Showing Posts For Lily.1935:

Scepter trait isn't good enough

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Not denying that it is bad, but it is a PvE only trait regardless. If it needs to be replaced that’s a side issue.

A defensive option shouldn’t be the only option for a condi build in PvE. Especially in a offensive line.

Scepter trait isn't good enough

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


And what would be the PvE trait?

Parasitic Contagion is a PvE only trait, realistically (whether or not its good is up for debate), and Weakening Shroud is usable.

Parasitic contagion is a bad trait. Don’t take it for PvE… No seriously, it only has niche use when soloing and even then there are far better traits.

Scepter trait isn't good enough

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


The entire curses line is in shambles. I’ve been saying it for months and I still feel that way. There are plenty of reasons not to use curses which is a major problem, especially for a player like me who enjoys condi builds but knows that it’ll just be more effective for me to use something else like spite or death. Especially spite.

The placement of most the traits in curses are strange and the strength just isn’t there either.

Unique Well of Darkness Idea

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I hate to be the barrer of bad news, but this is a major change that would require a lot of new coding for the skill and wouldn’t be capable of effecting PvE. Since this isn’t GW1 which people love to remind me of that, Niche skills like that just can’t exist in this game. They need to have at least a small bit of function in all 3 game modes even if its not optimal in one or more.

Another direction could be a skill the straight up ends an aoe field when it touches it, like snuffing it out. And that could have really cool uses in all 3 game modes. But I can’t say I like the idea of that being on well of darkness even. Personally, I’d like to see some new utility given to the skill, yes, but it shouldn’t be overly complex for a core skill.

Oh, it would totally take new coding and plenty of time. Like pointed put earlier, it would completely change WvW zerging, which may or may not be something Anet wants to do at some time. If they do want to change WvW zerging it would actually be a time saver.

The skill would retain all its current function for PvE.

The technology to end fields doesn’t exist and won’t exist, unfortunately. Not liking the idea is something I can respect though.

Another issue with your idea is it creates unseen effects and can create chaotic situations which are both hard to follow for players and the audience. Which is a major issue for barrier to entry. Ending the field, straight up is much easier to see than halting its combo effects.

Ultimately, I’m not suggesting anything. I’m pointing out an obvious flaw in the suggestion that would be detrimental to the game and providing an alternative that would work just as well or better without causing this unneeded complication.

I know its your idea and you really like it, however sometimes you need to take a step back and really consider what you’re actually suggesting. Be aware of all the ramifications of that suggestion if it was implemented. And their would be a lot.

The New Legendary Staff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I love LOVE that staff. It’s beautiful and has a wonderful name: Nevermore. Excited about that.

I see it more as a ranger (druid) weapon, with a branch and a crow, this screams “nature magic” to me…

Agree. And I will try to get it for my new Druid.

A dead enchanted branch with spectral lights floating around it and a prominent symbol of death hanging around it? Sure… Nature magic.. Not ritualist or necromancery at all. RIIIIIIIGGGHHHT……

I’m totally getting this for my necro.

It’s a branch, with wisps, actually. And yes, it has a crow on it but all the accompanying animations are bright and vibrant. The wisps blue, the bird animation bright blue. It’s not necromancy in anyway, unless you want to shoe-horn in the thought that it is. If the orbs were dark, or green and the branch black, I’d see it. As it stands, definitely for Druid.


You don’t need to go that far.

The fact is that Raven is death. One of grenth’s theme is ICE.

Death tree branch + bird of death + with Ice being a symbol of death in Guild wars 2 lore.

The truth is you are probably not going to convince him, since his opinion is set in stone.

Probably not. Though I think the staff works for both druid and Necro. Also Ritualist. Get on that arena net. Make my ritualist elite specialization for necro… <.<

The New Legendary Staff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I love LOVE that staff. It’s beautiful and has a wonderful name: Nevermore. Excited about that.

I see it more as a ranger (druid) weapon, with a branch and a crow, this screams “nature magic” to me…

Agree. And I will try to get it for my new Druid.

A dead enchanted branch with spectral lights floating around it and a prominent symbol of death hanging around it? Sure… Nature magic.. Not ritualist or necromancery at all. RIIIIIIIGGGHHHT……

I’m totally getting this for my necro.

It’s a branch, with wisps, actually. And yes, it has a crow on it but all the accompanying animations are bright and vibrant. The wisps blue, the bird animation bright blue. It’s not necromancy in anyway, unless you want to shoe-horn in the thought that it is. If the orbs were dark, or green and the branch black, I’d see it. As it stands, definitely for Druid.

Its not crows. Its ravens. First off. Its called “Nevermore”. A poem by Edgar Allan Poe, The raven says this phrase over and over again. Reading it it sounds like madness but he attributes the raven to spirits and demons. In history and mythology the raven is seen as a symbol of death. Seeing as its a carrion feeder they often hang around the dead, devouring their flesh. The imagery of the raven is often associated with the grim reaper as the messenger of his arrival. Wisps as you called them, or Will-o-wisp is a Atmospheric ghost lights. Wondering spirits of the dead, demons or faeries. The dead branch looks like its from a Ghost tree. Though I don’t currently remember where i’ve heard that one before. I know there was a Ghost tree around my house when I was a kid and it always gave me this uneasy feeling. Though I was just a kid.

The coloring is also right for the dead as well. Blue lights are often used to represent the spirits and pushing it further the new elite specialization reaper actually uses far more blues and turquoises in its coloring than previous necromancer has. Although core necromancer has used both blues and greens prior, the reaper pushes that a bit. Also considering that the symbol for toggling out of reaper’s shroud is a raven and there is a heavy raven theme going on with the reaper. Which makes perfect sense to me since I’ve always been fascinated by death and the raven is my favorite bird. The connection to me only made perfect sense. I’m not stretching anything.

Also, some poetry:

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
`‘Tis some visitor,’ I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door -
Only this, and nothing more.’

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; – vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow – sorrow for the lost Lenore -
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore -
Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me – filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
`‘Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door -
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; -
This it is, and nothing more,’

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
`Sir,’ said I, `or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you’ – here I opened wide the door; -
Darkness there, and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, `Lenore!’
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, `Lenore!’
Merely this and nothing more.

Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
`Surely,’ said I, `surely that is something at my window lattice;
Let me see then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore -
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; -
‘Tis the wind and nothing more!’

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore.
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door -
Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door -
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,’ I said, `art sure no craven.
Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore -
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!’
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.’

Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,
Though its answer little meaning – little relevancy bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door -
Bird or beast above the sculptured bust above his chamber door,
With such name as `Nevermore.’

But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only,
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing further then he uttered – not a feather then he fluttered -
Till I scarcely more than muttered `Other friends have flown before -
On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.’
Then the bird said, `Nevermore.’

Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
`Doubtless,’ said I, `what it utters is its only stock and store,
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore -
Till the dirges of his hope that melancholy burden bore
Of “Never-nevermore.”’

But the raven still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling,
Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird and bust and door;
Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore -
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore
Meant in croaking `Nevermore.’

This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing
To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom’s core;
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining
On the cushion’s velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o’er,
But whose velvet violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o’er,
She shall press, ah, nevermore!

Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer
Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.
`Wretch,’ I cried, `thy God hath lent thee – by these angels he has sent thee
Respite – respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore!
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this lost Lenore!’
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.’

`Prophet!’ said I, `thing of evil! – prophet still, if bird or devil! -
Whether tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted -
On this home by horror haunted – tell me truly, I implore -
Is there – is there balm in Gilead? – tell me – tell me, I implore!’
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.’

