Showing Posts For Liquid Swords.1740:

GTX 1060 perform worse than GTX 760

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

So I had major issues with a gtx1060 and windows 10. So bad that I returned the gpu. Sounds like you are in the same boat as me.

Here is a link i posted my hate for this new hardware/software from microsoft and nvidia.

Good luck on fixing it. I tried all drivers, multiple clean os installs, disabling everything in windows 10, all different options in the nvidia 3d settings and in games. Nothing worked so I gave up and got a refund.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Mad Memoires! Please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

If we have the achievement for it we should have it in our wardrobe. I don’t understand why that is so hard for arenanet.

I also don’t understand why it is so hard for them to bring back the holiday events from the first year. It is nice they have added some events but why not have everything every year. That way when they add new stuff it just makes those holidays bigger with more to do.

Exactly this. I deleted a character that had these skins soul bound before the wardrobe system was put in. Didn’t want to pay for a char slot at the time.

I tried getting them through a support ticket but nope. If you have the achievements why can’t anet just unlock the skins. Seems easy right.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

(edited by Liquid Swords.1740)

Playing the game in 1440p

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

The difference is huge for me. 1080p looks terrible on any monitor over 24". 27" IPS g-sync is the best spot for gaming right now if you have a good PC. This is just imo some people say they see no difference from 1080p to 1440p which is crazy to me.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

We did it boys.

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

YB should of never made it past T2. Some of the time I wonder how many here were actually playing the game during this time period.

1. YB enters T2 with ppt ot and siege use.
2. FA and SOS rdy to send them back and it gets close to happening.
3. Fight/GvG scene guilds see an opportunity on YB to never have to ppt so stack the server for an easy ride. Never forget watching Kyle stream his so called fight guild capping FA/SoS keeps with FoW not knowing what aids they were helping. lmao
4. GvG scene dead but too many players looking for an easy ride still on YB, the dream of sending them back to T3 dies.
5. Alliance sees an opportunity bandwagons blob guilds to YB.

Anyways just have to throw this out there that the native YB players were barely good enough to get to T2 let alone stay there.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

(edited by Liquid Swords.1740)

Your Guild Wars 2 Week?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Monday-Sunday. Look at the GW2 icon on my desktop and think about how good it could of been. Then play BDO.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Reward Tracks in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I know its been suggested a billion times but hey here is one more. The addition of reward tracks from spvp added to wvw would revive wvw for me. That is all I got lol

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

New borderlands gotta go before WvW is dead

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Done with WvW for now. Not even sure why but something just isn’t right with the new map. Everyone just queue’s up eb and it is just a blob lagfest that i avoid. Went from playing wvw every day to nothing.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Salty players

in PvP

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Meh I find people misuse the term salty way too often now for what is just normal or even funny comments in game chat. If only Kappa existed in game chat for

Some examples of just last night. I had 3 dh on my team and 2 on the opposing team. I say in map that this game could use some more guardians. Wow what a mistake that was the rage and hate and salt messages after that. Also running into premade teams in solo queue are fun when you ask if they are too scared to queue ranked. These comments all led to me being a super salty player when in fact I thought they were funny/troll comments.

Ranked is disabled … RIPP

Rekt gg my life

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Salty players

in PvP

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Meh I find people misuse the term salty way too often now for what is just normal or even funny comments in game chat. If only Kappa existed in game chat for

Some examples of just last night. I had 3 dh on my team and 2 on the opposing team. I say in map that this game could use some more guardians. Wow what a mistake that was the rage and hate and salt messages after that. Also running into premade teams in solo queue are fun when you ask if they are too scared to queue ranked. These comments all led to me being a super salty player when in fact I thought they were funny/troll comments.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Updated: Ele Bugs: as of 8/13/2015 patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Found another bug related to Lightning Rod!

If 2 eles that are fighting each other both have Lightning Rod traits, and one gets disabled and uses their Shocking Aura, and the other ele also has their Shocking Aura up, when the other ele attacks the still disabled ele, Lightning Rod will proc 10+ times (Counted 13 by the screenshots) on both eles, being able to do MASSIVE damage to each other. It was quite funny seeing that happen but let’s prevent us from nuking the ever living crap out of each other! xD (Skip to about 3:58 if you want to get past the jargon of reproducing the bug) Also Glen, if you get to adding this to the bug forum topic can the video link also be added to that description bug for clarification? Thanks!

