Showing Posts For Kodiack.2783:

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


So hows the roaming action in this tier? I see a lot of posts about people running 5…

ask a PAXA member.



1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


and that’s why I’m not taking WvW seriously this week. Patch day in the middle of the week.. bad mojo..



1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


@Jscull , Forum math requires that I double the number.



1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Couple of things.


Grats on kicking that SM habit. I’m sure all opposing commanders have noticed the difference its made on your homeland defense. Especially on reset night… ouch!


Stop targeting me.. !


Saw you rolling in our borderlands running in a 20 man zerg rolling our puggies fighting off NSP puggies. Can’t beat me so join em?

@Pestilence , AR has one commander that has a zerg following , over half of that zerg are puggies or upleveled 80s! :P ALS has a big roster so by default when we run stuff we are a mini zerg

@ Alwynn , You moved to the least populated server inT6. Wat did ya expect?

@ Jscull , Real pvp in MMOs died over a decade ago. Remember naked corpse runs? if you don’t you haven’t seen real pvp.

rest of you have fun this week, patch day so ….



1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Fun fight @ BP hills just now..



1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


oh and NSP .. way to pick up your borderland defense… :

quick response today..



1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783



so TCMM just took our NE tower.. no siege in sight.. door was up walls up…



1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


score update.



1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


looks like we’ll have this and one more week before IoJ party crashes.

enjoy till then.



1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Lol this thread is so empty other mathes are already on 5 pages lol
Cmon ppl where is the competitive forum warriors? Surely BP in the lead doesn’t make everyone a sad panda? No winner is decided until the last hour! Last round BP came back then lost by a hair to AR, was a great match. I know NSP can pull out great numbers to defend(I remember from the failed golem rush recently lol) and we know AR can walk all over NA primetime. Get it into gear ppl!

lol. burnout from last weeks marathon.. and now we’re playing catchup



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


@ Max

This is perfect balance.

That’s late Sunday. It’s tier 6 so a falloff in participation is expected during the week.

Again, retrain your coms and pugs to prioritize your own BL and we will stay out.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


If AR would have left NSP the time to fight capture it OR simply not recapping behind when BP did, that would have been way more motivating to NSP crew to come fighting!
From wednesday to friday we have been attacked by BP AND AR at same time!

How do you want NSP crew would be motivated to go in our BL when there is always both other server on the map?

Actually while writing I’m struggling to keep not swearing in my posts.

Seriously NSP crews aren’t feeling respected since wednesday. I’ve been in NSP BL to defend with the few braves NSP had, and my words are really those used by peoples talking on map/team chat.

There is a great lack of balance in this match and it will be, exept a miracle the same thing next match… How interesting….

Have you seen the score?

AR cannot allow BP to settle in your borderlands and build way points. We just can’t afford for your slow defensive response in ‘your’ borderlands to kick BP out.

Until you retrain your own commanders to focus your BL first , then we will let you defend it on your own. Every point tick that BP holds your keeps/towers hurts AR in the long run and we just cannot allow it, I’m sorry if this hurts your feelings but we aren’t doing it out of disrespect to you.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


@ Maxime P.

You need to train your troops have this following Priority.

Defend your BLs first.
Go into EB second.

Your commanders and troops are dead set on holding SM.

Guess what we do the minute we see you take SM?

Head for your borderlands.

SM =35 points.

Lower half of your map, 35 points without Bay or Hills. That makes Bay or hills bonus after we lower cap you and guess where your commanders are when we do this? Defending SM.

Retrain your entire server to think home borderland take priority over SM and you will have greater success on the scoreboard.




1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783



Thank you N. Shiverpeaks and Borlis Pass...

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


…for one hell of a ride this week. I can say that all of Anvil Rock had a blast this week. The rematch with Borlis Pass has been great, it wouldn’t have been as great as it was without N Shiverpeaks keeping both of us on our toes.

I know that both NSP and BP have gone through some hard times in the past weeks with guilds departing your server, but you guys never gave up and showed that Wv3 can be fun without all the dead weight.

For those of you you have not been watching this match up, It is 2 hours until reset and the winner is still to be named.

Scores from the weekend.

Day 1

Day 2.

Day 3


Skip to Friday.

Its going down to the wire and who can flip more supply camps before the score ticks!

See you @ reset and another fun week of Wv3.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


I like how there aren’t as many score updates being posted after Anvil Rock is not in the lead.

a few more ticks…



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


I like how there aren’t as many score updates being posted after Anvil Rock is not in the lead.

Next week you may want to schedule two nights of PvD instead of one. Just saying.


PvDoor? I led that it, was my idea and was started at midnight, every one of your keeps had significant defenses before falling. The pvDoor was on NSP map where they had absolute zero. Sorry, since you out zerg us at prime time, strategy suggests you alter your game and we did.

Do what you do , and we’ll do what we do.

As far as I’m concerned , the fact that we altered your strat from a straight up head to head match up to a night of PvD for 500+ppt for 12 straight hours is a victory for our server.