`Prophet!’ said I, `thing of evil! – prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us – by that God we both adore -
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore -
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom the angels name Lenore?’
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.’

`Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!’ I shrieked upstarting -
`Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken! – quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!’
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.’

And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted – nevermore!

The New Legendary Staff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I love LOVE that staff. It’s beautiful and has a wonderful name: Nevermore. Excited about that.

I see it more as a ranger (druid) weapon, with a branch and a crow, this screams “nature magic” to me…

Agree. And I will try to get it for my new Druid.

A dead enchanted branch with spectral lights floating around it and a prominent symbol of death hanging around it? Sure… Nature magic.. Not ritualist or necromancery at all. RIIIIIIIGGGHHHT……

I’m totally getting this for my necro.

Wow we do terrible dps...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


anyone else remember this?

Sure would be nice to have in GW2…. Sure would be nice to have..

Unique Well of Darkness Idea

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I hate to be the barrer of bad news, but this is a major change that would require a lot of new coding for the skill and wouldn’t be capable of effecting PvE. Since this isn’t GW1 which people love to remind me of that, Niche skills like that just can’t exist in this game. They need to have at least a small bit of function in all 3 game modes even if its not optimal in one or more.

Another direction could be a skill the straight up ends an aoe field when it touches it, like snuffing it out. And that could have really cool uses in all 3 game modes. But I can’t say I like the idea of that being on well of darkness even. Personally, I’d like to see some new utility given to the skill, yes, but it shouldn’t be overly complex for a core skill.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


There seems to be a bit of confusion here. Some people are saying “Condition”. But I never said anything about it being a condition. I’m talking more of just a debuff. Like tainted Shackles or the Justice effect you get on spear of justice. Not actually effected by anything like stun duration or condi duration. The importance of this being both rare and incapable of being increased by outside effects is important to my suggestion.

So its supposed to be rare, incapable of being boosted and its supposed to have a short duration with well of darkness being the longest possible duration in the game.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Yes I do hate them in fact, and I do think they’re broken. It’s a difference of opinion I guess but taking my PvP experience in to account, having this will be unhealthy not just for guards, but for necros (from all the hate they’ll get) and every other class that has some form of block.

See, I play guardian. Guardian is one of my mains. its number 4 on my most played professions. And defenseless wouldn’t cripple a guardian at all. Especially not a dragonhunter. If you’re relying only on blocks than yes, you’ll be destroyed by this little bit of counterplay. But the guardian has chill, knock backs, projectile destruction/reflection, ward skills, blinks, leaps, blinds, and invulnerability. Its not “Only invulnerability” that defends against this. So they try to burst you down from range? Great, Shield of Absorption just negates that time. Trying to get close to you? Line of warding or Ring of Warding to hinder their progression. Oh, you also have bow to lock them down, traps and scepter which can all help. If all else fails you can blink to an ally or just leap away. You also just get projectile destruction on shield of courage. Technically its a “block” however, that isn’t the type of block that defenseless talks about. Its referring to blocking skills such as shelter or static shield not projectile blocks.

So yeah, it slightly hurts 1 type of defense the guardian has. Thats great, they have 10 million more they can use.

Signet Of Might active + Berserker Stance on my Warrior and Guards are a joke. No blinds and no blocks they melt like an icecube on hot pavement. I think you’re using either too many ideal scenario examples or haven’t played against more highly skilled players.

And before you say something like, “but Necromancer’s don’t have Berserker Stance!”, remember that this “Defenseless” applies to your entire team… So the Necro might not have it but the Warrior on your team just potentially got between 6 and 15seconds of unblockable attacks, lol.

Signet Of Might, Signet Mastery.

You are way over estimating this. My suggestion for the skills was 3 seconds on warhorn and 1 second a pulse and well of darkness. And besides. Necromancers get melted in higher levels like they already have defenseless anyway…


in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Yes I do hate them in fact, and I do think they’re broken. It’s a difference of opinion I guess but taking my PvP experience in to account, having this will be unhealthy not just for guards, but for necros (from all the hate they’ll get) and every other class that has some form of block.

See, I play guardian. Guardian is one of my mains. its number 4 on my most played professions. And defenseless wouldn’t cripple a guardian at all. Especially not a dragonhunter. If you’re relying only on blocks than yes, you’ll be destroyed by this little bit of counterplay. But the guardian has chill, knock backs, projectile destruction/reflection, ward skills, blinks, leaps, blinds, and invulnerability. Its not “Only invulnerability” that defends against this. So they try to burst you down from range? Great, Shield of Absorption just negates that time. Trying to get close to you? Line of warding or Ring of Warding to hinder their progression. Oh, you also have bow to lock them down, traps and scepter which can all help. If all else fails you can blink to an ally or just leap away. You also just get projectile destruction on shield of courage. Technically its a “block” however, that isn’t the type of block that defenseless talks about. Its referring to blocking skills such as shelter or static shield not projectile blocks.

So yeah, it slightly hurts 1 type of defense the guardian has. Thats great, they have 10 million more they can use.

You can’t take all of what you listed at once, and yes sure all of what you said applies to a small skirmish. Try living with an unblockable debuff in a huge fight on mid point.
But again in a 1v1 with NCSY as a reaper I demolished any type of guard/dragonhunter. Blocks are just too vital for them to allow party wide unblockable.

They were never that vital on any of my guardian builds. Maybe I’m just playing it wrong that unblockable should just kill me. Maybe I’m just too good of a player.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Yes I do hate them in fact, and I do think they’re broken. It’s a difference of opinion I guess but taking my PvP experience in to account, having this will be unhealthy not just for guards, but for necros (from all the hate they’ll get) and every other class that has some form of block.

See, I play guardian. Guardian is one of my mains. its number 4 on my most played professions. And defenseless wouldn’t cripple a guardian at all. Especially not a dragonhunter. If you’re relying only on blocks than yes, you’ll be destroyed by this little bit of counterplay. But the guardian has chill, knock backs, projectile destruction/reflection, ward skills, blinks, leaps, blinds, and invulnerability. Its not “Only invulnerability” that defends against this. So they try to burst you down from range? Great, Shield of Absorption just negates that time. Trying to get close to you? Line of warding or Ring of Warding to hinder their progression. Oh, you also have bow to lock them down, traps and scepter which can all help. If all else fails you can blink to an ally or just leap away. You also just get projectile destruction on shield of courage. Technically its a “block” however, that isn’t the type of block that defenseless talks about. Its referring to blocking skills such as shelter or static shield not projectile blocks.

So yeah, it slightly hurts 1 type of defense the guardian has. Thats great, they have 10 million more they can use.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I think people are underestimating what a debuff of “defenseless” to one target will do for coordinated teams. It doesn’t matter if its a small window of 3 seconds. That’s plenty. NCSY is 5 seconds for a single target and it was enough for me to shred guardians on Reaper. The reason why I’m also bringing guardians up so much is because their most abundant defence and coincidentally the defence they rely on the most are blocks. A well timed Shelter can negate coordinated teambursts because its a well timed shelter. That is counterplay. Guardians need such mechanics to stay alive. 13k hp on a bunker is not a lot people. Removing their active defense as “party wide support” will make them useless. Blocks are what keeps them alive. They have no other “counterplay” because there is no counterplay to unblockable. If one person has unblockable they can be kited, give access to unblockable to your entire team through the form of a debuff and that’s a guaranteed kill 100%. Dodges are limited, they have 1 invuln and using that means they lose the point. A change such as this I have to admit I want and is super cool just won’t be healthy for the game from a pvp perspective because it homes in on guardians too much.