This happened to me in wvw while stomping a necro. Whatever they did to me in down state proc’d lightning rod like 20 times and they insta died before i could even finish the stomp. Was somewhat funny like wtf was that lol.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Fake account shutdown in game email real?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Yeah I seen that message also and even reported this email but then someone that sounded like they knew a little bit about what i was talking about said it was legit. Maybe he/she was the guy making the emails lol

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Fake account shutdown in game email real?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Got this in game and was laughing cause it seemed so fake but then someone mentioned to me that it is actually a real email for my account so figured would ask here.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Magic Find... is it worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

It really depends on what you do ingame, if you run Dungeons and Fractals or do sPvP you will not see any great impact,

If you farm high end zones, ( Dry Top, Cursed Shore, or run WvW/EotM ) then you will see better results.

I maxed my MF at 300% about 6 months ago, and in Cursed Shore I get a lot more T5/6 Mats than before, and where people do stay your rares etc are more you are still subject to that broken RnG mechanic sadly, I have seen days where I farm Cursed Shore and get no rares, and very little T6 mats, and others where I walk out with 40+ T6 and 15+ rares,

The only thing I will say is, if you are expecting to max it out and see exoitcs dropping all over the place, you will be disappointed.

And I agree that hopefully Vol will drop in, as he has done some extensive farming and I believe also has max or nearly max MF.

This is exactly my experience with capped MF. I have also had it at 300% since a month after it went account bound.

You will notice the T6 mats drop often in high level zone and rares are very streaky. It is either a few a night of farming or like 40+. It is like MF is either turned off or on for some farming days or just a strange way of programming for diminished returns.

MF does not affect Exotic drops imo. Even farming cursed shore with my boosters I was at 552% for a 24 hour total period and made sure to only do temples/events then log out when it died down. I got i think one exotic in that period with non stop killing of mobs.

I also got Dawn in wvw the week I capped my mf, but no precursors since. Man I was so excited to have took the time to cap it after that drop but now so dissapointed many months later.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

(edited by Liquid Swords.1740)

time for a change- still no precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I was just saying today that it seems like precursors have been taken off the pve loot table from killing mobs/chests. I have been farming a lot of orr and doing lots of pve and it has been a long time since I have heard of or seen anyone getting a precursor except from the mystic toilet.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Gear for WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Been doing wvw on ele for a while and condi’s are a pain to deal with. If you are set on celestial or soldiers here is a mix build of those stats I play with sometimes .

Ether Renewel and -condi duration food/runes make life much easier but that is just for my play style. Sine your somewhat new to ele I would also suggest knights armor for a lot of your stat selection then move to more dps or whatever u like.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Magic find and learning to play better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

10% mf is nothing you will ever notice. I have been running 300%+ for months. MF has been toned down recently since the account bound change but they won’t tell you that. When it first changed I rushed to 300%, would get 20-30 rares a night in wvw. Now lucky to get 1 or 2 a night.

So long story short mf is not worth so just ignore it.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Does anyone solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I have run in to the same thing. Roaming solo is dangerous compared to how it used to be. Always 5+ player groups roaming around. Even when we played Mag last time I was disappointed for them being a so called good roaming player server, they were pretty much 5-10 man team gank squads running around killing solo players or people running back to the zerg. Either way I just don’t do it as much.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Ele in WWW trains

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

For my zerg staff ele I have been running nothing but PVT lately. 20/0/0/20/30. With all stacks, wvw bonuses and food you rarely die in this setup and you are over 4100 power with no might stacks. I concentrate on killing seige or water and fire fields a lot so crit does me no good. The build one shots superior ac’s on walls with meteor shower and you do get big numbers on enemies still with zero crit damage and 4% crit chance.

