you get the idea that a pair of tight jeans are skimpy?
Anyways, GW2’s core consumers are 30-40 year old prudish, politically correct “adults” that get triggered at the sight of so much of a curve from their characters, that’s why ANET catters to them with these bed-sheet armors. The last “skimpy” outfit that I remember was the Carapace set for lights, and even that has a hideous buttcape.
That would be an amazing way to revitalize underwater mechanics. Buy a fishing set with infinite uses, hop in and search for banks of fish throughout the world. Imagine the variety you could put with this size of the map. Undead fish in Orr, huge boss-like fishes in Southsun, etc. You could use them to get prizes, like dungeon tokens, new recipes, consumables, etc.
5 skills with your fishing item, all of them untargetable to make it more fun:
1: Throw net
2: Harpoon line
3: Propeller (burst of speed to chase fast fish)
4: Fish bait?
5: ?
I see your point, but I remember the first time I saw the trailer and that you could make a Charr. I was so hyped I probably replayed the video a dozen times that day.
I wouldn’t have wanted it another way. I love the variety and, as a GW1 player, being able to play as a Charr was something I went crazy for.
Better yet, broaden the things you can get with spirit shards (have loads as well), kill two birds with one stone.
I’ve been constantly getting better DPS with staff at the new training area in Aerodrome, even against small targets.
something is wrong with your d/w rotation, then
here’s an example of a good rotation:
That’s pretty much my rotation, I’ll check stuff alter again tho
I’ve been constantly getting better DPS with staff at the new training area in Aerodrome, even against small targets. Meteor shower makes an average of 8 hits on a small target, taking in consideration you would need at least 3-4 meteors to hit to compensate for those 3 fireballs lost while casting, casting meteor shower on a small target is NOT a damage loss.
This is all assuming enemy is stationary of couse. On the other hand, Fresh air provides insane vulnerability for your team.
They’re not that hard to level, there are just some classes that are easier because they have higher DPS and AoEs to finish stuff quickly, like Ele’s lava font or War’s hundred blades.
With that said, probably mesmer would be the slowest, more tedious to level because the lack of AoE’s and the niche utility they have.
So, I am playing my revenant when I had a thought about the stances. The heroes you invoke as a revenant are either dead or in the mists right?
Last thing we knew about Jalis and the dwarves was that they turned to stone and went underground to fight primordus, that’s all we know so far. Revenants being able to invoke Jalis’ power means he’s been defeated underground? Isn’t that a major spoiler?
Cause we know Mallyx, Shiro and Ventari are dead already, but Jalis was never confirmed. Am I missing something?
- Conditions have been rehauled.
- Bleeding: 5 stacks and above now requires the use of a blood transfusion pack or your character becomes incapacitated for a day. Packs are sold in the Black Lion Trading Company for 50 gems each
- Poison: 30% chance each second to make your character do a vomit emote for 5 seconds. This emote is immune to stun breaks/stability.
- Confusion: Now makes you attack your teammates.
- Blind: Turns your screen completely black for a period of time. Can be removed by Black Lion’s Cleansing drops, bought in the trading post for 50 gems each. Requires two per stack.
- Cripple: For each second your character moves, he builds crippled stacks. At 5 stacks, your character’s leg is broken and enters downed state immediately.
- Chill: Your character is automatically teleported to Southsun Cove’s beach and enjoys a day off.
- Immobilize: In addition to current effect, automatically puts you in 1st person view and disables camera controls.
- Agony: In addition to its current effect, agony has a 25% chance of making your character commit suicide.
- Burning: Damage increased by 50%. Your character now runs in circles and can spread burning to close teammates. Elementalists in water attunement are immune to burning and burning can now only be removed by casting a water field onto an ally.
- Fear: Instead of running away, your character will slowly and curiously walk to the unit that applies fear. The next attack you do to your feared enemy does 3000% damage.
- Slow: Now raises your ping by 500ms.
- Vulnerability: Now has different effects depending on race.
Charr: Water fields instantly downs.
Asura: +500% damage from Norn and Charr. +100% Damage from Human and Sylvari.
Sylvari: +1000% Burning damage.
Norn: 90% miss chance against Asuras. 50% Miss chance against everyone else.
Human: +100% damage from all sources. +300% if enemy is wearing centaur runes. - Weakness: Now reduces movement speed depending on weight of armor/items on inventory. Asuras who are weakened will do only 10% of normal damage.