Just look at it from the opposite perspective. Imagine if guards got an ability that was cheesily named “True Light” and it gave the guard’s allies the ability to ignore death shroud.

If that’s too much for you then just limit it to “Does not give necro Life force when hitting through Spectral Effects”.

This is all hypothetical of course but its to show that implementing a mechanic that overfocuses on a specific class’ defensive mechanic will not be healthy nor fun to play against. If necro’s shroud is ignored they have no other way to soak up damage (since they don’t really mitigate it) and they die.

If guard can’t block attacks they CAN’T soak up damage cause of their low hp pools and then they die. There just is no viable counterplay to unblockable because it goes through the last line of defense.

I’m all for making necros more unique and giving them some cool new mechanics but an unblockable debuff on a target will just be out of control. This will just cause people to hate facing necros even more and I’d rather avoid that considering right now necro is on the radar for nerfs for some people ever since Ele got toned down slightly.

You must hate Chronomancer well builds then. They can give their entire team unblockable. And aren’t limited by range from wail of doom or capable of dodging out of it like with Well of darkness.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


@meow: It doesn’t really feel like you’re reading what I’m writing, especially when you draw conclusions on my opinion of whether each class deserves at least one viable build in the meta. I think distilling the game’s interactions to a single dimension, such as “I have an ability that makes it so the target cannot block for 3 seconds, I automatically beat builds that use blocks”, is dishonest. It’s akin to saying “I brought Corrupt Boon, so if a class uses Boons, I win”, when in fact a class like Guardian can convert all of those conditions right back into boons if the Necro misplays it.

At the end of the day, I think Defenseless is an interesting idea, and could be neat if implemented properly.

small doses. I think their should be a very defining difference between unblockable and defenseless. “Nothing can save you” should remain as giving us unblockable but adding defenseless to other areas of our skills that require a bit more offense would be good. I think that Defenseless is a much stronger ability in a group setting while Unblockable is better in a selfish situation. I like the idea that the necromancer Hinders their enemies to aid their allies. Its what I loved about them in GW1. So this debuff would slot very well right into that.

For the skills. Well of darkness’s defenseless should be on pulse and only last 1 second. So if someone moves out of the well then they are no longer hindered by this crippling ability. However, this still gives some interesting play with Chilling darkness. Suddenly that chill can become fairly valuable in a team fight for locking foes in the well for just enough time to burn them down. On Wail of Doom it should be a flat 3 seconds of defenseless. At these rates you can’t have permanent defenseless up time and would need to use those skills wisely.

I primarily think in terms of PvE, but I do consider my suggestions for PvP and WvW as well. I wouldn’t make an outlandish suggestion like a make minions immune to AoE damage. That would just be silly and completely broken.

But yeah, thanks for supporting this idea.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Sounds amazing in my opinion, however I can’t help but be concerned that this single ability/trait or however else its implemented into the game would be single handedly responsible for wiping out guardians from the PvP meta. It might be too strong in that gamemode.

I don’t think so. Necromancers already have a ton of ways to strike through defenses without a problem. This just turns the tables. It could also make Shelter less popular in PvP. This isn’t enough to remove Guardians from the meta. Trust me on that one.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


i like the idea but there aren’t many bosses in pve that block attacks – most notably grawl shaman

There aren’t yet, anyway. Harder content should have more foes that use active defenses.



in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


When looking at what the necromancer does far better than any other profession and something they did have a minor theme in from the first game we find that unblockable is something that the necromancer seems to have extremely easy access to. Even going so far as modifying a weapon to be almost completely unblockable.

So lets continue to play with that but with more of a support element to it. But since the necromancer is always about supporting through debuffing I’m going to suggest a debuff that has been floating around for a little bit but was never given a name.

Defenseless: Those effected by defenseless cannot block attacks.

An extremely simple concept. And seems like it would be the same as unblockable when you’re by yourself. But the party applications are actually staggering. The ability to completely negate a boss’s ability to block your entire team for a short duration could surely aid allies in unique situations if a foe was to perhaps have a vulnerable defiance bar when they were blocking or just getting through enemies that stun you when they block allowing allies an easier time to break through it.

Sharing unblockable is also an option but I feel that it doesn’t quite fit the necromancer’s theme of hindering your enemies to support your allies.

So what skills should have this sort of debuff? The first two that come to mind is Wail of Doom and Well of darkness. Another idea I would have is that leaping through a dark field would trigger this debuff on foes around you. Giving some more unique utility to dark fields. Though that is just a minor suggestion in a much larger suggestion.

What are your guys’s thoughts. Do you think Defenseless would be a good idea?

(edited by Lily.1935)

Core Ranger and raiding

in Ranger

Posted by: Lily.1935


Thanks for the help guys.

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


@Truefrost: Zaroua isn’t confused. He just accepts that there are enough unknowns to make attempts at declaring hard facts about classes and the roles they fill in raids look silly.

Roles are defined by boss mechanics. If we don’t know the boss mechanics, we can only theorize on the roles based on whatever little information we know. We can draw conclusions, but if you submit yourself to following everyone else’s conclusions on DPS, roles, etc., you’ll never find yourself out on the cutting edge of the meta. You need an open mind to make discoveries that evolve the meta, and evolution should be the goal over preaching someone else’s sermon.

Necros might find that they fall short of having a firm role in raiding. I’m not saying it’s guaranteed. I’m just not going to rule it out until the data is in. Vale Guardian on a beta weekend is not an appropriate amount of data, regardless of how professional everyone thinks him/herself to be.

EDIT – @Zaroua: If you mention boons, someone is going to mention Mesmer’s sword auto again which strips boons at a rate of I think 1 every 2.5 seconds, and I’m going to vomit into my mouth again. Please spare my taste buds.

Also, I’ve been avoiding mentioning Patchwerk, but it’s been on my mind for days now. If they are going to create engaging encounters, they won’t be Patchwerk-style, and anything less than a very, very sophisticated simulation mechanism is going to fall potentially woefully short.

The Mes boon removal is actually quite good. Necros have to give up stuff and fall back on large cooldowns. Making the single boon removal quite nice. This of course could change If bosses begin to require a boon removal that removes multiple boons.

You’re completely wrong in this regard. Necromancer’s boon removal is often built into the build a necromancer will already be running. Well of suffering is already automatically run by a necromancer well build as it is. We give up nothing by bringing it. The same is true with Focus which will already be an auto include with dagger or dare I say axe? But to assume that the necromancer has to “Give up something” is completely false and utter nonsense.

First off It’s Well of Corruption that corrupts boons which also has a large cooldown on it, second focus is up in the air. It turns into Warhorn vs Focus, each gives something. We don’t need the vuln from focus anymore.

I’m not saying we’re bad at it, I’m saying It’s not enough of a reason to take us.

Sorry, half with it at the moment. New medication and all. I can’t brain today. I has the dumb.

But regardless. Do you honestly think that we wont have it up during the split phase? Or further down in the raid when it gets harder.

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


@Truefrost: Zaroua isn’t confused. He just accepts that there are enough unknowns to make attempts at declaring hard facts about classes and the roles they fill in raids look silly.

Roles are defined by boss mechanics. If we don’t know the boss mechanics, we can only theorize on the roles based on whatever little information we know. We can draw conclusions, but if you submit yourself to following everyone else’s conclusions on DPS, roles, etc., you’ll never find yourself out on the cutting edge of the meta. You need an open mind to make discoveries that evolve the meta, and evolution should be the goal over preaching someone else’s sermon.