It’s never been about who wins at the end of the week for AR. It’s about how you get there.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


I like how there aren’t as many score updates being posted after Anvil Rock is not in the lead.

Next week you may want to schedule two nights of PvD instead of one. Just saying.


be carefull what you wish for kodiack…

If you have to resort to, two nights of PvD, we already won.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


I like how there aren’t as many score updates being posted after Anvil Rock is not in the lead.

Next week you may want to schedule two nights of PvD instead of one. Just saying.




1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


better now than their usual time for this, Friday night NA prime time.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


The situation has recently changed, AR has taken the lead… But the situation is quite still close to my previous words, AR and BP doesn’t seems to be attacking each other as much as they are attacking NSP…

WHAT! Are you insane? How many golems and 40 man groups did you throw at our 3 keeps the other night Anvil? Cmon, somebody knows!

All defended! AR throwing plenty at BP.

It wasn’t 40 man groups. We split up into 3 small groups and moved around as needed.

first wave was 7 golems each, bay, hills, garri. all failed.

second wave was 5 golems bay, hills, garri, 2 succeded.

Fun all the way around I would guess



Prediction of what will happen to lower ties

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


the lower 3 tiers are fine and currently the most balanced matches of this week. We like it this way. So no, no merger.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Then you have been hiding in a deep deep hole. We have been one of the few guilds out there with any kind of consistency.

PS NSP Continue to grew a set and attack AR, kthxbai

Plok I mess you, how come you don’t post more like before!

You used to accuse Anvil Rock of all kind of thing.

You mean like all the guilds that used to run around in small groups like SoS, ALS that are now just giant zerg groups? Or that the entire strategy of the server is to out zerg the other guy?

Let me find the words…

“We’re not bigger than you, we’re just better than you” .. .. no no , that one’s been taken.

“We didn’t get transfers, we recruited from our PvE players” …. . no no, also taken.

thinking … thinkin….

“We’re not bigger than you… You’re just smaller than us.” works?

All kidding aside., we took the week of vs Kain and did some recruiting in PvE. Karma/xp trains , assist with map completion. ALS is still small, we just have lots of new faces that are getting a kick out of running in a zerg. That and lots of puggers follow us around cuz we roam instead of sit in a keep. Fun times.


Who are you quoting there? Certainly not me.

Not quoting you… just thinking out loud.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Then you have been hiding in a deep deep hole. We have been one of the few guilds out there with any kind of consistency.

PS NSP Continue to grew a set and attack AR, kthxbai

Plok I mess you, how come you don’t post more like before!

You used to accuse Anvil Rock of all kind of thing.

You mean like all the guilds that used to run around in small groups like SoS, ALS that are now just giant zerg groups? Or that the entire strategy of the server is to out zerg the other guy?

Let me find the words…

“We’re not bigger than you, we’re just better than you” .. .. no no , that one’s been taken.

“We didn’t get transfers, we recruited from our PvE players” …. . no no, also taken.

thinking … thinkin….

“We’re not bigger than you… You’re just smaller than us.” works?

All kidding aside., we took the week of vs Kain and did some recruiting in PvE. Karma/xp trains , assist with map completion. ALS is still small, we just have lots of new faces that are getting a kick out of running in a zerg. That and lots of puggers follow us around cuz we roam instead of sit in a keep. Fun times.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


@ Rob

Recognize any of those guild tags?

<points to what Dov said>



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783



What the heck do you think AR is doing? Do you think we aren’t playing for fun? We’ve managed to keep this thread pretty clean and respectful so let’s all try to keep the “internet tough guy” lines to PMs.

You and others have accused our style of play as a “play for second” type game play. You call us weak for attacking the weaker opponent and not the stronger one, (vs DR). As I’ve explained before , if you can’t as a server dominate both opponents and keep first place, your next choice is to play for second. This is how the game is played if you want to remain competitive. What has this done for us? It’s kept us sane during tough and sometimes overwhelming matches, and most importantly its keep our wvw community intact. Which in turns assures that we all have fun in AR.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


going to bed…. score update.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Having 10-12k personal kills running 5 man is VERY different than whatever number youre at VS “commander” with 20+ around you.


Personal kills running 5 mans. Your idea of personal does not compute.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


early morning wake up score. Didn’t expect this ,but I’ll take it.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


AR, I know there is a lot of bad blood between us for all the prior battles we have had, but the corpse dancing gets old. Still enjoy you guys though!

The bad blood between AR and BP stems from a lot of the ignorance and lack of respect that was shown to your opponents as you rose through the ranks. This match has been pretty clean so lets hope its behind us.


“Be nice to those you meet on the way up because you will meet them on the way down”



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


in the lead , but for how long? dun dun dun!!.

@Rob… take a loooong nap!



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


impressive. how close can it get?

This close..



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


score update. same as last night. Looks like AR owns NA prime time while BP/NSP own the off hours.




1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


interesting. BP and DR are going to make it close to see who stays in T5/6 again.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Can someone please explain to me why NSP has been Red team 3 weeks in a row? It’s a tad depressing as we suck at holding other BL and I have 99% map completion with everything BUT Green and Blue BL’s.

