Showing Posts For Kovu.7560:

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


I don’t understand what is happening or not happening.

He’s sitting there right in front of them, yet immune to their attacks.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


A thank you to the few Yaks Bend defending Bluebriar from SoS in SoS’s borderland just now. Even though we portaled in and flipped the tower behind you, you still continued to defend the gate against SoS’s zerg for us.

Quite valiant!

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

WTB Yaks Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


If YB and DB joined forces and actively 2v1ed SoS, you’d know about it.
You’s also own nothing. =D

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Going to sleep now. Wonder if we’ll still have Yaks Hills when I awaken.
… Hopefully SoS doesn’t flip it.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

Dragonbr/Yak's Bend alliance needs to end...

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


*Holds Hills in Yaks borderlands all day*
*sees this thread*

This match up is interesting because it’s fairly close overall and all three servers have a clear stretch of the clock where they’re the biggest threat. If one team owns 250+ ppt of the maps, odds are they’re going to be targeted. 350+ ppt? Likely to be targeted by both of the other servers. It isn’t an intentional 2v1 thing, you just happen to own their stuff.

Applies to all three servers.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

(edited by Kovu.7560)

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


I’m partial to my own server, but among the opponents I’d have to go with Tarnished Coast.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


We thanked you by not hitting Hills ourselves. =D

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


That must’ve been quite a fight in SoS BL between Yaks and SoS at Hills, because there were orange swords forever. o_o

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Dragonbrand isn’t used to owning the early afternoon. It’s just that NNK has been shutting SoS down so hard the last couple days that their fareweather wvw see the pie chart and go off to do something else. Nobody likes being spawn camped. Not to mention fortified waypoints on SoS keeps. If SoS’s early afternoon numbers showed up we wouldn’t have their Garrison most of the day. We don’t have that many EU’s.

As for Yaks, well, they go to bed at 10PM and wake up about noon. Nothing there has really changed. (Server time)

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

The End of Culling: Finally!

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


When dealing with culling I wish there was a way to prioritize the stealth classes.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

To dear Dragonbrand [TFV]

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Solid! Very nice! =)

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

3/1 - 3/8: TC/DB/Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Maybe you should go fortify something in your home BL instead.

Everything was upgraded, though Hills was recently lost there, too. I know TC’s a T2 server, but these numbers are ridiculous. I hope they didn’t dps the door over there, too.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

3/1 - 3/8: TC/DB/Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Severely disappointed from the lack of [EA] and [Krew] turnout to Maguuma Hills just now, which we worked hard on yesterday and held all night.
Thanks to Noobles, Ansorin and Hataki from [EA] for people the only people in the entire guild to turn out. As well as Tru Norn, the only [Krew] to turn out.

Nice cap, TC. Not too often you see a team dps down a reinforced gate to a fully upgraded keep. At least, I’m not used to seeing it.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

Magoonba/Fort JANTHIR/Dragonbrand 25/01/2013

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Well played, Maguuma. I’m not overly fond of green, but those blue borderlands needed a new paint job.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

Magoonba/Fort JANTHIR/Dragonbrand 25/01/2013

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


FA.. Quaggan is sad you are not careful when sweeping your keeps.

Booo.. if only Quaggan was Mesmer Quaggan could of capitalised.

Lol… if only…

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

Magoonba/Fort JANTHIR/Dragonbrand 25/01/2013

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Hey guys we had a load of fun tonight on DB BL. Big shout outs to all the people in that BL tonight, it was an awesome night with some fantastic fights all around.

I was that Charr following you around reporting on your every move. =D

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

Calling out to [EA] on Dragonbrand ^_^

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Yeah we’re awesome like that. Some in the guild call it fight night. =D
I’ll put out the word in the guild that you’re looking for them.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

1/18/13 CD/FA/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


FA… those numbers at DB Hills… ouch. x_x

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

1/18/13 CD/FA/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


So what’s this Dolyak Parade thing I keep hearing about?

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

1/18/13 CD/FA/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


FA, keep an eye out. I like to treb Bay from that south camp, and your server is it this week.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

1/18/13 CD/FA/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560

Dragonbrand, first server with a WP up! (Overlook) =D

In other news, holy hell, close match.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

1/11/13 - Dragonbrand / Yaks Bend / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


I’m the [EA] Chaar on the treb!!
… Yaks Bend knows exactly what I’m talking about. =D

~ Kovu

[edit] And so does Ehmry, because for some reason they keep showing up and 2v1ing us instead of trying to hit something on -their- side of the map.

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

(edited by Kovu.7560)

Video: "Not Ready to Die" - DB/EB/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Very nice work as always!
Opening nights are always the funnest!

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Man, and I thought BP was bad for camping puzzles. There’s a big group of Yaks dedicated to camping the EB JP daily. I’ll be happy when we move out of this tier, hopefully in the right direction.

~ Kovu

Get a guild together,
Break through their camping,
And camp it back.

My guild was needed elsewhere, like defending SM. Hoping for a quick in-and-out. Never got it. =(

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Man, and I thought BP was bad for camping puzzles. There’s a big group of Yaks dedicated to camping the EB JP daily. I’ll be happy when we move out of this tier, hopefully in the right direction.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/28 DH/DB/BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Dragonbrand is not an organized server right now. There’s no alliance and limited coordination. There’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to own the majority of all four of the maps all of the time, even during our weakest time of day (which is hard to say with many of the asians taking the week off, and all of these NA guilds hopping in).

If we don’t organize and coordinate now, this is going to bite us in the very near future.
With the numbers we have, there is no reason for an entire map to be red or blue. No offense, BP and DH are great servers but their attendance has been decimated. Some say “let them take it back so that we can karma train”, I say excuses.