I hate going full glass cause when you come across any half decent player in wvw with staff on goodbye stacks.;4B2-V0y4gNkY0;9;4J;0JT56;554-47AS;5qObSqObSb-F61;5V0-50A1F2KZQ40sVG-1T;5F2Cok2Cw;9;9;9;9;86-6V

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Razer Naga config for ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Had a Razer Naga and hated it. Got a G600 and it is just too big imo. Too much stuff going on for me on those mice setups. Picked up a G700 and never looked back. Feels great and perfect for the ele attunements. Only four thumb buttons to use. 1-4 then put attunement swaps using Alt +1-4. Disable alt tabbing in windows and gtg. Fastest and most comfortable setup for playing ele for myself.

The G602 looks like it would work great also but I have not tried it.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

"Finish Them!" in PVE -- no, please?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

It just slows down pve. Seems like maybe a horrible idea/fix for zerging over pve mobs too quick and giving slower players a chance to tag it. That or to sell finishers in the gem store.

I vote please do not add this to pve.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

GW2 PvP/WvW...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

2. WvW large group fights on a competitive level only involve 4 professions: Hammer Warriors, Hammer/Condition Removing Guardians, Staff Elementalists and Staff/Plauge Necros. A mesmer or two are need for Veil but that is it. No one welcomes Rangers, Thieves, Engineers or even up-levels in competitive WvW play yet I bet up-levels of the 4 main WvW professions would be more welcome than Ranger, Thieves and Engineers.

This paragraph made me lol cause just yesterday I came across a 10-15 man group in wvw that consisited of one Ele for water fields and the rest hammer warrior/guards. Maybe the devs haven’t ran in to this to see that maybe Hammer cc needs toned down?

There is not enough stun breakers/stability in the game for encounters like that. It is so broken to not have a cool down on stuns your character can suffer in a certain time span but maybe that is just imo.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Need a D/D wvw up to date build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I’m still using my condition build and enjoying it more than I would dying in a power spec.

I have been running a bunker/condi build also for a month. Drakes breath and sigil of doom is so good vs people not expecting it. Still playing around with mine to perfect it though but in 1v1 it almost feels superior to all power/crit builds I have ran.

I find 0 0 10 30 30 superior to 0 0 20 20 30. I think i prefer the sigil of geomancy over doom too.

I originally started this build with Sigil of Doom because of the amount of warriors I was running in to roaming and it has performed well vs them. Geomancy definitely looks good cause the aoe so may give it a shot. I do dislike doom going off on pets or not my primary target vs 2+ players.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Need a D/D wvw up to date build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I’m still using my condition build and enjoying it more than I would dying in a power spec.

I have been running a bunker/condi build also for a month. Drakes breath and sigil of doom is so good vs people not expecting it. Still playing around with mine to perfect it though but in 1v1 it almost feels superior to all power/crit builds I have ran.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Can anyone really see through the clutter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

WoW was so nice looking with the right UI. I understand not having a custom UI from Anets pov so I am fine with the one as is. Here is an example of what WoW looked like most of the time with LUI for me. Couldn’t find a pic of my own but got this quick on google to show how clean looking it was.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Can anyone really see through the clutter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

GW2 the newest and most innovative mmo=No particle affect option.

City of Heroes old and shut down mmo=Awesome particle affect option with placing the value in that best suits your combat/graphical needs.

Go figure.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Very disapointed in my realm transfer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

This is funny. Transfer cause of good players? T1 servers you are nothing but another red name in a map blob for WvW, not sure that makes you good. For pve you can guest wherever you want so not so sure why you spent the gems on a transfer?

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Tradable Essence of Luck

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

To clear things up here is a new screenshot showing the stacking of mf. This is 300% from Luck, 5% achievements, 10% guild bonus and 30% food.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

one with air trait?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I can’t be the only one that thinks this should of replaced Zephyr’s Speed for the 5 points in air trait?