The DPS an ele dishes out is superior to everything else, big or small hitbox.
Your utility consists of being able to maintain supreme DPS on any kind of monster, while providing permanent 25 stacks of vulnerability with fresh air.
If we have 2 warriors and each one use the same banner, do the whole raid get the buff?
Does the game have any system that selects which players do not have the buff and then apply said buff if another banner is available?
Nah it’s actually slightly better dps than camping fire.
Fireball is just as bad at dps as chain lightning
Fireball may not be good DPS but Chain Lightning is definitely worse. Additionally Fireball benefits from +150 power in fire attunement and +20% damage when boss is under 50% health.
It is worse but I’m not basing the build entirely on fireball vs chain lightning, the real winner here is using lava font inbetween overload airs. Lava font alone, with persisting flames, lasts for 6 seconds, for a total of 6k+ damage if you are full zerker.
Its close to basically throwing in a hundred blades after each overload air, the lava font lasts for the reload duration of overload air. Chain lightning is just a filler.
And I know you lose wildfire, burning speed and lightning orb, but those are all in longer cooldowns, while lava font is 4 seconds. Plus, you get meteor shower aswell.
Has anyone tried this?
The meta is dagger/warhorn for the dagger autos while overload air recharges, however,
the wiki says overload air damage scales with mainhand weapon damage. This means dagger/scepter damage is 312, while staff is 343, isn’t this relevant?
I’ve been using fresh air staff instead of dagger, and altough dagger air auto is far superior to staff auto, I kinda feel switching to fire to drop a lava font (assuming you can keep boss on lava font) then autoing staff air seems to be on the same level or maybe better than dagger auto, but its just me, maybe someone who has already tested this might help.
Normally, dagger fresh air goes:
overload air -> fire warhorn 5 -> air auto until fresh air is back
The staff setup I’ve been using is:
overload air -> lava font -> meteor (switch to air while meteor’s casting)-> auto air staff until overload air finishes
Meteor shower is cast every 2 overload airs (cooldown on it fits perfectly).
I wonder if this is any good. Thanks
I agree. The game needs more reasons to QQ and /ragequit over bunkers.
Except they removed the bunker-type stat sets from pvp.
Except it doesn’t make a bit of difference cause now everyone has stealth/invul/blocks for days.
There’s something like it, its the spirit watch map.
oh not this stupid post again. its been like this for years, isnt it about time you dealt with it yet?
No it’s not about time I dealth with it yet you Fatty. There is no logic in a ranger’s rapid fire being heatseeking. And it being said before doesn’t mean we should stop putting pressure about broken kitten in the game, not all of us are conformist sheep like you.
As mentioned many times when this question or complaint arises, stealth is not an immunity effect when deployed.
Some skills are lock on target when triggered, this means that if locked and fired before stealth then damage will continue during the duration.
Much in the same way our impairing daggers will still hit if triggered before stealth.You say please don’t ask me to just dodge but unfortunately…… well….. dodge.
That’s correct, I’m not asking to make stealth an immunity, of course you should be able to be damaged and killed when in stealth, what I find stupid is how lock on skills keep following you after you’ve dissapeared. I understand some skills being lockon, that’s completely fine, but if you target dissappears they should stop completely, or at least keep them going but without a target, kind of how you can use rapid fire without a target, your character fires blindly.
This is all a matter of play mechanics, one of many stuff anet simply doesn’t think about at all.
(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)
This thing is so godkitten stupid I can’t beleive it’s been in here since closed beta.
I’m fed up with everyone and their grandma stomping me over AFTER I stealthed away because they godkitten 3 second channeled skills keep hitting me even after I’M SUPPOSSED TO BE HIDDEN FROM THE ENEMY.
How the kitten does a ranger’s rapid fire skill follow my stealthed thief for 3 seconds? Where’s the logic in that? Mesmer’s orbs homing on me 2 secs after I am invisible, warrior’s godkitten bull rush turns them into a heatseeking missile, that new spinning scythe crap on reapers, scrappers and their faceroll hammer chain, and so on. That’s completely idiotic. And don’t tell me “just dodge after stealth” cause that’s not a solution
Anet, you really need to make entering stealth interrupt ANY and ALL channeled skills/attacks taking place, like please, right now.
(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)