Necros might find that they fall short of having a firm role in raiding. I’m not saying it’s guaranteed. I’m just not going to rule it out until the data is in. Vale Guardian on a beta weekend is not an appropriate amount of data, regardless of how professional everyone thinks him/herself to be.

EDIT – @Zaroua: If you mention boons, someone is going to mention Mesmer’s sword auto again which strips boons at a rate of I think 1 every 2.5 seconds, and I’m going to vomit into my mouth again. Please spare my taste buds.

Also, I’ve been avoiding mentioning Patchwerk, but it’s been on my mind for days now. If they are going to create engaging encounters, they won’t be Patchwerk-style, and anything less than a very, very sophisticated simulation mechanism is going to fall potentially woefully short.

The Mes boon removal is actually quite good. Necros have to give up stuff and fall back on large cooldowns. Making the single boon removal quite nice. This of course could change If bosses begin to require a boon removal that removes multiple boons.

You’re completely wrong in this regard. Necromancer’s boon removal is often built into the build a necromancer will already be running. Well of suffering is already automatically run by a necromancer well build as it is. We give up nothing by bringing it. The same is true with Focus which will already be an auto include with dagger or dare I say axe? But to assume that the necromancer has to “Give up something” is completely false and utter nonsense.

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


How much DPS does a Power Engie do? What if you are in a raid instance, and the next boss after needing condis is immune to condis? Do you bring 4 condi engis for the first boss? What if you can’t dynamically drop groups/add new people in the middle of a raid and have to bring a group that can tackle the entire thing?

Also, you assume you want a tank that can buff really well. What about a tank that can strip boons well? What about a tank that does solid DPS instead of buffs?

The limit on imagination is a little strong. Maybe the highest DPS class for one fight won’t be the highest DPS class for the next. Maybe a Necro’s ability to go Power, Condi, Tank, Strip Boons, and relocate downed Allies will be a great asset to a group for only 1 raid slot.

Also, what is the guarantee that every DPS in the groups who downed Vale Guardian and made videos pulled their fully optimized weight? Without meters, it’s like we’re assuming every single player of every class/spec is performing optimally. If you’ve raided in other games, you know that’s very much not the case.

Power Engi in ideal situations is about 17kdps, It’d probably be right about the same as necro in a realistic situation.

Anyways I agree in that I think Necro is one of the best tank options. A guard I actually think is one of the more mediocre options. I’d say Necro or Rabid Engi are my favorites when I think about it. The big thing is you need to get enough toughness to pull agro. Necro can potentially do that in a few ways (minion build spoj just posted an idea in another thread), while Engi has rabid + scrapper which is a very minimal damage loss, and if they need more blocks they can grab toolkit, again not a huge damage loss, and shield which can help for breakbar as well as provide more defense. Necro build that toughness, RS for defense or utility. Guardian I’d feel forced out of a lot of damage stuff and it’s already falling behind those two in damage.

a cavalier necromancer might be good for tanking as well. Their damage would be solid and very sustainable as well. the biggest issue would be life force but with blighter’s boon with all the boons running around that shouldn’t be an issue.

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


The rotation showed in this chart is pretty easy to pull off even when in danger. Engineers just have better condi damage than a necro at this point in time. They can also pull off that condi damage with good upfront damage as well. Unfortunately everything a necro could potentially bring to a raid, another class can bring and do it much better. Now does that mean raids are going to be “everything but necro gtfo”; No i do not think so.
But to say that a Necro can do all these roles greatly is just not true. Literally anything you said a necro could do? another class can do the same but better.

Sorry but its true. Be happy that Necros are extremely strong in WvW and reaper is going to see a ton of use in PvP. We can’t all have everything. =/

the problem with these numbers they’re presenting is that the stacks that are required to be maintained in this build can’t actually be done. If this was the case everyone would be running engineer for speed runs. 20k sustained DPS isn’t a thing. And these numbers are extremely questionably. Even in the raid runs that I’ve seen engineer’s doing they were hitting for MAYBE and this is a big maybe, MAYBE 7k. But I’m skeptical that they where even hitting for that much. The rotation is extremely questionable. I’d like to see a video, see it in practice because from my testing and from what I’ve seen from more experienced players showing off their skills. Those numbers are physically impossible.

Core Ranger and raiding

in Ranger

Posted by: Lily.1935


Hey, I’d like to ask the ranger community for some advice on the core ranger for raids. I’m my guild’s Fractals and raiding officer. I’m the one who’s currently scheduling the weekly times for raids as well as training people for fractals making sure that they have the right skills they need when fractals are overhauled and raids are put into the game.

I’ve watched a few things on raids and what people’s impression of them are and I’m looking for ways of including everyone in my guild into the raid without forcing them to not play they way they want to. We have people who really want to heal and really want to tank as well as DPS.

I’m running into an issue because I’m trying to figure out builds that might be effective for each of the professions. Both the core professions and the elite specializations. But I’ve run into a bit of a snag with the ranger. I honestly don’t know the profession all that well and I’d like to have the ability to include them into a raiding situation if a guildy really wants to run one.

Could I get some sort of idea on what the ranger provides for a raid? How would you guys suggest one be built and in what role?

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Extra chill damage/mitigation and the extra might generation. Other than Curses, the Necro trait lines are pretty awful for condi builds.

Life force as well. Chilling Force is extremely handy for the condi necromancer since it can generate 5% life force a hit on occasions since its trigger is per target hit before the cool down goes on activation.

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


A thread like this is premature. We don’t know everything related to bosses yet.

Except we have a dozen and a half threads already about how the necromancer is completely useless and will never see use in raids already. I’m challenging that idea. I think its complete nonsense with the various tools we’ve been given.

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


First off Engi condi dps>>necro condi dps.

About the Mossman: Engineer has ground-target AoE that doesnt require a target, necro needs to have a target for scepter 1,3, life blast, dark path, so engi has uptime on its dps compared to necro. Also it’s a very specific scenario you are comparing which is in favor of the engineer. And it is also a completely useless comparison…

Guys remember Robert Geezus mentioned soft CC will be useful in raids. If a boss spawns countless adds who move fast i would really like a necro to do soft cc/ epidemic stuff.
Not everything is DPS, every class has its own utility, why do we have to compare DPS all the time. The devs have tools to measure DPS much much better than the spreadsheets we make and it’s the easiest thing in the world for them to raise it, there are reasons why they don’t do it.

Also @Lily nice summary great post.

Although I do agree that the engineer’s condi DPS is much higher than the base necromancer’s, I wouldn’t necessarily agree that its higher than the reaper’s. More testing is required.

My estimated guess for whats actually sustained is about 30-35 bleeds, 5 poison and chill. Those are what we can sustain indefinably. However where I get my numbers is from the burst as well as the cool downs. I have gotten up to 40 stacks of poison using corrosive poison cloud and the soul spiral. During that burst the 30 bleeds stick on and I can quickly build up around 5-6 stacks of burning. Throw terror into the mix and you’re adding more damage to the burst. So for burst I’d estimate around 20k, but for sustained I’d say 8-9k at the stabilizing point.

I’m just throwing out rough estimations on that. I have gotten over 40 stacks of poison using my rotation and over 30 stacks of bleeding at the same time with the 6 stacks of burning and chill all ticking at once.

But thank you. I’m really trying to help the necromancer community out. I think we’re starting to get to a really good place and we provide so much more than just damage that I honestly believe that we’ll be one of the best professions for raiding content.

PS: On its own, With food Corrosive poison cloud ticks for about 2k with once the second second starts. So you have about 6 seconds of that damage. Whirling in it to get the 30-40 stacks, depending on how large the enemy is that you’re fighting, you’re looking at around 8-9k damage just from poisons. And getting 30 stacks of bleeding isn’t news for the base condi necromancer, let alone reaper.