Most ele’s are running perma swiftness and the real waste is the 10% 5 point trait imo

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Tradable Essence of Luck

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Yes you can still consume it and I do still get it from daily rewards. All food and boosters still stack. Here is a picture to show what happens at cap to extra luck when consumed.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Tradable Essence of Luck

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I think that list has the same numbers for 218+ because no one who contributes to that wiki is above 218%.
If you’re patient, it is possible to make a profit while getting truck loads of luck. it just takes a long time. ectos->dust is much quicker, but you pay around 6c per luck (more if you then sell the dust) 4.2 million luck = 2,520 gold

I am at the 300% cap. I was updating wiki but someone kept deleting my progress so I gave up. It does cost 30,000 luck per 1% all the way from 218% to 300%.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Tradable Essence of Luck

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

At 300% luck you can keep consuming it. The process bar turns green and when you keep consuming it looks like a fraction 1000/1000 for example. Almost as if they have it planned like the MF luck cap could be raised and your previous luck won’t go to waste.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Magic Find

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

No one will be capping MF for quite a while. Some one did the math on how much gold you would need to get 300% MF via ectoplasms on reddit… Iirc it was like 20k gold lol. But yea I suspect that it just won’t be useful to you anymore. It would be nice if we could buy/sell luck directly though.

I wouldn’t say No one. I am at 244% from luck and it does not cost much gold if any with the current market conditions, just time. I have been the one updating wiki for Luck to see the progress. I am not even pushing it as fast as I could so I would assume there are others in game with much more luck than myself maybe even already capped.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Ignoring the LS is making me happy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

It is funny you posted this. I have done the same and I started at the exact same time. Up until SAB w2 I did all achievements from the LS and kept up with everything. It seems SAB w2 was the burn out point for many people in this game for some reason. I haven’t touched anything involving the Teq. revamp and going to Dulfy for achievements(since the game doesn’t guide you towards them at all) doesn’t really feel like achieving anything.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

How close are you to 300% MF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

195% with only 6% from acheivements. Could probably be at 300% next week if I really wanted it. Prob will take a break from it at 200%.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

More Ele nerfs?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

The past has shown the leaked notes to be correct in this case I hope not. The list of ele changes were disappointing if this is the major balance patch that has been hyped up so sad indeed.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Leaked patch notes : Anet response to eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Hope there are more notes than this since I was expecting some major balance patch they have been talking about. I hate using Conjure weapons and see no buffs in the list. Looks like my main sits on the shelf longer if these are legit. lol

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Ele needs to be easier to play.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Ele does not need to be made easier it needs to be made more rewarding.

I consider myself fairly good at ele and once mastered the final outcome is subpar to everything else in the game atm.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Ele "alts" trends

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Ele to Thief.

It is quite amazing how much easier the thief is at playing and to actually do great DPS without setting up combos or might stacking feels almost lazy mode.

Whats crazy is the Thief with healing signet/crit heal food and the assassins reward I have solo’d much harder content(two champs at a time and stuff for example) in this game then I ever did with my Ele and that is with almost full zerker. wtf

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Anyone managed to beat Liadri as Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I just did this with my Thief. I used P/D phase one and P/P phase 2. The key was to get to phase two as efficient/quick as possible saving dodge rolls. Keep moving side to side phase one to avoid Liadri’s auto attacks phase one. I used Withdraw for more dodges, Roll for Initiative and Signet of Agility for when my endurance was low phase two. The fight got much easier with that much dodging available in phase two. I used no condition gear and 0/25/20/0/25. Good Luck it is not a fun fight cause the luck involved with orb spawning imo.


Fort Aspenwood – PRX

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

After reading this got bored and made a build that is sort of maxing out crit damage without going full glass. Not sure if I would use it for wvw myself but it would definitely burst very good. I build my ele with less vitality cause I got guards maxed for an easy 250 while roaming. Could still probably improve on it but the stats are crazy imo.;4BJ-V0w4VLkY0;9;5T9J9;158B5;045-4;05o0;3V19cV19cg-FrV6;4Vt5uaK1v5V3w53H0BN2s;5k2EwF2Eo;9;9;9;9;7V8-6t

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

The -98% cond duration build seems changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

I have played with this build some more. I have found that there is now diminishing returns on -cond reduction in pve the lower the lvl you play at. For example this build works great in orr as chill/immob/cripple are instantly gone but if you go to a lower level zone in the game for example spiders in Blazeridge the effectiveness of -cond is greatly reduced as I would get immmob’d for 2-3 seconds. This is definitely a recent change to how -cond works in pve low levels.