Check this link.


NSP has bee in 18th place for the past 3 weeks.



Do us a favor,dont' transfer to (t6-8)

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


just checked. 3 out of the 4 balanced matches this week are in the lower tiers.

Fun times.


1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


As a reminder to everyone – please stay on topic and keep the discussion respectful and friendly. Thank you for your understanding.

This has been a pretty clean thread.. watcha talkin about?



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Oh, camping the jumping puzzle bothers you? Ok, we’ll do it more often.

JP counts towards your map cap. Camp at your own demise.



Do us a favor,dont' transfer to (t6-8)

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


First time in weeks that all 3 tiers are having fun and even matches.

Keep your server hopping , no loyalty having butts away.




1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Good match so far. It looks like everyone has their strong hours and weak hours.. It should be a fun match all week long.

Looks like we’ll all be in this Tier next week as well, and depending on how far IoJ free falls, one of us may be bumped up to T5. joy.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Looks like BPs night crew wins the first round.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


NSP might come out ahead of this come morning..



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Where were these AR zergs Against Kain is what i wanna know.

The same place yours were against Mag.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


2 hours after reset.. good fun so far.



1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Let’s have fun this week.


11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Looks like we might be facing Dev’s tomorrow instead of Borlis. Should be interesting match up both ways.

BP seems to be tired of T5 and may take next week off from Wv3 leaving Kain and EB to fight it out.

Dev’s will be weaker than last we met so it may prove to be an even match between AR and Dev’s.

Should be fun.



1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


To DR and Emery Bay if you are reading.

How to play against Kain. during NA prime time.

Their single biggest threat is War Machine, the T1 oceanic guild.

They will concentrate on EB. Keep them busy in EB to avoid them from spilling over to assist in the BLs.

If you can manage this you can focus on dominating the BLs as this is left to the old Kain guilds with some new transfers. These are easily handled if you can keep WM from coming in to assist.

Kain NA strat will be to play you to a draw in your own BLs. They will hold the south and you will hold the north and vice versa in their own BLs. While WM tries to dominate in EB and wait for the night to reset everything.

TLDR version. Play offense on the BLs and defense in EB. Implementing this strat we were able to pretty much play them to a draw on opening night. NSP has a weak NA team and stronger Oceanic team. Anvil Rock has a strong NA team.

see screenshot.

War Machine:

-They will not hang out and fight if things are not going there way, they will quickly change and seek out a softer target.

-They will keep enough bodies at keeps and SM to call out incs and will drop everything to come and defend.

see video.

note @ 2:09 how they cut scene from attacking AR to NSP. They will seek out the softer target.

note @ 9:23 how they break from capping a node, avoid 2 zergs and head straight to SM. You need to always know where they are on the map.

Overall once we figured them out, they weren’t too tough to handle in NA prime time.

Have fun with the Kain train.



The T5 Wall: 2-0. Will it go 3-0.

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Hopefully those that have played in T5 can shed some light on this phenom that is the T5 wall.

As best as I can see it from T6.

T6 servers win by default and move to T5.

There are 4 T4 quality servers; Mag, YB, EB, DB. One loses and by default moves down to T5.

The T4 is used to a 7 day long match that can do down to the last day. T6 teams are used to having won the matches by Monday.

This is where the wall hits, the lower T6 teams are not only mismatched via population/coverage and overall server cohesion. They just lack the stamina to go a full 7 days.

Over the past 5 weeks, the T6 servers have lost morale and more importantly, have lost guilds and players as they move to the T4 server. This in turn widens the gap between T6 and T4.

My concerns is that over the next coming months T5 will be a purgatory for T6 rather than a reward for winning. Even worse, I don’t see a solution that Anet can implement short of splitting the ladder in two.



11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Something to consider about future match ups. A lot of the guilds that transferred to Kaineng in the past few weeks have quit a bit of experience against DB, Mag, and BP. Especially RE who fought all 3 of those servers quite a bit in our time on DH.

We know what it’s like fighting against them. Will it make a difference compared to DR? We’ll see next week.

I’m not trying to make us sound better than we are (I think everyone on kaineng has realistic expectations of what we can achieve). It’s just something to consider for those wishing to see our downfall.

Nobody wants to see your downfall. Everyone wants to see how you do when you meet an equally matched foe.

Same as Borlis Pass and Devs before you. They were heavy NA servers and ran into bigger NA servers and crashed.

The test for Kain will be when it meets a server that can counter your oceanic coverage. That would be DB and to a lesser extent Maguuma. Keep in mind that all 3 severs, DB, Mag, and EB have feed on the two rotting corpses that are BP and DR. They aren’t the same servers you fought 2 months ago.



11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Anvil Rock (especially Godfather) maybe don’t know this word “trained”.
He is Just stupid or just trolling.

Community Coordinator !
Why don’t kick or bann him?

I love this video.

2m 9 secs. Charge!!!! attack Anvil Rock.

2m 10 secs. mmmmm. maybe not.

2m 11 secs, Charge!!! attack NSP.