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Not trying to challenge anything Was honestly curious as I didn’t try to do any condi reaper, was having too much fun blasting out 20-30k gravediggers in the time I had to play.

But, we’re talking about raid roles right? Why bring up solo?

I’m honestly just curious to hear more about Condi Reaper, if it’s described somewhere a link would be cool, or just explain it a little more I’d be interested to know. I imagined it was more of a hybrid with a lot of RS spam doing decent physical and decent condi, sounsd like I was wrong on that. It sounds pretty powerful, MUCH more powerful than what I’ve seen from Condi Necro. Obviously the stack numbers you posted can’t be maintained, otherwise you’d be pumping out 22k in condi damage.

Did reaper bring condi damage for necro up to a viable level?

And it’s not about Engi being able to burst 20k in conditions, it’s about being able to maintain a high level of DPS once they get rolling (takes a few seconds) that is theoretically able to average out to 20k (emphasis on theoretically as I haven’t seen someone do it yet, it’s just on paper).

Except a condi engineer can’t sustain 20k DPS. Its closer to 7k. MAYBE 10 if they’re extremely good with the rotation but that’s pushing it. I have the good sense to admit that that sort of sustained DPS isn’t actually possible. Especially considering that the current meta says that full berserker is expected to do around 15k sustained DPS. Which also isn’t actually possible. 12k is possible maybe 13k, but pushing up to 15k far far beyond what any profession is reasonably capable of.

Also I bring up solo play, such as soloing Mossman because it gives us a base to talk about what DPS someone is actually doing. We know how much health mossman has and how long it takes you to kill it. In order to be doing 20k DPS you’d actually need to be able to solo kill mossman in a 50 in about a minute and 30 seconds. In the best case senario if we assume the mossman has 2 million health 4 minutes is about 8k DPS on full glass berserker stats. The community has unanimusly agreed that berserker is the highest possible DPS. And I don’t even think Mossman has even 2 million heath on a 50. However I don’t think its even that high so we could be looking at 6k or even as low as 4k DPS. Now if we also calculate for the fact that Mossman stealths into that calculation dropping the damage you can maybe calculate 10k in an ideal situation. Though looking at it I’d say closer to 9k.

So the reason to bring it up is to give you an idea just how incredibly off people’s DPS calculations actually are. With my reaper condi rotation. I expect that I’ll average around 8-10k with a burst of maybe 20k. Which that short burst would bring me up a bit. I’d have to calculate it a bit further but conditions have higher ramp time than berserker does and their damage is back loaded. I’ve used the example just to point out the flaws that the community has about DPS. They think they’re doing 20k-30k when in reality they’re doing closer to 6-9k.

Why I bring up my experience with fractals while soloing is because I looking for uses for mechanics in high tension situations. I’ll bring a single party member or a 3rd simply to further test high stress situations. We want to see how these skills can be effective in the encounters without actually cheesing the system by stacking or abusing line casting.

Basically I’m doing my research!

(edited by Lily.1935)

PerplexityTerror Reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


The idea sounds fun. I toyed with the idea of having perplexity runes. But the issue is that the trigger from the interrupt has a long cool down for confusion duration that’ll otherwise be unnoticed.

The condi reaper goes wide with conditions. Your best bet is nightmare or perhaps mad king runes. I wouldn’t even suggest Bathazar runes since you only have 1 source of burning. its a good source but hardly worth the dedication to the rune set.

(edited by Lily.1935)

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Few questions. Reaper Condi build, if it’s doing 12k dps, how much of it is condi?

See that’s a big reason Engi was stacked in raids, they fulfilled the condi damage requirement of some enemies the best in the game.

You’re completely right Lily though, that 20k is just a theoretical number. It drops quite a bit in practice (seeing more like 12-17k personally if I’m executing well).

Range DPS is something to note, Engi has to revert to nade spam or mortar spam at range, which you’re looking at about 60% damage in Power build (roughly 10k dps) which isn’t that much more than DS spam with wells. In condi I’m not sure but I’d imagine the same at best, again, not that much higher than Necro.

That all said, Condi necro needs a LOT of help. Power Necro seems to be in pretty decent shape, especially Melee.

I can stack 6 burns on my own without bath runes as well as 600-1000 from chill, close to 30 bleeds, 20 poison and sometimes 40 poison, 7-14(depending on runes) stacks of torment plus fear triggers which adds terror damage. The condition damage the necromancer gets is extremely high on just their passive numbers. They can stack clost 3.5k condition damage stat? Something like that. And I’ve even heard of 50 bleed stacks along with sustaining other conditions such as poison and chill. Very little of the damage comes from physical. On average about maybe 700? Is this all sustainable at once? No, that would be insane.

Also average, I’d say the engi’s DPS is closer to 7k. 12k with full berserker at the highest on their own. 15k if the group is running to max damage as much as possible. But hybrid is going to be lower damage regardless.

Someone did a mossman run in level 50 fractal with an engineer(solo) and completed it in about 4 minutes. Now to put that into context. they didn’t do 20k DPS. They didn’t even do 15k. They did close to 10k. If the health I used is right its around 10k. If its lower than I suspected than its closer to 6k DPS. A pretty massive difference than the claims made by the community. So the important part about this lesion people need to learn is that what is claimed and what it actually is in practice doesn’t seem to add up.

I’ve also seen someone post a video saying “Warrior 80k DPS” which showed them hitting 100b for 80k. Well that’s just fantastic. But that’s not 80k dps. its 26.7k over 3 seconds. But it drops after that to about 7k a hit. So drops to 18k. As it goes longer they drop to 3k per it. So the DPS drops further. The foe died before their boons fell off them in the fight, and what you’re looking at is a burst DPS and not sustained like you’ll be expected to run in a boss fight. Now, most people I know can’t get 80k 100b. They average around 30k 100b. Which is closer to 10k DPS. occasionally they’ve gotten 50k. But seeing a 50k damage number doesn’t mean that that’s 50k DPS.

I have no doubt that an engineer can do 20k burst with conditions. I can do that too with the reaper. Its not hard. You just need to know their rotations in order to do it.

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I had no issue with the chill cap. I could sustain chill permanently because of the long lasting duration combine with food as well as the recharge of my skills. I had no problem adding a new chill stack when my chill was about to vanish. 100% up time was even possible in a group situation like dungeons, fractals and even in world evens where other people were pushing off our chill. There wasn’t a moment when I couldn’t have chill on the foe.

Please Geezus make Nightfall a smoke field.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


No. Dark fields are better for us. And they’re just the best DPS field we could ask for.

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935



Engineer dps calculation:

Give me a condition necro build that can do even 75% of that and i’d consider it competitive. I doubt you will be able to even get past 50% though with our current numbers. We are simply not competitive dps wise. You can keep claiming otherwise, but at least on the condition front it is simply not true.

Direct dps looks better, but certainly not at range. Not sure how you can claim that ranged DS spam is good dps. I’d like to see some calculations on that because I simply don’t believe it. Gravedigger sub 50% dps is actually pretty decent at this point, that may be our best bet for a direct damage raid slot.

You talk about chill damage, but chill is worthless in its current form. I tried it in 3 different raid groups this past BWE. I found it had a <25% uptime due to the chill cap and our short duration. I was unable to get higher than this even though I was the only reaper in 2 of the 3 groups. Other classes apply chill through random attacks and traits and consistently hit the cap in a group of 10. I switched this out for blighters boon in every group after a while to get better sustain.

This is probably our best role, I actually agree with most of what you said here, I think we will be decent tanks after listening to different people and trying different builds.

Weakness, chill, blind, fear, all things the bosses are completely immune to in raids. These offer no benefit in raids and should not be considered control in the raiding environment. The chill break bar degen was either broken or worthless in the last BWE, having perma chill on the boss had no effect on the break bar. Additionally it needs to be broken within 10 seconds, so any small degen is not worthwhile anyway. We do a decent job of breaking break bars though, with 2 fears, and a stun. This is comparable to other classes though and not really a bright point.

Boon corruption, unblockable and boon strips may be things we are liked for, time will tell, though for standard boon corruption a mesmer will be much more wanted, or necro will have to specifically trait for corruption on RS2 to keep up.

Healers make transfusion fairly silly looking. You will have a dedicated healer in all raid groups and they can do what transfusion does in less than a second with no CD. I suppose if you want to have a group with no healer and everyone needs to bring their own healing then transfusion may be worthwhile, but I don’t think that will be the norm after playing with healers this BWE.

Wells have some interesting possibility and I think they could see some good use in raids, so I agree with you there.

Show me these calculations in practice. Not a chart. Also the chart looks HORRIBLE off. And 75% of that? Okay, my sinister reaper build was doing about 12k in a practical situation. Not this fake 20k that the chart shows since I know for a fact the stacks its showing are unsustainable since I’ve run a sinister engineer with food and its condi rotation. So I ask you to show it in practice. People seem to be increasing DPS out of nowhere. A few months ago it was 15k DPS with full zerk. Today I’ve heard claims of 30k DPS. The claims I’ve heard are complete nonsense and don’t have merit. SHOW ME! Show don’t tell.

Also, I saw groups with dedicated healers failing horribly because they couldn’t pick up downed allies. The value of tranfusion is the ability to move downed allies. Not so much of the healing aspect which I’ve mentioned many times in the post. Trust me on this one. Bring it, you wont be disappointed.

During the second beta event I used chill along with other CC abilities and the break bar was actually degenerating. Not regenerating. because of blind, crippling and chill. And at an alarming rate even. Which the break bar will most likely be adjusted.

I"m also talking about raids as we progress further into it. The first fight is the easy one. Just remember that. The anomaly fight is extremely simple without too much to worry about when thinking about the content moving past that. And I’d still suggest something like transfusion and shield on guardian in the group. As far as I could tell, the red orbs of pain were not immune to conditions. Just immortal. This means that chill is even more valuable.

I’m paying very close attention to these fights and Looking for the cracks in the raid boss’s armor as well as looking at the potential of each profession. Trust me on this. we are more than valuable.

The necromancer's raiding role

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Many people are trying to find ways not to run necromancer in raids and actively looking for reasons why the necromancer is the worst possible profession to use. I’ve seen countless posts about it from “Necros have no damage”, “necros have no support”, “reaper is pointless”. But these people are not considering the unique abilities that the necromancer offers that will actually out preform in a raid.

In terms of damage the necromancer can easily fill ever single on of the required role of this without a problem. Once you understand their condition damage rotation its incredibly high and very sustainable. Their power type damage is also extremely high probably the strongest at range making them very effective at mobile DPS. Which the necromancer’s mobile DPS is one of the reasons that they’re known for it in WvW. Raids do actually force the group to keep moving which means that stationary moves like 100b blades gain increased chance to get someone killed rather than to help them. Its also notable that the bosses will move out of aoe meaning that the necromancer’s ability to provide solid damage at range becomes even more valuable.

Does this mean that necromancer is the only profession that can provide damage? Of course not. Engineers also have very solid ranged DPS. The difference between them is how they pump it out. Its something that people should consider for a raid encounter. The death perception necromancer with its life blast is solid enough damage at range and you can bring transfusion on the bar without actually sacrificing anything major for it.

The condition damage that the reaper provides out preforms the core necromancer and can also be used in combination with control as well as boon stripping to fill that role without issue. Dark path comes to mind since one of the bosses requires you to remove a special boon before it can be damaged. This gives the necromancer the unique versatility to actually move between bosses in one of the phases being capable of punishing both at once. The chill is extremely important on a reaper build. The damage output of it is slightly higher than a stack of burning above 50% and is a bit over 2 stacks of burning at below 50%. The advantage is that it both severely weakens the break bar as well as providing this bonus damage on something you’re going to be doing anyway. The versatility of their condition spec that allows them to stack 2-5k ticks from each of their condition stacks all at once means that if bosses that are both weak to condition damage but have reduced damage to some forms of condition damage such as burning or poison this go wide strategy means that the necromancer will flat out out preform many other professions which includes the engineer. However that’s just speculation on my part.


I’ve already mentioned chill and boon stripping. Two powerful abilities that the necromancer can provide both at the same time without sacrificing much if anything on their build. But they can also provide so much more on the control end of things. The corruption necromancer/reaper build provides projectile destruction, extremely high weakness up time, boon stripping, condition spreading and lock out abilities such as executioner’s scythe and fear spams.

Corrosive poison cloud deserves its own medal for being one of the best skills in this kit. As we continue to move through raids multi functional skills such as cpc will be invaluable to a group. The fact that the condimancer can take this skill into a fight without actually sacrificing damage will have a major impact on your build. You can put this skill on a boss, crippling their physical damage as well as locking them out of being able to use their projectiles if they have some. And later bosses will have them. You can count on that for sure. Another element of this is you can protect yourself with it by placing it over you. I’ve even combined this skill in the Mai Trin fight while training the guildies in fractals. Placing this around me and using transfusion to pull them out of her focus as well as preventing shots being fired by Horrik and as well as Mai’s herself. The usefulness of this skill will only increase with raids.

Further control is that the boss seems to stick on high toughness allies. The necromancer can take a hit far better than most other professions and compared to highly mobile professions such as thief or mesmer the necromancer is in a unique position with both flesh wurm and spectral walk to both take the hits and lure the boss into a favorable position with lowest possible risk. I know this concept may sound a bit alien to some people reading this. However I’ve had massive success using both of these skills in fractals while soloing or fighting in the aetherblade fractal boss fight.

The necromancer also has a high number of unblockable skills and even a trait that makes marks unblockable putting the staff as a seriously useful control weapon. Nothing can save will will see heavy use in raids if we find a boss who has a break bar while blocking that also causes heavy damage. Why would you want to struggle with your group to out heal the damage when a reaper can just cast nothing can save you and rip through their break bar with their high number of stuns and long lasting chill.

Boon corruption is also a thing on necromancer. They have high number of targets hit in a 600 radius meaning that their focus can be where it needs to be while also breaking through those boons without having to break agro. The mesmer has extremely strong boon stripping but their issue is that their aoe boon stripping is no where near as powerful as the necromancer’s. This will most likely be extremely valuable in the raid as we progress further and the content gets harder and harder.


The necromancers support is something that people don’t value too highly. But even a pure berserker necromancer provides a tone of support for allies that people might not even realize. Just on my power wells set I provide protection to allies as well as a dark field. The dark field is actually extremely handy for increasing a party’s DPS as well as providing healing. Whirling in a dark field or firing projectiles can provide a bit of healing while increasing their overall damage. And since might and vuln shouldn’t be much of a problem in raids this puts a stronger focus on these extremely powerful fields.

The vampiric aura is minor in terms of our support but can be absolutely vital for allies survivability. Anyone who’s run a flamethrower with a necromancer around in a world boss knows the feeling of going from almost dead to full health from this trait. Other life stealing abilities such as Signet of Vampirism which normally take a while to trigger can cause some more minor healing to your entire raid as they focus a boss as well as boost the damage.

I’ve already mentioned transfusion. I’ll mention it again. In the first raid boss I’d personally probably require this trait to be used in my raid. The effectiveness of this trait is just too high not to consider it. Battle Standard and revive skills lack the ability to pull allies out of damage while this can do just that. I saw a lot of raid runs where people where going down and going down trying to revive their allies that I couldn’t find a good reason not to have at least one necromancer running this trait. Even if you’re not specked into healing power the teleport can mean the difference between a dead ally and a living one. This trait can be a bit tricky to use at first but once you get it down you’ll love it.

Well of power and well of blood have also been useful for helping allies. Buffering attacks with healing and well of power being an extremely solid counter to burning with its conversion to aegis. I’ve used this skill against the imbued shaman on many occasions to nullify its attacks, against Mai trin to save my allies from the 14 stacks of bleeding. This might not sounds so great to some people who think a shout guardian can do the same thing. But remember that there is a major difference between 600 and 900 range. You’re also not doing anything different than what a berserker necromancer will probably be doing anyway.

More testing required:

There are a few ideas that I’d like to test out in raids a bit more. The minion master is something I want to see. There is a tone of talk about endless minions thanks to rise and that can seem valuable with the high toughness that the minions will provide. Using something like Apothecary stats on a minion builds with dozens of little bombs sounds like a solid strategy and would have been extremely notable in GW1. The added bonus of transfusion in this sort of set and being almost exclusively focus with its extremely high sustain could make this a build worth looking into.


The abilities that the necromancer provides are numerous. Although when compared side by side with abilities of other professions it might seem like the age old tale of “Everything the necromancer can do someone else can do it better” but the fact that most of the necromancer’s abilities actually overlap in multiple roles that the raid requires anyway should make any group consider the necromancer for their raid. Our highly effective skills that might not preform as well in some situations as other skills, such as Corrosive poison cloud when compared to wall of reflection, are more tool box skills that can do everything that you need it to do all at once. The necromancer has multiple examples of this from their wells to their corruptions, to signets and even shouts.

The necromancer might surprise you. Many people during the beta weekend really wanted to try the reaper as it looked to be the coolest. Though many of these people didn’t have a firm grasp at what the necromancer was capable of before they decided to do the raid. The devs of GW2 are not lying to us when they say they pretty much always bring at least one necromancer into a raid. And considering the first boss and that’s supposed to be the easy one I only see more and more reasons to consider 1-2 necromancers in a group.

Although we will have to wait and see the more I think about it and the more I’m practicing for raids by doing fractals without using abusive stacking mechanics the more valuable me and my guild are noticing the necromancer truly is. I hope this is helpful to some people. I’ll see you all in the mists.

Deathly Chill Damage/Feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Its a lot higher than you think. Its really strong where its at. around 400 above 50% and about 800 below 50%. Can scale higher than that though.

Axe auto still bad. 10%?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I would like to see something to make this weapon more unique compared to the other weapons. But all i really need is for its auto attack’s animation not to be so horrendous.

Let's talk Reaper builds.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


this is what I’m considering for raids. We have such versitility in condition damage its hard to choose a rune set. I’m probably going to settle on runes of the nightmare because of their flat condition duration since it’ll help me regardless of the weapons I’m using. CpC is a absolute must. And although it might seem strange that I’m taking chilling darkness that extra chill on dagger and Death’s charge is absolutely amazing. It helps to build your damage back up. For the second utility I switch that out quite a bit. I’ve used suffer as well as epidemic. But Signet of spite would work well too. As would corrupt boon and nothing can save you. Depending on the encounter.

BWE 3 Reaper Specialization Feedback Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


After playing the reaper this time my feelings about it have remained the same since the last beta weekend. It is almost perfect. Massive fun to play with a lot of options available to us to toy around with. In terms of damage the reaper is highly versatile very capable of going full condi, glasscannon power, tanky, minion master, minor support, and hybrid.

With that said I do still have some issues. Even with soul eater being changed the way it was I don’t see any real reason to take it over the other two traits. Even when going full tanky and using a greatsword I’d rather use Decimate Defenses or Chilling Force. I don’t know, I’m just not so keen on that trait. If others are really enjoying that trait please let me know. I almost feel like it might be more valuable giving 1% life force on foe struck with gravedigger. Or on a more control side, strip a boon on gravedigger. Perhaps that’s too much? Maybe? I’ll let you guys think it through.

The other problem I had with reaper is the heavy reliance on Vital Persistence. Although it wasn’t 100% needed on all builds, it was really hard justify not taking it on any of my builds. Even the ones more focused on the greatsword over reaper’s shroud. Although the 15% skill recharge wasn’t necessary the 50% Degeneration Decrease was! Perhaps rolling 25% of that into the base shroud could remedy this or perhaps the full 50% should just become baseline. More testing is required.

There is always the last issue I run into while playing the reaper. And that’s the necromancer itself. Although the necromancer has gotten far better over the years and has seriously been ramped up in these past few months it still struggles with several issues that seriously hinder the reaper. I don’t know if the necromancer’s weaknesses are enough to destroy the reaper’s desirability or usage, but my bet would be no.

Over all, I absolutely love the elite specialization. Completely did a 180 on it from when you first showed it. My top 4 professions from GW1 where Necromancer at #1, Mesmer at #2, Dervish #3 and Ritualist #4. I’ve already got epidemic from the mesmer which was the primary type of build I loved on them and now I have my necro dervish. All I need now is my ritualist elite specialization for the necromancer and I’ll never have to play any other profession ever again. O_O

Necro Changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


To build on spoj’s point, blast finishers are simply the strongest finisher type in the game. I would also like other types of finishers, but we have nothing to really give us leap finishers on our base profession (Dark Path is the only choice), nor whirl. This leaves projectile and blast, and while I think we should get both, blast finishers are clearly superior in every way in every mode. Note that I primarily play PvP, so when I mention blasts I’m not even talking PvE or pre-buffing. Also blast >>>>> projectile for me, as MM loves the AoE effects of blasts (which further increases the skill cap).

Don’t get me wrong, I think things like Reaper’s Touch should be projectile finishers, but blasts just vastly out perform projectile finishers, and we have a lot of skills to fit blast.

I disagree. I do not feel that blast finishers are the strongest finishers in the game. Leaps have far more self utility and whirls can far exceed them in both offensive and defensive capabilities.

I think the idea is:

  • blast: team utility
  • leap: selfish utility
  • projectile: single enemy damage/debuff
  • whirl: AOE damage/debuff
    (note some fields swap the enemy and allies sides)

it is clear that the effects are not necessarily balanced. For example, AOE might is definitely strong, 1s burning on a projectile… not that much.

The nice thing though is that not all fields are better blasted, and in particular the necro’s field. Poison field: 3s weakness is not as good as whirling as a reaper into it and getting many stacks of poison. A 3s blind for blasting a dark field is often barely noticeable, but the leeching bolt (again whirling as a reaper) are potentially good sustain. I would say overall the reaper is balanced in terms of field/finishers. It does not have blast finishers because it does not fit in the “party buff” type but still has many whirl finishers which can be good in its own fields.

The main problem is core necro who has some fields but very few ways to activate them himself.

the whirl in a lightning field actually trumps fire field in terms of increasing damage. And so does projectile finishers in lighting field. Since 1 for 1 vulnerability is stronger than might. Vuln requires you to be more active in your play style while might can be a bit more passive which makes sense why it would be stronger.

I’ve discussed this before about fire and water fields, explaining why they aren’t the best in the game just that they are most popular at the moment.