So this makes me wonder if it is applying to the level of players I ran into in wvw. I have yet to test this but I am guessing the issue were conditions coming from upleveled players in wvw and had something to do with dimished returns. I still remember a necro hitting me with a 4 second cripple with this build and I am not sure enough cond duration is in the game to do that unless they have access to a 10+ second or more cripple maybe?

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

The -98% cond duration build seems changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

+Condition duration never countered the -cond build before(chill/immob/crip only). -98% cond was far superior to anyone running however much +cond they want with the way math worked in the game. At least that is how it was working, now it is just different.

Players only assumed so, but it has already been tested and proved contrary.

Further proof is in the new Warrior ability, Berserker’s Stance which grants -100% condition duration. In the description of the ability it mentions that it provides immunity to unmodified conditions, granted I believe the current Berserker’s Stance is bugged.

Oh Ren’s test that was my warrior actually to help him put that together thanks for posting this didn’t know where he was posting the vid. I actually thought most people knew this information.

As that post shows though it just depends on if you get hit with a short base duration cripple to begin with.

Just a quick test shouldn’t be to hard to setup to confirm though.

If we happen to fight FA again I’d be happy to help anyone test I run melandru now on my war in that vid it was hoelbrak

Sounds good. If FA rng rolls Ebay tonight lets do it. Would be nice to have some +cond players around to see also.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

The -98% cond duration build seems changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

My experience differs from most then on how it was working. I could be wrong but I have ran this build many times for a ton of hours in wvw and it is definitely different then it was last time i ran it. This is vs many +cond duration enemies in wvw.

Running this tonight I had 3 second+ cripples on me a 2 second+ chills/immobs. Never did that happen before.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

(edited by Liquid Swords.1740)

The -98% cond duration build seems changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Yeah i was watching a warrior that has a -98% cond setup and his still works as the ele one did before, pretty much cripple/chill/immob no matter the +duration was instantly gone. Makes me think maybe our trait is broken?

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

The -98% cond duration build seems changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

+Condition duration never countered the -cond build before(chill/immob/crip only). -98% cond was far superior to anyone running however much +cond they want with the way math worked in the game. At least that is how it was working, now it is just different.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

The -98% cond duration build seems changed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Anyone else noticed immob/chill/cripple are lasting quite a bit longer with the -98% cond build in wvw? Previously those conditions would flash on for fractions of a second no matter how much +cond my enemy had. Seems the math has been changed on how -cond works or our -33% trait isn’t working. Or maybe I am crazy? lol

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

(edited by Liquid Swords.1740)

Remove our attunement icon from the buff bar?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Its not a huge problem for myself with the cantrip build. It was an observation from playing something other than an ele and knowing exactly what I need to counter based on that attunement icon. Advertising to other players what powers you have on cd with no access to them seems a bit strange is all. Other classes do this but it comes with the visual of the weapons they carry for the most part.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Remove our attunement icon from the buff bar?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

It is just a small thing that annoys me from playing with another class other then the ele for a while. Just want to get some thoughts on having the current attunement icon removed from our buff/defuffs being displayed to everyone in wvw/spvp.

Imo I see it as a reason to having to have cantrips as condition removals vs good players. Most good players that fight an ele are looking at that bar and waiting for you to swap out of water before they drop all ther cc/dps on you. Without cantrips and water traits its almost insta death.

I guess its not a great fix for the ele but it does give us some unpredictability to our enemy. Would be nice not to advertise what powers I have on a guaranteed cooldown for 10 seconds.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Incoming ele trait changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Calling it now. This is just a setup to nerf zephyrs boon and get rid of easy perma fury/swiftness for d/d. Can’t wait to hear them claim how awesome the new traits will be. I hope I am proven wrong though.

Why do you need Zephyr’s Boon for perma swiftness?

Glyph of Harmony + Any other Swiftness source does it for me.

Obviously the more important boon there is perma Fury but thx for pointing out how easy swiftness is to get.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX

Incoming ele trait changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

Calling it now. This is just a setup to nerf zephyrs boon and get rid of easy perma fury/swiftness for d/d. Can’t wait to hear them claim how awesome the new traits will be. I hope I am proven wrong though.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX