Showing Posts For Liquid Swords.1740:

My first Wooden Loot Chest

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I once got 4 copper from a wooden chest. I remember it was a special one cause i saw the chest in the middle of a enemy zerg and worked my way back towards it to loot it. Yeah way worth it. Like really a spike would of been better lol

As for the steel chests I am not sure if that is true at least from my experience. I got an exotic last night and it was from a wooden chest and lol @ 80 silver for a once every couple of months drop chance. Imo looting is just screwed up in this game pve and wvw. It is a boring loot system that seems to be designed to dump your dropped junk in the mystic toilet to get something good but with horrible rng.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Perfect?! No. Certainly not. Better?! Yeah!
We are pretty much on the same mind here and it is an advice I constantly give to newcomers. One has to adapt to whatever situation he has at hand. To be prepared, one ought to have most of the tools available to him, at his disposal.

Our build discussion – and maybe “disagreement” although I doubt we went as far – with Liquid Swords had the objective of (at least in theory) pointing out the most damage maximizing build of the two. Viability was out of the question, especially since he/she is already using it effectively which validates the whole trait orientation.

In regards to what one has to offer to a team I find that by maximizing your own potential in what you decided to excel at, you are also maximizing the effectiveness of your presence in a team. In these terms, the build used by Liquid Swords, lacks in both personal and group potential for the reasons mentioned in the respective posts (which summed up and titled would be: overall 1) damage and 2) utility offered). That is not not say it is useless, but rather that it has not moved a level up from what the currently popular build (0/10/0/20/30) has to offer.

We had no disagreement I would say just a good discussion as to an idea for a build. I have come to the conclusion the 0/25/0/15/30 is my personal favorite for roaming the pve world. The 0/10/0/30/30 is definitely a bit better when it comes to 5 man teams and dungeons but kitten do I wish Aura sharing range was a bit more. It seems so small and almost buggy at times with not giving the aura/buffs. So in conclusion my play style personal favorite builds are…

wvw 0/0/20/20/30 with melandru runes
Open world/roaming pve 0/25/0/15/30
5 mans/dungeons 0/10/0/30/30 aura share

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Point is, you are not built towards condition duration and you shouldn’t. To my understanding elementalist’s offense is a mix of all types, with direct being the primary source.

Vulnerability may seem nice but the way the build is made you ll be averaging on 50% crit chance (assuming you have constant uptime in fury). 60% chance out of 50%, is what?! 30%? Including the small chance from Arcane precision I ’d say around 33%. Without any condition duration included, I m willing to bet you ’d never get more than 3 stacks of vulnerability, aka 3% extra damage.

Taking a scenario where you solo, with one full attunment rotation you get 5 boons that grant 2% increase in damage each (fury, might, vigor, swiftness, regeneration) aka 10% extra damage. Imagine now a scenario where you are in a group and get all 9 boons…

Another reason not to go with it is exactly the 20% reduction on air skills. Why? You ll never stay that long in air and the skills are “control” oriented which in PvE is not that often needed. If you stay there for longer than getting the boons or repositioning your investment in attunment recharge rate goes partially to waste.

Ps. I was more than kind with the critical chance assumption. I m getting the 50% with my build and I use major sigil of perception, which nets me 175 accuracy at max stacks – that’s already 75 more than what you get from the change in traits -, a berserker ascended amulet, rampager’s backpack and one berserker, one pvt daggers.

Ps 2. I haven’t tested this but in regards to PvE ,if you don’t want to go for Bountiful Power you might as well skip the Arcane tree since they seem closely related and dependent.

Crit chance with the build i linked is 60% with 75% crit damage, it does maintain perma fury. It could also get a good amount more from crit sigil stacking but I chose bloodlust cause it seemed like the right option with already having that much crit.

I played a bit more with this in pve and i can maintain 4-5 stacks of invuln on bigger hp targets. So in a group with 5 or so people that is a lot more damage to the target then 25 in water for myslef.