Looking forward to next week. And I’m sure our opponents are as well.
(That said, some great 1v1s, especially from BP. Many from DH prefer to run away. >.>)

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/28 DH/DB/BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Okay, time for the next match.
Blowouts are fun the first night, but an entire week of this is starting to bore more. To me this is as bad as being on the receiving end of a blowout.

Done a lot of dungeons/fractals with guildies to fill in the gap. (Especially later at night). I just wish Maguuma would do better, I wanted another shot at them next week without being sandwiched by them and Yaks.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/28 DH/DB/BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


About 10 BP jerks were camping the EB jumping puzzle, killed me 3 times, and all I wanted was a few badges of honor. So I called in the entire DB zerg. They even brought about 10 golems.

I got my badges. =)

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/28 DH/DB/BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Oh, us Dragonbranders fully expect the fareweather guilds to ditch to the next higher tier server as soon as we start losing. We’re not stupid, we’ve been in Darkhaven’s situation before. Except we were Tier 3 kissing Tier 2 at the time so we had to go through over a month of free fall.

I don’t know how they all do it. All of my friends, not just my guild are Dragonbrand. Including irl friends who don’t touch wvw and many people I run dungeons with. I wouldn’t leave the server even if the rest of my guild did.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/28 DH/DB/BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Yeah. BP didn’t have more than us.
Maguuma had more than us during the day every single day last matchup, but this time it seems even our “weak point” is less so. Probably due to all of the transfers.

While I feel for servers that lose guilds (Darkhaven especially, we’ve gained at least 3 from them in the past few weeks) Dragonbrand had this happen to them months back (which is why we’re in the lower tier we are now).

It’s a sad truth, but people bandwagon. As soon as Dragonbrand moves up in tiers and starts losing, we’ll lose guilds to the winning servers. As a server, we have 4-5 decent wvw guilds that have proven that they’ll stick with the server.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/28 DH/DB/BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Dragonbrand spent a good portion of last week being double teamed, having Yaks target our stuff in Eternal while Maguuma kept a lockdown on our stuff in our bl. I’ve never lost our garrison so many times before, and we rarely had [EA]’s favourite keep, Hills.

All that, and we still were close to second and it was hardly a blowout overall. We’re ready to take on two servers at once, and while we might not be able to win that engagement— we’ll hold our own.

BP and DH both know they’ll need to pool their forces for this one— like they did at first on reset. That’s why it’s a 1v1v1, so the servers that aren’t winning can keep the winning server from getting too far ahead. =) It’s only Saturday. Best of luck.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

WvWy’s 2012 - who was your favorite opponent in 2012?

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


As a Dragonbrander I’d have to say all of those close matches against Darkhaven. >=D

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/28 DH/DB/BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


I’d just like to point out to BP and DH that after last week’s demoralizing setback, I hear that many of our asians are taking a few days off. What does that mean for you? Work hard and you might find that some of your keeps still have waypoints when you wake up.

… no promises.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Fight hard, Maguuma. Dragonbrand will be revisiting this tier next week and we want another shot at you.

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


The most entertaining part of this entire match up so far was seeing “ kitten the Yaks are slapping our yaks again!” in map chat.

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


It seems to be the same routine every day. Maguuma takes over DB BL during the late morning while Yaks take SM and most of DB’s stuff in EB. Once DB is basically out of the picture Mag and Yakes hit each other’s lower BLs. If DB takes anything major back Mag hits DB BL and Yaks hit DB EB.

Later in the night DB’s Asians come online and work hard to take the majority of all four maps. (Maguuma seems to resist this more than Yaks). Later morning comes, Asians go to bed and rinse repeat. 10AM+ in the morning nobody on DB seems to really want to play. People in my (wvw) guild have called it “pointless” on more than one occasion.

Currently it’s still anyone’s matchup. As a NA Dragonbrander I hate being pounded into the ground constantly, but if I don’t work the next morning I stay up late. The night time battle for SM is always epic.

I don’t see this routine changing.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


One thing’s for certain when facing Dragonbrand. You’re going to be resetting those upgrades every morning.

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

Does Dragonbrand have an Alliance?

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


It’s called the ni hao pvdoor alliance.

We’re screwed come Chinese New Year.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

Does Dragonbrand have an Alliance?

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


We have a group of dedicated guilds, including our night/early morning crew who are all dedicated to the same cause. At the moment most of the guilds work independently, though we synergize well together. It’s an “alliance” in that we’re all working towards the same goal and don’t step on each other. But in terms of actually planning together, we’re still in the novice stage. No mass communication— though the leaders of the (NA day) guilds often get together to chat and pass along information.

As for a web site? I just visit my guild’s site, I don’t believe there’s a dedicated alliance site. Though I could be wrong.

It still stands that we’re in the recovery phase and the only reason we’re T4 atm is due to our night crew stepping all over our T5 opponents.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/21 Yak's Bend/Maguuma/Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Now watch as the red portion of that chart is completely nullified. >.<
Hurry up and be night time again!

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

12/21 Yak's Bend/Maguuma/Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


I was in that group attacking SM. A fair amount of resistance via siege while we were attacking inner, but nothing in the lords room. Our commander was all like “BE READY FOR BALLISTAS, ARROW CARTS AND 30+ IN LORDS ROOM”, then when nobody was there defending everyone laughed.

Anyway, just to clarify, DB owns the majority of the maps from 3AM-9AM server time. That’s partially our asians, but partially because there simply aren’t many defenders from other servers on during those hours. Likewise, our weakest hours are 4PM-10PM not because of our inability to field maps, but because the other servers have a lot more on during this timeframe.

Heck, without our night crew we’d be on par with DH and likely behind BP/EB.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]