I’d also argue that a whirl finisher on a light field can save allies allot easier than a blast on a water field. Because the bolts will remove conditions and with multiple bolts you can strip allot of conditions from allies around it, stemming conditions that might otherwise have killed them even with a blasted water field.

Allot of the community doesn’t seem to test out the limits of their profession or even the combos in the game and that has left people’s views pretty skewed as to what is good and what isn’t without experimentation and critical thinking about what it is. I’ve been testing some of these tactics out with other fields because I had fallen into that category in the past as well and finding allot of utility in otherwise unused skills.

One issue I still have though is that leaching bolts do not heal you in shroud. Which is a major issue since I personally think that all life stealing should function in shroud.

Necro Changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


To build on spoj’s point, blast finishers are simply the strongest finisher type in the game. I would also like other types of finishers, but we have nothing to really give us leap finishers on our base profession (Dark Path is the only choice), nor whirl. This leaves projectile and blast, and while I think we should get both, blast finishers are clearly superior in every way in every mode. Note that I primarily play PvP, so when I mention blasts I’m not even talking PvE or pre-buffing. Also blast >>>>> projectile for me, as MM loves the AoE effects of blasts (which further increases the skill cap).

Don’t get me wrong, I think things like Reaper’s Touch should be projectile finishers, but blasts just vastly out perform projectile finishers, and we have a lot of skills to fit blast.

I disagree. I do not feel that blast finishers are the strongest finishers in the game. Leaps have far more self utility and whirls can far exceed them in both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Bring back old Scepter 3 Feast of Corruption

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Well considering axe has 900 range now I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run the old scepter over the new axe for a ranged somewhat underpowered power based weapon, just saying.

Why would I run axe over staff? That seems illogical.

Maybe because the word staff was never even used in the quoted post…

This gave me a good laugh! Thanks guys!

But as for axe vs. staff, you’d only really want it if you wanted to use another offhand, like I’ll proably run axe/wh GS on soldier’s/knight’s reaper builds because I don’t want to throw my howler into the garbage bin just yet!

that honestly depends on what you’re doing with that reaper. soldier/knights doesn’t tell me much.

PvP, and being a general bruiser that holds a point while yelling at people until their condis fall off.

My friend wants to to use dagger isntead of axe, but I think the range makes it viable at least for utility and smacking a target thats trying to kite you.

I’d still probably take soul marks and staff over axe/warhorn.. Actually. Yeah I would. Unblockable is extremely handy. I mean, you have wail of doom. But it doesn’t have the range of reaper’s mark. Plus the cool down is only a 2 second difference. Yeah, you don’t get the boon corruption, but you can substitute unholy feast with "Nothing can save you. Another thing to note about the staff with soul marks is that your build seems to use chill. An unblockable chill from chilblains and from reaper’s mark can fuel that engine a bit more quickly. But I’d probably test it out first. Try both, see which one works better for you.

Also, you don’t have sigils on your build. Sigil of energy is always good. And I’d try sigil of hydromancy. Since reaper triggers sigil swaps you can quickly toggle into reaper’s shroud and get a chill burst on adjacent foes.

Can we get stability on life transfer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Pulsing stab on Well of power and stab on spectral walk are what I want. On this.. Eh? Not really, no.

Corrosive Poison cloud Gush!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


and that was it for well of darkness

may it rest in pieces

Actually an extremely cool suggestion was made for Well of darkness to cause a debuff on foes in its area so they can’t block incoming attacks.

Corrosive Poison cloud Gush!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I’m not a negative person. I try to be critical about what I’m saying. Though sometimes I just need to vent and I think we can all agree that that happens some times. I do post positively from time to time intentionally because I’m a human being. Not some rage machine. I’m generally a fairly calm and bubbly person. If you really get to know me.

I totally believe you’re a calm and bubbly person. I just always enjoy seeing when people who I’ve personally seen be mostly critical in times past on the Necro forums (again, I could have easily missed some/most of your posts) show excitement. To me, that says ANet really did something right.

Plus, in some of the responses to the changes, I kept thinking “Wait, did no one read the CPC changes?” Then I saw this thread and wanted to give kudos. So kudos.

I can’t wait to play around with this skill personally.

Oh, its been allot of fun. In fractals especially. Its hard not to justify taking it in there.

Corrosive Poison cloud Gush!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I know I’m only around periodically, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lily happy about Necro things. It’s truly a treat to see people get excited about things.

Also, I’m super glad to hear this change is operating as awesomely as I hoped when I read it. I’m looking forward to coming back to my Necro in the expac.

I’m not a negative person. I try to be critical about what I’m saying. Though sometimes I just need to vent and I think we can all agree that that happens some times. I do post positively from time to time intentionally because I’m a human being. Not some rage machine. I’m generally a fairly calm and bubbly person. If you really get to know me.

Corrosive Poison cloud Gush!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I really hope they don’t nerf this for fractals. I just ran it and it was the most fun I had in the Mai Trin fight. I actually got to protect myself and allies.

Considering how common projectile reflects and destroyers are, I don’t think us having one skill that has it on a long cooldown will be all that big a problem.

Reflects don’t work on Mai Trin during the cannon phase.

Bring back old Scepter 3 Feast of Corruption

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Well considering axe has 900 range now I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run the old scepter over the new axe for a ranged somewhat underpowered power based weapon, just saying.

Why would I run axe over staff? That seems illogical.

Maybe because the word staff was never even used in the quoted post…

This gave me a good laugh! Thanks guys!

But as for axe vs. staff, you’d only really want it if you wanted to use another offhand, like I’ll proably run axe/wh GS on soldier’s/knight’s reaper builds because I don’t want to throw my howler into the garbage bin just yet!

that honestly depends on what you’re doing with that reaper. soldier/knights doesn’t tell me much.

Bring back old Scepter 3 Feast of Corruption

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Well considering axe has 900 range now I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run the old scepter over the new axe for a ranged somewhat underpowered power based weapon, just saying.

Why would I run axe over staff? That seems illogical.

Maybe because the word staff was never even used in the quoted post…

Well there’s your problem.

Corrosive Poison cloud Gush!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I really hope they don’t nerf this for fractals. I just ran it and it was the most fun I had in the Mai Trin fight. I actually got to protect myself and allies.

Necro Changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Prebuffing too I think is just a relic of how we’ve played that should probably go away in a normal circumstance. From what I understand its generally a DPS loss, almost certainly if you count the time spent prebuffing. It’s very quick to start the fight and buff in combat, and you don’t waste cooldowns in the process. There’s probably more nuance than that.

As an aside, I’m pretty sure anyone who prebuffs BIP is probably doing it wrong, if anything because the duration of the stacks is quite short. I’m not 100% sure on how might stacks overwrite each other, so any clarification would be welcome. I’m not 100% sure of the correct usage in combat, however, whether to open with it for dot damage, to wait a few seconds to refresh might stacks about to fall off, or to wait until stacks noticeably go down (by which point if you had opened with it it may have been coming off CD already). Like I said, I don’t fully understand the mechanics of stacking effects, the wiki article doesn’t go into overwriting effects of different durations.

You could finish the fight before the duration wore off. Again, I used to run level 50 fractals where in boomhunger we’d do just that. With Strength runes you can increase its duration pretty far. And if you’re taking curses having master of corruption to reduce its recharge to 20 seconds the normal 8 seconds doesn’t look so bad. I’m not saying it was “The best thing ever” But it worked just fine. Yes you want to do it later usually, because most the time blasting pre-fight is superfluous if you already have an ele who knows what they’re doing anyway.