Thx for the criticism on the build definitely helps me think about it. I like going outside of the 0 10 0 30 30 to change it up sometimes.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

So Daphoenix I have been playing around for pve with traits 0 25 0 15 30 over 0 15 0 25 30. I just don’t know the math for damage difference between the two but 25 in air feels like more dps then 25 in water. Not only that but having 20% redux on air powers is nice.

Can anyone do the math on what one does more dps pve? I am guessing in a team setting 25 air just because multiple stacks of invuln increases everyones damage plus the crit/crit damage from air tree.

This is the build|8.1c.h1h.8.1c.h4||1n.71h.1n.71h.1n.71g.1n.71g.1n.71j.1n.71j|3v.d17.311.d17.211.d13.211.d13.311.d17.3v.d17|0.p19.0.f5.u56b|39.1|1m.1q.1s.1r.0|e

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Hey Liquid Swords, thanks for the quick reply. I agree that trinkets are the slots to get crit damage in to take advantage of high crit chance, and since there are no knight’s/celestial back pieces available the choices for ascended back are cavalier’s and zerker. In that case is it worth having the extra toughness over power/precision?

For rings and accs, do you run celestial in all four slots? When I was in PVT gear, I would use zerker trinkets to get more damage in, but with PPT gear I’m trying to find the best balance of damage with toughness and perhaps some extra vit in those slots.

I’d also like to get Daphoenix’s input since the trinkets section in the gear guide seems a bit out of date with no ascended accs.

Yes for all 4 rings/accs i run celestial. I can’t seem to make a better build using anything other then the celestial as an ele since they benefit from all stats a lot more then other professions.

My wvw build|8.1c.h1h.8.1c.h2||1n.71g.1n.71g.1n.71h.1n.71h.1n.7r.1n.7r|3v.e17.211.e13.311.e17.211.e13.311.e17.3v.e17|0.0.k39.k39.u56b|15.7|1m.1s.1u.1v.0|e

My pve build(except in orr i use my wvw build a lot cause the cc)|8.1c.h1h.8.1c.h2||1n.71g.1n.71g.1n.71h.1n.71h.1n.7r.1n.7r|3v.e17.211.e13.311.e17.211.e13.311.e17.3v.e17|0.f1.0.p19.u56b|39.1|1n.1q.1r.1s.0|e

Pretty standard stuff here for most ele builds. I have tried everything and these work well for myself but maybe not for others.

In that pve build calculate in 250 power from bloodlust and 20% crit chance for perma fury. Then also add 20+ stacks of might since I always have that while in combat. You could also swap the x2 melandru runes for divinity. Quite ridiculous effective power imo. I think over 5k effective based off that site.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

(edited by Liquid Swords.1740)

Elementalist able to weapon swap ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

just give me out of combat weapon swapping pls

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Great guide that I’ve been using for a while now. I recently switched my armour and weapons from soldier’s (PVT) to knight’s (PPT) and found that survivability was just as good and overall damage seemed better.

I’m wondering what the suggested gear for (ascended) trinkets is. I currently run Syzygy (celestial) amulet and PPT/celestial ascended rings, along with knight/valk exo accessories. Is it best to run PPT in all ring/acc/back slots? Or a mix of PPT/Celestial or something else like zerker/valkyrie? Thanks for the help.

I am sure your current setup is better than switching all ring/acc/back pieces to p/p/t. The reason being is you need to get the crit damage in there. I run Cavalier p/t/crit damage on back and amulet and celestial/all stats in rings and accs and it works great. I am sure Daphoenix will pop in here for a better answer for you.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Most active NA server/guild!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

For pve your probably looking at Tarnished Coast, it was good when I was there. As for the wvw community it just wasn’t for me so I xfer’d a while back but would still assume it is the best NA pve server. Not only that just guest to servers to see for yourself.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Lag after update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I am also having strange issues in wvw as of the last patch. Like when i jump off a cliff I rubberband and hit the ground like 3 times and this rubber banding only happens during falling. Powers just not activating sometimes even in small scale fights. I also get my character running in certain directions while not pressing any WASD keys(no not a broken keyboard). Strange but ohwell

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Literally unstoppable Warriors

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I run this on my ele sometimes and it is good. Immobs/cripple/chill conditions flash for fractions of a second then disappear. Almost annoying in zerg fights cause it looks like your boon/condition buffs are flickering/glitching.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Dear ANet, we need to find a solution.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Laurel Ascended gear refundable/salvageable?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

So I have a suggestion as to making Ascended items that are acquired through Laurels to have an exchange option for a different item. Or being able to salvage the ascended item and get back some of your Laurels as a possibility.

So here is my issue. With my current elementalist being my funnest character to play and with the upcoming changes it looks as though the playstyle is going to be altered some. I am not complaining because the ele could use some toning down. What I am saying is the changes will definitely affect the way this character is played and the build you currently run(not in all cases though).

I have gotten my ascended gear through laurels on this character and now would like to change the build with the announced changes. I mean really do I have to farm laurels for the next 3 months to get different stats on rings/accessories/amulet for the same character?

I guess there are a couple of things that would work for me…

1. Make laurel acquired salvageable for a return of some laurels

2. Make laurel acquired items exchangeable at the vendors for different stat item.

Anyways I am sure most people are going to hate this idea or maybe it has already been suggested but any thoughts are appreciated.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Counter-build to Rtl nerf.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I have ran this build with 6x Melandru and 0 0 20 20 30 and it works great. It is rough not having Zephyr’s Boon at first though but you get used to it. This is exactly what I will be switching to 100% of the time if these changes happen. But I may just go 0 0 20 20 30 with 2x Melandru and 2x water/monk for just 83% reduction of chill/cripple/immob while keeping the boon duration for up time on swiftness(most importantly)/boons.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Post your Human!

in Human

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Two ele’s ftw.

15 char.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

KN is back!! I’m super excited to what you guys bring this week. I want you guys to stay in this tier. If anyone has to leave, I’m sure you can guess who we would want that to be.

Awww man the thread was actually doing ok…. rofl

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

War Machine blackgate wants you! Come play with us in T1 we have a grand community that rewards the efforts of all of our battle worn solders. If is great fights you seek look no further there are fights to be had against the mightiest of enemy in foo and many others. We have high skill base but low numbers with your guilds help there is nothing that could stop us our glory Awaits.

The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.-Thucydides

Well you guys better be prepared to pay, a lot. A server (I won’t name which) is promising premium dollars for WM, RISE, CO (and maybe others) to head over. I am talking about crazy out of this world money here. But they said no since they didn’t want to leave their Kaineng brothers.

Thanks for staying all! ^^

Oh come on now. Such juicy drama and you won’t share?! We can play hangman or something to guess the server.

Through process of elimination all signs would point to SoR.

1. Its not BG because the poster talking about the gold gossip eliminated them basically directing us to ‘another server’.

2. I highly doubt JQ would pay more gold for more SEA guilds? They have the most insane SEA in NA by a long shot anyway, I do not think their SEA guilds would want to deal with even more queue times than they already have.

This leaves us with SoR who are coming close to competing with JQ and all they need is more SEA/European. Also they have recently upped their recruitment and managed to get AFS and Tsym so they are probably going all out.

or it could be a European T1 server…

Believe it or not TC posted in RE forum recruiting us. I find it funny or maybe just a troll I dont know.

Wouldn’t surprise me. They would read our server forum and try to recruit every guild that expressed interest in transferring – quoted from guilds that did transfer to FA.

Look what they’ve already done to T4/T2. It’s not about fun and competitive battles. It’s about getting as many people on your server as possible to sit in towers.

This week:

Last week:

Anyways, was a fun week regardless of the lack of balance.

I still remember the first week we got to tier 2 and a commander from one of the IoJ guilds that came to FA decided to read the recruitment e-mail TC sent in attempt to get them over FA. Good lulz

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

It seems AoN has rubbed off on the rest of FA everyone running when they see a TC name.

Your right lets label the whole server based off just your in game experiences. I think if i WvW tonight I am going to find some TC engage and then run but I play an ele so I can. lol

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I thought i was the only one running 2x melandru and lemongrass food. -50% condition duration is so good in wvw. I have also thought about stacking it with the 33% earth trait but have not yet. -83% duration on immobs. Hmmmm lol

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

(edited by Liquid Swords.1740)

Could they have picked worse skins for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

It is that bad. I like many others probably just logged off for the day after such a depressing patch. Culling fixed was good but after visiting the wvw vendor and seeing those skins i was like rofl really? No ascended was another downer, my guess is they can’t figure out how to implement it without creating another game currency and there are too many as is for not that old of a game.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

lol I was saying the same thing and had to screenshot it. Looks like the whole TC server was in this group.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Just giving you some kitten about the domination comment. I have seen the RISECO awesomeness domination of EB before and they painted it all green.

My last(not 12 hours ago though) night consisted of hordes of WM focusing FA for a good 4+ hours but its all good was having a blast.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

EB domination last night. Nice job CORE! some fun fights in SMC.

Strange I still see a WP up on the red keep so I guess not total domination. I was thinking i would log in and see it all green.

FA BL was a blast this morning trying to defend btw.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Norn light armor

in Norn

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Male or female? Here are some Feathered/Winged female armors i recently transmuted that imo looks pretty good.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Show yer norns!

in Norn

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Got some new inks and played around with transmuting some stuff.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

iso new home

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I would look up AVTR or uA on Fort Aspenwood. Good people in those guilds and fun to wvw with.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I just googled Tarnished Coast and these are the first images returned. Seems to be actual players on the server and possible great mascots.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

After patch stuck at loading screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Same issue although Frostgorge Sound. Lunch time it is!

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

T2 Light female chest single sleeve has gtg

in Norn

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I am still using this chest option at the moment. Just figured it would look much better without the single sleeve. I guess it was just imo. Haha

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

T2 Light female chest single sleeve has gtg

in Norn

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Just seeing others thoughts on this. This would be my favorite light armor chest piece if it didn’t have the single arm sleeve.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

2/15 - Mag/DB/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Yeah wtf is up with that. They outnumber us 3 to 1 in that time slot and a crazy amount of them using gear pve powers like they are needed.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Remove Consumables from WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I think they must be intended for WvW use because somebody else posted about them requesting that they be removed and a mod closed the thread because it was “complaining”.

I guess I’ll have to go buy a few stacks myself.


It was my thread. Made to maybe get some attn to the issue. It is getting really badly abused in wvw. They have to know it is I would hope.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Fix gears/fruit/perma stun in WvW asap!

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

It is getting out of control pls fix this. You got mobs of players spamming this now. I don’t even know the exact name of the power but its prob for the better that i don’t post it anyhow.

K thx

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

2/15 Fort Aspenwood/Dragonbrand/Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Really got to hand it to FA. They don’t have much in the way of individual skill, but the sheer size of the zergs they run makes it not even matter. Really tough opponents.

I can’t figure out why everyone hates on OG. Wait…..

You guys do have some good players I will be the first to admit it but you are lacking in respect to other players. There have been many times in even battles that OG players have been defeated right in front of me yet we don’t come here to the forums talking about lack of individual skill on Maguuma.

Seriously though every time I see you guys doing nothing to help your WvW score I always think wtf are they not in SPvP for?

Anyways let the flame replies begin. haha

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

New Thief Trend in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

The problem in this game with thieves is staying stealthed while taking damage. Most games i have played the stealth characters are automatically revealed when hit.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

WvW WTH moments?

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Getting hit for 12.5k backstab with 2400 armor. The only time that i sat there thinking wtf in wvw and wondering how hard that would of hit someone with no toughness.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Earth 3 Dagger opinions

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I like it so far. What do others think?

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood/Dragonbrand! Jan-25

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

DB the first server to have a teleport hacking theif that i ran in to. Was so much rofl watching this guy appear all around hella far away than instantly next to me in a split second. Apparently theif wasn’t easy mode enough for him.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Normally, I don’t bother posting on the forums much. However, never has a single guild shown as much tenacity and persistence as [PRO] from FA during thier siege on bay tonight. I have seen many give up, but you guys didnt, no matter what you kept coming back. Excellent fights all night. Hope to see you again.

P.S. Please bring more Omegas, rarely do FA guilds break out the big guns anymore.

This was probably the funnest night of wvw I have had taking the bay back. Almost 8 hours of constant fighting. You KH guys have some ridiculous tanky Guardians and it was fun trying to break your line on an ele.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Downed State and its effect on WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

It is not res’ing from downed that the problem is. It is res’ing from death and not having to waypoint where the real issue is imo.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Winter Wonderland, empty loot chest.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

just happened to me also, so lame

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Show yer norns!

in Norn

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Love my Norn Ele. Couldn’t get into anything else.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Lets put the next AMA questions together

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

When a game expansion is realeased and the level cap is raised what are the plans with legendaries? Are they obsolete lvl 80 weapons or do they get thier stats bumped to lvl 90 or whatever the new expansion lvl will be?

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Checking in: rendering fixed yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Just pvp as a warrior or guardian. What is the point of 900ft+ ranged attacks when you can’t see your enemies that far away? or pretend your opponents are all thieves?
Maybe the rendering is on purpose cause anet thinks all ranged characters are op?

just sayin haha

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Guild Wars 2, The most unrewarding mmo I have played to date and I hate saying that since I like some things about the game but it is the truth.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Cursed shore feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

If the reward for playing in orr was better then stacks of porous bones…..just sayin.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Character selection screen hair issue(Pic)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Anyone else get this strange hair issue on the small character icons at the character select screen? It’s not too bad but they do look silly. Using the latest Nvidia drivers with a gtx680.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Stealth nerf on ecto drops

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

So I had to give this a little test after reading this thread. I salvaged 50 lvl 76-80 rare weapons with a Master salvage kits. I received 35 ecto’s. My rng obviously bad luck and still a very small sample size.

The real concern here should be the 25% chance for rare materials on Master Salvage Kit’s. Out of the 50 random weapons salvaged I got no rare materials, all mithril and elder wood logs. Now someone may need to correct me on what I think rare materials are because I was expecting some Orichalcum and Ancient wood logs in this qty 50 of rare salvages.

To me the(casual player) this seems like a salvaging bug with rare material and who knows without working as a programmer for anet if they are messing with ecto’s no matter the qty we salvage.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Same issue here, loot is horrible open world but when I ran my first fractal 3 rares and an exotic. Go figure.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

ANet could of made both sides happy imo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

This could be placed in the suggestion forum but ohwell here i go.

First let me say I am not totally dissapointed in acsended gear and probably will continue playing because i like other parts of the game still. I am more upset that anet could only think of increasing stats on armor since they claim to be so innovative. This is so far from being original it makes me sad lol.

Now I was thinking how cool would it have been that instead of chasing improved stats they went with a transmute/reforge type system for thier current exotic lvl stats.

Having the option to swap what the main stat on my PVT exotic gear is instead of power to VT or heck even swapping out my Power stat completely for maybe condition damage. I think you understand where I am going here. (yes this is sort of in wow with reforging but could be done differently)

How cool would it have been to chase armor/accessory/skins trasmutations in FotM other than improved stats(imagine how well these transmutations would of sold on the gem store). I undertand this idea would have to have its boundaries to avoid some OP characters but it would of made much more sense. The creativity with builds each player would of had would of been amazing and catered to both sides of the player base imo. I also picture this option as a viable way to keep people playing your old content for skins and exotics.

Didn’t want to make a long post so figured this was good enough to get my thoughts across.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Decreased movement speed during combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

So I hate the slowed movement speed also but I understand why it is there.

Anyone play City of Heroes around issue 13 by chance? They added this combat movement supression to pvp(had some prior to i13 but not bad). Supression and heal decay killed pvp in that game. A sad attempt to slow the game down for everyone and even the playing field for the not so skilled folk.

So as you can see the first time I had movement supression hit me in gw2 I was screaming NOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! but got over it lol

Fort Aspenwood – PRX